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reference category type subject date notifying_countryclassification risk_decisiondistribution forAttention forFollowUp operator origin hazards

2024.3531 fruits and vegetables food Pesticides in red seedless grapes from India 03-05-2024 Sweden
11:17:42 information notification forseriousattention Sweden INFOSAN India,Sweden India dimethoate ,methamidophos unauthorised substance,omethoate
2024.3528 herbs and spices food Pesticide residues in cardamom from India 03-05-2024 Austria
10:12:17 information notification forseriousattention Austria INFOSAN Austria,India India acetamiprid ,bifenthrin ,carbendazim unauthorised substance,chlorpyrifos unauthorised substance,fipronil unauthorised substance,imidacloprid ,quinalphos ,tebuc
2024.3453 herbs and spices food Ethylene oxide in meat masala from India 30-04-2024 Malta13:46:33 border rejection notification serious Malta India India ethylene oxide
2024.3414 fruits and vegetables food Pesticides residues of Carbendazim and Chlorpyrifos in raisins from India 29-04-2024 Croatia
13:38:17 border rejection notification serious Croatia India Croatia,India India carbendazim ,chlorpyrifos unauthorised substance
2024.3371 cereals and bakery productsfood Aflatoxin in Indian rice 26-04-2024 Netherlands
13:44:17 border rejection notification serious Germany,India,Netherlands
India Aflatoxin B1
2024.3203 herbs and spices food peperoncino da India mycotoxins in chili peppers from India 22-04-2024 Italy14:25:53 border rejection notification serious India India,Italy India Aflatoxin B1
2024.3111 crustaceans and products thereof
food Nitrofurans (AOZ) in shrimps from India 18-04-2024 Belgium
09:49:53 border rejection notification serious INFOSAN,India Belgium,India India nitrofuran (metabolite) furazolidone (AOZ) prohibited substance
2024.2929 herbs and spices food Salmonella in ginger powder from India 11-04-2024 17:13:59
Netherlands alert notification serious Austria,Belgium,Cyprus,Czech
India Salmonella Ireland,Poland,Romania,Sweden,Switzerland,United
Ireland,Poland,Romania,Sweden Kingdom
2024.2848 crustaceans and products thereof
food Unauthorised substance leucomalachite green in frozen black tiger prawns from India 10-04-2024 Germany
15:28:12 information notification forseriousattention Germany INFOSAN Germany,India India leucomalachite green prohibited substance
2024.2825 dietetic foods, food supplements
food and Plant
not authorised
foods for use in food supplements 10-04-2024 France
09:41:07 alert notification serious France,Latvia France,INFOSAN,United
Kingdom India,Latvia,United
Kingdom India
2024.2554 herbs and spices food Chlorpyrifos in turmeric from India 02-04-2024 Netherlands
14:23:47 alert notification serious Germany Germany,INFOSANGermany,India India,Netherlands India chlorpyrifos
2024.2340 nuts, nut products and seeds
food Aflatoxins in nut crackers from India 25-03-2024 Germany
15:36:42 border rejection notification serious Germany,India India Aflatoxin B1 ,aflatoxin total
2024.1971 cephalopods and productsfoodthereof Cadmium in Mini Octopus from Germany 22-03-2024 Austria
14:01:41 alert notification serious Austria,Finland,Germany,Namibia,Poland,Sweden
Germany,India India cadmium
2024.1990 nuts, nut products and seeds
food Aflatoxin in Indian groundnuts 15-03-2024 Netherlands
15:53:45 border rejection notification serious India India,Netherlands,Switzerland
India Aflatoxin B1 ,aflatoxin total
2024.1889 cephalopods and productsfoodthereof polpi dall'India/Cadmium in frozen Octopus (Octopus membranaceus) from India 13-03-2024 Italy 15:13:29 border rejection notification serious India,Italy India cadmium
2024.1873 nuts, nut products and seeds
food Salmonella (wykryto/25 g w 1 z 5 próbek) w nasionach sezamu z Indii /// Salmonella13-03-2024
(in 1 of 5 samples)
13:59:42in sesameborder
seeds rejection
from Indianotification serious India India,Poland India Salmonella
2024.1798 fruits and vegetables food Pesticide' residues :Acetamipirid, Ethion, Fipronil (sum fipronil + sulfone metabolite)12-03-2024
in Capsicum Italy
annuum from India
border rejection notification serious India India,Italy India acetamiprid ,ethion ,fipronil unauthorised substance
2024.1624 cephalopods and productsfoodthereof Cadmium in frozen octopus from India 07-03-2024 France
09:12:13 information notification forseriousattention France INFOSAN,India France,India India cadmium
2024.1594 fruits and vegetables food Unauthorised substances (pesticides) in Drumsticks from India 06-03-2024 Switzerland
10:49:06 border rejection notification serious India,Switzerland India acephate unauthorised substance,fipronil unauthorised substance,methamidophos unauthorised substance,monocrotophos unauthorised substance
2024.1543 herbs and spices food Salmonella in betel leaves from India 04-03-2024 France
17:05:56 border rejection notification serious France,India India Salmonella
2024.1163 herbs and spices food Przekroczenie NDP sumy alkaloidów pirolizydynowych w kminie rzymskim, surowiec 20-02-2024
z Indii //Exceeding
14:19:10the MRL for alert
sum of pyrrolizidineseriousalkaloids in cumin,
Irelandraw material from
India India,Ireland India,Poland India pyrrolizidine alkaloids
2024.0963 soups, broths, sauces and food
Salmonella en condimentos elaborados con cebolla en polvo de la india, procedentes 09-02-2024
de España//Salmonella
16:39:27 in seasonings
informationfrom notification
Spain with forserious
Indian onion powder
Costa Rica,Honduras,Mexico,Spain
INFOSAN Spain India
2024.0926 fruits and vegetables food Presenza di E. Coli VTEC O103:H2 in fibra di psillio 99% dall'India//Presence of E. 09-02-2024
Coli VTEC O103:H2
10:10:43 in 99% psyllium
fiber from
India forserious
attention Italy India,Italy India Escherichia coli O103
2024.0879 soups, broths, sauces and food
Presencia de Salmonella en cebolla en polvo procedente de India // Presence of Salmonella
07-02-2024 in onion
powder from alert
Indianotification serious Belgium,Cuba,Spain INFOSAN Belgium,Cuba India,Spain India Salmonella
2024.0801 crustaceans and products thereof
food Sulphite not correctly mentioned as allergen on label of shrimps from India 05-02-2024 Belgium
17:21:29 alert notification serious Belgium,Germany,INFOSAN,India
Germany,India Belgium,Germany,India
2024.0637 cereals and bakery productsfood Mineral oil-like smell in rice from India, via the Netherlands 29-01-2024 Germany
16:48:23 alert notification serious Germany Germany Germany,India,Netherlands
2024.0543 nuts, nut products and seeds
food Aflatoxins in peanut butter from India 25-01-2024 Germany
10:31:49 border rejection notification serious Austria,India India Aflatoxin
2024.0392 nuts, nut products and seeds
food Presence of Salmonella spp. in Indian hulled sesame seeds 19-01-2024 Greece
09:58:42 border rejection notification serious Greece Greece,India India Salmonella
2024.0269 crustaceans and products thereof
food Vibrio vulnificus in frozen wild prawns 12-01-2024 France
16:47:14 alert notification serious France,Portugal,Slovenia
INFOSAN Portugal,Slovenia France,India India Vibrio vulnificus
2023.7653 prepared dishes and snacks food Too high content of capsaicin and labeling deficiencies in chips from India, via Germany11-01-2024 17:49:20
Germany alert notification serious Austria,Estonia,Germany,India
INFOSAN Austria,Estonia,Switzerland
Germany,India India capsaicinoids high content
2024.0101 nuts, nut products and seeds
food Aflatoxins in peanut butter from India 05-01-2024 Germany
10:10:33 border rejection notification serious Germany Austria,India India Aflatoxin B1 ,aflatoxins
2024.0084 crustaceans and products thereof
food Detection of Vibrio Vulnificus in Frozen Raw Peeled Shrimp Tails from India 04-01-2024 France
15:52:35 information notification forseriousattention France INFOSAN,India India India Vibrio vulnificus
2024.0052 fish and fish products food Presenza di Istamina (1440 +/- 226 mg/Kg) in Filetto di Tonnetto Striato Congelato 03-01-2024
18:01:44of Histamineinformation
(1440 +/-notification
226 mg/Kg)forinserious
Frozen SkipjackItalyTuna Fillet fromINFOSAN,India
India India,Italy India histamine
2024.0048 fruits and vegetables food Multiple pesticide residues in drumstick leaves from India 03-01-2024 France
17:08:42 border rejection notification serious India India France,India India acephate unauthorised substance,fipronil unauthorised substance,methamidophos unauthorised substance,permethrin unauthorised substance
2023.8639 crustaceans and products thereof
food Presence of vibrio in fozen shrimp (raw) 14-12-2023 France
15:32:35 alert notification serious Belgium,France Belgium,France,INFOSAN,India
France,India India Vibrio vulnificus
2023.8563 herbs and spices food Ethylene oxide in spice mix from India 13-12-2023 Sweden
09:36:27 border rejection notification serious India India India,Sweden India 2-chloroethanol
2023.8540 fruits and vegetables food Pesticides in yardlong beans (monocrotophos, dimethoate, omethoate, carbendazim) 12-12-2023 Sweden
13:37:23 border rejection notification serious India India,Sweden India carbendazim unauthorised substance,dimethoate ,monocrotophos unauthorised substance,omethoate
2023.8484 fish and fish products food vibrio vulnificus in raw shrimp tails 08-12-2023 France
17:11:03 alert notification serious Belgium,France INFOSAN Belgium France,India India Vibrio vulnificus
2023.8355 cereals and bakery productsfood Pesticide residues in rice from India 05-12-2023 Germany
14:02:25 border rejection notification serious Germany,India India imidacloprid ,thiamethoxam ,tricyclazole unauthorised substance
2023.8141 dietetic foods, food supplements
food and Mercury
lead in food supplements, from India 24-11-2023 12:56:15
Netherlands alert notification serious Bulgaria,Croatia,Czech
India lead ,mercury
2023.8128 crustaceans and products thereof
food Sulfite not mentioned as allergen on label in shrimps from India 24-11-2023 10:30:15
Netherlands alert notification serious Austria,Denmark,France,Germany,Ireland,Spain,Sweden
India,Netherlands India sulphite improperly declared
2023.8012 herbs and spices food pyrrolizidine alkaloids in chili powder 20-11-2023 15:29:59
Belgium alert notification serious Belgium,Curaçao,Luxembourg,Netherlands,Spain
INFOSAN Belgium,Curaçao,India,Luxembourg,Netherlands,Spain,Türkiye
pyrrolizidine alkaloids
2023.7966 crustaceans and products thereof
food Presenza di solfiti non dichiarati in etichetta in code di gambero surgelate-Presence17-11-2023
of allergen 15:12:00
(sulphites) undeclared
on the label
in frozen
tails from
ItalyIndia INFOSAN,India,San India,San
Marino Marino India,Italy India sulphite improperly declared
2023.7868 herbs and spices food Chlorpyrifos in turmeric powder from India, via the Netherlands 14-11-2023 17:39:50
Germany alert notification serious Austria,Belgium,Croatia,Czech
India Islands,France,Germany,Hungary,Iceland,Ireland,Poland,Romania,Slovakia,Slovenia,United
chlorpyrifos Kingdom Kingdom
2023.7788 herbs and spices food Chlorpyrifos in dried ginger powder from France 10-11-2023 17:26:10
Belgium alert notification serious Belgium,Germany,ItalyBelgium,France,India,Italy
France Belgium,France,Germany,India,Italy
France,India carbofuran ,chlorpyrifos ,fipronil unauthorised substance
2023.7354 cereals and bakery productsfood Tricyclazol in rice from India 27-10-2023 Germany
15:25:19 border rejection notification serious India,Poland India tricyclazole unauthorised substance
2023.7352 herbs and spices food Salmonella in betel leaves from India 27-10-2023 France
14:52:39 border rejection notification serious India France,India India Salmonella Bareilly
2023.7337 herbs and spices food Exceedance of pyrrolizidine alkaloids (PA) in cumin from Spain 27-10-2023 Denmark
09:36:45 alert notification serious Costa Rica,Denmark,Spain
Denmark,INFOSANSpain Denmark,Egypt,India,Spain
Egypt,India pyrrolizidine alkaloids
2023.7200 cereals and bakery productsfood Pesticide resdues and aflatoxins in rice from India 23-10-2023 France
13:47:59 border rejection notification serious France,India India Aflatoxins B1 ,thiamethoxam ,tricyclazole unauthorised substance
2023.6970 meat and meat products (other
food thanPresencia
poultry) de residuos de medicamentos en tripa deshidratada salada bovina de India.13-10-2023
Presence Spain
of drug residues border
in dehydrated
casings from India. India India India,Spain India nitrofuran (metabolite) nitrofurazone (SEM) prohibited substance
2023.6932 nuts, nut products and seeds
food Aflatoxins in peanuts in shell from INDIA 12-10-2023 Romania
14:09:38 border rejection notification serious INFOSAN,India India,Romania India aflatoxins
2023.6559 herbs and spices food Salmonella in betel leaves from India 28-09-2023 France
10:43:23 border rejection notification serious France,India India Salmonella
2023.6539 fruits and vegetables food Salmonella Abaetetuba in frozen papaya from Netherlands 27-09-2023 Finland
15:01:45 alert notification serious Croatia,Finland,France,Germany,Italy,Netherlands,Poland,United
Kingdom India Salmonella Kingdom
2023.6525 cephalopods and productsfoodthereof Camium in frozen Octopus from India 27-09-2023 Netherlands
11:06:01 alert notification serious Austria,Germany,Netherlands,Poland
INFOSAN Germany,India,PolandIndia,Netherlands India cadmium
2023.6464 cephalopods and productsfoodthereof Cadmium in baby octopus from Italy 25-09-2023 Germany
09:03:58 alert notification serious Germany,INFOSAN,India,Italy
Germany,India,ItalyGermany,India,ItalyIndia cadmium
2023.6421 nuts, nut products and seeds
food Chlorpyrifos in Basmati Rice from India 21-09-2023 Netherlands
17:07:45 alert notification serious Belgium,Netherlands INFOSAN,Netherlands,United
Belgium KingdomBelgium,India,Netherlands
India chlorpyrifos
2023.6411 nuts, nut products and seeds
food Salmonella in Indian Sesamseed 21-09-2023 Netherlands
14:09:22 border rejection notification serious India India,Netherlands India Salmonella spp.
2023.6372 nuts, nut products and seeds
food obecność salmonelli w sezamie obłuszczonym// presence of Salmonella in decorticated 20-09-2023
sesame Poland
13:27:31 border rejection notification serious India India,Poland India Salmonella
2023.6342 cereals and bakery productsfood Pesticides residues in rice from India 19-09-2023 Belgium
11:48:42 border rejection notification serious Netherlands INFOSAN India,Netherlands India chlorpyrifos unauthorised substance
2023.6334 feed materials feed Salmonella spp. and Enterobacteriaceae in dog chews from India 19-09-2023 Germany
10:02:34 information notification forseriousattention INFOSAN,India Germany,India India Enterobacteriaceae too high count,Salmonella
2023.6249 dietetic foods, food supplements
food and Lead
and mercury
foods in ayurvedic food supplements from India 14-09-2023 Germany
12:15:03 information notification forseriousattention Germany INFOSAN,India Germany,India India arsenic ,lead high content,mercury
2023.6192 herbs and spices food Salmonella in betel leaves from India 12-09-2023 France
14:36:29 border rejection notification serious France,India India Salmonella
2023.6101 nuts, nut products and seeds
food Salmonella (wykryto/25 g w 4 z 5 próbek) w nasionach sezamu z Indii ///Salmonella07-09-2023
(in 4 out of Poland
samples) in sesame
from India
notificationserious India India,Poland India Salmonella
2023.6100 nuts, nut products and seeds
food Salmonella (wykryto/25 g w 1 z 5 próbek) w nasionach sezamu z Indii ///Salmonella07-09-2023
(in 1 of 5 samples)
14:52:32in sesame border
seeds fromrejection
Indianotification serious India India,Poland India Salmonella
2023.5736 nuts, nut products and seeds
food Salmonella senftenberg in hulled sesame seeds from India 24-08-2023 Norway
14:18:19 information notification forseriousattention Norway INFOSAN India,Norway India Salmonella Senftenberg
2023.5692 fruits and vegetables food Unauthorised substance monocrotophos in drumsticks (Moringa oleifera) from India23-08-2023 Germany 10:09:23 border rejection notification serious Germany,India,Netherlands
India monocrotophos unauthorised substance
2023.5687 fruits and vegetables food Unauthorized substance monocrotophos in horseradish tree pods (Moringa oleifera)23-08-2023from India Germany
08:54:06 border rejection notification serious Thailand Germany,India India monocrotophos unauthorised substance
2023.5642 herbs and spices food Aflatoxins in curcuma from India 21-08-2023 Switzerland
16:12:08 information notification forseriousattention INFOSAN Switzerland,TürkiyeIndia Aflatoxin B1
2023.5464 fruits and vegetables food Pesticide residues in moringa oleifera from India 11-08-2023 15:29:52
France border rejection notification serious France,India India alpha-cypermethrin ,clothianidin ,cypermethrin ,thiamethoxam
2023.5462 nuts, nut products and seeds
food Salmonella spp. in sesame seeds from India 11-08-2023 15:17:18
Poland border rejection notification serious India India,Poland India Salmonella
2023.5415 nuts, nut products and seeds
food Salmonella (wykryto/25 g w 1 z 5 próbek) w nasionach sezamu z Indii // Salmonella10-08-2023
in sesame seedsPoland
from India border rejection notification serious India India,Poland India Salmonella
2023.5293 dietetic foods, food supplements
food and High
of lead and PAH in brahmi powder from China 04-08-2023 Sweden
10:32:25 information notification forseriousattention Sweden INFOSAN China,Sweden India lead high content,polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons sum of
2023.5218 nuts, nut products and seeds
food Salmonella (wykryto/25 g w 1 z 5 próbek) w nasionach sezamu z Indii/Salmonella (detected/25
02-08-2023 Poland
g in 1 of 5 samples)border
in sesame
from India
serious India,Poland India Salmonella
2023.5144 nuts, nut products and seeds
food Aflatoxins in Indian peanuts 31-07-2023 Netherlands
09:40:33 border rejection notification serious India,Netherlands,Switzerland
India Aflatoxin B1 ,aflatoxin total
2023.5140 nuts, nut products and seeds
food aflatoxin in Indian groundnuts 31-07-2023 Netherlands
09:24:06 border rejection notification serious India,Netherlands,Switzerland
India Aflatoxin B1
2023.4984 nuts, nut products and seeds
food aflatoxin B1 in groundnut kernels from India 25-07-2023 Netherlands
11:57:18 border rejection notification serious India,Netherlands India Aflatoxin B1
2023.4828 nuts, nut products and seeds
food Aflatoxins in peanut butter from India 18-07-2023 Greece
13:28:28 border rejection notification serious Greece Greece,India India Aflatoxin B1 ,aflatoxin total
2023.4773 nuts, nut products and seeds
food RESIDUES OF UNAUTHORISED PESTICIDES IN BASMATI RICE FROM INDIA 14-07-2023 Cyprus 15:12:28 border rejection notification serious Cyprus INFOSAN India Cyprus,India India carbendazim unauthorised substance,thiamethoxam ,tricyclazole unauthorised substance
2023.4706 nuts, nut products and seeds
food Aflatoxins in nutmeg powder from India 12-07-2023 France
15:54:36 border rejection notification serious France,India India Aflatoxins B1 ,aflatoxin total
2023.4636 nuts, nut products and seeds
food Aflatoxin B1 in Indian peanuts 11-07-2023 08:00:21
Netherlands border rejection notification serious India,Netherlands,Switzerland
India Aflatoxin B1
2023.4621 fruits and vegetables food Unauthorised substance monocrotophos in drumsticks (Moringa oleifera) from India10-07-2023 Germany 15:41:49 border rejection notification serious Germany Germany,India India monocrotophos unauthorised substance
2023.4585 fats and oils food Exceedance of the limit value for erucic acid in mustard oil from India 07-07-2023 Germany
15:30:26 alert notification serious Belgium,Finland,France,Germany,Luxembourg,Netherlands,Romania
Germany,India India erucic acid too high level
2023.4532 nuts, nut products and seeds
food Aflatoxin B1 in Indian peanuts 06-07-2023 Netherlands
07:30:48 border rejection notification serious India,Netherlands,Switzerland
India Aflatoxin B1
2023.4521 nuts, nut products and seeds
food Aflatoxin B1 in Indian peanut 05-07-2023 Netherlands
15:33:37 border rejection notification serious India,Netherlands,Switzerland
India Aflatoxin B1
2023.4458 fruits and vegetables food Undeclared allergenic sulphur dioxide in dry plums from India 03-07-2023 Denmark
16:23:00 alert notification serious Denmark,Sweden INFOSAN India,Sweden Denmark,India India sulphur dioxide (SO2)
2023.4455 fish and fish products food Histamine in Tuna from India 03-07-2023 Netherlands
16:16:45 information notification forseriousattention Belgium,Denmark,Germany,Netherlands
Netherlands India,Netherlands India histamine
2023.4418 nuts, nut products and seeds
food Salmonella in sesame seeds from India 30-06-2023 Poland
13:37:48 border rejection notification serious Poland India,Poland India Salmonella
2023.4394 nuts, nut products and seeds
food Aflatoxin in Indian groundnuts 29-06-2023 Netherlands
16:27:15 border rejection notification serious India,Netherlands,Switzerland
India Aflatoxin B1
2023.4340 herbs and spices food Aflatoxins in chilly powder from India 28-06-2023 Malta11:25:06 border rejection notification serious Malta India India Aflatoxin B1
2023.4309 nuts, nut products and seeds
food salmonella in Indian Sesamseed 27-06-2023 Netherlands
11:27:02 border rejection notification serious India,Netherlands India Salmonella spp.
2023.4251 nuts, nut products and seeds
food Salmonella spp. in sesame seeds from India 23-06-2023 Poland
16:32:22 border rejection notification serious India India,Poland India Salmonella
2023.4226 herbs and spices food Chlorpyrifos in coriander seeds powder from India 22-06-2023 Denmark
17:14:50 alert notification serious Denmark,Sweden INFOSAN Netherlands,Sweden Denmark,Netherlands,United
India Kingdomchlorpyrifos unauthorised substance
2023.4224 fruits and vegetables food Chlorpyrifos in mango from India 22-06-2023 Germany
16:56:34 information notification forseriousattention Germany INFOSAN India Germany,India India chlorpyrifos unauthorised substance
reference category type subject date notifying_countryclassification risk_decisiondistribution forAttention forFollowUp operator origin hazards

2023.4223 herbs and spices food Ethylene oxide in spice mixture from India 22-06-2023 Germany
16:49:28 alert notification serious Austria,Belgium,Croatia,Czech
India 2-chloroethanol
2023.4218 herbs and spices food Ethylene oxide in spice mixture from India, via the United Kingdom 22-06-2023 Germany
15:46:09 alert notification serious Austria,Belgium,Croatia,France,Germany,Luxembourg,Netherlands,Switzerland
Arab Emirates
India Arab Emirates,United
2023.4205 fruits and vegetables food Monocrotophos and imidacloprid in moringa from India 22-06-2023 Switzerland
12:52:54 border rejection notification serious India,Switzerland India imidacloprid ,monocrotophos unauthorised substance
2023.4118 cephalopods and productsfoodthereof Cadmium in frozen cleaned cuttlefish (Sepia Pharaonis) from India 19-06-2023 Italy
15:05:25 information notification forserious
attention INFOSAN India,Italy India cadmium
2023.4117 crustaceans and products thereof
food nitrofurans (AOZ) in shrimps from India 19-06-2023 Belgium
14:51:53 border rejection notification serious INFOSAN India Belgium,India India nitrofuran (metabolite) furazolidone (AOZ) prohibited substance
2023.4053 pet food feed Salmonella in petfood (dogchews) from the Netherlands 16-06-2023 Belgium
10:33:28 alert notification serious Belgium,Netherlands Netherlands Belgium,India,Netherlands
India Salmonella spp
2023.3724 dietetic foods, food supplements
food and Unauthorized
fortified foods
substances (Yohimbine and Ephedra) in food supplements on web shop 02-06-2023
from IndiaBelgium
15:01:19 information notification forserious
attention Belgium,India INFOSAN India India India
2023.3622 herbs and spices food Chlorpyrifos and pyridate in dried hot madras spices 30-05-2023 Netherlands
18:01:07 alert notification serious Austria,Belgium,Germany,Netherlands,Switzerland
Netherlands,United Kingdom Netherlands,UnitedIndia
Kingdom chlorpyrifos
2023.3618 herbs and spices food Pesticide residues in cumin from India 30-05-2023 Netherlands
17:14:11 alert notification serious Austria,Belgium,Croatia,Czech
India Kingdom acetamiprid ,carbendazim ,chlorpyriphos-ethyl ,clothianidin ,imidacloprid ,pyraclostrobin ,thiamethoxam
2023.3602 fruits and vegetables food Pesticides in yardlong beans 30-05-2023 Sweden
14:13:34 border rejection notification serious Sweden INFOSAN India,Sweden India omethoate
2023.3348 crustaceans and products thereof
food furazolidon (aoz) in shrimps from India 19-05-2023 Netherlands
12:50:58 border rejection notification serious India,Netherlands India furazolidon
2023.3268 herbs and spices food Unauthorized color orange II in curry powder from India 17-05-2023 Belgium
09:50:21 border rejection notification serious France INFOSAN France,India India Orange II unauthorised colour
2023.3149 herbs and spices food Foreign body (waxy) in condiment paste from India 11-05-2023 16:02:48
Germany alert notification serious Germany Netherlands India,Netherlands India
2023.3111 nuts, nut products and seeds
food Aflatoxin B1 and Total in Peanut butter from India 10-05-2023 Netherlands
15:45:17 border rejection notification serious Germany,India,Netherlands
India Aflatoxin B1 ,aflatoxin total
2023.3097 nuts, nut products and seeds
food aflatoxin in Indian groundnuts 10-05-2023 Netherlands
12:17:34 border rejection notification serious India,Netherlands,Switzerland
India Aflatoxin B1 ,aflatoxin total
2023.3096 nuts, nut products and seeds
food aflatoxin in Indian groundnuts 10-05-2023 Netherlands
12:14:43 border rejection notification serious India,Netherlands,Switzerland
India Aflatoxin B1
2023.2797 crustaceans and products thereof
food nitrofurans (AOZ) in shrimps from India 27-04-2023 Belgium
14:17:49 border rejection notification serious India Belgium,India India nitrofuran (metabolite) furazolidone (AOZ) prohibited substance
2023.2743 nuts, nut products and seeds
food Salmonella spp. in sesame seeds from India 25-04-2023 Germany
15:39:03 border rejection notification serious Germany Germany,India India Salmonella spp.
2023.2686 pet food feed Salmonella spp in dried dogchews from Indie 21-04-2023 Poland
17:32:58 information notification forserious
attention Poland India,Poland India Salmonella spp.
2023.2601 nuts, nut products and seeds
food 2-Chloroethanol, Chlorate and Chlorpyrifos in white sesame from India, via the Netherlands
18-04-2023 Germany
17:46:15 alert notification serious Austria,Belgium,Denmark,Finland,France,Germany,Iceland,Ireland,Luxembourg,Netherlands,Romania,Spain,Sweden,Switzerland,United
India 2-chloroethanol ,chlorate unauthorised substance,chlorpyrifos
Kingdom ,ethylene oxide ,profenofos unauthorised substance
2023.2545 fruits and vegetables food Acephate, Fipronil, Methamidophos and Tolfenpyrad in moringa from India 17-04-2023 France
14:37:16 border rejection notification serious France,India India acephate unauthorised substance,fipronil unauthorised substance,methamidophos unauthorised substance,tolfenpyrad
2023.2378 food contact materials food contact
in a bottle 06-04-2023 France
17:05:45 alert notification serious Austria,Belgium,Czech
Italy Austria,France,India,Spain
India copper migration
2023.2318 nuts, nut products and seeds
food aflatoxin in Indian groundnuts 05-04-2023 Netherlands
12:46:39 border rejection notification serious India,Netherlands,Switzerland
India Aflatoxin B1 ,aflatoxin total
2023.2259 nuts, nut products and seeds
food Salmonella Senftenberg in sesame seeds from India 03-04-2023 Germany
14:47:52 border rejection notification serious Austria Austria,India India Salmonella Senftenberg
2023.2167 fruits and vegetables food Salmonella in betel leaves from India 30-03-2023 France
12:18:41 border rejection notification serious France,India India Salmonella spp.
2023.2012 fruits and vegetables food Buprofezin, chlorpyrifos, ethion, profenofos, tricyclazole, fipronil and fenpropathrin in24-03-2023
chilli crushed
from India border rejection notification serious Greece,India India buprofezin ,chlorpyrifos unauthorised substance,ethion ,fenpropathrin ,fipronil unauthorised substance,profenofos unauthorised substance,tricyclazole unauthorise
2023.1999 fruits and vegetables food several pesticides in chili peppers (Capsicum annuum) from India 23-03-2023 Sweden
18:13:40 border rejection notification serious India,Sweden India ethion
2023.1965 feed materials feed Aflatoxin B1 in Indian peanuts for bird feed 23-03-2023 Netherlands
10:53:29 border rejection notification serious India,Netherlands India Aflatoxin B1
2023.1947 nuts, nut products and seeds
food Aflatoxin in Indian groundnuts 22-03-2023 Netherlands
14:52:10 border rejection notification serious India,Netherlands,Switzerland
India Aflatoxin B1 ,aflatoxin total
2023.1942 nuts, nut products and seeds
food Aflatoxin in Indian groundnuts 22-03-2023 Netherlands
13:59:29 border rejection notification serious India,Netherlands,Switzerland
India Aflatoxin B1
2023.1937 herbs and spices food Salmonella in smoked paprika powder from Spain 22-03-2023 Germany
12:01:11 alert notification serious Germany,Spain Spain China,Germany,India,Spain
China,India,Spain Salmonella
2023.1892 nuts, nut products and seeds
food Aflatoxin in Indian groundnuts 21-03-2023 Netherlands
08:38:09 border rejection notification serious India,Netherlands,Switzerland
India Aflatoxin B1 ,aflatoxin total
2023.1798 nuts, nut products and seeds
food Aflatoxin in Indian groundnuts 16-03-2023 Netherlands
08:36:59 border rejection notification serious India,Netherlands,Switzerland
India Aflatoxin B1 ,aflatoxin total
2023.1797 nuts, nut products and seeds
food aflatoxins (B1 = 8.8; Tot. = 9.8 µg/kg - ppb) in groundnut kernels from India 16-03-2023 Netherlands
08:30:54 border rejection notification serious Switzerland India,Netherlands,Switzerland
India Aflatoxin B1 ,aflatoxin total
2023.1735 dietetic foods, food supplements
food and High
content foods
of lead in food supplement from India, via UK 14-03-2023 Czech
Republic information notification forserious
follow-up Czech Republic Czech Republic,India,United
India Kingdomlead high content
2023.1652 fruits and vegetables food Fipronil, Acephate, Methamidophos and Permethrine in Moringa from India 09-03-2023 France
15:42:52 border rejection notification serious France,India India acephate unauthorised substance,fipronil unauthorised substance,methamidophos unauthorised substance,permethrin
2023.1567 fruits and vegetables food Acephate, Methamidophos and Carbendazime in green beans from Kenya 06-03-2023 France
16:08:52 border rejection notification serious France,Kenya India acephate unauthorised substance,carbendazim unauthorised substance,methamidophos unauthorised substance
2023.1565 fruits and vegetables food Fipronil and Monocrotophos in Moringa oleifera from India 06-03-2023 France
15:37:55 border rejection notification serious France,India India fipronil unauthorised substance,monocrotophos unauthorised substance
2023.0185 other food product / mixed food Ethyleen oxide in Indian SWAD Aloo Mutter 03-03-2023 Netherlands
16:34:22 border rejection notification serious India,Netherlands India pesticide residues
2023.1455 herbs and spices food 2-Chloroethanol in spice mixture from India 01-03-2023 Germany
12:15:56 border rejection notification serious Germany Germany,India India 2-chloroethanol
2023.1442 nuts, nut products and seeds
food Salmonella in Indian Sesame seed 28-02-2023 Netherlands
16:09:42 border rejection notification serious India,Netherlands India Salmonella spp.
2023.1440 fruits and vegetables food Salmonella in betel leaves from India 28-02-2023 France
15:42:12 border rejection notification serious France,India India Salmonella typhimurium DT 193 - multiresistant
2023.1182 herbs and spices food Pyrrolizidine alkaloids in cumin from India, packaged in the United Kingdom, via the17-02-2023
15:58:53 alert notification serious United Kingdom INFOSAN,Ireland Netherlands India,Netherlands,United
India Kingdom pyrrolizidine alkaloids
2023.1117 nuts, nut products and seeds
food Salmonella in Indian Sesam Seeds 16-02-2023 Netherlands
12:11:51 border rejection notification serious India,Netherlands India Salmonella spp.
2023.1092 herbs and spices food Chlorpyrifos, tricyclazole, carbendazim, thiamethoxam and acetamiprid in cumin seeds 15-02-2023
from India
13:25:37 border rejection notification serious Bulgaria,India India acetamiprid ,carbendazim unauthorised substance,chlorpyrifos unauthorised substance,thiamethoxam ,tricyclazole unauthorised substance
2023.1014 herbs and spices food Unauthorised substances chlorpyrifos, hexaconazole, tricyclazole, carbendazim and13-02-2023
thiamethoxam, flonicamid
border rejection
and acetamiprid
in cumin ground from India Greece,India India acetamiprid ,carbendazim unauthorised substance,chlorpyrifos unauthorised substance,flonicamid ,hexaconazole unauthorised substance,thiamethoxam ,tricyclaz
2023.1013 fruits and vegetables food Unauthorised substances chlorpyrifos, carbendazim and substances buprofezin,ethion 13-02-2023
and propamocarb
07:56:07 in raisinsborder
from India
rejection notificationserious Greece,India India buprofezin ,carbendazim unauthorised substance,chlorpyrifos unauthorised substance,ethion ,propamocarb
2023.0824 cereals and bakery productsfood Unauthorised substance tricyclazole (0.029 mg/kg - ppm) in rice powder from India 03-02-2023 Switzerland
12:45:16 information notification forserious
attention Switzerland INFOSAN India,Switzerland India tricyclazole unauthorised substance
2023.0816 cereals and bakery productsfood Chlorpyrifos in roasted rice flour 03-02-2023 Switzerland
10:36:38 information notification forserious
attention Switzerland INFOSAN Switzerland,UnitedIndia
Kingdom chlorpyrifos unauthorised substance
2023.0785 herbs and spices food Excessive levels of the pesticide dimethomorph in cardamom from India 02-02-2023 Germany
15:44:35 border rejection notification serious Germany Germany,India India dimethomorph ,metalaxyl ,quinalphos ,tebuconazole
2023.0183 cereals and bakery productsfood ethyleen oxide in Mutter Paneer 25-01-2023 Netherlands
12:30:30 border rejection notification serious India,Netherlands India pesticide residues
2023.0547 other food product / mixed food Aflatoxins in soy chunks from India, via the Netherlands 23-01-2023 Germany
17:16:26 alert notification serious Germany INFOSAN,Netherlands
Germany,NetherlandsGermany,Netherlands India Aflatoxin B1 ,aflatoxin total ,ochratoxin A
2023.0466 cephalopods and productsfoodthereof Cadmium in frozen whole Indo-Pacific squid 19-01-2023 Italy
16:49:44 alert notification serious Greece INFOSAN Greece India,Italy India cadmium
2023.0386 fruits and vegetables food Pesticide residues in fresh chillies from India 17-01-2023 Germany
13:02:34 border rejection notification serious Germany,India India acetamiprid ,carbofuran ,fipronil unauthorised substance,tebuconazole
2023.0319 nuts, nut products and seeds
food Salmonella Kentucky and Salmonella Senftenberg in sesame seeds from India 13-01-2023 Germany
16:40:29 border rejection notification serious Austria,Germany,India
India Salmonella Kentucky ,Salmonella Senftenberg
2022.7512 nuts, nut products and seeds
food Sale of non-authorized novel food Betel Nuts 22-12-2022 Belgium
14:50:07 alert notification serious Belgium,France,Germany,Ireland,Netherlands,Spain,Sweden
India Kingdom
2022.6513 nuts, nut products and seeds
food aflatoxin in Indian Peanutbutter 08-11-2022 08:08:15
Netherlands border rejection notification serious India,Netherlands India Aflatoxin B1
2022.6452 cereals and bakery productsfood Tricyclazol in roasted white rice floor from India 04-11-2022 11:17:39
Switzerland information notification forserious
attention INFOSAN India,Switzerland India pesticide residues
2022.6288 cereals and bakery productsfood Chlorpyrifos, tricyclazole and thiamethoxam in rice from India 27-10-2022 Germany
13:38:33 border rejection notification serious INFOSAN Germany,India India chlorpyrifos unauthorised substance,thiamethoxam ,tricyclazole unauthorised substance
2022.6143 herbs and spices food Chlorpyrifos in cumin seeds from India, via Italy 20-10-2022 Germany
17:12:23 alert notification serious Austria,Belgium,Bulgaria,Croatia,Cyprus,Czech
India Republic,Denmark,Estonia,Finland,France,Germany,Greece,Hungary,Ireland,Italy,Malta,Netherlands,Poland,Portugal,Romania,Slovakia,Spain,Sweden,Switzerland
acetamiprid ,chlorpyrifos unauthorised substance,clothianidin ,imidacloprid ,thiamethoxam
2022.6056 cereals and bakery productsfood ochratoxin A in Indian Rice 18-10-2022 Netherlands
14:04:16 border rejection notification serious India,Netherlands India ochratoxin A
2022.6041 other food product / mixed food Excessive levels of pentachlorophenol in licorice root extract from India 17-10-2022 Germany
15:38:44 border rejection notification serious Germany Germany,India India pentachlorophenol
2022.5980 cereals and bakery productsfood ochratoxin A in Indian Rice 14-10-2022 Netherlands
08:07:12 border rejection notification serious India,Netherlands India ochratoxin A
2022.5868 crustaceans and products thereof
food Nitrofurans (AOZ) in shrimps from India 10-10-2022 Belgium
13:25:08 border rejection notification serious India,Netherlands India nitrofuran (metabolite) furazolidone (AOZ) prohibited substance
2022.5825 nuts, nut products and seeds
food Presence of Salmonella spp. in hulled sesame seeds from India 07-10-2022 Greece
12:15:34 border rejection notification serious Greece Greece,India India Salmonella enteritidis
2022.5691 crustaceans and products thereof
food Detection of vibrio in a batch of shrimp 30-09-2022 France
15:59:29 information notification forserious
attention France INFOSAN France,India India Vibrio vulnificus
2022.5521 nuts, nut products and seeds
food Pyrrolizidinalkaloids in cumin seeds from India 22-09-2022 Netherlands
18:04:06 information notification forserious
attention Netherlands INFOSAN India,Netherlands India pyrrolizidine alkaloids
2022.5459 nuts, nut products and seeds
food Presence of Salmonella spp. in hulled sesame seeds from India 20-09-2022 Greece
13:26:43 border rejection notification serious Greece Greece,India India Salmonella enteritidis
2022.5445 nuts, nut products and seeds
food Salmonella spp. in sesame seeds from India 20-09-2022 Poland
09:48:49 border rejection notification serious India,Poland India Salmonella spp.
2022.5442 cereals and bakery productsfood Pesticides residues in rice from India 20-09-2022 Belgium
08:29:14 border rejection notification serious Italy,United Kingdom Belgium,India,Italy,United
India Kingdom imidacloprid ,thiamethoxam ,tricyclazole unauthorised substance
2022.5440 cereals and bakery productsfood pesticide chlorpyrifos in hot mixture from India with destination Germany 19-09-2022 Belgium
17:26:14 alert notification serious Germany INFOSAN Germany Belgium,Germany,India
India carbendazim unauthorised substance,chlorpyrifos unauthorised substance
2022.5432 fruits and vegetables food Monocrotophos in Amla berries from India 19-09-2022 Germany
14:27:11 information notification forserious
attention Germany INFOSAN Germany,India India lambda-cyhalothrin ,monocrotophos unauthorised substance
2022.5214 nuts, nut products and seeds
13:14:56 border rejection notification serious Greece,India India Salmonella enteritidis
2022.5213 nuts, nut products and seeds
13:04:50 border rejection notification serious Greece,India India Salmonella enteritidis
2022.5186 nuts, nut products and seeds
food Salmonella in sesame seeds from India 07-09-2022 Sweden
09:31:34 border rejection notification serious India,Sweden India Salmonella enteritidis
2022.5093 nuts, nut products and seeds
food Aflatoxin in nut cracker snacks from India 02-09-2022 Italy
11:15:32 border rejection notification serious India,Italy India Aflatoxin B1 ,aflatoxin total
2022.4997 cereals and bakery productsfood thiamethoxam and unauthorised substance tricyclazole in basmati rice from India 30-08-2022 Portugal 11:41:51 border rejection notification serious India India thiamethoxam ,tricyclazole unauthorised substance
2022.4821 herbs and spices food Curcuma contaminated with pesticides from India 19-08-2022 Austria
14:32:39 alert notification serious Austria Austria Austria,Germany,India
India chlorpyrifos unauthorised substance
2022.4813 herbs and spices food Chlorpyrifos in fenugreek leaves from India, via Germany 19-08-2022 Austria
11:50:40 alert notification serious Austria,Croatia,Hungary
Austria,INFOSAN Croatia,Germany,Hungary
India chlorpyrifos unauthorised substance
2022.4654 nuts, nut products and seeds
food aflatoxins in groundnuts from India 10-08-2022 Belgium
08:45:39 border rejection notification serious Netherlands Netherlands Belgium,India,Netherlands
India Aflatoxin B1 ,aflatoxin total
2022.4575 cereals and bakery productsfood Tricyclazole residues in rice from India. 05-08-2022 Belgium
09:21:07 border rejection notification serious INFOSAN Belgium,Germany,India
India tricyclazole unauthorised substance
2022.4517 feed materials feed Aflatoxins in cotton meal from India via Bulgaria 03-08-2022 Netherlands
10:57:39 information notification forserious
attention Bulgaria Bulgaria,INFOSAN,Netherlands Bulgaria,India India Aflatoxin B1
2022.4491 herbs and spices food Salmonella Reading in dried fenugreek leaves from India 02-08-2022 Germany
12:41:40 alert notification serious Austria,Croatia,Czech
India Salmonella spp
2022.4432 nuts, nut products and seeds
food aflatoxines in peanuts from India 29-07-2022 Belgium
14:30:08 border rejection notification serious INFOSAN Belgium,India India Aflatoxin B1 ,aflatoxin total
2022.4407 food additives and flavourings
food Unauthorised colours (Acid Yellow 36, Auramine O, Orange II) in food colouring powder. 28-07-2022 Finland
15:45:46 alert notification serious Finland,United Kingdom
Finland,INFOSAN Finland,Netherlands Finland,India,Netherlands,United
India Kingdom
Acid Yellow 36 unauthorised colour,Auramine O unauthorised colour,Orange II unauthorised colour
2022.4400 food additives and flavourings
food Unauthorised colours in food colouring powder 28-07-2022 Finland
14:27:45 alert notification serious Germany,NetherlandsINFOSAN,Netherlands
Germany Finland,Netherlands,United
India Kingdom Sudan 1 unauthorised colour
2022.4372 nuts, nut products and seeds
food Salmonella spp. in hulled sesame seeds from India 27-07-2022 Greece
11:45:43 border rejection notification serious Greece Greece,India India Salmonella enteritidis
2022.4266 cereals and bakery productsfood Unauthorized pesticides residues tricyclazole in rice from India 20-07-2022 Belgium
17:55:01 alert notification serious France INFOSAN France France,India India tricyclazole unauthorised substance
2022.4238 fruits and vegetables food Okra India Ref: 22052522 20-07-2022 Netherlands
07:28:57 border rejection notification serious Germany,India,Netherlands
India dimethoate
2022.4154 food additives and flavourings
food Peanut in soya lecithin from India 15-07-2022 Spain
13:00:20 alert notification serious Slovakia,Spain INFOSAN,Spain India,Spain India peanut undeclared
2022.4143 cereals and bakery productsfood Elevated Levels of Ochratoxin A (4.5±0.1 µg/kg) in East End Rice 15-07-2022 Ireland
09:36:55 border rejection notification serious INFOSAN United Kingdom India ochratoxin A
2022.4108 nuts, nut products and seeds
food aflatoxin B1 in peanut butter from India 13-07-2022 Belgium
17:30:19 border rejection notification serious Belgium,India India Aflatoxin B1
reference category type subject date notifying_countryclassification risk_decisiondistribution forAttention forFollowUp operator origin hazards

2022.4099 food additives and flavourings

food Undeclared peanuts in liquid soya lecithin, from India, via The Netherlands 13-07-2022 Spain
15:45:17 alert notification serious Spain INFOSAN,Spain Netherlands India,Netherlands,Spain,United
India Arab Emirates
peanut undeclared
2022.4083 herbs and spices food Pesticides residues in curry leaves from India 12-07-2022 Belgium
18:50:24 border rejection notification serious France Belgium,France,India
India carbendazim unauthorised substance,cyfluthrin ,dimethoate ,imidacloprid ,profenofos unauthorised substance,thiamethoxam
2022.4059 nuts, nut products and seeds
food Aflatoxins in groundnuts from India 11-07-2022 16:13:34
Italy border rejection notification serious India,Italy India aflatoxin total
2022.4053 fruits and vegetables food Lambda-cyhalothrin in grapes from India via the Netherlands 11-07-2022 14:14:19
Belgium information notification forserious
attention Austria,Belgium,Cyprus,France,Germany,Ghana,Greece,Iceland,Lithuania,Malaysia,Maldives,Netherlands,United
Netherlands Belgium,India,Netherlands
India lambda-cyhalothrin Kingdom,United States
2022.3945 herbs and spices food 2-Chloroethanol in spice mixture from India 06-07-2022 Germany
17:15:20 border rejection notification serious Poland India,Poland India 2-chloroethanol
2022.3941 cereals and bakery productsfood Ochratoxin A in Rice India Ref: 22063782 06-07-2022 Netherlands
16:48:03 border rejection notification serious Netherlands India,Netherlands India ochratoxin A
2022.3929 fruits and vegetables food Methamidophos, acephate and permethrin in drumsticks from India 06-07-2022 Switzerland
14:33:22 border rejection notification serious INFOSAN India,Switzerland India acephate unauthorised substance,methamidophos unauthorised substance,permethrin unauthorised substance
2022.3915 nuts, nut products and seeds
food aflatoxin in Indian groundnuts 06-07-2022 Netherlands
08:05:18 border rejection notification serious India,Netherlands India Aflatoxin B1 ,aflatoxin total
2022.3871 herbs and spices food Salmonella bareilly in Curry powder 04-07-2022 Finland
11:59:52 alert notification serious Aruba,Austria,Belgium,Bulgaria,Croatia,Czech
2022.3863 cereals and bakery productsfood OchratoxinA in Indian Rice 04-07-2022 Netherlands
08:43:55 border rejection notification serious Netherlands India,Netherlands India ochratoxin A
2022.3798 cephalopods and productsfoodthereof Seppia indopacifica decongelata - presenza di cadmio oltre i limiti/Cadmium in frozen
cuttlefish Italy
09:46:33 pharaonis) from
Spain made
with raw
attentionfrom Italy,Spain
India INFOSAN,Spain India,Italy,Spain India,Spain cadmium
2022.3762 cereals and bakery productsfood Pesticides residues in rice from India 28-06-2022 Belgium
16:57:08 information notification forserious
attention Netherlands Netherlands India,Netherlands India thiamethoxam ,tricyclazole unauthorised substance
2022.3625 fats and oils food Glycidyl esters in sesame oil from India 21-06-2022 Netherlands
12:04:07 alert notification serious Ireland INFOSAN Ireland India,Ireland,Netherlands
India glycidyl esters
2022.3624 herbs and spices food aflatoxin B1 in red chili powder from India 21-06-2022 Italy
11:59:47 border rejection notification serious India,Italy India Aflatoxin B1
2022.3521 herbs and spices food Pyrrolizidine alkaloidin cumin 15-06-2022 Switzerland
11:18:08 information notification forserious
attention Switzerland INFOSAN India,Switzerland India pyrrolizidine alkaloids
2022.3066 herbs and spices food PAH in Turmeric from India via the Netherlands 02-06-2022 Austria
17:23:06 alert notification serious Armenia,Austria,Croatia,Czech
India benzo(a)pyrene Kingdom
2022.3156 other food product / mixed food Excessive content of bifenthrin in organic moringa powder from India 30-05-2022 Germany
16:56:10 information notification forserious
attention Germany Germany,India India bifenthrin
2022.3132 nuts, nut products and seeds
food aflatoxin in Indian groundnuts 30-05-2022 Netherlands
10:24:33 border rejection notification serious India,Netherlands,Switzerland
India Aflatoxin B1
2022.3108 nuts, nut products and seeds
food Presence of Salmonella spp. in Indian hulled sesame seeds 27-05-2022 Greece
12:33:28 border rejection notification serious Greece Austria Austria,Greece,India
India Salmonella enteritidis
2022.3039 nuts, nut products and seeds
food aflatoxin in Indian groundnuts 24-05-2022 Netherlands
15:29:57 border rejection notification serious Finland,India,Netherlands
India Aflatoxin B1
2022.3038 other food product / mixed food Ethylene oxide in Boswellia serrata extract 24-05-2022 Poland
15:28:15 border rejection notification serious India,Poland India 2-chloroethanol
2022.3005 herbs and spices food Salmonella in dried fenugreek leaves from India 23-05-2022 Austria
12:41:31 alert notification serious Austria,Czech Republic,Hungary,Serbia,Slovakia
INFOSAN Austria,United Kingdom
India Salmonella enteritidis
2022.2990 cereals and bakery productsfood Ochratoxin A in Basmati Rice from India via UK 20-05-2022 Cyprus
16:32:00 border rejection notification serious Cyprus INFOSAN Malta Cyprus,Italy India ochratoxin A
2022.2980 nuts, nut products and seeds
food aflatoxin in Indian groundnuts 20-05-2022 Netherlands
14:05:42 border rejection notification serious India,Netherlands,Switzerland
India Aflatoxin B1 ,aflatoxin total
2022.2960 nuts, nut products and seeds
food aflatoxin in Indian groundnuts 19-05-2022 Netherlands
17:45:57 border rejection notification serious India,Netherlands,Switzerland
India Aflatoxin B1 ,aflatoxin total
2022.2953 nuts, nut products and seeds
food aflatoxin in Indian groundnuts 19-05-2022 Netherlands
16:44:45 information notification forserious
attention India,Netherlands,Switzerland
India Aflatoxin B1 ,aflatoxin total
2022.2942 herbs and spices food Unauthorized pesticide residues in Chilli powder from India 19-05-2022 Cyprus
15:06:31 border rejection notification serious Cyprus INFOSAN Cyprus,India India bifenthrin ,chlorpyrifos unauthorised substance,fluopyram ,pesticide residues ,tebuconazole
2022.2875 nuts, nut products and seeds
food 2-chloroethanol in sesame seeds 16-05-2022 Sweden
12:37:49 border rejection notification serious Sweden Lebanon,Sweden India 2-chloroethanol
2022.2841 herbs and spices food pesticides in Cumin from India via Unitd Kingdom 13-05-2022 Netherlands
10:08:00 alert notification serious Belgium,Germany,Netherlands,Slovenia
INFOSAN Belgium,Germany,Slovenia
India Kingdom acetamiprid ,carbendazim unauthorised substance,chlorpyrifos unauthorised substance,clothianidin ,kresoxim-methyl ,thiamethoxam ,tricyclazole unauthorised su
2022.2831 herbs and spices food Plaguicidas no autorizados en comino de la India.Unauthorized pesticides (chlorpyirifós,
tricyclazol) inborder
cumin rejection
from India. notification
serious India,Spain India HCH prohibited substance,chlorpyrifos unauthorised substance,tolfenpyrad ,tricyclazole unauthorised substance
2022.2818 cereals and bakery productsfood Elevated Levels of Ochratoxin A (6.3 µg/kg) in East End Basmati Rice 12-05-2022 Ireland
13:18:35 border rejection notification serious INFOSAN Ireland,United Kingdom
India ochratoxin A
2022.2794 nuts, nut products and seeds
food Aflatoxins in Indian Groundnut Kernels 12-05-2022 Netherlands
07:47:24 border rejection notification serious India,Netherlands,Switzerland
India Aflatoxin B1 ,aflatoxin total
2022.2788 food additives and flavourings
food Presence of peanut protein in liquid soy lecithin from India 11-05-2022 17:49:47
Spain alert notification serious Belgium,Germany,Poland,Portugal,Spain
2022.2728 herbs and spices food Pesticides (various) a.o. Chlorpyriphos in Cumin 09-05-2022 Netherlands
17:08:30 alert notification serious Austria,Belgium,Bosnia
and Herzegovina,Croatia,Czech
India Kingdom
acetamiprid ,carbendazim unauthorised substance,chlorpyrifos ,clothianidin ,hexaconazole unauthorised substance,imidacloprid ,kresoxim-methyl ,thiamethoxam
2022.2718 nuts, nut products and seeds
food Aflatoxin B1 in Indian Groundnuts 09-05-2022 Netherlands
14:30:10 border rejection notification serious India,Netherlands,Switzerland
India Aflatoxin B1
2022.2572 other food product / mixed food 2-Chloroethanol in white organic quinoa from India 03-05-2022 Germany
14:14:55 alert notification serious Czech Republic,France,Germany,Romania,Spain,Sweden
Germany,INFOSANCzech Republic,France,Romania,Spain,Sweden
Germany,India India 2-chloroethanol
2022.2565 nuts, nut products and seeds
food aflatoxin in Indian groundnuts 03-05-2022 Netherlands
12:32:52 border rejection notification serious Switzerland India,Netherlands,Switzerland
India Aflatoxin B1
2022.2548 nuts, nut products and seeds
food Aflatoxins in Indian Groundnut Kernels 02-05-2022 Netherlands
15:40:41 border rejection notification serious India,Netherlands,Switzerland
India Aflatoxin B1 ,aflatoxin total
2022.2509 nuts, nut products and seeds
food Aflatoxins in Indian Groundnut Kernels 29-04-2022 Netherlands
14:17:55 border rejection notification serious Switzerland India,Netherlands,Switzerland
India Aflatoxin B1 ,aflatoxin total
2022.2507 herbs and spices food Unauthorised pesticide residue Chlorpyriphos in Fenugreek Leaf from India 29-04-2022 Finland
13:29:27 border rejection notification serious Finland,India India chlorpyrifos-methyl unauthorised substance
2022.2499 nuts, nut products and seeds
food Aflatoxins in Indian Groundnut Kernels 29-04-2022 Netherlands
09:33:34 border rejection notification serious India,Netherlands India Aflatoxin B1 ,aflatoxin total
2022.2498 nuts, nut products and seeds
food Aflatoxins in Indian Groundnut Kernels 29-04-2022 Netherlands
09:28:13 border rejection notification serious India,Netherlands,Switzerland
India Aflatoxin B1 ,aflatoxin total
2022.2496 nuts, nut products and seeds
food Aflatoxins in Indian Groundnut Kernels 29-04-2022 Netherlands
08:51:53 border rejection notification serious Switzerland India,Netherlands,Switzerland
India Aflatoxin B1 ,aflatoxin total
2022.2494 nuts, nut products and seeds
food Aflatoxins in Indian Groundnut Kernels 29-04-2022 Netherlands
08:48:32 border rejection notification serious India,Netherlands,Switzerland
India Aflatoxin B1 ,aflatoxin total
2022.2493 nuts, nut products and seeds
food Aflatoxin B1 in Indian Groundnut Kernels 29-04-2022 Netherlands
08:44:27 border rejection notification serious Switzerland India,Netherlands,Switzerland
India Aflatoxin B1
2022.2400 cereals and bakery productsfood Triciclazolo e Thiamethoxam in Riso da India 26-04-2022 Italy
12:33:11 border rejection notification serious India,Italy India thiamethoxam ,tricyclazole unauthorised substance
2022.2243 nuts, nut products and seeds
food Aflatoxins in Indian Groundnut Kernels 15-04-2022 Netherlands
12:22:04 border rejection notification serious India,Netherlands,Switzerland
India Aflatoxin B1 ,aflatoxin total
2022.2240 nuts, nut products and seeds
food Aflatoxins in Indian Groundnut Kernels 15-04-2022 Netherlands
12:00:51 border rejection notification serious Switzerland India,Netherlands,Switzerland
India Aflatoxin B1 ,aflatoxin total
2022.2223 nuts, nut products and seeds
food aflatoxin in Indian groundnuts 14-04-2022 Netherlands
13:21:18 border rejection notification serious India,Netherlands,Switzerland
India Aflatoxin B1 ,aflatoxin total
2022.2202 nuts, nut products and seeds
food Aflatoxins in Indian groundnut kernel 13-04-2022 Netherlands
15:50:47 border rejection notification serious India,Netherlands,Switzerland
India Aflatoxin B1 ,aflatoxin total
2022.2168 nuts, nut products and seeds
food aflatoxin in Indian groundnuts 12-04-2022 Netherlands
11:58:02 border rejection notification serious India,Netherlands,Switzerland
India Aflatoxin B1 ,aflatoxin total
2022.2081 nuts, nut products and seeds
food aflatoxin in Indian groundnuts 07-04-2022 Netherlands
13:59:28 border rejection notification serious India,Netherlands,Switzerland
India Aflatoxin B1
2022.2038 nuts, nut products and seeds
food aflatoxin in Indian groundnuts 06-04-2022 Netherlands
12:07:31 border rejection notification serious India,Netherlands,Switzerland
India Aflatoxin B1 ,aflatoxin total
2022.2037 nuts, nut products and seeds
food aflatoxin in Indian groundnuts 06-04-2022 Netherlands
12:05:33 border rejection notification serious India,Netherlands,Switzerland
India Aflatoxin B1 ,aflatoxin total
2022.2031 fruits and vegetables food Unauthorised substance monocrotophos (0.54 mg/kg - ppm) in drumsticks from India 06-04-2022 Switzerland
10:03:56 border rejection notification serious Switzerland India,Switzerland India monocrotophos unauthorised substance
2022.2004 herbs and spices food 2-chloroethanol in spices from India 05-04-2022 Sweden
09:52:10 border rejection notification serious Sweden India,Sweden India 2-chloroethanol
2022.1898 nuts, nut products and seeds
food aflatoxin in Indian groundnuts 31-03-2022 Netherlands
08:54:29 border rejection notification serious Switzerland India,Netherlands,Switzerland
India Aflatoxin B1 ,aflatoxin total
2022.1896 nuts, nut products and seeds
food aflatoxin in Indian groundnuts 31-03-2022 Netherlands
08:50:38 border rejection notification serious Switzerland India,Netherlands,Switzerland
India Aflatoxin B1 ,aflatoxin total
2022.1894 nuts, nut products and seeds
food aflatoxin in Indian groundnuts 31-03-2022 Netherlands
08:47:53 border rejection notification serious India,Netherlands,Switzerland
India Aflatoxin B1 ,aflatoxin total
2022.1864 nuts, nut products and seeds
food aflatoxin in Indian groundnuts 30-03-2022 Netherlands
08:41:23 border rejection notification serious Switzerland India,Netherlands,Switzerland
India Aflatoxin B1 ,aflatoxin total
2022.1862 cereals and bakery productsfood Aflatoxin B1 exceed the limit in Basmati Rice from India 29-03-2022 Cyprus
17:58:42 border rejection notification serious Cyprus Cyprus,India India Aflatoxin B1
2022.1859 other food product / mixed food Allergen mustard not declared 29-03-2022 Netherlands
17:14:19 alert notification serious Belgium,Germany,Netherlands
INFOSAN Belgium,Germany India,Netherlands India
2022.1845 nuts, nut products and seeds
food Salmonella Bareilly in sesame seeds from India 29-03-2022 Germany
13:35:19 border rejection notification serious Germany,India India Salmonella Bareilly
2022.1762 herbs and spices food 2-chloroethanol (sum of 2-CE and EO) in cloves from India 24-03-2022 Sweden
17:14:30 border rejection notification serious India,Sweden India 2-chloroethanol
2022.1756 cephalopods and productsfoodthereof Cadmium in frozen cephalopods (octopus membranaceus) from India 24-03-2022 Italy
14:44:52 border rejection notification serious India,Italy India cadmium
2022.1720 herbs and spices food Undeclared sesame (allergen) in ground cumin, ingredient of prepared meals from India 23-03-2022 Spain
17:35:30 alert notification serious Andorra,Bulgaria,Dominican
India,Spain sesame undeclared
States States
2022.1684 fruits and vegetables food Detection of dimethoate in yard-long beans from India 23-03-2022 Germany
09:15:40 border rejection notification serious Germany Germany,India India dimethoate ,omethoate ,profenofos unauthorised substance
2022.1661 herbs and spices food 2-chloroethanol in spice mix from India 22-03-2022 Sweden
09:55:52 border rejection notification serious Sweden Sweden,United Kingdom
India 2-chloroethanol
2022.1656 fruits and vegetables food Unauthorised substance Monocrotophos (0.27 mg/kg - ppm) in drumsticks from India 21-03-2022 Switzerland
16:32:53 border rejection notification serious Switzerland India,Switzerland India monocrotophos unauthorised substance
2022.1615 fruits and vegetables food Unauthorised pesticide residue Dimethoate and Omethoate in hyacinth beans from 18-03-2022
India Finland
15:05:33 border rejection notification serious Finland Finland,United Kingdom
India dimethoate ,omethoate
2022.1602 nuts, nut products and seeds
food salmonella group O7 in black sesame seeds from India 18-03-2022 Poland
10:05:02 border rejection notification serious Poland India,Poland India Salmonella enteritidis
2022.1492 feed materials feed Aflatoxin B1 in Indian groundnut kernels for birdfeed 15-03-2022 Netherlands
09:05:51 border rejection notification serious India,Netherlands India Aflatoxin B1
2022.1476 cereals and bakery productsfood Aflatoxins beyond the limits in rice from India 14-03-2022 Italy
15:01:49 border rejection notification serious India,Italy India aflatoxin total
2022.1454 nuts, nut products and seeds
food Aflatoxins in melon seeds from India, via Belgium and via the Netherlands 11-03-2022 16:23:30
Germany alert notification serious Austria,Belgium,Czech
India Aflatoxin B1 ,aflatoxin total
2022.1399 dietetic foods, food supplements
food and 2- Chloroethanol
fortified foods in organic food supplement from India, via Germany 09-03-2022 Germany
16:05:55 alert notification serious Australia,Austria,Denmark,Germany,Switzerland
Germany,India India 2-chloroethanol
2022.1342 nuts, nut products and seeds
food aflatoxin in Indian groundnuts 07-03-2022 Netherlands
15:04:49 border rejection notification serious India,Netherlands,Switzerland
India Aflatoxin B1 ,aflatoxin total
2022.1214 herbs and spices food 2-chloroethanol in spices 02-03-2022 Sweden
10:55:19 border rejection notification serious Sweden India,Sweden India 2-chloroethanol
2022.1213 herbs and spices food 2-chloroethanol in chili powder 02-03-2022 Sweden
10:51:11 border rejection notification serious India,Sweden India 2-chloroethanol
2022.1212 herbs and spices food 2-chloroethanol in red chilli 02-03-2022 Sweden
10:49:11 border rejection notification serious India,Sweden India 2-chloroethanol
2022.1132 cereals and bakery productsfood Presencia de clorpirifós en harina de trigo duro de la India / Unauthorized pesticide 25-02-2022
in durum wheat flour
India notification serious India,Spain India chlorpyrifos
2022.1120 herbs and spices food Missing allergen labelling for ginger powder from India 25-02-2022 Germany
14:46:13 alert notification serious Denmark,Estonia,Finland,Germany,Latvia,Poland
Germany Denmark,Estonia,Finland,Latvia,Poland
Germany,India India labelling incorrect
2022.1126 fruits and vegetables food Aflatoxins in chilli powder extra hot from India 25-02-2022 Italy
14:03:08 border rejection notification serious India,Italy,Spain India Aflatoxin
2022.1122 nuts, nut products and seeds
food Aflatoxin B1 in Basmati rice from India 25-02-2022 Netherlands
13:07:06 alert notification serious Germany,NetherlandsINFOSAN Germany India,Netherlands India Aflatoxin B1
2022.1108 cereals and bakery productsfood Aflatoxin B1 in Basmati rice from India 25-02-2022 Netherlands
10:09:30 information notification forserious
attention Netherlands INFOSAN India,Netherlands India Aflatoxin B1
2022.1077 cereals and bakery productsfood Aflatoxine B1 and Ochratoxine A in basmati rice from India 23-02-2022 Netherlands
17:13:30 alert notification serious Ireland,NetherlandsINFOSAN,Netherlands
Ireland India,Netherlands India Aflatoxin B1 ,ochratoxin A
2022.1074 nuts, nut products and seeds
food Aflatoxin B1 in Basmati rice from India 23-02-2022 Netherlands
16:58:14 alert notification serious Belgium,France,Netherlands
INFOSAN Belgium,France,Netherlands
India,Netherlands India Aflatoxin B1
2022.1022 feed materials feed aflatoxins in groundnut kernels for birdfeed from India 22-02-2022 Netherlands
13:44:58 border rejection notification serious India,Netherlands India Aflatoxin B1
2022.1010 nuts, nut products and seeds
food Aflatoxins in Indian Groundnut Kernels 22-02-2022 Netherlands
08:30:38 border rejection notification serious Switzerland India,Netherlands,Switzerland
India Aflatoxin B1 ,aflatoxin total
2022.0889 nuts, nut products and seeds
food Salmonella in Sesame Seeds from the India 15-02-2022 Ireland
17:00:30 border rejection notification serious Ireland INFOSAN United Kingdom India Salmonella Mbandaka
2022.0879 nuts, nut products and seeds
food aflatoxin in Indian groundnuts 15-02-2022 Netherlands
13:48:10 border rejection notification serious India,Netherlands,Switzerland
India Aflatoxin B1
2022.0878 nuts, nut products and seeds
food aflatoxin in Indian groundnuts 15-02-2022 Netherlands
13:46:37 border rejection notification serious India,Netherlands,Switzerland
India Aflatoxin B1 ,aflatoxin total
2022.0464 fruits and vegetables food 2-chloroethanol in minced dehydrated white onion from India 25-01-2022 Norway
15:18:53 information notification forserious
attention Norway INFOSAN India,Norway India 2-chloroethanol
reference category type subject date notifying_countryclassification risk_decisiondistribution forAttention forFollowUp operator origin hazards

2022.0424 fruits and vegetables food Salmonella (presence /25g) in frozen papaya dices from India 24-01-2022 Finland
13:00:43 border rejection notification
serious Belgium,Finland INFOSAN Belgium,Finland,India
India Salmonella spp.
2022.0303 cephalopods and productsfoodthereof Cadmium (2.5 mg/kg - ppm) in frozen octopus (Octopus membranaceus) from India17-01-2022 Italy 12:51:33 information notification forserious
attention Italy INFOSAN India,Italy India cadmium
2022.0239 cocoa and cocoa preparations,
food coffee
and tea in Sterrenmix 13-01-2022 Netherlands
15:44:25 alert notification serious Belgium,NetherlandsINFOSAN,NetherlandsBelgium Belgium,India,Netherlands
India anthraquinone
2022.0195 fruits and vegetables food Unauthorised substance ethion (0.23 mg/kg - ppm) in peppers (Capsicum spp.) from 12-01-2022
India Switzerland
11:15:11 border rejection notification
serious Switzerland India India ethion
2022.0119 herbs and spices food Aflatoxin in Ground Ginger from India, distribution from UK 07-01-2022 Ireland
14:21:46 information notification forserious
attention Ireland INFOSAN Ireland,United Kingdom
India Aflatoxin B1 ,aflatoxin total
2021.7225 herbs and spices food Aflatoxins (aflatoxin B1 and total aflatoxin) in ginger from India, via the United Kingdom29-12-2021
and the Germany
Netherlands alert notification serious Austria,Belgium,Finland,Germany,Greece,Ireland,Italy,Poland
India Kingdom
Aflatoxin B1 ,aflatoxin total
2021.7222 fruits and vegetables food Pflanzenschutzmittelrückstände in Spargelbohnen aus Indien /// Pesticide residues 29-12-2021
in asparagusGermany
beans from India information notification forserious
attention Germany INFOSAN Germany,India India acephate unauthorised substance,hexaconazole unauthorised substance,methamidophos unauthorised substance
2021.6982 herbs and spices food polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (59.7 µg/kg - ppb) in Garam masala from India 20-12-2021 Ireland 10:18:14 information notification forserious
attention Ireland INFOSAN India,Ireland India polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons sum of
2021.6790 cephalopods and productsfoodthereof Cadmio- Calamar- India/ Cadmium- squid- India 10-12-2021 Spain
10:17:56 information notification forserious
attention Spain INFOSAN India,Spain India cadmium
2021.6723 nuts, nut products and seeds
food Salmonella in Indian sesame seed 08-12-2021 Netherlands
12:51:12 border rejection notification
serious India,Netherlands India Salmonella enteritidis
2021.6717 herbs and spices food Aflatoxin B1 in Ground Chilly from India 08-12-2021 Greece
10:14:36 border rejection notification
serious Greece Greece,India India Aflatoxin B1
2021.6677 nuts, nut products and seeds
food Aflatoxin B1 in Indian Groundnut Kernels 07-12-2021 Netherlands
09:06:38 border rejection notification
serious India,Netherlands,Switzerland
India Aflatoxin B1
2021.6620 nuts, nut products and seeds
food aflatoxin in indian groundnuts 03-12-2021 Netherlands
14:04:11 border rejection notification
serious India,Netherlands India Aflatoxin B1 ,aflatoxin total
2021.6599 cereals and bakery productsfood Pesticide residues in basmati rice from India, via the Netherlands 03-12-2021 Austria
09:13:29 alert notification serious Austria,Netherlands Austria,NetherlandsAustria,India,Netherlands
India thiamethoxam ,tricyclazole unauthorised substance
2021.6572 nuts, nut products and seeds
food Presence of Salmonella spp. in sesame seeds from India 02-12-2021 Greece
13:25:57 border rejection notification
serious Greece Greece,India India Salmonella spp.
2021.6542 dietetic foods, food supplements
food and Ethylene
in food supplements from France 01-12-2021 France
16:40:09 information notification forserious
attention France,Kuwait,Morocco
INFOSAN France,India France,India
2021.6515 herbs and spices food Aflatoxin in organic turmeric powder from India via the Netherlands 30-11-2021 16:18:15
Sweden alert notification serious Sweden INFOSAN Netherlands Netherlands,Sweden,United
India Kingdom
2021.6502 nuts, nut products and seeds
food Salmonella spp. in sesame seeds from India 30-11-2021 12:45:22
Poland border rejection notification
serious India,Poland India Salmonella spp.
2021.6436 prepared dishes and snacks food Salmonella in sesame snack from India, via the Netherlands 26-11-2021 12:24:55
Switzerland alert notification serious Switzerland INFOSAN India,Netherlands,Switzerland
India Salmonella Weltevreden ,Salmonella spp.
2021.5917 fruits and vegetables food Ochratoxin A in spray dried soluble coffee from India 02-11-2021 15:23:32
Romania border rejection notification
serious INFOSAN India India ochratoxin A
2021.5745 herbs and spices food traces of peanut in mild curry powder from India 22-10-2021 European
17:39:26 Commission information notification forserious
attention Northern Ireland INFOSAN India,Northern Ireland
India peanut traces
2021.5717 nuts, nut products and seeds
food Undeclared sesame and mustard in psyllium husk powder from India 22-10-2021 Finland
14:49:00 alert notification serious Estonia,Finland,Sweden
Finland,INFOSAN Estonia,Sweden Estonia,Finland,India,Sweden
Finland,India mustard traces,mustard undeclared,sesame undeclared
2021.5622 food additives and flavourings
food Ethylene Oxide in Calcium Carbonate 19-10-2021 Italy
11:34:16 alert notification serious Germany,Italy INFOSAN Germany Germany,India,ItalyIndia,Italy 2-chloroethanol
2021.5285 nuts, nut products and seeds
food Aflatoxin in Peanuts 04-10-2021 Netherlands
08:15:44 border rejection notification
serious India,Netherlands,Switzerland
India Aflatoxin B1 ,aflatoxin total
2021.5238 dietetic foods, food supplements
food and Salmonella
fortified foods
spp. in organic ashwagandha powder from India 30-09-2021 Slovenia
15:19:23 alert notification serious INFOSAN Germany,Slovenia,Switzerland
India Salmonella Weltevreden
2021.4931 other food product / mixed food ÓXIDO DE ETILENO- Garcinia Cambogia al 60%- India/ETHYLENE OXIDE- Garcinia 15-09-2021
60% - India border rejection notification
serious India,Spain India pesticide residues
2021.4870 other food product / mixed food Salmonella spp. in Organic Bacopa Monnieri (Brahmi) Powder from India 13-09-2021 Germany
08:54:29 information notification forserious
attention Germany Germany,India India Salmonella spp.
2021.4832 dietetic foods, food supplements
food and Polycyclic
foods hydrocarbons in food supplement from Germany 10-09-2021 Germany
08:32:52 information notification forserious
attention Germany,NetherlandsINFOSAN,Netherlands Germany,India,Netherlands
Germany,India benzo(a)pyrene ,polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons sum of
2021.4776 crustaceans and products thereof
food Prohibited substance nitrofuran (metabolite) furazolidone (AOZ) in frozen shrimps from 07-09-2021
India Germany
14:19:41 border rejection notification
serious Germany Denmark,India India nitrofuran (metabolite) furazolidone (AOZ) prohibited substance
2021.4755 nuts, nut products and seeds
food Salmonella Senftenberg in sesame seeds from India 06-09-2021 Germany
15:54:40 border rejection notification
serious Germany Germany,India India Salmonella Senftenberg
2021.4739 dietetic foods, food supplements
food and Etylenoxid
fortified in
food supplement 03-09-2021 Sweden
15:58:40 alert notification serious Austria,Belgium,Bulgaria,Croatia,Czech
France,India Kingdom
2021.4721 nuts, nut products and seeds
food Aflatoxins in Indian groundnuts 03-09-2021 Netherlands
12:20:22 border rejection notification
serious India,Netherlands,Switzerland
India Aflatoxin B1 ,aflatoxin total
2021.4692 fruits and vegetables food Chlorpyrifos and profenofos in asparagus beans from India 02-09-2021 Germany
15:55:32 border rejection notification
serious Germany INFOSAN Germany,India India chlorpyrifos ,profenofos unauthorised substance
2021.4691 herbs and spices food Chlorpyriphos in fenugreek leaves from India, produced in the United Arab Emirates02-09-2021 Germany 15:12:39 alert notification serious Austria,Belgium,Czech
India Arab
Kingdom ,thiamethoxam
2021.4651 nuts, nut products and seeds
food Aflatoxin B1 in Indian groundnuts 01-09-2021 Netherlands
13:43:00 border rejection notification
serious India,Netherlands India Aflatoxin B1
2021.4611 food additives and flavourings
food Unauthorised substance 2-Chloroethanol in calcium carbonate from India 30-08-2021 Germany
15:30:23 alert notification serious Georgia,Germany,Poland Poland Georgia,Germany,India,Poland
India,Poland 2-chloroethanol
2021.4530 nuts, nut products and seeds
food Aflatoxins in Indian Groundnut Kernels 25-08-2021 Netherlands
11:07:59 border rejection notification
serious India,Netherlands India Aflatoxin B1 ,aflatoxin total
2021.4482 herbs and spices food salmonella in coriander ground from India 20-08-2021 Netherlands
16:46:46 alert notification serious Germany INFOSAN Germany India,Netherlands India Salmonella enteritidis
2021.4371 food additives and flavourings
food Ethylene oxide in Guar gum 16-08-2021 Netherlands
17:31:36 alert notification serious Austria,Bahrain,Belgium,Bosnia
and Herzegovina,Bulgaria,Canada,Croatia,Cyprus,Czech
2021.4339 nuts, nut products and seeds
food Aflatoxins in Indian Groundnut Kernels 13-08-2021 Netherlands
13:40:22 border rejection notification
serious India,Netherlands,Switzerland
India Aflatoxin B1 ,aflatoxin total
2021.4214 cephalopods and productsfoodthereof cadmium in frozen whole cleaned baby octopus (Octopus membranaceus) from India 06-08-2021 Italy
15:58:42 information notification forserious
attention INFOSAN India,Italy India cadmium
2021.4178 herbs and spices food 2-Chloroethanol in organic turmeric powder from India, via the Netherlands 05-08-2021 Germany
16:37:30 alert notification serious Andorra,Australia,Belgium,Bosnia
2021.4173 fish and fish products food Elevated levels of cadmium in deep-frozen squid (loligo spp.) from Spain processed05-08-2021with raw material
15:58:14from India. alert notification serious Italy,Spain INFOSAN India,Italy,Spain India,Spain cadmium
2021.4023 nuts, nut products and seeds
food 2-chloroethanol in ajwain seeds from India 29-07-2021 Denmark
14:44:05 information notification forserious
attention Denmark INFOSAN Denmark,India India 2-chloroethanol
2021.4015 nuts, nut products and seeds
food aflatoxin in Indian groundnuts 29-07-2021 Netherlands
11:45:16 border rejection notification
serious India,Netherlands India Aflatoxin B1 ,aflatoxin total
2021.3945 herbs and spices food Aflatoxin in Curcumawurzel Gemahlen Keimreduziert 26-07-2021 Netherlands
16:44:49 alert notification serious Germany,Netherlands Germany Germany,India,Netherlands
India Aflatoxin B1
2021.3941 herbs and spices food ethylene oxide and clorpyrifos in organic ashwagandha powder from India 26-07-2021 Germany
16:17:15 information notification forserious
attention Germany Germany,India India Salmonella spp. ,chlorpyrifos ,ethylene oxide
2021.3931 nuts, nut products and seeds
food Presence of Salmonella spp. in hulled sesame seeds from India 26-07-2021 Greece
12:12:19 border rejection notification
serious Greece Greece,India India Salmonella enteritidis
2021.3925 crustaceans and products thereof
food Vibrio parahaemolyticus (toxR+ tdh+ trh+ /25g) in frozen peeled shrimps from India 26-07-2021 France 10:33:31 information notification forserious
attention France INFOSAN France,India India Vibrio parahaemolyticus
2021.3878 fish and fish products food histamine and E 300 - ascorbic acid unauthorised in frozen yellowfin tuna (Thunnus22-07-2021
albacares) from
India information notification forserious
attention INFOSAN India,Italy India E 300 - ascorbic acid unauthorised,histamine
2021.3750 nuts, nut products and seeds
food Óxido de etileno-Semillas de sésamo- India/Ethylene Oxide-Sesame Seeds- India 14-07-2021 Spain 15:54:57 border rejection notification
serious India,Spain India pesticide residues
2021.3747 pet food feed chewing articles for dogs with foreign bodies 14-07-2021 Romania
15:31:38 alert notification serious Netherlands,Romania Netherlands India,Netherlands,Romania
2021.3547 dietetic foods, food supplements
food and Lead
in food foods
supplement from India 06-07-2021 Finland
14:05:59 border rejection notification
serious Finland,India India lead
2021.3543 nuts, nut products and seeds
food Presence of Salmonella in sesame seeds from India 06-07-2021 Poland
11:40:56 border rejection notification
serious India,Poland India Salmonella spp.
2021.3472 herbs and spices food Salmonella in cumin powder from India 01-07-2021 Finland
16:15:19 border rejection notification
serious Finland,India India Salmonella enteritidis
2021.3427 nuts, nut products and seeds
food aflatoxins in groundnuts from India 30-06-2021 Italy
08:29:08 border rejection notification
serious India,Italy India Aflatoxin B1 ,aflatoxin total
2021.3389 fruits and vegetables food Excessive levels of lead in onion powder from India 28-06-2021 Germany
16:01:39 information notification forserious
attention Germany INFOSAN Germany,India India lead high content
2021.3372 dietetic foods, food supplements
food and Ethylene
in organic ashwagandha extract from India 25-06-2021 Belgium
16:37:31 alert notification serious Austria,Belgium,Bosnia
and Herzegovina,Croatia,Czech
2021.3294 cereals and bakery productsfood Salmonella enterica ser. Newport in psyllium fibres from India, via Germany 23-06-2021 Finland
12:15:25 alert notification serious Finland,Germany Finland,Germany Finland,Germany,India India Salmonella Newport
2021.3285 herbs and spices food pesticides in Bio Brahmi powder 22-06-2021 Bulgaria
17:12:46 alert notification serious Belgium,Bulgaria,Croatia,Czech
Bulgaria Republic,Greece,Italy,Latvia,Portugal,Romania,Slovenia
India chlorpyrifos
2021.3262 fruits and vegetables food Too high level of lead in chopped onions from India, via Germany 22-06-2021 Switzerland
09:07:04 alert notification serious Austria,Germany,Slovenia,Switzerland Germany,India,Switzerland
India,Switzerland lead high content
2021.3100 cereals and bakery productsfood undeclared allergen milk in chapati bread 15-06-2021 Sweden
16:42:33 alert notification serious Denmark,Sweden INFOSAN Denmark India,Sweden India
2021.2734 herbs and spices food lead in onion powder from India 28-05-2021 Germany
14:30:47 alert notification serious Germany,Italy Finland,Italy,Norway
Germany,India,ItalyIndia,Italy lead
2021.2642 feed materials feed Aflatoxin B1 in panicum millet from India 25-05-2021 Spain
15:55:45 information notification forserious
attention Spain Spain Cyprus India,Spain India Aflatoxin B1
2021.2600 dietetic foods, food supplements
food and Salmonella
fortified foods
spp. in organic shatavari powder from India 21-05-2021 Germany
17:28:29 alert notification serious Austria,Finland,Germany,Italy,Netherlands,Poland,Portugal,Slovenia,Spain,Switzerland,United
Germany,India India Kingdom
2021.2555 fruits and vegetables food Salmonella Bareilly in frozen green beans from India 20-05-2021 Finland
15:12:18 border rejection notification
serious Finland INFOSAN Finland,India,UnitedIndia
Kingdom Salmonella enteritidis ,Salmonella Bareilly
2021.2550 dietetic foods, food supplements
food and Excess
of lead
and mercury in ayurvedic food supplement from India 20-05-2021 Finland
13:04:15 border rejection notification
serious Finland Finland,India India lead high content,mercury
2021.2459 cereals and bakery productsfood Salmonella in sesame seeds from India 17-05-2021 Sweden
17:17:39 border rejection notification
serious INFOSAN India,Sweden India Salmonella enteritidis
2021.2308 crustaceans and products thereof
food Cristall Violet in Shrimps 07-05-2021 Netherlands
16:20:34 information notification forserious
attention INFOSAN India crystal violet unauthorised substance
2021.2107 nuts, nut products and seeds
food Aflatoxins in Indian Groundnut Kernels 28-04-2021 Netherlands
08:05:40 border rejection notification
serious India,Netherlands India Aflatoxin B1 ,aflatoxin total
2021.2055 fruits and vegetables food Salmonella spp. und überhöhter Gehalt an Blei in gemahlenen Zwiebeln aus Indien26-04-2021 /// Salmonella
spp. and increased
content in groundserious
onions from India
Germany,India,Spain India Salmonella spp. ,lead high content
2021.2040 fruits and vegetables food Increased levels of lead in dehydrated chopped onions from India, via Germany 23-04-2021 Germany
16:15:19 alert notification serious Austria,Belgium,France,Germany,Greece,Poland,United
INFOSAN Austria,Belgium,Estonia,France,Greece,Poland
Kingdom France,Germany,Indialead high content
2021.2036 herbs and spices food Sudan-1 in curry 23-04-2021 Netherlands
15:15:23 alert notification serious Belgium,NetherlandsINFOSAN Netherlands,Türkiye India Sudan 1 unauthorised colour
2021.1844 herbs and spices food Aflatoxinas B1 en cayena molida esterilizada de la India./ Aflatoxins B1 in sterilized14-04-2021
chilli powder
from India. border rejection notification
serious India,Spain India Aflatoxin B1
2021.1821 dietetic foods, food supplements
food and foodborne
fortified outbreak
foods (Salmonella) caused by psyllium husks powder from India, used12-04-2021
in food supplements
17:01:55 from Denmark
alert notification serious Austria,Bulgaria,Denmark,Finland,Netherlands,Norway,Åland
INFOSAN Austria,Belgium,Bulgaria,Finland,Iceland,Luxembourg,Netherlands,Norway,Spain
Islands Denmark,India Salmonella enteritidis
2021.1818 nuts, nut products and seeds
food Aflatoxins in Indian groundnuts 12-04-2021 Netherlands
16:20:44 border rejection notification
serious Switzerland India,Netherlands,Switzerland
India Aflatoxin B1 ,aflatoxin total
2021.1769 herbs and spices food Ochratoxin A in red chilli powder origin India 08-04-2021 Switzerland
17:42:06 information notification forserious
attention Switzerland INFOSAN India India ochratoxin A
2021.1763 herbs and spices food Aflatoxines in curry powder origin India 08-04-2021 Switzerland
16:31:27 information notification forserious
attention Switzerland INFOSAN India,Switzerland India Aflatoxin B1 ,aflatoxin total
2021.1683 herbs and spices food Salmonella spp. in ground onions from India 02-04-2021 Germany
09:44:13 alert notification serious Germany Germany,NetherlandsGermany,India,Netherlands
India,Netherlands Salmonella spp
2021.1595 cephalopods and productsfoodthereof cadmium in frozen squid tentacles from India 30-03-2021 Italy
08:37:30 border rejection notification
serious India,Italy India cadmium
2021.1582 herbs and spices food Salmonella Give in Turmeric Powder 2% curcumine 29-03-2021 Netherlands
14:37:11 information notification forserious
attention Netherlands INFOSAN India,Netherlands India Salmonella Give
2021.1568 other food product / mixed food Ethylene oxide in tahini 26-03-2021 Belgium
16:38:15 alert notification serious Belgium,Netherlands Belgium,Bulgaria,Germany,Netherlands
Bulgaria,India India
2021.1444 crustaceans and products thereof
food Nitrofurans (furazolidon) in shrimps from India 19-03-2021 France
16:55:40 border rejection notification
serious France,India India furazolidon
2021.1257 nuts, nut products and seeds
feed Aflatoxin B1 in Indian peanuts for bird feed only 11-03-2021 12:15:40
Netherlands border rejection notification
serious India,Netherlands India Aflatoxin B1
2021.1189 dietetic foods, food supplements
food and Lead
(38 mg/kg
foods- ppm) and mercury (3,4 mg/kg - ppm) in food supplement from India 09-03-2021 Slovenia
10:56:22 border rejection notification
serious India,Slovenia India lead high content,mercury
2021.1173 cephalopods and productsfoodthereof CADMIUM IN FROZEN ENTIRE SQUID (LOLIGO DUVAUCELI) FROM INDIA 08-03-2021 Spain
16:51:27 alert notification serious Belgium INFOSAN Belgium,France,Italy,Netherlands,Portugal
France,India,SpainIndia cadmium
2021.1121 cereals and bakery productsfood NON-AUTHORISED SUBSTANCE (ETHYLENE OXIDE) IN SESAME SEEDS USED 04-03-2021
IN SPAIN Kingdom,Venezuela
Belgium,Italy,SpainIndia,Spain India,Spain
2021.1113 nuts, nut products and seeds
food aflatossine in arachidi fritte /// unofficial translation: aflatoxins in fried groundnuts 04-03-2021 Italy
14:56:10 border rejection notification
serious India India Aflatoxin B1
2021.1006 cephalopods and productsfoodthereof Cadmium above the limits in frozen Indo-Pacific squid tentacles 26-02-2021 Italy
16:55:19 alert notification serious INFOSAN,Italy Romania India,Italy India,Italy cadmium
2021.0909 cereals and bakery productsfood Ethylene oxide in sesame seeds 22-02-2021 Italy
16:20:06 alert notification serious Austria,France,Germany,Hungary,Italy,United
INFOSAN Austria,France,Germany,Hungary
States France,India,Italy India
2021.0896 nuts, nut products and seeds
food Ossido di etilene oltre i limiti consentiti in semi di sesamo./ ethylene oxide in sesame 19-02-2021
seeds Italy
17:36:03 alert notification serious Central African Republic,France,Italy,Mali,San
INFOSAN France,Luxembourg,Netherlands
Marino France,India,Italy India
2021.0891 dietetic foods, food supplements
food and Salmonella
fortified foods
spp. in organic ashwagandha powder from India 19-02-2021 Germany
16:14:17 information notification forserious
attention Germany INFOSAN Germany,India India Salmonella spp.
reference category type subject date notifying_countryclassification risk_decisiondistribution forAttention forFollowUp operator origin hazards

2021.0888 cereals and bakery productsfood NON-AUTHORISED SUBSTANCE ETHYLENE OXIDE IN BAKERY AND PASTRY PRODUCTS 19-02-2021 Spain
Andorra,Spain INFOSAN India,Netherlands,Spain
2021.0862 herbs and spices food Aflatoxins in dried peppers from India 18-02-2021 Spain
16:35:58 border rejection notification
serious India,Spain India Aflatoxin B1 ,Aflatoxins B1
2021.0757 pet food feed Salmonella enterica ser. Virchow in dog chews (dried tripes) from India 12-02-2021 Germany
18:02:45 border rejection notification
serious Germany,India India Salmonella Virchow
2021.0581 cephalopods and productsfoodthereof too high content of cadmium in cuttlefish (sepia aculeata) frozen 05-02-2021 Switzerland
10:28:23 alert notification serious Italy,Netherlands,Switzerland
INFOSAN,SwitzerlandItaly,Netherlands India,Netherlands,Switzerland
India cadmium
2021.0520 crustaceans and products thereof
food sulphites not declared on the label 03-02-2021 Italy
10:05:40 information notification forserious
attention India,Italy India sulphite undeclared
2021.0383 cereals and bakery productsfood UNAUTHORISED SUBSTANCE ETHYLENE OXIDE IN HAMBURGER BREAD (MAXI-BURGERS) 25-01-2021 Spain
MADE notification
FROM SESAME SEEDS serious FROMBelgium,France,Germany,Italy,Netherlands,Portugal
INDIA France,NetherlandsBelgium,India,Spain India,Spain
2021.0318 fish and fish products food Histamine (500 and 900 mg/kg - ppm) in tuna from India 21-01-2021 Spain
10:18:09 border rejection notification
serious India,Spain India histamine
2021.0252 nuts, nut products and seeds
food Ethylene oxide in sesame seeds from India 18-01-2021 Netherlands
14:20:51 information notification forserious
attention Netherlands INFOSAN India,Netherlands India
2021.0134 cereals and bakery productsfood withdrawal from the market of organic cereal bars from France, containing hulled sesame
from India, contaminated
alert notification
with unauthorisedserious
substance ethylene
oxide (>5 mg/kg-ppm)
France,INFOSAN Belgium,France,Germany,Greece
Kingdom Belgium,France,Germany,India,United
France,India Kingdom
2021.0010 nuts, nut products and seeds
food Aflatoxins in peanut butter 04-01-2021 Poland
11:47:21 border rejection notification
serious Poland India,Poland India aflatoxin total
2020.6067 nuts, nut products and seeds
food Unauthorised substance ethylene oxide in sesame seeds 29-12-2020 Sweden
14:27:42 alert notification serious Denmark,Sweden INFOSAN Denmark,Germany,Netherlands
2020.6015 nuts, nut products and seeds
food Unauthorised substance ethylene oxide in sesame seeds from India, used for the prduction
23-12-2020of various
20:18:59 condiments alert
from notification
Germany serious Czech Republic,France,Germany,Italy,Lithuania,Netherlands,Poland,United
INFOSAN Austria,Belgium,Croatia,Czech
2020.5991 other food product / mixed food non-authorized novel food Areca/Betel Nuts in mouth freshner Pan Masala 23-12-2020 Belgium
15:00:29 alert notification serious Belgium,Croatia,Cyprus,Denmark,France,Hungary,Italy,Luxembourg,Malta,Netherlands,Sweden
India,unknown origin
2020.5742 nuts, nut products and seeds
food unauthorised substance ethylene oxide in sesame seeds from India 14-12-2020 Czech
17:01:54 Republic alert notification serious Czech Republic,Slovakia
INFOSAN Netherlands,Slovakia
Czech Republic,Netherlands
2020.5699 dietetic foods, food supplements
food and Salmonella
fortified foods
spp. in food supplements from India 11-12-2020 14:43:41
Germany alert notification serious Austria,Germany,Switzerland
INFOSAN Austria,SwitzerlandGermany,India India Salmonella spp.
2020.5630 herbs and spices food Chillies 09-12-2020 Italy
07:52:41 border rejection notification
serious India,Italy India Aflatoxin B1
2020.5589 nuts, nut products and seeds
food Presence of ethylene oxide in organic sesame seeds 07-12-2020 Italy
14:52:17 alert notification serious Belgium,Italy,Netherlands,Norway Netherlands,Norway India,Italy,Netherlands
2020.5578 cereals and bakery productsfood recall from consumers of breads from France, containing sesame seeds from India,07-12-2020
exceeding theLuxembourg
MRL for ethylenealert
notification serious Andorra,Australia,Bahrain,Belgium,Brazil,Bulgaria,Chile,Croatia,Cyprus,Czech
France,INFOSAN Belgium,Bulgaria,Croatia,Cyprus,Czech
Republic,Egypt,Estonia,Finland,France,Gabon,Georgia,Germany,Greece,Hong Kong,Hungary,Iceland,Indonesia,Ireland,Italy,Japan,Jersey,Kuwait,Latvia,Libya,Lithuania,Luxembourg
2020.5539 nuts, nut products and seeds
food ethylene oxide in sesame seeds 03-12-2020 Netherlands
16:57:23 alert notification serious Belgium,Italy,Netherlands Belgium,Italy Belgium,Italy,Netherlands
2020.5420 other food product / mixed food Nicht zugelassene neuartige Lebensmittelzutat Nikotin in tabakfreien Nikotinbeuteln30-11-2020
aus Indien 15:14:28
/// Non-authorised novel
alert notification
food ingredient nicotine
in tobacco-free
nicotine sachets from India Austria,Germany Germany,India India
2020.5388 cephalopods and productsfoodthereof Sepia pharaonis too high content of Cadmium 27-11-2020 16:04:39
Switzerland alert notification serious Portugal,SwitzerlandINFOSAN,SwitzerlandPortugal India,Portugal,Switzerland
India,Portugal cadmium
2020.5385 nuts, nut products and seeds
food unauthorised substance ethylene oxide in hulled organic and "normal" sesame seeds 27-11-2020
from India,15:31:20
also used for spice
mixnotification serious Denmark,Germany,Iceland,Italy,Norway,Sweden
INFOSAN Germany,Iceland,Italy,Norway,Sweden
2020.5372 herbs and spices food Aflatoxin in chilli powder from India 27-11-2020 12:38:03
United Kingdom border rejection notification serious India India Aflatoxin B1
2020.5371 cereals and bakery productsfood aflatoxins in basmati rice from India 27-11-2020 12:01:58
Netherlands border rejection notification
serious India,Netherlands India Aflatoxin B1 ,aflatoxin total
2020.5364 cereals and bakery productsfood Ethylenoxid in sesame seeds 27-11-2020 09:26:29
Luxembourg alert notification serious Austria,Belgium,France,Germany,Italy,Luxembourg,Malta,Netherlands,Norway,Sweden,Switzerland,United
INFOSAN Austria,Belgium,France,Germany,Italy,Luxembourg,Malta,Netherlands,Norway,Sweden,Switzerland,United
India pesticide
Kingdom Kingdom
2020.5355 cereals and bakery productsfood Ethylene oxyde in bread made with sesame seeds 26-11-2020 17:33:03
Luxembourg alert notification serious France,Luxembourg Belgium Belgium,France,Luxembourg
France,India pesticide residues
2020.5354 cereals and bakery productsfood Ethylenoxid in sesame seeds 26-11-2020 17:23:50
Luxembourg alert notification serious INFOSAN Netherlands Netherlands India pesticide residues
2020.5342 nuts, nut products and seeds
food Unauthorised substance ethylene oxide in sesame seeds from India 26-11-2020 16:38:39
Germany alert notification serious Austria,France,Germany,Italy,Liechtenstein,Netherlands,San
Austria,INFOSAN Austria,France,Italy,Liechtenstein,Netherlands,Romania,Slovenia,Spain,United
Germany,India Kingdom
pesticide residues Kingdom
2020.5238 herbs and spices food Superación del límite máximo de aflatoxinas // aflatoxins in chilli powder from India 24-11-2020 15:54:48
Spain border rejection notification
serious India India Aflatoxins B1
2020.5213 dietetic foods, food supplements
food and Food
foods of media notification for attention 23-11-2020 17:31:11
United Kingdom information notification forseriousattention INFOSAN India India
2020.5172 nuts, nut products and seeds
food Unauthorised substance ethylene oxide in sesame seeds from India, via the Netherlands 20-11-2020 16:39:50
Spain alert notification serious Canada,Italy,Netherlands,Spain,United
INFOSAN,Spain France,Lithuania,Netherlands,Portugal
Kingdom India,Netherlands,Spain
2020.5169 cereals and bakery productsfood Etylenoxide in sesame in bakeryproducts 20-11-2020 16:15:19
Sweden alert notification serious Iceland,Sweden INFOSAN Iceland India,Sweden India
2020.5107 soups, broths, sauces and food
SpainFROM ORGANIC alert notification
THE NETHERLANDS Spain Belgium,France,Germany,Italy,Netherlands,Portugal,United
India,Spain Kingdom
2020.5093 nuts, nut products and seeds
food sesame seeds hulled organic 18-11-2020 14:06:40
Slovenia alert notification serious Slovenia Netherlands Netherlands,SloveniaIndia
2020.4703 pet food feed Salmonella in dog chew products 17-11-2020 14:40:08
Sweden information notification forserious
attention India,Sweden India Salmonella infantis
2020.4911 cereals and bakery productsfood Ethylene oxide in sesame seeds in bread baking mix from the United States 10-11-2020 13:17:19
Germany alert notification serious Australia,Austria,Belgium,Germany,Greece,Iceland,Netherlands,Poland,Portugal,Romania,United
Germany,Netherlands Germany,India Kingdom Kingdom
2020.4902 herbs and spices food Indian Chilli Powder - Aflatoxins 10-11-2020 11:06:44
United Kingdom border rejection notification serious India,United KingdomIndia Aflatoxins B1
2020.4878 nuts, nut products and seeds
food Ethylenoxid in Sesamsamen aus Indien via Österreich /// unauthorised substance ethylene
in sesame seedsalert
India, via Austria serious Austria,Germany Germany Austria,Croatia,Czech
2020.4838 nuts, nut products and seeds
food Ethylene Oxide in Sesame Hulled 06-11-2020 16:59:28
Netherlands information notification forserious
attention Netherlands INFOSAN India,Netherlands India pesticide residues
2020.4837 cereals and bakery productsfood Ethylene oxyde in sesame seeds 06-11-2020 16:38:15
Luxembourg alert notification serious Andorra,France,Luxembourg,Netherlands,Poland,Slovenia,Spain
INFOSAN,Luxembourg Belgium,France,Netherlands,Poland,Slovenia,Spain
India,Netherlands pesticide residues
2020.4830 cereals and bakery productsfood Unauthorised substance (ethylene oxide) in sesame seeds from India, used in the manufacture
06-11-2020 16:11:26
of tin loaf in Spain.information notification forserious
attention Spain India,Spain India,Spain
2020.4782 nuts, nut products and seeds
food Ethylene oxide in sesame seed 05-11-2020 16:51:16
Slovenia alert notification serious Austria,Canada,Hungary,Netherlands,Slovenia,Spain,United
INFOSAN Austria,Hungary,Netherlands,Slovenia,Spain,United
Kingdom India Kingdom
2020.4684 nuts, nut products and seeds
food Ethylene oxide in mechanically hulled sesame seed from India 02-11-2020 16:35:05
Netherlands alert notification serious France,Germany,Netherlands
INFOSAN France,Germany France,India,NetherlandsIndia pesticide residues
2020.4683 nuts, nut products and seeds
food Ethylene Oxide in Natural sesame seed 02-11-2020 15:30:27
Netherlands alert notification serious Germany,Italy,Netherlands,Portugal
INFOSAN Germany,Portugal India,Netherlands India pesticide residues
2020.4643 nuts, nut products and seeds
food Ethylene Oxide in Sesame seeds hulled 30-10-2020 Netherlands
11:26:59 information notification forserious
follow-up Netherlands INFOSAN India,Netherlands India pesticide residues
2020.4635 nuts, nut products and seeds
food Ethylene Oxide in Sesame seeds Unpeeled 29-10-2020 Netherlands
17:40:47 alert notification serious Austria,France,Germany,Italy,Netherlands,New
INFOSAN Austria,France,Germany,Italy,United
Kingdom Kingdom
India,Netherlands pesticide residues
2020.4634 nuts, nut products and seeds
food Ethylene Oxide in Organic natural Sesame seed 29-10-2020 Netherlands
17:39:59 alert notification serious Bulgaria,France,Netherlands,United
India Kingdom Kingdom
pesticide residues
2020.4633 nuts, nut products and seeds
food Ethylene Oxide in Mechanically Hulled Sesame seed 29-10-2020 Netherlands
17:37:24 alert notification serious France,NetherlandsINFOSAN France India,Netherlands India pesticide residues
2020.4632 nuts, nut products and seeds
food Ethylene Oxide in sesame seed hulled 29-10-2020 Netherlands
17:36:57 alert notification serious Belgium,Finland,Germany,Netherlands
INFOSAN Finland India,Netherlands India,Netherlands pesticide residues
2020.4613 nuts, nut products and seeds
food Ethylene-Oxide in sesame seed hulled 29-10-2020 Netherlands
10:11:49 information notification forserious
attention Netherlands India,Netherlands India pesticide residues
2020.4612 nuts, nut products and seeds
food Ethylene-Oxide in sesame seed hulled 29-10-2020 Netherlands
09:54:27 alert notification serious Italy,Netherlands,Portugal,United
Portugal India,Netherlands India pesticide residues
2020.4611 nuts, nut products and seeds
food Ethylene Oxide in sesame seed 29-10-2020 Netherlands
09:33:56 information notification forserious
attention Netherlands INFOSAN India,Netherlands India pesticide residues
2020.4610 nuts, nut products and seeds
food Ethylene Oxide in Sesame seed hulled 29-10-2020 Netherlands
09:27:43 information notification forserious
attention Netherlands INFOSAN India,Netherlands India pesticide residues
2020.4607 nuts, nut products and seeds
food Ethylene-Oxide in sesame seed hulled 28-10-2020 Netherlands
17:36:48 information notification forserious
attention Netherlands INFOSAN India,Netherlands India pesticide residues
2020.4606 nuts, nut products and seeds
food Ethylene Oxide in Sesame seeds hulled 28-10-2020 Netherlands
17:29:00 information notification forserious
attention Netherlands INFOSAN India,Netherlands India pesticide residues
2020.4604 nuts, nut products and seeds
food Ethylene Oxide in Mechanically hulled sesame seed 28-10-2020 Netherlands
17:19:13 alert notification serious France,Germany,Iceland,Italy,Netherlands,Portugal,Spain
INFOSAN Iceland India,Italy,Netherlands
India iprobenfos unauthorised substance,pesticide residues
2020.4602 nuts, nut products and seeds
food Ethylene Oxide in Sesame Hulled 28-10-2020 Netherlands
16:50:59 information notification forserious
attention Netherlands INFOSAN India,Netherlands India pesticide residues
2020.4475 nuts, nut products and seeds
food Aflatoxins in Indian groundnut kernels 22-10-2020 Netherlands
17:04:49 border rejection notification
serious India,Netherlands India Aflatoxin B1 ,aflatoxin total
2020.4280 nuts, nut products and seeds
food Ethylene Oxide in sesame seeds (RASFF 2020.3678) - Spelt 13-10-2020 Belgium
17:52:09 alert notification serious Austria,Belgium,Denmark,France,Germany,Hungary,Luxembourg,Netherlands,Spain,Sweden
Germany Austria,Belgium,France,Netherlands
2020.4275 feed materials feed Aflatoxin B1 in groundnuts 13-10-2020 Belgium
17:21:43 alert notification serious Belgium Netherlands Belgium,Netherlands India Aflatoxin B1
2020.4261 nuts, nut products and seeds
food Aflatoxin B1 in Indian peanuts 13-10-2020 Netherlands
12:55:15 border rejection notification
serious India,Netherlands India Aflatoxin B1
2020.4219 herbs and spices food Whole Dried Chillies - aflatoxins (Aflatoxin B1) originating from India. 12-10-2020 United
11:52:37 Kingdom border rejection notification serious United Kingdom INFOSAN India,United KingdomIndia Aflatoxin B1 ,Aflatoxins B1
2020.4122 herbs and spices food VTEC and Salmonella spp. in fenugreek leaves from India 07-10-2020 Germany
12:45:46 alert notification serious Austria,Denmark,France,Germany,Latvia,Netherlands,Slovakia,Spain,Sweden,Switzerland
INFOSAN Austria,Denmark,France,Latvia,Netherlands,Portugal,Slovakia,Spain,Sweden,Switzerland
Arab Emirates,United
coli shigatoxin-producing ,Salmonella spp. ,chlorpyrifos ,thiamethoxam
2020.4079 nuts, nut products and seeds
food Aflatoxins in Indian groundnuts 05-10-2020 Netherlands
15:09:24 border rejection notification
serious Switzerland India,Netherlands,Switzerland
India Aflatoxin B1 ,aflatoxin total
2020.4062 fruits and vegetables food Salmonella and high count of Escherichia coli in frozen grated coconut from India 02-10-2020 United 16:23:45 Kingdom information notification forserious
attention United Kingdom INFOSAN India,United KingdomIndia Escherichia coli high count,Salmonella enteritidis
2020.3895 nuts, nut products and seeds
food Salmonella in hulled sesame seeds from India 24-09-2020 Netherlands
11:31:43 border rejection notification
serious India,Netherlands India Salmonella enteritidis
2020.3872 nuts, nut products and seeds
food sesame seeds - the presence of Salmonella bacteria 23-09-2020 Poland
12:02:08 border rejection notification
serious Poland India,Poland India Salmonella spp
2020.3852 fruits and vegetables food Frozen Red Chilli Puree Tablet (Batch B1200701) - Failed for excess pesticides 21-09-2020 United
18:22:49 Kingdom border rejection notification serious India,United KingdomIndia acephate unauthorised substance,methamidophos unauthorised substance,monocrotophos unauthorised substance,propargite ,triazophos
2020.3631 herbs and spices food Presence of lead, chromium and mercury in counterfeit curcuma from India, imported 08-09-2020
by BulgariaGreece
14:33:20 alert notification serious Greece INFOSAN Bulgaria,Greece,Spain
Bulgaria,Greece India
2020.3552 fats and oils food presence of Glycidyl esters = 4644 ug/kg in riceoil from India 03-09-2020 Netherlands
14:34:46 information notification forserious
attention INFOSAN India,Netherlands India glycidyl esters
2020.3453 nuts, nut products and seeds
food aflatoxin in groundnuts 27-08-2020 Netherlands
16:48:41 border rejection notification
serious India,Netherlands India Aflatoxin B1
2020.3424 nuts, nut products and seeds
food salmonella in sesame seeds 26-08-2020 Netherlands
14:36:59 border rejection notification
serious India,Netherlands India Salmonella spp.
2020.3411 nuts, nut products and seeds
food aflatoxins in peanuts with shell from India 26-08-2020 Spain
09:05:37 border rejection notification
serious India India Aflatoxin B1
2020.3306 fruits and vegetables food Undeclared Sulphur Dioxide in Sultan Premium Quality Green Sultanas 17-08-2020 Ireland
16:52:47 alert notification serious United Kingdom United Kingdom India,Ireland,UnitedIndia Kingdom sulphite undeclared
2020.3260 nuts, nut products and seeds
food Salmonella in organic seasam seeds from India 13-08-2020 Slovenia
11:32:18 border rejection notification
serious Austria Austria,India India Salmonella enteritidis
2020.3256 herbs and spices food VTEC in getrockneten Bockshornkleeblättern aus Indien /// VTEC in dried fenugreek13-08-2020
leaves from Germany
India information notification forserious
attention Germany INFOSAN Germany,India India Escherichia coli shigatoxin-producing
2020.3251 other food product / mixed food Glycidyl esters in chocolate chip cookies from india 12-08-2020 Germany
17:19:11 alert notification serious Germany,Netherlands INFOSAN Germany,Netherlands,United
KingdomIndia glycidyl esters
2020.3225 nuts, nut products and seeds
food salmonella in sesame seeds from India 11-08-2020 14:37:58
Italy border rejection notification
serious India,Italy India Salmonella enteritidis
2020.3224 crustaceans and products thereof
food prohibited substance nitrofuran (metabolite) furazolidone (AOZ) in frozen shrimps from11-08-2020
India 13:19:26
Netherlands border rejection notification
serious Germany,India India nitrofuran (metabolite) furazolidone (AOZ) prohibited substance
2020.3201 cocoa and cocoa preparations,
food coffee
and teain candies with peanuts from India 07-08-2020 Poland
14:19:47 border rejection notification
serious Germany Germany,Ukraine India Aflatoxins B1
2020.3044 herbs and spices food Salmonella enterica ser. Bareilly in nigella seeds from India 28-07-2020 Poland
09:47:41 information notification forserious
attention Poland INFOSAN India,Poland India Salmonella Bareilly
2020.2865 nuts, nut products and seeds
food Salmonella in sesame seeds 14-07-2020 Netherlands
16:04:14 border rejection notification
serious India,Netherlands India Salmonella spp.
2020.2757 nuts, nut products and seeds
food Presence of Salmonella Hvittingfoss in hulled sesame seeds from India 07-07-2020 Greece
12:52:13 border rejection notification
serious Greece Greece,India India Salmonella spp.
2020.2743 feed materials feed Rejection of Indian Groundnuts for Birdfeed 06-07-2020 United
13:33:55 Kingdom border rejection notification serious India India Aflatoxins B1
2020.2706 other food product / mixed food Aflatoxin B1 in Chilli Powder originating from India. 02-07-2020 United
19:13:42 Kingdom border rejection notification serious United Kingdom INFOSAN India,United KingdomIndia Aflatoxins B1
2020.2675 cereals and bakery productsfood Mycotoxins in Soya product from India 01-07-2020 Switzerland
15:59:47 alert notification serious Switzerland INFOSAN United Kingdom Switzerland,UnitedIndia Kingdom Aflatoxin B1 ,ochratoxin A
2020.2603 nuts, nut products and seeds
food Salmonella Amsterdam and Salmonella Livingstone (detected in 25 g) in sesame seeds 25-06-2020
from India,
packed in Poland
alert notification serious Denmark,Ireland,Poland,United
INFOSAN Kingdom Denmark,Ireland,Poland,United
India,Poland KingdomIndia Salmonella Amsterdam ,Salmonella Livingstone
2020.2535 fish and fish products food istamina in tonno congelato 22-06-2020 Italy
11:51:18 information notification forserious
attention INFOSAN India,Italy India histamine
2020.2474 crustaceans and products thereof
food 17-06-2020 Belgium
09:42:41 border rejection notification
serious India,United KingdomIndia nitrofuran (metabolite) furazolidone (AOZ) prohibited substance
2020.2281 fruits and vegetables food Dried Whole Chilli 03-06-2020 United
13:38:42 Kingdom border rejection notification serious India India Aflatoxin B1
2020.2273 feed materials feed Aflatoxin B1 in Indian groundnuts 03-06-2020 Netherlands
09:37:10 border rejection notification
serious Germany,India,Netherlands
India Aflatoxin B1
2020.2260 herbs and spices food Ochratoxin-A in Indian crushed chillies 02-06-2020 Netherlands
13:23:03 border rejection notification
serious India,Netherlands India ochratoxin A
reference category type subject date notifying_countryclassification risk_decisiondistribution forAttention forFollowUp operator origin hazards

2020.2254 fish and fish products food ciguatera poisoning after eating Red Snapper steak (Lutjanus bohar) 01-06-2020 Netherlands
14:49:23 alert notification serious Austria,Belgium,Finland,France,Germany,Italy,Luxembourg,Netherlands,Sweden,Switzerland,United
India Kingdom Kingdom
2020.2251 feed materials feed Feed Nuts 29-05-2020 United
Kingdom border rejection notification
serious United Kingdom India,United Kingdom
India Aflatoxin B1
2020.2216 nuts, nut products and seeds
food Aflatoxin in Peanuts 28-05-2020 Netherlands
13:33:48 border rejection notification
serious India,Netherlands,Switzerland
India Aflatoxin B1 ,aflatoxin total
2020.2051 nuts, nut products and seeds
food Aflatoxin B1 in Indian peanuts 15-05-2020 Netherlands
13:11:00 border rejection notification
serious India,Netherlands India Aflatoxin B1
2020.2042 nuts, nut products and seeds
food Salmonella in Indian sesameseed 14-05-2020 Netherlands
20:02:20 border rejection notification
serious Germany,India,Netherlands
India Salmonella enteritidis
2020.1911 nuts, nut products and seeds
food Aflatoxin in Peanuts 07-05-2020 Netherlands
06:50:49 border rejection notification
serious India,Netherlands India Aflatoxin B1 ,aflatoxin total
2020.1827 nuts, nut products and seeds
food Aflatoxins in Indian peanuts 30-04-2020 Netherlands
12:39:07 border rejection notification
serious India,Netherlands,Switzerland
India Aflatoxin B1 ,aflatoxin total
2020.1825 nuts, nut products and seeds
food Aflatoxin B1 in shelled groundnut kernels from India 30-04-2020 Netherlands
12:37:09 border rejection notification
serious India,Netherlands,Switzerland
India Aflatoxin B1
2020.1805 herbs and spices food Rejection of Dried Whole Red Chillies for Excess Aflatoxin B1 Contamination 29-04-2020 United
Kingdom border rejection notification
serious India,United Kingdom
India Aflatoxin B1
2020.1803 fish and fish products food Erhöhter Quecksilbergehalt in gefrorenem Fisch aus Indien 29-04-2020 Germany
11:42:38 alert notification serious Belgium,France,Germany,Italy,Luxembourg
Germany,India India mercury
2020.1794 nuts, nut products and seeds
food Aflatoxins in groundnut kernels from India 28-04-2020 Netherlands
16:15:29 border rejection notification
serious India,Netherlands,Switzerland
India Aflatoxin B1 ,aflatoxin total
2020.1699 crustaceans and products thereof
food Nitrofurans in aquaculture shrimps from India 21-04-2020 France
09:28:42 border rejection notification
serious France,India India nitrofuran (metabolite) furazolidone (AOZ) prohibited substance
2020.1624 nuts, nut products and seeds
food Aflatoxins in Indian groundnuts 14-04-2020 Netherlands
07:44:28 border rejection notification
serious India,Netherlands India Aflatoxin B1 ,aflatoxin total
2020.1445 crustaceans and products thereof
food Furazolidon in frozen shrimps from India 30-03-2020 Netherlands
15:08:44 border rejection notification
serious India,Netherlands India nitrofuran (metabolite) furazolidone (AOZ) prohibited substance
2020.1442 nuts, nut products and seeds
food sesame seed in which the presence of the bacterium Salmonella spp 30-03-2020 Poland
12:22:29 border rejection notification
serious Poland India,Poland India Salmonella spp.
2020.0698 nuts, nut products and seeds
food Salmonella in sesame seeds 27-03-2020 Romania
16:22:45 border rejection notification
serious Romania India,Romania India Salmonella enteritidis
2020.1289 other food product / mixed food Pesticides in rice 20-03-2020 Denmark
14:43:27 alert notification serious Denmark Netherlands India,Netherlands India buprofezin
2020.1287 nuts, nut products and seeds
feed Aflatoxin B1 in Indian peanuts 20-03-2020 Netherlands
14:10:18 border rejection notification
serious India,Netherlands India Aflatoxin B1
2020.1247 feed materials feed aflatoxins in groundnut kernels 18-03-2020 United
Kingdom border rejection notification
serious India,United Kingdom
India Aflatoxin B1
2020.1237 fruits and vegetables food MRL Table Grapes India 17-03-2020 Netherlands
17:17:30 information notification forserious
attention INFOSAN India,Netherlands India methomyl ,thiodicarb
2020.1197 nuts, nut products and seeds
food Aflatoxin in Peanuts 13-03-2020 Netherlands
13:55:33 border rejection notification
serious India,Netherlands,Switzerland
India Aflatoxin B1
2020.1196 nuts, nut products and seeds
food Aflatoxins in Indian groundnuts 13-03-2020 Netherlands
13:44:46 border rejection notification
serious India,Netherlands,Switzerland
India Aflatoxin B1 ,aflatoxin total
2020.1171 herbs and spices food Aflatoxin B1 in chili powder from India 12-03-2020 Slovenia
11:20:57 border rejection notification
serious INFOSAN Germany,India India Aflatoxin B1
2020.1158 cephalopods and productsfoodthereof cadmium in frozen whole cleaned cuttlefish from India 11-03-2020 14:35:33
Cyprus border rejection notification
serious Cyprus,India India cadmium
2020.1136 nuts, nut products and seeds
food Aflatoxins in groundnut kernels from India 10-03-2020 Netherlands
12:45:05 border rejection notification
serious India,Netherlands,Switzerland
India Aflatoxin B1 ,aflatoxin total
2020.1134 nuts, nut products and seeds
food Aflatoxin in groundnuts kernels from India 10-03-2020 Netherlands
12:34:09 border rejection notification
serious India,Netherlands,Switzerland
India Aflatoxin B1 ,aflatoxin total
2020.1101 nuts, nut products and seeds
food Aflatoxins in Indian peanuts 09-03-2020 Netherlands
08:04:15 border rejection notification
serious India,Netherlands India Aflatoxin B1 ,aflatoxin total
2020.1056 feed materials feed Salmonella Typhimurium & Newport in dog chews from India 04-03-2020 Germany
17:38:44 border rejection notification
serious Germany,India India Salmonella enteritidis
2020.1045 herbs and spices food detection of salmonella spp 04-03-2020 Spain
15:02:49 border rejection notification
serious India Salmonella enteritidis
2020.1035 fruits and vegetables food Methomyl in grapes from India 04-03-2020 Germany
09:39:59 information notification forserious
attention Germany Germany,India India methomyl unauthorised substance
2020.1023 cephalopods and productsfoodthereof CADMIUM IN FROZEN WHOLE CUTTLEFISH 03-03-2020 Cyprus
16:41:02 information notification forserious
attention Cyprus INFOSAN Cyprus,India India cadmium
2020.1021 herbs and spices food Aflatoxins in dried red chillies from India 03-03-2020 United
Kingdom border rejection notification
serious India,United Kingdom
India Aflatoxin B1
2020.0919 fruits and vegetables food Pesticide residues (Monocrotophos) detected in a sample 25-02-2020 United
Kingdom information notification forserious
attention United Kingdom INFOSAN India,United Kingdom
India monocrotophos unauthorised substance
2020.0853 fruits and vegetables food Pesticide residues (Dimethoate and Omethoate) detected in a sample 20-02-2020 United
Kingdom information notification forserious
attention United Kingdom INFOSAN India,United Kingdom
India dimethoate ,omethoate
2020.0814 herbs and spices food Salmonella in chili powder from India 18-02-2020 Spain
16:11:11 border rejection notification
serious India,Spain India Salmonella enteritidis
2020.0796 food contact materials food contact
of aluminium from pressure cookers from India 17-02-2020 Portugal
17:29:45 information notification forserious
attention INFOSAN India,Portugal India aluminium migration
2020.0791 nuts, nut products and seeds
food SALMONELLA IN SESAME SEEDS 17-02-2020 Cyprus
14:48:21 border rejection notification
serious INFOSAN Cyprus,India India Salmonella enteritidis
2020.0649 herbs and spices food Aflatoxins in chillies from India 10-02-2020 Italy
14:01:22 border rejection notification
serious Italy India Aflatoxin B1
2020.0572 nuts, nut products and seeds
food Aflatoxin in Peanuts from India 05-02-2020 Netherlands
09:50:45 border rejection notification
serious India,Netherlands India Aflatoxin B1 ,aflatoxin total
2020.0454 nuts, nut products and seeds
food presence of Salmonella spp. 29-01-2020 Greece
15:17:15 border rejection notification
serious Greece Greece,India India Salmonella enteritidis
2020.0374 nuts, nut products and seeds
food presence of Salmonella Kisil in sesame seeds from India 24-01-2020 Greece
14:39:49 border rejection notification
serious Greece Greece,India India Salmonella spp.
2020.0066 cephalopods and productsfoodthereof cadmium in frozen squid whole cleaned 07-01-2020 Portugal
14:07:46 information notification forserious
attention India,Portugal India cadmium
2020.0016 herbs and spices food Salmonella in onion powder from India and spice mixtures 02-01-2020 Germany
18:18:39 alert notification serious Austria,Czech Republic Austria,Czech Republic,Germany,Lithuania,Luxembourg
Germany,India India Salmonella spp.
2019.1832 herbs and spices food food - consumer complaint - alert notification - turmeric powder - Heavy metals - india
17-05-2019 Bulgaria
16:15:10 alert notification serious Bulgaria,Greece Greece Bulgaria,Greece Bulgaria,Greece,India
India lead migration

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