1st Periodical Exam

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education


S.Y. 2023-2024
Name of Learner: __________________________________________________Grade &Section: _________
INSTRUCTION: Read the statement carefully and write the letter of your choice ON THE SPACE PROVIDED.
1. What do you call the high and low note of a sound?
A. Rhythm B. Pitch C. Tempo D. Voice
2. Why is Giovanni Perluigi da Palestrina considered to be the greatest master of Roman Catholic Church music
during the Renaissance?
A. Not committed to the music of the church C. Majority of his compositions are sacred music
B. He was committed to secular music D. A and B
3. What do the word Renaissance mean?
A. Dark B. Old C. Rebirth D. Middle
4. What do you call a polyphonic choral works in Latin text and it can be used in any service of the churches and
usually in acapella?
A. Choir B. Solo C. Duet D. Motet
5. Which of the following is written and expressed in poetic text and sung during courtly social gatherings?
A. Polyphonic B. Madrigal C. Mass D. Kyrie
6. What do you call a type of music during the Renaissance period, which is a form of scared musical composition
that sets texts of the Eucharistic liturgy into Music?
A. Mass B. Madrigal C. Kyrie D. Eulogy
7. Which of the following words means “pearl of irregular shape”?
A. Renaissance B. Grandiose C. Baroque D. Arts
8. What do you call a contrapuntal piece, developed mainly by imitative counterpoint?
A. Oratorio B. Concerto C. Grosso D. Fugue
9. Who is the famous composer nicknamed IL Prete Rosso (“The Red Priest”)?
A. Johan Sebastian Bach C. Leonardo Da Vinci
B. Antonio Vivaldi D. George Friedrich Handel
10. Which of the following is another name for the Medieval Period?
A. Ice Age B. Middle/Dark Ages C. Neolithic D. Paleolithic
11. What sector has the most influence in the Medieval Period?
A. Monarchy B. Hierarchy C. Catholic Church D. Patriarch
12. What do you call the period of great composers like George Friedrich Handel, Johann Sebastian Bach, Claudio
Monteverdi, and Antonio Vivaldi?
A. Baroque Period B. Classical Period C. Medieval Period D. Renaissance Period
13. Which of the following is a form of orchestral music during the Baroque Period wherein the music is between a
small group of solo instruments called concertino and the whole orchestra called tutti?
A. Concerto Grosso B. Concerto C. Oratorio D. Chorale
14. What do you call the ability of an individual to carry out daily tasks with vigor and alertness?
A. Vitality B. Fatigue C. Physical Fitness D. Alert
15. What do you call exercise activities that you do to try, to improve your physical health to stay healthy?
A. Skills B. Athletic C. Fitness D. Health Related Fitness
16. Which of the following consists of fitness components that are important to succeed in skillful activities and
athletic events?
A. Skills B. Skill Related Fitness C. Athleticism D. Fitness
17. What do you call ratio of lean body mass to body fat?
A. Body Composition B. Cardiovascular endurance C. Flexibility D. Agility
18. Which of the following is the amount of force the muscle can exert?
A. Speed B. Reaction Time C. Power D. Flexibility
19. What is the term used to describe the ability to move a joint through its full range of motion?
a. Flexibility B. Endurance C. Strength d. Power
20. What is given immediately to a person who has been injured or suddenly taken ill?
A. Medicine B. First Aid C. Attention D. Water
21. Which of the following is NOT an objective of First Aid?
A. To relieve pain C. To Prevent added/further injury or damage
B. To alleviate suffering D. To prolong life
22. What do you call an injury in which is caused by torn fibers in a ligament?
A. Strain B. Fracture C. Sprain D. Burn
23. Which of the following is a twist, pull or tear of a muscle or tendon?
A. Fracture B. Sprain C. Burn D. Strain
24. What do you call an injury resulting from a blow or twist to the knee?
A. Fracture B. Knee Injury C. Burn D. Strain
25. Which of the following is an injury by which there is a break in the bone that can occur from either a quick. One
time injury to the bone?
A. Fracture B. Dislocation C. Burn D. Strain
26. What do you call an injury by which two that comes together to form a joint becomes separated?
A. Fracture B. Burn C. Dislocation D. Strain
27. What do you call someone who presides over sporting events to help maintain standards of play?
A. Player B. Scorer C. Judge D. Officiating Official
28. What do you call a state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being?
A. Community B. Health C. Community Health D. Environmental Health
29. Which of the following Primary Health Care program aims at Immunizations, Control of Diarrheal Diseases?
A. Child Health Care B. Nutrition Program C. Maternal Care D. Reproductive Health Care
30. What do you call a Primary Health care program which aims at Food Supplementation and Ending Malnutrition,
also known as “Operation Timbang”?
A. Maternal Care B. Reproductive Health Care C. Nutrition Program D. Child Health Care
31. What do you call a refuse material composed of settled solids of sewage wastes such as septic tank sludge?
A. Rubbish B. Business Waste C. Incinerator Residue D. Sewage Treatment Residue
32. Which of the following is a program of the government to help lessen the amount of Refuse in our country?
A. Immunization B. Vaccination C. Sterilization D. Solid Waste Management
33. What do you call the destruction of big areas in the forests?
A. Deforestation B. Pollution C. Flash Flood D. Illegal Mining
34. What do you call the process of extraction of valuable minerals or other geological materials from the earth from
an ore body, lode, Illegal Mining vein seam, or reef, in the absence of land rights, mining license, exploration or
mineral transportation permit or of any document that could legitimate the ongoing operations?
A. Illegal mining B. Illegal logging C. Treasure hunting D. Resource survey
35. What do you call a sudden flood caused by Heavy rains?
A. Deforestation B. Soil Erosion C. Water pollution D. Flash Flood
36. Which of the following is NOT an effect of Flash Floods?
A. Loss of Life C. Safer Drinking water
B. Destruction of Dams D. Contamination of Drinking Water
37. What do you call a type of pollution by which is caused by the excessive sound that causes hearing loss, stress,
fatigue, tension and Hypertension (High Blood Pressure)?
A. Soil Erosion B. Noise Pollution C. Water pollution D. Air Pollution
38. What is PNRC in Philippines?
A. Philippine National Red Cross C. Performing Nature Research Center
B. Pediatric Nephrology Research Consortium D. Police Neighborhood Resource Center
39. Which of the following refers to any alteration of the physical, chemical, biological or radiological properties of a
body of water resulting in degrading of its purity/quality?
A. Air Pollution B. Soil Erosion C. Water Pollution D. Oil Spill
40. Which period does most of the sculptures are made of monumental terra-cotta with continuous narrative reliefs
A. Pre-historic B. Egyptian C. Greek D. Roman
41. What Art era, where paintings were found inside caves and believed to be their way of communicating to each
A. Pre-Historic Era B. Ancient Egypt C. Classical Greek D. Roman Era
42. What Era showed temples consisting of a central shrine or room in an aisle surrounded by rows and columns?
A. Pre-Historic Era B. Ancient Egypt C. Classical Greek D. Roman Era
43. Which of the following is NOT a Classical Greek architectural style?
A. Doric B. Ionic C. Corinthian D. Bas Relief
44. Which of the following Era showed doorways of Romanesque churches that were often grand sculpted portals or
door openings?
A. Gothic Era B. Romanesque Era C. Byzantine period D. Roman Era
45. What do you call the Era of which most paintings were stylized, symbolic and shows profile view of an animal or
a person with themes that included the journey of the deceased gods to the underworld?
A. Ancient Egypt B. Roman Era C. Gothic Era D. Byzantine Period
46. Which of the following method is introduced in Greek paintings?
A. Mosaic B. Fresco C. Relief D. Bas Relief
47. Which of the following is NOT a Common material used in Ancient Egyptian Sculptures?
A. Wood B. Ivory C. Stones D. Glass
48. What Era where sculptures depicted religious, everyday life scenes and motifs from nature?
A. Byzantine B. Romanesque C. Gothic D. Egyptian
49. What does Megaliths mean?
A. Rock B. Small Rock C. Big Rock D. Shiny Rock
50. What paintings emphasized on the importance of life after death, sculptures that symbolized and represented
the gods and architecture that were structurally stable and astronomically significant and scientific in nature?
A. Byzantine B. Romanesque C. Gothic D. Egyptian

Prepared by: checked and Reviewed by: Noted by:


Teacher 1 Master Teacher 1 School Head
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education

Most Essential Learning Competency (MELC) CODE ITEM PLACEMENT No. of
describes the musical elements of selected vocal and instrumental MU9MRB 1
music of Medieval, Renaissance and Baroque music; -Ib-f-5
 explains the performance practice (setting, composition, MU9MRB 2
role of composers/performers, and audience) during -Ia-h-2
Medieval, Renaissance and Baroque periods;
 relates Medieval, Renaissance and Baroque music to other MU9MRB 4
art forms and its history within the era; -Ic-f-3
 improvises appropriate accompaniment to selected music MU9MRB
from Medieval, Renaissance and Baroque Period; -Ib-d-7
Lesson 1: Distinct Characteristics, Elements and Principles of Arts A9EL-Ib- 1
during the different periods
 identifies distinct characteristics of arts during the different A9EL-Ia-
art periods. 2
 identifies representative artists from various art periods A9EL-Ia-
 analyzes art elements and principles in the production of A9PL-Ih- 2
work following the style of a western and classical art
 uses artworks to derive the traditions/history of an art A9PL-Ih- 3
 compares the characteristics of artworks produced in the
different art periods
* Undertakes physical activity and physical fitness assessments PE9PF- Ia-h-
* Performs appropriate first aid for injuries and emergency 23
situations in physical activity and sports settings (e.g. cramps, PE9PF- Ib-30
sprain, heat exhaustion)
Involves oneself in community service through sports officiating PE9PF- Ie-h-
and physical activity programs 41
* Officiates practice and competitive games PE9GS-
defines community and environmental health H9CE-Ia-8
explains how a healthy environment positively impact the health of H9CE-Ib-d- 10
people and communities (less disease, less health care cost, etc.)
* discusses the nature of environmental issues H9CE-Ib-d- 11
* analyzes the effects of environmental issues on people’s health H9CE-Ib-d- 12
30 15 5 50

Prepared by: checked and Reviewed by: Noted by:


Teacher 1 Master Teacher 1 School Head

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