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1. Which phase of textbook development in Pakistan included Grades I, VI, IX & XI?

A) Phase I B) Phase II C) Phase III D) Phase IV

2. When were new textbooks planned to be implemented in schools in Pakistan?

A) 2005 B) 2007 C) 2010 D) 2013

3. Which year marked the completion of the review of the National Curriculum 2006/7 in Pakistan?

A) 2005 B) 2006 C) 2007 D) 2010

4. When did the process of curriculum reform in Pakistan undergo its 4th cycle?

A) 1985-1992 B) 1995-1998 C) 1998-2001 D) 2001-2005

5. Which of the following is true regarding education in Pakistan?

A) Education in Pakistan is solely managed by the Federal Ministry of Education.

B) Curriculum reform in Pakistan has only occurred once in its history.

C) Education in Pakistan is primarily a federal responsibility.

D) The latest curriculum reform cycle in Pakistan occurred in 2010.

6. Which institution in Pakistan is responsible for curriculum development for grades V and VIII in the
province of Punjab?

A) Bureau of Curriculum

B) Textbook Boards

C) Punjab Examination Commission (PEC)

D) National Education Assessment System (NEAS)

7How are most objectives written in modern curricula?

A) In philosophical terms B) In abstract terms C) In behavioral terms D) In evaluative terms

8. Which type of objectives describe school-wide outcomes in a curriculum?

A) Cognitive objectives

B) Specific objectives

C) General objectives

D) Affective objectives

9. What is the purpose of aims in a curriculum?

A) To outline specific learning outcomes

B) To describe the behaviors to be attained in a particular unit

C) To provide an overall description of the curriculum's purpose

D) To specify how the curriculum supports national standards

10. According to Eisner, what does the "null curriculum" refer to?

A) Topics intentionally excluded from the curriculum

B) Physical education curriculum

C) Curriculum for advanced learners

D) Curriculum for students with special needs

11. According to Wilson (1990), what encompasses the learned curriculum?

A) Planned lessons only

B) All experiences learners have under school guidance

C) Written curriculum documents

D) Social and political influences on education

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