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3. Complete these sentences with the correct passive form of the verbs given.

1. Milk is usually kept (USUALLY KEEP) in the fridge.

2. (WE TELL) Are we telling what's in next week's test ?
3. How did people communicate over long distances before the phone was invented
4. (YOU ALLOW) Are you allowed to come to the party next Friday ? 5. You will be
given (GIVE) your exam results next Monday.
6. (MARY'S BIKE, FIND) Was Mary’s bike found yesterday ?
7. That song is played (PLAY) on the radio very often, is it ?
8. At ten o'clock yesterday, the local bank was robbed (ROB).
9. Every year, several prizes are given (GIVE) to the best students.
10.When people are arrested (ARREST), they (TAKE) are taken to the police station.


Change the sentences so they use the structure 'have something done' or 'get something

1) I washed my car. (have) I had my car washed.

2) I am going to cut my hair. (get) I am going to get my hair cut.

3) I have typed the documents. (have) I had the documents typed.

4) I fixed the washing machine last week. (get) I got the washing machine fixed last week.

5) I cut the grass every two weeks. (have) I had to cut the grass every two weeks.

6) I painted my bedroom last weekend. (get) I got my bedroom painted last weekend.

7) I repaired my fridge. (have) I had my fridge repaired.

8) I tidied my garden. (get) I get my garden tidied.

9) I edited the article. (have) I had the article edited.

10) I cleaned the carpets. (get) I get the carpets cleaned.

11) I will cleaned the windows. (have) I will had the windows cleaned.

12) I am checking my teeth at the moment. (get) I am getting my teeth checking at the moment.

13) I printed the photo in the studio. (have) I had the photo printed in the studio.

14) I made the necklace. (get) I got the necklace made.

15) I delivered the furniture two weeks ago. (have) I had the furniture delivered two weeks ago.

16) I have written the report. (have) I had the report written.

17) I am repairing the roof. (get) I am getting the roof repaired

18) I built the shed. (get) I got the shed built.

19) I dyed my hair yesterday. (get) I got my hair dyed yesterday.

20) I am sending the money right now. (have) I am having the money sent right now.

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