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Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochem. Eng.

Aspects 282–283 (2006) 489–497

Physicochemical characterization of calcium

lignosulfonate—A potentially useful water reducer
Xinping Ouyang a , Xueqin Qiu a , P. Chen b,∗
aSchool of Chemical and Energy Engineering, South China University of Technology, Guangzhou 510640, PR China
b Department of Chemical Engineering, University of Waterloo, 200 University Avenue West, Waterloo, Ont., Canada N2L 3G1
Received 3 October 2005; received in revised form 12 December 2005; accepted 12 December 2005
Available online 6 May 2006

Dedicated to Professor Ivan B. Ivanov (LCPE, University of Sofia) on the occasion of his 70th birthday.

In order to use lignosulfonates, a byproduct of pulp and paper processes, as an effective water reducer, the physicochemical properties of calcium
lignosulfonate (CL) with different molecular weights were investigated. It was found that the adsorptive capacity on the surface of cement particles,
surface activity and foam production of CL increase with increasing its molecular weight; however, the zeta potential and hence surface charge of
the cement particles show highest values at the CL lower molecular weight fraction (5000–10,000). The physicochemical properties were related
to some of the most important concrete performance properties. When the dosage of CL is less than 0.5 wt.% of the cement, the CL fraction with
a molecular weight of 10,000–30,000 gives a maximum fluidity in the cement paste. The CL fraction of a high molecular weight has a stronger
air-entraining effect, and hence decreases the compressive strength of concrete.
Because there exist intrinsic limitations with CL as a water reducer (none of CL fractions can give good results on both fluidity and compressive
strength), the original CL was further chemically modified into GCL1 by increasing its sulfonic groups, resulting in an average molecular weight
around 10,000. This new compound gives to an increase in its charge density, and hence a higher zeta potential in its absolute value. Compared with
CL, the surface tension of GCL1 solutions is lower, indicating possibly stronger wetting capability. GCL1 also has a larger adsorption capability
on cement particles, and produces more hydrated ettringite needles in its microstructure. Furthermore, GCL1 shows comparable fluidity and
compressive strength data to formaldehyde condensates (FDN), a gold standard of water reducer materials. This modified CL may be a potentially
very useful water reducer.
© 2005 Published by Elsevier B.V.

Keywords: Lignosulfonate; Superplasticizer; Water reducer; Surface activity; Dispersibility

1. Introduction strength) for a given fluidity [2]. High quality concrete cannot be
made without using a water reducer. Water reducers are known
Concrete is an indispensable component in modern architec- as the fifth component of concrete, besides cement, sand, stone
tural industry. The properties of concrete in use are characterized and water.
mainly by its flow behavior and mechanical strength. The flow According to CEMENTBUREAU [3], the amount of concrete
behavior is mostly controlled by the dispersion of cement par- produced was about 6.4 billion m3 worldwide in 1997. If we
ticles, while the mechanical strength is determined by the ratio suppose that on average 250 kg of cement are used to produce
of water to cement during the concrete preparation [1]. Water 1 m3 of concrete, with the dosage of water reducer of 0.3 wt.%
reducers are such a substance that increases fluidity of concrete of cement, one can calculate that the demanded water reducer
without adding additional water, or reduces the water content will be about 4.8 million tons, which provides a large market of
and hence water to cement ratio (in order to increase concrete water reducers used for concrete preparation alone.
One of the widely used water reducers is naphthalene sul-
fonate formaldehyde condensates (FDN). It has been reported
∗ Corresponding author. Tel.: +1 519 888 4567; fax: +1 519 746 4979. that this admixture exhibits a good dispersing effect in con-
E-mail address: (P. Chen). crete, and can reduce water demand by up to 20% while still

0927-7757/$ – see front matter © 2005 Published by Elsevier B.V.

490 X. Ouyang et al. / Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochem. Eng. Aspects 282–283 (2006) 489–497

has been low (usually around 8%) and the mechanical strength
enhancement in concrete has been insignificant. It only can be
used as a common water reducer (water reducing ratio less than
12%) or as a component of high range water reducers (water
reducing ratio more than 12%). Thus, the application of ligno-
sulphonate has been rather limited.
From both environment and water reducer market points of
view, it is desirable to make use of lignosuphonate more effi-
ciently. Much effort has since been made towards modifications
of this molecule [12–19]. If we can modify lignosulfonate into
a high-range water reducer, possibly replacing FDN, it will
bring significant economic and environmental benefits. How-
ever, lignosulfonate derives from natural plants, possessing a
relatively complex composition and a wide range of molec-
ular weights. It becomes clear that lignosulfonate has to be
Fig. 1. Typical structural unit of lignosulfonate. fractionated according to its molecular weights before con-
ducting any detailed studies. After the fractionation, we pro-
pose to study relationships between its structure, properties
maintaining the flow characteristics of concrete [4]. However, and effectiveness as a water reducer. Up to now, the ques-
there are several limitations with FDN, including a relatively tion still remains on how to modify lignosulfonate into a high
high cost, difficulties in preparing pumpable concrete because range water reducer. In this work, we will explore a new way
of large concrete slump-loss (fluidity decrease of concrete) and a to modify lignosulfonate, through oxidation and sulfonation
large water bleeding rate (bleeding water per unit area of exposed reactions in order to improve the charge density of lignosul-
concrete) by mixing FDN, and toxicity of residual (unreacted) fonate molecule, and investigate its resulting physicochemical
monomers (naphthalene). Thus, alternative water reducer mate- properties and their impact on water-reducing ratio in concrete
rials are sought after. preparation.
Lignosulfonate is the main component in the liquid waste Many reports showed dispersing mechanisms of water reduc-
from chemical pulp mills. It is estimated that there are more than ers [20–23]. It is often considered as follows: Water reducer
50 million tons of industrial lignin (lignosulfonate and alkali interactions with cement particles lead to the adsorption of water
lignin) produced every year worldwide [5], but only 10% of reducer molecules on the cement particle surfaces. Together with
them are utilized. Unused industrial lignin should be treated for the steric hindrance, the electrical charge repulsion of adsorbed
environmental protection. water reducer molecules can prevent flocculation of cement
Lignosulfonate contains both hydrophilic groups (sulphonic, particles, promoting their homogeneous dispersion in freshly
phenylic hydroxyl and alcoholic hydroxyl) and hydrophobic prepared concrete (Fig. 2). It is well known that surface activity
groups (carbon chain) [6,7] (Fig. 1). It is an anionic surfactant, and foaming capability of the water reducer will have a posi-
possessing a certain degree of surface activity, which may pro- tive effect on solid particles dispersing into liquid. In order to
mote surface adsorption, foaming and further particle dispersion. improve the water reducing ratio of lignosulfonate, it is proposed
Lignosulfonate may be used in various industrial processes, such to modify the lignosulfonate molecule by increasing the amount
as being auxiliary substance for paper coating [7] and binder [8], of sulfonic group, thereby altering its surface and foaming activ-
additives in oil drilling [9], and in concrete preparation [10]. ities. In the present study, we will study adsorption amounts on
Lignosulphonate has been used as a water reducer in concrete the surface of cement particles, zeta potential of cement par-
for more than 70 years [3,11]; however, its water-reducing ratio ticles containing lignosulfonate, as well as its surface activity.

Fig. 2. Electrostatic repulsion: a schematic representative of two cement particles adsorbed with water reducer molecules.
X. Ouyang et al. / Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochem. Eng. Aspects 282–283 (2006) 489–497 491

These physicochemical properties will be related to concrete height of the foam produced in the cylindrical vessel was
performance properties. recorded immediately after all the solution had run out of the
pipette; the time elapsed at half the initial foam height was also
2. Materials and methods recorded.

Calcium lignosulfonate (CL) was part of a by-product of sul- 2.4. Determination of adsorption amounts on the surface of
fite pulping from Guangzhou Papermaking Co. Ltd, China; it solid particles
was composed of 70 wt.% of CL, about 10 wt.% of reductive
substances and 20 wt.% of low molecular weight organics and The cement was weighed at 0.025 g and placed in a beaker,
inorganic salts as well as ash. This commercially available CL and 25 mL of CL aqueous solution with a given concentra-
was a water soluble, light yellow powder, turning to brown when tion were added into it. The solution was stirred for 3 min, and
dissolved in water. The Brookfiled viscosity and specific gravity then kept undisturbed for 10 min. When the solution reached
of a 40 wt.% CL aqueous solution at 25 ◦ C are 79 cP and 1.2 (g), adsorption equilibrium, the water phase was separated from
respectively. Using ultrafiltration (Hangzhou Water Treatment slurry in a centrifuge for 10 min. The concentration of CL in
Center, China), the raw CL was fractionated according to its the resulting solution was determined using a UV–vis spec-
molecular weights. trometer (UNICAM Company, England) at the wavelength of
Naphthalene sulfonate formaldehyde condensates used as a 280 nm [24]. The adsorption amount was calculated by the dif-
high range water reducer was obtained from Guangdong Zhan- ference in the amount of CL added originally and that left in the
jiang Water Reducer Co., China. solution.
The cement was the Wuyang Brand 42.5 R ordinary Portland
cement from Guangzhou Cement Factory, China, comprising 2.5. Determination of electrokinetic potential (␨-potential)
major components of tricalcium silicate (C3 S) at 55 wt.%, dical- of cement particles
cium silicate (C2 S) at 20 wt.%, tricalcium aluminate (C3 A) at
6 wt.%, tetracalcium fluoaluminate (C4 AF) at 9 wt.% and minor Using a JS94F micro-electrophoretic mobility detector
components (e.g., CaO, CaSO4 ·xH2 O, Na2 SO4 and K2 SO4 ). (Shanghai Zhongchen Apparatus Factory, Shanghai, China), the
cement was added into a water reducer solution or distilled water.
2.1. Fractionation of CL via ultrafiltration The mass ratio of cement to water reducer solution or water was
1:500. The mixture was stirred for 5 min, and then poured into
Calcium lignosulfonate was separated into five fractions the electrophoretic cell to detect the ␨-potential.
with molecular weight ranges: less than 5000, 5000–10,000,
10,000–30,000, 30,000–50,000 and more than 50,000, using 2.6. Test of performance of cement paste and concrete
a hollow fibre membrane ultrafiltration apparatus (Hangzhou
Water Treatment Factory, China). The operation was under a To determine the fluidity of cement paste, conforming to
pressure of 1.5 MPa and temperature of less than 45 ◦ C. The the Chinese National Standard GB/T 8077–1987, 300 g of the
nominal cutoff ratio was more than 90%. cement with desired amounts of water and water reducer were
mixed for 3 min. The cement paste was put into a small flow
2.2. Surface tension measurement cone mold (base diameter of 10 ± 0.05 cm, top diameter of
7 ± 0.05 cm and height of 6 ± 0.05 cm), and no external vibra-
The surface tension of the CL aqueous solution with differ- tions were used to consolidate the fresh cement paste. Once
ent concentrations was measured by a pulling ring (membrane) the test cone was lifted, the fresh cement paste collapsed and
method with a 70545 Interfacial Tensiometer purchased from spread. The maximum diameter of the spread d1 and the diame-
CSC Scientific Instrument Company, USA, which gave an accu- ter perpendicular to it d2 were measured. The mean value of the
racy within ±0.05 mN/m. The liquid to be measured was placed diameters (d1 + d2)/2, gave a measure of the fluidity of cement
in a small beaker or petri dish; a platinum-iridium ring was then paste.
suspended in the liquid; the instrument was zeroed with the ring Compressive strength of the concrete was tested according
below the surface of the liquid. The ring was pulled upward until to the Chinese National Standard GB11837-89 as follows. The
it broke free of the liquid; the dial reading at the break point was mixture of concrete was prepared for 10 min in a mechanical
recorded as the value of surface tension. mixer at room temperature. The mixture was then cast into metal-
lic vials (15 cm × 15 cm × 15 cm) and compacted with an iron
2.3. Foaming measurement rod until all entrapped air was removed apparently. The prepared
samples were placed into a fog tank at 25 ◦ C. The samples were
The foaming properties were tested by a Ross-Miles pour removed from the metallic vials after 3, 7 and 28 days of cur-
foam test apparatus. The foam heights were measured as fol- ing. At a given age, three specimens per mixture were subject
lows: 200 mL of 1 wt.% CL solution were placed in a pipette to compressive strength testing using a compression machine
with a 2.9 mm internal diameter orifice; the solution was allowed (Wuxi Concrete Instrument Factory, China). The ends of these
to fall 90 cm onto 50 mL of the same solution in a cylindri- specimens were ground to ensure that the end surfaces were flat
cal vessel with an internal diameter of 5 cm at 40 ◦ C. The and parallel before testing. The strength results shown were the
492 X. Ouyang et al. / Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochem. Eng. Aspects 282–283 (2006) 489–497

average of the three specimens with variations of less than 10%. 3. Results and discussion
Relative compressive strength was obtained by the compressive
strength of concrete with water reducer divided by that of refer- 3.1. Adsorption isotherm
ence concrete.
Measurement of air content in concrete was done according Adsorption isotherm of CL with different molecular weights
to the Chinese National Standard GBJ80-85: Using a pressure on the cement particles is shown in Fig. 3, as compared with
type “B” meter (Wuxi Concrete Instrument Factory, China). those of the raw CL (overall composition), FDN and GCL1.
Fresh concrete was placed into a bowl. Using a rubber syringe, Fig. 3 suggests that adsorption amounts of CL on the sur-
water was injected into the bowl through one petcock until water face of cement particles increase with an increase in molecular
emerges from the opposite petcock. The meter was jarred gen- weight. From Fig. 3, we also find that adsorption amounts of
tly until all air was expelled. The air bleeder valve of the air FDN on the surface of cement particles are the largest among all
chamber was closed and air was pumped into the air chamber to substances shown. This may be because its linear structure leads
obtain a stabilized reading. Then the air valve between the air to closer or more compact arrangements of adsorbed molecules
chamber and the measuring bowl was opened, and readings on on the cement particles. The adsorption amount of GCL1 (mod-
the dial of pressure gauge were recorded. The air content of a ified CL) is closer to that of FDN. Compared with the original
sample was calculated as follows: CL, there has been a 30% increase in GCL1.

A s = A1 − G 3.2. Zeta potential

where As is air content of concrete, A1 is apparent air con-
The zeta potential of cement particles containing water reduc-
tent of sample, and G is air content of aggregate (sand and
ers is shown in Fig. 4.
The adsorption of water reducer on the surface of cement
particles is mainly due to electrostatic attractive forces between
2.7. Modification of calcium lignosulfonate negative charged sulfonic groups and positive charged cement
particle surfaces. After the CL modification, there will be more
In order to break up the three-dimensional structure of CL negative charged sulfonic groups in GCL1 molecules, and this
molecules and to increase its chemical reaction activity, an oxi- leads to larger attractive forces between the adsorbate and the
dation reaction was chosen at a temperature of 60–80 ◦ C as the cement particle. As a result, a larger zeta potential value of
first step of the CL modification, where 0.1 wt.% Fe2+ + Cu2+ around 30 mV was obtained with GCL1, compared to that of
were used as a catalyst, and 5%wt. H2 O2 as an oxide agent. CL. In general, the higher the adsorption amount on the surface
Then, a process of sulfonation reaction with 8 wt.% sulfite was of cement particles, the higher the zeta potential (in absolute
conducted at 90 ◦ C and pH 9 to increase the number of sul- values) is. However, comparing Fig. 3 with Fig. 4, it can be
fonic groups on the molecule. At the end of this reaction, the found that the zeta potential increases with decreasing adsorp-
temperature was adjusted at 80 ◦ C, followed by a condensa- tion amounts, with an exception of the fraction of molecular
tion reaction for 1–2 h with an addition of 5 wt.% formalde- weight less than 5000. The reason for this is that CL fraction
hyde to adjust the molecular weight of the product. The mod- with a molecular weight from 5 to 50 kDa tends to have a char-
ified lignosulfonate was obtained, as an intended high range acteristic high charge density and hence contributes to the zeta
water reducer (GCL1). The characteristics of the molecular
structure before and after the CL modification are shown in
Table 1.
Table 1 indicates that the amount of sulfonic groups of GCL1
increased as compared with that of CL, and after the modification
the average molecular weight also increased from ∼7000 of
original CL to ∼10,000 of GCL1 using formaldehyde.

Table 1
Structural characteristics of CL (with an average molecular weight of ∼7000)
before and after modification
Average molecular Relative absorbance
weight, Mw A1040 /A1509 a
Sulfonic group

GCL1 10010 5.13

CL 7008 3.12
a Relative absorbance was obtained by the intensity of adsorption peak of
sulfonic group at the wave number of 1040 cm−1 in infrared spectrum divided
by adsorption peak of aromatic ring exists in the CL structure unit at the wave
number of 1509 cm−1 . Fig. 3. Adsorption isothermal of water reducer.
X. Ouyang et al. / Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochem. Eng. Aspects 282–283 (2006) 489–497 493

Fig. 5. The relationship between fluidity of cement paste and dosage of CLs.

Fig. 4. zeta potential of cement particles containing a water reducer. the cement paste. When the dosage of CL is larger than 0.5 wt.%
of cement, the fluidity of cement paste increases with increas-
potential (in absolute values) more effectively. As for the fraction ing CL molecular weight. In this situation, excessive amounts
of molecular weight less than 5000, which has the lowest zeta of CL exist and adsorb onto the cement particles, forming steric
potential (in absolute values), more inorganic components exist hindrance. It is easy to understand that a substance with a high
in this fraction which compresses the electrical double layer molecular weight has a stronger effect of steric hindrance. How-
above the particle surface. Fig. 4 shows that the zeta poten- ever, actually it is never used in practice with a dosage of CL
tial for cement particles without adsorbing any water reducer is more than 0.5 wt.%, because of excessive retarded setting times
around 10 mV, indicating that the surface of cement particle is (the curing time of cement paste).
charged positively. With an increase in water reducer concentra- It is obvious that the dispersing effect of water reducers
tion, the zeta potential decreases, passing over the value of zero, cannot be explain only by electrostatic repulsive forces among
at which no electrostatic repulsion exists among the cement par- cement particles only because Fig. 4 exhibits CL with a molec-
ticles and the cement dispersion becomes unstable. After that ular weight of 5000–10,000 contributes to strong electrostatic
point, the zeta potential will change to a negative value and repulsive forces among cement particles, but CL with molecu-
the absolute value increases, up to a plateau value with further lar weights of 10,000–30,000 contributes to a better fluidity of
increasing water reducer concentration. With CLs, the maximum cement paste when the dosage is less than 0.5 wt.% of cement.
zeta potential is around −20 mV; while with adding GCL1 into
the cement water system, the zeta potential can reach −30 mV. 3.4. Surface tension of CL solutions
This means that GCL1 adsorption may impose stronger electro-
static repulsive forces among cement particles than simply CL Fig. 6 shows the surface tension of aqueous solutions of CL
adsorption. with different molecular weights. We can find that the effect
of CL with a low molecular weight on the reduction in surface
3.3. Fluidity of cement paste tension is not strong. In accordance with the results observed
by Rojas and Salager [25], lignosulfonate has a characteristic
Many references suggest that the water reducing effect is of being strong hydrophilic. Its hydrophobic skeleton appears
dependent on electrostatic repulsive forces among cement par- spherical in shape, so it cannot form a regular arrangement
ticles adsorbed with water reducer molecules [25]. In order to at the interfacial phase. This is common with certain surfac-
evaluate the effect of electrostatic repulsive forces on water- tants of low molecular weights. Fig. 6 also indicates that the
reducing and dispersion effects of CL on cement particles, we surface tension of CL solutions decreases with increasing molec-
have determined the fluidity of cement paste blended with CL of ular weight. This may be related to the fact that the charged
different molecular weights. The mass ratio of water to cement hydrophilic groups decrease, relatively, with a molecular weight
is 0.35:1. The results are shown in Fig. 5. increase. The static repulsive forces between hydrophilic groups
When the dosage of CL is less than 0.5 wt.% of dry powder at the solution surface weaken; as a result, CL molecules of
of cement, the fluidity of cement paste blended with different a high molecular weight form a dense adsorption layer (cf.
molecular weight CL does not change in any pattern with the Figs. 3 and 6). The adsorption amount thus increases, leading to
change in molecular weight of CL. The addition of CL molec- that CL with a high relative molecular weight has higher surface
ular weight of 10,000–30,000 seems to give a largest fluidity of activity, i.e., lower surface tension.
494 X. Ouyang et al. / Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochem. Eng. Aspects 282–283 (2006) 489–497

Table 3
Effect of CL with different molecular weight on air content and relative com-
pressive strength of concrete
Molecular weight Air content of Relative compressive
of CL concrete (%) strength (%)
3-day 7-day 28-day

Reference 0.5 100 100 100

Less than 5000 3.5 101 109 119
5000–10,000 3.9 98 105 115
10,000–30,000 4.9 95 98 102
30,000–50,000 5.7 92 91 89
More than 50,000 6.8 86 83 81

The dosage of CL is 0.25% wt. dry powder of cement.

trapped will decrease the friction among the cement particles,

and therefore increase the fluidity of the concrete. Table 2 seems
Fig. 6. Surface tension of water reducer.
to indicate that CL with higher molecular weights is more suit-
able for using as a concrete water reducer.
The effectiveness of water reducers is not only determined
For the process of solid particles dispersing into liquid phases,
by the increasing of fluidity of concrete, but also determined
the first step is that the solid particle was wetted by the liquid.
by the increasing of compressive strength after adding the water
The lower surface tension of the liquid solution is, the easier the
reducer. So we studied the effect of addition of CL with different
wetting of solid particles may be because this helps the cement
molecular weights on air content and compressive strength; the
particles more readily disperse into water.
results are shown in Table 3.
Fig. 6 shows that the surface activity of FDN is very low;
From Table 3, we can find that when the molecular weight
CL has a certain degree of surface activity when the concen-
of CL increases, the air content in concrete increases and the
tration is 10 kg/m3 . The CL aqueous solution surface tension
compressive strength decreases. The foaming results show that
is about 44 mN/m at its minimum, but after modification, the
foaming ability increases with the relative molecular weight, so
resulting GCL1 can have a low surface tension of 32.9 mN/m at
the air content in concrete also increases. The increase in air
a concentration of 1 kg/m3 .
content will surely increase the amount of pore in concrete, and
thus causes the strength to decrease.
3.5. Foaming property The function of water reducers used in concrete includes two
aspects: One is to increase fluidity of concrete without supplying
The initial foam height and foam half-life time of a CL additional water, so it can increase workability of concrete on
solution (at a concentration of 1 wt.%) were tested. They, respec- the basis of not decreasing the strength of concrete; the other one
tively, represent the foaming ability and foaming stability of CL. is to reduce water consumption under the condition of the same
The results are shown in Table 2. fluidity of concrete, so as to increase the strength of concrete.
The results demonstrate that the foam production and foam As discussed above, when CL is applied in concrete, lower or
stability increase with increasing CL molecular weight. This intermediate molecular weight fractions have a strong electro-
may be due to the fact that with increasing molecular weight, static repulsive force (in favor of dispersing of cement particles
surface activity of CL solution increases, and foam formation once adsorbed with CL), but a lower surface activity and lower
becomes less energy demanding. In this situation, thicker foam air content (entraining). On the other hand, CL with a higher
films may be formed with higher molecular weights, resulting molecular weight has a good surface activity but lower electro-
in more stable films and therefore better foam stability. static repulsive forces, also its higher foam production will lead
When CL is added into the concrete mixture, it not only to a decrease in concrete strength. It seems that CL is rather
adsorbs at the interface of solid-liquid, but also adsorbs at limited in its use as a water reducer since none of CL fractions
the interface of liquid-gas; as a result, some bubbles are eas- can give good results on both fluidity and strength. The original
ily formed and can be trapped into the concrete. The bubbles CL should be modified to increase its charge density (and hence
dispersion capability) and to adjust it surface activity (and hence
Table 2 high air content) in order to increase its overall water reducing
Foam property of CL with different relative molecular weight
Molecular weight Initial foam height (cm) Half life time (min)

Less than 5000 4.8 3. 5 3.6. Effect of GCL1 (modified CL) on concrete properties
5000–10,000 5.6 5.8
10,000–30,000 6.7 6.3 The results of fluidity of cement paste with additions of CL,
30,000–50,000 7.2 8.2
More than 50000 7.8 9.5
GCL1 and FDN are shown in Fig. 7. The mass ratio of water to
cement is 0.32.
X. Ouyang et al. / Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochem. Eng. Aspects 282–283 (2006) 489–497 495

on the fluidity of cement paste is even more significant, and

indeed better than that of FDN. But when the dosage is more
than 0.5 wt.% of cement, with the increase of dosage, the fluidity
of cement paste with adding of FDN will continue to increase,
while that of GCL1 increases to a less extent. These results mean
that after being modified, GCL1 has become a high range water
reducer, but it still has some disadvantages when compared with
the gold standard of FDN in concrete industry.
As mentioned above, compressive strength is one of the most
important mechanical properties of concrete; the compressive
strength of hardened concrete after using a water reducer at dif-
ferent stages was tested and shown in Table 4.
Table 4 suggests that the water reducing rate of CL is only
6.4%. When varying the dosage, the water reducing rate of CL
is always lower than 8% (data not shown). The early stage com-
pressive strength of concrete with CL is also low. But after the
Fig. 7. fluidity of cement paste for water reducer.
modification, the water reducing rate increases to 19.5%, and
the concrete compressive strength also increases significantly
As shown in Fig. 7, we can see that the contribution of GCL1 with GCL1, where its compressive strength increases by 60
to fluidity of the cement paste is much better than that of CL. and 28% at 3 and 28 days, respectively. It is obvious that the
When the dosage of water reducer increases, so does fluidity of water reducing and strength increasing of GCL1 have markedly
the cement paste. The maximum fluidity of cement paste with improved from those of CL. In fact, such improvements have
adding CL is only 100 mm; at the same condition, that with met the industrial standards of high range water reducers, with
adding GCL1 is 200 mm. Furthermore, we can see that when many properties being similar to those of FDN, a widely used
the dosage is less than 0.5 wt.% of cement, the effect of GCL1 water reducer in practice.

Table 4
Effect of water reducers on concrete properties
Dosage of water reducer (%) Water reducing ratio (%) Relative compressive strength (%)

3days 7days 28days

Reference concrete 0 0 100 100 100

Concrete with addition of CL 0.25 6.4 119 94 102
Concrete with addition of GCL1 0.40 19.5 160 138 128
Concrete with addition of FDN 0.40 22.1 170 140 126

Fig. 8. SEM photographs of hydration product of hardened cement paste (a) with addition of CL (b) with addition of GCL1.
496 X. Ouyang et al. / Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochem. Eng. Aspects 282–283 (2006) 489–497

Fig. 9. SEM photographs of surface morphology of hardened cement paste (a) with addition of CL (b) with addition of GCL1.

3.7. Effect of GCL1 on the structure of hardened cement dosage of CL is less than 0.5 wt.% of the cement, the CL fraction
with a molecular weight of 10,000–30,000 gives a maximum flu-
The surface morphology of the cement hydration product, i.e., idity in the cement paste. The CL fraction of a higher molecular
hardened cement, with addition of CL and GCL1 after 28 days of weight has a stronger air-entraining effect, and hence decreases
hydration was imaged by SEM, and are shown in Figs. 8 and 9. the compressive strength of concrete.
Fig. 8 shows that with GCL1 as the water reducer, the prin- The original CL was further chemically modified into GCL1
cipal products of cement hydration are branched crystals, in the by increasing its sulfonic groups, resulting in an average molec-
form of ettringite needles; while with CL as the water reducer, ular weight around 10,000. This new compound gives to an
the products of cement hydration appear to be larger, but fewer in increase in charge density, and hence a higher zeta potential
number, ettringite crystals. This result indicates a slower hydra- in its absolute value. Compared with CL, the surface tension
tion with CL, as compared to that with GCL1. of GCL1 solutions is lower, indicating possibly stronger wet-
As shown above, GCL1 can better disperse cement particles ting capability. GCL1 also has a larger adsorption capability on
into water when compared with CL. During cement hydration, cement particles, and produces more hydrated ettringite nee-
with the presence of GCL1 the cement paste can generate more dles in microstructure. Furthermore, GCL1 shows comparable
nuclei and form finer ettringite needles than with the presence fluidity and compressive strength data to those of FDN, a gold
of CL. Because of finer crystal structures with GCL1, the com- standard of water reducer materials. This modified CL presents
pressive strength of hardened cement is also improved. a promising commercial water reducer.
From Fig. 9, it is easy to find that there are many voids in the
hardened cement with adding CL, but fewer voids with adding
GCL1. The hardened cement with GCL1 is denser and more
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