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CFM Crewing

Table of Contents
1. About This Guide ...................................................................................................... 8
2. Initial Setup ............................................................................................................. 9
3. General Features .................................................................................................... 10
4. Settings ................................................................................................................. 11
4.1. Documents .......................................................................................................... 12
4.1.1. Add Certificate Types ............................................................................... 25
4.1.2. Manage Certificate Settings .................................................................... 26
4.1.3. Replace Certificate Types ......................................................................... 27
4.1.4. Add Competencies ................................................................................... 28
4.1.5. Manage Competencies and Endorsements ............................................. 29
4.1.6. Manage Passport Settings ....................................................................... 30
4.1.7. Manage Settings for Seafarers Books ..................................................... 30
4.1.8. Add Visa Types ......................................................................................... 31
4.1.9. Manage Visa Settings .............................................................................. 31
4.1.10. Add Medical Types ................................................................................. 32
4.1.11. Manage Medical Types .......................................................................... 32
4.1.12. Add Vaccination Types ........................................................................... 33
4.1.13. Manage Vaccination Settings ................................................................ 34
4.1.14. Add Assignment Document Types ......................................................... 34
4.1.15. Manage Assignment Document Types .................................................. 35
4.1.16. Add Warnings ......................................................................................... 35
4.2. Ranks ................................................................................................................... 36
4.2.1. Add Rank Groups ...................................................................................... 37
4.2.2. Add Ranks to Rank Groups ...................................................................... 37
4.2.3. Edit Ranks in Rank Groups ....................................................................... 40
4.3. Officer Matrix ...................................................................................................... 43
4.3.1. Add Requirements .................................................................................... 44
4.3.2. Edit Requirements .................................................................................... 47
4.4. Payrolls ................................................................................................................ 48
4.4.1. Define Global Payroll Settings .................................................................. 49
4.4.2. Define Custom Payroll Settings ............................................................... 49
4.4.3. Add Payroll Earnings / Deductions .......................................................... 61
4.5. Wage Scales ........................................................................................................ 63
4.5.1. Create Wage Scale Groups ....................................................................... 63
4.5.2. Add Wage Scale Versions ......................................................................... 67
4.5.3. Copy Wage Scale Groups ......................................................................... 68
4.5.4. Edit Wage Scale Groups ........................................................................... 70 Add Payroll Settings ....................................................................... 71
4.5.5. Add Wage Scales - Ranks ......................................................................... 80
4.5.6. Delete Wage Scales - Ranks ..................................................................... 83
4.5.7. Copy Wage Scales - Ranks ....................................................................... 83
4.6. Payment Banks ................................................................................................... 84
4.6.1. Add Bank Accounts .................................................................................. 85
4.6.2. Assign Bank Accounts to Vessels ........................................................... 87
4.7. PHL Contributions ............................................................................................... 88

CFM Crewing

4.7.1. Import Philippine Contributions ............................................................... 88

4.7.2. Add Pag - IBIG Contributions .................................................................... 89
4.7.3. Add Reconciliations .................................................................................. 90
4.7.4. Add Variable Contribution Types .............................................................. 90
4.8. Agencies .............................................................................................................. 91
4.8.1. Create Agencies ........................................................................................ 91
4.8.2. Create Agency Fees .................................................................................. 93
4.8.3. Create Contacts for Agencies .................................................................. 93
4.8.4. Edit Contacts for Agencies ....................................................................... 94
4.9. Travel Agencies ................................................................................................... 95
4.9.1. Create Travel Agencies ............................................................................. 95
4.9.2. Create Contacts for Travel Agencies ........................................................ 96
4.9.3. Edit Contacts for Travel Agencies ............................................................ 96
4.10. Miscellaneous ................................................................................................... 97
4.10.1. Create Additional Property Keys ............................................................ 98
4.10.2. Create Seafarer Pools ............................................................................. 98
4.10.3. Create Sign-off Reasons ......................................................................... 99
4.10.4. Create Remark Categories ..................................................................... 99
4.10.5. Create Document Types ...................................................................... 100
4.10.6. Create Person History Types ............................................................... 100
4.10.7. Create Experience Types ..................................................................... 101
4.10.8. Create Travel Expense Types .............................................................. 102
4.10.9. Define Crew Portal Settings ................................................................ 103
4.10.10. Add Exchange Rates ......................................................................... 103
4.10.11. Define Storage Periods ...................................................................... 105
4.10.12. Define Settings for Automatic Deletion of Seafarers' Documents ... 106
4.11. Email Templates ............................................................................................ 108
4.11.1. Edit Email Templates ........................................................................... 109
4.12. Vessels ........................................................................................................... 109
4.12.1. Create Minimum Safe Manning .......................................................... 110
4.12.2. Create Mandatory Certificates ............................................................ 111
4.13. Users .............................................................................................................. 111
4.13.1. Create Users ........................................................................................ 111
4.13.2. Assign Roles to User ........................................................................... 112
4.13.3. Assign Vessels to Users ...................................................................... 112
4.13.4. Assign Agencies to Users ................................................................... 113
4.13.5. Assign Crew Accounting to Users ....................................................... 114
4.13.6. Deactivate Users .................................................................................. 115
4.14. Roles ............................................................................................................... 116
4.14.1. Create Roles ......................................................................................... 116
5. Dashboard ........................................................................................................... 118
5.1. Grouped Crew Changes ................................................................................... 119
5.2. Next Crew Changes .......................................................................................... 123
5.3. Missing Reliefs ................................................................................................. 124
5.4. Travelling Home ............................................................................................... 125
5.5. Contracts Overdue ........................................................................................... 126
5.6. Birthdays .......................................................................................................... 127

CFM Crewing

5.7. Pinned Remarks ............................................................................................... 128

5.8. My Wages to Check ......................................................................................... 129
5.9. My Expiring CRAs ............................................................................................. 130
5.10. Performances to Confirm .............................................................................. 132
5.11. Loyalty Addendum ......................................................................................... 134
5.12. Document Errors ............................................................................................ 135
5.13. Disabled Synchronization .............................................................................. 135
5.14. Overlapping Person History Types ................................................................ 136
6. Seafarers - Overview ............................................................................................ 138
6.1. Add Seafarers ................................................................................................... 138
6.2. Seafarers .......................................................................................................... 144
6.2.1. Summary ................................................................................................ 151
6.2.2. Particulars .............................................................................................. 153 Edit General Information - Seafarer ............................................ 155 Edit Next of Kin and Children ...................................................... 159 Add Addresses ............................................................................ 160 Add Communications .................................................................. 161 Add Bank Details ......................................................................... 161 Add Remarks ............................................................................... 163 Edit Additional Properties ........................................................... 164
6.2.3. Travel Documents .................................................................................. 164 Add Passports ............................................................................. 165 Add Visas ..................................................................................... 166 Add Seafarer's Books .................................................................. 167 Add Flag State Seafarer's Books ................................................ 168
6.2.4. Certificates ............................................................................................. 170 Add Certificates ........................................................................... 171 Add Competencies and Endorsements ...................................... 172 Add Flag State Endorsements .................................................... 175 Move Certificates ........................................................................ 176
6.2.5. Fitness ................................................................................................... 178 Add Medical Certificates ............................................................. 179 Move Medical Certificates .......................................................... 180 Add Medical Reports ................................................................... 180
6.2.6. Performance .......................................................................................... 187 Add Performance Reports .......................................................... 188 Add Disciplinary Records ............................................................ 190
6.2.7. Assignments .......................................................................................... 192 Add Assignments ........................................................................ 196 Edit Assignments ........................................................................ 200 Add Past Sea Services ................................................................ 214 Add Personal History .................................................................. 215 Add Permanent Contracts ........................................................... 216 Edit Employment Days ................................................................ 218 Add Payroll Settings - Seafarers ................................................. 219 Add Rank Bonus .......................................................................... 219 Add Leave Balance ...................................................................... 220

CFM Crewing

6.2.8. Payroll .................................................................................................... 222 Payslip ......................................................................................... 222 Contributions ............................................................................... 224 Travel Expenses .......................................................................... 226 Add Travel Expenses ................................................................... 227
6.2.9. Rest Hours ............................................................................................. 229
6.2.10. Additional Info ..................................................................................... 229 Add Documents ......................................................................... 230 Add Bad Relations ..................................................................... 232
6.2.11. User ...................................................................................................... 232
6.3. Seafarers Pool .................................................................................................. 233
6.3.1. Add Seafarer Pools ................................................................................ 235
6.4. Lock Seafarer Data ........................................................................................... 236
6.5. Delete Seafarer Data ........................................................................................ 237
6.6. Upload Documents .......................................................................................... 241
7. Crew List .............................................................................................................. 244
7.1. Crew List ........................................................................................................... 246
7.1.1. Add Ranks .............................................................................................. 251
7.1.2. Disable Synchronization ........................................................................ 252
7.1.3. Export Crew Lists ................................................................................... 252
7.1.4. Set Seafarers as Relief .......................................................................... 254
7.1.5. Perform Crew Changes .......................................................................... 257
7.2. Crew Changes .................................................................................................. 261
7.3. Timeline ............................................................................................................ 263
7.3.1. Plan Your Crews - Timeline .................................................................... 266
7.4. Officer Matrix ................................................................................................... 268
7.4.1. Show Matrix ........................................................................................... 269
7.5. Compliance Matrix ........................................................................................... 270
8. Planning - Overview ............................................................................................. 273
8.1. Relief Planning ................................................................................................. 273
8.1.1. Plan Your Crews - Relief Planning ......................................................... 275
8.2. Rotation Planning ............................................................................................ 278
8.2.1. Plan Your Crews - Rotation Planning .................................................... 280
9. Payroll ................................................................................................................. 282
9.1. Dashboard ........................................................................................................ 283
9.2. Home Allotments ............................................................................................. 286
9.2.1. Split Home Allotments .......................................................................... 290
9.3. Special Allotments ........................................................................................... 291
9.3.1. Add Special Allotments ......................................................................... 293
9.4. Monthly Wages ................................................................................................ 294
9.4.1. Monthly Wages - Default ....................................................................... 295
9.4.2. Monthly Wages - Grid View .................................................................... 298
9.4.3. Add Additional Earnings / Deductions .................................................. 301
9.5. Final Wages ...................................................................................................... 303
9.6. Off-Contract Payments .................................................................................... 305
9.6.1. Add Off-Contract Payments .................................................................. 307
9.7. PHL Contributions ............................................................................................ 308

CFM Crewing

9.8. Other Payroll ..................................................................................................... 310

9.9. Bank Payments ................................................................................................ 312
10. Reports .............................................................................................................. 315
10.1. Reports ........................................................................................................... 316
10.1.1. Belonging Report ................................................................................. 316
10.1.2. Birthday Report .................................................................................... 317
10.1.3. Briefing Report ..................................................................................... 318
10.1.4. Cadets per Ship ................................................................................... 319
10.1.5. Crew Changes Report .......................................................................... 320
10.1.6. Disciplinary Report .............................................................................. 321
10.1.7. Disembarkation Report ....................................................................... 322
10.1.8. Embarkation Report ............................................................................. 323
10.1.9. Ex Crew Report .................................................................................... 324
10.1.10. Experience Report ............................................................................. 325
10.1.11. Expired Documents Report ............................................................... 326
10.1.12. Fare Report ........................................................................................ 328
10.1.13. Filipino Social Security Reports ........................................................ 329
10.1.14. Growth Report ................................................................................... 332
10.1.15. Higher Rank Report ........................................................................... 333
10.1.16. Illness Report ..................................................................................... 334
10.1.17. KPI Report .......................................................................................... 336
10.1.18. Officer Retention Rate ....................................................................... 337
10.1.19. On Leave Report ................................................................................ 338
10.1.20. Overdue Assignments Report ........................................................... 339
10.1.21. PI Report ............................................................................................ 339
10.1.22. Pension Report .................................................................................. 340
10.1.23. Performance Report .......................................................................... 341
10.1.24. Pool Report ........................................................................................ 342
10.1.25. Promotion Report .............................................................................. 343
10.1.26. On Board Promotion Report .............................................................. 344
10.1.27. Records for Deletion .......................................................................... 345
10.1.28. Repeater Report ................................................................................. 346
10.1.29. Rest Problems ................................................................................... 347
10.1.30. Unassigned Seafarers Report ........................................................... 348
10.1.31. Unconfirmed Performances Report .................................................. 349
10.1.32. Average Seafarer Report ................................................................... 349
10.2. Power BI ......................................................................................................... 350
10.2.1. Crew Changes Map .............................................................................. 350
10.2.2. Seamen Demography of the 1st Assignment ..................................... 352
10.2.3. Seaman Relief ...................................................................................... 354
10.2.4. Work / Rest Hours & Port Calls ........................................................... 356

CFM Crewing

1. About This Guide

This user guide provides an introduction to CFM Crewing and describes how you can lever-
age the application to meet your business needs.
CFM Crewing allows you to carry out all crew-related processes in one central place. Direct
integration with your agencies streamlines processes and reduces effort for communication.
CFM Crewing consists of the following seven tabs:

• Dashboard
• Seafarers
• Crew List
• Planning
• Payroll
• Reports
• Settings

If you cannot access the Crewing tile from the Cloud Fleet Manager (CFM),
please contact your system administrator to assign the relevant permissions to
your user in the Users app.
In order to log in to CFM Crewing, at least one agency must be assigned to your
user under Settings > Users > Associated Agencies.

This user guide describes the features and functions available to a user with full access to
the application. If you're expecting rights that your user currently doesn't have, get in contact
with your system administrator.

About This Guide 8

CFM Crewing

2. Initial Setup

Before you can start to use CFM Crewing, certain settings have to be made:

1. Create users for CFM in CFM Users.

2. Assign users the applicable permission role for CFM Crewing in CFM Users or CFM Crew-
3. Assign at least one manning agency to the users under Settings > Users > Associated
Agencies in CFM Crewing.
4. Configure additional settings for CFM Crewing.

See Also
Assign Agencies to Users [113]

Initial Setup 9
CFM Crewing

3. General Features

The following features are available from the main navigation bar:

• Outbox
The outbox includes all documents for one or multiple seafarers that were moved to the
outbox. The documents can be selected, added, or removed separately or in a bulk. If you
choose Send, your default mail application opens a window with a link to a ZIP file includ-
ing all documents, which you can then send to the respective recipient or download direct-
ly by choosing the link.
• Create Seafarer
The plus icon in the main navigation bar allows you to create a new seafarer from every-
where in CFM Crewing.
For detailed information on how to create a seafarer, see Add Seafarers [138].
• Search Seafarer
Choose the magnifier icon to directly navigate to the seafarer search. The search is ac-
cessible from everywhere in CFM Crewing.
Alternatively, use the keyboard shortcut CTRL+SHIFT+F to quickly access the search.
For detailed information, see Seafarers [144].
• Notifications
The bell icon indicates whether any notifications from the current app and other apps
within CFM are available. This allows you to get relevant information without the need to
open all apps.
Choose the cogwheel icon to define for which applications and their actions you want
to receive notifications.

General Features 10
CFM Crewing

4. Settings

On the Settings tab, you set up and manage the relevant master data for CFM Crewing.
The tab is divided into the following subtabs:

• Documents
Define which documents are mandatory for certain ranks. The system then automatically
generates and marks documents as required for the applicable ranks.
These documents then appear on the following tabs:
• Dashboard
• Seafarers
• Crew List
• Planning
• Ranks
Add ranks that are used within your company and apply the relevant settings.
• Officer Matrix
Define the requirements and prerequisites for the type of officers needed onboard your
tanker vessels. This includes for example the years of experience in a certain rank.
• Payrolls
Define global and custom payroll settings as well as payroll earnings and payroll deduc-
• Wage Scales
Define different types of wage scales for every rank.
• Payment Banks
Define bank accounts relevant when you pay out the seafarers. These banks are used for
the bank file creation in your payment process.
• PHL Contributions
Define social security contributions for Philippine seafarers.
• Agencies
Define the agencies from which you hire seafarers.
• Travel Agencies
Define the relevant travel agencies that you hire to plan your crew changes.
• Miscellaneous
Make various settings, such as document types, remark categories, and person history

Settings 11
CFM Crewing

• Email Templates
Define which fields and custom texts should be part of the different predefined email tem-
plates used throughout the crew planning process.
• Vessels
Define the minimum safe manning for each rank as well as the number of mandatory cer-
tificates for the selected vessels.
You can also filter for inactive vessels to clear the irrelevant data.
• Users
Assign one or more roles to specific users. You also define for which vessels the user is
responsible and which seafarer profiles can be accessed based on the rights given to
• Roles
Define which roles get access to certain areas and functions within CFM Crewing. The
roles are predefined, but must be configured before the app can be used.

4.1. Documents
On the Documents subtab, you specify for different document types which certificates are
mandatory for specific ranks.

Document Expiry Rules

The following rules apply for the expiry of documents:

1. Scenario 1: The seafarer is neither on board, nor planned for an assignment.

• Valid (Green)
The document is valid on the current date and expires after the defined warning period
for the respective document type.
(Current Date + Warning Period <= Expiry Date)

Documents 12
CFM Crewing

• Expiring (Orange)
The document is valid on the current date, but expires within the defined warning peri-
od for the respective document type.
(Current Date + Warning Period > Expiry Date)
• Expired (Red)
The document is no longer valid and has expired.
(Expiry Date < Current Date)
2. Scenario 2: The seafarer is currently on board.
• Valid (Green)
The document is valid on the current date and expires after the assignment ends.
(Expiry Date > End of Contract Date)
• Expiring (Orange)
The document is valid on the current date, but expires within the assignment period.
(Expiry Date > Current Date and < End of Contract Date)
• Expired (Red)
The document is no longer valid and has expired.
(Expiry Date < Current Date)
3. Scenario 3: The seafarer is currently on board or planned for an assignment in the future
• Valid (Green)
The document is valid on the current date and expires after the last assignment. The
assignment can be the current or a future one.
(Expiry Date > End of last assignment / Contract end date)
• Expiring (Orange)
The document is valid on the current date, but expires within the period of the last as-
signment. The assignment can be the current or a future one.
(Expiry Date > Today and < End of last assignment / Contract end date)
• Expired (Red)
The document is no longer valid and has expired.
(Expiry Date < Current Date)

Auto-Generation and Validation

Any document type defined as mandatory for a certain rank is automatically generated for
every seafarer in that rank. Auto-generation applies to the STCW and Nationality layer in gen-
eral and, if set, to any other layer if required in the context of a current or planned assign-
ment. The documents then get the status Mandatory missing and are displayed in purple.
The status remains until the required document data, such as the issue or expiry date, was
entered. The rule can be extended by a setting which additionally requires an attachment de-
claring this document as valid. If you require this feature, contact the support team.
Documents that are in status Mandatory missing can be deleted, but are always regenerated
by the system as the system checks the defined settings. To change this behavior, you either
need to update your settings or disable the generated document for the individual seafarer.

Documents 13
CFM Crewing

A mandatory missing document can either change its status when relevant data was entered
or it can be removed automatically. This happens in the event that a document with the same
name was created manually or if the document is not required anymore.
Once an assignment-related requirement is no longer relevant because settings were upda-
ted, the seafarer already signed off the vessel, or a planned assignment was deleted, for ex-
ample, the auto-generated documents are removed as long as they're empty.
The system also considers changes during an assignment period, such as a flag change. In
this event, documents for the previous and future flag are required. Once the flag change has
taken effect, the generated document records for the previous flag are removed automatical-
ly, if the document hasn't already been completed by the user.
Due to legal regulations, such as the Standards of Training, Certification and Watchkeeping
(STCW) regulation, certain certificates are required to take up an assignment as a seafarer.

A document is not marked or generated as mandatory, if the respective seafarer
already holds the valid document or if the seafarer's nationality is identical with
the corresponding flag state of the vessel.

The different document types are predefined by the system.

The lists for the different document types can be filtered by entering the available types in
the filter bar. By selecting the Show only mandatory documents checkbox, you can filter the
lists for the document types that have been configured.
You can also edit and delete all document types.

Only the document type is deleted and can then no longer be selected when de-
fining new mandatory documents for seafarers.
Existing data is not affected.

The following document types are available:

• Certificates
For this document type, you can specify on different layers which certificate types are
mandatory to meet the STCW requirements, for example.
On every layer, you can specify the ranks and the relevant layer type, such as Nationality on
the Nationality Extra layer, when configuring certificate settings. A setting is defined, once
checkboxes are selected for a specified rank in the table on the right.

Documents 14
CFM Crewing

Example 1. Flag State Settings

It is divided into the following layers:

Make general settings for mandatory certificates that are valid for all seafarers of a spe-
cific rank.
Certificate types that are selected on the STCW layer cannot be deselected on the fol-
lowing layers, as it represents the basis of your certificate settings. Certificate types se-
lected on the other layers are added to the basic settings defined on the STCW layer, ex-
cept for the Flag State layer.
For the flag state, separate settings can be made that are independent of any other cer-
tificate settings on other layers.
• Nationality Extra
Make settings that are specific to certain nationalities.
• Flag State
Make settings that are related to the flag state under which the assignments of a seafar-
er take place.
Certificate types that are selected as mandatory documents are listed on the Document
Errors card as well as on the Certificates subtab under Seafarers once they're missing.
If the flag state of a seafarer changes, the certificate types that were marked as manda-
tory are removed as long as no details have been defined, yet.

For the settings defined here to be applied correctly, the flag state history
of the corresponding vessel must be defined in CFM Particulars.

• Owner Extra
Make settings if the vessel owner has additional requirements that need to be met.

Documents 15
CFM Crewing

For the settings specified on this layer to take effect, the owner needs to be
created as a company in CFM Companies and it must be defined that the
company can take on the Registered Vessel Owner role. In CFM Particulars
you can then assign the Registered Vessel Owner role to the owner.
If this isn't the case, the settings made on the Owner Extra layer won't have
any effect.
If the registered vessel owner changes on the date defined in CFM Particu-
lars, different types of certificates are listed as required and automatically
generated certificates that haven't been provided, yet, are deleted.

• Crew Manager Extra

Make settings if the crew manager has additional requirements that need to be met.

For the settings specified on this layer to take effect, the crew manager
needs to be created as a company in CFM Companies and it must be de-
fined that the company can take on the Crew Manager role. In CFM Particu-
lars you can then assign the Crew Manager role to the crew manager.
If this isn't the case, the settings made on the Crew Manager Extra layer
won't have any effect.
If the crew manager changes, different types of certificates are listed as re-
quired and automatically generated certificates that haven't been provided,
yet, are deleted.

• Charterer Extra
Make settings if the charterer has additional requirements that need to be met.

For the settings specified on this layer to take effect, the applicable char-
terer needs to be documented within CFM Charterer or CFM Particulars un-
der Vessels > General > Charter History.

• Vessel Extra
Make settings if a specific vessel has additional requirements that need to be met.
The settings defined here are applied as soon as a seafarer is planned for such a vessel.
Generated certificates are cleared as soon as the seafarer is no longer planned for this
vessel and the generated certificate hasn't been filled out, yet.
• Warnings
Set a time limit when warning messages should appear before a document is due to ex-

Documents 16
CFM Crewing

The settings made on this layer are considered if the seafarer is not plan-
ned for any assignments. If the seafarer is already planned for an assign-
ment or already on board a vessel, the settings made for the assignment
are considered instead. So documents that would expire during a future as-
signment are already marked with a warning today.

• Competencies & Endorsements

For this document type, you can specify on different layers which competencies and en-
dorsements are required to meet the STCW requirements.
It is divided into the following layers:
• Competencies
Add competencies and mark them as required according to specific STCW regulations.
Competencies are auto-generated for the ranks that were defined for the selected STCW
regulation under Settings > Ranks. For more information, see Add Ranks [251].

Competencies are only auto-generated if at least one rank was defined for
the selected STCW regulation under Settings > Ranks.

• Endorsements
Some nationalities issue endorsements in addition to competencies. This layer allows
you to configure endorsements relevant for specific nationalities.
As a result, a mandatory entry for the endorsement is generated together with the com-
• Flag State Endorsements
Add endorsements that are relevant for specific flag states.
As soon as a seafarer is planned for an assignment on a vessel that corresponds with
the flag state endorsement defined as part of the document settings, the corresponding
endorsement is automatically generated. If the endorsement is not completed with the
required data the entry is deleted as soon as the vessel's flag state changes or an as-
signment under the currently defined flag state ends.

For the settings defined here to be applied correctly, the flag state history
of the corresponding vessel must be defined in CFM Particulars.

• Warnings
Set time limits when warning messages should appear before competencies or endorse-
ments are due to expire.

Documents 17
CFM Crewing

The settings made on this layer are considered if the seafarer is not plan-
ned for any assignments. If the seafarer is already planned for an assign-
ment or already on board a vessel, the settings made for the assignment
are considered instead. So documents that would expire during a future as-
signment are already marked with a warning today.

• Passports
For this document type, you can set a time limit for warning messages before a passport is
due to expire.
This document type is considered as a mandatory document for all seafarers. Thus, no fur-
ther configurations are available.

The settings made for this document type are considered if the seafarer is
not planned for any assignments. If the seafarer is already planned for an as-
signment, the settings made for the assignment are considered instead.

The system marks a passport as due to expire after the last assignment of a seafarer
ended even if it is still valid, but the expiration date is less than 6 months after the assign-
ment end. This setting is pre-defined in the system and cannot be adapted. Transit rules in
some countries require passports to be valid for at least 6 months after seafarers disem-
bark a vessel.
• Seafarers Books
For this document type, you can specify on different layers whether seafarers books are
required for a specific nationality and flag state.
It is subdivided into the following layers:
• Nationality
Specify for which nationalities seafarers books are required.
These seafarers books are auto-generated for a seafarer of the specified nationality. If
the seafarers books are not completed with the required data, they are cleared as soon
as the nationality of the seafarer changes.
• Flag State
Specify for which flag states seafarers books are required.
These seafarers books are auto-generated for a seafarer that is planned for an assign-
ment or already on board a vessel with the specified flag state. If the seafarers books
are not completed with the required data, they are cleared as soon as the flag state of
the vessel changes.

Documents 18
CFM Crewing

For the settings defined here to be applied correctly, the flag state history
of the corresponding vessel must be defined in CFM Particulars.

• Warnings
Set a time limit when warning messages should appear before the seafarers' books are
due to expire.

The settings made on this layer are considered if the seafarer is not plan-
ned for any assignments. If the seafarer is already planned for an assign-
ment or already on board a vessel, the settings made for the assignment
are considered instead. So documents that would expire during a future as-
signment are already marked with a warning today.

• Visa
For this document type, you can specify on different layers which visa types are mandato-
On every layer, you can specify the ranks and the relevant layer type, such as Crew Manag-
er on the Crew Manager Extra layer, when configuring certificate settings. A setting is de-
fined, once checkboxes are selected for a specified rank in the table on the right.

Example 2. Crew Manager Settings

It is divided into the following layers:

• Default
Define the visa types that are required for every seafarer.

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CFM Crewing

Visa types that are selected on this layer cannot be deselected on the fol-
lowing layers. You can, however, add additional visa types on the different
layers. The default layer represents the basic settings for your visa types.

• Crew Manager
Define additional visa types that are required for crew managers belonging to a specific
company, only.

For the settings specified on this layer to take effect, the crew manager
needs to be created as a company in CFM Companies and it must be de-
fined that the company can take on the Crew Manager role. In CFM Particu-
lars you can then assign the Crew Manager role to the crew manager.
If this isn't the case, the settings made on the Crew Manager layer won't
have any effect.
If the crew manager changes, different types of visas are listed as required
and automatically generated visas that haven't been provided, yet, are de-

• Owner
Define additional visa types that are required for owners belonging to a specific compa-
ny, only.

For the settings specified on this layer to take effect, the owner needs to be
created as a company in CFM Companies and it must be defined that the
company can take on the Registered Vessel Owner role. In CFM Particulars
you can then assign the Registered Vessel Owner role to the owner.
If this isn't the case, the settings made on the Owner layer won't have any
If the registered vessel owner changes on the date defined in CFM Particu-
lars, different types of visas are listed as required and automatically gener-
ated visas that haven't been provided, yet, are deleted.

• Charterer
Define additional visa types that are required for specific charterers, only.

Documents 20
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For the settings specified on this layer to take effect, the applicable char-
terer needs to be documented within CFM Charterer or CFM Particulars un-
der Vessels > General > Charter History.
If this isn't the case, the settings made on the Charterer layer won't have
any effect.

• Vessel
Define additional visa types that are required for specific vessels, only.
• Warnings
Set a time limit when warning messages should appear before the visas are due to ex-

The settings made on this layer are considered if the seafarer is not plan-
ned for any assignments. If the seafarer is already planned for an assign-
ment or already on board a vessel, the settings made for the assignment
are considered instead. So documents that would expire during a future as-
signment are already marked with a warning today.

• Medicals
For this document type, you can specify on different layers which medical certificates are
It is divided into the following layers:
• Default
Define the medical certificates that are required for every seafarer.

Medical certificates that are selected on this layer cannot be deselected on
the following layers. You can, however, add additional medical certificates
on the different layers. The default layer represents the basic settings for
your medical certificates.

• Flag State
Define medical certificates that are required for certain flag states.

For the settings defined here to be applied correctly, the flag state history
of the corresponding vessel must be defined in CFM Particulars.

Documents 21
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• Crew Manager
Define additional medical certificates that are required for crew managers belonging to a
specific company, only.

For the settings specified on this layer to take effect, the crew manager
needs to be created as a company in CFM Companies and it must be de-
fined that the company can take on the Crew Manager role. In CFM Particu-
lars you can then assign the Crew Manager role to the crew manager.
If this isn't the case, the settings made on the Crew Manager layer won't
have any effect.
If the crew manager changes different types of medical certificates are lis-
ted as required and automatically generated medical certificates that
haven't been provided, yet, are deleted.

• Owner
Define additional medical certificates that are required for owners belonging to a specif-
ic company, only.

For the settings specified on this layer to take effect, the owner needs to be
created as a company in CFM Companies and it must be defined that the
company can take on the Registered Vessel Owner role. In CFM Particulars
you can then assign the Registered Vessel Owner role to the owner.
If this isn't the case, the settings made on the Owner layer won't have any
If the registered vessel owner changes on the date defined in CFM Particu-
lars, different types of visas are listed as required and automatically gener-
ated visas that haven't been provided, yet, are deleted.

• Vessel
Define additional medical certificates that are required for specific vessels, only.
• Charterer
Define additional medical certificates that are required for specific charterers, only.

For the settings specified on this layer to take effect, the applicable char-
terer needs to be documented within CFM Charterer or CFM Particulars un-
der Vessels > General > Charter History.
If this isn't the case, the settings made on the Charterer layer won't have
any effect.

Documents 22
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• Warnings
Set a time limit when warning messages should appear before the medical certificates
are due to expire.

The settings made on this layer are considered if the seafarer is not plan-
ned for any assignments. If the seafarer is already planned for an assign-
ment or already on board a vessel, the settings made for the assignment
are considered instead. So documents that would expire during a future as-
signment are already marked with a warning today.

• Vaccinations
For this document type, you can specify on different layers which vaccination types are
It is divided into the following layers:
• Default
Define the vaccination types that are required for every seafarer.

Vaccination types that are selected on this layer cannot be deselected on
the following layers. You can, however, add additional vaccination types for
specific roles.

• Crew Manager
Define additional vaccination types that are required for crew managers belonging to a
specific company, only.

For the settings specified on this layer to take effect, the crew manager
needs to be created as a company in CFM Companies and it must be de-
fined that the company can take on the Crew Manager role. In CFM Particu-
lars you can then assign the Crew Manager role to the crew manager.
If this isn't the case, the settings made on the Crew Manager layer won't
have any effect.
If the crew manager changes different types of vaccination types are listed
as required and automatically generated vaccination types that haven't
been provided, yet, are deleted.

• Owner
Define additional vaccination types that are required for owners belonging to a specific
company, only.

Documents 23
CFM Crewing

For the settings specified on this layer to take effect, the owner needs to be
created as a company in CFM Companies and it must be defined that the
company can take on the Registered Vessel Owner role. In CFM Particulars
you can then assign the Registered Vessel Owner role to the owner.
If this isn't the case, the settings made on the Owner layer won't have any
If the registered vessel owner changes on the date defined in CFM Particu-
lars, different vaccination types are listed as required and automatically
generated vaccination types that haven't been provided, yet, are deleted.

• Vessel
Define additional vaccination types that are required for specific vessels, only.
• Warnings
Set a time limit when warning messages should appear before the vaccination type is
due to expire.

The settings made on this layer are considered if the seafarer is not plan-
ned for any assignments. If the seafarer is already planned for an assign-
ment or already on board a vessel, the settings made for the assignment
are considered instead. So documents that would expire during a future as-
signment are already marked with a warning today.

• Assignment Documents
Here, you can specify assignment document types that are relevant for the different types
of contracts: Voyage, Permanent , or External.
Once you've defined an assignment document as mandatory, it will be auto-generated and
marked as mandatory within the assignments of the respective seafarers.
In addition, you can define whether an assignment document should be visible to users of
CFM Partner Portal.

Documents 24
CFM Crewing

4.1.1. Add Certificate Types

Create a new certificate type that is mandatory to meet specific requirements according to

1. Go to Settings > Documents > Document Settings > Certificates.

2. On the Certificate Type card on the right, choose Add.

You can also edit or delete a certificate type. Select a certificate type from
the table and choose Edit or Delete.
Only the certificate type is deleted and can then no longer be selected
when defining new mandatory documents for seafarers. Existing data is
not affected.

3. In the dialog window, enter the following data:

a. Name
Enter a name for the new certificate type.
b. Reference
Enter a reference for the certificate type.
Usually, the applicable STCW reference is entered here.
c. Certificate Substitutes
Select this checkbox, if you want to specify certificates that can act as a substitute
for the current certificate type.
From the drop-down list that appears, select the relevant certificate that should act
as a substitute. When generating certificates for a seafarer, the system checks con-
tinuously whether substitutes exist.

Example 1. Substitute
A chief officer needs to have a Basic Firefighting certificate. You specified, however,
that the Advanced Firefighting certificate acts as a substitute for your certificate.

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As it is an advanced certificate including additional expertise, the chief officer

doesn't need to provide a Basic Firefighting certificate.
As the system continuously checks whether substitutes exist when generating cer-
tificates, the Basic Firefighting certificate that already exists would be replaced with
the Advanced Firefighting certificate or the Basic Firefighting certificate wouldn't be
generated if the Advanced Firefighting certificate is already available and valid.

4. Choose Save to save your changes.

4.1.2. Manage Certificate Settings

1. Go to Settings > Documents > Document Settings > Certificates.
2. Start with the STCW layer and select the ranks to which you want to assign the required
certificate types from the Ranks drop-down list on the Certificate Settings card.
You can choose more than one rank from the drop-down list.
3. In the data table on the right, select the relevant certificate types that are mandatory for
every rank.

The settings defined on the STCW layer cannot be deselected on the fol-
lowing layers. You can only specify additional certificate types. The Flag
State layer is an exception. There you can specify different certificate
types that are only required for specific flag states.

4. On the Nationality Extra layer, select the nationality for which you want to define certifi-
cate settings from the Nationality drop-down list on the Certificate Settings card in addi-
tion to the ranks.
5. In the data table on the right, select the relevant document types that are mandatory for
every rank.
6. On the Flag State layer, select the flag state for which you want to define certificate set-
tings from the Flag State drop-down list on the Settings card in addition to the ranks.
7. In the data table on the right, select the relevant certificate types that are mandatory for
every rank.
8. On the Owner Extra layer, select the company of the owner for which you want to define
certificate settings from the Company drop-down list on the Certificate Settings card in
addition to the ranks.
9. In the data table on the right, select the relevant certificate types that are mandatory for
every rank.
10. On the Crew Manager Extra layer, select the company of the crew manager for which you
want to define certificate settings from the Company drop-down list on the Settings card
in addition to the ranks.
11. In the data table on the right, select the relevant certificate types that are mandatory for
every rank.

Documents 26
CFM Crewing

12. On the Charterer Extra layer, select the charterer of the vessel for which you want to de-
fine certificate settings from the Charterer drop-down list on the Settings card in addi-
tion to the ranks.
13. In the data table on the right, select the relevant certificate types that are mandatory for
every rank.
14. On the Vessel Extra layer, select the vessel for which you want to define certificate set-
tings from the Vessels drop-down list on the Settings card in addition to the ranks.
15. In the data table on the right, select the relevant certificate types that are mandatory for
every rank.
16. On the Warnings layer, you can add time limits for warnings that appear before a docu-
ment expires.
For information on how to set time limits for warnings, see Add Warnings [35].

4.1.3. Replace Certificate Types

If you no longer require a certain certificate type and want to use a different one instead, use
this function to replace it.

1. Go to Settings > Documents > Document Settings > Certificates.

2. Select a certificate type from the Certificate Type card on the right and choose Replace.

Replacing a certificate type cannot be undone.

3. In the dialog window, enter the following data:

a. Delete this certificate...
This field is prefilled with the certificate type that you selected from the Certificate
Type card on the right.
You can, however, overwrite your selection and choose a different certificate from
the drop-down list.

Documents 27
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b. ... and replace it with this certificate

Select a certificate type from the drop-down list that you want to use as a replace-
4. Choose Replace to permanently replace the selected certificate type with another one.
All existing records referring to the old certificate type are kept but updated by a refer-
ence to the new certificate type.

4.1.4. Add Competencies

1. Go to Settings > Documents > Document Settings > Competencies & Endorsements.
2. On the Competencies card on the right, choose Add.

You can also edit or delete competencies. Select a competency from the
table and choose Edit or Delete.
Only the competency type is deleted and can then no longer be selected
when defining new mandatory documents for seafarers. Existing data is
not affected.

3. In the dialog window, enter the following data:

• Name
Enter a name for the new competency
• STCW Regulation
Select the relevant STCW regulation for which this competency is required from the
drop-down list.
The STCW regulation that was defined for a competency ensures that for all ranks to
which the same STCW regulation was assigned, the corresponding competency is au-
tomatically generated. If auto-generation takes place, depends on the rank a seafarer
is holding in general and during an assignment.
• Competency Substitutes
Select this checkbox, if you want to specify competencies that can act as a substitute
for the current competency.
From the drop-down list that appears, select the relevant competency that should act
as a substitute.
If you specified a substitute for a competency, the substitute is used for all other
documents when the system checks the entries.

Example 1. Master substitutes Chief Officer

If you create a new seafarer with the rank Chief Officer, the system then generates a
competency under Seafarers > Certificates > Competencies & Endorsements for Chief
You can then either enter the necessary data for the chief officer and the entry for the
competency turns green. Or you add a new entry for the chief officer and the missing

Documents 28
CFM Crewing

mandatory document is cleared. Or the seafarer holds a competency that substitutes

the required competency for the rank chief officer.
In the case you selected master as the substitute for chief officer, the missing manda-
tory document would be cleared as the competency for the rank Master fulfills the re-
quirements for chief officer.

4. Choose Save to save your changes.

4.1.5. Manage Competencies and Endorsements

To manage which competencies and endorsements are mandatory for every seafarer, pro-
ceed as follows.

CFM Crewing allows you to decide whether you want to auto-generate compe-
tencies, endorsements, and flag state endorsements or whether you want to
use defined types for the manual creation of competencies and endorsements
for the individual seafarer. If the later is the case, please contact the support

1. Go to Settings > Documents > Document Settings > Competencies & Endorsements.
2. On the Competencies layer, select the competencies that are mandatory for every sea-
3. On the Endorsements layer, select a nationality from the Endorsement Settings card.
4. On the Endorsements card, select the competencies that apply to the selected nationali-

You can only choose from the competencies that were marked as manda-
tory in step 2.

5. On the Flag State Endorsements layer, select a flag state from the Endorsement Settings
6. On the Flag State Endorsements card, select the competencies that apply to the selec-
ted flag state.

You can only choose from the competencies that were marked as manda-
tory in step 2.

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7. On the Warnings layer, you can add time limits for warnings that appear before licenses
or endorsements expire.
For information on how to set time limits for warnings, see Add Warnings [35].

4.1.6. Manage Passport Settings

To get a notification before the passports of your seafarers expire, set a time limit.

1. Go to Settings > Documents > Passports.

2. On the Passport Settings card, specify a time limit when warning messages should ap-
pear before passports are due to expire.
3. Enter values in the following fields:
a. Months
b. Weeks
c. Days
4. Choose Save to save your changes.

4.1.7. Manage Settings for Seafarers Books

1. Go to Settings > Documents > Seafarers Books.

2. On the Nationality layer, select the nationalities for which you want to define settings
from the Nationalities drop-down list on the Settings card.
You can choose more than one nationality from the drop-down list.
3. Select the ranks to which you want to apply the settings from the Ranks drop-down list
on the Settings card.
You can choose more than one rank from the drop-down list.

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4. On the Nationality card, match the corresponding ranks and nationalities for which sea-
farers books are mandatory.
5. On the Flag State layer, select the flag states for which you want to define settings from
the Flag States drop-down list on the Settings card.
You can choose more than one flag state from the drop-down list.
6. Select the ranks to which you want to apply the settings from the Ranks drop-down list
on the Settings card.
You can choose more than one rank from the drop-down list.
7. On the Warnings layer, you can add time limits for warnings that appear before seafarers
books expire.
For information on how to set time limits for warnings, see Add Warnings [35].

4.1.8. Add Visa Types

1. Go to Settings > Documents > Document Settings > Visa.

2. On the Visa Types card on the right, choose Add.

You can also edit or delete visa types. Select a visa type from the table and
choose Edit or Delete.
Only the visa type is deleted and can then no longer be selected when de-
fining new mandatory documents for seafarers. Existing data is not affec-

3. In the dialog window, specify a name for the new visa type.
4. Choose Save to save your changes.

4.1.9. Manage Visa Settings

1. Go to Settings > Documents > Document Settings > Visa.

2. Start with the Default layer and select the ranks for which you want to define visa set-
tings from the Ranks drop-down list on the Default Settings card.
You can choose more than one rank from the drop-down list.
3. In the data table on the right, select the relevant visa types that are mandatory for every

The settings defined on this layer cannot be deselected on the following
layers. You can only add further visa settings.

Documents 31
CFM Crewing

4. On the Crew Manager layer, select the company of the crew manager for which you want
to define visa settings from the Company drop-down list on the Settings card in addition
to the ranks.
5. In the data table on the right, select the relevant visa types that are mandatory for every
6. On the Owner layer, select the company of the owner for which you want to define visa
settings from the Company drop-down list on the Settings card in addition to the ranks.
7. In the data table on the right, select the relevant visa types that are mandatory for every
8. On the Charterer layer, select the charterer of the vessel for which you want to define vi-
sa settings from the Charterer drop-down list on the Settings card.
9. In the data table on the right, select the relevant visa types that are mandatory for every
10. On the Vessel layer, select the vessel for which you want to define visa settings from the
Vessels drop-down list on the Settings card.
11. In the data table on the right, select the relevant visa types that are mandatory for every
12. On the Warnings layer, you can add time limits for warnings that appear before a docu-
ment expires.
For information on how to set time limits for warnings, see Add Warnings [35].

4.1.10. Add Medical Types

1. Go to Settings > Documents > Document Settings > Medicals.

2. On the Medical Types card on the right, choose Add.
3. In the dialog window, specify a name for the new medical type.

You can change the name of medical types by selecting an entry from the
list and choosing Edit.

4. Choose Save to save your changes.

4.1.11. Manage Medical Types

1. Go to Settings > Documents > Document Settings > Medicals.

2. Start with the Default layer and select the ranks for which you want to define medical
settings from the Ranks drop-down list on the Default Settings card.
You can choose more than one rank from the drop-down list.
3. In the data table on the right, select the relevant medical types that are mandatory for
every rank.

Documents 32
CFM Crewing

The settings defined on this layer cannot be deselected on the following
layers. You can only specify additional medical settings. The Flag State lay-
er is an exception. There you can specify different certificate types that are
only required for specific flag states.

4. On the Flag State layer, select the flag state for which you want to define medical set-
tings from the Flag State drop-down list on the Settings card in addition to the ranks.
5. In the data table on the right, select the relevant medical types that are mandatory for
every rank.
6. On the Crew Manager layer, select the company of the crew manager for which you want
to define medical settings from the Company drop-down list on the Settings card in addi-
tion to the ranks.
7. In the data table on the right, select the relevant medical types that are mandatory for
every rank.
8. On the Owner layer, select the company of the owner for which you want to define medi-
cal settings from the Company drop-down list on the Settings card in addition to the
9. In the data table on the right, select the relevant medical types that are mandatory for
every rank.
10. On the Vessel layer, select the vessel for which you want to define medical settings from
the Vessels drop-down list on the Settings card in addition to the ranks.
11. In the data table on the right, select the relevant medical types that are mandatory for
every rank.
12. On the Charterer layer, select the charterer of the vessel for which you want to define
medical settings from the Charterer drop-down list on the Settings card in addition to
the ranks.
13. In the data table on the right, select the relevant medical types that are mandatory for
every rank.
14. On the Warnings layer, you can add time limits for warnings that appear before a docu-
ment expires.
For information on how to set time limits for warnings, see Add Warnings [35].

4.1.12. Add Vaccination Types

1. Go to Settings > Documents > Document Settings > Vaccinations.
2. On the Vaccination Types card on the right, choose Add.
3. In the dialog window, specify a name for the new vaccination type.

Documents 33
CFM Crewing

You can change the name of vaccination types by selecting an entry from
the list and choosing Edit.

4. Choose Save to save your changes.

4.1.13. Manage Vaccination Settings

1. Go to Settings > Documents > Document Settings > Vaccinations.
2. Start with the Default layer and select the ranks for which you want to define vaccina-
tion settings from the Ranks drop-down list on the Default Settings card.
You can choose more than one rank.
3. In the data table on the right, select the vaccination types that are mandatory for every

The settings defined on this layer cannot be deselected on the following
layers. You can only specify additional vaccination settings.

4. On the Crew Manager layer, select the company of the crew manager for which you want
to define vaccination settings from the Company drop-down list on the Settings card in
addition to the ranks.
5. In the data table on the right, select the vaccination types that are mandatory for every
6. On the Owner layer, select the company of the owner for which you want to define vacci-
nation settings from the Company drop-down list on the Settings card in addition to the
7. In the data table on the right, select the vaccination types that are mandatory for every
8. On the Vessel layer, select the vessel for which you want to define vaccination settings
from the Company drop-down list on the Settings card in addition to the ranks.
9. In the data table on the right, select the vaccination types that are mandatory for every
10. On the Warnings layer, you can add time limits for warnings that appear before a docu-
ment expires.
For information on how to set time limits for warnings, see Add Warnings [35].

4.1.14. Add Assignment Document Types

1. Go to Settings > Documents > Document Settings > Assignment Documents.
2. On the Assignment Document Types card on the right, choose Add

Documents 34
CFM Crewing

You can also edit or delete assignment document types. Select an assign-
ment document type from the table and choose Edit or Delete.
Only the assignment document type is deleted and can then no longer be
selected when defining new documents for seafarers. Existing data is not

3. In the dialog window, specify the following information:

• Name
Enter a name for the new assignment document type.
• Show in Partner Portal
Set the checkbox, if you want to allow users of CFM Partner Portal to see the relevant
assignment document.

4. Choose Save to save your changes.

4.1.15. Manage Assignment Document Types

1. Go to Settings > Documents > Document Settings > Assignment Documents.
2. On the Assignment Document Types card, select which assignment documents are man-
datory for the different contract types:
a. Voyage
b. Permanent
c. External
The system automatically saves your settings once you've selected an assignment
document type.

4.1.16. Add Warnings

1. Go to Settings > Documents > Document Settings.
2. Select the relevant document type from the Document Settings list and navigate to the
Warnings section.

Documents 35
CFM Crewing

3. Specify a time limit for the different document types, by entering values in the following
a. Months
b. Weeks
c. Days
4. Choose Save to save your changes.

4.2. Ranks
On the Ranks subtab, you can define groups of ranks and assign the relevant ranks to the

The following points should be considered when defining rank groups:

• Every rank can only be added to a group of ranks once.

• The settings that you make here may have an impact on the performance reports. The dif-
ferent ranks or rank groups may get the same performance report template if you reques-
ted a performance evaluation according to rank groups.
• The sort order within the rank groups is defined by the user. You can change the sort order
using drag and drop.

To be able to change the sort order, the checkbox Show archived ranks above
the data table on the right must be selected.

The order defined under Settings > Ranks > All is also applied to the Crew List.

Ranks 36
CFM Crewing

• Ranks or rank groups that are already in use, at least for one seafarer record, cannot be
deleted. You can, however, archive or rename them.

4.2.1. Add Rank Groups

1. Go to Settings > Ranks.
2. In the Rank Groups list on the left, choose Add.

You can also edit or delete rank groups. Simply select a rank group from
the list and choose Edit or Delete.
Rank groups can only be deleted if now ranks have been added to rank
groups, yet.

3. In the dialog window, enter the following data:

a. Name
Enter a name for the new group of ranks.
b. Head of Department
Select a rank from the drop-down list that should be the head of the department. If
you choose Default (First Rank in Group), the rank that is added to the top of the
rank group the actual rank belongs to will automatically be given the role head of
4. Choose Save to save your changes.

4.2.2. Add Ranks to Rank Groups

1. Go to Settings > Ranks.
2. Select a group of ranks from the Rank Groups list on the left and choose Add above the
data table on the right.

Before you add a rank to a rank group, you can select the Show archived
ranks checkbox to see whether the rank that you would like to add to a
rank group is already available. You can then reactivate the archived rank
instead of creating a new one.

3. In the dialog window, enter the following data:

a. Name
Enter a name for the rank.
b. Abbreviation
Specify an abbreviation for the rank. A chief officer can be abbreviated with C/O, for

Ranks 37
CFM Crewing

c. Group
Assign the rank to a rank group by selecting a group from the drop-down list.

If you selected a rank group other than All from the Rank Groups list
on the left, this field is already prefilled.

d. STCW Regulation
Specify the competencies the rank must have to comply with the Standards of
Training, Certification and Watchkeeping for Seafarers (STCW) regulation.
Select the relevant competencies from the drop-down list:

You can select more than one entry.

• Master II/2
• Master II/3
• Chief Eng III/2
• Chief Eng III/3
• Chief Mate II/2
• Second Eng III/2
• Second Eng III/3
• OOW (Deck) II/1
• OOW (Deck) II/3
• OOW (Eng) III/1
• Electro Technical Officer III/6
e. Month / Days on Board
Specify the default duration in months and days the rank is on board a vessel.

When planning the seafarer for an assignment, his assignment end is
calculated automatically starting from the assignment start date us-
ing the data specified in this field.

f. Default Crew-Portal Role

If you want to specify a role different from the default, select it from the drop-down
list or enter it directly in the field.

Ranks 38
CFM Crewing

Every new seafarer with the corresponding rank is automatically assigned the speci-
fied crew portal role.
g. Is Officer
Select this checkbox, if the rank is an officer. CFM Particulars then matches the set-
tings here with the employer settings and finds the correct employer for the specific
This setting is also used for certain reports to differentiate between officer and rat-
ing ranks.
h. Is Promotable
Select this checkbox, if the rank should be able to receive a promotion. This setting
is reflected in the performance report. If you don't select this checkbox, the rank
cannot be promoted as this option won't be available in the performance reports.
This checkbox is typically deactivated for the highest ranks in the chain of com-
mand, such as Masters or Chief Engineers.

By default, the checkbox is selected.

i. Is Watchkeeper
Select this checkbox, if the rank is also a watchkeeper. This will bee used to indicate
whether a rank is assigned to watchkeeping duties with regards to rest hour docu-
j. Head of Department
Select a rank from the drop-down list that should be the head of the department. If
you choose Default (First Rank in Group), the rank that is added to the top of the
rank group the actual rank belongs to will automatically be given the role head of
The head of the department is authorized to create performance reports for all
ranks who are reporting to him. In addition, the head of department can not only
evaluate the performance of ranks directly reporting to him, but also all ranks that
report to another head of department who is evaluated by the one above him.

Example 1. Head of Department

The master is the head of department of the chief officer.
The chief officer in turn is the head of department of the second officer.
This means the master can create performance reports for the chief officer and the
second officer.

Ranks 39
CFM Crewing

When using the Cloud Ship Manager (CSM) and the head of depart-
ment of a rank is not on board the vessel the next higher head of de-
partment creates the performance report.
In this case the master would create a performance report for the sec-
ond officer.

k. Do not generate mandatory performance reports for this rank

If you select this checkbox, no mandatory performance reports are generated for
the selected rank. This setting is typically used for Masters or Chief Engineers, for
example. Though, it is still possible to create performance reports manually.
4. Choose Save to save your changes.

4.2.3. Edit Ranks in Rank Groups

1. Go to Settings > Ranks.
2. Select a group of ranks from the Rank Groups list on the left.
3. Select a rank from the data table on the right and choose Edit.
4. In the dialog window, you can change the following data:
a. Name
Change the name of the rank.
b. Abbreviation
Change the abbreviation for the rank. A chief officer can be abbreviated with C/O,
for example.
c. Group
Assign the rank to a rank group by selecting a group from the drop-down list.
d. STCW Regulation
Change the competencies the rank must have to comply with the Standards of
Training, Certification and Watchkeeping for Seafarers (STCW) regulation.
Select the relevant competencies from the drop-down list:

You can select more than one entry.

• Master II/2
• Master II/3
• Chief Eng III/2

Ranks 40
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• Chief Eng III/3

• Chief Mate II/2
• Second Eng III/2
• Second Eng III/3
• OOW (Deck) II/1
• OOW (Deck) II/3
• OOW (Eng) III/1
• Electro Technical Officer III/6

e. Month / Days on Board

Change the default duration in months and days the rank is on board a vessel.

When planning the seafarer for an assignment, his assignment end is
calculated automatically starting from the assignment start date us-
ing the data specified in this field.

f. Default Crew-Portal Role

If you want to specify a role different from the default, select it from the drop-down
list or enter it directly in the field.
Every new seafarer with the corresponding rank is automatically assigned the speci-
fied crew portal role.
g. Nationality Specific Contract Settings
Depending on the origin of the seafarer, the duration of his assignment might differ.

Whenever a seafarer is planned for an assignment, the settings de-
fined here allow Cloud Crewing to auto-calculate the contract duration
for any seafarer matching the selected nationality.
If no nationality-specific settings are defined, the value defined for
Month / Days on Board applies.

i. Choose the icon to make settings specific to a certain nationality.

ii. In the dialog window, choose or Add to add a new setting.
To edit an existing setting, choose an entry from the list and choose Edit.
iii. Select a nationality from the drop-down list.
iv. Specify the minimum number of months and days on board the vessel.
v. Choose Save to save your changes.

Ranks 41
CFM Crewing

The setting is applied to all newly created assignments but it isn't
retroactively applied to an assignment.

h. Is Officer
Select this checkbox, if the rank is an officer. CFM Particulars then matches the set-
tings here with the employer settings and finds the correct employer for the specific
This setting is also used for certain reports to differentiate between officer and rat-
ing ranks.
i. Is Promotable
Select this checkbox, if the rank should be able to receive a promotion. This setting
is reflected in the performance report. If you don't select this checkbox, the rank
cannot be promoted as this option won't be available in the performance reports.
This checkbox is typically deactivated for the highest ranks in the chain of com-
mand, such as Masters or Chief Engineers.
j. Is Watchkeeper
Select this checkbox, if the rank is also a watchkeeper. This will bee used to indicate
whether a rank is assigned to watchkeeping duties with regards to rest hour docu-
k. Head of Department
Select a rank from the drop-down list that should be the head of the department. If
you choose Default (First Rank in Group), the rank that is added to the top of the
rank group the actual rank belongs to will automatically be given the role head of
The head of the department is authorized to create performance reports for all
ranks who are reporting to him. In addition, the head of department can not only
evaluate the performance of ranks directly reporting to him, but also all ranks that
report to another head of department who is evaluated by the one above him.
l. Do not generate mandatory performance reports for this rank
If you select this checkbox, no mandatory performance reports are generated for
the selected rank. This setting is typically used for Masters or Chief Engineers, for
example. Though, it is still possible to create performance reports manually.
m. Archive
Select this checkbox, if you want to archive the rank. This rank will then no longer
appear in the Crew List and cannot be used to plan assignments.
You can still assign seafarers to archived ranks, but we apply an indicator so you
can update the rank to an active one accordingly.
5. Choose Save to save your changes.

Ranks 42
CFM Crewing

4.3. Officer Matrix

On the Officer Matrix subtab, you can define which requirements must be fulfilled for senior
and junior officers according to the oil major regulations.

A default setting is provided by the system, but you can create additional requirements for
any oil major relevant to your company.

The settings made here are only relevant for vessels of the type tanker or one of
its subtypes.

The following default settings are predefined in the Default requirement:

The Default requirement cannot be edited or deleted.

Table 1. Officer Requirements

Senior Officer Requirements Junior Officer Requirements
Embarkation Difference (Days) 14 14
Operator Experience (Years) 2 1
Type Experience (Years) 6 0
All Types Experience (Years) 0 1.5

Officer Matrix 43
CFM Crewing

Senior Officer Requirements Junior Officer Requirements

Rank Experience (Years) 3 1.0
Rank Experience Each (Years) 0.5 n/a

Table 2. Required Officers

Senior Deck Officers Junior Deck Officers Senior Engineer Officers Junior Engineer Officers
Master Second Officer Chief Engineer Junior 3/OFFC
Chief Officer Third Officer Second Engineer Fourth Officer
Third Engineer
Fourth Engineer
Junior 4/ENG

4.3.1. Add Requirements

1. Go to Settings > Officer Matrix.

2. On the Requirements list on the left, choose Add.
3. In the dialog window, enter a name for the new requirement and choose Save to create
the new requirement.
This is usually the name of the oil major, such as BP or Shell.
4. On the card on the right, enter the following data in the specific areas:
a. Senior Officer Requirements
In this area, specify the following:
• Embarkation Difference (Days)
Enter the minimum number of days that must lie between a crew change of senior
• Operator Experience (Years)
Enter the minimum number of years of experience the officer must have as an op-
The systems derives this information from the assignments of the officer and, if
available, from past sea service records with other companies.
• Types Experience (Years)
Enter the minimum number of years of experience the officer must have with this
vessel type.
The system derives this information from the assignments of the officer and, if
available, from past sea service records with other companies.
• All Types Experience (Years)
Enter the minimum number of years of experience the officer must have with all
vessel types.
The system derives this information from the assignments of the officer and, if
available, from past sea service records with other companies.

Officer Matrix 44
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• Rank Experience (Years)

Enter the minimum number of years of experience the officer must have in all
The system derives this information from the assignments of the officer and, if
available, from the past sea service records with other companies.
• Rank Experience Each (Years)
Enter the minimum number of years of experience the officer must have in the
current rank.
The systems derives this information from the assignments of the officer and, if
available, from past sea service records with other companies.
b. Junior Officer Requirements
In this area, you can specify the requirements for junior officers using the same pa-
rameters as mentioned above except Rank Experience Each (Years).
c. Senior Deck Officers
In this area, you add senior deck officers to the requirement:
1. Choose the icon or Add.
2. In the dialog window, select a rank from the drop-down list.
3. You can also add ranks with the equivalent experience.
It is generally possible to have different ranks for an actual rank in the system.

The experience in the actual rank assigned to the seafarer and the
defined equivalent ranks is counted.

Example 1. Equivalent Experience

You defined the rank chief officer, but you want to include the ex-
perience of the first officer as the seafarer used to work under this
rank. Even though the name of the rank should have been called
differently, in this case, chief officer.

The system checks the ranks defined in this area with the defined
requirements above, such as Embarkation Difference. The corre-
sponding result is displayed under Crew List > Officer Matrix for
the respective vessel.

4. Choose Save to save your changes.

d. Junior Deck Officers
In this area, add junior deck officers to the requirement:
1. Choose the icon or Add.
2. In the dialog window, select a rank from the drop-down list.
3. You can also add ranks with the equivalent experience.
It is generally possible to have different ranks for an actual rank in the system.

Officer Matrix 45
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The experience in the actual rank assigned to the seafarer and the
defined equivalent ranks is counted.

Example 2. Equivalent Experience

You defined the rank chief officer, but you want to include the ex-
perience of the first officer as the seafarer used to work under this
rank. Even though the name of the rank should have been called
differently, in this case, chief officer.

The system checks the ranks defined in this area with the defined
requirements above, such as Embarkation Difference. The corre-
sponding result is displayed under Crew List > Officer Matrix for
the respective vessel.

4. Choose Save to save your changes.

e. Senior Engineer Officers
In this area, add senior engineer officers to the requirement:
1. Choose the icon or Add.
2. In the dialog window, select a rank from the drop-down list.
3. You can also add ranks with the equivalent experience.
It is generally possible to have different ranks for an actual rank in the system.

The experience in the actual rank assigned to the seafarer and the
defined equivalent ranks is counted.

Example 3. Equivalent Experience

You defined the rank chief officer, but you want to include the ex-
perience of the first officer as the seafarer used to work under this
rank. Even though the name of the rank should have been called
differently, in this case, chief officer.

The system checks the ranks defined in this area with the defined
requirements above, such as Embarkation Difference. The corre-
sponding result is displayed under Crew List > Officer Matrix for
the respective vessel.

4. Choose Save to save your changes.

f. Junior Engineer Officers
In this area, add junior engineer officers to the requirement:

Officer Matrix 46
CFM Crewing

1. Choose the icon or Add.

2. In the dialog window, select a rank from the drop-down list.
3. You can also add ranks with the equivalent experience.
It is generally possible to have different ranks for an actual rank in the system.

The experience in the actual rank assigned to the seafarer and the
defined equivalent ranks is counted.

Example 4. Equivalent Experience

You defined the rank chief officer, but you want to include the ex-
perience of the first officer as the seafarer used to work under this
rank. Even though the name of the rank should have been called
differently, in this case, chief officer.

The system checks the ranks defined in this area with the defined
requirements above, such as Embarkation Difference. The corre-
sponding result is displayed under Crew List > Officer Matrix for
the respective vessel.

4. Choose Save to save your changes.

5. Choose Save to save your changes.

4.3.2. Edit Requirements

To edit the name of the officer requirements:

1. Go to Settings > Officer Matrix.

2. Select an entry from the Requirements list on the left and choose Edit.
3. Change the name of the requirement in the dialog window.
4. Choose Save to save your changes.
Alternatively, select an entry from the Requirements list on the left and edit the name of
the requirement directly on the card in the center of the screen.

To edit the details of the officer requirements:

1. Go to Settings > Officer Matrix.

2. Select an entry from the Requirements list on the left and simply edit the data in the fol-
lowing two areas:
a. Senior Officer Requirements
b. Junior Officer Requirements
3. In the following four areas, you can edit or delete the listed ranks:
To edit ranks, select an entry and choose Edit at the top of the list.

Officer Matrix 47
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To delete ranks, select an entry and choose the trash can icon on the right of the se-
lected entry.
a. Senior Deck Officers
b. Junior Deck Officers
c. Senior Engineer Officers
d. Junior Engineer Officers
4. Choose Save to save your changes.

4.4. Payrolls
On the Payrolls subtab, you can define how payroll data is calculated and displayed.

It is divided into the following three areas, which you find in the Payroll Settings list on the

• Global Settings
In this area, you define settings that have a global impact on how the data is displayed
within the Payroll tab of CFM Crewing and how it is exported.

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• Custom Settings
In this area, you define settings for the payroll calculation method, wages, and allotments.
These settings also impact specific payroll processes, such as home allotments.
• Pay Codes
In this area, you define payroll earnings and payroll deductions.
The colored stripes on the left of each entry indicate the status of the earnings and deduc-
• Green - The earning or deduction is active.
• Red - The earning or deduction was deactivated.

4.4.1. Define Global Payroll Settings

1. Go to Settings > Payrolls > Payroll Settings > Global Settings.

2. On the Global Settings card, you can make the following settings:
a. Permanent Contracts Mode
Select one of the following options from the drop-down list:
i. Disabled
Select this option, if you don't want to automatically pay the seafarer an extra
remuneration after their assignment.
ii. Leave Pay After Assignment
By default, this option is selected and ensures that all seafarers with a perma-
nent contract get a leave pay after their assignment.

b. Print Bank Details on Payroll Slip

If you select this option, the bank details of the main bank are printed on the pay
slip of the seafarers.
If no main bank account was defined, the first bank account in the list is used.
c. Company Bonus Name
As every company has a different bonus system, you can use this field to define a
name for your company's bonus. The bonus is then displayed within the seafarers'
wage scales and assignments as well as in their individual payroll.

3. Choose Save to save your changes.

4.4.2. Define Custom Payroll Settings

Define how the payrolls of your seafarers should generally be calculated. Additionally, you
can add settings that are specific for certain nationalities and/or manning agencies that you
work with.

1. Go to Settings > Payrolls > Payroll Settings > Custom Settings.

2. To define new custom payroll settings, choose Add.
3. In the dialog window, enter the following data:

Payrolls 49
CFM Crewing

a. Valid From /For

In this section, you define the month as of which the custom payroll settings be-
come effective as well as for which nationality or agency the settings are valid.
i. Valid From
Select a month from which the following payroll settings should be valid.
ii. Valid for Nationality
Define the payroll settings that should be applied to a certain nationality or to
all seafarers.
A. Default
By default, this option is selected which means that the payroll settings ap-
ply to all seafarers no matter which nationality they have.
B. A specific nationality selected from the drop-down list.
The payroll settings are then only applied to seafarers belonging to the se-
lected nationality.

iii. Valid for Agency

Define whether the payroll settings should be applied to seafarers belonging to
a certain agency or to all seafarers.
The colored circles in front of the agency's names indicate the status of the
agency. Green means that the agency is active. Red means that the agency is
A. Default
By default, this option is selected which means that the payroll settings ap-
ply to all seafarers no matter to which agency they belong.
B. A specific agency selected from the drop-down list.
The payroll settings are then only applied to seafarers belonging to the se-
lected agency.

Payrolls 50
CFM Crewing

iv. Rank Type

Define whether the payroll settings should be applied to seafarers with a specif-
ic rank type.
A. Both (Default)
By default, this option is selected which means that the payroll settings ap-
ply to all seafarers independent of their rank type.
B. Officer
If you select this option, the payroll settings are applied to seafarers with
the rank type Officer only.
C. Rating
If you select this option, the payroll settings are applied to all seafarers
whose rank is not marked as Is Officer.
v. Remark
Enter any additional remarks into this field.
b. Choose Save to continue defining the remaining custom payroll settings.
c. Payroll Calculation Method

In this section, you define how the payroll of the seafarers is calculated.
i. Voyage Payroll Generation Scheme
Select one of the following options from the drop-down list:
A. Default (Voyage Payroll - Individual)
By default, this option is selected. A payroll is generated for every assign-
ment within one month. Each assignment is treated separately. This
means that two assignments in one month could lead to a total calculation
of 31 days.

Payrolls 51
CFM Crewing

B. Contract Payroll
If you select this option, a monthly payroll is generated that can include
multiple vessel assignments and other non-assignment-related periods
that the seafarer is paid for.
C. Voyage Payroll - Individual
If you select this option, a payroll is generated for every assignment within
one month. Each assignment is treated separately. This means that two
assignments in one month could lead to a total calculation of 31 days.
D. Voyage Payroll - Accumulated
If you select this option, a payroll is generated for every assignment within
one month. The total number of payment days for all assignments is accu-
mulated. A maximum number of 30 days is paid.
When calculating the payroll, the last applicable person history period days
are either extended or cut.
ii. Calculation - Regular
Select one of the following options from the drop-down list:
A. Default (30 Days)
By default, this option is selected. The payroll is calculated using 30 days.
B. 30 Days
If you select this option, each payroll is calculated using 30 days.
C. Exact Days
If you select this option, each payroll is calculated using the exact number
of days of the respective month.
iii. Forward Balancing
Select one of the following options from the drop-down list:

Balances for voyage employees are only forwarded if they belong
to one assignment.
So if a residual balance is available after an assignment has
ended, it has to be forwarded to a new assignment manually.

A. Default (Enabled)
By default, this option is selected.
The payroll balance is forwarded to the next payroll month.
B. Enabled
If you select this option, the payroll balance is forwarded to the next payroll
C. Disabled
If you select this option, the payroll balance isn't forwarded to the next pay-
roll month. Every next payroll month starts with a balance of zero.

Payrolls 52
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iv. Paid Out

Define whether paid-out positions should be available in your payrolls or not.

This setting is linked with the setting defined for Forward Balanc-
The following combinations are possible:
1. Forward Balancing: Enabled, Paid Out: Enabled
The position is displayed on the Final Wages tab for final pay-
rolls, only.
2. Forward Balancing: Disabled, Paid Out: Enabled
The position is available for all payrolls and is thus displayed
on the Monthly Wages and Final Wages tabs.
3. Paid Out: Disabled
The position is not available for any payroll.

A. Enabled
If you select this option, the paid-out position is available for payrolls.
Whether it is available for final wages and monthly wages, both, depends
on the setting defined for Forward Balancing.
B. Disabled
If you select this option, the paid-out position is not available for any pay-
v. Copy Balance to Paid Out
Define whether the remaining balance should be automatically copied to the
paid out position of the next month automatically once the current payroll is fi-
The balance is only copied to the paid out position if it is not negative and a
paid out position exists with a zero amount.
A. Enabled
If you select this option, the balance of the current month is automatically
copied to the paid out position of the next month once the current payroll
is finalized.
B. Disabled
If you select this option, the balance is not copied automatically.

Payrolls 53
CFM Crewing

d. Wage Options

In this section, you define the different handling of wages that impact how wage
scales can be configured and are actually calculated within a permanent contract or
voyage assignment.
i. Wage Confirmation
Define how a wage should be confirmed.
A. Default
The default setting is taken from the last version of payroll settings.
B. Manual Confirmation
If you select this option, all wages have to be confirmed manually using a
four-eyes principle.
At least one user must be assigned the right to confirm the wages.
Wages that are assigned to your user for confirmation are displayed on the
dashboard list My Wages to Check.
C. Automatic Confirmation (Only New Wages)
If you select this option, you have to confirm new wages manually, first. Af-
ter they have been confirmed manually once, all new versions of a wage,
such as split wages, new bonus levels, or newly valid wage versions, are
automatically confirmed by the application.
D. Automatic Confirmation (All Wages)
If you select this option, all wages are automatically confirmed by the ap-
Auto-confirmation takes place shortly prior to the assignment start.
ii. Split Wages
You can define that wage scales include split wages that apply automatically
within an assignment period, if the seafarer reaches a specific number of
months (sea service or calendar year) in a specific rank.

Payrolls 54
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A. Default
The default setting is taken from the last version of payroll settings.
B. None
If you select this option, split wages won't apply.
C. Monthly per Assignment
If you select this option, split wages are calculated based on each individu-
al assignment period.

Example 1. Wage Increase

After two months on board a vessel, a seafarer gets an increase in his ba-
sic wage. So he will be paid with this new wage for the remaining portion of
his assignment.
For the next assignment, a seafarer assigned to this wage again starts with
the initial wage.

D. Monthly per Rank (Assignment Time)

If you select this option, the assignment time of each assignment is con-
sidered for the calculation of split wages.

Example 2. Sea Service

A master gets a basic wage of 1200 Euros for 0 to 6 months of sea service
experience and a basic wage of 1800 Euros for 6 to 10 months of sea serv-
ice experience. Once a total amount of 6 months sea service for all assign-
ments in this rank has been achieved, the new basic wage becomes effec-

E. Monthly per Rank (Calendar Year)

If you select this option, the employment period of the seafarer based on
calendar years is considered for the calculation of split wages.

Example 3. Years of Experience

A master gets a basic wage of 1500 Euros for 0 to 5 years of employment
within the same company and a basic wage of 2000 Euros for 5 to 10 years
of employment. Once a total amount of 5 years employment period has
been achieved in this rank, the new basic wage becomes effective.

iii. Promotion Wages

Define whether to allow promotion wages for a seafarer serving in a specific
rank for the first time.

Payrolls 55
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This setting is not available, if you've selected None for split wa-
Once you've set up a promotion wage, both the basic wage and
the promotion wage appear in the list of available wage scales
that you can assign to a seafarer.

A. Default
The default setting is taken from the last version of payroll settings.
B. Enabled
If you select this option, you can set up promotion wages.
C. Disabled
If you select this option, you aren't allowed to set up promotion wages.

iv. Include Newly Promoted In Split Per Rank Calculation

Define whether newly promoted seafarers should be included in the calculation
of split wages according to rank.

This setting is only available, if you've defined Monthly per Rank
(Assignment Time) or Monthly per Rank (Calendar Year) for split
wages under step ii.

A. Default
The default setting is taken from the last version of payroll settings.
B. Enabled
If you select this option, you can include newly promoted seafarers in the
calculation of split wages according to rank.
C. Disabled
If you select this option, you cannot include newly promoted seafarers in
the calculation of split wages according to rank.

v. Include Past Sea Services

Define whether to consider past sea services with previous shipping companies
when calculating split wages.

This setting is only available, if you've defined Monthly per Rank
(Assignment Time) or Monthly per Rank (Calendar Year) for split
wages under step ii.

Payrolls 56
CFM Crewing

A. Default
The default setting is taken from the last version of payroll settings.
B. Enabled
If you select this option, past sea services with previous shipping compa-
nies are considered when calculating split wages.
C. Disabled
If you select this option, past sea services with previous shipping compa-
nies aren't considered when calculating split wages.
vi. Company Bonus
Define whether to allow the creation of monthly company bonuses that are ap-
plicable after a certain time of service. The time of service is either calculated
by assignment time or in calendar years.
A. Default
The default setting is taken from the last version of payroll settings.
B. None
If you select this option, you cannot create any monthly company bonuses
within a rank-specific wage scale.
C. Assignment Time
If you select this option, you can create a monthly company bonus that is
applicable after a specific time of service calculated over the entire assign-
ment time.
D. Calendar Year
If you select this option, you can create a monthly company bonus that is
applicable after a certain number of employment years calculated in calen-
dar years.
vii. Wages - Multiple Split/Bonus
Define whether an assignment may hold multiple wages and/or amounts for
different company bonus years throughout the assignments.
A. Default
The default setting is taken from the last version of payroll settings.
B. Enabled
If you select this option, an assignment can hold multiple wages (split wa-
ges) and/or amounts for different company bonus years throughout the as-
C. Disabled
If you select this option, an assignment cannot hold multiple wages (split
wages) and/or amounts for different company bonus years throughout the
Only those split wages or company bonuses are applied that are effective
on the start date of the assignment or permanent contract.

Payrolls 57
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viii. Wages - Multiple Versions

Define whether an assignment can hold multiple wages derived from different
wage scale versions.
A. Default
The default setting is taken from the last version of payroll settings.
B. Enabled
If you select this option, an assignment can include multiple wages derived
from different wage scale versions.
New wage versions are displayed with the date they became effective
throughout the assignment.
C. Disabled
If you select this option, an assignment cannot include multiple wages de-
rived from different wage scale versions.
The system applies the wage version that is applicable as of the start date
of the assignment or permanent contract.
ix. Payment Type
Define which kind of information the payroll API should deliver regarding the
payment recipient.
A. Default
The default setting is taken from the last version of payroll settings.
B. Seafarer Bank
If you select this option, you can retrieve information whether a payment to
a seafarer (home allotment, special allotment, paid out) should be remitted
to the seafarer bank.
C. Agency Bank
If you select this option, you can retrieve information whether a payment to
a seafarer (home allotment, special allotment, paid out) should be remitted
to the bank account of the related manning agency.
x. Bank Payments
Define whether you're allowed to maintain bank accounts for your fleet and cre-
ate bank files.
A. Default
The default setting is taken from the last version of payroll settings.
B. Enabled
If you select this option, you can maintain bank accounts for your fleet and
create bank files (.DTAZV , SEPA and MarTrust) for payments (home allot-
ment, special allotment, paid out) as a combination of the applicable ves-
sel bank account and the seafarer bank account.
The following areas are available once you enabled this setting: Settings >
Payment Banks and Payroll > Bank Payments. Of course provided that the
user has been granted the relevant access hereto.
For more information, see Payment Banks [84] and Bank Payments [312].

Payrolls 58
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C. Disabled
If you select this option, you cannot maintain bank accounts for your fleet
and create bank files.

e. Allotment Options

In this section, you define the different allotment options.

i. Home Allotment
Defines whether home allotment positions are included in your payrolls or not.
A. Default
The default setting is taken from the last version of payroll settings.
B. Enabled
If you select this option, home allotment positions are included in your pay-
C. Disabled
If you select this option, home allotments are not included in your payrolls.
ii. H/A - Start Month
Allows you to automatically set the home allotment value to 0 during the on-
signing month. This setting prevents overpayments to the seafarer in the first
month of service.
A. Default
The default setting is taken from the last version of payroll settings.
B. Enabled
If you select this option, the home allotment value is automatically set to 0
during the onsigning month.
C. Disabled
If you select this option, the home allotment value is not automatically set
to 0 during the onsigning month.

Payrolls 59
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iii. H/A - End Month

Allows you to automatically set the home allotment value to 0 during the off-
signing month. This setting prevents overpayments to the seafarer in the last
month of service.
A. Default
The default setting is taken from the last version of payroll settings.
B. Enabled
If you select this option, the home allotment value is automatically set to 0
during the offsigning month.
C. Disabled
If you select this option, the home allotment value is not automatically set
to 0 during the offsigning month.

iv. H/A - Start+End Month

Allows you to automatically set the home allotment value to 0 when a seafarer
is signing on and off during the same month. This setting prevents overpay-
ments to the seafarer.
A. Default
The default setting is taken from the last version of payroll settings.
B. Enabled
If you select this option, the home allotment value is automatically set to 0
when a seafarer is signing on and off during the same month.
C. Disabled
If you select this option, the home allotment is not automatically set to 0
when a seafarer is signing on and off during the same month.

v. Require Allotment Confirmation

Define that allotment positions must be confirmed by the office and can no lon-
ger be edited after confirmation.
A. Default
The default setting is taken from the last version of payroll settings.
B. Enabled
If you select this option, allotment positions must be confirmed by the of-
C. Disabled
If you select this option, allotment positions do not have to be confirmed
by the office and are considered as specified once a value was entered.

vi. Update Later Payrolls on Allotment Change

Define that updating a home allotment amount changes the amounts of later
home allotments to the same amount.
A. Default
The default setting is taken from the last version of payroll settings.

Payrolls 60
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B. Enabled
If you select this option, updating home allotment amounts changes the
amounts for later home allotments to the same amount provided that later
home allotments have not been changed manually, already.
C. Disabled
If you select this option, updating home allotment amounts does not
change the amounts for later home allotments to the same amount.

4. Choose Save to save your changes.

5. Choose Confirm to validate the new version.

Versions of payroll settings that have been confirmed, can no longer be edi-

6. Confirm the warning message by choosing Yes.

4.4.3. Add Payroll Earnings / Deductions

1. Go to Settings > Payrolls > Payroll Settings > Paycodes.
2. On the Payroll Earnings or Payroll Deductions card, choose Add to create a new entry.

You can also export the list of earnings or deductions, by choosing the
more menu and then Export from each card.
To hide inactive earnings or deductions, choose the more menu and
then Hide inactive from each card.

To edit existing payroll earnings or deductions, select an entry from the list
and choose Edit.
Note that entries with a padlock icon are either predefined by the sys-
tem or in use and therefore, cannot be deleted.

3. In the dialog window, enter the following data:

a. Name
Specify a name for the new payroll earning or deduction.
b. Manual Time Entry
Allows you to name the unit which will be multiplied by the specific seafarer wage
rate within the payroll.

Payrolls 61
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c. Include in payroll by default

If you select this checkbox, the payroll earning or deduction is included in every pay-
roll by default as long as it's not predefined as a Monthly Amount or Absolute
For these paycodes a value can then be entered manually for each seafarer's payroll
of a certain month.

To keep your payroll section clean, make sure to activate this option
only for paycodes that occur regularly for the majority of seafarers.
Deactivate this option for bonuses that are paid only occasionally for
specific seafarers, for example.

When additionally defined as Monthly Amount or Absolute Amount, the paycode

matrix of a wage scale lists those paycodes, by default.
d. Monthly Amount
If you select this checkbox, you can enter an amount in the wage scale for this pay-
roll earning or deduction. The amount that is defined in the wage scale is calculated
on a pro rata basis.
Once you select this checkbox, another checkbox appears next to it: Absolute
e. Absolute Amount
Only visible, if you select the Monthly Amount checkbox.
If you select the Absolute Amount checkbox, the amount defined in the wage scale
will be paid in full once per month.
f. Account Numbers
Account numbers are displayed for all currencies used within wage scales. If you
want to enable that more account numbers can be entered for other currencies, you
have to define at least one wage scale with the new currency before.
Once you have defined a currency in the wage scales, you are able to insert an ac-
count number in this dialog window, which can then be retrieved from the payroll
g. Deactivated
If you select this checkbox, the payroll earning or deduction that you're currently
creating or editing is deactivated. The payroll earning or deduction can, thus no lon-
ger be used for any wage scales, but is still displayed for all running assignments
and their corresponding payrolls.
4. Choose Save to save your changes.

Payrolls 62
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4.5. Wage Scales

On the Wage Scales subtab, you can create, edit, and delete wage scale groups and create
rank-specific wage scales.

Wage scales are predefined templates allocated to seafarer assignments (voyage employ-
ees) or seafarer contracts (permanent employees). The wage scale content is used to gener-
ate the seafarers' payroll. All values that were entered are used for the automatic calculation
of the individual seafarer's payroll.
For more information, see Assignments.
The wage scales are sorted according to type: Voyage or Permanent.
The History drop-down list next to an entry in the Wage Scales list allows you to select future
or previous versions of a wage scale, if available. Select one from the list to edit it.
The padlock icon indicates that the wage scale cannot be deleted. You can, however, ar-
chive the wage scale. To do so, select a wage scale from the list and choose Edit > Archive.
Archived wage scales are then marked with a red stripe. It is also not possible to edit the
Effective as of date. To make changes, you have to create a new version of the wage scale.
To do so, select a wage scale from the list and choose Add > Add wage scale version.
On the detail screen on the right, you can create rank-specific wage scales as well as edit,
delete, and copy existing rank-specific wage scales. The different earnings and deductions
are only displayed if they were assigned to at least one person history type within the pay
code matrix.

4.5.1. Create Wage Scale Groups

1. Go to Settings > Wage Scales.
2. In the Wage Scales list on the left, choose Add and select New Voyage Wage Scale or
New Permanent Wage Scale from the drop-down list.
3. In the dialog window, enter the following data:

Wage Scales 63
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a. Name
Specify a name for the new wage scale.
b. Max. O/T Hours (Per Month) (optional)
Define the maximum number of overtime hours a seafarer may generate each
c. Leave Pay Days (Per Month) (optional)
Define how many paid leave days a seafarer may have each month.
d. Per Day (optional)
If you select this checkbox, the paid leave days are calculated for each day within a
defined person history period.
e. Currency
Select the relevant currency for the wage scale from the drop-down list.
f. Max. Negative Leave (Days) (optional)
Enter the maximum number of negative leave days. Once this parameter is defined,
the maximum number of negative leave days are limited to the defined value.

This setting is only relevant for seafarers with permanent contracts.

g. Max. Assignment Length (Weeks) (optional)

Specify the maximum duration of the assignment in weeks.
h. Effective as of
Enter a month on which the wage scale becomes effective.
i. Minimum Home Allotment Percentage (optional)
Define the minimum amount for home allotments in percent based on the seafarer's
basic wage that has to be paid each month.

Example 1. Home Allotment

A Filipino seafarer should receive 80% of their basic wage in a monthly home allot-

This setting is used in the Home Allotment section to indicate whether the actual
home allotment amount is sufficient.
j. Guaranteed Home Period (%) (optional)
Enter a home period that is guaranteed to the seafarers after their assignment.
k. Override Training Leave Days (optional)
Use these fields to override the settings made in the pay code matrix regarding
training leave days of a seafarer.

This setting is only relevant for seafarers with permanent contracts.

Wage Scales 64
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i. Choose whether the setting is to be valid for all trainings during a year or within
a certain training period.
ii. Select one of the following values from the drop-down list:
A. Earn Leave Days
Select this value if the seafarer should earn additional leave days while he
is on training.
B. Spend Leave Days
Select this value if the seafarer should spend leave days while he is on
C. Neutral
Select this value if it shouldn' t have any effect.
iii. Enter a number in the for first xxx days field.
You thereby define how long your setting is valid before the pay code matrix be-
comes effective again.
l. Override Embarkation Travel Leave Days (Per Assignment) (optional)
Use these fields to override the settings made in the pay code matrix regarding em-
barkation travel leave days of a seafarer.

This setting is only relevant for seafarers with permanent contracts.

i. Select one of the following values from the drop-down list:

A. Earn Leave Days
Select this value if the seafarer should earn additional leave days while he
is traveling.
B. Spend Leave Days
Select this value if the seafarer should spend leave days while he is travel-
C. Neutral
Select this value if it shouldn't have any effect.
ii. Enter a number in the for first xxx days field.
You thereby define how long your setting is valid before the pay code matrix be-
comes effective again.
m. Do not apply to seafarers currently on board (optional)
Select this checkbox, if you don't want to apply the new wage scale (version) to the
seafarers that are currently on board a vessel.
n. Is specific for vessel (optional)
Select this checkbox, if you want to apply the new wage scale to specific vessels,
From the list of vessels that appears select the relevant ones.

Wage Scales 65
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Note that the wage scale group can only be allocated to assignments
on the vessels selected in this step.
When allocating wage scales to assignments, you still see all other
wage scales that are not specific to the vessels selected in this step.

o. Is specific for nationality (optional)

Select this checkbox, if you want to apply the new wage scale to specific nationali-
ties, only.
From the list of nationalities that appears select the relevant ones.

Note that the wage scale group can only be allocated to assignments
with seafarers of the nationalities selected in this step.
When allocating wage scales to assignments, you still see all other
wage scales that are not specific to the nationalities selected in this

4. Choose Edit Pay Code Matrix to assign the pay codes to the relevant person history
In the dialog window, select which pay codes are relevant for which person history type.
Person history types are specific activities that apply to a seafarer for a certain time pe-
riod, such as Traveling, On Board , or Vacation. For every activity, you can define which
paycode is relevant and should take effect.
For voyage wage scales only person history types can be selected that are directly con-
nected to an assignment, such as Traveling, On Board or Illness. For permanent wage
scales all person history types are displayed as they could all potentially be paid even
outside of an assignment.

You define pay codes in Settings under Payrolls > Paycodes.

Wage Scales 66
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Carefully go through the steps below, as setting up the paycode matrix is
error-prone and can turn out to be the main source of error for wrong pay-
Wage scales can only be calculated if a person history type is assigned to
a paycode. Only then can you specify the relevant amounts for the paycode
in the rank-specific wage scales. For more information, see Add Wage
Scales - Ranks [80].

a. You can filter the list for paycodes and different person history types by entering the
specific names in the Filter Paycodes and Filter Types field.
b. By default, the system shows any paycodes that are specified as a monthly or abso-
lute amount and where Include in payroll by default was activated.
To extend the list of available paycodes, choose the Edit Paycodes drop-down list
and select additional paycodes from the drop-down list. Additionally displayed payc-
odes that were not assigned to any person history type are removed from this view
automatically once you close the paycode matrix.
You can add paycodes to the matrix that you defined in Settings under Payrolls >

Only paycodes that were defined as Monthly Amount and Absolute
Amount can be added here.
Paycodes that are already selected and appear with a gray checkbox
are set by default and cannot be excluded from the paycode matrix.
If you want a specific paycode to be considered as a daily rate, use the
paycode matrix to set this up.

c. Choose Save to save your changes.

If you're editing the paycode matrix after you already set up your entire payroll process
and it's also already up and running, the changes won't have any effect on finalized pay-
rolls. Open payrolls are automatically regenerated with a delay.
5. Once you're finished specifying all relevant parameters, choose Save to create the new
wage scale group.

4.5.2. Add Wage Scale Versions

A new version of a wage scale group allows you to keep the basic data of the original wage
scale group and adapt certain values that are relevant to future assignments of seafarers, for
Unlike a copy, the version keeps the same name as its original and is allocated to the same
seafarers as the original - if set up this way - once it becomes effective.

Wage Scales 67
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1. Go to Settings > Wage Scales.

2. In the Wage Scales list on the left, select a wage scale and choose Add > Add Wage
Scale Version from the drop-down list.
3. All values are taken over from the previous wage scale version.
4. In the dialog window, you can adapt the same values as during the creation of a wage
scale except for the name.
The name of the new wage scale version is copied from the previous wage scale version.

Check carefully whether all values especially the paycode matrix or wages
for specific ranks should be copied from the previous wage scale version
to the new version or need to be adapted.

For detailed information on the different values, see Create Wage Scale Groups. [63]
5. Once you're finished specifying all relevant parameters, choose Save to create the new
wage scale version.

4.5.3. Copy Wage Scale Groups

A copy of a wage scale group creates an exact copy of the original wage scale group, but
with a different name.
Unlike a new version of a wage scale group, a copy is not automatically applied to the seafar-
ers of the original wage scale group. It needs to be specified for ranks and assigned, accord-

1. Go to Settings > Wage Scales.

2. In the Wage Scales list on the left, select a wage scale group and choose Add > Copy
Wage Scale from the drop-down list.
3. The system creates an exact copy of the selected wage scale group, but with a different
By default, - copy is added to the name of the wage scale group.

You won't be able to save the copy of your wage scale group if you use the
same name as the original wage scale. Choose a different name.

4. Choose Edit Pay Code Matrix to assign the pay codes to the relevant person history
5. In the dialog window, select which pay codes are relevant for which person history type.
Person history types are specific activities that apply to a seafarer for a certain time pe-
riod, such as Traveling, On Board , or Vacation. For every activity, you can define which
paycode is relevant and should take effect.

Wage Scales 68
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For voyage wage scales only person history types can be selected that are directly con-
nected to an assignment, such as Traveling, On Board or Illness. For permanent wage
scales all person history types are displayed as they could all potentially be paid even
outside of an assignment.

You define pay codes in Settings under Payrolls > Paycodes.

Carefully go through the steps below, as setting up the paycode matrix is
error-prone and can turn out to be the main source of error for wrong pay-
Wage scales can only be calculated if a person history type is assigned to
a paycode. Only then can you specify the relevant amounts for the paycode
in the rank-specific wage scales. For more information, see Add Wage
Scales - Ranks [80].

a. You can filter the list for paycodes and different person history types by entering the
specific names in the Filter Paycodes and Filter Types field.
b. By default, the system shows any paycodes that are specified as a monthly or abso-
lute amount and where Include in payroll by default was activated.
To extend the list of available paycodes, choose the Edit Paycodes drop-down list
and select additional paycodes from the drop-down list. Additionally displayed payc-
odes that were not assigned to any person history type are removed from this view
automatically once you close the paycode matrix.
You can add paycodes to the matrix that you defined in Settings under Payrolls >

Only paycodes that were defined as Monthly Amount and Absolute
Amount can be added here.
Paycodes that are already selected and appear with a gray checkbox
are set by default and cannot be excluded from the paycode matrix.
If you want a specific paycode to be considered as a daily rate, use the
paycode matrix to set this up.

c. Choose Save to save your changes.

If you're editing the paycode matrix after you already set up your entire payroll process
and it's also already up and running, the changes won't have any effect on finalized pay-
rolls. Open payrolls are automatically regenerated with a delay.

Wage Scales 69
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6. Choose Save to save your changes.

4.5.4. Edit Wage Scale Groups

1. Go to Settings > Wage Scales.
2. Select a wage scale from the Wage Scales list on the left and choose Edit.
3. You can change data on the following tabs:
a. Standard
You can edit all fields that appear on this tab, except for the Currency and the Effec-
tive as of date.
For more information on the different fields, see Create Wage Scale Group [63].
b. Payroll Settings
You can choose to do the following on this tab:
i. Add
Add new payroll settings to your wage scale group.
The payroll settings defined here are only relevant for seafarers that are as-
signed to the selected wage scale group and meet the defined settings, such as
nationality-specific settings.
ii. Edit
Edit an existing payroll setting for your wage scale group.

You can only edit an existing payroll setting, if it hasn't been con-
firmed, yet.

iii. Delete
Delete a payroll setting for your wage scale group.

You can only delete an existing payroll setting, if it hasn't been
confirmed, yet.

iv. Show
To display the details of an existing payroll setting, choose an entry from the
list and choose Show.

4. To archive the wage scale because you created a new wage scale or a new wage scale
version, choose Archive.
5. Choose Save to save your changes.

Wage Scales 70
CFM Crewing Add Payroll Settings

1. Under Settings > Wage Scales, select a wage scale group and choose Edit.
2. Navigate to the Payroll Settings tab and choose Add.
3. On the Valid From / For tab in the dialog window, enter the following data:

a. Valid From
Select a month from which the payroll settings should be valid.
b. Valid for Nationality
Define whether the payroll settings of this wage scale should be applied to a certain
nationality or to all seafarers.
i. Default
By default, this option is selected which means that the payroll settings apply
to all seafarers no matter which nationality they have.
ii. A specific nationality selected from the drop-down list.
The payroll settings are then only applied to seafarers assigned to this wage
scale and that are of the selected nationality.
c. Valid for Agency
Define whether the payroll settings should be applied to seafarers belonging to a
certain agency or to all seafarers.
The colored circles in front of the agency's names indicate the status of the agency.
Green means that the agency is active. Red means that the agency is inactive.
i. Default
By default, this option is selected which means that the payroll settings apply
to all seafarers no matter to which agency they belong.
ii. A specific agency selected from the drop-down list.
The payroll settings are then only applied to seafarers assigned to this wage
scale and that are of the selected nationality.

Wage Scales 71
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d. Rank Type
Define whether the payroll settings should be applied to seafarers with a specific
rank type.
i. Both (Default)
By default, this option is selected which means that the payroll settings apply
to all seafarers independent of their rank type.
ii. Officer
If you select this option, the payroll settings are applied to seafarers with the
rank type Officer only.
iii. Rating
If you select this option, the payroll settings are applied to all seafarers whose
rank is not marked as Is Officer.
e. Remark
Enter any additional remarks into this field.
4. Choose Save to continue defining the remaining payroll settings.
5. On the Payroll Calculation Method tab in the dialog window, enter the following data:

a. Forward Balancing
Define whether a payroll balance should be forwarded to the next payroll month, by
selecting a value from the drop-down list:
i. Default
This value is selected by default. It is the setting that you defined under Set-
tings > Payrolls > Payroll Settings > Custom Settings > Payroll Calculation
You can overwrite the default by selecting another value for this wage scale.
ii. Enabled
If you select this option, the payroll balance is forwarded to the next payroll

Wage Scales 72
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iii. Disabled
If you select this option, the payroll balance isn't forwarded to the next payroll
month. Every next payroll month starts with a balance of zero.
b. Paid Out
Define whether paid-out positions should be available in your payrolls or not.

This setting is linked with the setting defined for Forward Balancing.
The following combinations are possible:
1. Forward Balancing: Enabled, Paid Out: Enabled
The position is displayed on the Final Wages tab for final payrolls,
2. Forward Balancing: Disabled, Paid Out: Enabled
The position is available for all payrolls and is thus displayed on
the Monthly Wages and Final Wages tabs.
3. Paid Out: Disabled
The position is not available for any payroll.

i. Enabled
If you select this option, the paid-out position is available for payrolls.
Whether it is available for final wages and monthly wages, both, depends on the
setting defined for Forward Balancing.
ii. Disabled
If you select this option, the paid-out position is not available for any payrolls.
c. Copy Balance to Paid Out
Define whether the remaining balance should be automatically copied to the paid
out position of the next month automatically once the current payroll is finalized.
The balance is only copied to the paid out position if it is not negative and a paid
out position exists with a zero amount.
i. Enabled
If you select this option, the balance of the current month is automatically cop-
ied to the paid out position of the next month once the current payroll is final-
ii. Disabled
If you select this option, the balance is not copied automatically.

Wage Scales 73
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6. On the Wage Options tab in the dialog window, enter the following data:

a. Wage Confirmation
You can define how this specific wage scale should be confirmed by selecting a val-
ue from the drop-down list:
i. Default
This value is selected by default. It is the setting that you defined under Set-
tings > Payrolls > Payroll Settings > Custom Settings > Wage Options.
You can overwrite the default by selecting another value for this wage scale.
ii. Manual Confirmation
If you select this option, all wages have to be confirmed manually using a four-
eyes principle.
At least one user must be assigned the right to confirm the wages.
iii. Automatic Confirmation (Only New Wages)
If you select this option, you have to confirm new wages manually, first. After
they have been confirmed manually once, all new versions of a wage, such as
split wages, new bonus levels, or newly valid wage versions, are automatically
confirmed by the application.
iv. Automatic Confirmation (All Wages)
If you select this option, all wages are automatically confirmed by the applica-
Auto-confirmation takes place shortly prior to the assignment start.
b. Split Wages
You can define that wage scales include split wages that apply automatically within
an assignment period, if the seafarer reaches a specific number of months (sea
service or calendar year) in a specific rank.

Wage Scales 74
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i. Default
This value is selected by default. It is the setting that you defined under Set-
tings > Payrolls > Payroll Settings > Custom Settings > Wage Options.
You can overwrite the default by selecting another value for this wage scale.
ii. None
If you select this option, split wages won't apply.
iii. Monthly per Assignment
If you select this option, split wages are calculated based on each individual as-
signment period.
iv. Monthly per Rank (Assignment Time)
If you select this option, the assignment time of each assignment is considered
for the calculation of split wages.

Example 1. Assignment Time

A master gets a basic wage of 1200 Euros for 0 to 6 months of sea service ex-
perience and a basic wage of 1800 Euros for 6 to 10 months of sea service ex-
perience. Once a total amount of 6 months sea service for all assignments in
this rank has been achieved, the new basic wage becomes effective.

v. Monthly per Rank (Calendar Year)

If you select this option, the employment period of the seafarer based on calen-
dar years is considered for the calculation of split wages.

Example 2. Calendar Year

A master gets a basic wage of 1500 Euros for 0 to 5 years of employment with-
in the same company and a basic wage of 2000 Euros for 5 to 10 years of em-
ployment. Once a total amount of 5 years employment period has been ach-
ieved in this rank, the new basic wage becomes effective.

c. Promotion Wages
Define whether to allow promotion wages for a seafarer serving in a specific rank
for the first time.

This setting is not available, if you've selected None for split wages.
Once you've set up a promotion wage, both the basic wage and the
promotion wage appear in the list of available wage scales that you
can assign to a seafarer.

i. Default
The default setting is taken from the last version of payroll settings.
ii. Enabled
If you select this option, you can set up promotion wages.

Wage Scales 75
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iii. Disabled
If you select this option, you aren't allowed to set up promotion wages.
d. Include Past Sea Services
Define whether to consider past sea services with previous shipping companies
when calculating split wages.

This setting is only available, if you've defined Monthly per Rank (As-
signment Time) or Monthly per Rank (Calendar Year) for split wages
under step ii.

i. Default
The default setting is taken from the last version of payroll settings.
ii. Enabled
If you select this option, past sea services with previous shipping companies
are considered when calculating split wages.
iii. Disabled
If you select this option, past sea services with previous shipping companies
aren't considered when calculating split wages.
e. Wages - Multiple Split/Bonus
Define whether an assignment may hold multiple wages and/or amounts for differ-
ent company bonus years throughout the assignments.
i. Default
This value is selected by default. It is the setting that you defined under Set-
tings > Payrolls > Payroll Settings > Custom Settings > Wage Options.
You can overwrite the default by selecting another value for this wage scale.
ii. Enabled
If you select this option, an assignment can hold multiple wages (split wages)
and/or amounts for different company bonus years throughout the assignment.
For confirmed wages, new and valid split wages as well as applicable company
bonuses are automatically assigned to the seafarers once they become effec-
iii. Disabled
If you select this option, an assignment cannot hold multiple wages (split wa-
ges) and/or amounts for different company bonus years throughout the assign-
f. Wages - Multiple Versions
Define whether an assignment can hold multiple wages derived from different wage
scale versions.
i. Default
This value is selected by default. It is the setting that you defined under Set-
tings > Payrolls > Payroll Settings > Custom Settings > Wage Options.

Wage Scales 76
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ii. Enabled
If you select this option, an assignment can include multiple wages derived
from different wage scale versions.

The versions are also applied to seafarers that are already on
board a vessel.
To change this, select the checkbox Do not apply to seafarers cur-
rently on board when creating a wage scale group. For more infor-
mation, see Create Wage Scale Group [63].

New wage versions are displayed with the date they became effective through-
out the assignment.
iii. Disabled
If you select this option, an assignment cannot include multiple wages derived
from different wage scale versions.
g. Payment Type
Define which kind of information the payroll API should deliver regarding the pay-
ment recipient.
i. Default
This value is selected by default. It is the setting that you defined under Set-
tings > Payrolls > Payroll Settings > Custom Settings > Wage Options.
ii. Seafarer Bank
If you select this option, you can retrieve information whether a payment to a
seafarer (home allotment, special allotment, paid out) should be remitted to the
seafarer bank.
iii. Agency Bank
If you select this option, you can retrieve information whether a payment to a
seafarer (home allotment, special allotment, paid out) should be remitted to the
bank account of the related manning agency.
h. Company Bonus
Define whether to allow the creation of monthly company bonuses that are applica-
ble after a certain time of service. The time of service is either calculated by assign-
ment time or in calendar years.
i. Default
This value is selected by default. It is the setting that you defined under Set-
tings > Payrolls > Payroll Settings > Custom Settings > Wage Options.
ii. None
If you select this option, you cannot create any monthly company bonuses
within a rank-specific wage scale.

Wage Scales 77
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The Company Bonus tab is then also not displayed.

iii. Assignment Time

If you select this option, you can create a monthly company bonus that is appli-
cable after a specific time of service calculated over the entire assignment
iv. Calendar Year
If you select this option, you can create a monthly company bonus that is appli-
cable after a certain number of employment years calculated in calendar years.

7. On the Allotment Options tab in the dialog window, enter the following data:

a. Home Allotment
Defines whether home allotment positions are included in your payrolls or not.
i. Default
This value is selected by default. It is the setting that you defined under Set-
tings > Payrolls > Payroll Settings > Custom Settings > Allotment Options.
ii. Enabled
If you select this option, home allotment positions are included in your payrolls.
iii. Disabled
If you select this option, home allotments are not included in your payrolls.
b. Require Allotment Confirmation
Define that allotment positions must be confirmed by the office and can no longer
be edited after confirmation.

Wage Scales 78
CFM Crewing

i. Default
This value is selected by default. It is the setting that you defined under Set-
tings > Payrolls > Payroll Settings > Custom Settings > Allotment Options.
ii. Enabled
If you select this option, allotment positions must be confirmed by the office.
iii. Disabled
If you select this option, allotment positions do not have to be confirmed by the
office and are considered as specified once a value was entered.

c. Update Later Payrolls on Allotment Change

Define that updating a home allotment amount changes the amounts of later home
allotments to the same amount.
i. Default
This value is selected by default. It is the setting that you defined under Set-
tings > Payrolls > Payroll Settings > Custom Settings > Allotment Options.
ii. Enabled
If you select this option, updating home allotment amounts changes the
amounts for later home allotments to the same amount provided that later
home allotments have not been changed manually, already.
iii. Disabled
If you select this option, updating home allotment amounts does not change
the amounts for later home allotments to the same amount.

d. H/A - Start Month

Allows you to automatically set the home allotment value to 0 during the onsigning
month. This setting prevents overpayments to the seafarer in the first month of
i. Default
This value is selected by default. It is the setting that you defined under Set-
tings > Payrolls > Payroll Settings > Custom Settings > Allotment Options.
ii. Enabled
If you select this option, the home allotment value is automatically set to 0 dur-
ing the onsigning month.
iii. Disabled
If you select this option, the home allotment is not automatically set to 0 during
the onsigning month.

e. H/A - End Month

Allows you to automatically set the home allotment value to 0 during the offsigning
month. This setting prevents overpayments to the seafarer in the last month of
i. Default
This value is selected by default. It is the setting that you defined under Set-
tings > Payrolls > Payroll Settings > Custom Settings > Allotment Options.

Wage Scales 79
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ii. Enabled
If you select this option, the home allotment value is automatically set to 0 dur-
ing the offsigning month.
iii. Disabled
If you select this option, the home allotment value is not automatically set to 0
during the offsigning month.
f. H/A - Start+End Month
Allows you to automatically set the home allotment value to 0 when a seafarer is
signing on and off during the same month. This setting prevents overpayments to
the seafarer.
i. Default
This value is selected by default. It is the setting that you defined under Set-
tings > Payrolls > Payroll Settings > Custom Settings > Allotment Options.
ii. Enabled
If you select this option, the home allotment value is automatically set to 0
when a seafarer is signing on and off during the same month.
iii. Disabled
If you select this option, the home allotment is not automatically set to 0 when
a seafarer is signing on and off during the same month.

8. Choose Save to save your changes.

For the payroll settings to take effect, the corresponding wage scale must be confirmed, first.

4.5.5. Add Wage Scales - Ranks

1. Go to Settings > Wage Scales.
2. From the Wage Scales list on the left, select an entry and choose Add from the data ta-
ble on the right.

If not confirmed already, you can also edit existing rank wage scales. Se-
lect a rank wage scale from the table and choose Edit.

3. On the During Assignment tab in the dialog window, enter the following data:
In this section, you define the wage that is paid out during the entire assignment, if a
paycode matrix was defined and not replaced with other wages, such as split wages.
a. Rank
Select the relevant rank from the drop-down list.
The colored circles next to the rank indicate the status of the rank. Green means the
rank is active. Red means that the rank is inactive.
b. Payroll Group
Select a payroll group from the drop-down list or create a new group by entering it
directly into the field. This field only has an impact on the payroll API.

Wage Scales 80
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c. Working Hours (Weekly)

Specify the number of working hours each week.
d. Leave Pay Days (Per Month)
By default, the value in this field is derived from the settings made in the wage scale
You can overwrite the value here.
e. Per Day
If you select this checkbox, the paid leave days are calculated for each day within a
defined person history period.
f. Filter
You can filter the existing earning or deduction positions of this wage scale.
g. Earnings

If you're expecting a certain type of earning or deduction in the areas
below, double-check whether you've selected them in the paycode ma-

The earnings that were selected in the paycode matrix are listed in this area.
You can edit the value of each type of earning.
If you define a monthly or monthly absolute position, the value entered is used as a
prorated amount: [Value / 30 x Number of Days].
If you define a manual entry, the position and the defined unit is displayed. The posi-
tion is then multiplied with a manually entered value in the payroll.

Example 1. Overtime Hours

The earning for overtime hours is specified as 6,36 EUR in the wage scale.
In the payroll 10 additional earnings for overtime hours are added:
10 x 6,36 EUR = 63,60 EUR

h. Deductions
The deductions that were selected in the pay code matrix are listed in this area.
You can edit the value of each type of deduction.
If you define a manual entry, the position and the defined unit is displayed. The posi-
tion is then multiplied with a manually entered value in the payroll.
4. On the Company Bonus tab in the dialog window, enter the following data:

Wage Scales 81
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The Company Bonus tab is only displayed if you've made the respective
The name of the Company Bonus tab is derived from your settings made
under Settings > Payrolls > Payroll Settings > Global Settings.

For every year a seafarer has spent with the company, you can define a bonus.
It is not possible to define a different company bonus for split wages, the settings made
for the respective wage scale are applied.
The value you enter for Year 2, for example, is copied to all subsequent years. The value
entered for Year 2 applies after 12 months. You can, however, overwrite the values.
5. Choose the icon on the left side of the dialog window to add a split wage.
Specify the following data for the new split wage:
a. Split Wage Type

You can only define split wages, if you've made the corresponding set-
tings under Settings > Payrolls > Custom Settings > Wage Options. For
more information, see Define Custom Payroll Settings [49].

Select a value from the drop-down list:

i. Split Wage
If you choose this wage type, you need to specify after how many months (as-
signment time or calendar year depending on your settings) the split wage
should be applied.
ii. Newly Promoted
If you choose this wage type, the newly promoted wage is available for selec-
tion in the assignment.
b. Starts after (Months)
Enter the number of months after which the new split wage should be applied.

This field is only relevant if you choose the wage type Split Wage.

c. Choose Add Split Wage to create a new split wage for the selected wage scale.
You can add as many split wages as you like.
d. Then continue with the actions described in step 3 and 4.
The values are copied from the Assignment Start wage when you create a split
wage. You can then adapt the values accordingly. This does not affect the company
bonus, which is independent of the split wages.

Wage Scales 82
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You can delete a split wage as long as it hasn't been confirmed, yet.
Simply hover over the entry and choose the icon to delete the split

6. Choose Save to save your changes.

7. For the new wage scale to take effect on its Effective as of month, it needs to be con-
firmed. Once it's confirmed, it can no longer be edited.
Depending on the rights assigned to your user, you can confirm the wage scale yourself.
a. After saving the wage scale, select it from the data table and choose Edit to open
the wage scale details.
In the dialog window, you then choose Save and Confirm to confirm the respective
wage scale.
b. To directly save and confirm your changes in one go, choose Save and Confirm in
the wage scale dialog window.

4.5.6. Delete Wage Scales - Ranks

You can delete wage scales as long as they haven't been confirmed, yet.

1. Go to Settings > Wage Scales.

2. Select a wage scale group from the Wage Scales list on the left.
3. Select a rank wage scale from the data table on the right and choose Delete.
4. Confirm the warning message.

4.5.7. Copy Wage Scales - Ranks

1. Go to Settings > Wage Scales.
2. Select a wage scale group from the Wage Scales list on the left.
3. Select a rank wage scale from the data table on the right and choose Copy.
4. In the dialog window, select the ranks to which you want to copy the rank wage scale
from the drop-down list.
To filter the list, you can type the name of the rank directly into the selection field.
5. Choose Save to save your changes.
The system then automatically copies the values from the original wage scale to the
new wage scales and adds them to the data table.
You can then adapt the values to your needs.
For more information, see Add Wage Scales - Ranks [80].

Wage Scales 83
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4.6. Payment Banks

On the Payment Banks subtab, you can add bank accounts based on which payment files are

You use the bank accounts during the creation of home allotment (splitting) under Payroll >
Home Allotments, for example. There you can assign the relevant payment bank to the newly
created home allotment.
For more information, see Split Home Allotments [290].

If you enter 0 as an allotment, the home allotment (splitting) is not considered
during the export of payment files under Bank Payments > Export.

The subtab consists of the following areas:

• Accounts
Shows the list of bank accounts for the payment banks you created.
• Vessel Selection
Shows all vessels that you can select and thus assign to a bank account.
• Payment Files
Shows all payment files for a combination of bank account and vessels that have been ex-
ported. This list acts as a changelog.

Payment Banks 84
CFM Crewing

4.6.1. Add Bank Accounts

1. Go to Settings > Payment Banks.

2. In the Accounts list on the left, choose Add.

To filter the list, you can enter the name of the account in the Filter Ac-
counts search bar, select an entry from the Filter by Vessel drop-down list,
or search for active accounts, only, by selecting Active Accounts from the
Filter by Status drop-down list.

To edit or delete an existing bank account, select an entry from the list and
choose Edit or Delete.

3. In the dialog window, enter the following data:

a. Bank Name
Enter the name of the bank where the bank account is located.
b. Bank Code
Enter the BIC of the relevant bank account.
Enter the SWIFT code of the relevant bank account.
d. Beneficiary
Enter the name of the beneficiary.
e. Bank Country (optional)
Select the country in which the bank is located from the drop-down list.
f. Currency (optional)
Select the relevant currency for your bank account from the list.
Enter the IBAN number of your bank account.
h. Number
Enter the bank account number of your bank account.

It is required to specify either the IBAN or the bank account number.
Once you've entered a value for one of the fields, the other field is no
longer mandatory.

Payment Banks 85
CFM Crewing

i. Is Primary
Select this checkbox, if you want to mark this bank account as your main bank ac-
count for the selected currency.
The bank account is then marked as Default in the Accounts list on the left.
This bank account is then automatically assigned to any vessels as their main bank
account. Once the checkbox is selected, you cannot deselect certain vessels man-
To assign the bank account to specific vessels, only, you must deselect the Is Pri-
mary checkbox or create a new bank account without selecting this checkbox.

If you create a new bank account for the same currency and mark it as
the primary bank account, the Is Primary flag is automatically re-
moved from the former primary bank account.

j. Via Bank
Select this checkbox, if you want the payment to be made to a specific bank first
and then to the respective seafarer.

If required, you can specify a Via Bank for a specific seafarer. Via
banks are typically used when the original bank account is blacklisted
by the USA, for example, but you still want to make sure the seafarer is
getting paid. When using the payroll API, the Via Bank is delivered in
addition to the original bank account. So you can deviate from the
standard procedure. For our integrated bank payments feature, via
banks are not considered, yet.

If activated, you then also need to specify the following parameters:

i. Via Bank Name
Enter the name of the bank to which you want to make the payment.
ii. Via Bank SWIFT/BIC
Enter the SWIFT or BIC code of the bank to which you want to make the pay-
iii. Via Bank Account No.
Enter the bank account number of the bank account to which you want to make
the payment.

k. Card Number/Account Passport (optional)

Enter the card number or account passport of your bank account.
l. Agency (optional)
Select the relevant agency from the drop-down list.

Payment Banks 86
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If you've selected an agency, the bank account is grouped under Agen-
cy in the Accounts list on the left.

m. Street
Enter the street name of the bank.
n. Street 2 (optional)
Enter any additional information regarding the location of your bank. You can also
use this field if the name of the street is too long to fit into the first field.
o. Postal Code (optional)
Enter the postal code of the city in which your bank is located.
p. City
Enter the name of the city in which the bank is located.
q. County/Region
Enter the name of the county or region in which the bank is located.
r. Country
Select the country in which the bank is located from the drop-down list.
s. Remark (optional)
Enter any additional remarks regarding the bank account into this field.
t. File Transaction ID
Enter the transaction ID that is used for processing payment files. This ID might be
required by the bank for identification prior to processing the file.
4. Choose Save to save your changes.

4.6.2. Assign Bank Accounts to Vessels

1. Go to Settings > Payment Banks.
2. Select a bank account from the Accounts list on the left.
3. Then select the vessels to which you want to assign the bank account from the Vessel
Selection card.

To filter the list, you can also enter the name of the vessel in the search bar
on top of the Vessel Selection card.

Payment Banks 87
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If you've selected the Is Primary checkbox during the creation of the bank
account, all vessels are automatically selected. To be able to manually as-
sign certain vessels to a bank account, deselect the Is Primary checkbox
by editing the bank account or create a new bank account.
For more information, see Add Bank Accounts [85].

4.7. PHL Contributions

On the PHL Contributions subtab, you define social security contributions for Philippine sea-
farers that are automatically deducted from their monthly home allotment. Additionally, you
can document reconciliations and configure variable contribution types that you can deduct
on top of social security contributions within the seafarer's assignment period.

It is divided into the following four cards:

• Philippine Contributions
• Pag-IBIG Contribution
• Reconciliations
• Variable Contribution Types

4.7.1. Import Philippine Contributions

1. Go to Settings > PHL Contributions.
2. On the Philippine Contributions card, choose Import.

PHL Contributions 88
CFM Crewing

To delete an existing contribution, select an entry from the list and choose
Delete. Entries with the padlock icon have already been processed and
can therefore not be deleted.

3. In the dialog window, enter the following data:

a. Valid From
Enter the month from which the contribution is valid.
b. Type
Select the type of contribution from the drop-down list.
c. Document
Add the relevant document to the contribution by choosing the icon or by simply
dragging and dropping your document into this area.
From this document, the system then imports figures that are used to calculate the
social security contributions.

You may only attach files with the file type .xlsx or the following col-
umn sequence for the Philhealth and SSS contribution types:
1. Column A - Basic From
2. Column B - Basic To
3. Column C - Employer Share
4. Column D - Employee Share
5. Column E - EC
This column is only relevant for the SSS contribution type.

4. Choose Save to save your changes.

4.7.2. Add Pag - IBIG Contributions

Philippine seafarers might be members of the Pag-IBIG fund, which is a government-owned
and controlled corporation. Thus, a monthly contribution needs to be set up.

1. Go to Settings > PHL Contributions.

2. On the Pag - IBIG Contributions card, choose Add.

To delete an existing contribution, select an entry from the list and choose
Contributions that are already in use can no longer be deleted.

PHL Contributions 89
CFM Crewing

3. In the dialog window, enter the following data:

a. Valid From
Enter the month from which the contribution is valid.
b. Contribution
Enter the contribution amount that you want to contribute.
The amount is paid in equal parts by the employer and the seafarer.
4. Choose Save to save your changes.

4.7.3. Add Reconciliations

A reconciliation is a confirmation for the contribution that was paid for the respective seafar-
You can document the processed contributions on this card. This information is also used in
case a seafarer requires a confirmation of deducted contributions for his own documenta-

1. Go to Settings > PHL Contributions.

2. On the Reconciliations card, choose Add.

To edit or delete an existing reconciliation, select an entry from the list and
choose Edit or Delete.

3. In the dialog window, enter the following data:

a. Contribution Type
Select the type of contribution from the drop-down list.
b. Date Paid
Enter the date on which the contribution was paid to the government.
c. PHL Contribution Month
Enter the month for which the applicable contribution was paid.
d. Reconciliation Number
Enter the relevant reconciliation number.
e. Document
Add the relevant document to the reconciliation by choosing the icon or by sim-
ply dragging and dropping your document into this area.
4. Choose Save to save your changes.

4.7.4. Add Variable Contribution Types

1. Go to Settings > PHL Contributions.
2. On the Variable Contribution Types tab, choose Add.

PHL Contributions 90
CFM Crewing

Independent of the legally required contributions, you can add additional contribution
types that might be specific to your company.

To edit an existing variable contribution type, select an entry from the list
and choose Edit.
Contribution types that are already in use can no longer be deleted.

3. In the dialog window, enter a name for the new contribution type.
4. Choose Save to save your changes.

4.8. Agencies
On the Agencies subtab, you create agencies from which you generally hire seafarers. You
can also add agency fees and contact persons for every agency.

4.8.1. Create Agencies

1. Go to Settings > Agencies.
2. On the Agencies card, choose Add to create a new agency.

Agencies 91
CFM Crewing

To edit the name of an existing agency, select an item from the list and
choose Edit.
To edit further details of an existing agency, select an agency from the list
and jump into the respective area on the screen for which you want to
change data.

3. In the dialog window, specify a name for the new agency.

4. Choose Save to save your changes.
5. As a next step, enter the following data on the card in the middle:
a. Is Active
When you create the agency this checkbox is selected, by default. To mark the
agency as inactive, simply deselect the checkbox.
b. Address
Enter the address of the agency.
i. Street
Enter the street name where the agency is located.
ii. City
Enter the name of the city where the agency is located.
iii. City Code
Enter the postal code of the city where the agency is located.
iv. Country
Enter the name of the country in which the agency is located.
v. Remark
Enter any additional remarks into this field.

c. Registration Numbers
This area is only relevant for agencies that are located in the Philippines. The regis-
tration numbers are used when deducting the PHL contributions for seafarers.
i. Tin Number
Enter the relevant tin number for the Philippine contributions.
ii. SSS Number
Enter the relevant SSS number for the Philippine contributions.
iii. PHIC Number
Enter the relevant PHIC number for the Philippine contributions.
iv. Pag-IBIG Number
Enter the relevant Pag-IBIG number for the Philippine contributions.

6. Choose Save to save your changes.

Agencies 92
CFM Crewing

4.8.2. Create Agency Fees

1. Go to Settings > Agencies.

2. On the Agency Fees card, choose Add to define a new agency fee.

To edit an existing agency, select an item from the list and choose Edit.

3. In the dialog window, enter the following data:

a. Amount
Enter the amount that the agency charges as a fee.
b. Currency
Select the currency in which the fee is charged from the drop-down list.

CFM provides a default set of currencies, such as EUR, USD, and GBP.
If you require more currencies, please contact the support team.

c. Effective as of
Specify the date from which the agency fee becomes effective.
4. Choose Save to save your changes.

4.8.3. Create Contacts for Agencies

1. Go to Settings > Agencies.

2. Select the agency for which you want to create contacts from the Agencies list on the
3. Then, choose Add or the plus icon on the Contacts card to create new contacts.
If contacts are already available, choose Add. The plus icon is then no longer availa-
4. In the dialog window, enter the following data:
a. Surname
Enter the last name of the contact person at the agency.
b. Name
Enter the first name of the contact person at the agency.
c. Sex
Select the relevant sex from the drop-down list.
d. Nationality
Select the relevant nationality from the drop-down list or type it directly in the field.

Agencies 93
CFM Crewing

e. Is main contact
Select this checkbox if the contact is the main contact person at the respective
Main contacts are marked with a star icon.
5. Choose Save to save your changes.

Next Steps
Once you've created the relevant contacts for agencies, you need to add their communica-
tion details.

4.8.4. Edit Contacts for Agencies

1. Go to Settings > Agencies.
2. Select the agency which you want to edit from the Agencies list on the left.
3. Select the relevant contact from the Contacts card and choose Edit.
4. In the dialog window, you can change the following information:
• You can adapt the general contact information.
For more information, Create Contacts for Agencies [93].
• Communications
In this area, you can add communication details for the selected contact.
1. Choose Add or the plus icon to add a new communication type.

To edit or delete any communications, select an entry from the list
and choose Edit or Delete.

2. Enter the following information in the dialog window:

• Type
Select the type of communication from the drop-down list. This can be MOBILE,
for example.
• Value
Enter the value of the communication type in this field. In this case, it would be
a mobile telephone number.
• Remark (optional)
You can enter any additional remarks to further specify the entry.
3. Choose Save to save your changes.

Agencies 94
CFM Crewing

4.9. Travel Agencies

On the Travel Agencies subtab, you define the relevant travel agencies you cooperate with for
seafarer transportation. You can also add specific contact persons for every travel agency.

4.9.1. Create Travel Agencies

1. Go to Settings > Travel Agencies.

2. On the Travel Agencies card, choose Add to create a new travel agency.

To edit the name of an existing travel agency, select an item from the list
and choose Edit.
To edit further details of an existing travel agency, select a travel agency
from the list and jump into the respective area on the screen for which you
want to change data.

3. In the dialog window, specify a name for the new travel agency.
4. Choose Save to save your changes.
5. As a next step, enter the following data on the detail screen in the middle:
a. Is Active
When you create the travel agency this checkbox is selected, by default. To mark
the travel agency as inactive, simply deselect the checkbox.
b. Address
Enter the address of the travel agency.

Travel Agencies 95
CFM Crewing

i. Street
Enter the street name where the travel agency is located.
ii. City
Enter the name of the city where the travel agency is located.
iii. City Code
Enter the postal code of the city where the travel agency is located.
iv. Country
Enter the name of the country in which the travel agency is located.
v. Remark
Enter any additional remarks into this field.

6. Choose Save to save your changes.

4.9.2. Create Contacts for Travel Agencies

1. Go to Settings > Travel Agencies.
2. Select the travel agency for which you want to create contacts from the Travel Agencies
list on the left.
3. Then, choose Add or the plus icon on the Contacts card to create new contacts.
If contacts are already available, choose Add. The plus icon is then no longer availa-
4. In the dialog window, enter the following data:
a. Surname
Enter the last name of the contact person at the travel agency.
b. Name
Enter the first name of the contact person at the travel agency.
c. Sex
Select the relevant sex from the drop-down list.
d. Nationality
Select the relevant nationality from the drop-down list or type it directly in the field.
e. Is main contact
Select this checkbox if the contact is the main contact person at the respective trav-
el agency.
5. Choose Save to save your changes.

4.9.3. Edit Contacts for Travel Agencies

1. Go to Settings > Travel Agencies.
2. Select the agency which you want to edit from the Travel Agencies list on the left.
3. Select the relevant contact from the Contacts card and choose Edit.
4. In the dialog window, you can change the following information:

Travel Agencies 96
CFM Crewing

• You can adapt the general contact information.

For more information, Create Contacts for Travel Agencies [96].
• Communications
In this area, you can add communication details for the selected contact.
1. Choose Add or the plus icon to add a new communication type.

To edit or delete any communications, select an entry from the list
and choose Edit or Delete.

2. Enter the following information in the dialog window:

• Type
Select the type of communication from the drop-down list. This can be MOBILE,
for example.
• Value
Enter the value of the communication type in this field. In this case, it would be
a mobile telephone number.
• Remark (optional)
You can enter any additional remarks to further specify the entry.
3. Choose Save to save your changes.

4.10. Miscellaneous
On the Miscellaneous sub tab, you can make various settings, such as additional property
keys, seafarer pools and sign off reasons.

Miscellaneous 97
CFM Crewing

4.10.1. Create Additional Property Keys

If you require additional fields for personal data or customer-specific IDs, for example, you
can extend the seafarer records accordingly. Additional fields are then available for any per-
sonnel record.

1. Go to Settings > Miscellaneous.

2. On the Seafarers Additional Properties Keys card, choose Add.

To edit an existing property key, select an item from the list and choose

3. In the dialog window, enter the following data:

a. Name
Specify a name for the additional property key.
b. Group
Select a group from the drop-down list or specify a new group by entering it directly
into the field.
c. Data Type
Select a data type from the drop-down list.
d. Is Available in Payroll API (optional)
Select the checkbox, if the additional property key should be part of the payroll API.
e. Synchronize with CSM
Select the checkbox, if the additional property key should be available in the person-
nel record of the seafarer on board.
f. Synchronize for
Select for which type of seafarer the additional property key should be available in
the personnel record on board.
You can select the following values from the drop-down list:
• Seafarer
• External
• Both

4. Choose Save to save your changes.

4.10.2. Create Seafarer Pools

1. Go to Settings > Miscellaneous.

2. On the Seafarer Pools card, choose Add.

Miscellaneous 98
CFM Crewing

To edit an existing seafarer pool, select an item from the list and choose

3. In the dialog window, specify a name for the new seafarer pool.
4. Choose Save to save your changes.

Seafarer pools that are created under Settings are always public. You can only create private
seafarer pools under Seafarers > Seafarer Pools.For more information, see Add Seafarer
Pools [235].

4.10.3. Create Sign-off Reasons

To create sign-off reasons, proceed as follows.
Once defined, sign-off reasons can be used when making crew changes.

1. Go to Settings > Miscellaneous.

2. On the Sign-off Reasons card, choose Add.

To edit an existing sign-off reason, select an item from the list and choose

3. In the dialog window, enter the following data:

a. Name
Specify a name for the new sign-off reason.
b. Sign-off Type
Select a sign-off type from the drop-down list or specify a new sign-off type by en-
tering it directly into the field.

4. Choose Save to save your changes.

4.10.4. Create Remark Categories

Once defined, the remark categories are available under Seafarers > Particulars > Remarks >
Add. They allow seafarers to group different types of remarks together and make them easier
to scan.

1. Go to Settings > Miscellaneous.

2. On the Remarks card, choose Add to create a new remark category.

Miscellaneous 99
CFM Crewing

You can also edit or delete remark categories. Simply select a remark cate-
gory from the list and choose Edit or Delete.

3. In the dialog window, specify a name for the new remark category.
4. Choose Save to save your changes.

Once a remark category is used it can no longer be deleted.

4.10.5. Create Document Types

Document types are used to classify documents that are attached to a seafarer's data and
that are not related to certificates or assignments, for example. You attach documents to a
seafarer under Seafarers > Additional Info > Documents > Add.

1. Go to Settings > Miscellaneous.

2. On the Document Types card, choose Add to create a new document type.

To edit an existing document type, select an item from the list and choose

3. In the dialog window, specify a name for the new document type.
4. Choose Save to save your changes.

4.10.6. Create Person History Types

You use person history types when creating a personal history for a seafarer. You create a
personal history under Seafarers > Assignments > Personal History > Add.
Person history types are a key element for the proper processing of payrolls. In addition to
the default person history types, such as On Board, that are already available, you can create
custom person history types. You can use the custom person history types to document ac-
tivities of voyage employees apart from assignments. You can also use the custom person
history types to define periods during which permanent employees can earn money in line
with the paycode matrix.

Miscellaneous 100
CFM Crewing

Note that it is also possible to map person history types to active and inactive
manual statuses. Once a manual status entry was created in the person history
of a seafarer, the status updates are carried out automatically by the system.
By default, any person history type not connected to a specific status results in
an update to the status On Leave.
Contact the support team, if you require this feature.


1. Go to Settings > Miscellaneous.

2. On the Person History Types card, choose Add.

You can also edit or delete person history types. Simply select a person
history type from the list and choose Edit or Delete.

3. In the dialog window, enter the following data:

a. Name
Enter a name for the new person history type.
b. Type
Select an entry from the drop-down list.
To handle illnesses individually, you can create multiple person history types with
the type Illness. Sick on Board or Sick on Travel, for example, can then be assigned
to different paycodes within the paycode matrix.
4. Choose Save to save your changes.

Once a person history type is used, it can no longer be edited or deleted.

4.10.7. Create Experience Types

Experience types are used to classify experiences that seafarers can acquire while being on
board a vessel.
Experiences are managed under Seafarers > Assignments > Choose any assignment from
the table > Experience. For more information, see Add Experiences [213].

1. Go to Settings > Miscellaneous.

Miscellaneous 101
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2. On the Experience Types card, choose Add.

To edit an existing experience type, select an item from the list and choose

3. In the dialog window, enter the following data:

a. Name
Enter a name for the new experience type.
b. Type
Select one of the following entries from the list:
i. Days
ii. Hours
iii. Number

4. Choose Save to save your changes.

4.10.8. Create Travel Expense Types

Travel expense types are used to classify and group certain expenses together, such as Ac-

1. Go to Settings > Miscellaneous.

2. On the Travel Expense Types card, choose Add.

To edit an existing travel expense type, select an item from the list and
choose Edit.

3. In the dialog window, enter the following data:

a. Name
Enter a name for the new travel expense type.
b. Cost Center (optional)
Enter the relevant cost center.
c. Is Training Related (optional)
Select this checkbox if the expenses were generated by attending a training course.
This setting is typically used for permanent employees.
4. Choose Save to save your changes.

You can add the travel expense type when you create travel expenses for seafarers under
Seafarers > Payroll > Travel Expenses > Add. Or if you're using CSM, you can also create trav-
el expenses on board the vessel.

Miscellaneous 102
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4.10.9. Define Crew Portal Settings

1. Go to Settings > Miscellaneous.
2. On the Crew Portal Settings card, make the relevant settings by selecting from the fol-
lowing checkboxes:
a. Auto-Activate
If you select this checkbox, every new seafarer user that is created in CFM is auto-
matically activated provided that a login email address or domain email address
was entered before. And the seafarer is in an active status. A default role is as-
signed to the new user and a registration email with user name and password is

The default role is derived from a global default or a default specific to
the actual rank of the seafarer.

b. Use AD-Login for Crew Portal Only

Please select this option if your company uses authentication provided by Active Di-
rectory. Once a seafarer is activated, no matter if manually or automatically, a regis-
tration email with login instructions is sent. The email includes the domain creden-
tials. A specific CFM login and password is not generated.
3. Choose Save to save your changes.

4.10.10. Add Exchange Rates

According to the Maritime Labour Convention (MLC) every shipping company is obliged to
inform their seafarers about currency conversions and show the applicable exchange rates
on payslips.
This feature allows you to specify which currencies are handled on board your vessels and
which monthly exchange rates are shown on payslips when exporting.
Additionally, this table can be used for PHL contributions by adding daily rates as prerequi-
sites for the conversion of the basic wage to Philippine Pesos as a baseline for the calcula-
tion of applicable monthly contributions.
Define at least one exchange rate. Entering exchange rates also helps to prevent foreign ex-
change risks.

1. Go to Settings > Miscellaneous.

2. On the Exchange Rates card, choose Add.

You can also edit or delete exchange rates. Simply select an exchange rate
from the list and choose Edit or Delete.

Miscellaneous 103
CFM Crewing

3. In the dialog window, enter the following data:

a. Rate Type
Select whether you want to use daily or monthly exchange rates.

Monthly exchange rates are used to configure that exchange rates
should be displayed on seafarer payslips.
Daily exchange rates are solely used to calculate PHL contributions.

b. Valid From
Specify a date or month from which the exchange rates are valid.
c. Exchange Rate
Enter the current exchange rate into this field.

The system uses the language settings in your browser to validate
your entry. So you won't be able to enter 1,00, if the language in your
browser is set to EN. The app automatically corrects the entry for you.

d. Base Currency
Select a base currency from the drop-down list against which the exchange rate is
to be quoted. It is the first currency appearing in the quotation and is usually also
the payroll-relevant currency based on the assignment (voyage employees) or per-
manent contract (permanent employees).
e. Show on payslip if payroll currency
Select this checkbox, if the base currency should be displayed on the seafarer's pay-

This checkbox is only available if you have defined Monthly as the rate

f. Target Currency
Select a target currency from the drop-down list. This is usually the foreign currency
that is used to value the base currency.
g. Show on payslip if payroll currency
Select this checkbox, if the target currency should be displayed on the seafarer's

Miscellaneous 104
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This checkbox is only available if you have defined Monthly as the rate

4. Choose Save to save your changes.

4.10.11. Define Storage Periods

You can define how long specific seafarer documents should be stored in the system before
they are deleted. Once the defined period has passed, the relevant record is listed in the Re-
cords for deletion report and can be deleted.
To define settings, proceed as follows:

1. Launch CFM and log in to your user account.

2. Open the CFM Crewing app and go to Settings > Miscellaneous.
3. On the Storage Periods card, define the following settings:

a. Seafarer Records: x years

Enter the number of years you want to store seafarer records.
b. Applicant Records: x months
Enter the number of months you want to store applicant records.
c. Payrolls: x years
Enter the number of years you want to store payrolls.
d. PHL Contributions: x years
Enter the number of years you want to store records of PHL contributions.

Miscellaneous 105
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e. Rest Hours: x years

Enter the number of years you want to store records of rest hours.
f. Medical Reports: x years
Enter the number of years you want to store medical reports.
g. Disciplinary Records: x years
Enter the number of years you want to store disciplinary records.
4. Choose Save to save your changes.

See Also

• Define Settings for Automatic Deletion of Seafarers' Documents [106]

• Delete Seafarer Data [237]

4.10.12. Define Settings for Automatic Deletion of Seafarers' Documents

You can define that documents of seafarers are deleted automatically after a certain number
of months after they have expired. These include documents that can have an expiry date,
such as passports and visas.
To define settings, proceed as follows:

1. Launch CFM and log in to your user account.

2. Open the CFM Crewing app and go to Settings > Miscellaneous.

Miscellaneous 106
CFM Crewing

3. On the Automatic Data Cleansing card, define the following settings:

a. Passports x months after expiry are deleted

Select the checkbox and specify how many months after the expiry of a seafarer's
passport it should be automatically deleted.
b. Visas x months after expiry are deleted
Select the checkbox and specify how many months after the expiry of a seafarer's
visas they should be automatically deleted.
c. SBKs x months after expiry are deleted
Select the checkbox and specify how many months after the expiry of a seafarer's
SBKs they should be automatically deleted.
d. Flag state SBKs x months after expiry are deleted
Select the checkbox and specify how many months after the expiry of a seafarer's
flag state SBKs they should be automatically deleted.
e. Certificates x months after expiry are deleted
Select the checkbox and specify how many months after the expiry of a seafarer's
certificates they should be automatically deleted.
f. Flag state certificates x months after expiry are deleted
Select the checkbox and specify how many months after the expiry of a seafarer's
flag state certificates they should be automatically deleted.

Miscellaneous 107
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g. Competencies x months after expiry are deleted

Select the checkbox and specify how many months after the expiry of a seafarer's
competencies they should be automatically deleted.
Endorsements related to the deleted competency are also deleted.
h. Competency endorsements x months after expiry are deleted
Select the checkbox and specify how many months after the expiry of a seafarer's
competency endorsements they should be automatically deleted.
i. Flag state endorsements x months after expiry are deleted
Select the checkbox and specify how many months after the expiry of a seafarer's
flag state endorsements they should be automatically deleted.
j. Medicals x months after expiry are deleted
Select the checkbox and specify how many months after the expiry of a seafarer's
medical documents they should be automatically deleted.
k. Flag state medicals x months after expiry are deleted
Select the checkbox and specify how many months after the expiry of a seafarer's
flag state medical documents they should be automatically deleted.
l. Vaccinations x months after expiry are deleted
Select the checkbox and specify how many months after the expiry of a seafarer's
vaccinations they should be automatically deleted.
m. Planned assignments x months after the originally intended start date
Select the checkbox and specify how many months after the intended start date
planned assignments should automatically be deleted.
4. Choose Save to save your changes.

See Also

• Define Storage Periods [105]

• Delete Seafarer Data [237]

4.11. Email Templates

Cloud Crewing allows you to add certain seafarer information to the clipboard. This informa-
tion is used for various reasons, typically in line with crew changes, such as information re-
quired for port agents.

Email Templates 108

CFM Crewing

On the Email Templates tab, you can - to a certain extent - change or extend the default set-
tings for the clipboard feature to your needs.

4.11.1. Edit Email Templates

1. Go to Settings > Email Templates.
2. Choose a template from the Templates list on the left or enter the name of the template
in the search bar on top of the list.
3. On the detail screen, choose Edit in the upper right-hand corner to adapt the email tem-
4. In the dialog window, place the cursor at the position in the template where you want to
add or remove a placeholder.
You can also add free text to the template.
When using the clipboard feature Cloud Crewing automatically replaces the placeholder
with the expected information.
5. Choose Save to save your changes.

4.12. Vessels
On the Vessels subtab, you get basic information about all vessels including inactive ves-
sels. To get detailed information about a vessel, please visit the Fleet section in the CFM Por-

Vessels 109
CFM Crewing

tal. You can also create minimum safe manning requirements as well as create mandatory

4.12.1. Create Minimum Safe Manning

In addition to specifying certificates that are required for a seafarer of a certain rank, you can
define whether a vessel itself requires a specific number of seafarers that hold the certifi-

1. Go to Settings > Vessels.

2. Choose a vessel from the Vessels list on the left or enter the name of the vessel in the
search bar on top of the list.
3. On the Minimum Safe Manning card, choose Add.

You can also edit existing safe manning settings by changing the numbers
in the list. If you want to remove a record, change the number to 0 for the
applicable entry. Choose Save to save your changes.

4. In the dialog window, select the ranks for which you want to create a minimum safe
manning and choose Create.
The ranks are added to the Minimum Safe Manning card.
5. Specify for every rank in the list how many seafarers with this rank are required to meet
the minimum safe manning standards.

Vessels 110
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The minimum safe manning settings allow the system to display when
there are missing reliefs for a seafarer. This information is displayed on the
Missing Reliefs dashboard card. In addition, the missing reliefs are high-
lighted in the crew list, as well.
For more information, see Missing Reliefs [124] and Crew List [244].

6. Choose Save to save your changes.

4.12.2. Create Mandatory Certificates

1. Go to Settings > Vessels.
2. Choose a vessel from the Vessels list on the left or enter the name of the vessel in the
search bar on top of the list.
3. On the Mandatory Certificates card, choose Add.

You can also edit settings for existing mandatory certificates by changing
the numbers in the list. If you want to remove a record, change the num-
bers to 0 for the applicable entry. Choose Save to save your changes.

4. In the dialog window, select the certificates that are mandatory for the respective vessel
and choose Create.
The certificates are added to the Mandatory Certificates card.
5. Specify for every certificate in the list how many of each are required to meet the stand-
6. Choose Save to save your changes.

4.13. Users
On the Users tab, you give users acces to the CFM Crewing by creating users and assigning
the relevant roles, vessels and agencies.

4.13.1. Create Users

1. Go to Settings > Users.
2. In the Users list on the left, choose Add to create a new user.
3. Enter the following data in the dialog window:

Users 111
CFM Crewing

Even though it is possible to create a specific Cloud Crewing user, this user
needs additional access to CFM Portal and the Apps area. Access to these
areas is granted using the CFM Users app.
The administrator of CFM Users is notified when a new user is created.

a. Login Name
b. Display Name
c. Password
d. Repeat Password

4. Save your entries.

4.13.2. Assign Roles to User

1. Go to Settings > Users.

2. Select a user from the Users list on the left.
3. On the User Information card under Associated Roles, choose Add to assign a role to the
selected user.

Roles supplement each other and the subset of rights is then assigned to
the selected user.

4. In the dialog window, select a role from the drop-down menu.

5. Save your entry.

4.13.3. Assign Vessels to Users

You can assign vessels to a selected user and thus define which vessels a user is actively
responsible for and for which vessels the user acts as a backup.
You can also assign the vessels to a user centrally using CFM Users.

If a vessel was assigned in CFM Users using a vessel role, such as all vessels
belonging to a certain flag state. A change made to this assignment in Cloud
Crewing is automatically reset after a while.

Users 112
CFM Crewing

To ensure the best possible user experience and efficient daily operations, only
vessels should be assigned to a user that is actively responsible for them. All
other vessels shouldn't be assigned at all or if necessary as Is Backup.

1. Go to Settings > Users.

2. Select a user from the Users list on the left.
3. On the Associated Vessels card, select the vessels for which the user is responsible in
the Is Responsible column.

You can also filter for a vessel name by typing it in the search bar in the
upper right corner of the Associated Vessels card.
To select all vessels, simply select the Is Responsible checkbox for the first
entry in the list: All.

4. To assign the user as a backup for a specific vessel, simply select the Is Backup check-
box for the relevant vessel.

4.13.4. Assign Agencies to Users

Assigning agencies to users is a prerequisite to use the system properly. If you haven't as-
signed at least one agency to users, you won't be able to work with Cloud Crewing as inten-
The assignment of agencies is handled in line with data privacy regulations giving users only
access to the data that they're allowed to work on.

1. Go to Settings > Users.

2. Select a user from the Users list on the left.
3. On the Associated Agencies card, select the relevant agencies that you want to assign
to the user.

You can also filter for an agency name by typing it in the search bar in the
upper right corner of the Associated Agencies card.
To assign all listed agencies to the selected user, simply select the check-
box for the first entry in the list: All.

Users 113
CFM Crewing

4.13.5. Assign Crew Accounting to Users

Crew accounting is an optional feature that can be activated by the support team if you re-
quire it.
If crew accounting is active, you can assign a crew accounting company to an assignment of
a specific seafarer. Defining a crew accounting company for a specific assignment effects
the payroll of the corresponding seafarer.

Note that only the companies are available for crew accounting that were as-
signed the company role Crew Accounting - Officers or Crew Accounting - Rat-
ings in CFM Companies.

Only users that were assigned crew accounting companies have access to the
payroll of seafarers whose assignments correspond to the crew accounting
If no crew accounting company was selected for an assignment, every user has
access to the payroll of the corresponding seafarers given that they have the
permission to view the Payroll subtab on the Seafarers tab and the Payroll tab

1. Go to Settings > Users.

2. Select a user from the Users list on the left.

Users 114
CFM Crewing

3. On the Associated Crew Accounting card, select the relevant crew accounting compa-
nies that you want to assign to the user.

You can also filter for a crew accounting company by entering its name in
the search bar in the upper right corner of the Associated Crew Accounting
To assign all listed crew accounting companies to the selected user, select
the checkbox of the first entry in the list: All.

4.13.6. Deactivate Users

Users are centrally managed in CFM Users. Thus, user accounts are centrally deactivated for
all apps in CFM Users.
You can, however, also create users in CFM Crewing and thus deactivate user accounts ac-
To deactivate users, proceed as follows.

1. Go to Settings > Users.

2. Select a user from the Users list on the left.
Alternatively, you can search for a seafarer by entering a seafarer's name in the filter bar
on top of the list.
3. Select the Deactivated checkbox on the User Information card to deactivate the corre-
sponding user account.

The user account is then marked in red in the list on the left.

4. Choose Save to save your changes.

Users 115
CFM Crewing

4.14. Roles
On the Roles sub tab, you create roles and give them permissions to control access to cer-
tain functions within CFM Crewing.

4.14.1. Create Roles

1. Go to Settings > Roles.
2. In the Roles list on the left, choose Add and select one of the following options from the
drop-down list:
a. Crewing Role
b. Crew Portal Role
3. In the dialog window, enter the following data:
a. Name
b. Description (optional)
4. Save your entries.
The new role appears in the Roles list on the left grouped into Crewing or Crew Portal
according to your choice.

Ensure that for crew portal roles the Is Default checkbox is selected. Thus,
every activated seafarer is automatically assigned to this crew portal role,
by default, if no other different role for the rank of the seafarer or an individ-
ual configuration for the user itself exists.

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CFM Crewing

5. Now, select the relevant permissions for each area in CFM Crewing.
You can choose to give the new role a combination of the following permissions depend-
ing on the functions the role should be allowed to access:

You can choose to give the role permissions for a complete tab including
all its functions by simply selecting the top-level checkbox.
Or you can choose to give permissions down to list or even field level.

a. Read
b. Update
c. Create
d. Delete

Roles 117
CFM Crewing

5. Dashboard

The dashboard in CFM Crewing works as your personal operations center and gives you an
overview of useful information or tasks that need your attention during daily operations.
Lists are displayed only if the relevant permissions were granted and information or tasks
need your attention.

You can filter the data that is displayed on the dashboard by selecting an option from the
drop-down list:

• Show Only My Responsibilities

By default, this option is selected.
• Include Backup
Includes crew members and vessels that are assigned to your user as backup responsibili-

The dashboard is made up of 15 different cards displaying the following crew-related infor-

When you navigate to a specific section and return to the Dashboard, CFM
Crewing automatically navigates back to the last list you worked on before.

Dashboard 118
CFM Crewing

• Grouped Crew Changes

• Next Crew Changes
• Missing Reliefs
• Travelling Home
• Contracts Overdue
• Birthdays
• My Wages to Check
• My Expiring CRAs
• Performances to Confirm
• Loyalty Addendum
• Pinned Remarks
• Document Errors
• Expired Document List
• Disabled Synchronization
• Overlapping Person History Types

In addition, the dashboard offers you the following functionalities:

• Choose Activities in the upper right-hand corner to display the change history in a timeline.
The timeline includes all changes made by other users to all seafarers on all vessels. To
see more details on the changes made, simply choose Show Changes at the end of each
By default, 50 entries are displayed. To load 50 more activities, choose Load More at the
end of the list.
• Choose Comments in the upper right-hand corner to display or add comments related to
the assignments that you're responsible for.
• Choose Vessels in the upper right-hand corner to display all activities that occurred on
board of the vessels that you're responsible for.

You can use the search bar at the top to filter the activities, comments or ves-
sel activities for a specific date, for example.

5.1. Grouped Crew Changes

The Grouped Crew Changes card lists all open crew changes for the next 4 weeks, by default.
Overdue crew changes from the past can also be listed here.
A grouped crew change is automatically generated as soon as a date and port have been de-
fined. Every other seafarer that also signs on or off at the same port and within a period of
three days before or after the specified date is also assigned to this crew change.

Grouped Crew Changes 119

CFM Crewing

Grouped crew changes are used to monitor currently ongoing or planned crew changes as
well as used to efficiently carry out crew changes using the dashboard.

The crew changes are grouped according to the following parameters:

• Port where crew members sign on or off

• Date on which crew members sign on or off
• Schedule of vessels

The colors on the left margin of every entry indicate the status of the crew change:

• Blue
There is no schedule that corresponds with the respective crew change.
• Green
There is a schedule that corresponds with this crew change and all embarkation or disem-
barkation dates of the assignments fall within the estimated arrival time (ETA) or estimated
departure time (ETD) of the schedule.
• Red
The embarkation or disembarkation date of one or multiple assignments do not fall within
the ETA or ETD of the corresponding schedule.
When the status of the crew change is red, the complete entry in the list is marked in red
as well.

You can also filter the list on this card by date and by vessels. Choose the filter icon and
enter the relevant data.

Grouped Crew Changes 120

CFM Crewing

By default, all vessels that you're responsible for are listed on the Grouped Crew
Changes card.

If you select one of the entries from the list, the entry is expanded and you get more details
on the respective offsigners and onsigners:

• Document Status
A small bubble next to the picture of the respective crew member indicates whether any
documents are missing.
• Green
No documents are missing.
• Orange
One or more documents are soon expiring.
• Red
One or more documents have expired and are no longer valid.
• Purple
At least one mandatory document is missing.
• Name
• Rank
• Date on which the crew member is signing on or off
• No Ticket
Indicates that the crew member doesn't have a plane ticket, yet. This means that the flight
still needs to planned.
To plan the flight for several crew members in one go, either all are onsigners or all are off-
signers, you can select the checkboxes next to the crew members and choose More Op-
tions ... > Plan Flight for Selected Assignments.

If you select the flight status of a seafarer, the system automatically high-
lights all seafarers that are in the same status or have the same flight route.
This way you can easily select the relevant seafarers for a multi-update.

To see all details corresponding to a crew change, select one entry from the list and choose
Open Crew Change, you then automatically navigate to the Crew Changes tab. From the de-
tail screen, you can also directly edit the crew change.
To set the relief for an offsigning crew member, you can choose the empty field for the on-
signer. A popup window appears with a list of seafarers as suggestions. From there you can
select a seafarer and set the relief.

Grouped Crew Changes 121

CFM Crewing

Additionally, you have the possibility to edit the crew changes directly from the card:

1. Choose the crew change you want to edit and choose More Options ....
2. Select the corresponding action from the drop-down menu:
a. Edit the Grouped Crew Change
Select this option to change the crew change number in the dialog window that ap-
b. Change Port of Selected Crew Changes & Assignments
Select this option to change the details regarding the port where the crew member is
to sign on or off.
You can specify the following details:
• Port
Select the port at which the seafarer is to sign off or on from the drop-down list.
You can choose the position icon to select the port from a schedule, if available.
• Disembarkation Date and Time (Offsigners only)
Enter the date and time when the seafarer is disembarking the vessel. This field
needs to be specified for offsigners, only.
• Embarkation Date and Time (Onsigners only)
Enter the date and time when the seafarer is embarking the vessel. This field needs
to be specified for onsigners, only.
c. Plan Flight for Selected Assignments
Select this option to create a flight ticket for the selected seafarer.
Enter the flight details in the dialog window. For more detailed information on each
field, see Add Sign-on / Sign-off Tickets [211].
d. Create Email Template with Most Important Information
Use this function to create an email template that you can then simply copy and
paste into your email program. Under Settings > Email Templates , you define the
fields that should be part of the email template.

There is no direct integration with MS Outlook as MS Outlook has a
character limitation.

3. Make the relevant changes and save your entries.

Grouped Crew Changes 122

CFM Crewing

5.2. Next Crew Changes

The Next Crew Changes card lists all crew members that signing on or off a vessel in the
next 28 days. The list is sorted according to date.

At the bottom of the card, a timeline displays the planned number of onsigners and offsign-
Offsigners are always displayed in green. Onsigners are displayed in the color of the worst
document status. So if at least one document is missing, the onsigner is displayed in purple.
To get more details on each crew member, choose an entry from the list. A second list with
details on missing documents is expanded. It is sorted according to the following categories:

• Certificate
• Endorsement
• License
• Medical
• Passport
• Seamanbook
• Vaccination
• Visa

Next Crew Changes 123

CFM Crewing

To navigate directly to the Summary tab of a crew member, double-click the re-
spective crew member in the list.
To navigate to the section where a problem occurs, double-click a list entry.
If you select a bar from the timeline, only the crew members that sign on or off
on the corresponding day are displayed in the list. Choose Show all in the top
right corner of the card to display all upcoming crew changes again.

5.3. Missing Reliefs

The Missing Reliefs card lists all vessels for which certain ranks according to the minimum
safe manning are required, but the ranks are not available or for which a crew change takes
place in the next weeks and the relief hasn't been set, yet.

The list is sorted according to rank order and date on which the relief is needed.

Missing Reliefs 124

CFM Crewing

You define ranks under Settings > Ranks. For more information, see Add Ranks
You define the minimum safe manning for your vessels under Settings > Ves-
sels > Minimum Safe Manning. For more information, see Create Minimum Safe
Manning [110].

All entries in the list are marked in red as missing reliefs are always critical.
If you choose an entry from the list, you navigate directly into the Crew List tab, where you
can plan the necessary crew changes. For every relief that you've planned the corresponding
entry in the list disappears. Once you've planned all missing reliefs for the vessels that you're
responsible for the Missing Relief card disappears from your dashboard.

5.4. Travelling Home

The Travelling Home card lists all crew members that have signed off of the vessel and
where their exact dates for disembarkation and arrival at home have not been confirmed, yet.

Travelling Home 125

CFM Crewing

Correct dates are vital for the calculation of payrolls and crew accounts usually need to pay
outstanding balances to seafarers in due time.
Thus, you need to verify and confirm dates by choosing the picture of a seafarer. The picture
turns into a checkmark when you hover over it.
By confirming the warning message you set the seafarer status to On Leave. CFM Crewing
logs the action in the Activities log and the record disappears from the list. Crew accounts
are informed about your confirmation through an indicator in the payroll section.
The list disappears completely if no seafarers are travelling home. You can also navigate to
the seafarer profile by choosing a seafarer from the list. This allows you to edit any data of
the corresponding seafarer.
The entries in the list are sorted by date. The following colors indicated the different sta-

• Red - The confirmation is overdue.

• Orange - The confirmation is due today.
• Blue - The confirmation is not due, yet.

5.5. Contracts Overdue

The Contracts Overdue card lists all seafarers whose contract is overdue or will be overdue
based on given dates.

Seafarers are listed on the Contracts Overdue card when they are still on board a vessel and
their End of Contract Date (Arrival at Home) falls on a later date than the original EOC date
(incl. + Month option). They're also listed when the EOC date falls within the next 30 days or
The entries are marked in red from the first day they're overdue.
Choose one entry from the list to directly navigate to the relevant assignment of the seafarer
and edit the details.

Contracts Overdue 126

CFM Crewing

5.6. Birthdays
The Birthdays card lists all crew members whose birthdays are coming up in the next 7 days.

Entries marked in blue mean that the crew members' birthday is today. Choose an entry to
navigate into the details of the respective crew member.
You can also send an email by choosing the picture of a crew member, which turns into an
email icon when you hover over it. This automatically opens an email in your default email
application and the subject Happy Birthday!.

If no email address was entered for the respective seafarer, MS Outlook leaves
the recipient field blank.

Birthdays 127
CFM Crewing

5.7. Pinned Remarks

The Pinned Remarks card lists all remarks regarding a seafarer for which you've selected the
Pin to Dashboard checkbox.

You add remarks on the Seafarers tab under Particulars > Remarks.
The remarks that are listed on this card are categorized according to importance:

• Normal (blue)
A remark that was left for further reference. It is not critical for any crew-related processes.
• High (orange)
A remark that is important and influences further processes.
• Critical (red)
A remark that is critical for further processes and should definitely be considered.

Note that you can only pin your own remarks to the dashboard. You cannot as-
sign remarks to another user.

You can navigate directly into the details of your remarks by choosing one entry from the list.
You then jump to Seafarers > Particulars.

Pinned Remarks 128

CFM Crewing

Once a remark was unpinned from the dashboard it disappears from the Pinned Remarks

5.8. My Wages to Check

The My Wages to Check card lists all wages that need to be confirmed by a user before a
payroll can be created. Make sure wages are always confirmed prior to the start of an assign-

This card does not appear if you define auto-confirmation for wages under Set-
tings > Payrolls > Custom Payroll Settings > Wage Options.

The entries on this card are sorted by date and criticality. The different colors of the entries
indicate whether the wage is already overdue or scheduled:

• Blue
The assignment is scheduled to start in more than 14 days in the future.

My Wages to Check 129

CFM Crewing

• Orange
The assignment is scheduled to start in less than 14 days in the future.
• Red
The assignment already started in the past and the wage confirmation is overdue.

By default, the wages that you're responsible for appear in the list.
But you can also filter for all wages that must be confirmed by another user. Choose the
icon and select All Wages.
To filter for one specific user, choose the icon and select an entry from the list.
Choose one entry from the list to navigate directly into the assignment details of the respec-
tive seafarer.

5.9. My Expiring CRAs

The My Expiring CRAs card lists all confirmations of receipt of application (CRA) that are
soon to expire or have already expired.
CRAs are confirmations by a flag state that the application to issue an endorsement was re-
ceived. A CRA is generally valid for 3 months and a seafarer may work on a vessel under this
flag state without providing the original flag state endorsement.

My Expiring CRAs 130

CFM Crewing

The card lists all flag state endorsements for which the checkbox CRA was selected and
which expire within the next 3 months from the current date.

The different colors of the entries indicate whether the CRA has already expired or is soon to

• Blue
The CRA is scheduled to expire in more than 30 days.
• Orange
The CRA is to expire in less than 30 days.
• Red
The CRA has already expired.

By default, the CRAs that you're responsible for appear in the list.

But you can also filter for other CRAs depending on your user rights. Choose the icon and
select All Expiring CRAs.

To filter for one specific CRA, choose the icon and select an entry from the list.
Choose one entry from the list to navigate directly into the certificate details of the respec-
tive seafarer.

My Expiring CRAs 131

CFM Crewing

5.10. Performances to Confirm

The Performances to Confirm card lists all performance evaluations entered in CSM on board
the vessel that need to be confirmed by the office.

The performance reports are grouped by vessel and status. The reports can have the follow-
ing states:

• Blue
The performance report has just been created. There is still some time to confirm it.
• Orange
The performance report has been created more than 8 days ago. Confirm the performance
report as soon as possible.
• Red
The confirmation of the performance report is overdue. The performance report has been
created more than 15 days ago.

The status of the vessel applies to the worst status of at least one of the performance re-
ports assigned to a seafarer on board the vessel.
Optionally, you can request that a second confirmation for performance reports is mandato-
ry. The support team then specifies the relevant global setting for you. To do so, contact the
support team using the help desk.

Performances to Confirm 132

CFM Crewing

The layout of the dashboard card changes accordingly:

Confirm Performance Reports

1. Choose an entry from the list.

A list of seafarers with open performance reports is expanded underneath.
2. Choose one seafarer and a pop-up window displaying the respective performance report
3. Choose Confirm to confirm the performance report created on board the vessel.
The entry automatically disappears from the list.

In some cases, a second approver needs to confirm the performance report.

Performance reports can also be viewed and confirmed in the individual seafarer's profile un-
der Seafarers > Performance > Performance Reports.
For more information, see Add Performance Reports [188].

Performances to Confirm 133

CFM Crewing

5.11. Loyalty Addendum

The Loyalty Addendum card lists all seafarers who reached the first or next level of the loyal-
ty addendum during an assignment.

The name of the card might differ depending on how you defined it under Set-
tings > Payrolls > Global Settings > Company Bonus Name.

By choosing the icon on the upper right-hand corner of an entry, you can either dismiss
the addendum (Dismiss) or edit and confirm the addendum (Create Addendum).
Choose the respective button in the dialog window.
Once you've confirmed the addendum, it is exported to an MS Word file which can be submit-
ted to the seafarer for a signature.
The seafarer then disappears from the list.

Loyalty Addendum 134

CFM Crewing

5.12. Document Errors

The Document Errors card gives you an overview of how many documents are missing, ex-
pired or expiring in the near future.

The card lists the following:

• On Board
Lists how many seafarers on board the vessels have missing, expired, or expiring docu-
ments. The numbers of missing, expired, and expiring documents is also listed in this en-
If you choose the entry, a list of all seafarers that have the most document errors is dis-
Select one seafarer to navigate directly into the seafarer screen.
• Planned
Lists how many seafarers that are planned for an assignment in the next 30 days have
missing, expired, or expiring documents. The numbers of missing, expired and expiring
documents is also listed in this entry.
If you choose the entry, a list of all seafarers that have the most document errors is dis-
Select one seafarer to navigate directly into the seafarer screen.

5.13. Disabled Synchronization

The Disabled Synchronization card lists all seafarers for which data synchronization be-
tween CSM and CFM has been disabled.

Synchronization is generally disabled if seafarers on board a vessel shouldn't
be informed about changes in the assignment, such as dismissals. As this can
happen across the entire fleet and should be of short duration, this card sup-
ports you in turning on the synchronization again in time.

Document Errors 135

CFM Crewing

To see more details of a specific seafarer, simply choose the entry and the system directly
navigates into the seafarer detail screen.
To reenable communication between CSM and CFM hover over the picture of the relevant
seafarer, the picture then turns into an open padlock. Choose the padlock.

5.14. Overlapping Person History Types

The Overlapping Person History Types card lists all seafarers that have overlapping events,
such as travel and training periods.
As the user can edit the personal history table manually by changing the duration of an as-
signment, overlaps cannot be avoided. As a consequence, these overlaps may lead to issues
in the payroll.

Overlapping Person History

Types 136
CFM Crewing

Due to manually created entries by the user, the system cannot automatically correct the is-
sues. So this is why we display the Overlapping Person History Types card on the dashboard
to remind the user that manual corrections are required.

The entries in the list show the affected seafarer and the number of periods that are affected
by overlapping events.
Choose a seafarer to navigate into the detail screen and correct the overlapping events.
See Also
Add Personal History [215]

Overlapping Person History

Types 137
CFM Crewing

6. Seafarers - Overview

The Seafarers tab is divided into two subtabs that offer a general overview of the available

The Seafarers tab is displayed by default when you open CFM Crewing for the
first time. Once you navigate to a seafarer profile, you are not automatically re-
turned to this screen.
To return to the Seafarers tab, choose the magnifier icon in the top naviga-
tion bar or use the keyboard shortcut STRG + SHIFT + F.

• Seafarers
This subtab gives you an overview of the available seafarers in the system.
You can switch between a list or card view. By default, the card view is displayed.

The default setting cannot be changed. You can only switch between the list
and card view temporarily.

By default, the list displays the seafarers that were last edited.
• Seafarers Pool
On this subtab, you can define different seafarer pools according to certain criteria.
You can also create seafarers pools from the search results on the Seafarers subtab by
choosing Create Seafarers Pool from Result.

6.1. Add Seafarers

You can create seafarers from anywhere in CFM Crewing as this feature is available directly
from the primary navigation bar.

Seafarers - Overview 138

CFM Crewing

1. Choose the plus icon from the primary navigation bar to create a new seafarer.
2. In the dialog window, enter the following information:
Specify at least the minimum required information indicated with a star.

a. Image (optional)
You can upload, download or delete the seafarer's profile picture. Select the relevant
icon in the image area.
b. First Name
Enter the first name of the seafarer.

The system checks whether a seafarer with the same combination of
first name, last name and birthday exists.
If this is the case, you won't be able to save the new seafarer record to
prevent duplicate seafarer records.

c. Last Name
Enter the last name of the seafarer.

Add Seafarers 139

CFM Crewing

d. Nationality
Select the relevant nationality of the seafarer from the drop-down list.
e. Rank
Select the rank of the seafarer from the drop-down list.
f. Birthday
Specify the birthday of the seafarer by choosing the datepicker.

By default, the system doesn't allow you to create records for seafar-
ers that are under the age of 16. This setting applies to the regulations
found in the MLC.
Additionally, the system displays a warning message when a record is
created for a seafarer at retirement age. This is 60 years or older, by
default. You can, however, create the seafarer.
Both restrictions (min. and max. age) can be configured based on your
internal regulations. If required, please contact the support team.

g. Place of Birth (optional)

Enter the seafarer's place of birth.
h. Sex
Select the sex of the seafarer from the drop-down list: Male or Female
i. Marital Status (optional)
Select the marital status of the seafarer from the drop-down list. The following are
• Married
• Divorced
• Single
• Separated
• Widowed
• Cohabit
• Unknown
j. English Prof. (optional)
Specify the seafarer's proficiency in English by selecting one of the following rat-
ings from the drop-down list:
• Poor
• Fair
• Good
k. Creditor No. (optional)
Enter the seafarer's creditor number.

Add Seafarers 140

CFM Crewing

l. Hair Color (optional)

Specify the seafarer's hair color.
m. Eye Color (optional)
Specify the seafarer's eye color.
n. Height (m) (optional)
Enter the seafarer's height in meters.
o. Weight (kg) (optional)
Enter the seafarer's weight in kilograms.
p. Shoe Size (optional)
Enter the shoe size of the seafarer.
q. Overall Size (optional)
Enter the seafarer's dress size.
r. SSS Number (optional)
If the seafarer is a Filipino, specify his SSS number.
s. Phic Number (optional)
If the seafarer is a Filipino, specify his Phic number.
t. Pag-IBIG Number (optional)
If the seafarer is a Filipino, specify his Pag-IBIG number.
u. Agency
Select the relevant manning agency of the seafarer from the drop-down list.
v. Available From (optional)
Enter the date as of which the seafarer is available for the next assignment.
w. Status
Specify the seafarer status by selecting one of the following values from the drop-
down list. The system distinguishes between manual, automatic, and inactive sta-

Note that it is also possible to map person history types to active and
inactive manual statuses. Once a manual status entry was created in
the person history of a seafarer, the status updates are carried out au-
tomatically by the system.
By default, any person history type not connected to a specific status
results in an update to the status On Leave.
Contact the support team, if you require this feature.

You can change the seafarer status manually from an active and non-assignment
related status, such as Applicant to another active and non-assignment related sta-
tus like On Leave. This is, however, only possible if either status is not linked to a
person history type. With one exception: You can always change the seafarer status
to On Leave even without a linked person history type.

Add Seafarers 141

CFM Crewing

You cannot change the seafarer status manually if an assignment-rela-
ted status is active, such as On Board.
You cannot change the seafarer status to an assignment-related sta-
tus manually.
You cannot change the seafarer status to an inactive status, such as
Retired manually. The same applies for active statuses that are con-
nected to a person history type. To change the seafarer to such a sta-
tus, create a personal history entry under Seafarers > Assignments >
Personal History. The connected status is applied automatically on
the day the personal history entry becomes effective. Once the person-
al history entry ends the seafarer status is updated to the next applica-
ble status, such as Planned, alternatively the fallback status is On
For more information, see Add Personal History [215].

Manual Statuses
Manual statuses are statuses that are not linked to a person history type.
• Applicant
• Deceased
• Disabled
• Dismissed
• Internally Transferred
• No Employment
• Not Rejoining
• Observation
• On Leave
• Partial Reemployment
• Retired
• Sick
• Under Discussion
Automatic Statuses
• On Board
• Planned
• Travelling Home
• Travelling to Vessel
x. Login (Domain) (optional)
Specify the login domain, if the seafarer should be able to use the crew portal or use
a dedicated login to CSM.

Add Seafarers 142

CFM Crewing

You only need to specify this entry for companies that authenticate
seafarers using Active Directory (AD).

y. Login (Email) (optional)

Specify the login email address, if the seafarer should be able to use the crew portal
or use a dedicated login to CSM.

You only need to specify this entry for companies that don't authenti-
cate seafarers using Active Directory (AD).

z. Managed by external company (optional)

Select this checkbox, if the seafarer is managed by an external company.
It is typically used when seafarer data is imported from external sources.
aa. Remark (optional)
Enter any additional remarks into this field.
ab. Generate mandatory documents for (optional)
Select the relevant vessel type for which mandatory documents should be automati-
cally generated. These documents are then required from the newly created seafar-
If you don't select the vessel type, the system will create mandatory documents for
seafarers (permanent and assignment-related), once they are planned for a vessel
the first time.
3. Choose Save to save your changes.

Add Seafarers 143

CFM Crewing

6.2. Seafarers
The Seafarers subtab gives you an overview of the available seafarers in the system.

You can switch between a list or card view. By default, the card view is displayed.

The default setting cannot be changed. You can only switch between the list
and card view temporarily.

Each card displays the following basic information on a seafarer:

• Name
• Rank
• Contract Type
• Nationality
• Status
• Availability
• Agency

An overall rating of the seafarer's performance is depicted with a number of stars. An icon
next to the seafarer's picture indicates that the seafarer is also a user of the Crew Portal.
The icon in the lower right corner of the card indicates that the seafarer is part of a seafar-
er pool. By choosing this icon, you can edit seafarer pools and add new seafarer pools, as

Seafarers 144
CFM Crewing

The icon in the upper right corner of the card indicates that a planned assignment for the
seafarer is confirmed.
By default, the list displays the seafarers that were last edited.
The different colors of the card indicate the seafarer's status:

• Blue - The most significant statuses represented in blue are: on board the vessel, traveling
home, or traveling to the vessel.
• Orange - The seafarer is planned for an assignment on the vessel.
• Green - The seafarer is on leave.
• Red -The seafarer is currently not available for an assignment. Either because no Available
from date was set or the Available from date was set for a time in the future.

A color next to the subtabs of the secondary navigation bar indicates the status of the docu-

• Green - All required documents are available and valid.

• Orange - One or more documents will expire soon in the context of this assignment.
• Red - One or more documents have expired.
• Purple - One or more documents are missing.

The following general features are available from every subtab:

• Choose Seafarer Actions to:

• Delete seafarer data
Seafarer data can only be deleted if the seafarer has no assignments or payrolls.

If the corresponding user right was assigned to your user account, you can
even delete seafarer data for which assignments or payrolls exist.
Caution: Before deleting personal data, check whether you must comply
with any legal retention periods.

• Upload documents
Batch upload documents and assign them to the corresponding area within CFM Crew-
For more information, see Upload Documents [241].
• Export seafarer data
Seafarer data can be exported to a PDF, MS Word, or zip file. You can choose which data
should be exported to the file.
You have the following options to export the personal data of the selected seafarer:
• Create Seafarer Card (PDF)
Exports the selected seafarer's personal data to a PDF file (CFM Crewing Standard

Seafarers 145
CFM Crewing

Select which areas of the seafarer's profile you want to export before the actual export
takes place.
• Create Seafarer Card (WORD)
Exports the selected seafarer's personal data to an MS Word file (CFM Crewing Stand-
ard Form).
Select which areas of the seafarer's profile you want to export before the actual export
takes place.
• Create Seafarer Card (Word Template)
Exports the selected seafarer's personal data to an MS Word file based on a tailor-
made template of the customer.
Select which areas of the seafarer's profile you want to export before the actual export
takes place.
• Create
Exports attachments from various sections of the selected seafarer as a ZIP file.
Select which areas of the seafarer's profile you want to export before the actual export
takes place.
• Create Full Database Extract
Exports the complete seafarer record including any available referencing data in CFM
Crewing or any other application within the CFM suite to a machine-readable format
(XML). This includes any attachments related to the seafarer. Both, XML files and at-
tachments are packed as a ZIP file.
An email containing a link to the ZIP file is sent to the user who requested the file. The
email address used for sending is derived from the user's profile.

The ZIP file is available for download for one hour after you received the
email. After this time has expired, the generated data record is deleted.

• Copy seafarer data to clipboard

Based on the fields that you defined under Settings > Email Templates, you can copy the
corresponding seafarer data to clipboard.
• Regenerate mandatory documents
Select a flag state and a vessel type. The system then automatically generates all certifi-
cates that are required in this context.
• Change seafarer pools
Change or add seafarer pools to which a seafarer belongs.

• Choose Activities to get a log of all activities related to the seafarer.

You can filter the activity log by entering a keyword. The first 50 entries that are loaded are
filtered, accordingly.
By default, 50 entries are displayed. To load 50 more activities, choose Load More at the
end of the list.

Seafarers 146
CFM Crewing

If specific values were changed, you can display what was changed by choosing Show
In addition, you can select from which user you want to see the relevant logs by choosing
the arrow icon and select the relevant user from the drop-down list.
• Choose Views to get a log of all users who viewed the personal data of seafarers.

The respective user right must be assigned to your user to be able to see the
views log.
Logging is not activated, by default. Contact the support team if you require
the logging feature.
Logs are stored for 14 days and are then deleted automatically.

You can also filter the views by entering a keyword in the filter bar.
In addition, you can filter the log for a specific time period by choosing the filter icon
and entering dates in the From and To field.

In addition, the following features are available on the subtab:

• Order by
You can sort the list of seafarers using the following options:
• Default
This option is selected by default. The seafarers are sorted alphabetically and by rank.
• Name
If you select this option, the seafarers are sorted alphabetically from A to Z.
• Name (descending)
If you select this option, the seafarers are sorted alphabetically from Z to A.
• Rank
If you select this option, the seafarers are sorted by rank order as defined under Settings
> Ranks.
• Rank (descending)
If you select this option, the seafarers are sorted by rank order as defined under Settings
> Ranks and in descending order.
• Filter
You can filter the seafarer list according to certain criteria that you simply type into the fil-
ter bar above the list. You can use first name, last name, rank, status, agency, nationality,
and the vessel name of the seafarer.

Seafarers 147
CFM Crewing

You can also combine different parameters, such as nationality and rank. En-
ter Master and Russian, for example.
Note, however, that you cannot enter two search terms of the same type:
Russian and Polish.

You can also use the icon to open the extended search list.

There, you can filter for the following criteria:

• Ranks
Select the ranks that you want to search for from the drop-down list.
• Employment Type
You can either search for seafarers with a permanent or a voyage contract. Select the
relevant value from the drop-down list.
• Name
Enter the first name of the seafarer.
• Surname
Enter the last name of the seafarer.
• Agencies
You can select all agencies or specific ones from the drop-down list.
• Statuses
You can select all status or specific ones from the drop-down list to filter for seafarers
with specific statuses, such as Planned.
• Nationalities
You can select all nationalities or specific ones from the drop-down list to filter for sea-
farers that are of a certain nationality, such as Russian.
• Active Crew Portal User
Select whether you want to search for active, inactive or both types of crew portal users.

Seafarers 148
CFM Crewing

• Available From
Enter the date from which the seafarer is available for assignments.
• Certificates
You can select all certificates or specific ones from the drop-down list to filter for seafar-
ers that have certain certificates, such as Advanced Firefighting.
• GRT min
Enter a number for the minimum gross register tonnage (GRT). The system then checks
for which vessels a seafarer was assigned and if the entered value matches the values
in the vessel's particulars.
• GRT max
Enter a number for the maximum gross register tonnage (GRT). The system then checks
for which vessels a seafarer was assigned and if the entered value matches the values
in the vessel's particulars.
• Vessel Type
You can select all vessel types or specific ones from the drop-down list to filter for sea-
farers that are licensed for certain vessel types, such as Bulk Carrier. The system then
checks for which vessels a seafarer was assigned and if the entered value matches the
values in the vessel's particulars.
• TEU min
Enter a number for the minimum twenty-foot equivalent unit (TEU). The system then
checks for which vessels a seafarer was assigned and if the entered value matches the
values in the vessel's particulars.
• TEU max
Enter a number for the maximum twenty-foot equivalent unit (TEU). The system then
checks for which vessels a seafarer was assigned and if the entered value matches the
values in the vessel's particulars.
• Main Engine
Enter the name of the main engine. The system then checks for which vessels a seafarer
was assigned and if the entered value matches the values in the vessel's particulars.
• KW min
Enter a number for the minimum number of KW. The system then checks for which ves-
sels a seafarer was assigned and if the entered value matches the values in the vessel's
• KW max
Enter a number for the maximum number of KW. The system then checks for which ves-
sels a seafarer was assigned and if the entered value matches the values in the vessel's
• Has crane experience
Select this checkbox if the seafarer should have crane experience. The system then
checks for which vessels a seafarer was assigned and if the selected checkbox matches
the values in the vessel's particulars.
• Last Assignment End Before

Seafarers 149
CFM Crewing

Select a date to filter for seafarers whose last assignment ended before or at the date
set in this filter.
• Only confirmed plannings
Select this checkbox if you want to search for seafarers whose planned assignments
have already been confirmed.

• Quick search ( )
Instead of defining the search parameters yourself, you can use one of the following prede-
fined quick searches:
• Last edited seafarers
This quick search is selected by default.
• Overdue offsigners
Seafarers that are still on board a vessel even though there assignment has ended and
they're overdue to off sign.
• Seafarers without photo
• Seafarers without birthday
• Seafarers without assignments
Seafarers that were never planned for an assignment and were never on board a vessel
for an assignment.
• New seafarers
Seafarers that were newly created in the system.
• Info
To get further information on the search parameters, select the info icon next to the
quick search.
The following parameters can be used and appended to your search criteria:
• /r - Search for remarks, too.
• /x - Search for external seafarers, too.
• /p - Search for permanent employees, only.
• /v - Search for voyage employees, only.
• Create Seafarers Pool from Result
Choose this button to create a seafarers pool from your search results.
Specify a name for your seafarers pool.
If you select the Is Public checkbox, the seafarers pool is available to all users in the sys-
• Export
Choose this button to download your search results to a spreadsheet.

By choosing a card, you navigate into the details of the seafarer. The detail screen is again
subdivided into the following subtabs:

• Summary
• Particulars

Seafarers 150
CFM Crewing

• Travel Documents
• Certificates
• Fitness
• Performance
• Assignments
• Payroll
• Rest Hours
• Additional Info
• User

6.2.1. Summary
On the Summary subtab, you get a basic overview of the seafarer including information, such
as contact details, performance rating, possible promotions as well as current and future as-
signments, or the seafarer experience.
To navigate to this subtab, choose a seafarer card from the available seafarers' list on the
Seafarers subtab.

The Summary subtab is opened by default when you navigate into the seafarer
details from anywhere in CFM Crewing, except for assignments. If you're on the
Assignments subtab, navigate to a different tab in CFM Crewing, and then navi-
gate back to the seafarer details, you'll automatically jump back to the Assign-
ments subtab.

To view the recent search results from the Seafarers subtab, you can select the arrow icon
next to the seafarer's name in the header bar. A sidebar with the most recent search results
appears and lets you filter for seafarers.

Seafarers 151
CFM Crewing

When you navigate from a crew list to the seafarer record, the system displays
the current crew and the planned relievers to allow you to quickly navigate
through the seafarers of your vessel.

The subtab is divided into the following cards:

On most of the subtabs, you can create remarks. Wherever a remark was added,
the following icon is displayed in the overview: . When you hover over the
icon, the remark is displayed as a tooltip.

• Summary
This card contains contact details, information about past briefings or debriefings, the per-
formance rating of the seafarer, his agency, and a history of promotions.
• Assignments
This card shows the current and future assignments of the seafarer as well as his com-
plete assignment history. Further it is possible to maintain your past sea services records.
By choosing one of the assignments you can directly navigate to the individual assign-
ment and make any necessary changes.
• Employment Statistics
This table lists the employment statistics of the seafarer grouped by year starting from the
year the seafarer was first employed. Every entry contains the number of days on board a
vessel, the number of days on leave, the number of sick days and other personal history

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Below the table, a bar chart displays the employment statistics visually.
• Experience
This card displays an overview of the seafarer's experience with the different vessel types.
The information is presented in a table that is sorted by vessel type and whether the expe-
rience was gained in the current rank or a different rank.
Below the table, a pie chart displays the experience visually including the maximum GRT,
TEU for Officers, maximum KW, and maximum TEU for Engineers.
• Additional Experience
This card displays the additional experience the seafarer has gathered whilst he was serv-
icing at sea in a table. It contains the type of experience and the extent to which it was

6.2.2. Particulars
On the Particulars subtab, you get more detailed information about the personal and contact
details of the respective seafarer.
You can also document different types of remarks that are useful for anyone working with
this seafarer.

The subtab is divided into the following cards:

The purple indicator next to the subtab only turns green if you attach a picture
to the seafarer profile.

• General
This card lists all contact details of the seafarer including basic personal information.

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In addition, information on the seafarer's next of kin and children is displayed. The next of
kin that was marked as the main contact is always displayed first. For more information,
see Edit Next of Kin and Children [159].
The following information can be updated on the General card, directly:
• Available from
You can edit the Available from date directly on the card.
Simply choose the calendar icon next to the date and pick a different date.

The Available from date directly influences whether a seafarer in status On
Leave is displayed as available or not.
You can set the date manually as described here. But it is also automatical-
ly updated as soon as a user specifies a new date while planning a seafar-
er on board or in the office using the Crew List tab or Assignment subtab.

Choose Save in the bottom right corner of the card to save your changes.
• Status
You can edit the status of the seafarer directly on the card.

You can only change statuses that are not generated by the system.

Choose Save in the bottom right corner of the card to save your changes.
• Addresses
This card lists all addresses that are maintained for the respective seafarer.
You can add as many addresses as you wish, but only one can be the main address. You
can select the Is Main checkbox directly from the card without the need to choose Edit,

If you specify a Nearest Airport, it will automatically be used when booking
flights for the respective seafarer.

For more information, see Add Addresses [160].

• Communications
This card lists all forms of communications that are maintained for the respective seafarer.
You can add as many communication types as you wish.
For more information, see Add Communications [161].
• Bank Details
This card lists all bank accounts that are maintained for the respective seafarer. To include
bank accounts in the list that are inactive choose Include inactive.

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You can add as many bank accounts as you wish, but only one bank account can be
marked as Is Primary.

You can also edit existing bank accounts by choosing Edit.
For more information on how to maintain bank accounts, see Add Bank De-
tails [161].

• Remarks
This card lists all remarks that were created for the selected seafarer. The list is sorted ac-
cording to the remark categories that were used.
You can filter or sort the list according to the following criteria:
• Sort By
Select Last Change Date or Creation Date from the drop-down list.
• Categories
Select the relevant remark categories from the drop-down list.
You can add, edit, or delete remarks.
For more information, see Add Remarks [163].
• Additional Properties
If you created additional properties under Settings > Miscellaneous > Seafarers Additional
Property Keys, you can maintain them on this card.
For more information, see Edit Additional Properties [164]. Edit General Information - Seafarer

On the Particulars subtab, you can adapt the seafarer's basic information including data on
his next of kin and children.

1. Go to Seafarers > Particulars.

2. On the General card, choose Edit.
3. In the dialog window, you can adapt the following information:
a. Image (optional)
You can upload, download or delete the seafarer's profile picture. Select the relevant
icon in the image area.
b. First Name
Enter the first name of the seafarer.

The system checks whether a seafarer with the same combination of
first name, last name and birthday exists.
If this is the case, you won't be able to save the new seafarer record to
prevent duplicate seafarer records.

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c. Last Name
Enter the last name of the seafarer.
d. Nationality
Select the relevant nationality of the seafarer from the drop-down list.
e. Rank
Select the rank of the seafarer from the drop-down list.
f. Birthday
Specify the birthday of the seafarer by choosing the datepicker.
g. Place of Birth (optional)
Enter the seafarer's place of birth.
h. Sex
Select the sex of the seafarer from the drop-down list: Male or Female
i. Marital Status (optional)
Select the marital status of the seafarer from the drop-down list. The following are
• Married
• Divorced
• Single
• Separated
• Widowed
• Cohabit
• Unknown
j. English Prof. (optional)
Specify the seafarer's proficiency in English by selecting one of the following rat-
ings from the drop-down list:
• Poor
• Fair
• Good
k. Creditor No. (optional)
Enter the seafarer's creditor number.
l. Hair Color (optional)
Specify the seafarer's hair color.
m. Eye Color (optional)
Specify the seafarer's eye color.
n. Height (m) (optional)
Enter the seafarer's height in meters.
o. Weight (kg) (optional)
Enter the seafarer's weight in kilograms.

Seafarers 156
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p. Shoe Size (optional)

Enter the shoe size of the seafarer.
q. Overall Size (optional)
Enter the seafarer's dress size.
r. SSS Number (optional)
If the seafarer is a Filipino, specify his SSS number.
s. Phic Number (optional)
If the seafarer is a Filipino, specify his Phic number.
t. Pag-IBIG Number (optional)
If the seafarer is a Filipino, specify his Pag-IBIG number.
u. Agency
Select the relevant manning agency of the seafarer from the drop-down list.
v. Available From (optional)
Enter the date as of which the seafarer is available for the next assignment.
w. Status
Specify the seafarer status by selecting one of the following values from the drop-
down list. The system distinguishes between manual, automatic, and inactive sta-
You can change the seafarer status manually from an active and non-assignment
related status, such as Applicant to another active and non-assignment related sta-
tus like On Leave. This is, however, only possible if either status is not linked to a
person history type. With one exception: You can always change the seafarer status
to On Leave even without a linked person history type.

You cannot change the seafarer status manually if an assignment-rela-
ted status is active, such as On Board.
You cannot change the seafarer status to an assignment-related sta-
tus manually.
You cannot change the seafarer status to an inactive status, such as
Retired manually. The same applies for active statuses that are con-
nected to a person history type. To change the seafarer to such a sta-
tus, create a personal history entry under Seafarers > Assignments >
Personal History. The connected status is applied automatically on
the day the personal history entry becomes effective. Once the person-
al history entry ends the seafarer status is updated to the next applica-
ble status, such as Planned, alternatively the fallback status is On
For more information, see Add Personal History [215].

Seafarers 157
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Manual Statuses
• Applicant
• Deceased
• Disabled
• Dismissed
• Internally Transferred
• No Employment
• No Reemployment
• Not Rejoining
• Observation
• On Leave
• Partial Reemployment
• Retired
• Sick
• Under Discussion
Automatic Statuses
• On Board
• Planned
• Travelling Home
• Travelling to Vessel
x. Login (Domain) (optional)
Specify the login domain, if the seafarer should be able to use the crew portal or use
a dedicated login to CSM.

You only need to specify this entry for companies that authenticate
seafarers using Active Directory (AD).

y. Login (Email) (optional)

Specify the login email address, if the seafarer should be able to use the crew portal
or use a dedicated login to CSM.

You only need to specify this entry for companies that don't authenti-
cate seafarers using Active Directory (AD).

z. Remark (optional)
Enter any additional remarks into this field.

Seafarers 158
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4. Choose Save to save your changes. Edit Next of Kin and Children

1. Go to Seafarers > Particulars.
2. On the General card, choose the pencil icon next to the information on the next of
kind and children of the seafarer.
3. In the dialog window, choose the plus icon to add new next of kins or children and
specify the following information:

When creating new children, not all fields listed below need to be specified.

a. Name
Enter the first name of the next of kin or the child.
b. Surname
Enter the last name of the next of kin or child.
c. Sex
Select the relevant sex from the drop-down list.
d. Relation
Specify how the seafarer and the next of kin are related to each other.
e. Birthday (optional)
Enter the birthday of the next of kin or child.
f. Is main contact (optional)
Select this checkbox, if you want to make the next of kin the main contact of the
g. Is beneficiary (optional)
Select this checkbox, if you want to make the next of kin the beneficiary.
h. Addresses
In this section, you specify the addresses of the seafarer's next of kin and children.
You can add, edit, or delete address information here. For detailed information on
the fields that need to be specified, see Add Addresses [160].
i. Communications
In this section, you specify the communication details of the seafarer's next of kind
and children.
You can add, edit, or delete communication details here. For detailed information on
the fields that need to be specified, see Add Communications [161].
j. Lock Record
To prevent users from further editing or deleting of personal data of a seafarer, in
this case of his next of kin or children, you can lock certain records.
For detailed information, see Lock Seafarer Data [236].

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4. Choose Save to save your changes. Add Addresses

1. Go to Seafarers > Particulars.
2. In the Adresses section, choose Add.

You can maintain as many addresses as you wish, but you can only specify
one address to be the main one.
To edit or delete an address, select one from the list and choose Edit or

3. In the dialog window, enter the following information:

Specify the minimum required information indicated by a star.
a. Street
Enter the street name of the address in this field.
b. Street 2 (optional)
Enter any additional information regarding the location of your address. You can al-
so use this field if the name of the street is too long to fit into the first field.
c. Postal Code
Enter the postal code of the respective address.
d. City
Enter the name of the city in which the address is located.
e. County/Region (optional)
Optionally, enter the name of the county or region for the respective address.
If you don't enter anything, Unknown is selected by default.
f. Country
Select the respective country in which the address is located from the drop-down
g. Nearest Airport (optional)
Select the airport closest to the respective mail address from the drop-down list.
h. Remark (optional)
Enter any additional remarks into this field.
i. Is main (optional)
Select this checkbox, if this address is the main mail address.
4. Choose Save to save your changes.

Seafarers 160
CFM Crewing Add Communications

1. Go to Seafarers > Particulars.
2. In the Communications section, choose Add.

To edit or delete any communications, select an entry from the list and
choose Edit or Delete.

3. In the dialog window, enter the following information:

a. Type
Select the type of communication from the drop-down list. This can be MOBILE, for
b. Value
Enter the value of the communication type in this field. In this case, it would be a
mobile telephone number.
c. Remark (optional)
You can enter any additional remarks to further specify the entry.
4. Choose Save to save your changes. Add Bank Details

1. Go to Seafarers > Particulars.
2. In the Bank Details section, choose Add to create a new bank account.

To edit or delete bank details, select an entry from the list and choose Edit
or Delete.
Depending on the rights assigned to your user, you might not be allowed to
edit or delete the bank details. But you can view the details by selecting an
entry from the list and choosing Show.

3. In the dialog window, enter the following information:

Specify the minimum required information indicated by a star.
a. Bank Name
Enter the name of the bank where the bank account is located.
b. Bank Code
Enter the BIC of the relevant bank account.
Enter the SWIFT code of the relevant bank account.

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d. Bank Country (optional)

Select the country in which the bank is located from the drop-down list.
Enter the IBAN number of your bank account.
f. Number
Enter the bank account number of your bank account.

If you already entered the IBAN, this field is no longer marked as re-
quired and you can save the bank account and vice versa.

g. Currency (optional)
Select the relevant currency for your bank account from the list.
h. Is Primary (optional)
Select this checkbox, if you want to mark this bank account as your main bank ac-
count for the selected currency.

If you add a new bank account and have already specified another
bank account as the main one, the setting will be removed from the
former bank account and the new one becomes the main bank ac-

i. Via Bank (optional)

Select this checkbox, if you want the payment to be made to a specific bank first
and then to the respective seafarer.
If activated, you then also need to specify the following parameters:
i. Via Bank Name
Enter the name of the bank to which you want to make the payment.
ii. Via Bank SWIFT/BIC
Enter the SWIFT or BIC code of the bank to which you want to make the pay-
iii. Via Bank Account No.
Enter the bank account number of the bank account to which you want to make
the payment.
j. Beneficiary Type
Select one of the following beneficiary types from the drop-down list:
• Seaman
If you select this option, the selected seafarer himself is the beneficiary and his
main address details are taken over for this bank account.

Seafarers 162
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• Kin
If you select this option, you can then select the name of the beneficiary from the
drop-down list in the Beneficiary field.
Ensure that an address was specified for the selected next of kin. Otherwise, the
bank account cannot be saved.
• Other
This is a person that is not directly related to the selected seafarer. Enter the
name of the beneficiary in the Beneficiary field.
The address details for this person must be entered manually before you can save
the bank account.
The system can then determine the address of the beneficiary.
k. Beneficiary
Depending on the selected beneficiary type, you need to enter a name or select a
value from the drop-down list.
l. Remark
Enter any additional remarks into this field.
4. Choose Save to save your changes. Add Remarks

1. Go to Seafarers > Particulars.
2. On the Remarks card, choose Add to create a new remark.
3. In the dialog window, enter the following information:
Specify the minimum required information indicated by a star.
a. Category (optional)
Select a remark category from the drop-down list.
This category is then used to sort the list of remarks accordingly.

The categories listed here are specified under Settings > Miscellane-
ous > Remark Categories. For more information, see Create Remark
Categories [99].

b. Remark
Enter your remark into this field.
c. Pin to Dashboard
If you select this checkbox, the remark will also be pinned to your dashboard on the
Pinned Remarks card.
It is also highlighted on the remarks list. Additionally, you can change the status by
choosing the pin icon. You can also unpin the remark choosing this icon.
Another field appears, allowing you to select the importance of the remark from the
drop-down list:

Seafarers 163
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i. Normal (Blue)
ii. High (Orange)
iii. Critical (Red)

4. Choose Save to save your changes. Edit Additional Properties

1. Go to Seafarers > Particulars.
2. On the Additional Properties card, select an additional property from the list and choose
3. In the dialog window, you can now specify the value for the selected additional property.
The type of the additional property indicates whether you are obliged to consider any
specific data type or format or can just enter free text.
4. Choose Save to save your changes.

6.2.3. Travel Documents

On the Travel Documents subtab, you can manage the required travel documents of the se-
lected seafarer.

The system automatically generates the required documents according to the settings you
defined under Settings > Documents. For more information about the general behavior, see
Documents [12].
The status indicator next to Travel Documents corresponds to the worst status of all entries
in the available cards.
The subtab is divided into the following cards:

• Passports
This card lists all available passports for the selected seafarer.

Seafarers 164
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• Visas
This card lists all available visas for the selected seafarer.
• Seafarer's Book
This card lists all available seafarer books for the selected seafarer.
• Flag State Seafarer's Book
This card lists all available seafarer books for different flag states.

The following features are generally available on the Travel Documents subtab:

• Add, edit, and delete all documents on the different cards.

• Filter the cards for issues by selecting the Issues only checkbox.
Only the travel documents in status Orange, Red, or Purple will be listed.
• Choose the document actions icon ( ) to carry out one of the following actions:
• Download travel documents
• Send email
If you choose this option, your default mail application automatically opens a new win-
dow including a link to the respective document that is stored in the Cloud and available
for three weeks.
• Move items into the outbox
Use this option if you want to select several documents from one or multiple seafarers
and then send them together in a batch.
In general, the outbox includes all documents for every seafarer that were marked as
such. The documents can be selected, added, or removed separately or in a bulk. If you
choose send, a ZIP file is generated including all documents, which you can then attach
to an email. Add Passports

1. Go to Seafarers > Travel Documents > Passports.
2. Choose Add and enter the following information in the dialog window:

You can also edit or delete passports. Select a passport from the list and
choose Edit or Delete.

• Nationality
Select the relevant nationality from the drop-down list.
• Number (optional)
Enter the passport number.
• Issue
Enter the date on which the passport was issued.
• Expiry

Seafarers 165
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Specify the date on which the passport expires.

• Issue Place (optional)
Enter the place where the passport was issued.
• Never Expires (optional)
Select this checkbox, if the travel document doesn't have an expiry date.
• Remark (optional)
Enter any additional remarks in this field. A remark icon ( ) is then added next to the
travel document.

3. In the Document area, you can choose the plus icon ( ) to attach documents to the
travel document or simply drag and drop it into this area.

You can also remove existing documents by choosing the trash icon ( ).

4. Optionally, you can also disable the travel document so that it will no longer be included
in any validation even if the document is expired.
Typically a document is disabled if you want to disregard it during your daily business
but keep for documentation purposes.
Choose Disable in the lower-left corner of the dialog window.

You can reactivate the travel document by choosing Enable.

5. Choose Save to save your changes. Add Visas

1. Go to Seafarers > Travel Documents > Visas
2. Choose Add and enter the following information in the dialog window:

You can also edit or delete visas. Select a visa from the list and choose
Edit or Delete.

• Type
Select the type of visa that you want to add from the drop-down list.
• Number (optional)
Enter the visa number.
• Issue
Enter the date on which the visa was issued.

Seafarers 166
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• Expiry
Enter the date on which the visa expires.
• Never Expires (optional)
Select this checkbox, if the travel document doesn't have an expiry date.
• Remark (optional)
Enter any additional remarks in this field. A remark icon ( ) is then added next to the
travel document.

3. In the Document area, you can choose the plus icon ( ) to attach documents to the
travel document or simply drag and drop it into this area.

You can also remove existing documents by choosing the trash icon ( ).

4. Optionally, you can also disable the travel document so that it will no longer be included
in any validation even if the document is expired.
Typically a document is disabled if you want to disregard it during your daily business
but keep for documentation purposes.
Choose Disable in the lower-left corner of the dialog window.

You can reactivate the travel document by choosing Enable.

5. Choose Save to save your changes. Add Seafarer's Books

1. Go to Seafarers > Travel Documents > Seafarer's Book.
2. Choose Add and enter the following information in the dialog window:

You can also edit or delete seafarer's books. Select a seafarer's book from
the list and choose Edit or Delete.

• Number (optional)
Enter the number of the seaman's book.
• Issue
Enter the date on which the seafarer's book was issued.
• Expiry
Enter the date on which the seafarer's book expires.

Seafarers 167
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• Issue Place (optional)

Enter the place where the seafarer's book was issued.
• Never Expires (optional)
Select this checkbox, if the travel document doesn't have an expiry date.
• Remark (optional)
Enter any additional remarks in this field. A remark icon ( ) is then added next to the
travel document.

3. In the Document area, you can choose the plus icon ( ) to attach documents to the
travel document or simply drag and drop it into this area.

You can also remove existing documents by choosing the trash icon ( ).

4. Optionally, you can also disable the travel document so that it will no longer be included
in any validation even if the document is expired.
Typically a document is disabled if you want to disregard it during your daily business
but keep for documentation purposes.
Choose Disable in the lower-left corner of the dialog window.

You can reactivate the travel document by choosing Enable.

5. Choose Save to save your changes. Add Flag State Seafarer's Books

1. Go to Seafarers > Travel Documents >Flag State Seafarer's Book.
2. Choose Add and enter the following information in the dialog window:

You can also edit or delete flag state seafarer's books. Select a flag state
seafarer's book and choose Edit or Delete.

• Number (optional)
Enter the number of the flag state seaman's book.
• Issue
Enter the date on which the flag state seafarer's book was issued.
• Expiry
Enter the date on which the flag state seafarer's book expires.
• Issue Place (optional)

Seafarers 168
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Enter the place where the flag state seafarer's book was issued.
• Flag State
Select the flag state for which the seafarer's book is valid from the drop-down list.
• Never Expires (optional)
Select this checkbox, if the travel document doesn't have an expiry date.
• Remark (optional)
Enter any additional remarks in this field. A remark icon ( ) is then added next to the
travel document.

3. In the Document area, you can choose the plus icon ( ) to attach documents to the
travel document or simply drag and drop it into this area.

You can also remove existing documents by choosing the trash icon ( ).

4. Optionally, you can also disable the travel document so that it will no longer be included
in any validation even if the document is expired.
Typically a document is disabled if you want to disregard it during your daily business
but keep for documentation purposes.
Choose Disable in the lower-left corner of the dialog window.

You can reactivate the travel document by choosing Enable.

5. Choose Save to save your changes.

Seafarers 169
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6.2.4. Certificates
On the Certificates subtab, you can manage the required certificates of the selected seafarer.

The system automatically generates the required documents according to the settings you
defined under Settings > Documents. For more information about the general behavior, see
Documents [12].
The status indicator next to Certificates corresponds to the worst status of all entries on this
The subtab is divided into the following cards:

• Certificates
This card lists all the required certificates for the selected seafarer. The list of certificates
is grouped according to the settings made under Settings > Documents > Document Set-
tings > Certificates. For more information, see Manage Document Settings.
The following groups are available:
• STCW Requirements
The certificates listed in this group cannot be moved. If you want to edit this group, go to
Settings > Documents > Document Settings > Certificates > STCW.
• Flag State Certificates
• Nationality Requirements
The certificates listed in this group cannot be moved. If you want to edit this group, go to
Settings > Documents > Document Settings > Certificates > Nationality Extra.
• Other Certificates
All certificates that are not assigned to a specific group or are relevant for an assign-
• Competencies & Endorsements
This card lists all the required competencies and endorsements.
• Flag State Endorsements

Seafarers 170
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This card lists all the required flag state endorsements.

The following features are generally available on the Certificates subtab:

• Add, move, edit, or delete the certificates on the different cards.

For more information, see
• Add Certificates [171]
• Move Certificates [176]
• Filter the cards for issues by selecting the Issues only checkbox.
Only the certificates in status Orange, Red, or Purple will be listed.
• Choose the document actions icon ( ) to carry out one of the following actions:
• Download certificates
• Send email
If you choose this option, your default mail application automatically opens a new win-
dow including a link to the respective document that is stored in the Cloud and available
for three weeks.
• Move items into the outbox
Use this option if you want to select several documents from one or multiple seafarers
and then send them together in a batch.
In general, the outbox includes all documents for every seafarer that were marked as
such. The documents can be selected, added, or removed separately or in a bulk. If you
choose send, a ZIP file is generated including all documents, which you can then attach
to an email. Add Certificates

1. Go to Seafarers > Certificates.
2. On the Certificates card, choose Add and enter the following information in the dialog

You can also edit or delete existing certificates. Simply select a certificate
from the table and choose Edit or Delete.

a. Certificate
Select a certificate from the drop-down list.
b. Reference (optional)
c. Issue
Enter the date on which the certificate was issued.
d. Expiry
Enter the date on which the certificate expires.
e. Number (optional)

Seafarers 171
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Enter a certificate number.

f. Flag State (optional)
Select the relevant flag state from the drop-down list.

If you select a flag state while creating the certificate, the newly cre-
ated certificate is then automatically grouped under Flag State Certifi-

g. Never Expires (optional)

Select this checkbox, if the certificate doesn't have an expiry date.
h. Remark (optional)
Enter any additional remarks in this field. A remark icon ( ) is then added to the

3. In the Document area, you can choose the icon to add a document to the certificate
or simply drag and drop it into this area.
You can also remove existing documents by choosing the trash icon ( ).
4. Optionally, you can also disable the certificate so that it will no longer be included in any
validation even if the document is expired.
Choose Disable in the lower-left corner of the dialog window.

You can reactivate the certificate by choosing Enable.

5. Choose Save to save your changes. Add Competencies and Endorsements

1. Go to Seafarers > Certificates.

2. On the Competencies & Endorsements card, choose Add and enter the following infor-
mation in the dialog window:

You can also edit or delete existing competencies. Simply select a compe-
tency from the list and choose Edit or Delete.

a. Competency
Select a competency from the drop-down list.
b. STCW Regulation (optional)

Seafarers 172
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The STCW regulation is automatically derived from the competency. The field is
read-only and cannot be edited if the setting for advanced competency handling
was activated. Otherwise, the field is editable.
The STCW regulation that was defined for a competency ensures that for all ranks
to which the same STCW regulation was assigned, the corresponding competency
is automatically generated. If auto-generation takes place, depends on the rank a
seafarer is holding in general and during an assignment.

By default, competencies are created manually. It is, however, possible
to auto-generate competencies based on the defined settings. Contact
the support team, if you require the auto-generation.

c. Name (optional)
The name is automatically derived from the competency, but you can overwrite it
d. Number (optional)
Enter a number.
e. Issue
Enter the date on which the competency was issued.
f. Expiry
Enter the date on which the competency expires.
g. Never Expires (optional)
Select this checkbox, if the competency doesn't have an expiry date.
h. Rank
Select the rank to which the competency applies from the drop-down list.
i. Remark
Enter any additional remarks in this field. A remark icon ( ) is then added to the

3. In the Document area, you can choose the icon to add documents to the competency
or simply drag and drop it into this area.
4. In the Endorsements & Verifications area, you can add a new endorsement by choosing
the icon or Add in the upper right corner.

If you've set up the auto-generation of documents, endorsements are also
automatically generated if a setting was defined for the nationality of the

Seafarers 173
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You can edit or delete existing endorsements by choosing the correspond-
ing buttons.

5. In the dialog window, enter the following information:

a. Name (optional)
The name is automatically derived from the competency, but you can overwrite it
b. Number (optional)
Enter a number for the endorsement.
c. Issue Place (optional)
Specify the place where the endorsement was issued.
d. Issue
Enter the date on which the endorsement was issued.
e. Expiry
Enter the date on which the endorsement expires.
f. Never Expires
Select this checkbox, if the endorsement doesn't have an expiry date.
g. Verification of COC (optional)
Select this checkbox, if you don't enter an endorsement to the certificate of compe-
tency (COC) but a verification.
Once you select this checkbox, a ribbon icon ( ) is added to the endorsement.
h. Remark (optional)
Enter any additional remarks in this field. A remark icon ( ) is then added to the
i. In the Document area, you can choose the icon to add documents to the endorse-
ment or simply drag and drop it into this area.
You can also remove existing documents by choosing the trash icon ( ).
j. Optionally, you can also disable the endorsement so that it will no longer be inclu-
ded in any validation even if the document is expired.
Choose Disable in the lower-left corner of the dialog window.

You can reactivate the endorsement by choosing Enable.

k. Choose Save to save your changes.

6. Optionally, you can also disable the competency so that it will no longer be included in
any validation even if the document is expired.
Choose Disable in the lower-left corner of the dialog window.

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You can reactivate the competency by choosing Enable.

7. Choose Save to save your changes. Add Flag State Endorsements

1. Go to Seafarers > Certificates.

2. On the Flag State Endorsements card, choose Add and enter the following information:

If a competency setting was defined and auto-generation for flag state en-
dorsements was set up by your system administrator, a flag state endorse-
ment for the ongoing and all planned assignments of the seafarer is auto-
If you don't enter any data, the flag state endorsement is automatically re-
moved if the requirement is no longer valid.

You can also edit or delete existing flag state endorsements. Simply select
an endorsement from the list and choose Edit or Delete.

a. CRA
Select this checkbox, if the endorsement represents a certificate of receipt of appli-
cation (CRA). All endorsements with the indicator CRA are listed on the dashboard
as part of the My Expiring CRAs card. For more information, see My Expiring CRAs

Once you select this checkbox, CRA is automatically added to the
name of the endorsement.

b. Competency (optional)
Select the relevant competency from the drop-down list.
c. STCW Regulation (optional)
The STCW regulation is automatically derived from the competency. The field is
read-only and cannot be edited if the setting for advanced competency handling
was activated. Otherwise, the field is editable.

Seafarers 175
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By default, competencies are created manually. It is, however, possible
to auto-generate competencies based on the defined settings. Contact
the support team, if you require the auto-generation.

d. Name (optional)
The name is automatically derived from the competency, but you can overwrite it
e. Number (optional)
Enter a number for the endorsement.
f. Issue
Enter the date on which the endorsement was issued.
g. Expiry
Enter the date on which the endorsement expires.
h. Never Expires (optional)
Select this checkbox, if the endorsement doesn't have an expiry date.
i. Rank
Select the rank to which the endorsement applies from the drop-down list.
j. Flag State
Select the relevant flag state from the drop-down list.
k. Remark (optional)
Enter any additional remarks in this field. A remark icon ( ) is then added to the

3. In the Documents area, you can choose the icon to add documents to the flag state
endorsement or simply drag and drop it into this area.
You can also remove existing documents by choosing the trash icon ( ).
4. Optionally, you can also disable the endorsement so that it will no longer be included in
any validation even if the document is expired.
Choose Disable in the lower-left corner of the dialog window.

You can reactivate the endorsement by choosing Enable.

5. Choose Save to save your changes. Move Certificates

1. Go to Seafarers > Certificates.
2. Choose one of the following cards:

Seafarers 176
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a. Certificates
b. Competencies & Endorsements
c. Flag State Endorsements
3. On the respective card, select a certificate and choose Move to.
4. Select one of the following groups from the drop-down list to move the selected certifi-
cate to this group:

Depending certificate type that you want to move not all groups might ap-

a. Other Certificates
b. Medical Certificates
c. Licenses
d. Flag State Endorsements
e. Certificates
f. Competencies & Endorsements
5. Confirm the warning message.

Depending on to which group you want to move the certificate, the action
might not be reversible.
When moving a certificate to the Flag State Certificates group, you need to
enter some required data.

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6.2.5. Fitness
On the Fitness subtab, you can manage medical certificates and reports.

The system automatically generates the required documents according to the settings you
defined under Settings > Documents. For more information about the general behavior, see
Documents [12].
The subtab is divided into the following cards:

• Medical Certificates
This card lists medical certificates of different types that were maintained for the respec-
tive seafarer.
You can add, move, edit, and delete the different medical certificates depending on the
rights that are assigned to your user.
• Medical Reports
This card lists all medical reports that were maintained for the selected seafarer.

Medical reports are required if a seafarer is to receive sick wages while he is

You can add, edit, delete, and view medical reports depending on the rights that are as-
signed to your user.
The Show button is relevant for users with Read access, only.
From there, you can also add, edit, delete, view, and export entries for the seafarer's exami-
nation history.

Seafarers 178
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If you create an entry for the seafarer's examination history prior to the po-
tential doctor's appointment, you can then export the entry to an MS Word
file. This allows the doctor to fill in the relevant data during the examination. Add Medical Certificates

1. Go to Seafarers > Fitness.

2. On the Medical Certificates card, choose Add.

You can also edit or delete medical certificates. Simply select a certificate
from the table and choose Edit or Delete.

3. Select the type of medical certificate that you want to create from the drop-down list.
The following types are available:
a. Medical Certificates
b. Vaccination Certificates
c. Flag State Medical Certificates

4. Enter the following information in the dialog window:

a. Medical or Vaccination
Select the relevant type from the drop-down list.
b. Issue
Enter the date on which the certificate was issued.
c. Expiry
Enter the date on which the certificate expires.
d. Never Expires (optional)
Select this checkbox, if the certificate doesn't have an expiry date.
e. Remark (optional)
Enter any additional remarks in this field. The certificate then gets a remark icon.

5. In the Document area, you can choose the icon to add a document to the certificate
or simply drag and drop it into this area.
You can also remove existing documents by choosing the trash icon ( ).
6. Optionally, you can also disable the medical certificate so that it will no longer be inclu-
ded in any validation even if the certificate is expired.
Choose Disable in the lower-left corner of the dialog window.

Seafarers 179
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You can reactivate the certificate by choosing Enable.

7. Choose Save to save your changes. Move Medical Certificates

1. Go to Seafarers > Fitness.
2. Select a medical certificate from the Medical Certificates card and choose Move To.
3. Select the type of medical certificate to which you want to move the selected certificate
from the drop-down list.
Depending on which type of medical certificate you want to move, the following are
a. Medical Certificates / Medicals
b. Flag State Medical Certificates
c. Vaccinations
4. Confirm the warning message.

Depending to which type of medical certificate you want to move the certif-
icate, the action might not be reversible.
When moving a certificate to the Flag State Medical Certificates, you need
to edit some data. Add Medical Reports

Medical reports are typically created on board the vessel using CSM. If possible, they are al-
so already completed using CSM.
A medical report that was created on board the vessel is available within CFM Crewing after
synchronization and can then be processed further. An overview of all medical reports and
their statuses can be found in the Illness Report. For more information, see Illness Report
Open medical reports are displayed with a red bar and completed reports with a green bar.

1. Go to Seafarers > Fitness.

2. On the Medical Reports card, choose Add.

You can also edit or delete existing medical reports. Simply select a medi-
cal report and choose Edit or Delete.

Seafarers 180
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3. In the dialog window, enter the following information in the General section:
a. Description/Symptoms
Enter a description and the symptoms of the seafarer to the medical report.
b. Reporting Date
Specify the date on which the symptoms were reported. By default, the current date
is predefined.
c. Assignment
Select an assignment during which the symptoms occurred from the drop-down list.

If the medical report is created on board the vessel, the assignment is
predefined as only one assignment is available.

d. Current Master (optional)

Select the seafarer who is the current master on board the vessel from the drop-
down list.

If the medical report is created on board the vessel, the current master
is predefined as only one current master is available for that vessel.

e. Sickness Periods (optional)

Specify sickness periods by choosing the icon or Add in the upper right corner of
the area.
If you're editing an existing medical report, select an existing sickness period and
choose Edit.

Depending on the wage scales you defined under Settings > Wage
Scales > Edit > Edit Paycode Matrix, certain seafarers might receive a
wage while they're on sick leave.
In this case, maintaining sickness periods is required.

In the dialog window, enter the following information:

Specify the minimum required information indicated by a star.
i. Sickness Start
Enter the start date of the sickness period.
ii. Sickness End
Enter the end date of the sickness period.

Seafarers 181
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iii. Sickness Type

Select the type of sickness from the drop-down list.

Sickness types are defined under Settings > Miscellaneous > Per-
sonal History Types.
A payroll for the sickness period is only generated if the selected
person history type is connected to at least one earning in the
paycode matrix.
When you specify personal history types, you need to choose Ill-
ness as the Type.
For more information, see Create Person History Types [100].

Sickness periods override all other periods. That means only the wage is paid
for the entire period that was defined for the personal history type.
iv. Condition (optional)
Specify whether the seafarer can still carry out his tasks according to the ex-
aminer's diagnosis by choosing one of the following conditions from the drop-
down list:
A. Fit for duty
B. Fit for light duty
C. Unfit for duty

Only if you select this condition, the sickness period is con-
sidered in the payroll and elements defined in the paycode
matrix for the assigned wage are paid. Sickness periods are
considered independent of the seafarer's assignment dura-
tion. That is in the event a seafarer was already signed off
due to sickness CFM Crewing generates monthly payrolls as
long as an active sickness period in condition Unfit for Duty
is available.

v. Remark (optional)
Enter any additional remarks in this field. The sickness period then gets a
remark icon.
f. Illness/Injury Types
Select an injury type from the drop-down list.

Seafarers 182
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Injury types are defined in CFM Miscellaneous under General > Body
Parts & Injury Types.
If you haven't defined any injury types or aren't using CFM Miscellane-
ous, you won't be able to fill out this field.

g. Case is an injury (optional)

Select this checkbox, if the case is an injury.
The following additional fields need to be specified:
i. Injury Category (optional)
Select an injury category from the drop-down list.

Injury categories are predefined in the system and cannot be edi-

ii. On Board Location (optional)

Select an on board location from the drop-down list.

On board locations are defined in CFM Miscellaneous under Gen-
eral > Location on Board.
If you haven't defined any on board locations or aren't using CFM
Miscellaneous, you won't be able to fill out this field.

h. Is work related (optional)

Select this checkbox, if the case happened while the seafarer carried out his work.
i. Caused by accident (optional)
Select this checkbox, if the seafarer was involved in an accident which caused the
j. Affected Body Areas (optional)
Select the affected body parts from the drop-down list.

Body parts are defined in CFM Miscellaneous under General > Body
Parts & Injury Types.

Seafarers 183
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k. Remark (optional)
Enter any additional remarks in this field. The medical report then gets a remark
4. Choose Save to save your changes.

Once you've saved the medical report, you can add information to the other
sections in the dialog window.

5. In the Examination History section, choose Add in the upper right corner.
Enter the relevant information in the dialog window.
For more information on how to do this, see Add Examination History [184].
6. In the P&I Case section, enter the following information:
a. Is P&I Case
Select this checkbox, if the medical report is a protection and indemnity (P&I) case.
b. P&I Reference Number
Enter the reference number relevant for the insurance.
c. P&I Close Date
Enter the date on which the P&I case was closed and is no longer relevant for the
selected seafarer.
d. Man Hours
Enter the number of man hours in this field.
7. Choose Save to save your changes.
8. In the Documents section, you can add required documents by choosing the icon,
dragging and dropping the documents into this area, or choosing Add in the upper right
You can also edit the name of a document by choosing Edit.
9. In the Activities section, you can see all changes that have been carried out on the re-
spective medical report.
10. To close an existing medical report, choose Close Report.

Add Examination History

1. Go to Seafarers > Fitness.

2. On the Medical Reports card, choose Add.
3. Navigate to the Examination History section and choose Add in the upper right corner.

You can also edit or delete an existing examination history. Simply select
one from the Examination History area and choose Edit or Delete.

Seafarers 184
CFM Crewing

4. Enter the relevant information in the dialog window:

When creating a medical report on board the vessel using CSM, it makes
sense to specify only the Date of Consultation and then export the report
so that the physician can fill out the rest. After the visit at the physician,
the information can then be entered in the system and the completed re-
port added as an attachment.

a. Date of Consultation
Specify the date and time on which the seafarer was examined.
b. End of Consultation Date (optional)
Specify the date and time on which the examination was finished.
c. Examiner (optional)
Select whether the examiner was a Seafarer or a Doctor from the drop-down list.
d. Examiner's name and address (optional)
Enter the examiner's name and address in this field.
e. Diagnosis (optional)
Enter a description of the diagnosis in this field.
f. Treatment/Investigation (optional)
Enter details for the treatment in this field.
g. Condition (optional)
Specify whether the seafarer can still carry out his tasks according to the examin-
er's diagnosis by choosing one of the following conditions from the drop-down list:
i. Fit for duty
ii. Fit for light duty
iii. Unfit for duty
h. Patient recommended to be signed off
Select this checkbox, if the seafarer should sign off the vessel due to his medical
Specify the following additional information:
i. Sign-off Port
Select the port where the seafarer should sign off from the drop-down list or
choose the position icon to choose a port from the vessel's schedule.
ii. Sign-off Date
Enter the date on which the seafarer signs off.

Seafarers 185
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The medical report is independent of the corresponding assign-
ment, which means that the information entered here doesn't lead
to an automatic sign-off of the seafarer. The assignment itself
must be updated accordingly.

iii. Date of Repatriation

Enter the date on which the seafarer is repatriated to his home country.
iv. Next of Kin
Select a next of kin from the drop-down list.

You specify next of kins and children under Seafarers > Particu-

v. Kin Contact Details

Enter the contact details of the selected next of kin in this field.

If contact details of the next of kin are already available, they are
displayed in this field.

i. Hospitalized (optional)
Select this checkbox, if the seafarer needs to be hospitalized.
Specify the following additional information:
i. Name and Address of Hospital
Enter the name and the address of the hospital in this field.
ii. Agent Details
Enter the details of the seafarer's agent in this field.
iii. Patient Contact Details
Enter the contact details of the seafarer in this field.
iv. Next of Kin
Select a next of kin from the drop-down list.
v. Kin Contact Details
Enter the contact details of the selected next of kin in this field.

5. Choose Save to save your changes.

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6.2.6. Performance
On the Performance subtab, you can manage performance reports and disciplinary records
for every assignment of the selected seafarer.

The subtab is divided into the following cards:

• Performance Reports
This card lists performance reports of a selected assignment. Each performance report
has an impact on the overall rating of a seafarer. Out of all performance reports for an as-
signment, the average value is calculated and displayed in stars for the assignment in the
sidebar. Out of all performance reports the average value is calculated and displayed in
stars in the seafarer's summary.
The reports can be created manually or in certain mandatory intervals based on settings
made in the customer's database. If you want to define intervals, please contact the sup-
port team.
The system uses the date that is transferred from the database for the performance report
interval. Possible formats are:
• mX - Month X in the year the data is transferred. Possible values for X are 1 to 12.
• Xm - X months after the start of the assignment
• Xd - X days after the start of the assignment
• e - At the end of the assignment
• eXd - X days before the end of the assignment
• eXm - X months before the of the assignment
Typically, performance reports are created on board and are then processed within CFM
Crewing for validation and confirmation reasons.
You can add, edit, delete, and view performance reports of a selected assignment depend-
ing on the rights that are assigned to your user. You can also assign a new appraisal for
the selected seafarer and select an office user to confirm the appraisal. This might be use-
ful for seafarers whose performance cannot be rated on board the vessel. Typical ranks for
this procedure are Master and Chief Engineer.

Seafarers 187
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A color code indicates the status of the performance report:

The status indicator next to the Performance subtab displays the worst sta-
tus of all performance reports. The sidebar Assignments also displays the
worst status of the listed performance reports.

• Green - Everything is okay. No reports or documents are missing.

• Red - The performance report hasn't been confirmed, yet.
• Purple - A mandatory performance report was generated, but hasn't been processed so

If you don't want mandatory performance reports to be displayed as miss-
ing, contact the support team.

You can also export performance reports as PDF files.

• Disciplinary Record
This card lists all entries of the seafarer's disciplinary record.
You can add, edit, and delete disciplinary records of a selected assignment depending on
the rights that are assigned to your user. Add Performance Reports

1. Go to Seafarers > Performance.
2. Select an assignment from the Assignments list on the left.
3. On the Performance Reports card, choose the icon or Add in the upper right corner of
the card.

You can also edit or delete existing performance reports. Simply select a
report from the list and choose Edit or Delete.
If the performance report has already been confirmed, you won't be able to
edit anything. You first need to unconfirm the report by choosing the
icon and then Unconfirm.

4. In the dialog window, enter the following information:

Specify the minimum required information indicated by a star.

Seafarers 188
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a. Start Date
Enter a start date for the performance report. The selected date marks the begin-
ning of the evaluation period. In some cases it could be the same as the assign-
ment's start date.
b. End Date
Specify an end date for the performance report. The selected date marks the end of
the evaluation period. In some cases it could be the same as the assignment's end
The end date can, however, never be later than the sign-off date.
c. Head of Department (mandatory)
Select the responsible head of the department from the drop-down list.
d. Master (mandatory)
Select the responsible master from the drop-down list.
CFM Crewing prefills this field based on the Master who was on board for the evalu-
ation period. If multiple Masters were on board, you can select the applicable one
from the drop-down list.
e. Should be reemployed
Select this checkbox, if you want to employ the selected seafarer for future assign-
f. Should be promoted
Select this checkbox, if the selected seafarer is eligible for a promotion.
g. Needs training
Select this checkbox, if the selected seafarer needs further training to carry out his
Once you've selected this checkbox a remark must be entered in the field Necessary
h. Briefing/Debriefing
Select this checkbox, if the selected seafarer needs a briefing or debriefing.
i. License available
Select this checkbox, if the selected seafarer already has a license for a higher rank
and could thus be promoted.
j. Necessary Training
Specify which type of training is necessary for the selected seafarer to carry out his
tasks or to be eligible for a promotion.
k. Vessel Remark
The captain on board the vessel can enter a remark using CSM. The field is always
displayed in CFM Crewing and CSM.
l. Office Remark
The office can enter a remark on the relevant performance report. This field is not
displayed on board the vessel using CSM.
m. Attachment

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In this section, you can add a required document by choosing the icon or simply
dragging and dropping the documents into this area.
5. In the dialog window on the right, you rate the selected seafarer's performance.

The criteria based on which the seafarers are rated are defined on data-
base level. We define the criteria for every customer individually and we
can define as many criteria as the customer requires.
The rating system is also defined on the database level and is done on rank

6. Choose Save to save your changes.

For the performance report to take effect it has to be confirmed by another
user. It is possible to define that a second, different user must confirm the
report, if you require this setting, contact the support team.
If the performance report is not confirmed, it appears on the Performances
to Confirm card on the dashboard.

7. Open the performance report and choose Confirm so that the performance report be-
comes effective.

The confirmation can be revoked by choosing icon and then Unconfirm.
To be able to do this, you need a specific user right.

8. Optionally, you can export the performance report as a PDF file. Add Disciplinary Records

1. Go to Seafarers > Performance.
2. On the Disciplinary Record card, choose the icon or Add in the upper right corner of
the card.

You can also edit or delete disciplinary records. Simply select a record from
the list and choose Edit or Delete.

3. In the dialog window, enter the following information:

Seafarers 190
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a. Title
Enter a meaningful title for the disciplinary record.
b. Date
Specify the date on which the incident occurred.
c. Assignment
Select an assignment during which the incident occurred.
If the disciplinary record was created on board the vessel using CSM, the assign-
ment is preselected.
d. Disciplinary Type (optional)
Select the respective disciplinary type from the drop-down list. This could be 1.
Warning, for example.

The disciplinary types are predefined, but can be adapted if required.
Contact the support team for changes.

e. Description
Enter a description explaining the reason for the disciplinary record.
f. Documents
In the Documents section, you can add required documents by choosing the icon,
dragging and dropping the documents into this area, or choosing Add in the upper
right corner.

You can edit the file name after uploading the document to the system
or delete it completely.

4. Choose Save to save your changes.

Seafarers 191
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6.2.7. Assignments
On the Assignments subtab, you can manage data that is specific to the seafarer's assign-
ments, past sea services, and the personal history of the selected seafarer, for example.

The subtab is divided into the following categories which in turn consist of different cards:

• Assignments
In this category, you get an overview of the assignments of the selected seafarer.
This category is subdivided into the following cards:
• Assignments
This card shows the current and future assignments of the seafarer as well as his com-
plete assignment history. Further it is possible to maintain your past sea services re-
You can add, edit, or delete assignments from this card.
Additionally, you can choose to show or hide leave periods in the Duration column of the
assignments list. Simply choose Show/Hide Leave Periods above the table.
By double-clicking on any of the assignments from the list, the current or future assign-
ment on top of the card, you navigate into the details of the specific assignment. This
screen is again divided into the following cards:
• Contract
On the Contracts card, you get general information on the seafarer's contract, such as
his rank, his agency applicable as of the assignment start, and the vessel on which the
assignment takes place. From this card, you can edit the contract, create a letter of
guarantee (LOG) or create a contract, if needed.
• Wages
On the Wages card, you get an overview of the seafarer's wages for the selected as-
signment. For a voyage employee, you can edit the wages or change the wage scale
as long as they're not confirmed, yet.

Seafarers 192
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If the seafarer has a permanent contract, the wages are automatically
taken from the contract and you cannot edit the wages on this card.

The number of dates displayed on top of the card shows that split wages or wage
scale versions exist.
Additionally, you can define a home allotment by choosing the arrow icon.

The option to add a home allotment is only visible if you have maintained
a bank account for the selected seafarer.

• Payroll Settings
On the Payroll Settings card, you get an overview of the payroll settings that are valid
for the seafarer during the current assignment. You can add, edit, delete, or show the
payroll settings of the seafarer depending on the rights that are assigned to your user.
If no payroll settings are defined on this level, the settings in the following order are
applied, if available:
• Payroll settings of the seafarer
• Payroll settings of the assigned wage scale
• Payroll settings of the seafarer's nationality
• Payroll settings of the seafarer's agency
• Global payroll settings
• Contributions
On the Contributions card, you get an overview of the contributions that were defined
for a Filipino seafarer. These contributions are subtracted from his home allotment to-
gether with the PHL contributions.
You can add, edit, or delete contributions.
• Documents
On the Documents card, you see the list of documents that are necessary for the cur-
rent assignment. You can add additional documents, download the documents, send
an email with the document attached or add them to the outbox.

You define the required documents under Settings > Documents.
For more information, see Documents [12].

• Briefing/Debriefing
On the Briefing/Debriefing card, you get detailed information on the seafarer's briefing
and debriefing. You can also edit the existing information.

Seafarers 193
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• Sign-on Ticket
On the Sign-on Ticket card, you get information on the sign-on flight of the seafarer.
You can also edit or cancel the sign-on flight.
• Sign-off Ticket
On the Sign-off Ticket card, you get information on the sign-off flight of the seafarer.
You can also edit or cancel the sign-off flight.

The confirmation of sign-off tickets by the Captain on board the vessel
using CSM Crewing has no effect on the status of the sign-off ticket in
CFM Crewing.

• Experience
On the Experience card, you get an overview of the experiences that were created on
board the vessel by the seafarer using CSM.
In general, the captain on board the vessel approves or rejects these experiences. The
office can, however, also add, edit or delete experiences and approve or reject experi-
ences that were created using CSM.
It is even possible to reopen an experience that has already been approved and edit it.
• Past Sea Services
Lists all past sea services of the selected seafarer done for a different employer.
You can add, edit, or delete past sea services from this card.

Past sea services are relevant to calculate the overall experience of a sea-
farer. They can also be taken into account when calculating bonuses.

• Personal History
Lists the personal history of the selected seafarer. When you plan assignments or add
sickness periods for a seafarer, this data is automatically transferred to his personal his-
In the Personal History table, you see all events for the selected seafarer and can man-
ually correct the ones which are not allowed.
Events are marked with a color code:
• Green
Represents the current ongoing period.
• Orange
One or more events are overlapping, but they don't interfere with each other and are
therefore allowed.
• Red
One or more events are overlapping and they interfere with each other, which is not

Seafarers 194
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One or more events are overlapping and they interfere with each other, which is not al-
You can also add, edit, or delete entries of the personal history from this card manually,
as well.

Entries in the personal history of a seafarer are taken into account when
calculating the payroll of a seafarer. The system checks for suitable wage
Depending on the seafarer's contract, certain personal history entries are
ignored when calculating the payroll, such as Leave Days for voyage em-
If you specify values manually, ensure that these values don't overlap with
automatically generated entries in the future. This is why the Overlapping
Person History Records card is available on the dashboard.

• Statistics
In this category, you get an overview of the seafarers' activity for a selected year.
A bar chart displays for every month where the selected seafarer was. Every type of activi-
ty is displayed in a different color.
By default, the statistics for the current year are displayed. To view a different year, select a
value from the drop-down list by choosing the arrow icon.
• Contracts
In this category, you get an overview of the contract status of the selected seafarer.
It is subdivided into the following cards:
• Permanent Contracts
Lists the permanent contracts of the selected seafarer.
You can add, edit, or delete permanent contracts from this card. You can also add payroll
settings to a permanent contract directly from the dialog window while editing the per-
manent contract.
• Employment Days
Displays the hiring date of the seafarer and allows you to overwrite the calculated start
date for the company bonus.
• Payroll Settings
Lists the payroll settings relevant for this seafarer.
You can add, edit, delete, or view payroll settings from this card depending on the rights
that have been assigned to your user.
The settings defined here are disregarding all deviating settings made on global, agency,
or nationality level and are only overridden by wage scale-specific or assignment-specif-
ic payroll settings.
• Rank Bonus

Seafarers 195
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Allows you to overwrite the calculated start date for the determination of split wages for
a specific rank of the seafarer starting from a specific month.
You can add, edit, or delete rank bonuses.
• Leave Balance
Lists the leave balances of the selected seafarer.
You can add, edit, or delete the leave balance. Add Assignments

In general, assignments are created on the Crew List or the Planning tab when setting reliefs
or doing rotation planning, but you can also maintain assignments for a specific seafarer
from the Assignments subtab.
This option should only be used to enter historical assignments in the system. It's more con-
venient to add assignments on the Crew List or Planning tab, though. For more information,
see Crew List [246] and Planning - Overview [273].

1. Go to Seafarers > Assignments.

2. In the Assignments category on the Assignments card, choose Add to create a new as-
3. In the dialog window, enter the following information:
a. Vessel (optional)
Select the vessel on which the assignment takes place from the drop-down list. By
default, the first vessel in the list is set.
b. Rank
Select the relevant rank for the assignment from the drop-down list. By default, the
first rank in the list is taken.
c. Start of Contract (Departure Home)
Specify a date on which the contract starts and the seafarer departs from home.

Once you've set the start of contract date, the system calculates the
values based on the settings for months and days on board as defined
under Settings > Ranks.

d. Embarkation Date
Specify the date on which the seafarer embarks the vessel.

By default, the system presets the date as one day after the Start of
Contract date. If the contract of the seafarer starts on March 19, 2020,
the Embarkation Date is automatically set to 20/03/2020.

Seafarers 196
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e. Relief of (optional)
Select the seafarer for whom the selected seafarer is the replacement from the
drop-down list.

You first need to set a rank and then the start date for the contract be-
fore you can select the relevant relief. The system then automatically
selects the seafarers with the same rank that are available during the
specified contract time.

f. Embarkation Port
Select the port at which the seafarer embarks the vessel.
By default, TBA (Unknown) is set by the system. If you're using CFM Schedules and
have maintained a schedule for the selected vessel, you can choose the position
icon and select the relevant port from the planned schedule. Otherwise, select a
port from the drop-down list.
g. Assignment Type (optional)
Select the assignment type from the drop-down list. We differentiate between Pro-
bation and Regular. If you select Probation, a magnifier icon is displayed in the
assignments list on the Summary subtab.
h. EOC
Specify the date on which the assignment ends - the end of contract.
The date is set automatically based on the start date of the contract plus the de-
fault months and days on board as defined under Settings > Ranks.
i. -/+ Month (optional)
Enter the number of months the end of contract date can vary. If you enter a value
here, the seafarer is shown as overdue after the EOC and the number of months en-
tered have passed.
You can enter a negative value as long as the disembarkation date is on the same
day or later than the EOC.
j. Estimated Disembarkation Date
Specify the estimated disembarkation date of the seafarer.
The date is automatically set based on the contract start date plus the default
months and days on board as defined under Settings > Ranks.
k. End of Contract (Arrival at Home)
Specify the date on which the contract ends and the seafarer actually arrives at

By default, the system presets the date as one day after the Estimated
Disembarkation Date. If the contract of the seafarer ends on June 17,
2020, the End of Contract date is automatically set to 18/06/2020.

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l. Sign-off Request (optional)

Specify the date on which the seafarer would like to sign-off. This date is a personal
wish of the seafarer and doesn't have any impact on payroll calculations. It is also
displayed in the crew list and in planning.
m. Next Available From (optional)
Specify the date on which the seafarer is available for new assignments. The date
set here overrides the Available From date of a seafarer, if he is in status Embarked
for the selected assignment.
The date specified here overwrites the Available From date of a seafarer, if the sea-
farer's status for this assignment is Embarked.
n. Est. Disembarkation Port
Select the port at which the seafarer disembarks the vessel.
By default, TBA (Unknown) is set by the system. If you're using CFM Schedules and
have maintained a schedule for the selected vessel, you can choose the position
icon and select the relevant port from the planned schedule. Otherwise, select a
port from the drop-down list.
o. Registered Owner
Select the company that is the registered owner of the vessel from the drop-down
list. By default, the system presets this field with the company that had the Regis-
tered Owner role at the beginning of the assignment in the vessel's particulars and
its since date is earlier than or equal to the assignment start date. Otherwise, the
system presets this field with Not selected.
p. Employer
Select the employer of the seafarer from the drop-down list. By default, the system
presets this field with the employer that had the Employer Officers or Employer -
Ratings role at the beginning of the assignment in the vessel's particulars and it's
since date is earlier than or equal to the assignment start date. Whether the employ-
er for officers or ratings is taken, is determined based on the rank settings.
Otherwise, the system presets this field with Not selected.
q. Crew Manager
Select the responsible crew manager from the drop-down list. By default, the sys-
tem presets this field with the company that had the Crew Manager role at the be-
ginning of the assignment in the vessel's particulars and its since date is earlier
than or equal to the assignment start date. Otherwise, the system presets this field
with Not selected.
r. Crew Accounting
Select the responsible crew accounting company from the drop-down list. By de-
fault, the system presets this field with the company that had the Crew Accounting -
Officers or Crew Accounting - Ratings role at the beginning of the assignment in the
vessel's particulars and its since date is earlier than the assignment start date.
Whether the crew accounting for officers or ratings is taken, is determined based on
the rank settings.
Otherwise, the system presets this field with Not Selected.

Seafarers 198
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Crew accounting is an optional feature that can be activated by the
support team if you require it.
When you assign a crew accounting company to an assignment of a
seafarer, only users that were assigned the same crew accounting
company have access to the payroll of the seafarer whose assignment
corresponds to the crew accounting company.
For more information, see Assign Crew Accounting to Users [114].

s. Remark (optional)
Enter any remarks for the assignment in this field.
t. Sign-off Reason (optional)
Select a sign-off reason from the drop-down list.

You define sign-off reasons under Settings > Miscellaneous.
For more information, see Create Sign-off Reasons [99].

u. Is Confirmed (optional)
Select this checkbox, if the assignment has already been confirmed. This informa-
tion is used to indicate whether a planning is in its final status, that is all parties
have agreed that the seafarer is destined to embark the vessel upon given contrac-
tual terms. Once a planning is confirmed, preparations for embarkation, such as
booking flights and informing an agent, should be undertaken.
v. Status
Select a status for the assignment from the drop-down list:

The system automatically determines the status based on the start or
end date of the assignment and notifies you if the data don't match
the status. If you want to deviate from this, the status must be
changed before you can save your entries.

i. Assignment is planned
ii. Seaman has embarked vessel
iii. Seaman has disembarked vessel
w. Paid on Owner's Account (optional)
Select this checkbox, if an additional crew should be hired that is registered on your
payroll, but should be paid by the owner of the crew. A post-process is then trig-
gered using the payroll API.

Seafarers 199
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This information is passed on as part of the Payroll API, but doesn't have any influ-
ence on calculations.
4. Choose Save to save your changes. Edit Assignments

1. Go to Seafarers > Assignments.
2. In the Assignments category on the Assignments card, select an entry from the list and
choose Edit.
3. The system navigates to a detail screen that provides information on the following as-
signment-specific data:
a. Contract
On this card, you can edit all contractual data related to the selected assignment.
Simply choose Edit in the upper right corner.
b. Wages
On this card, you can edit the wage of the seafarer for the selected assignment.
Simply choose Edit in the upper right corner.
c. Payroll Settings
On this card, you can edit the payroll settings of the seafarer for the selected as-
signment. Simply choose Edit in the upper right corner.

The payroll settings defined here are specific to the assignment of the
selected seafarer and independent of the global payroll settings you
defined under Settings > Payrolls.
You cannot make nationality or agency-specific settings on this level,
as this is already implied by the specific assignment.

For more information, see Add Payroll Settings [71].

d. Documents
On this card, you can edit the documents required for the selected seafarer. Simply
select a document and choose Edit in the upper right corner.
e. Briefing / Debriefing
On this card, you can edit the entries made for briefings or debriefings. Simply se-
lect an entry and choose Edit in the upper right corner.
f. Sign-on Ticket
On this card, you can add the seafarer's sign-on ticket for the flight to the embarka-
tion port. Simply choose Add in the upper right corner.
By default, the ticket details include the departure and arrival airports. It is, however,
possible to activate a setting requiring details on every flight segment. To do this,
contact the support team.
g. Sign-off Ticket

Seafarers 200
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On this card, you can add the seafarer's sign-off ticket for his flight back home. Sim-
ply choose Add in the upper right corner.

The confirmation of sign-off tickets by the Captain on board the vessel
using CSM Crewing has no effect on the status of the sign-off ticket in
CFM Crewing.

h. Experience
On this card, you can manage the seafarer's experience by adding or editing new en-
tries to the list. Once added, they need to be approved.

Experiences are generally added on board the vessel using CSM, but
can also be managed using CFM Crewing.

For more information, see:

• Edit Contracts [201]

• Create Letters of Guarantee [202]
• Create Contracts [202]
• Edit Wages [202]
• Edit Briefing/Debriefing [210]
• Add Contributions [208]
• Add Documents [209]
• Add Sign-on Ticket
• Add Sign-on / Sign-off Tickets [211]
• Add Experiences [213]

Edit Contracts

1. Go to Seafarers > Assignments.

2. Double-click one of the assignments from the Assignments card to navigate into the de-
tail screen for this specific assignment.
3. On the Contract card, choose Edit to change contract details.
4. In the dialog window, you can change all information except the vessel on which the as-
signment is taking place.
For detailed information on the different fields, see Add Assignments [196].
5. Choose Save to save your changes.

Seafarers 201
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Create Letters of Guarantee

To create a letter of guarantee proceed as follows.

1. Go to Seafarers > Assignments.

2. Double-click one of the assignments from the Assignments card to navigate into the de-
tail screen for this specific assignment.
3. On the Contract card, choose Create LOG and select the relevant template for the letter
of guarantee from the drop-down list.

You create the templates using CFM Templates. There you specify the
fields that should be part of the template and copy the field names into a
merge field in a MS Word document. When exporting the template the ex-
pected information is inserted at the position to which you added the
merge field.

4. The system then downloads the completed letter of guarantee as a MS Word file.

Create Contracts
You can create a contract for the current assignment the seafarer is working on which he
can download and print out if needed.

1. Go to Seafarers > Assignments.

2. Double-click one of the assignments from the Assignments card to navigate into the de-
tail screen for this specific assignment.
3. On the Contracts card, choose Create Contract and select the relevant template from the
drop-down list.

You create the templates using CFM Templates. There you specify the
fields that should be part of the template and copy the field names into a
merge field in a MS Word document. When exporting the template the ex-
pected information is inserted at the position to which you added the
merge field.

4. The system then downloads the completed contract as a MS Word file.

Edit Wages

1. Go to Seafarers > Assignments.

2. Double-click one of the assignments from the Assignments card to navigate into the de-
tail screen for this specific assignment.
3. On the Wages card, choose Edit or choose Select Wage Scale and select the relevant
wage scale from the drop-down list, if no wage scale has been assigned, yet.

Seafarers 202
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Only wage scales that are confirmed, valid before or until the assignment start, have a
rank wage scale for the selected rank, and that are not excluded due to vessel- or nation-
ality-specific settings are available for selection.

The date in the top left corner indicates the date from which the wage is
valid for the selected seafarer. The date also indicates the start of the as-
If several dates are available, they indicate the start date of a new wage
scale version or the date on which a new split wage becomes valid.

Wages that are already confirmed cannot be edited.
You first need to unconfirm the wages to be able to edit them. This, howev-
er, is only possible if your user has the relevant rights.
When you unconfirm wages, all payrolls that are already generated are re-
opened and recalculated including past and closed payrolls. Payrolls for
which manual entries have already been made aren't changed except for
pro-rated values, which are recalculated.
Thus, permission to unconfirm wages should only be granted to a few

4. In the dialog window, you can change earnings, deductions, and general wage settings.

Use the filter bar in the top right corner to enter the name of the fields you
want to change.

While you're editing the values listed below, the system automatically recalculates the
Total Costs on the fly. The total costs are displayed at the top.

The types of earnings and deductions are predefined by the system. But
you can also add user-specific pay codes under Settings > Payrolls > Payc-
odes > Payroll Earnings. For more information, see Add Additional Earn-
ings / Deductions [301].
The wages are categorized into Used and Not in Use.

Seafarers 203
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An earning or deduction is only considered in the payroll if it is connected
to a valid person history type in the pay code matrix for the selected as-

General wage settings

a. Currency
You cannot edit the currency of the wage. It is copied from the selected wage scale.
b. Minimum Allotment %
The minimum allotment the seafarer should receive in percent is taken from the se-
lected wage scale automatically.
c. Working Hours (Weekly)
Specify the number of weekly working hours.

This field is automatically filled according to the wage scale you
chose. You can, however, overwrite this value manually.

d. Pay leave after assignment

Select this checkbox, if the leave days should be paid out once the assignment has
e. Exclude from payroll
Select this checkbox, if the wage should be documented, but is not part of the pay-
roll. You can still access payroll data using the payroll API.
f. Leave pay on sign off
Select this checkbox, if the leave pay should be paid out in total when the seafarer
has signed off the vessel.
This setting is taken over from the relevant pay code matrix.
g. Sub allow. on sign off
Select this checkbox, if the suballowance should be paid out in total when the sea-
farer has signed off the vessel.
This setting is taken over from the relevant pay code matrix.
h. Newly promoted
This checkbox is automatically set if you've selected a newly promoted wage scale
in step 3.
5. Choose Save to save your changes.
6. In the Payroll Settings area, you can add or edit the relevant payroll settings that apply
only for the selected assignment.
For detailed information, see Add Payroll Settings [219].

Seafarers 204
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At the bottom of the card, the following information is displayed and calculated on the basis
of the wage settings defined above:

• Total Costs (on Board) - The sum of all amounts that are categorized as Used , and that
were marked as payable for the person history type On Board in the relevant paycode ma-
• Total Costs - The sum of all amounts that are categorized as Used.
• Home Allotment -The sum of the defined home allotment that is paid once a month. You
can define the home allotment by choosing the arrow icon.

The option to add a home allotment is only visible if you have maintained a
bank account for the selected seafarer.

For the wage to take effect, you need to confirm the wages by choosing Confirm.

Depending on the settings you have made under Settings > Payrolls > Custom
Settings > Wage Options, the confirmation might not be necessary or only for
newly created wages.
For more information, see Define Custom Payroll Settings [49].

If you don't confirm the wages, they are listed in the Wages to Check card on
the dashboard and no payroll is generated.

Wage Calculation
This topic provides some general information on how wage scale settings and the paycode
matrix influence the wage calculation of seafarers.
The following settings affect the calculation of wages:

• Effects of Payroll Settings

No matter which wage scale was selected for the seafarer during an assignment, the wage
that is paid is solely based on the person history types and corresponding periods that
were defined in the paycode matrix and might apply during an assignment, such as Brief-
ing, Travel, On Board, or Sickness.
The settings defined in the applicable paycode matrix are the absolute basis for the pay-

Seafarers 205
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If a payroll doesn't display the expected values for specific periods in 99% of
the cases the paycode matrix wasn't defined correctly. Please contact your
system administrator to check and if necessary correct the settings of your
paycode matrix.
A good indication whether the paycode matrix was defined correctly is to
compare the values for the fields Total Cost and Total Cost (on Board). If the
value for Total Cost (on Board) is significantly lower, it can be assumed that
not all available elements of the paycode matrix were considered for the peri-
od on board the vessel.

• Wage Scale Versions

Different wage scale versions change how wages of seafarers are calculated.

Example 1. New Version

A seafarer has an assignment of 4 months and embarks the vessel on 1.10.
A new wage scale version applies on the 1.1.
The Wages card then displays a new tab with the validity date of the new wage scale ver-
sion (1.1.). All values of the new wage scale version are automatically applied if you've de-
fined that multiple versions may apply throughout an assignment in your custom payroll
settings (Wages - Multiple Versions). For more information, see Define Custom Payroll Set-
tings [49].

Note that the paycode matrix of the new wage scale version might be differ-
ent to the one of the previous wage scale version. So the payroll calculation
might be different, as well.
Further, all manual changes that were made to the previous version are not
considered by the new wage scale version.
If you occasionally change wages for specific seafarers, it is recommended
to apply a payroll setting for the assignment that forces you to manually con-
firm a new wage scale version.
If you're making manual changes to wages on a regular basis, consider set-
ting the value for wage confirmation to Manual Confirmation in your custom
payroll settings. This way the system always informs you of any changes to
the wage scale.

• Split Wages
If you've defined split wages for a seafarer, a new tab with the validity date of the split
wage is displayed on the Wages card.

Seafarers 206
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Example 2. New Split Wage

A seafarer receives a new wage after 12 months of a calendar year.
On 12. 11. the new split wage applies and is displayed as a new tab on the Wages card.
Starting from this day, the seafarer is paid the amounts as they are defined in the split

• Promotion Wages
If you've defined a promotion wage for a seafarer in the custom payroll settings, you can
then select it from the list of available wage scales so that it is applied to the relevant sea-
You do this under Seafarers > Assignments > [Specific Assignment] > Wages. Choose Edit
or Select Wage Scale to select the relevant promotion wage.
• Company Bonuses
If you've defined a company bonus for seafarers, it is displayed with Year 1, Year 2, and so
on on the Wages card. No new tab is added once the company bonus is valid and applied
to a seafarer.
The company bonus is included in the relevant monthly payroll and calculated to the exact

Manual Entry of Wages

Consider the following when adding manual entries to wages:
Entries that were manually added to wages of seafarers without selecting a wage scale are
not considered in their payrolls. This is due to the fact that payrolls are based on the paycode
matrix, which cannot be set up for individual wages, but for wage scales only.
If you need to manage seafarers with individual wages on a regular basis, it is recommended
to define a new wage scale called Individual Wages - USD, for example.
Define the paycode matrix as usual but leave all values for the applicable rank wages blank.
Assign the wage scale to a specific assignment of a seafarer and then you can enter individ-
ual amounts. The corresponding payroll is calculated accordingly.
For more information on how to create wage scales, see Wage Scales [63].

Change Wage Scale

1. Go to Seafarers > Assignments.

2. Double-click one of the assignments from the Assignments card to navigate into the de-
tail screen for this specific assignment.
3. On the Wages card, choose Change Wage Scale.

You define wage scales under Settings > Wage Scales.
For more information, see Add Wage Scales - Ranks [80].

Seafarers 207
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4. Select the relevant default wage scale from the drop-down list and choose Assign.
5. The system now automatically applies the settings from the selected wage scale to the
wage of the seafarer.

Add Contributions

1. Go to Seafarers > Assignments.

2. Double-click one of the assignments from the Assignments card to navigate into the de-
tail screen for this specific assignment.
3. On the Contributions card, choose Add.

You can also edit or delete a contribution. Select a contribution from the
card and choose Edit or Delete.

4. In the dialog window, specify the following information:

• Type
Specify the type of contribution that you want to add from the drop-down list. The
available types are taken from the settings made under Settings > PHL Contributions
> Variable Contribution Types. For more information, see Add Variable Contribution
Types [90].
• Promissory Note (optional)
Enter a promissory note, if available and required.
• Start
Specify a month starting from which the contribution should be deducted from the
home allotment.
• End
Specify a month until when the contribution should be deducted from the home allot-
• Monthly Amount
Enter the monthly amount that should be deducted from the home allotment.
• Remark (optional)
Enter any additional remarks into this field.

5. Choose Save to save your changes.

6. To add a document to the contribution, select a contribution from the Contributions card
and choose Edit.
7. In the Documents section, you can add required documents by choosing the icon,
dragging and dropping the documents into this area, or choosing Add in the upper right

Seafarers 208
CFM Crewing

Add Documents
1. Go to Seafarers > Assignments.
2. Double-click one of the assignments from the Assignments card to navigate into the de-
tail screen for this specific assignment.
3. On the Documents card, choose Add.

If a document was already generated by the system and is indicated as
missing (purple color), select the document and choose Edit to add an at-
tachment. The required document is then marked as fulfilled.

4. In the dialog window, enter the following information:

a. Type
Select the relevant document type from the drop-down list.

You define document types under Settings > Miscellaneous > Docu-
ment Types.

b. Remark
Enter any additional remarks into this field.
c. Documents
In the Documents area, you can attach the actual documents for which you are cre-
ating the system entry.
Choose the icon or drag and drop the document into this area.
5. Choose Save to save your changes.

Once you've added the documents in the system, the following document actions are availa-

• Download documents
• Send email
If you choose this option, your default mail application automatically opens a new window
including a link to the respective document that is stored in the Cloud and available for
three weeks.
• Move items into the outbox
Use this option if you want to select several documents from one or multiple seafarers and
then send them together in a batch.
In general, the outbox includes all documents for every seafarer that were marked as such.
The documents can be selected, added, or removed separately or in a bulk. If you choose
send, a ZIP file is generated including all documents, which you can then attach to an

Seafarers 209
CFM Crewing

Edit Briefing/Debriefing
1. Go to Seafarers > Assignments.
2. Double-click one of the assignments from the Assignments card to navigate into the de-
tail screen for this specific assignment. Alternatively, you can select an assignment from
the Assignments card and choose Edit to navigate into the detail screen for the specific
3. On the Briefing / Debriefing card, select an entry and choose Edit.
4. In the dialog window, enter the following information:
a. Seaman will attend briefing / Seaman will attend debriefing
Select this checkbox, if the seafarer is attending the respective meeting in person.

You need to select this checkbox to be able to fill out the other fields.

b. Briefing Type / Debriefing Type

Select one of the following types from the drop-down list:
• On board
• Office
If you select this type, the briefing or debriefing might then also be listed on the
Personal History card. This depends on whether you have defined that the seafar-
er should receive a wage in the pay code matrix.

Briefings or debriefings are, however, overruled by other person his-
tory types, such as sign-on travel days, when they fall within the
same time period.
Let's say the seafarer flies to his next assignment on March, 5 has a
layover, and arrives on March, 6. A briefing takes place on the same
day. In this case the briefing is overruled as it overlaps with the sea-
farer's sign-on travel days. The seafarer receives a wage for the sign-
on travel days, only.
If the seafarer has a briefing before the start of his next assignment
and the date of the briefing lies in the month prior to the assign-
ment, a payroll is generated that is not considered as part of the as-
signment. This is necessary to pay the seafarer during the briefing
period as long as no overlap with another person history type oc-
Only briefings that take place in the office are considered as payable
and that must be defined in the relevant paycode matrix, as well.

For more information, see Create Wage Scale Group [63].

Seafarers 210
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• Remote

c. Briefing Start / Debriefing Start

Enter the date and time on which the meeting started into this field.
d. Briefing End / Debriefing End
Enter the date and time on which the meeting ended into this field.
e. Briefing Remark / Debriefing Remark
Enter any additional remarks into this field.
f. Documents
In this section, you can add a required document by choosing the icon or simply
dragging and dropping the documents into this area.

5. Choose Save to save your changes.

Add Sign-on / Sign-off Tickets

1. Go to Seafarers > Assignments.

2. Double-click one of the assignments from the Assignments card to navigate into the de-
tail screen for this specific assignment. Alternatively, you can select an assignment from
the Assignments card and choose Edit to navigate into the detail screen for the specific
3. On the Sign-on Ticket or Sign-off Ticket card, choose Add.
4. In the dialog window, enter the following information:

Depending on whether the simple or extended flight option was activated
by the support team based on your request, not all of the fields mentioned
below might appear in the dialog window.

• Booking Reference
Enter the reference number of your flight.
• Ticket Status
Select one of the following statuses from the drop-down list:
• Unkown
• Requested
• Issued

• Departure Airport
Specify the airport from which the flight departs. If the Nearest Airport field was speci-
fied in the address details of a seafarer, the value for the departure airport is automati-
cally set for sign-on tickets.
• Arrival Airport

Seafarers 211
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Specify the airport at which the flight arrives. If the Nearest Airport field was specified
in the address details of a seafarer, the value for the arrival airport is automatically set
for sign-off tickets.
• Price
Specify the price of the ticket.
• Currency
Select the relevant currency in which the ticket was paid from the drop-down list.
• Invoice has been checked
Select this checkbox, if the ticket was already approved.
• Internal Reference
Enter an internal reference.
• E-Ticket
Enter the flight details from your e-ticket.
• Documents
In the Documents area, you can attach the actual ticket by choosing the plus icon
or by simply dragging and dropping it into this area.

The attachments are synced with CSM so that the captain can print out
the flight details, if necessary.

• Flights
In the Flights area, choose Add in the upper right corner or the plus icon and speci-
fy the following information:
• Flight Number
Enter the number of your flight.
• Departure Airport
Specify the airport from which the flight departs. If the Nearest Airport field was
specified in the address details of a seafarer, the value for the departure airport is
automatically set for sign-on tickets.
• Arrival Airport
Specify the airport at which the flight arrives. If the Nearest Airport field was speci-
fied in the address details of a seafarer, the value for the arrival airport is automati-
cally set for sign-off tickets.
• Departure
Specify the time on which the flight departs.
• Arrival
Specify the time on which the flight arrives.

Seafarers 212
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Existing flight details can also be deleted if they're no longer valid. To do
so, choose the trash icon or Delete Flights.

5. Choose Save to save your changes.

Add Experiences
Experiences are usually added on board the vessel by each seafarer themselves. The captain
can then approve or reject the experience using CSM.
The colleagues in the office using CFM Crewing can view approved experiences, too. These
are displayed in the seafarer's summary. They can also approve or reject specific experien-
ces, and it's also possible to add an experience.

1. Go to Seafarers > Assignments.

2. Double-click one of the assignments from the Assignments card to navigate into the de-
tail screen for this specific assignment.
3. On the Experience card, choose Add.

You can also edit or delete experiences. Simply select an experience from
the list and choose Edit or Delete.

4. In the dialog window, enter the following information:

a. Experience Type
Select the relevant type of experience from the drop-down list.

You define experience types in settings under Settings > Miscellane-
ous > Experience Types.
For more information, see Create Experience Types [101].

b. Date
Enter the date on which the experience was gained.
c. Experience Gained
Enter how much of the specific experience the seafarer gained. The unit depends on
your settings made for the experience type. This can be days, hours, or a number.
d. Remark (optional)
Enter any additional remarks into this field.
5. Choose Save to save your changes.

Seafarers 213
CFM Crewing Add Past Sea Services

1. Go to Seafarers > Assignments.
2. In the Assignments category on the Past Sea Services card, choose Add.

You can also edit or delete past sea services. Simply select a past sea
service from the list and choose Edit or Delete.

3. In the dialog window, enter the following information:

a. Vessel Type
Select the vessel type for the past sea service from the drop-down list.
b. Vessel Name
Enter the name of the vessel on which the past sea service was carried out.
c. Vessel IMO (optional)
Enter the IMO number of the vessel on which the past sea service took place. The
IMO number consists of seven digits between 0 and 9.
d. Flag State (optional)
Select the relevant flag state under which the past sea services took place from the
drop-down list.
e. Embarkation Date
Specify the date on which the seafarer embarked the vessel.
f. Disembarkation Date
Specify the date on which the seafarer disembarked the vessel.
g. Rank
Select the rank the seafarer had during the past sea service from the drop-down list.
h. Company
Enter the company for which the seafarer was employed.
i. Main Engine Manufacturer (optional)
Select the manufacturer of the main engine from the drop-down list.
j. Main Engine Model (optional)
Specify the model of the main engine.
k. KW (optional)
Enter the relevant KW number of the vessel.
l. Gross Registered Tonnage (optional)
Enter the gross registered tonnage of the vessel in the past sea service.
m. Has Cranes (optional)
Select this checkbox, if the vessel has cranes.
n. TEU (optional)
Enter the relevant TEU of the vessel.

Seafarers 214
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o. DWT (optional)
Enter the relevant dead weight tonnage (DWT) of the vessel.
p. Remark (optional)
Enter any additional remarks in this field.
4. Choose Save to save your changes. Add Personal History

1. Go to Seafarers > Assignments.
2. In the Assignments category on the Personal History card, choose Add.

You can also edit or delete entries in the personal history depending on the
rights assigned to your user. Simply select an entry from the list and
choose Edit or Delete.
Note that only remarks of generated personal history entries can be edited.
Other information cannot be changed.
Manually created personal history entries can be used to document peri-
ods outside of an assignment. These periods can have an effect on the
seafarer's payroll if the seafarer has an active permanent contract and the
person history type was defined in the paycode matrix of the permanent
wage scale.

3. In the dialog window, enter the following information:

a. Type
Select the relevant personal history type from the drop-down list.

You specify personal history types under Settings > Miscellaneous.
For more information, see Create Person History Types [100].

b. Start
Select a date from which the new entry in the personal history should be valid.
If a person history type is linked to a specific status, such as Retired, the status is
automatically set at the start date and the status is changed to On Leave at the end
date + 1 day.
c. End (optional)
Select a date until which the entry should be valid.
d. Remark (optional)
Enter any additional remarks relating to the personal history in this field. The new
entry added to the personal history then gets a remark icon.

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4. Choose Save to save your changes. Add Permanent Contracts

1. Go to Seafarers > Assignments.
2. In the Contracts category on the Permanent Contracts card, choose the icon or Add to
create a new permanent contract.

You can also edit or delete permanent contracts. Simply select a contract
from the card and choose Edit or Delete.

3. In the dialog window, enter the following information:

a. Contract Start
Specify the start date for the permanent contract.
b. Contract End (optional)
Specify the end date for the permanent contract.
If a new permanent contract is created with a start date that is later than the start
date of the previous permanent contract, its end date is automatically set to the
start date minus 1 day.
c. Rank
Select the relevant rank from the drop-down list.
d. Wage Scale
Once you've specified a start date and rank, you can select the relevant wage scale
from the drop-down list.

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You cannot edit the wage scale once you've confirmed it and assigned
it to a contract as this would otherwise have an impact on existing
The wage scale values from the permanent contract are automatically
copied to every assignment.
A seafarer automatically changes from a voyage employee to a perma-
nent employee, if a valid permanent contract was assigned to the sea-
farer. The seafarer remains a permanent employee as long as the con-
tract is valid or no new assignment as a voyage employee was started,
Wage scales are defined under Settings > Wage Scales.
Once a contract is created, the system automatically identifies the
wage scales that are valid during this period. At least the contract
start date is displayed.
For more information, see Add Wage Scales - Ranks [80].

e. Remark (optional)
Enter any additional remarks regarding the permanent contract in this field.
Once you've specified all mandatory fields, the system automatically calculates the fol-
lowing parameters:

The values displayed under Contract Details are always the values of the
wage that is valid for the relevant contract.
If the maximum assignment length was 7 weeks at contract start, for ex-
ample, but it is 8 weeks in a new wage scale version. Then 8 weeks is dis-
played for Max. assignment length, if the start of the version is less or
equal to the current date.

• Maximum assignment length

• Maximum negative leave days
• Guaranteed home period
• Currency
4. Choose Save to save your changes.
5. Now, attach all required documents in the Attachments section by choosing the icon,
Add or by simply dragging and dropping it into this area.
Documents required for the contract are automatically generated into the Attachments
section. You can also create the permanent contract based on a template.

Seafarers 217
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6. In the Payroll Settings section, specify new payroll settings by choosing Add.

The payroll settings defined here are specific to the permanent contract of
the selected seafarer and independent of the global payroll settings you
defined under Settings > Payrolls. They also override payroll settings made
for the assigned wage scale.
You cannot make nationality or agency-specific settings on this level, as
this is already implied by the permanent contract.

For more information, see Add Payroll Settings [71].

7. In the section with the contract start date, you can define the wage of the seafarer.
You can also define several split wages. Each split wage has to be confirmed separately,
8. Choose Save and Confirm to activate the new permanent contract.

Once you've confirmed the new permanent contract, the wage scales that
are part of the contract can no longer be changed.
You can, however, unconfirm the contract and thus make it editable again,
if the relevant rights are assigned to your user.
Note that also all payrolls linked to the permanent contract are also reop-
ened. Edit Employment Days

1. Go to Seafarers > Assignments.
2. In the Contracts category on the Employment Days card, choose Edit.
3. In the dialog window, you can change the following information:
a. Employed Since
Specify the date on which the seafarer is first employed.
This date is entered once when creating the first assignment or when creating the
first permanent contract.
b. Employed Until
Specify until when the seafarer is employed.
c. Company Bonus Start
Specify the date on which the seafarer receives his first company bonus.

Seafarers 218
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The company bonus start date is automatically calculated based on
the start date of the first permanent contract or the first assignment.
You can use this field to override the auto-calculated date.

4. Choose Save to save your changes. Add Payroll Settings - Seafarers

You can define payroll settings that are specific to an individual seafarer independent of the
global payroll settings you defined and override global, agency-specific as well as nationality-
specific payroll settings.
The payroll settings defined here are, however, overridden by payroll settings specific to an
assignment or permanent contract.
The payroll settings defined here are applied by the system once they differ from the settings
made under Settings > Payrolls.

1. Go to Seafarers > Assignments.

2. In the Contracts category on the Payroll Settings card, choose Add.

You can also edit or delete payroll settings as long as they haven't been
confirmed. To do so, select an entry from the list and choose Edit or Delete.

3. In the dialog window, define all relevant settings on each tab.

The payroll settings defined here are specific to the selected seafarer and
independent of the global payroll settings you defined under Settings >
You cannot make nationality or agency-specific settings on this level, as
this is already implied by the seafarer himself.

For detailed information on every tab, see Add Payroll Settings [71].
4. Choose Save to save your changes.

For the payroll settings to take effect, the corresponding wage scale must be confirmed. Add Rank Bonus

1. Go to Seafarers > Assignments.

Seafarers 219
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2. In the Contracts category on the Rank Bonus card, choose Add to create a new rank bo-

You can also edit or delete rank bonuses. Simply select a rank bonus from
the list and choose Edit or Delete.

3. In the dialog window, enter the following information:

a. Rank
Select the relevant rank from the drop-down list.
b. Valid for Contract Starting After
Specify a date after which the rank bonus is valid.

You can only enter the first day of a month.

c. Rank Bonus Start

Specify a date after which the rank bonus should be paid.

The rank bonus start date is automatically calculated based on the
date defined for split wages under settings.
You can use this field to override the auto-calculated date.

4. Choose Save to save your changes. Add Leave Balance

A leave balance can only be maintained for permanent employees. The card is left blank for
seafarers that have a voyage contract and are paid for every assignment separately.
General Information
Leave days are automatically determined based on the number of days defined for one peri-
od (wage scale) and whether leave days should be added, subtracted, or treated as neutral
within one period (paycode matrix). Depending on your settings, leave days can also be over-
ridden by training and travel periods.
Leave days are always calculated based on the current date. So the following day an extra
leave day would be added to your balance if you're on board a vessel.
The Balance Today doesn't have to be equivalent to the sum of all entries in the table as neg-
ative leave days might be activated. If, for example, 15 negative leave days are defined, the
seafarer might already have 60 negative leave days, but no more than 15 negative days are

Seafarers 220
CFM Crewing

calculated by the system. On the contrary, all positive leave days are also calculated on the
basis of the 15 negative leave days defined in the settings.
Leave days act as a reference value only. The actual values might differ for each leave day.
With regards to the payroll, the system grants the sum of values per day for all positions that
are marked as payable for leave periods within the related wage scale's paycode matrix.

1. Go to Seafarers > Assignments.

2. In the Contracts category on the Leave Balance card, choose Add to create a new leave

You can edit or delete manually entered leave balances. Simply select a
leave balance from the list and choose Edit or Delete.
You can edit remarks for automatically generated leave balances.
For more information, see Create Wage Scale Groups [63].

3. In the dialog window, enter the following information:

a. Leave Days
Enter the number of leave days.
b. From
Specify from when the seafarer will be on leave.
c. To
Specify until when the seafarer will be on leave.
d. Remark (optional)
Enter any additional remarks into this field.
e. Earning
Select this radio button, if the seafarer should receive an earning.
f. Deduction
Select this radio button, if the seafarer should get a deduction.
4. Choose Save to save your changes.

Seafarers 221
CFM Crewing

6.2.8. Payroll
On the Payroll subtab, you get an overview of the seafarer's payslip and travel expenses.

Depending on the settings you defined under Settings > Payrolls > Global Settings, the pay-
roll is either displayed for every assignment or every month. By default, payrolls are grouped
by assignment for voyage employees and by year for permanent employees. For more infor-
mation, see Define Global Payroll Settings [49].
The subtab is further divided into the following areas:

• Payslip
• Contributions
• Travel Expenses Payslip
In this area, you get an overview of all earnings and deductions for the selected seafarer. You
can filter the list of payrolls by assignment or year.
This area offers all features that are also available under the Payroll tab. This view is general-
ly used to get an overview and to make individual corrections. For day-to-day business, the
payroll view for the entire vessel is more relevant.
The color code next to the payroll entries in the list on the left indicate the following:

• Green - The payroll is finalized. Nothing needs to be done.

• Orange - The payroll is due today.
• Red - The payroll is overdue and must be finalized.
• Blue - The payroll doesn't have to be finalized, yet.

You can also add additional earnings and deductions to the payroll. For more information,
see Add Additional Earnings / Deductions [301].

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The banner on top displays the basic data for the payroll: The payment period including the
start and end date, the currency in which the wage is paid, and the total balance.
The data displayed in the earnings and deductions area is prefilled and grouped according to
the settings you made under Settings > Wagescales. For a better overview of the data, you
can collapse and expand the groups. For more information, see Create Wage Scale Group
If a paycode was defined as a daily rate, the corresponding earning or deduction is indicated
Generally, the payroll is generated by the system, the Captain on board the vessel adds addi-
tional earnings or deductions using CSM and finalizes the payroll. All subsequent changes
have to be made by colleagues in the office using CFM Crewing as no more changes can be
made using CSM once the payroll was finalized on board the vessel. This process can also
be carried out solely in CFM Crewing if the CSM on board is not available or shouldn't be
used for this process.
The following additional features are available from the subtab:

• Use shortcuts to efficiently work with the payslip

Choose the info icon above the table to see which shortcuts are available:

• Use the filter icon to filter the earnings and deductions for specific periods.
The following periods are available:

• Export the payroll for the current month to a spreadsheet for the selected seafarer.
• Choose the arrow icon to open a sidebar with the contract details about the selected

Seafarers 223
CFM Crewing

You can also navigate to the Summary subtab of the selected seafarer by choosing Show
Personnel Record or export his monthly wage and bank details. Contributions
In this area, you get an overview of all social security contributions that were made by Filipi-
no seafarers.

This area is only displayed for seafarers with the nationality Filipino.

If the seafarer is a voyage employee, the contributions are sorted by assignment. If the sea-
farer is a permanent employee, the payroll is sorted by year. You can switch between the dif-
ferent views by selecting the corresponding option from the drop-down list.
For each month, a detailed view of contributions is displayed.
In addition, you have two options to export the contributions, either by contribution type or
on a monthly basis.

The export buttons are disabled if the relevant permissions haven't been as-
signed to the respective user account. They are also disabled if PHL contribu-
tions haven't been generated and thus no corresponding payroll is available.

1. Export by contribution type

Documents the social security contributions made for a specified period.
a. Choose Export in the left sidebar and select the type of contribution report that
you want to export from the drop-down list.
The following are available:
• SSS contribution report
• Pag-IBIG contribution report
• Philhealth contribution report
b. Specify the following parameters in the flyout window:
• From
Specify the beginning of the period for which you want to export all contributions
by entering a month and year.
• To
Specify the end of the period for which you want to export all contributions by en-
tering a month and year.

Seafarers 224
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By default, the last year up to the current date is selected.

• Template
Select the template based on which you want to export the contributions.

You create the templates using CFM Templates. There you specify
the fields that should be part of the template and copy the field
names into a merge field in a MS Word document. When exporting
the template the expected information is inserted at the position to
which you added the merge field.

c. The system then downloads the respective contribution report to a PDF file.
2. Export on a monthly basis
Documents the social security contributions in relation to the home allotments valid for
the selected month.
a. Choose Export above the banner in the contributions area.
b. Select the template based on which you want to export the contributions for the se-
lected month.

You create the templates using CFM Templates. There you specify the
fields that should be part of the template and copy the field names into
a merge field in a MS Word document. When exporting the template the
expected information is inserted at the position to which you added the
merge field.

c. The system then downloads the monthly contributions to a PDF file.

Seafarers 225
CFM Crewing Travel Expenses

In this area, you get an overview of all travel expenses for the selected seafarer. Travel expen-
ses are grouped according to the specific assignments.
You can add, edit, or delete travel expenses depending on the rights that are assigned to your
user. In addition, you can approve, reject, or reopen travel expenses that were already cre-

You cannot reopen travel expenses if the corresponding payroll has already
been finalized.

You can filter the list by entering a keyword in the filter bar on top of the list.
Or select one of the following options from the drop-down list by choosing the arrow icon:

• Show all
Select this option to see all travel expenses. This is the default setting.
• Only unapproved
Select this option to get only travel expenses that haven't been approved, yet and still need
to be processed.

Seafarers 226
CFM Crewing Add Travel Expenses

Travel expenses are usually created on board the vessel using CSM and are then approved by
the Captain of the vessel. You can, however, also add and approve them in CFM Crewing.

Travel expenses are only considered in the payroll of the relevant seafarer if
they have been approved.
Travel expenses that were approved after the corresponding payroll was al-
ready closed are automatically considered in the next payroll.

1. Go to Seafarers > Payroll > Travel Expenses.

2. Choose Add to create a new travel expense.

You can also edit or delete travel expenses depending on the rights as-
signed to your user. Simply select an entry from the list and choose Edit or

3. In the dialog window, enter the following data:

a. Assignment
Select the relevant assignment for which the travel costs were incurred from the
drop-down list. Simply choose the arrow icon and select an entry from the list.

Seafarers 227
CFM Crewing

If the travel expense type is training-related, selecting an assignment
is not required to save the entry.

b. Description
Enter a description for the travel expense. This could be the route of your flight, for
c. Date
Specify the date on which the costs were incurred by choosing the date picker ( ).
d. Amount
Enter the exact costs for the travel expense in this field.
e. Currency
Select the currency in which the costs were incurred.
f. Payroll Exchange Rate
Specify the exchange rate for the point in time the costs were incurred. The system
then automatically calculates the exact amount that is added to the seafarer's pay-
g. Travel Expense Type
Select the relevant travel expense type from the drop-down list by selecting the
arrow icon and choosing an entry from the list.

You define travel expense types in settings under Settings > Miscella-
For more information, see Create Travel Expense Types [102].

h. VAT Amount (optional)

Enter the VAT amount that was paid as part of the travel expense.
i. Remark (optional)
Enter any additional remarks in this field.
j. Document (optional)
You can attach a document related to the travel expense in this area. Choose the
icon or drag and drop it into the area.
To remove the document, choose the trash icon.
4. Choose Save to save your changes.

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6.2.9. Rest Hours

On the Rest Hours subtab, you get an overview of the rest hours of the selected seafarer dur-
ing his assignments on different vessels. The seafarer enters the rest hours on board the
vessel using CSM and the entries must then be confirmed by the Captain.

The rest hours are sorted according to the dates of the assignments on the different vessels,
starting with future assignments and ending with the first assignment that was recorded in
the system. To get further details on the rest hours of an assignment, select a vessel from
the Resting Hours list on the left.
On the right side of the screen, rest hours are displayed for every month of the assignment
and depicted for every day and hour of the month.
In addition, the following information is displayed:

• Total working hours

• Total regular working hours
• Total overtime hours
• Type of duty
• Reason

You can also export the rest hour list with or without indicators of an error status. Choose
Export > With error status indicators or Without error status indicators.
To get more details on deficiencies, choose View Deficiencies. All rest hour deficiencies are
displayed in a list containing information on the type of deficiency, start and end dates as
well as a detailed description.

6.2.10. Additional Info

On the Additional Info subtab, you can manage the seafarer's documents and bad relations
with other seafarers.

Seafarers 229
CFM Crewing

The subtab is divided into the following cards:

• Documents
This card lists all documents belonging to the selected seafarer which are not certificates,
travel, or contract documents. The documents are grouped according to their document

You define document types under Settings > Miscellaneous > Document
For more information, see Create Document Types [100].

You can also add, edit, or delete documents depending on the rights assigned to your user.
You can filter the list by typing the name of a specific document, document type, or tag in
the filter bar.
• Bad Relations
This card lists all bad relations of the selected seafarer. You can add, edit, or delete bad
relations depending on the rights assigned to your user. The bad relation is also documen-
ted for the seafarer with which the relation exists.
The bad relations are marked with a red color code.
This list then allows you to consider which seafarers cannot work together on the same
vessel when planning an assignment. Add Documents

1. Go to Seafarers > Additional Info.

Seafarers 230
CFM Crewing

2. On the Documents card, choose Add.

You can also edit or delete documents. Simply select a document from the
card and choose Edit or Delete.
If a document was already generated by the system and is indicated as
missing (purple color), select the document and choose Edit to add an at-
tachment. The required document is then marked as fulfilled.

3. In the dialog window, enter the following information:

a. Name
Enter a name for the document.

If you don't specify a name, the document is automatically called Oth-
er document.

b. Date
Specify the date on which you added the document. This is usually the current date.
c. Document Type
Select the relevant document type from the drop-down list. This information is taken
in order to sort the list.
If you don't select a document type, the system sets it to Not Selected by default.

You define document types under Settings > Miscellaneous > Docu-
ment Types.
For more information, see Create Document Types [100].

d. Tags
You can add several tags to the document by clicking into the field. A drop-down list
with tags that are already available appears. Select one or more tags from the drop-
down list or create new tags by choosing Add New Tag.
e. Remark
Enter any additional remarks into this field.
f. Document
In the Documents area, you can attach the actual documents for which you are cre-
ating the system entry.
Choose the icon or drag and drop the document into this area.

Seafarers 231
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4. Choose Save to save your changes. Add Bad Relations

1. Go to Seafarers > Additional Info.

2. On the Bad Relations card, choose Add.

You can also edit or delete bad relations. Simply select a bad relation from
the list and choose Edit or Delete.

3. In the dialog window, enter the following information:

a. Seafarer
Choose the arrow icon and enter a name or the rank of a seafarer in the Filter
seafarers bar.
Select the relevant seafarer from the list.
b. Remark
Enter any additional remarks into this field.

4. Choose Save to save your changes.

6.2.11. User
On the User subtab, you get an overview of the selected seafarer's crew portal rights and
whether his user has been activated for the crew portal.

The subtab is divided into the following cards:

Seafarers 232
CFM Crewing

• User
This card shows you the login data of the selected seafarer.
You can also activate the user for the crew portal if this hasn't been done already. To do so,
choose the Activate button on the top right of the card. The seafarer then gets an email
containing the URL for the crew portal and his login data (email and password).
A user is automatically activated when the respective setting was defined and the login da-
ta were provided.
A user is automatically deactivated when he is in an inactive status, such as No Reemploy-

To be able to activate the user for the crew portal, you first need to enter a
value for the field Login (Domain) or Login (Email) on the Particulars subtab.
Whether you require the regular login using email address and password or
using your company's AD can be setup under Settings > Miscellaneous >
Crew Portal. For more information, see Define Crew Portal Settings [103].
If you've defined auto-activation in the crew portal settings, a user for which a
login domain or email address was provided is automatically activated once
the user was created.
If the user's status changes from an inactive status to an active status again,
he is not automatically reactivated for the crew portal. The user must be acti-
vated manually in this case.

• Crew Portal Rights

This card allows you to select the relevant crew portal role for the seafarer. By default, the
system assigns the available default role to the seafarer or the role that is specific to his
rank. You can, however, change the selection here.

You cannot edit the individual crew portal rights here.
You can assign a role different than the default role. The permissions for this
role must, however, be defined under Settings.

For more information, see Define Crew Portal Settings [103].

6.3. Seafarers Pool

The Seafarers Pool subtab allows you to group seafarers together in a seafarer pool and
gives you an overview of the existing seafarer pools. Seafarer pools can be used to plan sea-
farers for specific vessels more efficiently, such as back-to-back planning.
For more information, see Crew List [244] and Planning - Overview [273].

Seafarers Pool 233

CFM Crewing

You can switch between a list or card view. By default, the card view is displayed.

The default setting cannot be changed. You can only switch between the list
and card view temporarily.

Seafarer pools can be public and are thus available for all users. You can, however, also cre-
ate seafarer pools that are only available to you.
The crossed eye icon indicates that a seafarer pool is not public and only available to you.

Only seafarer pools that are not public can be edited. This is also indicated by
the pencil icon.
Public seafarer pools are managed under Settings > Miscellaneous > Seafarer
To delete a seafarer pool, the relevant roles must be assigned to your user un-
der Settings > Users.

In addition, the following features are available on the subtab:

• Order by
You can sort the list of seafarers using the following options:

Seafarers Pool 234

CFM Crewing

• Default
This option is selected by default. The seafarers are sorted alphabetically and by rank.
• Name
If you select this option, the seafarers are sorted alphabetically from A to Z.
• Name (descending)
If you select this option, the seafarers are sorted alphabetically from Z to A.
• Rank
If you select this option, the seafarers are sorted by rank order as defined under Settings
> Ranks.
• Rank (descending)
If you select this option, the seafarers are sorted by rank order as defined under Settings
> Ranks and in descending order.
• Filter pools
You can filter the seafarer pools by entering the name of the pool you're looking for.
• Filter seafarers
You can filter the seafarer list that belongs to a certain seafarer pool by entering the name,
rank, status, agency, or vessel of the seafarer you're looking for.
Due to performance reasons, the system only displays the first 50 seafarers that belong to
the selected seafarer pool. You can choose More Results to load the next 50 entries.
• Clear All Seafarers
Choose this button if you want to remove all seafarers from the selected pool.
• Add seafarers to a seafarer pool
To add seafarers to a seafarer pool, search for a seafarer on the Seafarers tab and choose
the persons icon.
Alternatively, navigate to the seafarer's detail screen and choose Seafarer Actions >
Change Seafarer Pools.

6.3.1. Add Seafarer Pools

1. Go to Seafarers > Seafarers Pools.
2. In the Seafarers Pools list on the left, choose Add.
3. Enter a name for the new seafarer pool in the dialog window.
4. Select the Is Public checkbox, if you want the seafarer pool to be available to all users.

You can only edit seafarer pools that are not marked as public.

5. Choose Save to save your changes.

To assign a group of seafarers to a specific seafarer pool, navigate to the Seafarers subtab
and use the Create Seafarers Pool from Result function.

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To add seafarers to a seafarer pool, search for a seafarer on the Seafarers tab and choose
the persons icon.
For more information, see Seafarers [144].

6.4. Lock Seafarer Data

To lock personal data of seafarers in CFM Crewing from further editing, proceed as follows.

1. Launch CFM and log in to your user account.

2. Open the CFM Crewing app and navigate to the Seafarers tab.
3. Choose a seafarer from the Seafarers or Seafarers Pools subtab.
4. Consider which personal data of the seafarer you want to lock and then navigate to the
corresponding subtab.
You can lock data records on the following subtabs:
• Particulars
• Travel Documents
• Certificates
• Fitness
5. Choose Edit for the relevant personal data you want to lock.
6. In the dialog window, specify the following data:

You need the relevant permission to be able to lock or unlock records and
You can neither edit nor delete locked records and remarks.

• Lock record
Select this checkbox, if you want to lock the data record and prevent it from further
• Lock remark
Enter a remark to further specify the reason for locking the data record.
It is mandatory to provide this information.
7. Choose Save to save your changes.

Alternatively, if you want to lock the contents of a particular field, you can create a remark
category with the name Lock Remark under Settings > Miscellaneous > Remark Categories.
In a second step, you can then create a lock remark within a remark section of the respective
The data record can no longer be edited nor deleted unless you have the specific permis-
sions to unlock the record. The data record is now displayed with a red padlock.

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6.5. Delete Seafarer Data

To delete your seafarers' personal data from CFM Crewing, proceed as follows.
Using the Records for Deletion report

1. Launch CFM and log in to your user account.

2. Open the CFM Crewing app and navigate to the Reports tab.
3. Filter for the Records for deletion report.
The report displays seafarer records that should be deleted according to the storage pe-
riods defined under Settings > Miscellaneous > Storage Periods.
Filter the report for a record type to get a list of seafarers for whom corresponding re-
cords should be deleted. By default, Seafarer is selected.
4. Select one or several records that you want to delete from the list and choose Delete.

This action is irreversible. Only users with the corresponding permission
rights can delete data records.

Seafarers with active assignments or payrolls cannot be deleted by users
with simple deletion permission rights as this is a crucial process. So spe-
cial permission was created for this.
You can only delete seafarers with assignments and/or payrolls if the per-
mission Delete with assignments was assigned to your user in CFM Users.
For more detailed information, see Create Permission Roles.

5. Confirm that you are complying with the applicable data privacy regulations.

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6. Choose OK to close the warning message and trigger the deletion process.
7. A success message appears.

The records of the selected seafarers or seafarer applicants are now permanently deleted
from CFM. References to the seafarer or seafarer applicant, such as logs or activities, remain
From the Seafarers tab
In addition to the Records for deletion report, you can find seafarers whose last assignment
ended on or before a specific date by using the following filter on the Seafarers or Seafarers
Pools subtab:
Last Assignment End Before
Select a date to filter for seafarers whose last assignment ended before or at the date set in
this filter.

1. Launch CFM and log in to your user account.

2. Open the CFM Crewing app and navigate to the Seafarers tab.
3. Choose a seafarer from the Seafarers or Seafarers Pools subtab.

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4. Choose Seafarer Actions > Delete Seafarer to permanently delete the complete data re-
cord of the seafarer.

This action is irreversible. Only users with the corresponding permission
rights can delete data records.

Seafarers with active assignments or payrolls cannot be deleted by users
with simple deletion permission rights as this is a crucial process. So spe-
cial permission was created for this.
You can only delete seafarers with assignments and/or payrolls if the per-
mission Delete with assignments was assigned to your user in CFM Users.
For more detailed information, see Create Permission Roles.

5. Confirm the warning message.

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6. Select the checkbox in the second warning message and thus confirm that you're com-
plying with the applicable data privacy regulations.

7. Choose OK to close the warning message and trigger the deletion process.

The seafarer or seafarer applicant is now permanently deleted from CFM. References to the
seafarer or seafarer applicant, such as logs or activities, remain unchanged. The name of the
seafarer or seafarer applicant, however, is replaced with Deleted Seafarer.
Thus, these references can no longer be associated with the original data record.
See Also

• Define Storage Periods [105]

• Define Settings for Automatic Deletion of Seafarers' Documents [106]
• Records for Deletion [345]

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6.6. Upload Documents

To batch upload seafarer documents and assign them to the corresponding area of the sea-
farer, proceed as follows.

1. Go to Seafarers > Seafarers and select the relevant seafarer.

2. On the Summary subtab, choose Seafarer Actions > Upload document.
3. In the dialog window, choose Upload documents and select the documents that you want
to upload from your computer, for example.
4. Define the respective document type by choosing one of the following values from the
drop-down list:

You can edit the document details by hovering over the entry and choosing
the pencil icon.
Depending on the document type, the corresponding dialog window opens
allowing you to enter the relevant details directly.

• Assignment document
• Default requirement
• Endorsement
• Flagstate certificate
• Flagstate license
• Flagstate medical document
• Flagstate seafarerbook

Upload Documents 241

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• National license
• National requirement
• National medical document
• National seafarerbook
• Other document
• Other certificate
• Passport
• Vaccinations
• Visa

5. Select whether you want to upload the document to an existing entry or create a new en-
try by specifying a value for the Upload to field.

Example 1. Upload to
If you've uploaded a document for the document type Default requirement, choose <New
STCW to create a new entry or select an existing STCW certificate from the drop-down
list to attach the document to an existing certificate.

The document only appears in the group STCW requirements on the Certificates subtab,
if the underlying certificate type was defined as mandatory for STCW. Otherwise, the
document is grouped under Other Certificates. For more information, see Manage Certifi-
cate Settings [26].

If you choose to attach the document to an existing entry, the system automatically fills
the relevant fields with the existing values.

For the document types Assignment document and Endorsement, you can
attach the documents to existing assignments and licenses, only. It is not
possible to create a new document entry.

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If you attach the document to an existing entry, the previously attached
document is replaced with the newly uploaded document.

6. If you choose to create a new entry and select <New xyz>, the corresponding document
values must be specified manually.
Depending on the document type, these can include the following:
• Certificate type
• Flagstate
• Rank
• Medical type
• Nationality
• Vaccination type
• Visa type
7. Once you've selected all documents and specified all required values for the documents,
choose Save to upload the documents.
The uploaded documents are then automatically assigned to the specified area of the se-
lected seafarer.

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CFM Crewing

7. Crew List

On the Crew List tab, you get an overview of the vessels you're responsible for and the corre-
sponding crew.

Consider carefully who is responsible for which vessels and then set it up ac-
cordingly in CFM. A user shouldn't have hundreds of vessels in their My Vessels

By default, the list is sorted according to the internal number and name of the vessels.
You have the following options to filter or sort the vessel list:

• Filter for a specific vessel by entering its name in the filter bar on top

When you open the Crew List tab, autofocus is set for the filter bar allowing
you to directly type in the vessel you're searching for. If your search hits only
one result, you can navigate into the crew list directly by pressing ENTER.

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• Display inactive vessels in the list by selecting the Include inactive vessels checkbox
This might be required if a vessel has recently been sold, but you still need to check the
vessel for a crew list or to carry out clean-up operations.
• Include backup vessels in the list by choosing Show only my responsibilities > Include
backup from the drop-down menu
• Show vessels of colleagues by choosing Show only my responsibilities > Show vessels
of... > Name of the User from the drop-down menu
The relevant permission needs to be assigned to your user to use this feature.
This feature is typically used to do vacation replacement.

Every vessel is displayed as a card containing the following generic information:

• Name
• Flag state
• Type of vessel
• Member of the ITF (International Transport Workers' Federation)

Select a vessel and navigate into the subtabs of the crew list.
The Crew List tab consists of the following subtabs:

• Crew List
The Crew List subtab gives you an overview of the status quo of the crew on board, their
upcoming relievers and allows you to perform crew changes.
Use the drop-down list in the main navigation bar to select a different vessel without navi-
gating back to the Crew List tab.
• Crew Changes
The Crew Changes subtab, gives you an overview of the crew destined to sign off or being
relieved by other seafarers from a specific date. It displays the number of offsigners as
well as onsigners sorted according to the rank order configuration made in CFM Crewing.
For all seafarers whose sign-on date and port are defined and are the same, grouped crew
changes are created. The seafarers are then grouped according to port and time. You can
also edit the crew change number of the grouped crew change and edit the assignment
port and dates for all seafarers belonging to that group in a bulk.
• Timeline
The Timeline subtab, gives you a graphical overview of the crew members that are current-
ly on board the vessel or are planned to embark the vessel over the next 12 months includ-
ing the current month. It allows you to plan your crew for the long term. So in August 2020
you see the plan for July 2020 to June 2021.
• Officer Matrix
On the Officer Matrix subtab, you get an overview of the requirements the officers on
board the vessel must fulfill for the current assignments.

Crew List 245

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The Officer Matrix subtab is only available if the selected vessel is of the type
tanker or one of its subtypes.

• Compliance Matrix
On the Compliance Matrix subtab, you get an overview of the crew members and their
document compliance for the selected vessel and the current date. By default, only non-
compliant seafarers are displayed to provide a clear overview. You define the required
documents under Settings > Document Settings.
For more information, see Documents [12].

7.1. Crew List

The Crew List subtab gives you an overview of the status quo of the crew on board, their up-
coming relievers and allows you to perform crew changes.

It displays the current seafarers on board as well as the planned relief. The vessel is staffed
with the different number of ranks according to the minimum safe manning which can be ex-
tended with additional crew based on your needs.
For more information, see Create Minimum Safe Manning [110].
Basic information on every seafarer is displayed in a table divided into Current and Relief:

• Name
By double-clicking on the entry of a seafarer you navigate to the Summary subtab of the
seafarer. Nevertheless, you can still view the current crew list by choosing the arrow
icon. Allowing you to navigate to a different crew member or planned seafarer with just a

Crew List 246

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Choose the back icon to navigate back to the crew list. The previously selected seafarer
is automatically selected again.

• Rank
If the rank is part of the minimum safe manning and no seafarer was added as a crew
member for the assignment, it is highlighted in purple: missing minimum safe manning.
• Nationality
• Status of sign-on or sign-off ticket
• Red - The status of the sign-on or sign-off ticket is unknown.
• Orange - The sign-on or sign-off ticket has been requested.
• Green - The sign-on or sign-off ticket was issued.

• Embarkation or disembarkation date

The embarkation date is displayed in green if it is earlier or equal to the current date mean-
ing that the seafarer can embark the vessel.
The disembarkation date is displayed in orange if the seafarer disembarks the vessel in the
next seven days. The disembarkation date is displayed in red if the seafarer should have
already disembarked the vessel.
A red exclamation mark ( ) is displayed when the disembarkation date lies after the end
of contract date.
• New - The seafarer's first assignment with the company

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• A crown icon is displayed next to the seafarer's icon when the assignment marks an anni-
versary with the employer.
• A small icon next to the seafarer's picture indicates his document status. The worst status
for any document is displayed:
• Purple - One or more documents are missing.
• Red - One or more documents have expired.
• Orange - One or more documents will expire soon in the context of this assignment.
• Green - All required documents are available and valid.

• A small blue number next to the seafarer's picture indicates the number of comments that
were left for this assignment.
• - Sync between the office (CFM) and the vessel (CSM) is disabled
• - Planning is confirmed
• - Agent is informed
• - No reliever required for this crew member. Additionally, the seafarer's entry is displayed
in light red if the seafarer is planned for a different rank or assignment on a different vessel
at the same time.

You can also use the following features directly from the table:

• Display the crew list for past assignments by selecting a date using the date picker
• Display the crew list for future assignments based on embarkation and disembarkation
dates of relievers as specified. Select a date using the date picker.
• Filter for a specific crew member by entering the seafarer's name, rank, or nationality in the
filter bar on top of the table
• Reload the list without reloading the entire page by choosing the icon
• Add additional ranks to the crew list manually by choosing Add Ranks
• The More menu offers the following options:
• Disable the sync between the office (CFM) and the vessel (CSM) for the selected seafar-
As a result, the seafarer is listed in the Disabled Synchronization card on the dashboard.
• Export variants of the crew list

• Check compliance
• Perform crew changes by choosing one of the following icons depending on the direction
of the crew change
• - Disembark the seafarer
• - Embark the seafarer
• - Perform complete crew change

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Once you select a seafarer from the table, a sidebar opens displaying details on the seafar-
er's assignment. This sidebar allows you to edit generic information directly from the subtab
without the need to navigate.

The sidebar is divided into five tabs:

• General
On the General tab. you get an overview of the generic information of the seafarer's assign-
ment, such as the start and end of the assignment, or the sign-on or sign-off ticket.
Depending on your user rights, you can edit the assignment details or even delete it com-

An assignment can only be deleted as long as no payroll has been generated
or your user has the permission to delete the payroll, as well.

The following features are also available from this tab:

• - Navigate to the assignment details
• - Copy the seafarer details into the clipboard and thus use these details to write an
email, for example

Crew List 249

CFM Crewing

The system copies all data into the clipboard that was defined under Set-
tings > Email Templates > Seaman.
For more information, see Edit Email Templates [109].

• - Confirm the planned assignment and thus allow the office to book the relevant sign-
on or sign-off tickets
• - Confirm that the agent in the respective port was informed about the seafarer sign-
ing-on or signing-off
• - Set no reliever required for the current crew member. If you select this option, all fu-
ture assignments planned on this position are deleted upon your confirmation.
• Edit assignment details
You can edit the embarkation date and port, the disembarkation date and port, sign-off
reason, sign-off request and the next available from information for offsigners.
You can also link the assignment to a schedule of the vessel, if available.
• Add or edit the sign-on or sign-off ticket of the seafarer
For more information, see Add Sign-on / Sign-off Ticket [211].
• View seafarer summary by choosing Show
In the dialog window that appears you can navigate to the Summary subtab by choosing
Show Personnel Record.

• Errors
On the Errors tab, you get an overview of the seafarer's general documents as well as cer-
tificates that are required for the current assignment. General documents such as pass-
ports, SBK, and visas are found in the General Documents section and assignment-related
certificates are found in the Certificates (Assignment) section grouped by STCW, nationali-
ty, flag state, charter, and so on. The status of the documents is indicated with a color
code which is explained above.

The system always displays the worst status for one document. This means
if the Error tab is marked with a purple square at least one document or cer-
tificate is missing.

• The General Documents are displayed in a table listing the number of missing, expired,
or expiring documents. Choose a type of document and you're automatically directed to
the respective subtab on the Seafarers tab. This allows you to update the corresponding
entry directly.
• Certificates are also displayed in a table listing the number of certificates that contain
errors. The color that is displayed on the top indicates the worst status of at least one
document. By default, only certificates and groups with errors are displayed. Choose an

Crew List 250

CFM Crewing

entry from the table and you're automatically directed to the Certificates subtab on the
Seafarers tab. This allows you to update the corresponding entry directly.
To show all certificates relevant for the current assignment, choose Include matches.
The valid certificates are then also listed. You can, however, also navigate to the Certifi-
cates subtab on the Seafarers tab by choosing Show all certificates.
To define an exception and mark a missing, expired, or expiring certificate as not re-
quired for the current assignment, choose the eye icon at the end of an entry which
appears when you hover over it. The entry then disappears from the list.
To change a disabled document and make it required again for this assignment, select
the Include matches checkbox for the relevant certificate and choose the eye icon

• Wages
On the Wages tab, you get an overview of the current wage relevant for the selected seafar-
er during the assignment. In addition, the missing Contract Documents are listed, which
you can manage from here directly without the need to navigate to the Assignments sub-
tab on the Seafarers tab. For more information on how to add documents, see Add Docu-
ments [209].
The color next to the Wages tab remains purple as long as a wage hasn't been selected for
the assignment and needs to be confirmed. And if at least one contract document is miss-
Add bank details for the selected seafarer, if no bank account has been maintained for the
current assignment, yet. For more information on the details that need to be specified, see
Add Bank Accounts [85].
• Show
Displays a summary of the seafarer's personal details and lets you navigate to the Sea-
farers tab by choosing Show Personnel Record.
• Export
Export a PDF file including the final wage report for the selected seafarer and the current

• Activities
On the Activities tab, you get an overview of the changes that have been carried out with
regard to the current assignment. You can filter the activities list by entering a keyword in-
to the filter bar on top.
• Comments
On the Comments tab, you get an overview of the comments that were left regarding the
current assignment. You can also add new comments by choosing the + New Comment
Depending on your user rights, you can also edit or delete existing comments.

7.1.1. Add Ranks

To add ranks to your crew list, use this function.

1. Go to Crew List > Crew List.

Crew List 251

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2. Choose Add Ranks above the table.

3. Select the relevant ranks that you want to add to your crew list from the drop-down list.
4. Specify how many seafarers with this rank you want to add to your crew list.

You can also reset your input by choosing Reset.
Once a rank was added manually, you can simply remove it using the
Delete icon in the upper right corner of the entry. This is only possible if no
seafarer has been planned for this position, yet.

5. Choose Add x Ranks.

7.1.2. Disable Synchronization

To disable data synchronization between CSM and CFM for a specific seafarer due to mis-
conduct, for example, use this function.

Consider carefully how you use this feature.
If no information about a position should be synchronized to the vessel, the cur-
rent position must be disabled and the new seafarer must be planned and also
disabled subsequently. Otherwise, if only one position is disabled, the affected
seafarer might see that his relief is planned for the next day, for example.

1. Go to Crew List > Crew List.

2. Choose (More) and select Disable CSM Sync from the drop-down menu.
3. Confirm the warning message.

You can re-enable the communication by choosing (More) > Enable CSM

As a result, the seafarer is listed in the Disabled Synchronization card on the dashboard.

7.1.3. Export Crew Lists

You can export several different versions of the crew list.

1. Go to Crew List > Crew List.

2. Choose (More) > Export and select the relevant export from the drop-down list.

Crew List 252

CFM Crewing

The following types of export are available:

a. Full export
Includes all data from the respective crew list.
b. Crew range
Exports a list with crew data for a specified time period.
You need to specify a start and an end date in the dialog window. Once you choose
Save, the export is triggered.
c. Bank export
Includes the bank data of the crew members, only.
d. Simple export
Includes only basic information on the crew members, such as name, rank, embar-
kation date, and port.
e. Flag state
Includes a certificate checklist for the relevant flag state.
f. IMO crew list
Allows you to export IMO-specific data.
i. Enter the following information in the dialog window:
A. Date (optional)
Specify the date for which data is to be exported.
B. Current Port
Select the port at which the vessel is currently located.
C. Port arrived from (optional)
Select the port the vessel last arrived at before moving to the current port.
D. Voyage number (optional)
Enter the voyage number.
E. Owner (only Excel) (optional)
Enter the name of the vessel owner. This value is only considered in the
download to an MS Excel file.
F. Operator (only Excel) (optional)
Enter the name of the crew operator. This value is only considered in the
download to an MS Excel file.
G. Agent (only Excel) (optional)
Enter the name of the agent at the port. This value is only considered in the
download to an MS Excel file.
H. Arrival (optional)
Select this checkbox, if you want to include crew data of seafarers who
were on board the vessel at the day of arrival of other seafarers. Seafarers
embarking the vessel on that day aren't included.
I. Departure (optional)
Select this checkbox, if you want to include crew data of seafarers who
were on board the vessel or embarked the vessel. Seafarers who disem-
barked the vessel on that day aren't included.

Crew List 253

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J. Passport (optional)
Select this checkbox, if you want to include the passport data of the crew
K. Seamanbook (optional)
Select this checkbox, if you want to include the data from the seaman-
books of the crew members.
ii. Choose whether you want to export the data as an MS Word or MS Excel file by
selecting the respective button:
• Export as Word
• Export as Excel

g. Crew change details

7.1.4. Set Seafarers as Relief

To set a seafarer as relief, you can do that directly from within the crew list table.

1. Go to Crew List > Crew List.

2. In the crew list table, choose an empty rank in the Relief column.
The system then determines the available seafarers with the required rank.
3. On the right, a sidebar with possible suggestions appears.
By default, the list of suggestions includes seafarers that are matching the rank of the
current position and are available for an assignment. The list is sorted according to their
overall rating.
A vessel icon next to the seafarer's picture indicates that he has experience with the
specific type of vessel, already.
To get more detailed information on a specific seafarer, choose the info icon on the
seafarer's card. From there you can navigate to the Summary subtab by choosing Show
Personnel Record.
You can sort the list of suggestions using the following options:
• Order by
• Rating
• Availability Date
• Availability Date (descending)
• Search bar
Enter the name of the seafarer that you want to set as relief into the search bar.
The search bar works in the same way as the search that is available from the Seafar-
ers tab. For more information, see Seafarers - Overview [138].
• Advanced search
Choose the in the search bar and enter your filter criteria in the drop-down menu:
The search bar works in the same way as the search that is available from the Seafar-
ers tab. For more information, see Seafarers - Overview [138].

Crew List 254

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To reset your filter settings, simply choose Reset.

• Ranks
Select the relevant ranks you want to search for from the drop-down list. You can
select more than one entry.
• Employment Type
Select the employment type of the seafarer from the drop-down list: Voyage or Per-
• Name
Enter the first name of the seafarer.
• Surname
Enter the last name of the seafarer.
• Agencies
Select the relevant agencies from the drop-down list. You can select more than one
• Statuses
Select the relevant statuses of the seafarer from the drop-down list. You can select
more than one entry.
• Nationalities
Select the relevant nationalities from the drop-down list. You can select more than
one entry.
• Active crew portal user
Select whether the seafarer is an Active or Inactive crew portal user.
• Available From
Specify a date from which the seafarer should be available.
• Certificates
Select the certificates the seafarer must hold from the drop-down list. You can se-
lect more than one entry.
• GRT min
Enter a number for the minimum gross register tonnage (GRT). The system then
checks for which vessels a seafarer was assigned and if the entered value matches
the values in the vessel's particulars.
• GRT max
Enter a number for the maximum gross register tonnage (GRT). The system then
checks for which vessels a seafarer was assigned and if the entered value matches
the values in the vessel's particulars.
• Vessel Type
Select the relevant vessel type from the drop-down list. You can select more than
one entry.

Crew List 255

CFM Crewing

• TEU min
Enter a number for the minimum twenty-foot equivalent unit (TEU). The system then
checks for which vessels a seafarer was assigned and if the entered value matches
the values in the vessel's particulars.
• TEU max
Enter a number for the maximum twenty-foot equivalent unit (TEU). The system
then checks for which vessels a seafarer was assigned and if the entered value
matches the values in the vessel's particulars.
• Main Engine
Enter the name of the main engine. The system then checks for which vessels a
seafarer was assigned and if the entered value matches the values in the vessel's
• KW min
Specify the minimum KW.
• KW max
Specify the maximum KW.
• Has crane experience
Select this checkbox if the seafarer should have crane experience. The system then
checks for which vessels a seafarer was assigned and if the selected checkbox
matches the values in the vessel's particulars.
• Last Assignment End Before
Select a date to filter for seafarers whose last assignment ended before or at the
date set in this filter.
• Only confirmed plannings
Select this checkbox if you want to search for seafarers whose planned assign-
ments have already been confirmed.
• ID
Enter the seafarer's ID here.

• Quick search ( )
Instead of defining the search parameters yourself, you can use one of the following
predefined quick searches:
• Suggested seafarers
The seafarers with the best overall rating are suggested first. This quick search is
selected by default.
• Last edited seafarers
Seafarers whose system entry was last edited are listed first.
• Overdue offsigners
Seafarers that are still on board a vessel even though there assignment has ended
and they're overdue to off sign.
• Seafarers without photo
Lists only seafarers that don't have a photo.

Crew List 256

CFM Crewing

• Seafarers without birthday

Lists only seafarers whose birthday hasn't been entered in the system.
• Seafarers without assignments
Lists only seafarers that have never been planned for any assignments, yet.
• New seafarers
Lists only seafarers that were newly created in the system.

• Information on search parameters ( )

To get further information on the search parameters, select the info icon next to the
quick search.
The following parameters can be used and appended to your search criteria:
• /r - Search for remarks, too.
• /x - Search for external seafarers, too.
Search for external seafarers, too.
• /p - Search for permanent employees, only.
• /v - Search for voyage employees, only.

• Seafarer pool ( )
Choose the icon and select a seafarer pool from the drop-down list. The list of sug-
gestions is then updated with the suitable seafarers from the pool and you can select
a seafarer as relief from the list.
For more information on how to create seafarer pools, see Create Seafarer Pools [98].

4. Choose the arrow icon on a seafarer card to set him as relief.

The system then automatically updates the table correspondingly.

It takes a few seconds until the document status of the seafarer is upda-
ted. First, the status is displayed in green.
If a seafarer is planned for a position already available on board the vessel,
the assignment start date is set to the sign-off date minus one day.
If you plan a new position, the system automatically sets the start date to
the next month from the current date.
For a position that is marked as No Reliever, no seafarers can be planned.

7.1.5. Perform Crew Changes

To perform crew changes of the relevant seafarers, use this feature.
The system allows you to perform crew changes for seafarers whose documents have is-
sues or are missing. If you want to restrict this, a global setting can be activated that doesn't
allow a crew change for seafarers who are missing documents or whose documents are ex-
pired. Please contact the support team.

Crew List 257

CFM Crewing

1. Go to Crew List > Crew List.

2. Depending on the direction of the crew change, choose the corresponding icon from the
Crew List table:

The system automatically shows you which direction is possible for a crew
change by displaying the relevant icon.

a. - Disembark the seafarer

For this crew change, information from the current seafarer is required.
b. - Embark the seafarer
For this crew change, information from the relief seafarer is required.
c. - Perform complete crew change
For this crew change, information from both the current seafarer as well as the relief
seafarer is required.
3. In the dialog window, enter the following information:

Depending on the direction of the crew change, not all fields listed below
need to be filled in.
For the sake of completeness, the complete crew change is explained be-

Crew List 258

CFM Crewing

In the Current area

a. Current seafarer has disembarked
This checkbox is set by default when you choose the or icon to perform a crew

If you deselect the checkbox, the information entered in the dialog win-
dow is saved, but the seafarer won't disembark the vessel. This might
be necessary in cases where a handover to the relief seafarer is car-
ried out.
The seafarer is then marked in Red as he is still the reliever for the re-
maining offsigner, but was onsigned to the vessel at the same time.

b. Disembarkation Date
Specify the disembarkation date of the seafarer. The disembarkation date must al-
ways be before the End of Contract (Arrival at Home) date.
c. End of contract (Arrival at home)
Specify the date on which the contract ends and the seafarer actually arrives at
d. Disembarkation Port
Specify the disembarkation port of the seafarer.
By default, TBA (Unknown) is set by the system. If you're using CFM Schedules and
have maintained a schedule for the selected vessel, you can choose the position
icon and select the relevant port from the planned schedule. Otherwise, select a
port from the drop-down list.
e. Sign-off Reason
Select a sign-off reason from the drop-down list.

You define sign-off reasons under Settings > Miscellaneous.
For more information, see Create Sign-off Reasons [99].

f. Sign-off Request (optional)

Specify the date on which the seafarer would like to sign-off. This date is a personal
wish of the seafarer and doesn't have any impact on payroll calculations. It is also
displayed in the crew list and in planning.
g. Next Available From (optional)
Specify the date on which the seafarer is available for new assignments. The date
set here overrides the Available From date of a seafarer, if he is in status Embarked
for the selected assignment.
h. Comments (optional)

Crew List 259

CFM Crewing

Enter any additional remarks into this field.

In the Relief area
a. Relief seafarer has embarked
This checkbox is set by default when you choose the or icon to perform a crew

If you deselect the checkbox, the information entered in the dialog win-
dow is saved, but the seafarer won't embark the vessel. This might be
necessary if a gap was planned for a position due to unforeseen cir-
cumstances, such as the immediate repatriation of an offsigner.

b. Start of Contract (Departure from Home)

Specify a date on which the contract starts and the seafarer departs from home.
c. Embarkation Date
Specify the date on which the seafarer embarks the vessel.

By default, the system presets the date as one day after the Start of
Contract date. If the contract of the seafarer starts on March 19, 2020,
the Embarkation Date is automatically set to 20/03/2020.

d. Embarkation Port
Select the port at which the seafarer embarks the vessel.
By default, TBA (Unknown) is set by the system. If you're using CFM Schedules and
have maintained a schedule for the selected vessel, you can choose the position
icon and select the relevant port from the planned schedule. Otherwise, select a
port from the drop-down list.
e. Sign-off Request (optional)
Specify the date on which the seafarer would like to sign-off. This date is a personal
wish of the seafarer and doesn't have any impact on payroll calculations. It is also
displayed in the crew list and in planning.
f. Comments (optional)
Enter any additional remarks into this field.
4. Choose Save to save your changes.

Once you disembark a seafarer without onsigning his reliever, the entry disappears from the
crew list table as long as it isn't required according to the minimum safe manning defined in
your settings.
If you disembark a seafarer and sign-on his reliever, the reliever takes the position of the off-
signer in the table.

Crew List 260

CFM Crewing

7.2. Crew Changes

The Crew Changes subtab, gives you an overview of the crew destined to sign off or being
relieved by other seafarers from a specific date. It displays the number of offsigners as well
as onsigners sorted according to the rank order configuration made in CFM Crewing.
For all seafarers whose sign-on date and port are defined and are the same, grouped crew
changes are created. The seafarers are then grouped according to port and time. You can al-
so edit the crew change number of the grouped crew change and edit the assignment port
and dates for all seafarers belonging to that group in a bulk.

The tab highlights the following information:

• Number of offsigners and onsigners in the table header

• Date of the crew change
• Status of the sign-on or sign-off ticket

The confirmation of sign-off tickets by the Captain on board the vessel using
CSM Crewing has no effect on the status of the sign-off ticket in CFM Crew-

Additionally, it provides generic information on every crew member:

• Name
By double-clicking on the entry of a seafarer you navigate to the Summary subtab of the
seafarer. Nevertheless, you can still view the current crew list by choosing the arrow
icon. Allowing you to navigate to a different crew member or planned seafarer with just a

Crew Changes 261

CFM Crewing

Choose the back icon to navigate back to the crew list. The previously selected seafarer
is automatically selected again.
• Rank
• Nationality
• A small icon next to the seafarer's picture indicates his document status. The worst status
for any document is displayed:
• Purple - One or more documents are missing.
• Red - One or more documents have expired.
• Orange - One or more documents will expire soon in the context of this assignment.
• Green - All required documents are available and valid.

• - Sync between the office (CFM) and the vessel (CSM) is disabled
• - Planning is confirmed
• - Agent is informed
• - No reliever required for this crew member. Additionally, the seafarer's entry is displayed
in light red if the seafarer is planned for a different rank or assignment on a different vessel
at the same time.
• End of contract date (EOC)
The end of contract date is displayed in Red when the sign-off date is later than the EOC +
option. Additionally, the number of overdue days is displayed.
• Sign-off date
The sign-off date of the seafarer is displayed in different colors:
• Red - The seafarer should have already disembarked the vessel. Signing-off is overdue.
• Orange - The seafarer disembarks the vessel in the next 7 days.
• Blue - The seafarer disembarks the vessel in more than 7 days.

To work with the crew changes table more efficiently, the following features are available:

• Display the crew changes list for past or future assignments by selecting a date using the
date picker
• Filter for a specific crew member by entering the seafarer's name, rank, or nationality in the
filter bar on top of the table
• Reload the list without reloading the entire page by choosing the icon
• Export crew change details
Choose (More) > Export > Crew change details. An MS Excel file containing all the crew
change details is exported.
• Select all or several crew members from the crew changes table to plan their flights or pre-
pare an email to port agents including relevant personal data.
A sidebar with the selected crew members appears when one or several seafarers were se-
lected using the checkboxes in the table. Then choose one of the options:
• Plan Flight

Crew Changes 262

CFM Crewing

If you choose this button, a dialog window appears where you can enter the flight details
for the selected crew members. From there, you can also manually deselect crew mem-
bers for whom you no longer want to plan a flight.
You can plan the same flight routing for multiple seafarers at once. If you've selected a
seafarer by accident, you can still remove the seafarer from the flight routing by choos-
ing the Delete icon in the upper right corner of the entry.
Flights can only be planned for onsigners or offsigners, it's not possible to plan flights
for a mixed group of seafarers.
For detailed information on how to create tickets, see Add Sign-on Ticket or Add Sign-
on / Sign-off Tickets [211].
• Email
If you choose this button, a flyout opens displaying all available templates. Choose a
template and the seafarer data that you defined under Settings > Email Templates is ex-
tracted and can be copied to the clipboard. Simply choose Copy and then open your
email program to paste the data into a new email.

If only the default template is available, the data is directly extracted.

Once you select a seafarer from the table, a sidebar opens displaying details on the seafar-
er's assignment. This sidebar allows you to edit generic information directly from the subtab
without the need to navigate.
Planning of seafarers works the same way as on the Crew List subtab. But carrying out crew
change overs is currently only possible on the Crew List subtab and Planning tab.
For detailed information on the sidebar, see Crew List [246].

7.3. Timeline
The Timeline subtab, gives you a graphical overview of the crew members that are currently
on board the vessel or are planned to embark the vessel over the next 12 months including
the current month. It allows you to plan your crew for the long term. So in August 2020 you
see the plan for July 2020 to June 2021.

Timeline 263
CFM Crewing

Each row represents one crew member and their potential relief. You can move the bars rep-
resenting a seafarer around and thus change your crew planning.

Crew members for assignments that lie in the past cannot be changed.
Crew members planned for the current assignment can also not be moved to
the left as a payroll may have already been generated. Nevertheless, you can
extend the assignment of the crew member.

For each crew member the following generic information is displayed:

• Name
• Rank
• Nationality

To work with the timeline more efficiently, the following features are available:

• Display the timeline for past or future assignments by selecting a date using the date
• Switch between a weekly or monthly view. By default, the monthly view is displayed.
A weekly view might be useful for shorter contract periods.

If you prefer to use the weekly view as the default, please contact the support

Timeline 264
CFM Crewing

• Filter for a specific crew member by entering the seafarer's name in the filter bar on top of
the timeline
• To get a legend explaining the different colors and icons used, choose the icon on top of
the timeline

• Past Crew - You cannot change anything anymore using the graphical overview.
• Current Crew - You can extend or shorten the assignment period of the crew member to
or from the right side of the screen.
• Planned Crew and Planned Crew (Confirmed) - Everything is still possible. Extend, short-
en, or move the assignment period around. You can also replace a crew member.
• Double Planning - The crew member has already been planned for an assignment on the
same vessel.
• No Reliever Required - Indicates that no crew member can be planned for this empty slot
as long as the previous position is set to No Reliever.
• If you select a bar from the timeline, you can copy the seafarer to an empty slot by choos-
ing Copy To...
The empty slots are then highlighted.

The time span for an empty slot is defined by the average time on board that
you defined when adding ranks under Settings > Ranks.
Additionally, this can differ for specific nationalities, such as Filipinos.
For more detailed information, see Add Ranks to Rank Groups [37] or Edit
Ranks in Rank Groups [40].

• If you select an empty slot from the timeline, a sidebar with possible suggestions for suita-
ble crew members appears on the right.
By default, the list of suggestions includes seafarers that are matching the rank of the cur-
rent position and are available for an assignment. The list is sorted according to their over-
all rating.
A vessel icon next to the seafarer's picture indicates that he has experience with the
specific type of vessel, already.

Timeline 265
CFM Crewing

To get more detailed information on a specific seafarer, choose the info icon on the sea-
farer's card. From there you can navigate to the Summary subtab by choosing Show Per-
sonnel Record.
Choose the arrow icon on a seafarer card to set him as relief.
For more detailed information on the suggestions list, see Set Seafarers as Relief [254].
• Reload the timeline by choosing the icon
• Switch between normal and compact mode accessible from the more menu
• Export the timeline accessible from the menu
• Rearrange assignments accessible from the menu
Use this feature to correct the Relief of information of the subsequent seafarer to avoid

Once you select a seafarer from the table, a sidebar opens displaying details on the seafar-
er's assignment. This sidebar allows you to edit generic information directly from the subtab
without the need to navigate.
Planning of seafarers works the same way as on the Crew List subtab. But carrying out crew
change overs is currently only possible on the Crew List subtab and Planning tab.
For detailed information on the sidebar, see Crew List [246].

7.3.1. Plan Your Crews - Timeline

To plan relievers for the current crew on board a selected vessel for the next 12 months, you
can use the Timeline subtab.
You cannot make any changes to past crew members.

1. Go to the Crewlist tab and select a vessel from the overview.

2. Navigate to the Timeline subtab and select a time slot of the crew member that you
want to plan.
3. You have the following options to plan your crew:
• Expand the time slot of a crew member to the right.
All following time slots are also moved to the right.
• Shorten a time slot by moving it from right to left.
All the following time slots are also moved to the left.

You can also create an assignment that lasts for only one day. Thus, the
same date is specified for Start and End.

• If you expand a planned time slot to the left, an overlap with the previous seafarer is
Empty slots are generated for gaps and if you don't plan the empty slot, the Relief of
information for the following seafarer remains the same.

Timeline 266
CFM Crewing

If you plan another seafarer for the new empty slot, the Relief of information of the
new seafarer replaces the seafarer originally planned for the previous slot and the Re-
lief of information of the originally planned seafarer for the following slot is replaced
with the seafarer that is now planned for the gap.

Example 1. Expansion of Time Slots

A > _______ > B
A is the predecessor of B.
A is now the predecessor of B and B is the predecessor of C.

When you delete a time slot in between two time slots the same applies.
• If you shorten a planned time slot from left to right, a gap to the previous seafarer is
• You can copy time slots multiple times, even time slots of past crew members.
• Planned time slots can be moved on the current rank and to a completely different
• If a planned time slot for the selected seafarer overlaps with another planned time slot
for the same seafarer, the system marks the entries in red.
• You can reset your crew planning at all times by choosing the Reset button at the bot-
tom as long as you haven't saved it in the meantime.
• For information purposes, the system indicates if a position was disabled for synchro-
nization with CSM and displays the status of the time slot and the assignment in a
flyout when hovering over an entry.
4. Once you've finished your crew planning, choose Save at the bottom to save your

Timeline 267
CFM Crewing

7.4. Officer Matrix

On the Officer Matrix subtab, you get an overview of the requirements the officers on board
the vessel must fulfill for the current assignments.

Only ranks that are defined under Settings > Officer Matrix are listed here.

For every rank, the average experience is listed on the card according to the different require-
ment categories.
The subtab sorts affected ranks for the selected vessel starting with current assignments. It
further lists the future crew for specific crew changes allowing you to prepare for meeting
the requirements well in advance.
The color code on the left indicates whether the seafarers meet the requirements. To see
more details for every requirement, choose Show Matrix.
The following features are also available:

• Display different officer matrix requirements by selecting them from the drop-down list
• Export the officer matrix to different file types

Officer Matrix 268

CFM Crewing

You can export the officer matrix to a PDF file, by default.
It is also possible to export the data directly to OCIMF and Q88. To set this
up, the respective authentication codes are required. Please contact the sup-
port team.

• Reload the officer matrix by choosing

Once you select a seafarer, a sidebar opens displaying details on the seafarer's assignment.
This sidebar allows you to edit generic information directly from the subtab without the need
to navigate.
For detailed information on the sidebar, see Crew List [246].

7.4.1. Show Matrix

To see the detailed officer requirements and change officer requirements for the current ves-
sel, navigate to the matrix screen.

The following global settings can be defined. To do so, contact the support

• Exclude release days

Determines whether released periods for seafarers are subtracted when de-
termining the operator experience.
• Exclude running assignments
Ongoing assignments of seafarers aren't added to the rank and tanker experi-
• Exclude seafarers' names in Q88 export
Only ranks are included in the export of seafarers' data to Q88.

1. Go to Crew List > Officer Matrix.

2. Choose Show Matrix for the relevant point in time (current or any listed future crew fore-
cast) to see more details.
3. Verify and, if necessary, edit the officer requirements for specific crew members.

Officer Matrix 269

CFM Crewing

Requirements that the seafarer doesn't meet are marked in red.
The difference to the previous entry is indicated directly below the entry,
such as + 0.5.
The data displayed in the officer matrix is generated based on the settings
made under Settings > Officer Matrix. For more information, see Officer
Matrix [43].
Details such as Tanker Certificate and Specialised Tanker Training, howev-
er, have to be entered and verified manually.

4. Optionally, you can add additional remarks at the bottom.

5. Choose Save to save your changes.

7.5. Compliance Matrix

On the Compliance Matrix subtab, you get an overview of the crew members and their docu-
ment compliance for the selected vessel and the current date. By default, only non-compliant
seafarers are displayed to provide a clear overview. You define the required documents under
Settings > Document Settings.
For more information, see Add Document Types.

The subtab is divided into the following categories:

• Compliance Matrix
Documents that are missing, which have expired or are expiring are listed for every crew
member. All certificates that are required are listed on the left side of the table. They are

Compliance Matrix 270

CFM Crewing

grouped according to the layers defined in your settings. Horizontally, all seafarers are dis-
played that have an issue with at least one certificate. For all other certificates, the expiry
date or the statuses Not Required and Never Expires are listed.
The header of the compliance matrix displays the worst status of all certificates.
Each seafarer in the compliance matrix inherits the color of the worst state of at least one
document. That means if one required document is missing, the seafarer is displayed with
the color Purple.
Every certificate inherits the worst state of the seafarers that are displayed.
All layer groups are displayed. If the layers are collapsed, the definitions are available by
choosing the arrow icon.
The following color code applies:
• No color - The document is still valid, not required, or never expires. No action is re-
• Not Required - The document is not required for the current assignment.
• Never Expires - The document is valid and won't expire.
• Purple - The document is required and missing.
• Red - The document is required and has already expired.
The date on which the document expired is displayed, as well.
• Orange - The document is required and will expire soon.
The date on which the document is going to expire is displayed, as well.
By double-clicking on a seafarer, you directly navigate to the Certificates subtab of the sea-
farer where you can take the necessary actions. For more information, see Certificates.
• Vessel Requirements
Documents that are required for a defined number of specific vessels are listed in this cat-
egory. Every document type is displayed in a line. For each line, CFM Crewing shows all
seafarers that hold the required and valid certificate. The number in the line indicates how
many crew members have the required document as well as how many crew members
must have it.

If this requirement is not fulfilled, the status of the category is displayed in Red.
By double-clicking on a seafarer, you directly navigate to the Certificates subtab of the sea-
farer where you can take the necessary actions. For more information, see Certificates.

If a company related requirement to the vessel changes during an assignment,
such as the charterer, all seafarers on board or planned for this vessel have to
meet the requirements of the old and the new company. At least as long as the
old company is valid for this assignment. Once the new company takes over, re-
quirements from the previous company are removed and only new require-
ments have to be met.

Compliance Matrix 271

CFM Crewing

To work with the compliance matrix subtab more efficiently, the following features are availa-

• Display the compliance matrix for future assignments by selecting a date using the
By default, the system shows the compliance matrix for the current date.
• Filter for a specific crew member by entering the seafarer's name in the filter bar on top of
the compliance matrix
• Show compliant seafarers by toggling Hide compliant seafarers
By default, the system shows you seafarer that are not compliant, only. So that you can
focus on resolving the issues.
• Filter for specific ranks by selecting the relevant ranks from the drop-down list.
By default, the system shows all ranks of the selected vessel for the current date.
• Switch to display the seafarers that are part of the planned crew by choosing Planned
By default, the current crew is displayed. If you change the From date to a date in the fu-
ture, the planned crew is displayed as the current crew given that they're already on board
the vessel for the selected date.
• Reload the compliance matrix by choosing the icon

Once you select a seafarer from the compliance matrix, you can choose the arrow icon to
open a sidebar that displays details on the seafarer's assignment. This sidebar allows you to
edit generic information directly from the subtab without the need to navigate.
For detailed information on the sidebar, see Crew List [246].

Compliance Matrix 272

CFM Crewing

8. Planning - Overview

The Planning tab is divided into two subtabs that allow you to plan the crew for the vessels
that you're responsible for:

• Relief Planning
This subtab gives you an overview of the vessels for which crew changes must be carried
out in four weeks from now. These vessels are automatically preselected and you can di-
rectly start planning your crews.

By default, the system always displays the vessels for which crew changes
should be carried out in four weeks from now. You can, however, change the
date while planning your crew. Simply choose the date picker and select
the desired date.

• Rotation Planning
This subtab allows you to do a long-term planning of the crews for the vessels you're re-
sponsible for.

By default, the vessels that you're responsible for are preselected. You can,
however, change the list by deselecting the vessels from the list for which
you currently don't want to start rotation planning.
The same applies for ranks, if you've applied a rank filter during relief plan-
ning before you entered the rotation planning.

8.1. Relief Planning

On the Relief Planning subtab, you get an overview of the crew changes that must be carried
out in four weeks from now. The vessels for which onsigners, offsigners, and missing reliefs

Planning - Overview 273

CFM Crewing

are scheduled and are in your responsibility are preselected. You can start planning crews for
these vessels directly.

By default, the system always displays the vessels for which crew changes
should be carried out in four weeks from now. You can, however, change the
date while planning your crew. Simply choose the date picker and select the
desired date.

Each card displays the following generic information for the crew change of a vessel:

• Name and picture of the vessel

• Indicator
Red - Some actions for the vessel are overdue.
Green - No actions need to be carried out for the vessel.
• Number of crew members on board
• Number of onsigners
• Number of offsigners
• Number of missing reliefs
• Member of the ITF (International Transport Workers' Federation)

In addition, the following features are available:

• Filter for a specific vessel by entering the name of the vessel in the filter bar on top
• Display crew changes until a specific date by choosing the picker

Relief Planning 274

CFM Crewing

• Reload the relief planning list by choosing the icon

• Display vessels with missing reliefs only
• Select or deselect all vessels by choosing Select all or Deselect all
• Select vessels individually
• Include backup vessels in the list by choosing Show only my responsibilities > Include
backup from the drop-down menu
• Show vessels of colleagues by choosing Show only my responsibilities > Show vessels
of... > Name of the User from the drop-down menu
The relevant permission needs to be assigned to your user to use this feature.
This feature is typically used to do vacation replacement.

8.1.1. Plan Your Crews - Relief Planning

Plan relievers for the current crew on board your vessels. Relief planning is done on a short-
term basis for positions for which crew changes need to be done in the near future.

1. Go to Planning > Relief Planning.

2. Select the vessels for which you want to start planning your crews.

By default, the system always displays the vessels for which crew changes
should be carried out in four weeks from now. You can, however, change
the date while planning your crew. Simply choose the date picker and
select the desired date.

3. Choose Start Planning Crews for xx Vessels.

You're automatically directed to the relief planning table.

Relief Planning 275

CFM Crewing

You can always navigate back to the selection of vessels by choosing the
arrow icon.

4. Adapt the relief planning list to your needs using the following options in the tertiary
navigation bar:
a. Group By
You can choose to group the list by Vessel, Calendar Week , or Crew Change.
• Vessel
Crew members and their relief are grouped by vessels on which they are currently
having an assignment or for which they are planned for an assignment.
This grouping provides you with the same functionalities as the Crew List subtab
just for multiple vessels at once.
For more information, see Crew List [246].
• Calendar Week
Crew members and their relief are grouped by calendar week during which they
are on an assignment or for which they are planned for an assignment.
This grouping provides you with the same functionalities as the Crew List subtab
just sorted according to calendar week.
For more information, see Crew List [246].
• Crew Change
Crew members and their relief are grouped by the date on which the crew change
takes place.
This grouping provides you with the same functionalities as the Crew Changes
subtab just for multiple vessels at once.
For more information, see Crew Changes [261].

b. Sort By
You can choose to sort the list by Rank, Name, Date , or Reason.
The crew members are not sorted globally, but within the group that was selected in
step a.

If you sort the list by date, the system first takes the disembarkation
date of the seafarers and in case crew members don't have a prede-
cessor the embarkation date is used.
If you sort the list by rank, the system takes the rank order that you de-
fined under Settings > Ranks. For more information, see Add Ranks

Relief Planning 276

CFM Crewing

c. Ports
Select one or multiple ports to filter the list of crew members who are planned to
embark or disembark at the selected ports.
d. Ranks
Select a specific rank to filter the list for crew members holding that rank.

The ranks selected here are used to filter the Rotation Planning sub-
tab, as well.

e. Crew Changes Until

To display crew changes that take place until a specific date, change the default
date by choosing the date picker.
f. Missing Reliefs Only
Select this checkbox to display crew members for which no reliever has been speci-
fied or mandatory positions that need to be settled.
g. Include backup vessels in the list by choosing Show only my responsibilities > In-
clude backup from the drop-down menu
h. Show vessels of colleagues by choosing Show only my responsibilities > Show ves-
sels of... > Name of the User from the drop-down menu
The relevant permission needs to be assigned to your user to use this feature.
This feature is typically used to do vacation replacement.
5. To change the embarkation or disembarkation port, select the checkbox next to the rele-
vant seafarers and choose Change Port.
In the dialog window, specify the following data:
a. Port
Select the relevant port from the drop-down list.
b. Embarkation / Disembarkation Date
Specify the embarkation or disembarkation date and time of the selected seafarers.
Consider that this change effects either onsigners or offsigners, but not both.
In the event that the new disembarkation /embarkation date is inconsistent com-
pared to the arrival at home or the departure from home date, the system updates
these dates automatically to ensure consistency.
c. Choose Save to save your changes.
6. Use the arrow button, to embark or disembark the respective seafarer.
For more information on how to do this, see Perform Crew Changes [257].
7. In the Relief column, the open relief rank is displayed.
To set a seafarer as relief, choose the rank and select a seafarer from the list of sugges-
For detailed information, see Set Seafarers as Relief [254].
To search for a specific seafarer, use the search bar in the suggestion list.

Relief Planning 277

CFM Crewing

8. To add additional ranks manually, choose Add Ranks on top of the list.
In the flyout menu, select the respective vessel for which you want to add ranks from the
drop-down list. Then select the relevant ranks and enter the number of ranks you want to
add. Choose Add xx Ranks to save your changes.
9. The following additional options might be relevant during relief planning:
a. Filter
To search for specific seafarers, enter their name, rank, or nationality into the filter
bar on top of the list.
b. Create Email Template
If you want to send an email with the crew members' details, choose Create Email
Template. In the dialog window, all fields that can be copied to the clipboard are lis-
ted. Choose Copy and then open your email program to start writing an email.

Email templates are defined in settings under Settings > Email Tem-
plates. For more information, see Edit Email Templates [109].

c. Export
You can export the relief planning list to an MS Excel spreadsheet. Simply choose
d. (Reload)
To reload the list of crew members choose the Reload icon at the top.
e. Enable / Disable CSM Sync
To enable or disable the synchronization to the Cloud Ship Manager instance for a
specific seafarer, choose (More) > Enable CSM Sync or Disable CSM Sync.
For more information, see Disable Synchronization [252].
10. To change specific data for a seafarer, select the seafarer from the table. A sidebar
opens displaying details on the seafarer's assignment.
The sidebar allows you to edit generic information directly from the subtab without the
need to navigate.
For detailed information on the sidebar, see Crew List [246].

8.2. Rotation Planning

On the Rotation Planning subtab, you can plan the required crew members for all the vessels
that you're responsible for at once. It allows you to carry out your long-term crew planning.

Rotation Planning 278

CFM Crewing

Vessels and ranks are preselected based on the vessels displayed on the Relief Planning

The subtab displays the following information:

• List of vessels grouped by responsibility

You can change the order in which the vessels are displayed by choosing the in the
Group By drop-down menu. Then select one of the following values:
• Responsibility
This is the default setting.
• Vessel Size
• Vessel Subtype
• Vessel Type
• List of available officer ranks
• List of available ratings

In addition, you can filter for a specific vessel by entering the vessel name in the filter bar at
the top.
You can also filter the subtab for a start and end date. By default, the current month plus one
year is the time period that is displayed.

Rotation Planning 279

CFM Crewing

8.2.1. Plan Your Crews - Rotation Planning

Efficiently plan the crews for your vessels over a long-term period.

1. Go to Planning > Rotation Planning.

2. Select the vessels for which you want to plan the crew.
By default, all vessels that you're responsible for are preselected.
To change this, simply deselect the vessels for which you don't want to plan a crew.
3. Select the ranks and ratings that should be part of the crew from the list.
4. Choose Start Rotation Planning for xxx Vessels and xxx Ranks to start rotation planning.

You need to select at least one vessel and one rank to be able to start rota-
tion planning.
You can always navigate back to the selection of vessels by choosing the
arrow icon.

You're automatically directed to the rotation planning timeline.

For detailed information on the timeline, see Timeline [263].
Rotation planning differs from the timeline in the following points:
• The timeline shows all ranks that are on board the vessel whereas the Rotation Plan-
ning subtab shows all the ranks that were selected for the planning of seafarers. The
selected ranks don't have to be part of the respective crew lists.
• The timeline shows only one vessel whereas the Rotation Planning subtab shows an
undefined number of vessels. The vessels are displayed in different groups.
• The timeline displays 13 months starting from the selected month whereas you can
define a start and an end month on the Rotation Planning subtab.

Rotation Planning 280

CFM Crewing

• The timeline allows you to move or copy selected ranks only within the time frame of
the selected vessel whereas you can plan the crew across different vessels on the Ro-
tation Planning subtab.
5. Define the time period for which you want to plan your crew.
Specify a Start and an End by choosing the date picker.

You can also create an assignment that lasts for only one day. Thus, the
same date is specified for Start and End.

6. To plan the crew for all the vessels you're responsible for you can insert seafarers into
the empty slots on the timeline.
You do this by dragging and dropping the respective seafarers from the list of sugges-
For more information on the list of suggestions, see Set Seafarers as Relief [254].
7. Once you're done, choose Save to save your changes.

Rotation Planning 281

CFM Crewing

9. Payroll

The Payroll tab gives you an overview of the current payroll situation for the vessels you're
responsible for.
It is divided into the following subtabs:

• Dashboard
On the Dashboard subtab, you get an overview of the current payroll situation and where
action needs to be taken.
• Home Allotments
On the Home Allotments subtab, you get an overview of current and past home allotments
for the selected vessel and the crew members on board (Per Vessel section).
Further, you get an overview of home allotments that deviated from previous months due
to splittings, different total amounts, or bank accounts. Those deviating allotments may
cause an issue as they're not matching a minimum or maximum payable amount (Devia-
tions & Issues section).
• Special Allotments
On the Special Allotments subtab, you get an overview of the special allotments assigned
to all vessels. You can also display the special allotments for a specific vessel.
• Monthly Wages
On the Monthly Wages subtab, you get an overview of the calculated earnings and deduc-
tions based on assigned wages for every seafarer that is on board the selected vessel. You
can also add additional earnings and deductions to the payroll. Two different views are
available for you to choose from and thus tailored to the different working methods of
• Default
• Grid View

• Final Wages
On the Final Wages subtab, you get an overview of the calculated earnings and deductions
based on assigned wages for every seafarer that is signing off during the selected month.
You can also add additional earnings and deductions to the payroll.
• Off-Contract Payments
On the Off-Contract Payments subtab, you get an overview of the off-contract payments
made during the current month.
Off-contract payments are unplanned payments that occurred after the seafarer already
finished his assignment and the corresponding payroll was already closed. This can be
travel expenses for a flight for which the bill was received later than expected, for example.

Payroll 282
CFM Crewing

• PHL Contributions
On the PHL Contributions subtab, all Filipino seafarers are displayed for whom you can
generate PHL contributions or for whom PHL contributions were generated for the selec-
ted month.
• Other Payroll
On the Other Payroll subtab, all payrolls for permanent employees are displayed which in-
clude paid leave periods for parts of a month or the complete month.
• Bank Payments
On the Bank Payments subtab, you get an overview of the bank payments that are due or
were made in the last four weeks and that were assigned to a bank account for which final-
ized, payment-related payroll positions, such as home or special allotments, exist.

If you want the system to automatically calculate payroll adjustments that oc-
curred from retroactive changes, such as updating sign-on dates, a correspond-
ing setting can be activated. Contact the support team, if you're interested.
The payroll adjustments are then displayed in the next open payroll as a correc-
tion for past payrolls.
Only retroactive changes that occurred in the last two payroll months are con-

9.1. Dashboard
On the Dashboard subtab, you get an overview of the current payroll situation and where ac-
tion needs to be taken.

Dashboard 283
CFM Crewing

The dashboard contains four cards displaying the following payroll-relevant data:

A transparent vessel icon indicates that at least one, but not all allotments or
wages were confirmed on board using CSM. The vessel icon is displayed in
white if all allotments or wages were confirmed on board.

• Home Allotments
Lists all vessels for which home allotments need to be specified. The color indicates the
status of the home allotment:
• Blue - No action is required.
• Red - Home allotments haven't been specified, yet and are overdue.
• Green - All home allotments are already specified.

You can define in the payroll settings whether home allotments must be
specified or finalized.
Specified = Value != NULL
Finalized = Value != NULL + Finalized = true
For more information, see Payrolls [48].

By double-clicking on a vessel in the card you are automatically directed to the Home Al-
lotments subtab for the specific vessel.
Select an entry from the card and choose the arrow icon to open a sidebar. The sidebar
offers you the following options:
• Export lists with home allotments (Export > Home Allotments) or home allotments in-
cluding bank details (Export > Bank Details).
• Lists all seafarers on board the selected vessel that receive home allotments with the
individual home allotment status.
• Special Allotments
Lists special allotments per seafarer. The color indicates the status of the special allot-
If the special allotment lists an assignment period, only, the seafarer has a permanent con-
tract. If the special allotment also lists the name of the vessel, the seafarer has a voyage
By double-clicking a special allotment in the card, you are automatically directed to the
Special Allotments subtab and the applicable record is preselected.
• Monthly Wages
Lists all vessels for which monthly wages are available and need to be finalized. The color
code indicates the status of the monthly wages and whether action needs to be taken.

Dashboard 284
CFM Crewing

Select an entry from the card and choose the arrow icon to open a sidebar. The sidebar
offers you the following options:
• Export a monthly vessel summary of earnings and deductions (Export > Monthly Vessel
Summary), a summary including payslips for all seafarers (Export > Summary and Sea-
man Wages), a summary of all deductions ( Export > Deductions), or a list of seafarers
with their accumulated leave (Export > Monthly Leave).
• Lists all seafarers on board the selected vessel that receive a monthly wage and the indi-
vidual payroll status
By double-clicking a monthly wage in the card, you are automatically directed to the
Monthly Wages subtab for the specific vessel.
• Final Wages
Lists all final wages for vessels from which seafarers are going to disembark as their as-
signment is about to end. Every entry also displays the date on which the seafarer signed
off the vessel and the date on which he arrived at home. The color code indicates the sta-
tus of the final wage and whether action needs to be taken.
Filter this card for final wages that have already been confirmed by the office. Simply se-
lect the Confirmed by office checkbox.
An office icon indicates that a final wage has already been confirmed by the office.
This information is retrieved from the Travelling Home card on the main dashboard as you
confirm the entries on that card. For more information, see Travelling Home [125].
Select an entry from the card and choose the arrow icon to open a sidebar. The sidebar
offers you the following options:
• Displays generic information on the seafarer's contract and payroll
• Navigate to the Summary subtab of the selected seafarer by choosing Show Personnel
• Export a final wage account (Export > Monthly Wage) or a final wage report including
bank details (Export > Bank Details)
The final wage account can only be exported for seafarers that are signing off, other-
wise, the monthly wage is exported.

In both exports, the employer that is shown is either
• The company that was manually specified in the global settings, or
• The name of the company that was manually entered by the support
team on your behalf.

By double-clicking a final wage in the card, you are automatically directed to the Final Wa-
ges subtab and the applicable payroll of the seafarer is preselected.

The following options are available to filter the data that is displayed on the dashboard:

• Filter the information displayed on the different cards for a specific seafarer or vessel

Dashboard 285
CFM Crewing

• Display payroll information for different months by selecting the date picker

By default, the system displays the payroll data for the current month.
If you wish to see the data of the previous month until a certain date, howev-
er, this is also possible. Contact our support team and provide the day of the
previous month until you want to get the data. The support team then speci-
fies the corresponding global setting.

• Select the Finalized by vessel checkbox, to only display payroll or allotment information
that was already finalized or specified by the captain on board the vessel
If no icon is displayed, nothing has been done on board the vessel.
A transparent vessel icon indicates that at least one allotment or one payroll was speci-
fied or finalized on board the vessel using CSM.
A colored, white vessel icon indicates that all allotments or payrolls were specified or
finalized on board the vessel using CSM.
• Select the Issues only checkbox, to only display payroll information that is due or overdue
• Filter the list according to different responsibilities:
• Show Only My Responsibilities
By default, this option is selected.
• Include Backup
Includes crew members and vessels that are assigned to your user as backup responsi-

In general, the dashboard lists all allotments and wages of the different categories that are
open or finalized. The different colors stand for:

• Red - The payroll or allotment is overdue and hasn't been confirmed, yet.
• Orange - The payroll or allotment hasn't been confirmed or specified, yet and is due soon.
Action is required today.
• Blue - Currently, no action is required.
• Green - Everything is finalized or specified.

9.2. Home Allotments

On the Home Allotments subtab, you get an overview of current and past home allotments
for the selected vessel and the crew members on board (Per Vessel section).

Home Allotments 286

CFM Crewing

Home allotments are paid out once a month.

The subtab is in turn divided into two tabs:

• Per Vessel
Manage home allotments for every vessel.

If a payroll has already been finalized, you can no longer edit the correspond-
ing home allotments.
If you have enabled the Update Later Payrolls on Allotment Change setting in
your payroll settings, you add a home allotment amount for one month and it
is automatically carried forward to the subsequent months until you make a
change. Once you change the amount, the new amount is then carried for-
ward to the subsequent months.
For more information, see Define Custom Payroll Settings [49].

By default, the crew members of the vessel that you selected on the Home Allotments card
on the dashboard are displayed. To change this, simply choose the arrow icon and se-
lect a different vessel from the drop-down list.
Alternatively, you can directly navigate to the Home Allotments subtab without choosing a
vessel from the dashboard. In this case, the first vessel in the list is preselected.
You can also easily navigate to the Monthly Wages subtab by choosing the arrow icon.
Select a seafarer from the list and choose the arrow icon to open a sidebar. The sidebar
offers you the following options:
• Displays generic information on the seafarer's contract and payroll
• Navigate to the Summary subtab of the selected seafarer by choosing Show Personnel

Home Allotments 287

CFM Crewing

• Export monthly wage and bank details

The home allotments are displayed for the past, current, and future months of the currently
assigned crew.
For the first month of an assignment, the defined default home allotment is initially dis-
played. Together with the setting Update Later Payrolls on Allotment Change the entire as-
signment is predefined and could theoretically be finalized each month without a big ef-

You can define in the settings that the home allotment is automatically set to
0 during months when seafarers are signing on and off. The value can, how-
ever, be adapted manually.
The first month with the default home allotment would then be the month af-
ter the seafarer has signed on.

The color next to every month indicates whether an action needs to be taken by the user:
• Green - No action needed. All allotments for this month are specified.
If the setting Require Allotment Confirmation is enabled, the required allotments must
be finalized before the status turns green.
• Blue - For this month unspecified allotments exist. Please fill in all allotments.

If you have enabled the Require Allotment Confirmation setting in your pay-
roll settings, the home allotments must be finalized by the office in order to
generate payments.
All home allotments then get a checkbox so that you can finalize the home
allotments each individually, several, or all at once.
For more information, see Define Custom Payroll Settings [49].

If home allotments exist for the current month, it is displayed with a colored background.
Enter the home allotment amounts directly in the columns for the relevant months or
choose the arrow icon.
For more information, see Split Home Allotments [290].
If the setting Require Allotment Confirmation is enabled, you can also finalize and reverse-
ly reopen bulks of home allotments by selecting the checkbox next to every month.

Your user account must be assigned the respective rights to carry out these

Home Allotments 288

CFM Crewing

• Deviations & Issues

Manage deviations and issues for every vessel. Issues might arise if the maximum amount
was exceeded or the minimum amount for a home allotment was not reached.
Deviations might arise on a monthly basis. This subtab allows you to identify, analyze, and
adapt deviations fast before looking at and finalizing the individual allotments of each ves-
Issue with maximum amount: The available balance is not sufficient and when the allot-
ment is paid out, the balance goes into the red.
Issue with minimum amount: A minimum amount was defined in the wage scale setting or
a minimum amount in percent of the basic wage was directly defined as part of the assign-
ment wage and the minimum amount was not reached.
Finalized home allotments are displayed with a green thumbs-up indicator if the corre-
sponding setting is enabled.
By default, the crew members of the vessel that you selected on the Home Allotments card
on the dashboard are displayed. To change this, simply choose the arrow icon and se-
lect a different vessel from the drop-down list. You can also select all vessels to get an
overview of deviations and issues for all vessels.
The tab shows all deviations and issues for the crew members of the selected vessel com-
pared to the previous month. Choose the double arrow icon to see detailed information
on the deviation.
A deviation consists of the following changes:
• The total amount of the allotment has changed.
• The amounts of split wages have changed.
• The banks of the split wages have changed. When choosing the double arrow icon a
before and after scenario is displayed.
Issues are indicated with a red info icon.
The following options are available to work more efficiently with the list:
• Filter for a specific seafarer by entering his name or rank in the filter bar on top of the list
• Change the payroll month by choosing the date picker

The change made here is automatically reflected on the payroll dashboard.

• Select the Issues only checkbox to display only home allotments that contain issues
which need to be fixed
• Edit home allotments
• Show home allotments

Depending on the rights assigned to your user, you might not be allowed to
edit home allotments.

Home Allotments 289

CFM Crewing

• Bulk finalize home allotments

• Bulk reopen home allotments
• Finalize individual home allotments
• Include backup vessels in the list by choosing (More) > Show only my responsibilities
> Include backup
• Show vessels of colleagues by choosing (More) > Show only my responsibilities >
Show vessels of ... > Name of the User
You can also easily navigate to the Monthly Wages subtab by choosing the arrow icon if
you have selected a vessel. If all vessels were selected, the arrow icon is deactivated.
Select a seafarer from the list and choose the arrow icon to open a sidebar. The sidebar
offers you the following options:
• Displays generic information on the seafarer's contract and payroll
• Navigate to the Summary subtab of the selected seafarer by choosing Show Personnel
• Export monthly wage and bank details

9.2.1. Split Home Allotments

1. Go to Payroll > Home Allotments > Per Vessel or Deviations & Issues.
2. Choose the arrow icon next to an amount field.
3. In the dialog window, enter the following information:
a. Allotment #1
Enter the amount for the first allotment.

If no bank was defined, you can always enter an allotment as an
amount. If at least one bank is available, you can define an amount for
this bank. If more than one bank was defined, you can enter a separate
amount for each bank account. The total amount is then subtracted in
the payroll.
If more than one splitting exists, the single arrow icon ( ) is replaced
with an arrow icon pointing in two directions ( ).

b. Is first allottee
This radio-button is only displayed if the seafarer is a Filipino. For Filipino seafarers,
it is required to select at least an amount/bank account combination as first allot-
tee to allow CFM Crewing to calculate PHL contributions and deduct it from the first
allottee amount automatically.

Home Allotments 290

CFM Crewing

The radio button is only available for seafarers with nationality Filipi-

c. Reference
Enter any additional references in this field.
d. Payment Bank
Select the relevant payment bank from the drop-down list. This maps the seafarer's
bank account to the payment bank.

This field is only available if you've enabled the feature bank payments
under Settings > Payrolls > Custom Settings > Wage Options > Bank
The payroll must be finalized for this setting to take effect. For more
information, see Bank Payments [312].

4. Choose Save to save your changes.

9.3. Special Allotments

On the Special Allotments subtab, you get an overview of the special allotments assigned to
all vessels. You can also display the special allotments for a specific vessel.
Compared to home allotments, you can create as many special allotments as you like.

By default, the special allotments for the current month are displayed. But you can select a
different month to get an overview of past or future allotments.
In general, you can do the following on this subtab:

• Add special allotments

• Edit special allotments

Special Allotments 291

CFM Crewing

• Delete special allotments

Special allotments that have already been finalized cannot be deleted. Special allotments
are automatically finalized once the corresponding payroll is finalized.
• Show special allotments

Depending on the rights assigned to your user, you might not be able to add,
edit, or delete special allotments. So, to allow you to work with the data, you
can at least display details about the special allotments.

• Finalize special allotments

You can finalize special allotments either separately or in a bulk.
• Reopen special allotments
You can reopen special allotments either separately or in a bulk.

By default, special allotments assigned to all vessels during the current month are listed in
the table. To change this, simply select the arrow icon and select a different vessel from
the drop-down list.

Special allotments for permanent seafarers are only displayed if you selected
All Vessels from the drop-down list.

Issues are indicated with a red info icon.

Issue with maximum amount: The available balance is not sufficient and when the allotment
is paid out, the balance goes into the red.
The system displays that an issue exists, but doesn't prevent you from creating allotments
with issues.
You can also easily navigate to the Monthly Wages subtab by choosing the arrow icon.
Select a seafarer from the list and choose the arrow icon to open a sidebar. The sidebar
offers you the following options:

• Displays generic information on the seafarer's contract and payroll

• Navigate to the Summary subtab of the selected seafarer by choosing Show Personnel Re-
• Export monthly wage and bank details

The following options are available to work more efficiently with the list:

• Filter for a specific seafarer by entering his name or rank in the filter bar on top of the list

Special Allotments 292

CFM Crewing

• Change the payroll month by choosing the date picker

The change made here is automatically reflected on the payroll dashboard.

• Select the Issues only checkbox to display only special allotments that contain issues
which need to be fixed
• Include backup vessels in the list by choosing (More) > Show only my responsibilities >
Include backup
• Show vessels of colleagues by choosing (More) > Show only my responsibilities > Show
vessels of ... > Name of the User

9.3.1. Add Special Allotments

To create special allotments, proceed as follows.
For seafarers with permanent contracts, special allotments are displayed under All Vessels
as no direct link to a specific vessel exists.

1. Go to Payroll > Special Allotments.

It is also possible to add special allotments directly from the payroll of a
For more information, see Payroll [222].

2. Choose Add to create a new special allotment.

You can also edit or delete a special allotment depending on the rights that
are assigned to your user.

3. In the dialog window, enter the following information:

a. Seafarer
Select the seafarer for whom you want to create a special allotment from the drop-
down list.
b. Payroll
Select the relevant payroll from the drop-down list. By default, the payroll for the cur-
rent month is preselected.
For seafarers with a voyage contract, the payroll period and the vessel name must
be selected.
For seafarers with a permanent contract, only the payroll period needs to be speci-

Special Allotments 293

CFM Crewing

c. Vessel Name
For voyage seafarers, you need to select the corresponding vessel name on which
the assignment takes place.
d. Amount
Enter the amount for the special allotment.

You can also create split allotments for all active bank accounts that
are available for the selected seafarer.

e. Reference (optional)
Enter any additional references in this field.
4. Choose Save to save your changes.

9.4. Monthly Wages

On the Monthly Wages subtab, you get an overview of the calculated earnings and deduc-
tions based on assigned wages for every seafarer that is on board the selected vessel. You
can also add additional earnings and deductions to the payroll. Two different views are avail-
able for you to choose from and thus tailored to the different working methods of users:

• Default
• Grid View

See Also
Add Additional Earnings / Deductions [301]

Monthly Wages 294

CFM Crewing

9.4.1. Monthly Wages - Default

The Default view displays the crew members of the vessel that you selected from the Month-
ly Wages card on the dashboard. To change this, simply choose the arrow icon above the
navigation bar and select a different vessel from the drop-down list.

Select a seafarer from the list and choose the arrow icon to open a sidebar. The sidebar
offers you the following options:

• Displays generic information on the seafarer's contract and payroll

• Navigate to the Summary subtab of the selected seafarer by choosing Show Personnel Re-
• Export monthly wage and bank details
• Copy balance to paid out by choosing the clipboard icon
This is only possible as long as the payroll hasn't been finalized.
This function allows you to reset the balance for the deductions of the seafarer to zero.

If you disabled the Paid Out position for your payrolls, this function won't be
available from the sidebar.
If you have enabled the Copy balance to paid out setting under Settings
>Payrolls > Custom Settings > Payroll Calculation Method, the remaining bal-
ance is copied to the paid out position automatically once the payroll is final-
For more information, see Define Custom Payroll Settings [49].

Monthly Wages 295

CFM Crewing

The color next to an entry of a seafarer payroll indicates whether action needs to be taken by
the user:

• Blue - No action needed. All payrolls are finalized for the current month.
• Orange - Payrolls for the current month still need to be finalized.
• Red - Payrolls for the current month should have been finalized already and are overdue.

The payroll for the current month is displayed for the selected seafarer. The banner on top
displays the basic data for the payroll: The payment period including the start and end date,
the currency in which the wage is paid, the date on which it was paid, and the total balance.
The data displayed in the earnings and deductions area is prefilled and grouped according to
the settings you made under Settings > Wagescales. For a better overview of the data, you
can collapse and expand the groups. For more information, see Create Wage Scale Group
If a paycode was defined as a daily rate, the corresponding earning or deduction is indicated
The earnings and deductions displayed are grouped according to the defined paycodes:

• Pro-Rated
Displays paycodes that were defined as monthly amounts and are used in the correspond-
ing wage scales. The amounts are automatically calculated by the system.
• Absolute
Displays paycodes that were declared as monthly, absolute amounts and are used in the
corresponding wage scales. The amounts are fixed values for each month and assign-
• Daily Rates
Displays paycodes that were declared as monthly amounts and are used in the corre-
sponding wage scales. The amounts are defined as daily rates in the paycode matrix and
are automatically calculated by the system.
• Additonal Earnings / Additional Deductions
Displays paycodes that were not declared as monthly amounts. The amounts are dis-
played for each payroll, by default, if they were defined in the settings. If required, you can
add additional earnings and deductions here manually.

Generally, the payroll is generated by the system, the Captain on board the vessel adds addi-
tional earnings or deductions using CSM and finalizes the payroll. All subsequent changes
have to be made by colleagues in the office using CFM Crewing as no more changes can be
made using CSM once the payroll was finalized on board the vessel. This process can also
be carried out solely in CFM Crewing if the CSM on board is not available or shouldn't be
used for this process.
The following additional features are available from the subtab:

• Change the payroll month by choosing the date picker

Monthly Wages 296

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The change made here is automatically reflected on the payroll dashboard.

• Use the filter icon on the left to filter the list for payrolls using the following checkboxes:
• Finalized by vessel
Select this checkbox, if you want to filter for monthly wages of seafarers that have al-
ready been finalized on board the vessel using CSM.
• Issue only
Select this checkbox, if you want to filter for monthly wages that are due or overdue.
• Filter the list of seafarers on the left by entering a name in the filter bar
• Use shortcuts to efficiently work with monthly wages.
Choose the info icon above the table to see which shortcuts are available:

• Use the filter icon to filter the earnings and deductions for specific periods.
The following periods are available:

• Change the payroll month for a specific seafarer by choosing the arrow icon next to the
current payroll month and select a different month from the drop-down list.

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The change is only applied to the selected seafarer, if you move to another
seafarer the payroll month is set back to the default.
The selection of the individual payroll month is also reset if you change the
default payroll month on the left.

• Individual positions, such as basic wages, are grouped together if the position applies to
multiple periods within the payroll month.

For example:
On Board 01.-29.
Traveling 29.-30.
The system then shows the total number of days on the group header of the position and
the individual periods underneath.
For on board and travel periods, the system always displays the underlying assignment.
This is especially relevant for monthly wages of permanent seafarers in order to know
where the seafarer was in August, for example, before he went on vacation.
• Export the payroll for the current month to a spreadsheet for the selected seafarer.

9.4.2. Monthly Wages - Grid View

The Grid View provides another option to quickly add additional earnings and deductions for
a larger number of seafarers at once and is primarily directed at users that don't use CSM.
It also displays the crew members of the vessel that you selected from the Monthly Wages
card on the dashboard. To change this, choose the arrow icon above the navigation bar
and select a different vessel from the drop-down list.

Monthly Wages 298

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The Grid View is further divided into three areas:

If only one splitting exists for a position in one of the areas, the plus icon is
displayed next to the position in the table. To edit the splitting, you can choose
the position and enter a different amount. You can also navigate from row to
row and column to column in the table.
As soon as more than one splitting exists for a position, the plus icon changes
and displays the number of splittings instead. You can then no longer overwrite
the value by choosing the position.
To edit the splittings, choose the little number icon and change the amounts or
add a new splitting in the dialog window.

• Deductions
This area displays all deductions relevant for the crew members of the selected vessel in a
table. The deductions are by default displayed for the current month.
In this area, you can also add another entry (splitting) for existing additional deductions by
choosing the plus icon next to an entry in the table. Specify the corresponding amount
in the dialog window.
To create a new additional deduction, choose More > Add position. Select the type of de-
duction from the drop-down list in the dialog window and enter the relevant amount in the
newly added column in the table. Then choose Save at the bottom right of the table.
• Earnings
This area displays all earnings relevant for the crew members of the selected vessel in a
table. The earnings are by default displayed for the current month.

Monthly Wages 299

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In this area, you can also add another entry (splitting) for existing additional earnings by
choosing the plus icon next to an entry in the table. Specify the corresponding amount
in the dialog window.
To create a new additional earning, choose More > Add position. Select the type of earn-
ing from the drop-down list in the dialog window and enter the relevant amount in the new-
ly added column in the table. Then choose Save at the bottom right of the table.
• Summary
This area provides a summary of all total earnings and deductions including the automati-
cally generated values as well as an overview of the previous, current, and next balance for
the crew members of the selected vessel in a table. The summary is by default displayed
for the current month.
If a paycode was defined as a daily rate, the corresponding earning or deduction is indica-
ted accordingly.

All three areas allow you to select several seafarers and finalize or reopen their payrolls in a
To do so, select the checkbox at the end of each relevant table entry and choose Bulk finalize
or Bulk reopen from the drop-down list above the table. Alternatively, to select or unselect all
available entries at once, choose (More) > Select all or Unselect all.
You can also finalize each payroll separately. Select the entry of a seafarer from the table
and choose Finalize above the table.
The color next to an entry of a crew member in the table indicates whether action needs to
be taken by the user:

• Blue - No action needed. All payrolls are finalized for the current month.
• Orange - Payrolls for the current month still need to be finalized.
• Red - Payrolls for the current month should have been finalized already and are overdue.

The following additional features are available from this view:

• Filter the list of crew members by entering a name in the filter bar above the table
• Change the payroll month by choosing the date picker

The change made here is automatically reflected on the payroll dashboard.

• Filter the different views for finalized or open payrolls To do so, choose All payrolls (ar-
row) and select one of the following values from the drop-down list:
• All payrolls
This value is selected by default.
• Finalized payrolls
• Open payrolls

Monthly Wages 300

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• Use shortcuts to efficiently work with the grid view of monthly wages
Choose the info icon above the table to see which shortcuts are available:

See Also

• Add Additional Earnings / Deductions [301]

• Split Home Allotments [290]

9.4.3. Add Additional Earnings / Deductions

Usually, the captain on board the vessel adds additional earnings using CSM. Colleagues in
the office can, however, edit or delete the entries before finalizing the payroll.
The payrolls of all seafarers always include all additional earnings and deductions that were
defined as Include in Payroll by Default under Settings > Payrolls > Paycodes.
If you have positions that are used for all or the majority of seafarers, define them as Include
in Payroll by Default under Settings >Payrolls > Paycodes. All other positions shouldn't be in-
cluded by default to ensure a clear payroll. These positions can be added dynamically for the
respective seafarer.

If users in CSM have the right to use CFM Cashbox & Bonded Store, you cannot
edit the amounts for Cash Advance and Bonded Store manually in the deduc-
tions area. The system automatically calculates the values, if you're using CFM
Cashbox & Bonded Store.

1. Go to Payroll > Monthly Wages.

2. On the Earnings or Deductions area, choose the icon to add an additional earning or

Monthly Wages 301

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You can also split the Allotment, Special Allotment, or Paid Out positions in
the deductions area by choosing the arrow icon.
For more information, see Split Home Allotments [290].

3. In the dialog window, enter the following information:

a. Earning
Select the relevant pay code from the drop-down list.

You define pay codes under Settings > Payrolls > Paycodes.
For more information, see Add Payroll Earnings / Deductions [61].

b. Periods
Select the relevant payroll period from the drop-down list. This is especially impor-
tant for seafarers with a permanent contract. The system selects the most applica-
ble period by default.
4. Choose Add to add the additional earning or deduction to the payroll for the current

The dialog window remains open allowing you to add several earnings or
deductions at once. To close the window, choose the icon.

5. Enter an amount in the Amount field.

For a manually entered earning or deduction an amount must be specified, otherwise,
you won't be able to save the payroll.
The system groups the earnings and deductions, if several amounts were added for the
same earning or deduction.

To delete the earning or deduction, simply choose the trash icon next to
the entry.

6. Optionally, you can enter any additional remarks in the Remark field.

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Your input may not exceed 255 characters.
You can change your remarks until the position or payroll itself is con-
Remarks are included when exporting the payroll to a spreadsheet.

7. Choose Save to save your changes.

9.5. Final Wages

On the Final Wages subtab, you get an overview of the calculated earnings and deductions
based on assigned wages for every seafarer that is signing off during the selected month.
You can also add additional earnings and deductions to the payroll.
For more information, see Add Additional Earnings / Deductions [301].

By default, the list is filtered according to the seafarers that are signing off during the current
month. The crew members are sorted according to vessels.
Select a seafarer from the list and choose the arrow icon to open a sidebar. The sidebar
offers you the following options:

• Displays generic information on the seafarer's contract and payroll

• Navigate to the Summary subtab of the selected seafarer by choosing Show Personnel Re-
• Export a final wage account (Export > Monthly Wage) or a final wage report including bank
details (Export > Bank Details)
The final wage account can only be exported for seafarers that are signing off, otherwise,
the monthly wage is exported.

Final Wages 303

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In both exports, the employer that is shown is either
• The company that was manually specified in the global settings, or
• The name of the company that was manually entered by the support team
on your behalf.

• Copy balance to paid out by choosing the clipboard icon

If you disabled the Paid Out position for your payrolls, this function won't be
available from the sidebar.
If you have enabled the Copy balance to paid out setting under Settings
>Payrolls > Custom Settings > Payroll Calculation Method, the remaining bal-
ance is copied to the paid out position automatically once the payroll is final-
For more information, see Define Custom Payroll Settings [49].

This is only possible as long as the payroll hasn't been finalized.

This function allows you to reset the balance for the deductions of the seafarer to zero.

Example 1. Copy Balance to Paid Out

Total Deductions = 1000
This is the current balance for this month.
Paid Out = 0

Open the sidebar and choose . The system then takes the current balance for this month
(1000) and adds it to the paid out position.
Total Deductions = 0
This is the new, current balance for this month.
Paid Out = 1000

The color next to an entry of a seafarer payroll indicates whether action needs to be taken by
the user:

• Blue - No action needed. All payrolls are finalized for the current month.
• Orange - Payrolls for the current month still need to be finalized.
• Red - Payrolls for the current month should have been finalized already and are overdue.

Final Wages 304

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The payroll for the current month is displayed for the selected seafarer. The banner on top
displays the basic data for the payroll: The payment period including the start and end date,
the currency in which the wage is paid, the date on which it was paid, and the total balance.
The data displayed in the earnings and deductions area is prefilled and grouped according to
the settings you made under Settings > Wagescales. For a better overview of the data, you
can collapse and expand the groups. For more information, see Create Wage Scale Group
If a paycode was defined as a daily rate, the corresponding earning or deduction is indicated
Generally, the payroll is generated by the system, the Captain on board the vessel adds addi-
tional earnings or deductions using CSM and finalizes the payroll. All subsequent changes
have to be made by colleagues in the office using CFM Crewing as no more changes can be
made using CSM once the payroll was finalized on board the vessel. This process can also
be carried out solely in CFM Crewing if the CSM on board is not available or shouldn't be
used for this process.
The following additional features are available from the subtab:

• Change the payroll month by choosing the date picker

The change made here is automatically reflected on the payroll dashboard.

• Use the filter icon on the left to filter the list for payrolls using the following checkboxes:
• Finalized by vessel
Select this checkbox, if you want to filter for final wages of seafarers that have already
been finalized on board the vessel using CSM.
• Issue only
Select this checkbox, if you want to filter for final wages that are due or overdue.
• Confirmed by office
Select this checkbox, if you want to filter for final wages that have already been as ar-
rived at home using the Travelling Home card on the main dashboard.

• Filter the list of seafarers on the left by entering a name in the filter bar
• Use shortcuts to efficiently work with the final wages
• Use the filter icon to filter the earnings and deductions for specific periods.
• Export the final wage for the seafarer

9.6. Off-Contract Payments

On the Off-Contract Payments subtab, you get an overview of the off-contract payments
made during the current month.

Off-Contract Payments 305

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Off-contract payments are unplanned payments that occurred after the seafarer already fin-
ished his assignment and the corresponding payroll was already closed. This can be travel
expenses for a flight for which the bill was received later than expected, for example.

In general, you can do the following on this subtab:

• Add off-contract payments

• Delete off-contract payments
• Edit off-contract payments
• Finalize off-contract payments
• Reopen off-contract payments

By default, the off-contract payments for all vessels that you're responsible for are displayed
for the current month. They are sorted according to seafarers. You can select a different
month to get an overview of past or future off-contract payments. Simply select the date
picker above the table.
You can also filter the off-contract payments according to different responsibilities:

• Show Only My Responsibilities

By default, this option is selected.
• Include Backup
Includes crew members and vessels that are assigned to your user as backup responsibili-

When you select an off-contract payment from the list, a sidebar is displayed. The sidebar
offers you the following options:

• Add, edit, or delete off-contract payments to an existing off-contract payroll

Off-Contract Payments 306

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• Display generic information on the respective seafarer's contract and off-contract payroll
• Reopen off-contract payments that have already been finalized and edit them

Depending on the rights assigned to your user, you might not be able to use
this feature.

• Navigate to the Payroll subtab for the selected seafarer directly by choosing the arrow
• Export monthly wage and bank details

9.6.1. Add Off-Contract Payments

To create off-contract payments, proceed as follows.

1. Go to Payroll > Off-Contract Payments.

2. Choose Add above the table.
3. In the dialog window, enter the following information:
a. Vessel
Select the vessel for which you want to create the off-contract payment from the
drop-down list.
b. Assignment / Permanent Contract
Select the relevant assignment or permanent contract from the drop-down list. Once
you've selected the corresponding vessel, the system automatically preselects the
highest rank and the earliest corresponding assignment.

Seafarers with permanent contracts are not yet supported.

c. Position Type
Select the relevant position type from the drop-down list. The list is sorted alphabet-
ically and the position types are grouped according to deduction or earning.
d. Amount
Enter the amount for the off-contract payment.
The currency that is displayed in brackets is taken from the valid wage currency of
the selected assignment.
e. Remark (optional)
Enter any additional remarks with regards to the off-contract payment.
f. Choose the icon to add another position to the off-contract payment and specify
the fields mentioned in steps c, d, and e.
4. Choose Save to save your changes.

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9.7. PHL Contributions

The PHL Contributions subtab displays the social security contributions that were deducted
based on the basic wage of Filipino seafarers. It is divided into two areas: Generated and Not
Generated PHL contributions.
The PHL contributions are sorted by vessel and rank of the crew members. By default, the
contributions for the current month are displayed.

• The Generated area displays all Filipino seafarers sorted by vessel and rank for whom PHL
contributions were already generated in the selected month.
• The Not Generated area displays all Filipino seafarers sorted by vessel and rank for whom
home allotments are available in the selected month, but for which PHL contributions
haven't been generated, yet. Home allotments are considered for the generation of PHL
contributions, if they are finalized, the value of a splitting is greater than 0 and was marked
as First Allottee.
If your settings require a manual generation of PHL contributions, choose Generate above
the table to generate PHL contributions for all seafarers in the list. The PHL contributions
are calculated based on the individual exchange rate valid on or before the date on which
PHL contributions were generated. Depending on your settings, the applicable exchange
rate is either the effective rate of the ECB (European Central Bank) or the exchange rate
that you entered manually.
Once home allotments are finalized and PHL contributions are generated, all home allot-
ment splittings with a value greater than 0 are displayed, starting with the first allottee
amount and, if available, followed by splittings for other allottees.
You can generate PHL contributions for home allotments that are already finalized. Home
allotments that are not finalized or generated remain in the Not Generated list.

PHL Contributions 308

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Calculation of PHL Contributions

The value of the basic wage of an individual seafarer is converted into Philippine pesos
(PHP). The relevant contribution for PhilHealth and SSS is retrieved from the files that were
imported under Settings > PHL Contributions > Philippine Contributions.
Additionally, the system considers the amount entered under Settings > PHL Contributions >
Pag-IBIG Contributions.
Thirdly, values that were added for the assignment in the section Contributions and which
are applicable for the selected month are also considered.
The home allotment amount is converted into Philippine pesos and the total amount of all
contributions for the employee share (PhilHealth, SSS, Pag-IBIG, and variable contributions)
is deducted from the first allotee splitting of the home allotment. All other splittings remain
at their original value.

The generation and conversion of USD to PHP (Philippine pesos) is based on
global settings that the support team applied according to your request.
The following combinations are available:

• Automatic generation using the rate of the ECB determined on or prior to the
date the home allotment was finalized.
• Automatic generation using the rate defined in your settings under Settings >
Miscellaneous > Exchange Rates and which is valid on or prior to the date the
home allotment was finalized.
• Manual generation on this tab based on the rate of the ECB that is valid on or
prior to the current date for the selected month.
• Manual generation on this tab based on the rate defined in your settings un-
der Settings > Miscellaneous > Exchange Rates and which is valid on or prior
to the current date for the selected month.

If you want to use the automatic generation and conversion of the exchange
rate, please contact the support team.
To use the manual exchange rate specify a daily exchange rate under Settings
> Miscellaneous > Exchange Rates.

General Features
In general, you can do the following on this subtab:

• Filter the list of contributions for a specific seafarer by entering name or rank into the filter
bar on top
• Change the month for which the contributions are displayed by choosing the date picker
• Collapse all entries to display the vessel names, only.

PHL Contributions 309

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Choose Collapse All above the table. By default, all entries are expanded.
• Regenerate the PHL contributions to update the entries in the table. The exisiting entries
for the current month are removed.
Choose Regenerate above the table.

The relevant permissions for this function must be assigned to your user ac-

• Export the PHL contributions to a spreadsheet by choosing Export

You can only export the PHL contributions if you've filtered the entries for an
agency, first.

• Filter the list of contributions for an agency, crew manager, or rank type by choosing the
filter icon above the table
By default, Both is selected for the rank type.

9.8. Other Payroll

On the Other Payroll subtab, all payrolls for permanent employees are displayed which in-
clude paid leave periods for parts of a month or the complete month.

In general, you can do the following on this subtab:

• Filter the list of payrolls for a specific seafarer by entering name, rank, or wage scale into
the filter bar on top

Other Payroll 310

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• Hide finalized payrolls from the list by setting the checkbox Hide Finalized Payrolls.
The checkbox is set, by default.
• Filter the list by choosing the arrow icon and select one of the following options:
• All
Includes payrolls for all permanent seafarers regardless of assignment or non-assign-
ment related periods.
• On Board
Includes payrolls for permanent seafarers that were on board a vessel within the payroll
• Other
Includes payrolls for permanent seafarers that were not on board a vessel for the selec-
ted month.
• Edit payrolls
To edit a payroll, select an item from the list and choose Edit. Alternatively, you can double-
click on an item from the list. A dialog window appears displaying the current payroll for
the seafarer.
From there, you can also display more detailed information about the seafarer by choosing
Show Seafarer Record.
For more information, see Payroll [282] and Add Additional Earnings / Deductions [301].
• Finalize payrolls
You can finalize each payroll separately or in a bulk.
To finalize each payroll separately, double-click on a payroll item from the table and choose
Finalize in the dialog window. Alternatively, select the checkbox for the payroll that you
want to finalize and choose Finalize above the table.
To finalize several or all payrolls together in a bulk, select the checkboxes for several or all
payrolls and choose Bulk Finalize above the table.

Depending on the rights assigned to your user account, you might not be al-
lowed to reopen payrolls.

• Reopen payrolls
You can reopen each payroll separately or in a bulk.
To reopen each payroll separately, double-click on a payroll item from the table and choose
Reopen in the dialog window.
To reopen several or all payrolls together in a bulk, select the checkboxes for several or all
payrolls and choose Bulk Reopen from the drop-down list above the table.

Depending on the rights assigned to your user account, you might not be al-
lowed to reopen payrolls.

Other Payroll 311

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• Export the list of payrolls including all earnings and deductions of all displayed seafarers
for the respective month

By default, the payrolls for the current month are displayed. But you can select a different
month to get an overview of past or future payrolls by selecting the date picker.

9.9. Bank Payments

On the Bank Payments subtab, you get an overview of the bank payments that are due or
were made in the last four weeks and that were assigned to a bank account for which final-
ized, payment-related payroll positions, such as home or special allotments, exist.
The bank payments are made for home allotments, special allotments, and paid out posi-
tions in monthly or final wages.

In general, you can do the following on this subtab:

• Filter payment accounts using the following options:

• Enter the name of the payment account in the filter bar on top

You create payment accounts under Settings > Payment Banks.
For more information, see Add Bank Accounts [85].

• Specify a From date by choosing the date picker

The date from when payments for the payment accounts exist. The system uses the cur-
rent date, by default.
• Choose the arrow icon to filter the payment accounts. The following options are avail-

Bank Payments 312

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• Open payment accounts

Filters the list for all payment accounts that are active and currently in use.
• Closed payment accounts
Filters the list for all payment accounts that are archived and no longer in use.
• All payment accounts
Filters the list for all payment accounts including active and archived accounts.

• View details on bank payments

• Filter bank payments using the following options:
• Choose the arrow icon in the drop-down list above the table and select one of the fol-
lowing filters:
• All
Displays all bank payments that were made or are due to be generated during the se-
lected time period.
• Only exported
Displays only bank payments that were already exported for the selected bank ac-
• Only not exported
Displays only bank payments that were not exported to the selected bank account,

This is the default setting.

• Specify a time period during which bank payments were made by choosing the date
By default, the system displays bank payments that were finalized during the last four
weeks up to the current date.
• Choose the more menu and filter the bank payments for the following attributes:
• Splitting Type
Filter the list of bank payments by splitting type. Simply select one of the following
values from the drop-down list:
• All
• Final Wages
• Home Allotments
• Monthly Wages
• Special Allotments
• Vessels
Filter the list for bank payments of specific vessels. Simply select the relevant vessels
from the drop-down list.

Bank Payments 313

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• Contract Type
Filter the list of bank payments according to the contract type of the respective sea-
farer. Simply select one of the following values from the drop-down list:
• All
• Voyage Contract
• Permanent Contract
To see seafarers with permanent contracts, you need to select all vessels for the
Vessels filter and then choose Permanent Contract as the Contract Type.

• Export bank payments

To export bank payments, either select each entry in the table separately or choose Select
Then choose Export and select the relevant file type from the drop-down list.

The payment files that are generated during the export are stored on the Pay-
ment Banks subtab. For more information, see Payment Banks [84].

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10. Reports

On the Reports tab, you find a list of different reports that give you an overview of the most
relevant information and KPIs.
It is divided into two subtabs:

• Reports
Contains reports that were predefined in the system.

Our support team can provide you with read-only access to the database al-
lowing you to create your own customized reports leveraging third-party
tools. Contact the support team for detailed information using

Most of the reports allow you to directly navigate to the seafarer's profile
from the results list.

• Power BI
Provides access to all predefined reports provided by Hanseaticsoft GmbH and created us-
ing the integrated Microsoft Power BI solution.
On this tab, you can also embed customized reports within CFM Crewing that you created
with your own Power BI license.
Additionally, you can download the predefined reports, modify them and make them availa-
ble to all your colleagues online.
For more detailed information, see the manual on CFM Power BI Management.

You need to purchase this feature separately, to leverage the Power BI inte-

Reports 315
CFM Crewing

For reasons of data protection, the reports display only data of seafarers for
which your user has the relevant permissions. To achieve a holistic overview at
least one user needs to have access to all agencies.

10.1. Reports

10.1.1. Belonging Report

The Belonging Report shows you the number of active seafarers that are available in the sys-
tem and for how many years the seafarers are working as operators or have gained sea serv-
ice on a rank since they first signed on to a vessel.

A bar chart displays the number of seafarers in relation to the number of years they're availa-
ble in the system. The list on the right provides you with more detailed information.
By choosing a bar from the chart, the list is filtered for the seafarers that exist in the system
for more than 2 years, for example. The list is sorted according to the rank order that you
specified under Settings > Ranks.
To display a list of all seafarers again, choose Select all.
In addition, you can filter the list according to the following parameters:

• Ranks
You can filter the report for different ranks. Simply select the relevant ranks from the drop-
down list.
By default, all ranks are selected.

Reports 316
CFM Crewing

• Agencies
You can filter the report for specific manning agencies. Simply select the relevant agency
from the drop-down list.
By default, all available manning agencies are displayed.
• Nationalities
You can filter the report for specific nationalities. Simply select the relevant nationalities
from the drop-down list.
By default, all nationalities that are available in the system are selected.
• Target Date
You can filter the report for a specific target date. The system takes the current date, by

It is also possible to export the report to an MS Excel spreadsheet. Simply choose Export in
the upper right corner.

10.1.2. Birthday Report

The Birthday Report gives you an overview of the seafarers' birthdays and their age.
The list is sorted according to the rank order that you specified under Settings > Ranks.

In addition, you can filter the list according to the following parameters:

• Agencies
You can filter the report for seafarers that belong to a certain manning agency. By default,
all active agencies are selected.
• Ranks
You can filter the report for different ranks. Simply select the relevant ranks from the drop-
down list.
By default, all ranks are selected.

Reports 317
CFM Crewing

• Seaman Status
You can filter the report for the different seafarer statuses. By default, all statuses are se-
• Start Date
You can filter the report by specifying a time period for which you want to see all birthdays.
Enter the start date of the period in this field.
By default, the current month is selected.
• End Date
You can filter the report by specifying a time period for which you want to see all birthdays.
Enter the end date of the period in this field.
By default, the current month is selected.
• Include External
Select this checkbox, if you want to include external seafarers, such as service techni-
cians, for example.

It is also possible to export the report to an MS Excel spreadsheet. Simply choose Export in
the upper right corner.

10.1.3. Briefing Report

The Briefing Report gives you an overview of the total briefings and debriefings for specified
ranks that have taken place during a specified time period.

You can filter the report according to the following parameters:

• Ranks
You can filter the report for different ranks. Simply select the relevant ranks from the drop-
down list.
By default, all ranks are selected.

Reports 318
CFM Crewing

• Start Date
You can filter the report by specifying a time period for which you want to see all briefings
and debriefings. Enter the start date of the period in this field.
By default, the system displays the briefings for the last 3 months up to the current date.
• End Date
You can filter the report by specifying a time period for which you want to see all briefings
and debriefings. Enter the end date of the period in this field.
By default, the system displays the briefings for the last 3 months up to the current date.

10.1.4. Cadets per Ship

The Cadets per Ship report displays the ratio of cadets that were hired for each vessel and
for the whole fleet during a specified time period.

You can switch between a chart and a data grid view that displays the figures for every quar-
ter of a year. By default, the chart view is displayed.
In addition, you can filter the report according to the following parameters:

• Vessels
You can filter the report for specific vessels. Simply select the relevant vessels from the
drop-down list.
By default, all vessels are selected.
• Start Date
Specify a specific time period for which you want to see the cadets per ship ratio. Enter a
start date in this field.
By default, the system displays the results starting from the beginning of the year up to the
current date.

Reports 319
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• End Date
Specify a specific time period for which you want to see the cadets per ship ratio. Enter an
end date in this field.
By default, the system displays the results starting from the beginning of the year up to the
current date.

10.1.5. Crew Changes Report

The Crew Changes Report gives you an overview of the total crew changes that took place
starting from the beginning of the year.

In addition, you can filter the list according to the following parameters:

• Crew Change Number

Enter the crew change number to filter for a specific crew change.
• Vessels
You can filter the report for specific vessels. Simply select the relevant vessels from the
drop-down list.
By default, all vessels are selected.
• Start Date
Specify a specific time period for which you want to see the crew changes. Enter the start
date in this field.
By default, the system displays the results starting from the beginning of the year up to the
current date.
• End Date
Specify a specific time period for which you want to see the crew changes. Enter the end
date in this field.
By default, the system displays the results starting from the beginning of the year up to the
current date.

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It is also possible to export the report to an MS Excel spreadsheet. Simply choose Export in
the upper right corner.

10.1.6. Disciplinary Report

The Disciplinary Report gives you an overview of all seafarers that received a warning or dis-
missal during the specified period.

In addition, you can filter the list according to the following parameters:

• Vessels
You can filter the report for specific vessels. Simply select the relevant vessels from the
drop-down list.
By default, all vessels are selected.
• Ranks
You can filter the report for different ranks. Simply select the relevant ranks from the drop-
down list.
By default, all ranks are selected.
• Start
Specify a time period for which you want to see all disciplinary reports of the crew mem-
bers. Enter the start date in this field.
By default, the current month and the following 3 months are selected.
• Stop
Specify a time period for which you want to see all disciplinary reports of the crew mem-
bers. Enter the end date in this field.
By default, the current month and the following 3 months are selected.

It is also possible to export the report to an MS Excel spreadsheet. Simply choose Export in
the upper right corner.

Reports 321
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10.1.7. Disembarkation Report

The Disembarkation Report gives you an overview of the seafarers that are disembarking a
vessel during a specified period.

In addition, you can filter the report according to the following parameters:

• Ranks
You can filter the report for different ranks. Simply select the relevant ranks from the drop-
down list.
By default, all ranks are selected.
• Agencies
You can filter the report for seafarers that belong to a certain manning agency. By default,
all active agencies are selected.
• Ports
You can filter the report for specific ports at which seafarers disembark the vessels. Sim-
ply select the relevant ports from the drop-down list.
By default, all ports are selected.
• Disembarkation Start
You can filter the report by specifying a time period for which you want to see all disembar-
kations. Enter the start date in this field.
By default, the system displays all disembarkations for the next 3 months starting from
the current date.
• Disembarkation Stop
You can filter the report by specifying a time period for which you want to see all disembar-
kations. Enter the end date in this field.
By default, the system displays all disembarkations for the next 3 months starting from
the current date.

Reports 322
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It is also possible to export the report to an MS Excel spreadsheet. Simply choose Export in
the upper right corner.

10.1.8. Embarkation Report

The Embarkation Report gives you an overview of the seafarers who are embarking a vessel
during a specific time period.

In addition, you can filter the report according to the following parameters:

• Ranks
You can filter the report for different ranks. Simply select the relevant ranks from the drop-
down list.
By default, all ranks are selected.
• Agencies
You can filter the report for seafarers that belong to a certain manning agency. By default,
all active agencies are selected.
• Ports
You can filter the report for specific ports at which seafarers embark the vessels. Simply
select the relevant ports from the drop-down list.
By default, all ports are selected.
• Start
You can filter the report by specifying a time period for which you want to see all embarka-
tions. Enter the start date in this field.
By default, the system displays all embarkations for the next 3 months starting from the
current date.
• Stop
You can filter the report by specifying a time period for which you want to see all embarka-
tions. Enter the end date in this field.

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By default, the system displays all embarkations for the next 3 months starting from the
current date.

10.1.9. Ex Crew Report

The Ex Crew Report gives you an overview of former crew members that are no longer part of
the active crew.

The different reasons for not reemploying seafarers are depicted in a pie chart. A bar chart
lists the number of seafarers who were deemed for no reemployment during the specified
time period.
In addition, you can filter the report according to the following parameters:

• Agencies
You can filter the report for specific manning agencies. Simply select the relevant agency
from the drop-down list.
By default, all agencies corresponding to a seafarer with an inactive status are selected.
• Ranks
You can filter the report for different ranks. Simply select the relevant ranks from the drop-
down list.
By default, all ranks corresponding to a seafarer with an inactive status are selected.
• Start
You can filter the report by specifying a time period for which you want to see all ex-crew
members. Enter a start date in this field.
By default, the number of crew members whose assignment end fell during the last 4
months up to the current date is displayed.
• Stop
You can filter the report by specifying a time period for which you want to see all ex-crew
members. Enter an end date in this field.

Reports 324
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By default, the number of crew members whose assignment end fell during the last 4
months up to the current date is displayed.

It is also possible to export the report to an MS Excel spreadsheet. Simply choose Export in
the upper right corner.

10.1.10. Experience Report

The Experience Report gives you an overview of the experience a seafarer gained for a spe-
cific vessel type and rank.

To see the experience for a specific seafarer, simply select the seafarer from the list. The ex-
perience report to the right is adjusted accordingly.
The seafarer list is sorted according to the rank order that you specified under Settings >
Ranks and then alphabetically according to the last name of the seafarer.

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10.1.11. Expired Documents Report

The Expired Documents Report gives you an overview of the total number of documents that
are going to expire, are expired, or mandatory, but missing.

The report is available in two styles:

• Combined list and table view

The combined view includes a list containing all manning agencies and the number of in-
correct documents for each agency. When you choose an agency from the list, the details
for each seafarer are displayed in a table. The table groups the seafarer according to the
rank order that you defined under Settings > Ranks and then alphabetically according to
the last name.
You can group the table by agency or vessel. Simply choose the arrow icon in the Group
By field to change the data in the table accordingly.

This is the default view. To change the view, choose Flip style.

The combined view offers two different exports. One for the list and another one for the
• Table view
The table view is sorted according to the rank order that you defined under Settings >
Ranks and then alphabetically according to the last name of the seafarer.
It is also possible to export the report to an MS Excel spreadsheet. Simply choose Export
in the upper right corner.

In addition, you can filter the report according to the following parameters:

Reports 326
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• Error Types
You can filter the list for specific error types. Simply select the relevant error types from
the drop-down list.
By default, all error types are selected.
• Document Types
You can filter the list for specific document types. Simply select the relevant document
types from the drop-down list.
By default, all document types are selected.
• Agencies
You can filter the report for seafarers that belong to a certain manning agency. By default,
all active agencies are selected.
• Users
You can filter the list for specific users that are allowed to work with the affected seafar-
ers. Simply select the relevant users from the drop-down list.
By default, the user with which you're currently logged into the system is used.
• Seaman Status
You can filter the list for the status of a seafarer. Simply select the relevant status from the
drop-down list.
By default, the following statuses are selected:
• On Board
• On Leave
• Planned
• Traveling to Vessel
• To
You can view the status of the expired documents on the selected date. By default, the cur-
rent date is preselected.

Example 1. Status of Document

If you select 10.09. for the To field and the Document Expiry Date is 30.09. So the status of
the document is displayed as Expiring based on the defined warning period.
If you select 01.10. for the To field, the status of the document is displayed as Expired
because the date in the To field is later than the Document Expiry Date.

To change the date, choose the date picker and choose a different date.

Reports 327
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10.1.12. Fare Report

The Fare Report gives you an overview of the fares that were paid for the flights of the sea-

By default, the report lists the fares from the start of the current year until the current date.
You can change the table view by selecting a time period from the drop-down list above the
table. Simply choose the arrow icon and select one of the following values:

• None
All fares are listed sorted according to date.
• Month
All fares are grouped according to the month they occurred.
• Quarter
All fares are grouped according to the quarter they occurred.
• Year
All fares are grouped according to the year they occurred.

In addition, you can filter the report according to the following parameters:

• Countries
You can filter the report according to specific countries. Simply select a country from the
drop-down list.
By default, all countries are selected.
• Vessels
You can filter the report for specific vessels. Simply select the relevant vessels from the
drop-down list.
By default, all vessels are selected.

Reports 328
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• Airport
You can filter the report for specific airports. Simply select the relevant airport from the
drop-down list.
• Start Date
Specify the time period for which fares occurred. Enter the start date in this field.
By default, the start of the current year until the current date is selected.
• End Date
Specify the time period for which fares occurred. Enter the end date in this field.
By default, the start of the current year until the current date is selected.

It is also possible to export the report to an MS Excel spreadsheet. Simply choose Export in
the upper right corner.

10.1.13. Filipino Social Security Reports

The Filipino Social Security Reports allow you to export reports that might be relevant in line
with Philippine social security contributions.

The following exports are available:

• Home Allotment Overview

Lists all Filipino seafarers and their home allotment amount for the selected month.
To export the home allotment overview, specify the following filters:
• Agency
Select the relevant manning agency from the drop-down list.
• Month
Specify the month for which you want to get the home allotment data
By default, the first of the current month is selected.

Reports 329
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• Vessels
Select the relevant vessels from the drop-down list. By default, all vessels are selected.
• Include inactive vessels
Select the checkbox if you want to include inactive vessels in the report.
• Embarkation List
Lists all Filipino seafarers whose assignment starts in the selected month including their
PhilHealth, Pag-Ibig, and SSS contributions as well as their basic wage.
To export the embarkation list, specify the following filters:
• Agency
Select the relevant manning agency from the drop-down list.
• Crew Manager
Select the relevant crew manager from the drop-down list.
• Month
Specify the month for which you want to get the embarkation list.
By default, the first of the current month is selected.
• Include inactive vessels
Select the checkbox if you want to include inactive vessels in the report.
• Disembarkation List
Lists all Filipino seafarers whose assignment ends in the selected month including their
PhilHealth, Pag-Ibig, and SSS contributions as well as their basic wage.
To export the disembarkation list, specify the following filters:
• Agency
Select the relevant manning agency from the drop-down list.
• Crew Manager
Select the relevant crew manager from the drop-down list.
• Month
Specify the month for which you want to get the disembarkation list.
By default, the first of the current month is selected.
• Include inactive vessels
Select the checkbox if you want to include inactive vessels in the report.
• SSS Contribution Summary
Lists the number of Filipino seafarers for every vessel and the total amounts of employer
share, employee share, and EC.
To export the SSS contribution summary, specify the following filters:
• Agency
Select the relevant manning agency from the drop-down list.
• Month
Specify the month for which you want to get the SSS contribution summary.
By default, the first of the current month is selected.

Reports 330
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• PhilHealth Contribution Summary

Lists the number of Filipino seafarers for every vessel and the total amounts of employer
share and employee share.
To export the PhilHealth contribution summary, specify the filters as mentioned under SSS
Contribution Summary.
• Pag-Ibig Contribution List
Lists all Filipino seafarers with their Pag-Ibig number, basic wage as well as the values for
employer and employee share for every vessel.
To export the Pag-Ibig contribution summary, specify the filters as mentioned under SSS
Contribution Summary.
• SSS Contribution List
Lists all Filipino seafarers with their SSS number, basic wage, and values for employer and
employee share for every vessel.
To export the SSS contribution list, specify the filters as mentioned under SSS Contribu-
tion Summary.
• Variable Contribution Type List
Lists all Filipino seafarers with their PhilHealth, SSS, and Pag-Ibig numbers for whom the
selected variable contribution was deducted during the selected month.
To export the variable contribution type list, specify the following filters:
• Variable Contribution Type
Select the relevant variable contribution type from the drop-down list.
• Agency
Select the relevant manning agency from the drop-down list.
• Month
Specify the month for which you want to get the variable contribution type list.
By default, the first of the current month is selected.
• PhilHealth Contribution List
Lists all Filipino seafarers with their PhilHealth number, basic wage, and the values for em-
ployer and employee share for every vessel.
To export the PhilHealth contribution list, specify the filters as mentioned under SSS Con-
tribution Summary.
• Monthly Contribution Summary
Lists all seafarers with generated contributions for PhilHealth, SSS, Pag-Ibig and variable
contributions including basic wage, home allotment, and bank account during the selected
month. The seafarers are grouped according to crew manager and vessel.
To export the monthly contribution summary, specify the following filters:
• Month
Specify the month for which you want to get the monthly contribution summary.
By default, the first of the current month is selected.
• Agency
Select the relevant manning agency from the drop-down list.

Reports 331
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• Crew Manager
Select the relevant crew manager from the drop-down list.
By default, all crew managers are selected.
• Rank Type
Select the relevant rank type from the drop-down list.

For more information, see PHL Contributions [88].

10.1.14. Growth Report

The Growth Report gives you an overview of the number of seafarers that were hired in the
last years.

A bar chart shows the following statistics:

• Grey - The number of seafarers that left the company.

• Green - The number of new seafarers that were added to the system.
• Blue - The total number of seafarers including the newly added seafarers.

Choose one of the bars to display the details of the respective group in the table to the right.
In addition, you can filter the report using one of the following parameters:

• Agencies
You can filter the report for seafarers that belong to a certain manning agency. By default,
all active agencies are selected.
• Ranks
You can filter the report for different ranks. Simply select the relevant ranks from the drop-
down list.
By default, all ranks are selected.

Reports 332
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• Nationalities
You can filter the report for specific nationalities. Simply select the relevant nationalities
from the drop-down list.
By default, all nationalities that are available in the system are selected.
• Start date
Specify the time period for which you want to see the growth in seafarers. Enter the start
date in this field.
By default, the current month minus 12 months is preselected.
• End date
Specify the time period for which you want to see the growth in seafarers. Enter the end
date in this field.
By default, the current month minus 12 months is preselected.

It is also possible to export the report to an MS Excel spreadsheet. Simply choose Export in
the upper right corner.

10.1.15. Higher Rank Report

The Higher Rank Report lists all seafarers that hold a license for a higher rank than their cur-
rent rank. It is also displayed how many assignments have been done in this rank and how
often the seafarer has been suggested for a promotion using the performance reports.

In addition, you can filter the report according to the following parameters:

• Ranks
You can filter the report for different ranks. Simply select the relevant ranks from the drop-
down list.
By default, all ranks are selected.

Reports 333
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• Agencies
You can filter the report for seafarers that belong to a certain manning agency. By default,
all active agencies are selected.

It is also possible to export the report to an MS Excel spreadsheet. Simply choose Export in
the upper right corner.

10.1.16. Illness Report

The Illness Report gives you an overview of the overall illnesses including information about
related sickness, medical examinations, or hospitalizations. It is sorted alphabetically ac-
cording to the seafarer's first name.

In addition, you can filter the report according to the following parameters:

• From - To
Specify a period for which you want to see all sickness periods and medical examinations.
Simply choose the date picker in the From and To field to select a date.
By default, the start of the year is preselected.
• Employment Type
Select one of the following employment types from the drop-down list:
• Permanent
• Voyage
• Both
• Status
You can filter the report for a specific status of the medical report. Select one of the follow-
ing statuses from the drop-down list:
• Open

Reports 334
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• Closed
• Both

• Type
You can filter the report for a specific type of illness. Select one of the following types from
the drop-down list:
• Illness
• Injury
• Both

• Vessels
You can filter the report for specific vessels. Simply select the relevant vessels from the
drop-down list.
By default, all vessels are selected.
• Medical Examination
You can filter the report for medical examinations. If you want to specifically include only
medical examinations, choose Yes. If you want to exclude medical examinations, choose
No. To include everything, choose Both.
• Sickness
You can filter the report for related sicknesses. If you want to include only sickness peri-
ods, choose Yes. If you want to exclude sickness periods, choose No. To include every-
thing, choose Both.
• Sickness Type
You can filter the report for sickness types. Select the type of sickness from the drop-down

Sickness types are defined under Settings > Miscellaneous > Personal Histo-
ry Types.
When you specify personal history types, you need to choose Illness as the
For more information, see Create Person History Types [100].

• P&I
You can filter the report for protection and indemnity (P&I) cases. If you want to include
P&I cases, choose Yes. If you want to exclude P&I cases, choose No. To include everything,
choose Both.
• Hospitalized
You can filter the report for seafarers that were hospitalized. If you want to include seafar-
ers that were hospitalized, choose Yes. If you want to exclude seafarers that were hospital-
ized, choose No. To include everything, choose Both.

Reports 335
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• Recommended for Sign Off

You can filter the report for seafarers whose medical examinations suggested them to sign
off. If you want to include these cases, choose Yes. If you want to exclude seafarers that
were recommended to sign off, choose No. To include everything, choose Both.

It is also possible to export the report to an MS Excel spreadsheet. Simply choose Export in
the upper right corner.

10.1.17. KPI Report

The KPI Report offers you several key performance indicators that can be displayed in a
chart or table view.
The following KPIs are available:

• Lost Time Sickness Frequency

The report gives you an overview of the crews ability to prevent sickness and fatalities
while being on board the vessel.

You can display the report in a chart or table view. Simply choose the list or graph icon
to switch between the views.
You can filter the report using the following parameters:

• Key Performance Indicator

Select the KPI for which you want to see a report from the drop-down list.
• Vessels
You can filter the report for specific vessels. Simply select the relevant vessels from the
drop-down list.
By default, all vessels are selected.
• Start Date
Specify a time period for which you want to see the KPIs. Enter the start date into this
By default, the last year up to the current date is selected.
• End Date
Specify a time period for which you want to see the KPIs. Enter the end date into this field.
By default, the last year up to the current date is selected.

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10.1.18. Officer Retention Rate

The Officer Retention Rate report represents the percentage of seafarers that stayed with the
company over a period of time.

A chart displays the average retention rate for all ranks (Blue) as well as the average reten-
tion rate for Masters only (Orange).
The list on the left shows the average retention rate for every rank. By choosing a rank from
the list, the selected retention rate is displayed in the chart as the orange graph.
On top of the list the current average rating is displayed, as well.
In addition, you can filter the report according to the following parameters:

• Ranks
You can filter the report for different ranks. Simply select the relevant ranks from the drop-
down list.
• Agencies
You can filter the report for specific manning agencies. Simply select the relevant agency
from the drop-down list.
By default, all agencies are selected.
• Nationalities
You can filter the report for specific nationalities. Simply select the relevant nationalities
from the drop-down list.
By default, all nationalities that are available in the system are selected.
• Start Date
Specify a time period for which you want to see the officer retention rate. Enter the start
date in this field.
By default, the current month minus 6 months plus one month is preselected.

Reports 337
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• End Date
Specify a time period for which you want to see the officer retention rate. Enter the end
date in this field.

10.1.19. On Leave Report

The On Leave Report gives you an overview of the seafarers that are on leave for a given date
including their address and contact details as well as previous or planned next assignments,
if available.

In addition, you can filter the report according to the following parameters:

• Ranks
You can filter the report for different ranks. Simply select the relevant ranks from the drop-
down list.
By default, all ranks are selected.
• Agencies
You can filter the report for seafarers that belong to a certain manning agency. By default,
all active agencies are selected.
• Nationalities
You can filter the report for specific nationalities. Simply select the relevant nationalities
from the drop-down list.
By default, all nationalities that are available in the system are selected.
• Date
You can filter the report for a specific date. By default, the current date is selected.

It is also possible to export the report to an MS Excel spreadsheet. Simply choose Export in
the upper right corner.

Reports 338
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10.1.20. Overdue Assignments Report

The Overdue Assignments Report gives you an overview of all seafarers that extended their
originally agreed contract length.

In addition, you can filter the report according to the following parameters:

• Vessels
You can filter the report for specific vessels. Simply select the relevant vessels from the
drop-down list.
By default, all vessels are selected.
• Ranks
You can filter the report for different ranks. Simply select the relevant ranks from the drop-
down list.
By default, all ranks are selected.

It is also possible to export the report to an MS Excel spreadsheet. Simply choose Export in
the upper right corner.

10.1.21. PI Report
The PI Report offers you several performance indicators that can be displayed in a report.
The following PIs are available:

• Number of Cadets Under Training with the Ship Manager

The report gives you an overview of the number of cadets that are undergoing training with
the ship manager during a specified time period.
• Number of Crew Sick for more than 24 Hours
The report gives you an overview of the number of crew members that were sick for more
than 24 hours over a specified time period.

Reports 339
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• Number of Fatalities due to Sickness

The report gives you an overview of the number of fatalities that occurred during a speci-
fied time period. The fatalities resulted from work-related sickness and include suicides as
• Total Exposure Hours
The report gives you an overview of how many hours the crew including the ship's person-
nel spent on board the vessel.

You can filter the report using the following parameters:

• Performance Indicator
Select the PI for which you want to see a report from the drop-down list.
• Vessels
You can filter the report for specific vessels. Simply select the relevant vessels from the
drop-down list.
By default, all vessels are selected.
• Start Date
Specify a time period for which you want to see the PIs. Enter the start date into this field.
By default, the last year up to the current date is selected.
• End Date
Specify a time period for which you want to see the PIs. Enter the end date into this field.
By default, the last year up to the current date is selected.

10.1.22. Pension Report

The Pension Report gives you an overview of all seafarers that are currently on their second

The report is sorted according to the Assignment Begin.

Reports 340
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You can filter the report according to the following parameters:

• Agencies
You can filter the report for seafarers that belong to a certain manning agency. By default,
all active agencies are selected.
• Start Year
Specify a period for which you want to see all seafarers that are on their second assign-
ment. Enter the start date in this field.
By default, the current year is selected.
• End Year
Specify a period for which you want to see all seafarers that are on their second assign-
ment. Enter the end date in this field.
By default, the current year is selected.

It is also possible to export the report to an MS Excel spreadsheet. Simply choose Export in
the upper right corner.

10.1.23. Performance Report

The Performance Report gives you an overview of the average performance of all seafarers.

A bar chart shows the ratio of average rating per number of seafarers. By choosing a bar
from the chart, the table on the right automatically adjusts the data to list only the seafarers
with the selected rating.
In addition, you can filter the report according to the following parameters:

• Agencies
You can filter the report for seafarers that belong to a certain manning agency. By default,
all active agencies are selected.

Reports 341
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• Ranks
You can filter the report for different ranks. Simply select the relevant ranks from the drop-
down list.
By default, all ranks are selected.
• Nationalities
You can filter the report for specific nationalities. Simply select the relevant nationalities
from the drop-down list.
By default, all nationalities that are available in the system are selected.
• Seaman Status
You can filter the list for the status of a seafarer. Simply select the relevant status from the
drop-down list.
By default, all available seafarer statuses are selected.

It is also possible to export the report to an MS Excel spreadsheet. Simply choose Export in
the upper right corner.

10.1.24. Pool Report

The Pool Report gives you an overview of the average age, nationalities, agencies, and ranks
of the seafarers.

The KPIs are represented as pie charts. By choosing one of the segments, you are automati-
cally directed to a detailed report displaying for example all seafarers that are between 30
and 39 years old. The detailed report can also be exported to an MS Excel spreadsheet.
In addition, you can filter the report according to the following parameters:

• Agencies
You can filter the report for seafarers that belong to a certain manning agency. By default,
all active agencies are selected.

Reports 342
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• Ranks
You can filter the report for different ranks. Simply select the relevant ranks from the drop-
down list.
By default, all ranks are selected.
• Nationalities
You can filter the report for specific nationalities. Simply select the relevant nationalities
from the drop-down list.
• By default, all nationalities that are available in the system are selected.
Seaman Status
You can filter the report for the different seafarer statuses. By default, all statuses are se-
• Show only seamen currently on board
If you select this checkbox, the report includes only seafarers that are currently on board a

It is also possible to export the report to an MS Excel spreadsheet. Simply choose Export in
the upper right corner.

10.1.25. Promotion Report

The Promotion Report gives you an overview of all seafarers that were promoted during a
specified time period.

A bar chart represents the number of seafarers that were promoted over the course of the
specified time period.
By choosing a bar from the chart, the data in the table on the right is updated accordingly.
In addition, you can filter the report according to the following parameters:

Reports 343
CFM Crewing

• Agencies
You can filter the report for seafarers that belong to a certain manning agency. By default,
all active agencies are selected.
• Ranks
You can filter the report for different ranks. Simply select the relevant ranks from the drop-
down list.
• Start Date
Specify the time period for which you want to see all promotions. Enter the start date in
this field.
By default, promotions of the current month last year up to the current date are displayed.
• End Date
Specify the time period for which you want to see all promotions. Enter the end date in this
By default, promotions of the current month last year up to the current date are displayed.

It is also possible to export the report to an MS Excel spreadsheet. Simply choose Export in
the upper right corner.

10.1.26. On Board Promotion Report

The On Board Promotion Report lists all seafarers that were promoted while being on board a

The list is sorted according to the promotion date.

You can filter the report by specifying a different start date. To do so, choose Filter > (date
picker) and select the relevant date.
It is also possible to export the report to an MS Excel spreadsheet. Simply choose Export in
the upper right corner.

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CFM Crewing

10.1.27. Records for Deletion

The Records for Deletion report displays seafarer records that should be deleted according
to the storage periods that you defined under Settings > Miscellaneous > Storage Periods.

You can filter the report according to the following parameters:

• Record Types
Filter the report for a record type to get a list of seafarers for whom corresponding records
should be deleted. Select one of the following record types from the drop-down list:
• Seafarer
By default, Seafarers is selected.
• Applicants
• Payrolls
• PHL Contributions
• Rest Hours
• Medical Reports
• Disciplinary Reports
• Employment Status
Filter the report for the employment status of a seafarer. Select one of the following values
from the drop-down list:
• Active
• Inactive
A seafarer is considered as inactive independent of his defined status when the Em-
ployed until date under Seafarers > Assignments > Contracts > Employment Days lies in
the past.
• Both
By default, Both is selected.

Once you've selected a record type, the system lists all relevant records grouped by seafarer.

Reports 345
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The system uses 01.01. of the following year after the record was created. If you've defined a
storage period of 2 years, you can delete all records in 2020 that were created in 2017. With
the exception of seafarer applicants, where the system displays all entries x months after
their data record was created.
By double-clicking on a seafarer in the list, you are automatically directed to the correspond-
ing section of the record in the seafarer's profile. There you can manually delete the relevant
Alternatively, select the relevant records from the table and delete the records in a batch by
choosing Delete records above the table. All records belonging to the selected seafarer are
permanently deleted starting with the year displayed in the table until the first record.
For more information, see Delete Seafarer Data [237].

10.1.28. Repeater Report

The Repeater Report gives you an overview of all seafarers that have two or more assign-
ments in your company.

You can filter the report according to the following parameters:

• Agencies
You can filter the report for seafarers that belong to a certain manning agency. By default,
all active agencies are selected.
• Ranks
You can filter the report for different ranks. Simply select the relevant ranks from the drop-
down list.
By default, all ranks are selected.
• Start Date
Specify a time period for which you want to see all seafarers that have two or more assign-
ments. Enter the start date in this field.

Reports 346
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By default, the system displays the last four months up to the current date.
• End Date
Specify a time period for which you want to see all seafarers that have two or more assign-
ments. Enter the end date in this field.
By default, the system displays the last four months up to the current date.

It is also possible to export the report to an MS Excel spreadsheet. Simply choose Export in
the upper right corner.

10.1.29. Rest Problems

The Rest Problems report gives you an overview of the average rest hours of your vessels
and the corresponding crew.

The report is divided into two lists: Vessel and Crew.

Choose a vessel from the Vessel list to limit the number of seafarers shown in the Crew list
on the right to those who have assignments for the selected vessel.
By choosing a seafarer from the Crew list, you directly navigate into the rest hour details of
the respective seafarer.
You can filter the report according to the following parameters:

• Vessels
You can filter the report for specific vessels. Simply select the relevant vessels from the
drop-down list.
By default, all vessels are selected.
• Year
Specify a year for which you want to get an overview of the average rest hours.
By default, the current year is selected.

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• Month
Specify a month for which you want to get an overview of the average rest hours.
By default, the current month is selected.
• Agencies
You can filter the report for seafarers that belong to a certain manning agency. By default,
all agencies are selected.
• Nationalities
You can filter the report for specific nationalities. Simply select the relevant nationalities
from the drop-down list.
By default, all nationalities that are available in the system are selected.

It is also possible to export the report to an MS Excel spreadsheet. Choose Export in the right
corner above the Crew list.

10.1.30. Unassigned Seafarers Report

The Unassigned Seafarers Report gives you an overview of all seafarers that didn't have an
assignment for more than several months.
By default, the system displays all seafarers that haven't had an assignment for more than
two months.

In addition, you can filter the report according to the following parameters:

• Ranks
You can filter the report for different ranks. Simply select the relevant ranks from the drop-
down list.
By default, all ranks are selected.

Reports 348
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• Agencies
You can filter the report for specific manning agencies. Simply select the relevant agency
from the drop-down list.
• Seaman Status
You can filter the report for the different seafarer statuses. By default, all statuses are se-
• Not Assigned for at least (Months)
Enter the number of months the seafarers have not been assigned to any new assign-
ments. By default, all seafarers that haven't had an assignment for more than two months
are displayed.

It is also possible to export the report to an MS Excel spreadsheet. Simply choose Export in
the upper right corner.

10.1.31. Unconfirmed Performances Report

The Unconfirmed Performances Report gives you an overview of all performance reports that
were created for a seafarer and assigned to a user, but haven't been confirmed, yet.

The list is sorted according to date.

By double-clicking on an entry, you can open, review, and confirm the individual performance
It is also possible to export the report to an MS Excel spreadsheet. Simply choose Export in
the upper right corner.

10.1.32. Average Seafarer Report

The Average Seafarer Report gives you an overview of the average number of seafarers that
are on board the vessels during a specified time period.

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By default, the report is displayed for the data generated during the last year up to the cur-
rent date.

In addition, you can filter the report according to the following parameters:

• Vessels
You can filter the report for specific vessels. Simply select the relevant vessels from the
drop-down list.
By default, all vessels are selected.
• Start
Specify the time period for which you want to see the average number of seafarers that are
on board the vessels. Enter the start date into this field.
By default, the last year up to the current date is selected.
• Stop
Specify the time period for which you want to see the average number of seafarers that are
on board the vessels. Enter the end date into this field.
By default, the last year up to the current date is selected.

10.2. Power BI
10.2.1. Crew Changes Map
The Crew Changes Map report displays the locations in which crew changes took place.
The data in the report is provided in real-time.
It consists of the following charts:

• Crew Changes Map

The map displays the sign-on ports and the number of assignments that occurred at these

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• Seamen Nationality
The bar chart displays the number of seafarers that signed on at the ports in the maps.
The seafarers are grouped by nationality and displayed in descending order.
• Raw Data
The table below the map displays the detailed data that lies behind the graphical represen-

The charts are interactive. If you choose Germany from the Seaman Nationality
chart, you can see on the Crew Changes Map at which ports German seafarers
signed on, for example.

The following features are provided by the report:

• Filter the report by charter name, sign-on date, sign-on port, and vessel type
• Change the layout by choosing More options ( ) and then choose one of the following op-
• Show as a table
• Sort descending
• Sort ascending
• Sort by

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• Export data by choosing More options ( ) > Export data.

In the dialog window, choose the data that you want to export and the file format.

10.2.2. Seamen Demography of the 1st Assignment

The Seamen Demography of the 1st Assignment report displays demographic information of
seafarers during their first assignment.
The data in the report is updated on a daily basis.
The report consists of the following charts:

• Age
The pie chart displays the number and percentage of seafarers belonging to certain age
groups during their first assignment.
• Nationality
The pie chart displays the number and percentage of seafarers that belong to different na-
tionalities. The nationality displayed in the pie chart is the latest nationality that was en-
tered for the seafarer as historical information is not stored.
• Agency
The pie chart displays the number and percentage of seafarers belonging to the different
manning agencies. The agency displayed in the chart is the agency to which the seafarer
belonged during his first assignment.
• Rank
The pie chart displays the number and percentage of seafarers in different ranks. The
ranks displayed are the ranks of the seafarer's first assignment.
• Seaman# and growth% over time
The chart displays the total number of seafarers and by how much the crew grew over time
displayed in percent. The data is grouped by the date of the first assignment. You can drill
the chart up or down to year, quarter, and month level.

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• Raw Data
The table displays the detailed data that lies behind the graphical representations.

The charts are interactive. If you choose Germany from the Nationality bar chat,
the column chart highlights the number and percentage of seafarers that are of
German nationality.

The following general features are provided by the report:

• Filter the report for the first assignment date, agency, nationality, and rank.
• Change the layout by choosing More options ( ) and then choose one of the following op-
• Show as a table
• Sort descending
• Sort ascending
• Sort by

• Export data by choosing More options ( ) > Export data.

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In the dialog window, choose the data that you want to export and the file format.

10.2.3. Seaman Relief

The Seaman Relief report provides an overview of how many seafarers where relieved on
The data in the report includes only assignments for which the contract end date and actual
sign-off date are before today.
The data in the report is updated on a daily basis.
The report consists of the following charts:

• Whether Seafarers Relief Delayed

The bar chart displays the total number of seafarer assignments. Red indicates that the
relief was delayed and green indicates that the relief happened on time.
The line indicates the percentage of seafarer whose relief was delayed in comparison to
the total number of seafarers. The chart can be drilled up and down to year, quarter, and
day level.
• Detailed Info
The table displays the detailed data that lies behind the graphical representation.
• Scorecard
The score card provides an overview of the overall performance. The green card indicates
the total number of assignments without delay, and the red card indicates the total number
of assignments with delay.

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A separate User Manual tab provides you with instructions on how to use and interpret the
data in the report.
The following general features are provided by the report:

• Filter the report by charter name and end of contract date

• Change the layout by choosing More options ( ) and then choose one of the following op-
• Show as a table
• Sort descending
• Sort ascending
• Sort by

• Export data by choosing More options ( ) > Export data.

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In the dialog window, choose the data that you want to export and the file format.

10.2.4. Work / Rest Hours & Port Calls

The Work / Rest Hours & Port Calls report analyzes event report data and data of seafarer
assignments. The report provides answers about where and for how long your vessels were
called and how the port hours affect crew working hours.
The data in the report is updated on a daily basis.
The report is divided into the following tabs:

• Overview
Displays the actual report consisting of the following different charts:
• Ports of Calls
The map indicates the frequency of port calls with a color gradient and the port hours by
the size of the bubble. A legend in the map explains the different indicators.
The data is taken from the port report. Consecutive port report are considered as one
port call.
• Port Calls by Vessel
The bar chart displays the total number of port calls for each vessel. The bars are ranked
in descending order starting with the vessel with the most port calls.
• Raw Data
The table displays the detailed data that lies behind the graphical representations. It in-
cludes information on port calls, anchorage, distance, speed, and crewing information.
The following metrics are included:
• Charter name
• Port call: Total number of port calls grouped by vessel
• Port hour: Total anchorage hours include the following two parts:

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1. Anchorage end time minus anchorage start time from the arrival report, if it anch-
ored within the reporting period.
2. Reporting period in anchorage/layup report
• GPS traveled: Total GPS distance traveled and grouped by vessel during the selected
time period.
• LOG traveled: Total LOG distance traveled and grouped by vessel during the selected
time period.
• Streaming hour: Sum of streaming hours grouped by vessel.
• Speed GPS = sum (GPS traveled)/sum (streaming hour)
• Speed LOG = sum (LOG traveled)/sum (streaming hour)
• Average crew = sum (no. of seafarers each day)/ total number of days based on your
selected period
The number of seafarers each day is calculated using assignment data. It is defined
as total number of assignments that are valid each day. The embarkation date must
be earlier than the current date and the disembarkation date must be later than the
current date.

• Details
Displays the details of a charter. You get to the details tab by right-clicking on a raw from
the raw data table or from a bar in the bar chart. Then choose Drill through > Details.
The details tab consists of the following charts:
• Overview scorecard
The scorecard highlights the following information of the selected vessel:
• Port call
• Port hour
• Anchorage hour
• LOG traveled
• Speed LOG
• Average working seafarers
• Total working hours
• Port Calls
• Overwork Highlight
The table displays only the overtime hours recorded for seafarers, which means that the
seafarer had less than 10 hours of rest throughout the day.
• Anchorage Hour
Includes the reporting period of the anchorage/layup report and the anchorage time in
the arrival report.
• Work & Rest Hour
The rest hours are displayed in green, if the seafarer got at least 10 hours of rest
throughout the day.

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• User Manual
Provides you with instructions on how to use the report and how to interpret the data.

The following general features are provided by the report:

• Filter the Overview tab by date and charter name.

• Change the layout by choosing More options ( ) and then choose one of the following op-
• Show as a table
• Sort descending
• Sort ascending
• Sort by

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• Export data by choosing More options ( ) > Export data.

In the dialog window, choose the data that you want to export and the file format.

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