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SAP BusinessObjects Business Intelligence

Generated on: 2024-05-08 07:39:15 GMT+0000

Support Content | 1.0


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2.1.1 Release Notes

SAP BusinessObjects BI platform support tool 2.1 Patch 1

Build: (03/02/2018)

Release Date: March 5 2018

New Features

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 1
Fixed Issues

Known Issues

New Features


Add users and groups to Security Added Users and Usergroups top level to the tree. Made the fetch for children objects to loop through all (not just BITBITOOL-
Analyzer 1000) to prevent future issues. Rewrote functions to be more generic so less maintenance. 1493

New Compare Server Services in Updated the comparison page under the APS tab to have 2 accordions. 1/ Compare Server Services and 2/ BITBITOOL-
Server Comparison Analysis Compare Server Properties 1508

Added a new table within the new accordion to show which APS servers include which services

Add new server settings BITBITOOL-

introduced in BI Platform 4.2 1513

Schedule Analysis : Display list Added a new section in the schedule analysis report which pulls the reports with most instances from the system. BITBITOOL-
of reports with the most Works with top N, but not with date range - Pulling date range is much more expensive query-wise than simply 634
instances nding instances

Server Groups Summary This new analysis type displays all info about server group con gurations. It also does a check for reports con gured BITBITOOL-
to run against an orphaned server group 287

Include all metrics in Server Added more metrics to the Server Comparison report BITBITOOL-
Comparison 1500

Add Tomcat Executor threadpool The Web Application Server Analysis now reports on any con gured Executor threadpools BITBITOOL-
settings to Web Application 1540
Server report

Sizing recommendation alerts Some changes to sizing guidance and formulas in the latest sizing guide required changes to alerting logic. This has BITBITOOL-
updated per latest 4.2 SP5 been updated per the latest recommendations 1530
Sizing Guide

Improvements made to Max There are now two alerts which calculate the total Max Heap on each host. One alert calculates total MaxHeap for all BITBITOOL-
Heap sizing check servers that are running and enabled. Another alert does the same but for all servers on the host, including those that 1541
are stopped/disabled.

Fixed Issues



On Windows 8 and 10, the BIPST client UI text is chopped off and images / elds not sized correctly. The client will 2.1.0 BITBITOOL-
now auto-scale 1567
itself according
to your windows
DPI / font size
settings. In
preferences, it is
also possible to
manually set the
zoom setting
(auto, 100%,
125%, 150%,

When no host is de ned in the landscape, but only webapp nodes exist, both the Hardware and Patch History fail with Improved error 2.1.0 BITBITOOL-
no displayed error. handling in this 1495

The error displayed when the Host Agent operations les are not deployed points to an outdated link Updated wiki 2.1.0 BITBITOOL-
and links in error 1506

Web Application Server analysis report errors on Tomcat 7 The problem is 2.1.0 BITBITOOL-
xed 1515

The problem is 2.1.0 BITBITOOL-

NullPointerException in BI Applications report when ran against BI Platform 4.0 and BI Platform 4.1
xed 1520

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 2
The NPE wasn't getting logged previously. The report displayed a tab for BIApplications but it was empty, along with a
couple ui popup errors. This shows the errors at extraction time:

at com.sap.ps.bitool.data.BIServerAdmin.dumpOpenDocApplication(BIServerAdmin.java:1510)
at com.sap.ps.bitool.data.BIServerAdmin.dumpBIApplications(BIServerAdmin.java:670)
at com.sap.ps.bitool.data.ApplicationsExtractor.run(ApplicationsExtractor.java:42)
at org.eclipse.jface.operation.ModalContext$ModalContextThread.run(ModalContext.java:119)

With RTM build, you get looping classpath relauncher if version speci ed in preferences is out of sync with current The problem is 2.1.0 BITBITOOL-
batch le version xed 1498

Lumira Server description incorrect in landscape report Updated the 2.1.0 BITBITOOL-
Lumira Server to 1516
use a new
rather than the
stock APS server
within the
report. This is
set during the
extraction which
means if you
open an old
report, the
displayed will be
whatever was
written to xml in
the old
extraction. IE.
the generic APS

Set Materialization Service data missing from Landscape Analysis Report extraction Added param 2.1.0 BITBITOOL-
names / 1514
descriptions so
they will be
included during

WACS services missing from Server & Services extraction. Added - Web 2.1.0 BITBITOOL-
Services SDK 1525
and QaaWS

Added - BOE
Web Application

Added the 4
de ned in each

Veri ed Server &

Services report
and comparison
tab results

WACS comparison tab x for BITBITOOL-1375 Comparison tab 2.1.0 BiTBITOOL-

now displays the 1528
names and their
param group
names in the

The values for

each parameter
are now
correctly on both

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 3
the main server
& services tab
as well as
comparison tab

Timeouts Analysis Report missing Customer Data Access Service Added Custom 2.1.0 BITBITOOL-
Data Access 1533
Service and
parameters to
Timeouts report

Predictive Support Alerts new contact setup was authenticating against service.sap.com which is a deprecated system. Changed new 2.1.0 BITBITOOL-
S-USER password set on service.sap.com does not get replicated to support.sap.com and as such, there is a password PSA contact 1517
synchronization issue work ow and
validate SUSER
work ow from
testing basic
auth against
to instead test a
small text le
upload against
documents URL
(which is tied to

When Scheduling to Predicitve Support Alerts destination, if the schedule fails to send to SAP, the instance does not fail If the Send to 2.1.0
and there is no indication that it failed to send (it shows success in the instance output) SAP destination
fails, it will now
show this in the
instance log

Platform Search alerts incorrectly formatted. The problem is 2.1.0 BITBITOOL-

now xed. 1510
The alert table (same one that is displayed under a service or property/parameter table) to display the alerts from the
table above was being created incorrectly which lead to the alert table growing upon itself rather than resetting for each

For instance, session 1 would display 2 alerts. Then if Session 2 had 3 alerts, it would display 5 in the table instead of 3.
If session 3 had 2 alerts, the table under session 3 would display 7 instead of 3.

System Alert for license key validation displays incorrect alert name The problem is 2.1.0 BITBITOOL-
now xed. 1502

Setting Java SSL keystore truststore values hangs client if no landscape de nition created yet Disabled all 2.1.0 BITBITOOL-
buttons on the 1524
page apart from
add and refresh
unless a
landscape is

Re-disabled all
buttons on the
page if all
landscapes are

HTML not rendering in cluster overview page The problem is 2.1.0 BITBITOOL-
xed 1546

Some failed BI logons don't display a useful error to the client A more useful 2.1.0
error will now be
displayed to the
end user

sqlite*.dll temp le created but not cleaned up when running patch history Problem is xed 2.1.0 BITBITOOL-
by a newer 1296
version of sqlite
jdbc driver.

Tomcat maxThreads not detected correctly We now check if 2.1.0 BITBITOOL-

there is an 1540
exector de ned
for each

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 4
connector. If
there is an
executor de ned
we display
maxThreads and
other settings
from the
Executor pool
since the
settings for the
connector are
ignored in this

Some APS parameters are displayed as milliseconds instead of seconds For the 2.1.0 BITBITOOL-
parameters of 1547
Custom Data
Access Service,
Excel Data
Access Service,
Service, and
WebI Monitoring
Service, will
change those
that were
showing in ms
before, will
convert to
second to store
in data xml

Report History analysis type icons for License and Schedule were using wrong icons The problem is 2.1.0
now xed.

JMX Validation status bar message not timing out after either success or fail validation The problem is 2.1.0 BITBITOOL-
now xed. 1416

Clicking twice on schedule analysis report calendar/ lter button causes hang The problem is 2.1.0 BITBITOOL-
now xed. 1532

E2E Trace Wizard does not successfully add tracelog les to the e2e_workdir It was found in 2.1.0 BITBITOOL-
some situations 1562
where there were
spaces in the
path to the
program the
tracelogs fail to
get extracted to
the e2e work

The problem is
now xed.

Schedule to SMTP destination not 100% functional The problem is 2.1.0

now xed.

Known Issues



Hardware Summary Analysis report not working when BI is running on AIX platform. This is a limitation of the SAP Host Agent. 2.x Unknown
ETA for a x to the SAP Host Agent is unknown at this point.

E2E Trace Wizard : In some cases, using a domain user from a different domain (not the domain of the user currently logged on 2.x
to windows) causes the SAP Client Plug-in Administrator logon to fail. (this logon allows the SAP Client Plug-in to start under
local administrative access).

Workaround: Use a local administrator account instead of domain account with local admin access on the BIPST client. Or, use

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 5
the domain\user of the account that is currently logged on to Windows (assuming this user has local admin rights on the BIPST

Workaround 2: Uncheck the option to Use Integrated SAP Client Plug-in and on step 3 manually launch the SAP Client Plug-in
from the location:


If you apply a combined installer patch, the "BOE Web App Build Check" alert is triggered because of a bug in the combined BI 4.x BI 4.2 BITBITOOL-
installer. Refer to: 2604826 - Combined Installer for SAP BusinessObjects BI platform does not update inventory.txt and install SP6 1543
manifest with the correct build number

2621369 - Clicking BISupportTool64.bat does not launch client successfully or gives error "Windows cannot nd 2.1.1
BISupportTool.exe" after upgrading from BI Platform Support Tool 2.0 to 2.1

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