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Sample capstone 2022

Bachelor of Science in Information Technology (Kabankalan Catholic College)

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A Capstone Project

Presented to the Faculty

Of Kabankalan Catholic College

In Partial Fulfillment

Of the Requirements in Capstone Project 2







October 2021

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The researcher wish to express their grateful appreciation to the following people,

who one way or the other, had drawn out their assistance in the completion of this study.

To ___, for allowing them to conduct the reliability test and survey test for their


To __, for allowing them to use the facilities of Quality Assurance and Research


To __, and __, for evaluating and examine the study;

To __, for the ideas, concepts, expertise, untiring help and support. Without his

eagerness, perseverance and most of all his faith to the researcher, this study would not be

accomplished on time;

To __, for the untiring help in editing the researchers work and everything he had

shared and done to finish this requirement;

To __, their statistician for helping the researchers to analyze and interpret the


Kabankalan Catholic College School Registrar and Staff, College students BITE

Department for accommodating the researcher during the interview.

To BSIT-4, the entire group, who made this project successful and helped to

accomplish this work.



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Title Page
Approval Sheet
Table of Contents
List of Tables
List of Figures

Statement of the Problem
Conceptual Framework
Significance of the Study
Scope and Limitation of the Study
Defination of Terms
Reseach Design
Locale of the study
Participants of the Study
Sampling Technique
Research Instrument
Validity and Reliability of the Instrument
Data Analysis


Summary of Findings



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This project Kabankalan Catholic College-Registrar System Management

(KCCRSM) is an enhancement of the existing enrollment system and it will be

used in Kabankalan Catholic College. The enrollment system is a number one

need the institution. Enrollment is the process of entering and verifying data of student to

register on a particular school (KCC RSM) is a good example of a computer generated

process. This can lessen the workload and provides accurate information needed

by the school. The KCCRSM is a system design to perform the process involving the

registration, grading system including the displaying of printed grades, year curriculum in

every course, evaluation features, and prerequisites detections. This system will help to

make KCC enrollment process easier.

The Kabankalan Catholic College, a Christ centered is located at Guanzon Street,

Brgy. 1, Kabankalan City. Providing an excellent performance in terms of education;

having a well-rounded teacher, professor and staffs, and continuing to give a h i g h level

of services the school has also to cope to the modernity o f t h e w o r l d . Technology

which is now widely used all over the world makes everything so easier and instant.

KCCRSM will provide an organized way of registering college students and also

provides a secured way of keeping a database of each student. The KCCRSM also serves

as information especially for the irregular students, freshmen, transferees and professors

in able to get access in course and student enrollees but the system is designed to use by

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staff and other authorized user in the registrar office to enable to easily produce

information required by different people in KCC.

Before manual procedure is a long process because it takes a lot of time finding the

previous records of the students. The proponents plan to use this technology to give a

better assistance and services to the students.

The idea behind KCCRSM is not a new concept because of manual registration in

enrollment. The proponents gathered idea more features to add for the users in their most

needed i n f o r m a t i o n t o s e e o n l i n e , l i k e d i s p l a y i n g a p r i n t e d g r a d e ,

names of their classmates, professor schedule and registration form

together with their designated room.

As a result, it will benefit not only the student but the administration as a whole.

This will also be a big help to all the enrollment staff because they are the one who are

entitled to use and read information from here. The project will also help the school

institution to have a system that will upgrade the enrollment process so as meet the

quality that the school institution trying to meet. The KCCRSM implements Enrollment

System for an easier way to be part of its Community.

Project Context

Nowadays, time, effort and money are such vital things that have

to be used very efficiently to have a satisfactory outcome.

KCC is currently experiencing an old way process of enrollment

system. It will consume a lot of paper resources to provide

thousands of students in KCC.

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Enrollment is the process of entering and verifying data of

student to register on a particular school. Different interrelated

process build up enrollment procedures called enrollment system

(ES). ES are used primarily in recording and retrieving student

i n f o r m a t i o n . Tr a c k i n g s t u d e n t i n f o r m a t i o n i s a l s o o n e f e a t u r e s o f

ES, in which the school can trace the standing of the student.

Major business breakthroughs that shift the Information Technology (IT) industry

landscape are built on great technology innovation. Smart technologies come up with

technical innovation, which have high potential to become a mainstream consumable

product or services.

Enrollment – is an exciting day for every student in every school. It is the most

expected activity after the summer vacation. But contrary to the expectation of the

student enrollees has posed problems and inconveniences because it has become tedious

and time-consuming.

Other students tend to give the task to their parents and other members of the family to

enroll them. The unsystematic procedure if school during the enrollment is now a major


The worst scenario during the enrolment period is student usually stand for more or less

than an hour and worst if they are obliged to come back the next day to be officially


All these have posed a problem that alarmed the researchers and decided to pursue and

resolves the enrollment problem by designing and execute a system of enrollment which

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would cater to smooth and less problematic flow of enrollment in Kabankalan Catholic


Computerization is a control system that manages processes in an industrial workplace. It

decreases human errors and processes time, thus it can boost productivity and resulted in

high quality if produced products. In Information System, computerization is concerned

about interrelating processes that can perform much faster and more accurate than a

manual system. This study aims to assist Kabankalan Catholic College to have much

better Enrollment System compare to their usual enrollment process. The proponents

would make an interface of the system to the administrators of Kabankalan Catholic

College; it would also help the administration for the basic facts in using the system.

Statement of the Problem

Conceptual Framework

Significance of the Study

This study and its results will be beneficial to the following:

Significance of the Study

The study is significance to the following:

Administration. The main beneficiary of the following study is the Kabankalan

Catholic College that will be adopting the innovation of technology through

computers that will make the work with optimum performance.

Registrar. Concerning the registrar’s office, the proposed system will help them

in maintaining the data of the students and the institution will not use the manual

gathering. The staff needs to check the database for the records needed.

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Students and Parents. The proposed system will able to minimize the time and

efforts that it takes to process student’s enrollment. It beneficial also because it

will reduce the time to be consumed by the students and parents during


Future Researchers. The system will benefit the future researcher/s as a guide or

reference in their own efforts at any research proposal or project.

Scope and limitation of the Study

The proposed Computerized Enrollment System is created and developed

for Kabankalan Catholic College. It is used for registration and enrollment. The

system can manage the information of the students, staff and teachers. The system

can also search all records of the students enrolled in the institution according to

the level. The system generates reports from enrollment details and reviews of

student information. The system can also add subjects for every grade level. The

system can also create schedules for the students for the school year. The system

will be hosted locally by the staff to avoid security threats, slow process, and to

make the system faster compare to hosting it online. The system does not have

account transactions to be paid by the students because it only focuses on

registration and enrollment of the students.

Defination of Terms

for clearer and better understanding, the following terms were conceptually and

operationally defined:

Computerization. It is a system that makes the manual process of enrollment of

Kabankalan Catholic College to be computerized and upgraded.

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Computerized Enrollment System. A system created by Microsoft Visual Studio

2008. It is a computer-based system that will be used as a replacement if the

manual process of enrollment of Kabankalan Catholic College.

Database. Is a type of storage where in all the information of the students, staff,

teacher are saved this will be secured to avoid hacking.

Enrollment System. Is a system in which the manual process of enrollment of

Kabankalan Catholic College will be computerized to minimize the time of the

students and staff to manage an enrollment processes.

Hardware. These are tools used in performing the Computerized Enrollment

System on the computer.

Kabanakalan Catholic College. Is located at Guanzon Street, Barangay1,

Kabankalan City Negros Occidental. This is where the proposed system will be


MySQL. Is a server type in which databases/storage of all records is manages. It

can also manage the information about the objects that are being used during


Reports. Report are generated and printed by the staff. It contains information on

enrollment, student information review, printed schedule of subjects for the whole


Software. Program that run on a computer and perform the functions in the whole

enrollment process.

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Chapter II


Along with the development of this study, several published articles, research papers, and

official survey reports related to the aspects and functionalities of Registrar Management

System as mentioned in this study were carefully reviewed on.

Foreign literature

Studies concerns the comprehensive research of literature in the language of the

country it was written in that includes the study of the regional and historical

circumstances in which it was written.


According to Ankita Santape, Prachi Neware, Sanchayati Bajganiya, Mayuri

Nandurkar, Smita Nirkhi (April-2021), for efficient project and task management, any

company, large or small, needs an employee attendance monitoring system. To deal with

differences and variations within the company, management needs to keep track of each

employee's time and attendance. In today's competitive environment, any technology

improves dramatically when it is automated. Since manual attendance monitoring is a

time-consuming and inefficient process for a group of workers, an automated attendance

management system with face recognition capabilities is a big improvement. The

biometric authentications being used for attendance marking is a clever way of

implementing an attendance management scheme. Face recognition, among other

methods, is more reliable and quicker, and it decreases the risk of proxy attendance. Face

recognition allows for passive identification, which means that the person being

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recognized does not have to take any action to be identified. The enrollment of the

employees in the system is a one-time process and their photograph would be placed in a

resources storage. Using a digital real image, the automated grading system can detect a

person's face. The presence of each employee is updated in the database daily and the

results are more accurate in a user interactive manner.

Student and Faculty Perceptions of OpenStax in High Enrollment Courses

According to C. Edward Watson, Denise P. Domizi, Sherry A. Clouser, (Watson,

C. E., Domizi, D. P., & Clouser, S. A. (2017). As public funding for higher education

decreases and the cost to students to attend college increases, universities are searching

for strategies that save students money while also increasing their chances for success.

Using free online textbooks is one such strategy, and the OpenStax College initiative at

Rice University is one of the most widely recognized producers of such materials.

Through a mixed method approach, this article examines the student and faculty

experiences of adopting and using an OpenStax textbook. With 1,299 student

participants, it was found that students greatly value the quality, attributes, and the cost of

the OpenStax Biology textbook, though minor concerns were raised about its online

format. Faculty adoption of a free textbook provides unique opportunities for course

redesign and improvement, and the approach employed in this course transformation

context resulted in clearly articulated learning outcomes, a fully realized structure in the

course’s learning management system, and improvements to instructional practice. The

student, faculty, and course benefits of this study offer a compelling argument for the

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adoption of high quality open education resources (OER) in public higher education


Developing an Automated Student Academic Record Management with Business

Intelligence Approach

According to Maria Dara C. Saquin, Dave E. Marcial, (Vol 12, No 2 (2016),

Student academic records management and assessment are among the vital processes in

any higher education institution. These processes must be efficient and systematic. The

significant problems of the current system that is holding the student’s academic record

have been observed and identified. Based upon the limitations and the challenges on the

existing procedures of a manual storing and archiving of the students’ academic records,

a centralized students’ academic record management system was proposed. This project

primarily aimed to develop a computerized student academic record management system

in order to help DMC College Foundation Incorporated (DMCCFI) Philippines improve

its performance in the registrar services, specifically in the assessment and evaluation of

student records. The newly developed system is integrated with business intelligence. It

offers modules such as grade submission, assessment, and student kiosk with security

feature. The development model included Rapid Application Development (RAD). The

tools used in the development are Windows Server 2008 R2, DevExpress, Microsoft

Visual Studio C#, MSSQL, and SmartDraw. Based on the system evaluation, the

proposed system is very good with an aggregate mean of 4.55. The result implies that the

MIS staff, coordinators and dean strongly agree that the proposed system is highly

acceptable. In terms of usability, the proposed system is rated with an aggregate mean of

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6.43 described as “Strongly Agree.” It was concluded that the developed system offers

the capabilities and functions that can help improve the performance of the registrar

services in DMCCFI and is highly recommended for immediate utilization by DMCCFI.

Predicting Medical School Enrollment Behaviour: Comparing an Enrollment

Management Model to Expert Human Judgment

According to Burkhardt, John C. MA, MD; DesJardins, Stephen L. PhD; Teener,

Carol A. MA; Gay, Steven E. MD; Santen, Sally A. MD, PhD (November 2018 - Volume

93 - Issue 11S - p S68-S7) Medical school admissions committees are tasked with

fulfilling the values of their institutions through careful recruitment. Making accurate

predictions regarding enrollment behavior of admitted students is critical to intentionally

formulating class composition and impacts long-term physician representation. The

predictive accuracy and potential advantages of employing an enrollment predictive

model in medical school admissions compared with expert human judgment have not

been tested. To test the relative accuracy of a medical school EM model versus human

decision making, we used an EM predictive model previously created by the authors. 12

Predictions were generated prospectively for the two approaches and compared with the

actual enrollment behavior of the 2016–2017 applicants selected for admission in 2017.

Excel (Microsoft, Redmond, Washington) was used for initial data recording and pilot

dashboard creation. Stata version 12.1 (Stata Corp, College Station, Texas) was used to

conduct predictive modeling and accuracy comparison. This study was given exempt

status by the University of Michigan Institutional Review Board.


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Web Based Student Information Management System

According to Shashikumar G. Totad, Geeta R.B, S.R.Bharamagoudar (Vol. 2,

Issue 6, June 2013), Student Information Management System (SIMS) provides a simple

interface for maintenance of student information. It can be used by educational institutes

or colleges to maintain the records of students easily. The creation and management of

accurate, up-to-date information regarding a students’ academic career is critically

important in the university as well as colleges. Student information system deals with all

kind of student details, academic related reports, college details, course details,

curriculum, batch details, placement details and other resource related details too. It

tracks all the details of a student from the day one to the end of the course which can be

used for all reporting purpose, tracking of attendance, progress in the course, completed

semesters, years, coming semester year curriculum details, exam details, project or any

other assignment details, final exam result and all these will be available through a

secure, online interface embedded in the college’s website. It will also have faculty

details, batch execution details, students’ details in all aspects, the various academic

notifications to the staff and students updated by the college administration. It also

facilitate us explore all the activities happening in the college, Different reports and

Queries can be generated based on vast options related to students, batch, course, faculty,

exams, semesters, certification and even for the entire college.


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Local Literature

The local related studies are the studies conducted here locally or within the Philippines


Student Development Practices of one Maritime Education Institution in the


According to Edwin M. Agena, Myrna C. Clemino, Emely M. Linatoc, Recalyn

M. Manalo, Jake M. Laguador (June 2017) .Maritime education institutions are

considered important training ground of future seafarers where they should have the

resources and practices to deliver quality instruction and relevant services towards

efficient and effective implementation of STCW or ILO requirements. This study aims to

determine the level of student development practices of one maritime education

institution in the Philippines. Descriptive type of research was utilized in the study with

130 Maritime students as respondents. Results showed that the university obtained a high

level of student development practices in terms of institution’s policies towards human

resource development systems and concern for innovations in the methodology of

teaching; followed by programs on personal effectiveness and development of essential

skills; and last, the initiatives for career guidance and counselling. Understanding cultural

diversity is considered important component on developing the potentials and leadership

capability of the maritime students towards achieving a good working relationship with

other foreign nationalities onboard ship which includes communication and managing


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According to Charisse T. Reyes University of the Philippines Open Unversity,

2018.Through learning analytics, this study identified various factors affecting students’

success in the Associate in Arts (AA) program of the University of the Philippines Open

University (UPOU). Data from various sources were obtained for the analysis of

demographic information, previous academic experiences, learner readiness for distance

education, and students’ learning behavior. Based on the analysis of their demographic

information, it was found that students’ age, gender, civil status, occupation and location

are factors influencing their completion of the program. Completion of the Distance

Education Readiness module before beginning the AA program has also been found to

have a positive impact on program completion.

Development of Electronic Document Archive Management System (EDAMS): A

Case Study of a University Registrar in the Philippines

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According to Las Johansen B. Caluza (2017). The traditional method of data

storage has shown its impact in managing documents from security, retrieval, and

monitoring. Many kinds of literature suggest that this approach would result in low job

satisfaction rating from its clients. Leyte Normal University’s Office of the Registrar is

no escape in this dilemma. In November 2013, the university experienced the strongest

typhoon ever recorded known as Haiyan locally known as Yolanda. The archive/storage

area of the Registrar was heavily affected were most of the documents scattered and

deteriorated. With this experience, it is empirical to study to provide a practical solution.

The researcher utilized embedded single case study using thematic analysis in identifying

the issues and coping strategies of the seven participants through in-depth interviews,

focus group discussion, and observation. Moreover, the utilization of Systems

Development Life Cycle’s Sashimi model in developing the software was carried out.

The result revealed various issues and coping strategies mentioned by the participants,

from a limited storage area to difficulty in document retrieval and monitoring, and from

the utilization of logbook to misclassification of records. Finally, the results became the

basis for developing the electronic document archive and management system (EDAMS).

A Predictive Analytics Approach in Determining the Predictors of Student Attrition

in the Higher Education Institutions in the Philippines

According to Markdy Y. Orong, Roseclaremath A. Caroro, Geraldine D. Durias,

Joey A. Cabrera, Herwina Lonzon, Gretel T. Ricalde(January 2020). The paper identified

the predictors of student attrition in the Higher Education Institution (HEI) through

predictive analytics approach. The prediction model used in the study includes variable

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optimization through Genetic Algorithm (GA) and decision tree generation phase through

C4.5 algorithm. The college student leavers' data from one of the Higher Education in the

Philippines from the school year 2008-2009 until the school year 2018-2019 was used as

datasets of the study. Out of forty identified reasons for leaving as variables, there were

nine identified predictors of student attrition. Through the identified predictors,

administrators of educational institutions may design intervention plans related to the

student attrition.

Effectiveness of Learning Management System Application in the Learnability of

Tertiary Students in an Undergraduate Engineering Program in the Philippines

According to Yoshiki B. Kurata, Rose Marie Lou P. Bano

Ma. Carole T. Marcelo (23 June 2017), Learning management systems (LMS) is an

integrated platform used in colleges and universities for distribution of educational

materials and facilitate learning servicing various end users i.e. students, teachers and

administration. The approach to learning significantly differs from one program to

another especially in Engineering. In assessing the effectiveness of LMS, variables

considered in the model primarily tap elements critical to system design of a Learning

Management System, which investigate the pedagogical approach, usability and user-

interface satisfaction aspect. The result showed that LMS was an effective tool to

facilitate learning in an undergraduate engineering program in the Philippines because of

its interactive environment and availability though it can be made more efficient by

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adding collaborative learning tools for students, which is deemed vital since engineering

is a multidisciplinary and highly collaborative discipline.

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