Seatwork 3 and 4

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Seatwork 3: Thin-Walled Pressure Vessels

1. A water tank, 22 = in diameter, is made from steel plates that are ½ in thick. Find the
maximum height (=) to which the tank may be filled if the circumferenKal stress is limited
to 6000 psi. The specific weight of water is 62.4 lb/=3.

2. A spherical gas tank has an inner radius of r = 1.5 m. If it is subjected to an internal pressure
of p = 300 kPa, determine the required thickness (mm) if the maximum normal stress is
not to exceed 12 MPa.

3. The tank shown is fabricated from 1/8 in steel plate. Calculate the maximum longitudinal
and circumferenKal stress (psi) caused by an internal pressure of 125 psi.
Seatwork 4: Strain

1. The following data were recorded during the tensile test of a 14 mm diameter mild steel
rod. The gage length was 50 mm. Determine the mechanical properKes of material: (a)
proporKonal limit (MPa), (b) modulus of elasKcity (GPa), (c) yield stress (MPa), (d) ulKmate
strength (MPa), (e) rupture strength (MPa), and (f) modulus of resilience (MPa).

2. The rigid bar is originally horizontal and is supported by two cables each having a cross-
secKonal area of 0.5 in2. And E = 31(10)3 ksi. Determine the slight rotaKon (degrees) of the
bar when the uniform load is applied.

3. The horizontal beam is assumed to be rigid and supports the distributed load shown.
Determine the angle of Klt of the beam a=er the load is applied and the stress (MPa) in
each wooden post support. Each support consists of a wooden post having a diameter of
120 mm and an unloaded original length of 1.40 m. Take Ew = 12 GPa.
4. The figure shows a uniform, rigid block weighing 14 000 N, supported by three rods
located in symmetric posiKon. Before the block was connected, the lower ends of the rods
were on the same point. Determine the stress (MPa) in each rod a=er the a_achment of
the block, and raise the temperature of all bars by 170 ° F. Use the following data:
A (mm! ) E (MPa) α (/℉)
Each steel rod 0.50 29×10" 7.0×10#"
Bronze rod 0.85 12×10" 11.5×10#"

4 mm


3 mm 3 mm

14 000 N

5. A brief, deep canKlever pillar is 500 mm long by 200 mm deep and is 2 mm thick. It carries
a verKcally descending load of 10 kN at its end. ExpecKng that the
shear push is consistently dispersed over the cross area of the bar.
(a) Which of the following gives the uniform shear strain of the beam in radians if the
shear modulus or Modulus of Rigidity G = 25000 N/mm2?
(b) Which of the following gives the deflecKon due to shear at the free end in mm?
6. The plate is made of material having a modulus of elasKcity E = 200 GPa and Poisson’s
raKo 𝑣 = ". The plate is subjected to a triaxial loading of three uniformly distributed
forces as follows: 4 MN/ m in the -direcKon, 3 MN/ m in the y-direcKon, and 0 MN/ m in
the z-direcKon. Determine the change in width a (mm), height b (mm), and thickness t
(mm) when it is subjected to the uniform distributed loading shown.

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