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2nd Term, SY 2023-2024 1000006973 — BM2217

Pre-final Examination Page 1

Name:_____________________________ Section:___________________________ Date:_______________

Notice: D. Income Statement
Any form of cheating will result in a score of ZERO. (e.g. leaking
11. This type of cost increases or decreases depending on a
of exam items and answers on social media, copying from other
company's production volume or activity.
students, using prohibited resources/cheat sheets, etc.)
Use black or blue pen only. Pencils and erasable pens are not A. Fixed Cost
allowed. B. Variable Cost
C. Break-even Cost
I. (75 points) D. Ratio Cost
Read and analyze each item. Encircle the letter of the correct 12. It refers to a process through which a business seeks to
answer. maintain or improve product quality.
A. (15 items x 2 points) A. Quality Control
B. Process Improvement and Optimization
1. It refers to evaluating the number of products or services a C. Operations Management
business can sell or distribute in a given time frame. D. Product and Service Design
A. Process Improvement and Optimization 13. This type of cost does not vary with changes in the output level
B. Capacity Planning or business activity.
C. Product and Service Design A. Fixed Cost
D. Supply Chain Management B. Variable Cost
2. It refers to the monetary value spent by a company to produce C. Break-even Cost
products and operate the business. D. Ratio Cost
A. Break-even 14. It refers to examining the processes used in a company project
B. Revenue to see how they can be made more effective.
C. Cost A. Supply Chain Management
D. Loss B. Capacity Planning
3. It refers to a disciplinary measure where an employer speaks to C. Product and Service Design
an employee about an issue involving their behavior, conduct, D. Process Improvement and Optimization
or job performance. 15. It refers to the end of an individual's employment with a
A. Verbal Warning particular business or company, either voluntary or involuntary.
B. Suspension A. Verbal Warning
C. Written Warning B. Suspension
D. Termination C. Written Warning
4. It refers to the temporary removal of an employee from the D. Termination
workplace for a limited period for disciplinary reasons.
A. Verbal Warning B. (15 items x 3 points)
B. Suspension
C. Written Warning 16. Sentence A: A business model canvas outlines a company's
D. Termination financial goals and market needs. Sentence B: A business
model canvas ensures that day-to-day operations are efficient,
5. This economist suggests that companies should ensure that cost-effective, and timely. Which of the following correctly
their social responsibilities also become business opportunities. describes the sentences above?
A. Milton Friedman A. Sentence A is TRUE, while Sentence B is FALSE.
B. Archie Carroll B. Sentence A is FALSE, while Sentence B is TRUE.
C. Peter Drucker C. Both sentences are TRUE.
D. Albert Carr D. Both sentences are FALSE.
6. This type of financial statement shows a company's revenues, 17. Which of the following statements describes the importance of
expenses, and profitability over a period of time. a Statement of Cash Flow?
A. Statement of Owner’s Equity A. It gives stakeholders, shareholders, and the business
B. Balance Sheet owner insight into the business's current financial situation.
C. Statement of Cash Flow B. It reveals what phase a business is in, whether a rapidly
D. Income Statement growing start-up or a mature and profitable company.
7. It refers to the administration of business structure, practices, C. It shows how much money the business owes and how
and processes to enhance efficiency and maximize profit. much assets are worth right now.
D. It indicates if a business owner needs to invest more capital
A. Capacity Planning
in covering shortfalls or if they can draw more profits.
B. Product and Service Design
C. Operations Management 18. Which of the following statements DOES NOT describe the
D. Supply Chain Management purpose of leading and directing human resources?
8. This economist argues that business is a game and that A. It claims that bluffing and not telling the truth is normal and
business ethics differ from private life ethics. morally acceptable in business.
B. It fills the leadership pipeline with the basis of a strong
A. Milton Friedman
succession plan.
B. Archie Carroll
C. It evaluates individuals accurately and in-depth.
C. Peter Drucker
D. It provides a framework for identifying and developing
D. Albert Carr
leadership talent.
9. It refers to generating new concepts to develop cost-effective
19. Which of the following statements describes the importance of
products or services that meet customer requirements.
the Statement of Owner’s Equity?
A. Operations Management
A. It gives stakeholders, shareholders, and the business
B. Quality Control
owner insight into the business's current financial situation.
C. Product and Service Design
B. It reveals what phase a business is in, whether a rapidly
D. Capacity Planning
growing start-up or a mature and profitable company.
10. This type of financial statement provides a comprehensive C. It shows how much money the business owes and how
picture of the amount of money entering and leaving the much assets are worth right now.
company over a specific period. D. It indicates if a business owner needs to invest more capital
A. Statement of Owner’s Equity in covering shortfalls or if they can draw more profits.
B. Balance Sheet 20. Which of the following statements describes Return on
C. Statement of Cash Flow Investment (ROI)?
2nd Term, SY 2023-2024 1000006973 — BM2217
Pre-final Examination Page 2

Name:_____________________________ Section:___________________________ Date:_______________

A. It is a profitability metric used to show the amount of a Which of the following correctly describes the sentences
company's assets that have been financed using the above?
owner's equity.
B. It is a profitability metric that determines how well a A. Sentence A is TRUE, while Sentence B is FALSE.
company can pay off its current debts. B. Sentence A is FALSE, while Sentence B is TRUE.
C. It is a profitability metric that evaluates how well an C. Both sentences are TRUE.
investment has performed. D. Both sentences are FALSE.
D. It is a profitability metric used to help understand the 28. Which of the following statements DOES NOT demonstrate a
degree to which a company's operations are funded by value proposition?
A. Uber: The Smartest Way to Get Around
21. Which of the following statements describes the Quick Ratio B. Apple iPhone: The Experience IS the Product
(Acid Test Ratio)? C. Bitly: Link shortener and analytics tool
A. It is a profitability metric used to show the amount of a D. Coca-Cola: Refresh the world. Make a difference.
company's assets that have been financed using the 29. Which of the following statements describes simple structure?
owner's equity.
A. It is designed according to an individual’s specialization and
B. It is a profitability metric that determines how well a
company functions.
company can pay off its current debts.
B. It is designed by segmenting employees based on products
C. It is a profitability metric that evaluates how well an
or markets instead of their job roles.
investment has performed.
C. It is designed to delegate decision-making responsibilities
D. It is a profitability metric used to help understand the
to middle and lower-level managers.
degree to which a company's operations are funded by
D. It is designed with low departmentalization, little work
specialization, and wide spans of control.
22. Which of the following statements describes divisional
30. Sentence A: An organizational structure defines each worker's
job and how it fits inside the system.
A. It is designed according to an individual’s specialization and
corresponding function in the company. Sentence B: Enterprises must have an organizational structure
B. It is designed by segmenting employees based on products so employees may address issues with the correct personnel.
or markets instead of their job roles.
C. It is designed to delegate decision-making responsibilities Which of the following correctly describes the sentences
to middle and lower-level managers. above?
D. It is designed with low departmentalization, little work
specialization, and wide spans of control. A. Sentence A is TRUE, while Sentence B is FALSE.
B. Sentence A is FALSE, while Sentence B is TRUE.
23. Which of the following statements describes the 5S “Seiri?"
C. Both sentences are TRUE.
A. It is the act of throwing away all unwanted, unnecessary, D. Both sentences are FALSE.
and unrelated materials in the workplace.
B. It implies purity and focuses on maintaining cleanliness and
perpetual cleaning. II. (25 points : 5 items x 5 points)
C. It is the process arranging important items in an efficient Answer the following items on the space provided or a separate
order and manner. sheet of paper (as needed).
D. It is a systematic, consistent approach for getting tasks
done based on standards. 1. War Systems Inc. is in the business of making missiles for the
Philippine Army. Its newest model, an air-to-surface missile
24. Which of the following statements DOES NOT describe the called the PH-170, is priced at P285,000 per unit and costs
purpose of basic financial ratio? P60,000 to produce. The fixed costs that the company incurred
A. It evaluates the company's performance and compares it to are as follows:
similar businesses in their industry. Rent – P200,000 for a four (4) story building
B. It measures the relationship between two or more Wages – P700,000
components of financial statements. Taxes – P80,000
C. It determines liquidity, debt concentration, growth,
profitability, and market value. Compute and justify how many missile units should War
D. It provides insight into the cash flow health and status of an Systems Inc. sell to break-even?
25. Moira is conducting market research before launching another 2. In no more than three (3) sentences, justify how implementing
skin care product line for her business. She calls an existing 5S in a workplace can improve employee efficiency and
customer to inquire about how they enjoy a recently purchased productivity.
product and surveys by personally asking them a few 3. In no more than three (3) sentences, cite a particular
questions. She wants to know her new product line's potential scenario/instance that demonstrates unethical behaviors that
primary and secondary customers. Which component of the can lead to an employee’s termination at work.
business model canvas is being described in the Statement?
A. Determining cost structures 4. In no more than three (3) sentences, justify how Business
B. Identifying key partners Model Canvas can help technopreneurs prepare for different
C. Analyzing the market segment scenarios that can alter the way they do business.
D. Generating market channels 5. Mila, who owns a furniture shop, wants to figure out how many
26. Which of the following statements describe the 5s - “Seiton”? computer tables she should sell to make up for her initial
investments. She pays taxes, rent, and utilities for a total of
A. It is the act of throwing away all unwanted, unnecessary,
P20,000. Extra P2,000 for the materials. She intends to sell the
and unrelated materials in the workplace.
computer tables for P3,500 each. Compute and justify using the
B. It implies purity and focuses on maintaining cleanliness and
break-even analysis formula, at which point the total costs and
perpetual cleaning.
total revenue are equal.
C. It is the process of arranging important items in an efficient
order and manner.
D. It is a systematic, consistent approach to completing tasks RUBRIC:
based on standards.
27. Sentence A: Sales is defined as a meaningful exchange of
information through messages.

Sentence B: Motivated employees are imperative to the

success of the enterprise.
2nd Term, SY 2023-2024 1000006973 — BM2217
Pre-final Examination Page 3

Name:_____________________________ Section:___________________________ Date:_______________

Provided pieces of evidence,
Content supporting details, and factual 3
scenarios. Correct accounts and amounts used. 3
Expressed the points in clear Computed final amounts are
Organization 2
and logical arrangement of 2 correct/balanced.
of ideas
ideas. TOTAL 5

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