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The role of theory in persuasion

-What is your theory of persuasion? How does

persuasion work?

Theory: “…a systematically related set of ideas used to

describe and/or explain phenomena” (Corman, 1995)
Theories…: The geocentric model
Theories…: The geocentric vs. heliocentric

- Explain/Describe

- Predict

- Help control

-Folk theories
- Untested, naïve, popular explanations

-Scientific theories
- Testable and tested!
How do we test theory?

• Make predictions: form hypotheses

• Design methods

• Collect data

• Analyze data

• Revise theory
Classic theories of persuasion: the Yale
approach (1950s)

Four components of persuasion

• Attention
• Comprehension
• Acceptance
• Retention
Classic theories of persuasion: Group
• Conformity (Asch experiment, 1956)

• Social comparison (Festinger, Lewin organ meat

study 1943, 1947)
Classic theories of persuasion: Social
learning theory (Zimbardo)
Role of reinforcement, reward, and punishment


• Direct reinforcement (operant conditioning)

• Extinction (ignore undesired behavior)
• Vicarious (‘secondhand’) reinforcement / extinction
• Instructions, rules, and communication
Discussion question

1) Is it ethical to try to control others?

2) What communication / persuasion phenomenon

would you like to have explained?

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