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Density of water is maximum at

(a) 0°C
(b) 0°K
(c) 4°C
(d) 100°C
Mercury does not wet glass. This is due to property of liquid known as
(a) adhesion
(b) cohesion
(c) surface tension
(d) viscosity
A liquid compressed in cylinder has a volume of 0.04 m³ at 50 kg/cm²
and a volume of 0.039 m³ at 150 kg/cm². The bulk modulus of elasticity
of liquid is
(a) 400 kg/cm²
(b) 4000 kg/cm²
(c) 400 x 10³ kg/cm²
(d) 4000 x 10³ kg/cm²
Metacentric height is the distance between the metacentre and
(a) water surface
(b) center of pressure
(c) center of gravity
(d) center of buoyancy
The bulk modulus of elasticity with increase in pressure
(a) increases
(b) decreases
(c) remains constant
(d) increases first up to certain limit and then decreases

If 850 kg liquid occupies volume of one cubic meter, then 0.85 represents
(a) specific weight
(b) specific mass
(c) specific gravity
(d) specific density
A pressure of 25 m of head of water is equal to
(a) 25 kN/m2
(b) 245 kN/m2
(c) 2500 kN/m2
(d) 2.5kN/m2
The buoyancy depends on
(a) mass of liquid displaced
(b) viscosity of the liquid
(c) pressure of the liquid displaced
(d) depth of immersion
The capillary rise at 20°C in a clean glass tube of 1 mm bore containing
water is approximately
(a) 1 mm
(b) 10 mm
(c) 20 mm
(d) 30 mm
Dynamic viscosity of most of the gases with rise in temperature
(a) increases
(b) decreases
(c) remains unaffected
(d) unpredictable
Which of the following manometer has highest sensitivity
(a) U-tube with water
(b) inclined U-tube
(c) U-tube with mercury
(d) Single Column Manometer
In order to increase sensitivity of Utube manometer, one leg is usually
inclined by angle 9. Sensitivity of inclined tube to sensitivity of Utube is
equal to
(a) sin 9
(b) tan 9
(c) cot 9
(d) cos 9
Center of pressure compared to Center of Gravity is
(a) above it
(b) below it.
(c) at same point
(d) none of the above.
A body floats in stable equilibrium
(a) when its meatcentric height is zero
(b) when the metancentre is above C.G..
(c) when its e.g. is below it's center of buoyancy
(d) metacentre has nothing to do with position of C.G. for determining
A piece weighing 3 kg in air was found to weigh 2.5 kg when submerged
in water. Its specific gravity is
(a) 1
(b) 5
(c) 7
(d) 6
The depth of the center of pressure on a vertical rectangular gate 8 m
wide and 6 m high, when the water surface coincides with the top of the
gate, is
(a) 2.4 m
(b) 3.0 m
(c) 4.0 m
(d) 2.5 m
If the atmospheric pressure on the surface of an oil tank (sp. gr. 0.8) is
0.2 kg/cm", the pressure at a depth of 50 m below the oil surface will be
(a) 2 meters of water column
(b) 3 meters of water column
(c) 5 meters of water column
(d) 6 meters of water Column
An ideal fluid is defined as the fluid which
(a) Is compressible
(b) Is incompressible
(c) Is incompressible and non-viscous
(d) Has negligible surface tension
Poise is the unit of
(a) Mass density
(b) Kinematic viscosity
(c) Viscosity
(d) Velocity gradient
Stoke is the unit of
(a) Mass density
(b) Kinematic viscosity
(c) Viscosity
(d) Velocity gradient
Pascal’s law states that pressure at a point is equal in all directions
(a) Ina liquid at rest
(b) In a fluid at rest
(c) In a laminar flow
(d) In a turbulent flow
Which of the following instrument can be used for measuring speed of a
submarine moving in deep sea
(a) Venturimeter
(b) Orifice plate
(c) Rotameter
(d) pitot tube.
A hydraulic press has a ram of 15 cm diameter and plunger of 1.5 cm. It
is required to lift a weight of 1 tonne. The force required on plunger is
equal to
(a) 10 kg
(b) 100 kg
(c) 1000 kg
(d) 1 kg
Reynolds number is significant in
(a) supersonics, as with projectile and jet propulsion
(b) full immersion or completely enclosed flow, as with pipes, aircraft
nozzles etc.
(c) simultaneous motion through two fluids where there is a surface of
discontinuity,gravity forces, and wave making effect, as with ship's
(d) all of the above

The fluid forces considered in the Navier Stokes equation are

(a) gravity, pressure and viscous
(b) gravity, pressure and turbulent
(c) pressure, viscous and turbulent
(d) gravity, viscous and turbulent
The equation of continuity holds good when the flow
(a) is steady
(b) is one dimensional
(c) velocity is uniform at all the cross sections
(d) all of the above
For pipes, laminar flow occurs when Reynolds number is
(a) less than 2000
(b) between 2000 and 4000
(c) more than 4000
(d) less than 4000
A hydraulic press has a ram of 15 cm diameter and plunger of 1.5 cm. It
is required to lift a weight of 1 tonne. The force required on plunger is
equal to
(a) 10 kg
(b) 100 kg
(c) 1000 kg
(d) 1 kg
Bernoulli equation deals with the law of conservation of
(a) mass
(b) momentum
(c) energy
(d) work
Pitot tube is used for measurement of
(a) pressure
(b) flow
(c) velocity
(d) discharge
Uniform flow occurs when
(a) the direction and magnitude of the velocity at all points are identical
(b) the velocity of successive fluid paiticles, at any point, is the same at
successive periods of time
(c) the magnitude and direction of the velocity do not change from point to
point in the fluid
(d) the fluid particles move in plane or parallel planes and the streamline
patterns are identical in each pleasure
Steady flow occurs when
(a) the direction and magnitude of the velocity at all points are identical
(b) the velocity of successive fluid particles, at any point, is the same at
successive periods of time
(c) the magnitude and direction of the velocity do not change from point to
point in the fluid
(d) the fluid particles move in plane or parallel planes and the streamline
patterns are identical in each plane.
The resultant hydrostatic force acts through a point known as
(a) Centre of gravity
(b) Centre of buoyancy
(c) Centre of pressure
(d) None of the above
Centre of pressure of a pane surface immersed in a liquid is
(a) Above the centre of gravity of the plane surface
(b) At the centre of gravity of the plane surface
(c) Below the centre of gravity of the plane surface
(d) None of the above
Centre of pressure of a plane surface immersed in a liquid is
(a) Above the centre of gravity of the plane surface
(b) At the centre of gravity of the plane surface
(c) Below the centre of gravity of the plane surface
(d) None of the above
The metacentric height of a floating body is
(a) The distance between metacentre and centre of buoyancy
(b) The distance between the centre of buoyancy and centre of gravity
(c) The distance between metacentre and centre of gravity
(d) None of the above
The necessary condition for the flow to be steady is that
(a) The velocity does not change from place to place
(b) The velocity is constant at a point with respect to time
(c) The velocity changes at a point with respect to time
(d) None of the above
The necessary condition for the flow to be uniform is that
(e) The velocity does not change from place to place
(f) The velocity is constant at a point with respect to time
(g) The velocity changes at a point with respect to time
(h) None of the above
The flow in pipe is laminar if
(a) Reynolds number is equal to 2500
(b) Reynolds number is equal to 4000
(c) Reynolds number is more than 2500
(d) None of the above
A stream line is a line
(a) Which is along the path of a particle
(b) Which is always parallel to the main direction of flow
(c) On which tangent drawn at any point gives the direction of velocity


Continuity equation deals with the law of conservation of

(a) mass
(b) momentum
(c) energy
(d) none of the above

Irrotational flow means

(a) the fluid does not rotated while moving
(b) the fluid moves in straight lines
(c) the net rotation of fluid particles about their mass centre is zero
(d) none of the above

The rate of flow through a circular pipe is measured by

(a) pitot-tube
(b) venturimeter
(c) orifice-meter
(d) none of the above
The range for co-efficient of discharge (Cd) for a venturimeter is
(a) 0.6 to 0.7
(b) 0.7 to 0.8
(c) 0.8 to 0.9
(d) 0.95-0.99
A draft tube is not required for a
a. Francis turbine
b. Kaplan turbine
c. Pelton wheel turbine
d. None of the above
An impulse turbine is used for
a. Low head of water
b. High head of water
c. Medium head of water
d. High discharge
hydraulic turbine converts the potential energy of water into
a. Kinetic energy
b. Heat energy
c. Thermal energy
d. Gravitational energy
Impulse turbine requires
a. High head and low discharge
b. High head and high discharge
c. Low head and low discharge
d. Low head and high discharge
In mixed flow turbines, the water enters the blades ____ and comes out
a. radially, axially
b. radially, radially
c. axially, radially
d. axially, axially
The specific speed of a turbine is
a. N√P / H1/4
b. N√P / H3/4
c. N√P / H5/4
d. N√P / H7/4
The function of draft tube is to
a. increase the pressure of the exiting fluid
b. increase the Kinetic energy of exiting fluid
c. allow the turbine to be set below tail water level
d. keep pressure at runner outlet above the atmospheric pressure
An impulse turbine is used for
a. Low head of water
b. High head of water
c. Medium head of water
d. High discharge

A Pelton wheel develops 1750 kW under a head of 100 metres while

running at 200 r.p.m. and discharging 2500 litres of water per second.
The unit power of the wheel is
a. 0.75 kW
b. 1.75 kW
c. 0.25 kW
d. 3.75 kW

The overall efficiency of a reaction turbine is the ratio of

a. actual work available at the turbine to the energy imparted to the
b. power produced by the turbine to the energy actually supplied by the
c. work done on the wheel to the energy (or head of water) actually
supplied to the turbine
d. none of the above
Which of the following turbine is preferred for 0 to 25 m head of water?
a. Francis turbine
b. Pelton wheel
c. Kaplan turbine
d. none of these
The speed of an imaginary turbine, identical with the given turbine,
which will develop a unit power under a unit head, is known as
a. specific speed
b. unit speed
c. normal speed
d. none of these
Hydraulic gradient line (HGL) represents the sum of
(a) pressure head and kinetic head
(b) kinetic head and datum head
(c) pressure head, kinetic head and datum head
(d) pressure head and datum head
Total energy line (TEL) represents the sum of
(a) pressure head and kinetic head
(b) kinetic head and datum head
(c) pressure head, kinetic head and datum head
(d) pressure head and datum head

The net head (H) on the turbines is given by

(a) H= gross head + Head loss due to friction
(b) H= gross head - Head loss due to friction
(c) H= gross head + V2/2g head loss due to friction
(d) H= gross head - V2/2g head loss due to friction
Hydraulic efficiency of a turbine is defined as the ratio of
(a) Power available at the inlet of turbine to power given by water to the
(b) Power at the shaft of the turbine to power given by water to the
(c) Power at the shaft of the turbine to Power available at the inlet of
(d) None of the above
The overall efficiency of the turbine is the ratio of
(a) Power available at the inlet of turbine to Power at the shaft
(b) Power at the shaft to power given to the runner
(c) Power at the shaft of the turbine to Power available at the inlet of
(d) None of the above
Mechanical efficiency of a turbine is the ratio of
(a) Power at the inlet to the power at the shaft of turbine
(b) Power at the shaft to the power given to the runner
(c) Power at the shaft to the power at the inlet of the turbine
(d) None of the above
A turbine is called reaction turbine if at the inlet of the turbine the total
energy is
(a) Kinetic energy only
(b) Kinetic and pressure energy
(c) Pressure energy only
(d) None of the above
A turbine is called impulse turbine if at the inlet of the turbine the total
energy is
(a) Kinetic energy only
(b) Kinetic and pressure energy
(c) Pressure energy only
(d) None of the above
Which of the following statement is correct
(a) Pelton wheel is a reaction turbine
(b) Pelton wheel is a radial flow turbine
(c) Pelton wheel is an impulse turbine
(d) None of the above
Francis turbine is
(a) An impulse turbine
(b) A radial flow impulse turbine
(c) An axial flow turbine
(d) A reaction radial flow turbine
Kaplan turbine is
(a) An impulse turbine
(b) A radial flow impulse turbine
(c) An axial flow reaction turbine
(d) A reaction radial flow turbine
Cavitation will take place if the pressure of the following fluid at any
point is
(a) More than vapour pressure of the fluid
(b) Equal to the vapour pressure of the fluid
(c) Is less than the vapour pressure of the fluid
(d) None of the above
Cavitation can take in case of
(a) Pelton wheel
(b) Francis turbine
(c) Reciprocating pump
(d) Centrifugal pump
Overall efficiency of a centrifugal pump is the ratio of
a. Energy available at the impeller to the energy supplied to the pump by the
prime mover
b. Actual work done by the pump to the energy supplied to the pump by the
prime mover
c. Energy supplied to the pump to the energy available at the impeller
d. Manometric head to the energy supplied by the impeller per Newton of
A centrifugal pump is superior to a reciprocating pump because
a. It is a high speed pump
b. It is more economical
c. It gives smooth flow
d. All the above
Which one of the following helps in avoiding cavitation in centrifugal

a. Low suction pressure b. High delivery pressure

c. Low delivery pressure d. High suction pressure
In case of a centrifugal pump, cavitation will occur if
a. it operates above the minimum net positive suction head
b. it operates below the minimum net positive suction head
c. the pressure at the inlet of the pump is above the atmospheric pressure
d. the pressure at the inlet of the pump is equal to the atmospheric pressure

Manometric efficiency of a centrifugal pump is defined as the ratio of

a. suction head to the head imparted by the impeller to water
b. head imparted by the impeller to water to the suction head
c. manometric head to the head imparted by the impeller to water
d. head imparted by the impeller to water to the manometric head
A centrifugal pump delivers water at the rate of 50 litres/s against a total
head of 40 metres. Then the power required to drive the pump is

a. 2 kW a. 15.2 kW c. 19.6 kW d. 25.8 kW

A centrifugal pump having an impeller of 10 cm diameter discharges 40

litre/second when running at 1000 rpm. The corresponding speed of a
geometrically similar pump having an impeller of 40 cm diameter and
0.8 m3/s discharge will be

a. 276.4 rpm b. 298.3 rpm c. 312.5 rpm d. 358.2 rpm

Discharge of a centrifugal pump is

a. inversely proportional to diameter of its impeller
b. directly proportional to diameter of its impeller
c. inversely proportional to (diameter)2 of its impeller
d. directly proportional to (diameter)2 of its impeller
Discharge of a centrifugal pump is proportional to .......

a. Impeller diameter(D)
b. D2
c. D3
d. 1/D 3

In a centrifugal pumps maximum efficiency is obtained when the plates

a. straight
b. Bent forward
c. Bent backward
d. Radial
Discharge of a centrifugal pump is proportional to .......
a. Impeller diameter(D)
b. B.D 2
c. C.D 3
d. D.1/D 3
E.1/D 2
In a centrifugal pump the liquid enters the pump .......
A.At the top
B.At the bottom
C.At the centre
D.From sides

For small discharge at high-pressure following pump is

preferred .........
B.Axial flow
C.Mixed flow
D. reciprocating
In a centrifugal pumps maximum efficiency is obtained when the
plates are ......
B.Bent forward
C.Bent backward
Indicator diagram of a reciprocating pump is a graph between......
A.Floor vs swept volume
B.Pressure in cylinder vs swept volume
C.Flow vs speed
D.Pressure vs speed
Specific speed for impulse wheels ranges from .......
A.0 to 4.5
B.10 to 100
C.80 to 200
D.250 to 300
Specific speed for reaction turbines ranges from .......
A.0 to 4.5
B.10 to 100
C.80 to 200
D.250 to 300
Specific speed for axial flow turbines ranges from .........
A.0 to 4.5
B.10 to 100
C.80 to 200
D.250 to 300
In Kaplan turbine runner, the number of blades is generally of the
order ......
In Kaplan turbine runner,the number of blades is generally of the

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