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Decription Tools of Control used Against them Lacking Motivations How to Flip them

Ring Leaders Pushing the Agenda Blackmail Humanity Power Expose the Blackmail
Create incentives for Strivers Expose their tactics
2-5% Controllers Told they are part of the "inner circle". empathy control over others
Sociopathic tendencies Believe they are "special"

Strivers Don’t Care about the politics Incentives and Threats Morality Money Show what is coming
Want to come out on Top Example Doctors given payments for medical intervention Scruples Social status i.e. Nuremburg Code etc
10% Clueless, Corrupt Threats of losing their jobs Show that they are expendable to the Ring Leaders
Fulfill the agenda

Normies Mystified and Confused Controlled through the propaganda Information Status Quo Communicate the Truth
Not necessarily bad people Convince them they are doing the "right thing" Want everything to be normal
35% But Clueless & not paying attn. Fear
Care more oftheir social Env.

Doubters Sceptics Demonisation and riddicule of the rebels Courage Fear "Scare them"?
Feckless Convince them to speak up!
35-40% Don’t want to put their Communicate the truth
heads above the parapet

Rebels The BS detectors Censorship, Cancelling and isolation or elimination Fear Truth No need
10-15% Riskiest Group Considered enemies of the State Ethics

Communicate the truth but don’t alienate

Accept that some are unreachable (maybe 10-20%)
Danger of backfiring effect as people become embeded in their views

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