IR - Chapitre 3.1 - For ST

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- Any robot: synthesis of links and joints
- Description the relation between the link and the next one:
matrix A
A: Homogeneous transformation by rotation, translation between
the coordinates of two consecutive links
Hence, position and orientation of second to the base cordianate
system is represented by the matrix:

A1 : description the position and orientation of the first link

A2: description the position and orientation of the second link to
the first link
Vector định vị trí và định hướng của bàn tay máy
Origine of coordinate system is represented by
vector p (determain the postion of robot’s hand)

Vector a (Approach): vector direction

in which the hand will reach to the object
Vector o (Occupation): vector direction
in which the fingers of the hand grip
at the object)
Vector n (Normal): Normal vector
Orientation matrix vector positions p

Positioning matrix

T6 =

Orientation matrix
Link: characterized by two parameters Joint n Joint n +1
- The distance an:
the orthogonal distance Link n
(along common normal)
- The twist αn: angle between the joint axes
(in the plane perpendicular to the an)
ai – the orthogonal distance (along the common normal) between
the line n+1 and line n. If the prismatic joint, ai = 0
ai – the angle between the two lines i+1 and i.
di – the distance along the line i from the common normal between
line i+1 and line i to the common normal between line I et line i-1.
qi – the angle between the common normal Xn-1 (between the
line i+1 and line i) and Xn (between the line i et line i-1)
General principles for attaching coordinates to the links as follows
- Origin of the coordinate system for link n is located at the intersection
between the common normal an the line of joint n+1
- The case, if the joint axes intersect,
the origin will be located at the intersection point
- The case, If the joint axes are parallel, the origin is selected on
joint axis of the next link, at the appropriate point (điểm phù hợp)
- The z axe of the coordinate system for the link n is located along
joint n+1
-The x axis is usually placed along the common normal,
with the direction from n to n + 1. The case, the joint axes intersect,
the axis x is selected by the product vector x
-The case revolute Joint, θn are joint variable;
If the prismatic joint, dn arjoint variable and an = 0.

The parameters an, αn , dn và θn are called the D-H parameters.

- Determine the position, we need to find the n-1Ai matrix: matrix
transformation of coordinates from the link (n-1) to link n,

The relation between two consecutive coordinate system follow the steps:
- Rotate around Zn-1 axis, angle θn
- Translation along Zn-1 axis, distance dn
- Translation along Xn-1 (has coincided with Xn), distance an.
- Rotate around Xn-1 axis, angle an

4 transformations: the relation of the coordinate of the link n and

the coordinates for link (n-1), and the matrix translation An is:
An = R(z, qn) .Tp(0,0,dn).Tp(an,0,0).R(x, an)

é1 0 0 0ù
ê0 cos a - sin a 0ú
Rotate around OX, angle an: ê ú
R(x, an)= ê0 sin a cos a 0ú
ê ú
ë0 0 0 1û
Rotate around OZ, angle q n:
écos q - sin q 0 0ù
ê sin q cos q 0 0ú
ê ú
R(z, q n)= ê 0 0 1 0ú
ê ú
ë 0 0 0 1û

Translation with the vertor p(px, py, pz)T:

é1 0 0 Px ù
ê0 1 0 py ú
T= ê ú
ê0 0 1 pz ú
ê ú
ë0 0 0 1û
If the If the prismatic joint (a = 0 & θn = 0), matrix An is:

For the link move by revolute Joint, d, a and α are constants.

Matrix A is a function of joint variable θ

For the link move by prismatic joint, θ and α are constants.

Matrix A is a function of joint variable d
- Basic kinematic equation of the robot is established on the basis of
the transformation matrix Ai

- Matrix Ti is product of matrices Ai, and is matrix describing position

and direction of coordinates attached for the link i to fixed coordinate
If i = n, with n is the number sign of the coordinate system associated with
"Last impact points" – the endpoint of the last kink (End Effector),
We have:
T n= A 1 . A 2 … A n = T E (*)

TE is matrix atrix describes the status of the "Last impact points”

éu v w P ù (px, py, pz) of last impact point E
ê x x x xú
ê u v w p ú
TE = y y y y
êu v w p ú
ê z z z zú
êë 0 0 0 1 úû
éu v w P ù
ê x x x xú
Tn = êu y v y w y p y ú
êu v w p ú
ê z z z zú
êë 0 0 0 1 úû
This is the basic kinematic equation of robot,
describes the status (coordinates, direction) of the final impact point
Table D-H parameters for robot with 2 coplanar links

Link ai αi di θi
1 a1 0 0 θ1 *
2 a2 0 0 θ2 *
1 0 90 d1 θ1
2 a2 0 0 θ2
3 a3 0 0 θ3

Ta cã c¸c ma trËn D-H sau:

A1= A2=


MÆt kh¸c:
0T = A .A
2 1 2
0T = 0T . A
3 2 3

0T =A .A =
2 1 2

0T = 0T . A3 =
3 2

0T =
- C1 : Cos θ1
3 - S1 : Sin θ1,
- C23 : Cos (θ2+θ3),
- S23 : Sin (θ2+θ3)

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