Kopya London Parliamentary Constituency Profiles 2010 With Maps

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* Click on the theme titles to see notes about the data. * Click on the variable headings to see the data for all Parliamentary constituencies. Important: You must enable macros for the links to work properly. If links do not work, go to format>sheet>unhide, to see all the datasheets. % of Area population of Population 2008 Population (GLA projections) Total Male Female London (Square km) Density Barking 112,063 54,745 57,320 1.5 22 5,165 London 7,673,219 3,748,890 3,924,335 100 1,595 4,812 England and Wales (ONS) 54,439,654 26,780,266 27,659,388 154,168 353 Percentage in age group (2008) Barking London England and Wales (ONS) 0 to 14 23 19 18 15 to 34 29 32 26 35 to 54 28 29 28 55 to 74 14 15 20 75+ 6 6 8 Chinese/ Other 1,064 193,234 446,702 % White British 79 60 87

Ethnic Group and Religion (2001) Barking London England and Wales
9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
% of population by ethnic group 8

White 87,479 5,103,203 47,520,866

Mixed 2,128 226,110 661,034

Asian 6,483 866,691 2,273,737

Black 8,162 782,854 1,139,577

6 2 3 3
1 1

5 3 2 Pakistani
2 1

5 5
1 1 1 1 1

3 0 0
W&B African

0 1
White and Asian

0 1 Indian Other Mixed

Black African

Other White

Black Caribbean

Other Black

White Irish

W&B Caribbean



Asian or Asian British

Barking London

Black or Black British

Chinese or other ethnic group

% of population by religion 80 60



20 0 Christian

15 16 1 1






Other religions No religion

Religion not stated



Births, deaths & life expectancy Barking London England and Wales

Births (2008) 2,502 127,651 708,459

Deaths (2008) 820 50,476 507,829

Standardised Mortality Ratio (2008) 101 95 100

Infant Mortality rate (2008) 4.8 4.3 4.7

Male Life expectancy (2003-07) 76.2 77.1 77.3

Female Life expectancy (2003-07) 81.0 81.7 81.5

Other Groups


Other Asian


Council Tax (2008) Barking London England and Wales

Total Dwelling Stock 44,995 3,278,746 23,830,164

% Dwellings in Bands A or B 23 17 44

% Dwellings in Bands C, D, and E 76 68 47

% Stock as a Dwellings percentage of in Bands F, dwellings in G and H London 1 1.4 15 100 9 Equivalised % under 20k 40 28 34

Household income (2009) Barking London Great Britain

Mean Income 31,000 39,000 35,000

Unequivalised % under 20k % over 50k Mean Income 32 15 28,000 23 26 36,000 29 20 32,000 Incapacity Benefit/ Severe Disablement Allowance 7.7 5.8 7.8 % of London Income Support Claimants 2.1 100 -

% over 50k 11 22 17

Benefits rates (2008) Barking London England

Disability Living Allowance 8.8 6.0 9.9 Job-seekers Allowance Claimants (numbers) 4,185 225,260 1,447,465

Income Support 11.2 7.3 6.9

Pension Credit 31.4 24.9 24.0

Unemployment (Jan 2010) Barking London England and Wales

Job-seekers Allowance rate 8.8 6.1 5.8

JSA rate (Males) 10.5 7.4 7.5

JSA rate (Females) 6.5 4.4 3.5

JSA Claimants aged 16-24 1,180 54,950 430,000

JSA rate (16-24) 18.5 15.4 12.8

Claimant rate (2004-2009) by gender 12.0 10.0



2.0 0.0 Oct-04 Oct-05 Oct-07 Oct-08 Oct-09 Apr-04 Apr-05 Apr-06 Apr-07 Apr-08 Apr-09
London - Males

Barking - Males

Barking - Females

London - Females

Number of offences Total crime rate (per 1,000) 119 106 % of all offences in London 1.6 100 Total Notifiable Offences 13,368 813,349 Violence Against The Person 3,436 170,359

Crime (2009) Barking London

Burglary 1,516 94,938

Theft & Handling 3,958 306,120

Rates - offences per 1,000 population

50 40 30 20 10 0


35 22

40 7 17 5 12 7

14 12 Burglary

Violence Against Sexual Offences The Person


Theft & Handling Fraud & Forgery

Criminal Damage




Fires (2006) Barking London England and Wales

Total Fires 318 15,339 139,939 NonDomestic Buildings 6 5 1

Total Casualties 27 2,067 12,116

Fires per 1,000 dwellings 7.1 4.7 5.9

Casualties per 100 fires 8.5 13.5 8.7

Land use % (2005) Barking London England

Domestic Buildings 9 9 1

Domestic Gardens 25 24 4

Road Greenspace 14 28 12 38 2 87

Water 3 3 3

Business by industry (2004) Barking London England and Wales

Barking London England and Wales

All Business % Units % Production Construction 2,060 10 11 303,720 6 6 1,820,120 8 9 % Tranport, Post, Telecomms, % Property & and Motor Business % Finance Trade Services 13 1 19 6 3 36 9 2 26 Average Point Score of pupils at KS1 15.0 15.0 15.3 Average Point Score of Pupils at KS2 27.5 27.8 27.9 Average GCSE Point Score Per Boy Pupil 356.2 373.9 373.0

% Wholesale 11 7 6

% Retail 17 12 14

% Hotels & Catering 7 7 7 % Public Admin & Other Services 7 13 9 Average Level 3 QCA Point Score Per Entry 202.5 206.6 205.8

% Education 2 2 2 Average GCSE Point Score Per Girl Pupil 386.1 409.3 411.5

% Health 2 2 2 Average Level 3 QCA Point Score Per Student 650.7 685.5 721.3

Education (2008) Barking London England

% of SOAs in most deprived 20% in England on Indices of Deprivation (2007) IMD 2007 Barking 52.1 London 28.4

% Children affected by income deprivation 42.3 33.9

Rank* of Income Deprivation Affecting Children Index 19 -

Rank* of % Older Income people Deprivation affected by Affecting income Older People deprivation Index 28.1 24 23.0 -

IMD 2007, Rank within London (out of 73 where 1=Most deprived) Average Score Average Rank Extent Local Concentration Income Scale
Employment Scale 0 10 12

14 14 13 34 17
20 30 40 50 60 70

* Rank within London (out of 73 where 1=Most deprived) 1

GLA Intelligence
Data Management & Analysis Group

Contact Details For any queries relating to these profiles or the data used within, please contact Gareth Piggott. Tel: 020 7983 4327 Email:gareth.piggott@london.gov.uk Copyright Greater London Authority, 2010

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