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1. Why SEO is important in Digital Marketing, Specify with relevant example.

SEO is important because search engines aren’t perfect. If you don’t take steps to counter
their failings, then your website will pay the price.

For example, if a site doesn’t have a proper link structure, then search engines may not
crawl and index the site properly which can lower rankings. Coding errors can block search
engines entirely, making it impossible for your site to rank, no matter how much time you
put into other SEO efforts.

2. How you can generate traffic to your website through OFF-Page SEO?

Off-page SEO techniques – Five steps to increase your domain authority

Creating valuable backlinks. Creating backlinks is at the core of off-site SEO and is a technique
that is crucial for any site with the aspiration of ranking on page one

Social Media Marketing.

Guest Content.

Forum Posting.

Local Listings.

3.What are KPI’s in SEO? Explain with suitable examples.

Key performance indicators (KPIs) for SEO are metrics that help you evaluate the performance of
your SEO efforts. Without defining, monitoring, and analyzing the SEO KPIs that matter for your
business, there's no way to know whether your SEO efforts are successful.

4.I have changed the description in my website, is it On page or OFF page SEO? Explain.

It is an On-Page SEO

On-Page SEO: On-page SEO is a technique that is used for optimizing individual web pages to rank
higher and earn more relevant traffic in search engines. In search engine optimization, like Google,
Yahoo, and Bing on-page optimization refers to a factor that affects your website and web page
listing in the natural search results.

Off-Page SEO: Off-page optimization refers to the technique that can be used to improve the
position of a website on a search engine results page(SERPS). Many people associate off-page SEO
with link building but it is not only that. It is also used in promotion methods like blogging, website
design, social bookmarking, etc.
5. How we can we make our website rank on Google 1st page, Specify suitable methods.

Here's how to do so:

Determine your keywords. First, determine which search queries you want Google to answer with
your website pages.

Tell Google what keywords you're using.

Write for humans.

Emphasize location.

Optimize for mobile.

Focus on user experience.

6.Give examples of Transactional keywords and Branded Keywords , 3 examples each


The keywords with the strongest intent to buy or take imminent action are transactional keywords.

These keywords can be targeted with paid ads and highly optimized purchase pages or pages where
users can take immediate action on a site.

Transactional keyword examples:

Buy crypto online

Sandwich places near me that deliver

Pickup truck for sale


These keyphrases provide powerful insights. In seconds you can:

Learn what your audience knows about you

Find reputation issues

Discover your top competitors

Uncover gaps in your content

Branded keyword examples:

Apple iPhone, Chicago Cubs parking and today newspaper blog

7.Which tool is used to get the data for keywords?

Google Keyword Planner

It'll also show you historical statistics and information on how a list of keywords might perform and
it'll create a new keyword list by multiplying several lists of keywords together.

8.My website is loading time is high, which SEO to be performed?

Test website performance.

Use a CDN (content delivery network)

Optimize images.

Minify CSS and JavaScript files. ...

Reduce the number of HTTP requests if possible.

Use browser HTTP caching.

Minimize the inclusion of external scripts.

9.Assume a website, Give website name, and write goals and Objective for your website.

Daily Bugle

Marketing– drive traffic, engage prospects, generate leads and re-engage existing customers. Sales–
help close sales by validating and supporting sales team communications. Customer Support –
improve customer satisfaction through better service.

10. Write a Title by considering a keyword “electric vehicle” to create blog?

small, light, maneuverable

11. What’s the most important factor in SEO?

A Secure and Accessible Website.

Page Speed (Including Mobile Page Speed)

Mobile Friendliness.

Domain Age, URL, and Authority.

Optimized Content.

Technical SEO.

User Experience


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