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- Good morning everyone and welcome to my presentation. First of all, thank
you all for coming here today.
- For those of you who dont know me already my nam is Mai and i'm
responsible for presentation today
I read somewhere the other day that Glossophobia, the fear of public speaking,
is considered the most common phobia, affecting approximately 75% of people.
Today I’d like to talk about how to improve public speaking skill
4) Preview
-I’ve divided my presentation intro three main parts
-I’ll start by problem of public speaking skill
Then I’ll move on to 2 solutions of public speaking
After that, I’ll be focus on solutions

*In this part of my presentation, I’d like to talk about problem of public
speaking skills
Nói- Anxiety and fear are common human emotions, and public speaking
anxiety is one of the most common fears people face. The anxiety that comes
with speaking in front of a group of people, making a presentation in front of
them, or even participating in the conversation can be terrible.

+ Glossophobia, or the fear of public speaking, affects the majority of people.

People who are overcome by fear of rejection, judgment, or making mistakes
find it difficult to communicate successfully. Besides only making you
uncomfortable, this anxiety may affect your opportunities for education, career
success, and social relationships.

+The fear of failing is closely related to the fear of being judged. With the
constant fear of making a mistake or forgetting something important, the
pressure to perform perfectly can be overwhelming. The challenge of meeting
or exceeding the expectations of the audience, which is frequently personal,
adds to the speaker's worry of not living up to their requirements, which can
have a negative impact on their confidence.

+Comparing oneself to more skilled speakers on opportunity can lead to worry

and feelings of lacking. When it comes to public speaking, the worry of missing
short of others can be a major cause of stress. This tendency may block
motivation, quality, and personal development; therefore, it's critical to choose
learning and self-improvement over unhealthy competition.
->This brings me to the end of my first point

*Let’s now take a look at solution

-As I sad earlier, a number of things might contribute to public speaking
challenges, such as anxiety, fear of being judged, and the need to make an
effective speech.
-In addition to this, I’d like to say that solution to improve public speaking
-So, what does this mean?
-I’d like to emphasize the following points.
+To gain confidence and provide an engaging presentation, preparation and
content familiarity—the basis of excellent public speaking—are important.

+Preparing a speech effectively requires two important steps.

 Firstly, whole research is necessary, requiring gathering of useful data,
examples, and information to support main says.
 Second, outlining the speech's goal—to inform, encourage, entertain, or
inspire—is essential because it provides a guide for the material a
concentrated and powerful delivery.

+Whether you want to engage, persuade, entertain, or inspire, it's important to
lay out your purpose while you're preparing your speech. This will ensure that
your objective is clear and will effectively direct your content.

+Carefully preparing your information clearly is important to making sure your

speech is understood by the audience. This organized way, which starts with an
engaging introduction, develops your major ideas, and ends with an important
conclusion, makes it easier for the audience to understand and participate in
your presentation.

- The key to developing and improving one's public speaking abilities is to

regularly participate in a variety of public speaking situations.
+Practice, Practice, Practice: "Practice makes perfect" is a true saying.
Practice speeches and presentations frequently to gain greater knowledge with
the topic of things. In addition to improving skill, practice makes public
speaking easier.

- Overcoming the fear of public speaking involves strategic planning and

gradual steps. Frequently participating in public speaking events is essential for
developing self-assurance and flexibility. The process involves expanding the
comfort zone by speaking to a larger audience or in an informal setting. Joining
public speaking clubs like Toastmasters provides a supportive environment for
regular practice, giving constructive criticism and encouragement. It is
important to practice speeches and presentations consistently to improve
knowledge and qualifications.

By using this careful approach, people can overcome the challenges related to
public speaking and gradually develop the courage required to speak
successfully in a variety of situations. Recall that perseverance, patience, and an
effort to self-improvement are important.
To sum up, improving public speaking skills needs a variety of plans. A
confident and engaging presentation starts with careful planning, which includes
extensive study, practice, and organization. Effective communication can be
improved by a thorough understanding of the speech's goals and familiarity with
the topic of matter. Development demands accepting feedback opportunities,
adapting to the needs of the audience, and controlling anxiety. Finally, making
an impact with the audience, practicing regularly, and keeping an eye on
lifelong learning can help you advance in your public speaking career.

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