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I. Choose the correct answer by crossing (x) a, b, c, or d !

1. We have two .... 11. A: "What is a tongue for?"

a. hands B: "A tongue is for....
b. nose a. seeing
c. mouth b. hearing
c. tasting
Text for number 2 to 4
We have one nose. 12. We see something with our ....
Nose is for smelling. a. hand
We can smell the flowers with our nose. b. teeth
We should take good care of our nose. c. eyes

2. We have .... nose. 13. We have .... ears

a. one a. one
b. two b. two
c. three c. three

3. We use our nose for .... 14. We have two feet. Feet are for ....
a. tasting a. seeing
b. speaking b. smelling
c. smelling c. walking

4. We can .... the flowers with our nose. 15. It can swim in the water. It is a ....
a. hear a. dholphin
b. smell b. bird
c. taste c. monkey

5. We have .... for hearing. 16. A .... likes to eat carrot

a. eye a. pigeon
b. ear b. parrot
c. lips c. rabbit

6. We can taste food using our .... 17. A .... has a long neck.
a. tongue a. giraffe
b. teeth b. elephant
c. lip c. horse

7. We chew the food using our .... 18. A .... likes to eat grass.
a. tongue a. cow
b. nose b. chicken
c. teeth c. cat

8. Text for number 19 to 20

Do you know a rattle snake? It is a wild animal.
It has a long body.
It is poisonous. It can run fasf. We can find it in
the dessert
Look, Anita’s .... is long and black. 19. The text is about a ....
a. hair a. wolf
b. hand b. tiger
c. head c. snake
9. My brother wears a cap on his .... 20. Rattle snake can .... fast.
a. neck a. run
b. head b. eat
c. hand c. fly

Your .... is chubby.

a. nose
b. mouth
c. cheek

1. a. hands
2. a. one
3. c. smelling
4. b. smell
5. b. ear
6. a. tongue
7. c. teeth
8. a. hair
9. b. head
10. c. cheek
11. c. tasting
12. c. eyes
13. b. two
14. c. walking
15. a. dholphin
16. c. rabbit
17. a. giraffe
18. a. cow
19. c. snake
20. a. run

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