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Alamat : Jalan Sulaiman Said Desa Telaga Langsat Kec. Telaga Langsat Kab. HSS


Mata pelajaran : Bahasa inggris
Nama :
Kelas : IV (Empat)

1. Where is the stove usually found?

A. Living room
B. Bedroom
C. Kitchen
D. Terrace

2. What do we use the stove for?

A. Sleeping
B. Cooking
C. Playing
D. Shopping

3. Which of the following is NOT cooked on the stove?

A. Rice
B. Salad
C.Fried fisth

4. What do we need to turn on the stove?

A. Remote control
B.Gas knob
C. Light switch
D. Broom

5. What should you do after using the stove?

A. Leave it on
B. Turn it off
C.Play with it
D. Inflatable

6. What can you make in the kitchen?

A. Fried egg
B. Ice cream

7. Where can you make a fried egg?

A. Bedroom
B. Kitchen
C. Garden
D. Living room

8. Who can make a fried egg in the kitchen?

A. Chef
B. Mom/Dad
C. I can
D. Grandma

9. What do you need to make a fried egg?

A. Frying pan
B. Toothbrush
C. Book
D. Remote control

10. hy is it important to be on time?

A. Because it's fun
B. Because it shows respect and responsibility
C.Because it's not necessary
D. because it's boring

11. What does "be on time" mean?

A. Arriving early
B. Arriving late
C. Arriving at the exact time scheduled
D. arrived in a hurry

12. How can you ensure you are on time?

A. By leaving late
B. By planning ahead and leaving early
C. By ignoring the time completely
D. ramblingly

13.What ime is is? It is…..

A. three o'clock
B. four o'clock
C. five o'clock
D. twelve o'clock

14.What ime is is? It is…..

A. quarter past one

B. half past one
C. quarter past two
D. half past two
15. Ami: ...?
Rosa: My name is Rosa.

a. What is your name

b. Where is your name
c. Who is your name
d. When is your name


1. Bagaimana penulisan Selamat malam dalam bahasa inggris ..?

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2. bagaimana penulisan 25 dalam dalam bahasa inggris ...?

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3. What ime is is? It is…..

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4. What ime is is? It is…..

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5. Bagaimana penulisan sembilan apel dalam bahasa inggris ?

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