Lesson 4 Citizenship

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1: Choose the correct answer:

1. From our duties towards the country:

a) Following the regulations and laws.
b) Providing the educational opportunities.
c) Developing the health services.
d) The equality with others. Ans. a

2. The concept (The individual's loyalty to the country in which he lives) refers to:
a) Taking the initiative.
b) Citizenship.
c) Volunteering.
d) Identity Ans. b

2. Answer the following question

Q1- Give reasons for the Importance of Citizenship.
 Develops the individual's sense of loyalty and reinforces his national identity.
 Develops the individual's knowledge, abilities, values and trends.
 Helps the stability and development of the country in a way that consolidates the
individual's sense of security and safety.
 Keeps the citizens' rights and imposes on him duties towards other citizens and his state.
 Reinforces the bonds and cohesion of the society.

Q2. List The Citizenship Components.

Ans. The following are the components of citizenship.
i. The Equality in Law: Is that all citizens have equal rights, duties, and the same
ii. The Loyalty and Belonging: Means that the relationship between the citizen and his
country is greater than the tribal loyalty and other.
iii. The Participation and Responsibility: Means citizen participation in all fields.
iv. The existence of constitutional and legal guarantees that guarantee the citizen
rights and determine his duties.
Q3. -Equality and equal opportunities are of the most important components of
citizenship, Explain.

Ans. Equality and equal opportunities are the most important components of citizenship. It
states that all citizens are equal in the rights and duties and have the same opportunities
without any discrimination based on the gender, color, ethnic origin, religious belief,
intellectual convictions, loyalty or intellectual activity.

Q4. What is the meaning of Effective Citizenship? How can the individual be an
Effective Citizen in his country?
Ans. The participation of the individuals in managing the affairs of their community,
expressing their opinions and taking the initiative to achieve the public benefit of the country.
The citizen should commit to the duties to be effective in his country.

Q5. Explain the meaning of participation and responsibility?

Ans. The Participation and Responsibility means citizen participation in all Political,
Economic, Social and Cultural fields such as holding the public offices and participating in
the elections and other.

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