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Titk Soience l Teuk nolagy

Subjed foundaior carse


Studen} Tel 1220 2206R

and ot so educate d peop\
hrc nas

netwosking ites

he qUwth o Yaious indostzies in les develope A

EQios of the Countay has nelped in incseAine
employment. This has incseaed me eonomic
Cond thon1 of such segion, and seduced oeqiorca!
imbalance in The Coutsy

CUe to advanced
analtoxad machineKy,
eeds ond alo
hiqhy advanced hybmd
perticidei cd festtliue
ova lable ot obiid2d xate ox The foSmeY
the tettex ibnigation faality hos helped to
tackle Thepooblem of or roegulax
potten of agiculht in sereTal ofglon
Notiongl secui y
Ad vance d aSmJ and ammonitio n has (ed to
bettes _ulpped asmy to fçht esoiJt and
pnYad es J. Ttellkqence euiprmen t
Satellite help t paoteCt boxde coonected to The
and tsack
Onne also
offroe by
ave ajpect, of
pUsue heis
) Medic1no

New technologie have made hetny üvinq

posrible ond also inc%eased ife ekpetanc
Sa eiThe ue of late tehnology hay
de opexations Can be made awailable c
example ataxact.
ataxact apeation
c Online t3ansaction s

The system of online payment hos focilita ted

fast tiack tsonactiony
of sailkoay trcKe b air cketr
booking txonsachion tnDugh e-bankinq. and
Shoppi ng online bare becorme easiex Gnd
hossie- ofe due to onine tsansactions Thuha
qseatty vayed ne time and efRos t ofthe pfople

lessened he
Mobile phone 2EYolotion hal
dtance behueen people acaal
ne nation oith atfox dable and easy to 0Je
nondset foorm a songe of Compani e) and la -
poiced ofhorçes available to caL
Gsowth OP techno logy and it uSe modesn

Techno loqical inyentions ase solutions to exinq

pob lemiTechnolo g4 moKe Uing easie and
moe Comfox table t helpJ economic poooeJs
land indostzal qpowth and alo help in the ber
lose of available esouxLes The lation ships
between the VaTious classes oY soCehy haYe

changed due to technalagg Expecially

ldexelöping Countaier like Tndia Theseis a need
ost- e PPective technologies cehtch an solYe
he poblem aP the p a x t a t i e n an
eOh the emoeet The Dion
Hence cUCh kiad gf technola 4y an help the
beHes netosk a erentiaP wexvice aczo
the nation Some
ome of tne eAds in which
Hechaoloqy has bMught about
effective chonge
)Fducation: The Reld of education has ben eitteA
inmenely Jechnalogical paogaes The
Hot and osqe Scale piHing technalo qy and
eOmple nvention thct goe
education dos mo derelopment of the
SMden _some of itb benekb he jntexnet is arn
excellent souzce o iatomatioo oó both
Jeoches1 ond udents b update Theis Knowledqe


nThe (entmy ,Thee \Yention
taking place n he setox of modcon chnoloqy
he duCovey of electcity ed to a toan fo
-atten n tzÕnupol commnunícatiCn ,ond qenesca
ving gmcultue machuney,he producton
ofeei, b lazqe- Scale ConstzOction
andThe qouth "oF tne chemical indysty weoe
Some of ne impoxtant dexelopment of his

ne 2oh centoy is considened he age of

iechnlag dunig Thu pemad
the smbol afdexelapment
technalaty becon
s a couatay
totsehld iving became comPoxtoble cortn
leletncation, nÁy applíonce, like fidge
wacunq and advanced ttemi
machines and
oF coaer fupply., cld eleviion Tadnpox
became ute wrth Cauise ships ond most
impoxtonly aizplanes as well a (omputex
4xanfozmed ne ieldof
borlnemedicine eh

Sllite technolo gy
lovhBuoI sotelites ae ob\ects hat aoe place din
me eosth otmosphee Tney
he aÝe connected to sys tem
on The earth So teites con ofceir data t m
eagTrn On d Send dato to Tne
otelli tes in The fom of Ngnal


bhe Ccato ot noden SUeNCe
ce belonq to this
nomeOw loaws and lneosie in
physicsbielegy chemis troy, atronomy et we>
establshed tnis. pencdme cereloprner
he weapons and Grnmynthons
changed tne stem of mltony wosfoe The
invenhon of The prinbngpes oYo lutionised he
Spofad of knouedqe ånd infozmation The new
Shyles oF ash teche dexelopfd in The mnedieva

n The latey mediexal peaiad konpeans tarte

Venhozing aut ta exploze neo seo moutei to
RSia NNG Spiat ofadventuae and exploxai on
s Soppogted by ne deve lop.ment of shipbuildig
technology coztogrop hy ond qipmentto
Meausé nd, lonqiude et
me indortno age is oi d o be thenbol o
The modexn age The new echnoloqs baJed on
machiner unning on Steam
was dexelope dIt led to The coeation of
indutmeL, larqe-cle pTduction nd change
eronomic ondrtions Rstnesmo de
he cotton industy developd inte a huge
en texpme he stfom engine incoeaed he
Output of Coal fFsom unes Tt (ed to Tnhe
beginnag oF The tzan1port eYolotion.
he peiod aom oh when witteh
avaulable SKnOun as the histoaca
the had mode
technoloqica| innovation, durinq Tris
penod Tus penod can be Resnex divided in
tnee secton followi

muent:The Chinese inventtd The Dn ploa pape

ne magnethe campa ond qun pondex The
aadent Goeek ade eme<kahle pongseli
mechonical technology They wee pioneexL
revesa uptcti oF manmahic, astonom4
aspeth They inyenTedhe oateimillTn Tndia
One. can hnd inYentian1 in The held of medicung
Mahemathce, and scuiptuse dumag thi penmed
medieYal- T ne medievol peioA he adyaceme
of technology beowe tf the qsoon ot rience
becorney a eporate bsonc b of
seyexal chooli and lleqes were Pitoablished
s the development ofsienthhc Seiea zTh
The Renissounce spimt encourald not only
suentitke expeiment but aluo panding
sUentike mouqhti

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