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NOT VALID WHPHOUTSEAL eu | mie eben esc TEE | oe CiADUATED om ln cl ot uw haan ko ona arn ue pintan tp (Ne SOOO 3 Nr nar 21d dan 1, Pees aed suamensors z Fanta? 1 : anaes ts 3 aes a f0U032 ——_‘Pindpoundobtot ng 1s : tov Cane Gane Coan i 3 Fevotoet Ele Prag ts 3 eNO AIRY BELOW TMSLNE NOT ALD fremcs REMARKS: gaya Goa Exanrabon Puposes City OR No. aoctees Date oaoao18 Pf 4/2015 cross open 968 ESTERLIWA TALVD).RAVINO oaos2018 DIONISIO, # student of this C subjects on Summer 2014 and_ Professional Education (C.P.E. This certification is BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN MANAGEMENT ACCOUNTING PRINTED BOOKS AND ELECTRONIC BOOKS @im, QUEZON CITY UNIVERSITY SAN BARTOLOME | SAN FRANCISCO | BATASAN HILLS TITLE AUTHOR: YEAR LINK The bon ebigatone ae contacs | Degen HS. BeLRHR, Toray Lam on ObigaBorts 6 Pointers in Business Law ‘Suarez, C.& A. 2019 lrg cnt Tg mero os, Cooter, Ropero —| —aorg Ti amish Tae Sonu a ett Po eee | Pairs shes Law sures, C&A zoe TR Siay on Ama Corporations: peer VD. anu Busivess Lave Let and Cree iarkson, Roger aoe library.lol/main/SDEELED4A14 ‘otesesacavocoseer Business Law & Regulations aa TB Ta crinanAEPEFSSAN Cher Tracey mo rsa Business Lew and Stsieny ‘Sean P. Melvin, David Orazco, http:/Mibrary.lol/main/DBBDASD3E FE, Guerra-Pujot eee B86! IF84A5D17EDAE4 SPA Rava Rein Fiamono Pao for Business Transactions ‘mnpongans, O. &Aberio, A; ee Wey CPA sxc sca evan day Cares, 6 Jonas INC] —appp fuse region SPrian ak Regulatory Framework & Legal Urgent bas: ee = — . needs to overcome to save itself and the ‘Throrndon, lan Bod Bates: 2022 - planet Dominic jreader/8.UP0001358) ‘Applied Stalistics in Business & Roried Sts Dane, David P 2018 quieKBOGKS? 2022: the ‘Guide fo bookkeeping and the 20ks online accounting'software, 3 Steton, Cyisiynn, Pues, Corporate Governance, Business Ethics, Risk Management and Intemal Control Cabrera, ME & GA. aa) Business Ethics & Social Responsibility 3G E Learning 2018 Governance, Business Ethics, Risk nan Bautista, G.T. 2024 Governance, Business Ethics, | Management and Sent Risk Management, and Internal | Financial Mana in .goment and corporate Controt eens ‘Asaoke, Daisuke 2022 WsuuClo iio: poral apublish,comflibea Modern finance rick management: = YlobiW'SPCB00108852searchid= Peclscvitin honouraf Hamann Lacarek | Locerek, Hermann, etal, | 2022 gb/WSPC3O0 0885 seatcni=1 Junge | pease Wanagerial Economics and Business | Wichaal R. Baye 218 strategy Management control systems To Firaoka, Shufuku & AoW, 2080 Managettal Economics changes: applying to dematurity Akimichi transformation of organizations Finar ‘and economic systems: Fiiti, Zied; Ameur, Hachmi 2021 transformations and new challenges _| Ben & Louchin, Wael ‘Wiley CPA excel exam review study aide: financial accounting and reporting 2022 Financial Accounting & Reporing Pat’? |g, Financial Accounting & Sole Proprietorship aia 2070 Reporting 1 & 2 Financial Accounting & Reporting Part 2 ' partnership & corporation Béuticts, G. 2000 Financial accounting and reporting part partnership and corporation Bautista, GT. 2019 Financial Accounting & Reporting Part 1 Sole Proprietorship eee foe Practical Financial Accounting volt 82 | Vale, 7. BCA. 2019 PICPA Southern Metro ee Manila Region oe ‘Conceptual Framework and Acoouniing Standards (PFRSs and Passed-based) | Cabrera, ME. etal. 2019 ‘Conceptual Framework and Accounting Standards ‘Conceptual Framework & Accounting : Standards PFRSs and PASs-BASED__| Cabrera, ME.B. et.al a ‘Conceptual framework and accounting 20/9 standards Intermediate Accounting Vol. 3 2019 Intermediate Accounting vol 2019 Intermediate Accounting vol.2 Intermediate Accounting 1,2, : Vat, GT 8G. ae 83 GPA Examination Reviewer: Accounting Thea woll Roque, 6S. 2019 “Advanced Accounting principles and procedural applications Guerero, P. & Peralta, J 2017 Financial Management Comprehensive | Cabrera, ME. & GA. 2019 Wiley CMA exam review study guide: part Financial Management {fnancal paring, performance, and | Bult 2022 Wiley CMA exam review study guide: pat | pag, pany 2 strategic financial management Introduction to Financial Management | Pandeya, Sudanshu 2023 roject financing! nancial Nahi, Carmel F& ei and risk management Fabozzi, Frank J ‘Racounling Information Systems Basic Concepts & Current Issues Hat a ‘Accounting Information Efficient accounting with Xero: the ‘System Tata 7 dhe ote fener 2304001 Quevon City Government ga@iontry, Purchase Order pate: ist? ® Republic ofthe Philippines Quezon City Gernment PROCUREMENT DEPARTMENT i Quseon Cis Hall Comal. 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BY; BIDS AND AWARDS COMMITTEE - GOODS AND SERVICES 4 roatuo ners ‘GR member? ACKNOWLEDGEMENT/CERTIFICATION Thi is fo cerfily thot we hove read ond understood the content of the foregoing Notice of Post-€valuation pariicularly with our complance/abigation to comoty with the prescnbed ‘recive relative to the acceptance of the Nofice of Award upon ifs availibility. Done this ___ doy of __ 2023. einwant Bisder/Aciorized Representative ‘quezon crv PROJECT PROCUREMENT MANAGEMENT PLAN ow mee exo user quezow cr univers Greed to ona posta: CONTINUING APPROPRIATION = RAT] TES] — WOOF SET ESTORE GE ACT Sone ae be eno SIZE sunGeT__| procurement | JAN | FEB |MaR] APR] MAY] JuN | JUL | AUG! SEP NOV] DEC Reco ae pom REET as] see Peete ca rant cough bsks a = [es] 253570 fafa meme eenta) kranna, C2016 1s6n9789383728905 | 5 | cps | 35,678.55 jaecnedan ssonin@epmg Sac = ners lene comoisonsraiszrecan| 3 |e) ssasaa7 fg & sree serea/ ered. [ouwen, cae censvazzcosmsie| 3 | ex| 2578500 Lcsatgativan ordannies —— [ig co SraTSaSS |= ta] — a www ES Se er ainamonems—{ tet — tee Soon beesainnstes Sola pais comsunwominsamss [stort — ase] pp ee ; lcontrol/ 10th ed. |ISBN:9781260565478 = |= 29580 fanaa cao dvnced anc ecounine an kh 0 3 [es 293500 ote nog aad So a BRR ARALTTCS FOR ACCOUNTING Tan [RCRANDSON, Cz ey eee led. |ISBN:9781260571097 = " pan, ce ; nancacewanacenn ccovrne PAS CE 7 ANCE APFUEATONS AND THEORY /UJCORETT, C020 led. |ISBN:9781250566673, » | 2572500) aga Nae: Techn petitions for exch han Polecng apa al be SRT ato the PA. repre sutrieab: prranceund San, con, lef senesrra Vann Dem ari University’ nt OIC, VP for Administration &inanceg ‘quezon crry PROJECT PROCUREMENT MANAGEMENT PLAN . ‘YEAR: 2022 END USER: QUEZON CITY UNIVERSITY ‘Charged to GAA PROGRAM TITLE: CONTINUING APPROPRIATION. [QuANTrTY/| ESTIMATED | MODE OF ‘SCHEDULE MILESTONE OF ACTIVITIES cones See ‘Size suoser | procurement [JAN] FEB [MART ape [Mav] sun [ sut [aus] seP [oct [WovT DEC SCOUNTANCY E Iserrane, 2014 5 [os 670178 [sergote, 2039 3 | os 9,180.00 Joseph SedfreyS. Santiago, et al, ae 8 fos] rzasza2 Rosales, C2029 8 fes| 1226521 usrary Mendoza, c2018, 8 Jos} 15,351.24 ‘BOOKS. Po (2-07-07-020)) [Sueno caa1 a Tora, Sergote, C2015 3 9,180.09) Angulo, <2019 8 9,180.00 [Shimizu Hiromy, 2019" 8 Joep] masse Fizon-isan® A Guide for the study and JUnderstanding ofthe Life and Contributions tothe Phil, Nationhood and [Pe Wi#"#, C2019 see ea mabe 78.90, “Technical Specifications for each item/Project being proposed sl Prepared By sitet ermancrunac ran crn £1 Oc, VP for Administration &Financey Submited “THeResiTa University wy en oem END USER: QUEZON CITY UNIVERSITY Charged to GAA PROGRAM TITLE: CONTINUING APPROPRIATION ‘quezon cry ‘YEAR: 2022 PROIECT PROCUREMENT MANAGEMENT PLAN & Pn DOT FRETS ore Sealer ‘SIE supGeT__| procurement | JAN | Fes [aR] APR | MAY] JUN | JUL | AUG} SEP ‘DEC TRONS = a ERSTE | S| | — Taree Rcnamapmet AS Poe : fiay Cianwmamee AWN Tow, coxesensraurasions | > | ep | 250227 ener aceounN Romemaed! ——— Racanemamamem {+ {e| mam oe ca led. is8N-9781337406451 3 ce eed sani oa ar cas con ona Te a Fone cat oven norgenen Franson Cm ae Lhe JAhmad, C2018 ISBN:9789672113355 | 5 | cps 16,392.85 usar ors feet csicnaremamean| 3 [ome| aman] (2-07-07-020) Fhe Basic af Business for an Entrepreneurs] [3G Learning, C2019 eslig =a j2nd ed. iSBN:9781984620866 * 7 sat SaRRORTERCE—— leoornsresuainer | > [| _mamar Eecie Hananek ES aoissevsrenncie | s [ox| _somaan nvoicon oTecoweretip onan caiconavecnanrons| = |] sc Sterne co fecenepenaustip ton in ove) PeemE CO > fe) mena cotissrusccumae | > [we] soneso0 os aaa ts: Teal eats or exch enon Bg Oe Hal KTR a te FE Prom stad ruaanceinaoan con fle rene nena oe Oc, VP fr Adminstration &Fnanceg University President ‘quezow ciry PROJECT PROCUREMENT MANAGEMENT PLAN & ven sno sen: quezon or Nene Ghorettocnn mnodtayn mf: CONTINUING APPROPRIATION = RN RITES |W STORE FRETS cove Roce eciei Alaa SIZE supGeT__| procurement [JAN | FEB [MART APR| may|sUN | yuu | auc] sep | ocr | Nov] DEC sameorccoomn ensaner cai hed fstna canoisvareisioon | + [| moana ee Fomestantantoreecve Laos cprmuareerint | 7 | ex] angtsa0 ponscis (wt Onnecorsrion ana coe wawsresczsise0 | 7 | eps] sussoo fBesources) aaa ae senile iment fee Ca > [em] sasnoo pores clot stele LBRARY. iS8N:8781632407535 = ay BOOKS |Hugos, C2018 ISBN:9781119461104 | 5 | cps 32,107.15, rs tvorors) foro comnsovareeramsese | 10 | | saresvo Lee TEST ce cnn > | ws] momen a restock of pets ones lronscaisonsressueres | 6 | os] x120000 cd Naar aa Sirotonspocvnsionsdsyen fedscoitsararcsns | 3 | ep | sonzsr san a aa Was: Tene Spectator ene r/o as WPS sl BOTT pr othe rome sstetedty rucaceunne anon i Ohana nance ‘quezon cry PROJECT PROCUREMENT MANAGEMENT PLAN ‘YEAR: 2022 Prepared By the] ba Univesity President END USER: QUEZON CITY UNIVERSITY charged to GAA PROGRAM TITLE: CONTINUING APPROPRIATION - [SuANTTTY7] —ESTHARTED | —WODEOF ‘SCHEDULE MILESTONE OF RCTVTTES CODE i ta te SIZE BUDGET __| PROCUREMENT | JAN | FEB | MAR] APR | MAY] JUN | JUL | AUG] SeP | OCT | NOV, TEP /aUINESS/ ANT. raiagonal, c2o.a |'SBN:9781947441149 ale eres Sanu, coorsisensresaszso0.21 | 5 | cos | sx016.25 [case Coons BBNSracarasss60 |S | cee] SS TRSE Diego, c2ois sen's7eise28s2590 | 3 | cos] 24835.71 crane, c2oioisen-sraiissoseo7 | 7 | cos| 2594099 L mee [Pineda, c2019_ B | eos 9,180.00, 800KS 5 (1-07-07-020) oe Leon, czaz0 8 |eps] 13006 fhe Curriculum Essentials of tun Segote, C2015 a SCOTT ano, 8 [es] 97288 |Organization/ ian — cps 110,722. sabia ras TOTAL rap. Note: __Techrieal Specifications for each tem/Projac Eelng prOpOSEd shall BE AUBTTTEGT aS part ofthe ‘Quezon ciry PROJECT PROCUREMENT MANAGEMENT PLAN a wean 2022 no USER QUEZON iT UNIVERSITY Charged to GAR Rostan rs: CONTINUING APPROPRIATION OAT STATED] — WDE SCHEDULE TT ETORE OF RETTTES ee eumenal DenaaerOn ‘SIZE BuDGET __| pRocuREMENT | JAN | Fee [nar] APR [MAY] JUN | JuL | AUG| SEP NOW] DEC ReoRRATOR TEROLDET eis Theory snd contemporarysses ouen,cooiswens7eien7zez% | 3 | @s| 2358000 aceasta to ar aga camera tas aes iaiton ener esos aN eer pest ssian nee and Web Technology rane c2018 wans7e0ss2e00183 | 2 | cos] 1960087 sent of man Computer nercton {2021 ana7662ie270642 2 |e] ssso00 ACPI COMPUTER SECURITY COMTI CONEY, CERT : SECURITY / 6th ed, |iS8N:9781260474317 ‘1° aauem unwaey [computer sytem Sev: heme . . uanaRt [computer Stem Srv czorwonsreisesssoz7 3 | cs| 2560500] gg (07-07-00) atte Fad Ran Rei oT FARORIET IT Li coxeisonoratsonaneos | 3 |x| _2n07ese erosions Bas Ra sea REN STELARSTISI_[ Swe | TS Frasca : : power CRT [poy gts mgt shea, ORR ET = | w=] anseo00 fon, ante a staring, czois |productions & operstions management |ISBN:9781680947700 4 | 9 ase Proce management Soren cure wansraivreso | 5 [os] saves aa EET ate: Techn peteatons for each tn/Proje DERE Hapa al DE DRIED sr of the FP. repre y submited ‘ -tan of prmanetne ran cea gl! o7 (Oc, VP for Administration & inancey ‘Quezon ciry PROJECT PROCUREMENT MANAGEMENT PLAN YEAR: 2022 ND USER: QUEZON CITY UNIVERSITY Charged 0 GAA PROGRANT TITLE: CONTINUING APPROPRIATION [SUANTTTY] ESTIMATED] — MODE OF ‘SE EDULE [MILESTONE OF ACTS core eee ‘SIZE supcet __| procuremeNT | JAN | FEB | MAR] APR May] JUN | JuL | AuGT sep | OcT | Nov] DEC [ENTREP/BUSINESS/MNGT.. Macroeconomic: heores Ssneree, cone “emerging economics |ISBN:2789386602091 5 le pe Fconmers:eeudetohuiness Re: Inojecouasansrmesisa | 5 |x| s5o7ass Producon management ccire, 017 wews7eisases3e32]| 5 | eos] 3567055 Consumer behavior and marietng |S aaring COIS |research(w/ DVD) / 2nd |ISBN:9781984624512_ 5 |e 389430 arkting for entreprenuers and mses feranda, 2017 senss7eu680047076 | 3 | cms] 24885272, UuoRaRy ‘soKs [Technology &innovation management [oiego,czoassena7eisezesosio | 2 | cm| 2aaa571| ro (2-07-07020)JeQRSORTER BENATON SUTIN OTHERSGAUGH, C2000 5 aaa |IVARKETING STRATEGY / 14th ed. |ISBN:9781260566482 ~ _ BUSINESS ETc DECSION MARNGTOR [HARTMAN C2019 > Tes oparsoe |PERSONAL INTEGRITY/ Sth ed. |iSBN:9781260575811_ >= 2 static Management. arelo, 2020 8 fos | 1225568 Supoy Chain and Lite Management, [endor, C2020 3 [os| _asasuae Fe ese in an Ba TT acm a lel aman nierstons arnans & Trade isan, OAL 7 [oe | a a Ha Note ‘echnical Specicatons french ten/Prject Baia proposed sal be SUBMITS part ofthe PPMP Prepared oy submitted by: thea FI PIAANGELINA. TAN, cPA 17 © fo ‘rerest University quezow erry PROJECT PROCUREMENT MANAGEMENT PLAN, ean: 2022 END USER: QUEZON CITY UNIVERSITY Charged to GAA PROGRAM TITLE: CONTINUING APPROPRIATION (GUANTTY/] ESTIMATED | MODEOF SCHEDULE MILESTONE OF ACTIVITIES oo seen DEE ‘Size suocer_| procurement | JAN | FES ‘ape [may JUN | sut [aus] sep [Oct [NOV] DEC [BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION [Evidence-besedreeriting [rac caoao sanarereoasiant —|_7_| cpa | 27,865.00 ‘i [3G Learning, C2015 Logistic management w/ DVD eareeisinae 7 [eos] 2594038 jons management inthe supply |Schroeder, C2021 lecsions & cases 8th ed, senis7e280571031, aloes [Heneman i, C2022 STAFFING ORGANIZATIONS / 20th ed. freremian Bh 3 |cps| 29.85.00 [Productivity and Quality Management (OBE serrano, C2016 6a 34,425.01 Approach) Ps 1425.00 pray [Reta Pury Crore SoN-oTASeTIIIsOa1 [8 | eps| 24 es7az BOOKS |Theory, practice and techniques in project 3G Learning, C2038 con Pa (1-07-07-020) management san-9781680947823 ieee feeeoree wituians, C202: FINANCIAL & MANAGERIAL ACCOUNTING [MI Teg 5 | es] 3747500 [accounting information systemviath ed Turner, Czazo sen-s7exii96s744s | 3 | cps] 41,985.00 Human resource management/ath ed. fPerada, C2020 8 | css] 12,255.68 Marketing management Caos = [es | 10778 [ACCOUNTANCY TADVERTISING AND PROMOTION: AN iwTEGRATED MARKETING euch, czozi isaws7izsos7oss1 | 3 | cps| 28,985.00 -OMMUNICATION / 12th ed Tubiotal 2g Technical Specifications for each Item Project being proposed shall be submitted as part ofthe PPWP. Prepared By: ten PIA ANGELINA C. IG, VP for Admin Submitted by: quezon ciry PROJECT PROCUREMENT MANAGEMENT PLAN pote emtan aerert emonan PROGRAM TITLE: CONTINUING APPROPRIATION. coe SERENE =a: cove Se ere na Siz] uncer _| procurement | TAN] FES [MAR] APR | aay] sun [ suL [aus] sep [ocr [Nov] DEC aR : — maaliai ce lae pores sae aerate (04) | teases eee eee ae ere oencreseeees il aes — : recon PRS qe canes ce eo fn cnan ncomnscetoet|SN(es ese sr Lowrennon amet fs caa icles sear a wna rao ahd pawn cn =[=[ zen], pararean meatus (axial Soe ciesarcoaemeroe| (=| | lcroaio cera see oeeset yeoman Tela sie aa aaa peta a eae seston fa} ater cea Se Denon Conaorata inane: cory principles B JRoss, C2018 ISBN:9781260083279 5 | ops 33,535.70 eran was Soe Prepared 8y Submitted by: aanocil neem oe tae ees QUEZON CITY UNIVERSITY SAN BARTOLOME | SAN FRANCISCO | BATASAN H se Ji BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN MANAGEMENT ACCOUNTING (BSMA) Competent and effective commur Unique in demonstrating thee se and patriotism genuine nationalism The degree program described herein shall be called Bachelor of Science in Management Accounting Nature of the study This Is the program that provides general accounting education to students wanting to pursue a professional career in management Accountancy Department PROGRAM NAME BS MANAGEMENT ACCOUNTING Vsiow Tao CoREVLUS Tobe ecoanited ithe i oa unveity oF employable | To prove a camprheraveedveaton hat enhances es of sradvaes “fudens for nation bung ond os word zens TSTUTIOHAL OUTCOMES PROGRAM SPECCATIONS GU gadis are: rogram Dechton {uate inter chosen eld loca an eabaly Degree Name Page| QUEZON CITY UNIVERSITY SAN BARTC IME | SAN FRANCISCO. BATASAN HILLS // PROGRAM OUTCOMES (Common to Business and Management diseipline) Specific to Management Accounting: ‘A graduate of the BS Management Accounting should be able to: ‘Confidential maint ment {0 good corporate citizenship social responsibiliy and eihical practice ia performing Functions as an accountant QUEZON CITY UNIVERSITY SAN BARTOLOME | SAN FRANCISCO | BATASAN HILLS // ‘CAREER PATHS ‘Specific Professions/Careers/ Occupations for graduates of BSMA ‘Specific Job opportunities ae the following: Junior Analysts, consulting staff Industry: Cost analyst, Investment analyst, Management Account 3. Government State Accounting Examiner, NBI Agent, Treasury Agent, State Account 4, Education Junior Accounting Instructor ‘ost Accountant nancial Services Specialist , Tax Accounting , Financial analysts, Budget Analyst, Credit anal LGU Accountant, Revenue Officer, Audit Examiner, Budget Offic 2. Commerce and Industry: Controller/compt 3.Government: State Accountancy, Direct ‘EXTERNAL INFLUENCES T.CHED (Commission on Higher Education) Memo Order No. 20 series of 2013, General Education Curriculum: Holistic Understanding, Intellectual and Civic Competencies 2.CHED CMO 28 s 2017 Policies, Standards and Guidelines for the Bachelor of Science in Management Accounting Page|3 a QUEZON CITY UNIVERSITY \S) “Sax BARTOLOME | SAN FRANCISCO | BATASAN Hits _/ Performance Indicators are specific measurable statements identifying the performance required to meet the outcome confirmable through evidence come PROGRAM OUTCOME PERFORMANCE INDICATOR ‘© Record financial transactions in compliance with generally accepted accounting and ds sole proprietorships, partnerships, and corporations, government and ‘and appropriate use of accounting theory and methodologies. PO Ti Conduct Management Accounting research through independent studies of relevant literature ++ Present findings and conclusions of the study ++ Communicate effectively the recommendations. PO 12 Employ technology as a business tool in capturing financial and non-financial information, generating reports and making decisions. ~ Customize an accounting software toa particular business entity. jecessfully respond to various types of assessments and certifications) eal practice in performing functions as accountant. ‘= Communicate limitations or other constraints that would preclude respons Page| 4 )) QUEZON CITY UNIVERSITY SAN BARTOLOME | SAN FRANCISCO | BATASAN CURRICULUM MAP FOR BS MANAGEMENT ACCOUNTING Program Outcome Specific to sub-discipline (BSMA) Code Title por | P02 1. Basie Courses BME! Production Operations Management and TOM ep fe BME2 Srtegie Management r | P 1 Accounting Education Courses ABI Financial Accounting and Reporting | o ‘AE 1 Application Tols in Business Ll o ‘AES Conceptual Framework and Accounting Standards to AEA Intermedinte Accounting 1 | o AES ‘Cost Accounting and Control System L | o Page| QUEZON CITY UNIVERSITY SAN BARTOLOME | SAN FRANCISCO | BATASAN HILLS AES Managerial Economies Pr AET Financial Management P AESLAWI Law on Obligations and Contract i) AES ‘Management Science P Intermediate Accounting 2 L AE Income Taxation L AED Strategic Cost Management L AEIS Accounting Information System P AEM Statistical Analysis with Software Application L AEIS. Economic Development Pp AEIG Business Taxation Pr ABIT Intermediate Accounting 3 L AEISLAW2 Business Laws and Regulations L Page| 6 QUEZON CITY UNIVERSITY SAN BARTOLOME | SAN FRANCISCO | BATASAN HILLS AED ional Busines and Trade L AEI0 Accounting Research Methods P ABI Governance, Business Ethics, Risk Management and Internal Cone! P apn Sategic Busines Analysis L ‘AEZSLAWS | Regulatory Framework and Legal Issues in Business L ‘AED Monagement Accounting Research L AEDS Facial Markets a AEI6 Management Accounting Internship P IL Profesional Courses PE Hunan Behavior in Organization P Pre? Human Resource Management and Organization Bebavior L PrES Valuation L Page|7 > QUEZON CITY UNIVERSITY / SAN BARTOLOME | SAN FRANCISCO | BATASAN HILLS _// Pred Projet Management P PrES ‘Accounting for Goveranent and Non-Profit Organizations P PrES Accounting for Business combinations P PET Sustinabiliy and Statepie Audit P Pres Performance Management Systems P Pre ‘Strategie Tax Management L PrEIO ‘Update in Managerial Accounting P Legend: L.-Facilitate LEARNING of the competencies (input is provided and competency is evaluated Allow student to PRACTICE competencies (no input but competency is evaluated) (O—Provide OPPORTUNITY for development (no input or evaluation, but there is opportunity to practice the competencies) Page| 8 QUEZON CITY UNIVERSITY SAN BARTOLOME | SAN FRANCISCO | BATASAN HILLS CURRICULUM STRUCTURE RST SNESTER SORECT surecr True Units [LeCHRS [LABiRS | PREREG SECSETT | Waa Sa Se eR at r Spa ie SOS Ts Conta Wa Spe GET] nora Say [re os Spa ae 7 Sa ae XSTHT | Noi Sie Tata Pega Sa Page| 9 SAN BARTOLOME | SAN FRANCISCO | BATASAN HI @ QUEZON CITY UNIVERSITY Physical Finess and Wellness z z o TOTAL B |e 7 SECOND SEMESTER cae SUBJECT TITLE unis | LecuRs | LaBHRS| PRE-REQ RIZAL | Rats Life and Works 3 3 0 [None MATEY The Modern World 3 3 0 [None ENGI Pasposive Commnnieaton 3 3 0 | None SOCSCID | Readings ta Philippine History 3 > 0 [None AE TF Application Tools ta Business 3 T 2 [None ES ‘Concepival Frams=work and Accounting Standard 3 3 0 [ABT NSTP2 | National Service Training Program? 3 3 0 [NSTPI PE pthc Rees z z 0 [PET TOTAL Be z Page| 10 Page| 1 QUEZON CITY UNIVERSITY \Se7/ SAN BARTOLOME | SAN FRANCISCO | BATASAN HILLS ff » FIRST SEMESTER ae SUBJECT TITLE, units | LECHRS | LABHRS| PRE-REQ HOME 3 3 0 | None Scr 3 3 0 | None AEE 3 3 0 | ABT AES Cost Accounting and Control 3 3 0 [AEF ‘AES ‘Managerial Eeonomics 3 3 o_[ None ‘AET Financial Management 3 3 0 [RET ‘AESLAWI | Law on Obligations and Contract 3 3 0 [None PEI ‘Haman Behavior in Organization 3 3 oO _[ Now: PES Individual and Dual Sports 2 z 0 [PET TOTAL ceri araae) ° Page| 12 ) QUEZON CITY UNIVERSITY SAN BARTOLOME | SAN FRANCISCO | BATASAN HILLS Af An ‘SECOND SEMESTER vee SUBJECT TITLE UnrTs | LECHRS | LABHRS | PRE-REQ CEE Pople and the Eats Boosystoms 3 3 0 | None AD ‘Management Seience 3 > 0 [ABS “AEIO Taiermodiate Accounting 2 3 3 0 [ABN ‘EIT Theome Taxation 5 3 0 [ABT AE ‘Siratagie Coat Management 3 3 0 [ABS AEIS ion System 3 T 2 [RET curry is wih Software Application 3 3 0 [AED BMET ‘Operations Management and TOM 3 3 0 [ABS PEA Team Sports z z 0 | PET TOTAL | z Page| 13 @ Se QUEZON CITY UNIVERSITY SAN BARTOLOME | SAN FRANCISCO | BATASAN HILLS ST SERSTER SoRECT Sumer ILE Units [uECHRS caBans | PRE-REQ TES ia a en agi is Tan an ZT i gs so FETA aaa IS spa aca AEs ata a ae Sr a | Sago Ser Fea as aaa TET she Tass | Vain a wl ao ean Cd TOTAL 4 2 0 QUEZON CITY UNIVERSITY SAN BARTOLOME | SAN FRANCISCO | BATASAN HILLS _// SECOND SEMESTER poet SUBJECT TITLE units | LECHRS | LABARS | PRE-REQ RE TAT Sed ‘AE20 Accounting Research Methods 3 3 0 | Year Standing a “Governance, Business Ethics, Risk Management, and ‘ABI Govsrnanes Be 3 3 0 | pret pee2 AEE Sirategie Business Analysis 3 3 0 BME REDSLAWS | Regulatory Framework and Legal Issues in Business 3 3 0 | AEISCAWE Piet Prajent Management 3 3 0 BME PES “Rscounting for Government and Non-Profit Organizations | 3 3 0 | ABIT PES ‘Resonating for Business Combinations 3 3 0 | AEIT TOTAL a) a Page| is Page| 15 QUEZON CITY UNIVERSITY SAN BARTOLOME | SAN FRANCISCO | BATASAN HILLS FIRST SEMESTER ee SUBJECT TITLE unrts | LECHRS | LABHRS | PRE-REQ REDE ‘Management Accounting Research 3 3 0 [AERO EB Financial Makes 3 3 0 [ABT PET Sustainability and Statogis Audit e 3 0 [ABST PES Performanes Management Sytams 3 3 0 | REST PED ‘Sirategie Tax Management 3 3 0 |AEIS TOTAL |S 3 SECOND SEMESTER B ‘CODE SUBJECT TITLE UNITS | LEC HRS | LABHRS | PRE-REQ 5 5 Th Year ERG ‘Management Accounting Internship 6 40 | Shyer rh Year PrEIO Updates in Managerial Accounting (Elective 2) 3 3 ° Rae TOTAL 3 3 00 FOTAL UNITS Page| 16 (@ QUIZON City UNIVERSITY SAN BARTOLOME | SAN FRANCISCO | BATASAN HILLS ‘CURRICULUM SUMMARY (COMPARISON WITH CHED MINIMUM REQUIREMENT ‘MINIMUM UNITS No. ‘COURSE PRESCRIBED BY ecu HED T | General Education (GE) Courses 36 % 2 | National Service Training Program (NSTP) 6 6 3 _| Physical Education (PE) Courses 8 e ‘Sub-total 30 30 | Common Business and Management Education Courses 6 e ‘3 | Cove Accounting Education Courses a a © | Cognates/Major/Professional Courses 30 30 ‘Sub-total a7 u7 TOTAL UNITS 17 167 ‘PREPARED BY ‘RECOMMENDING APPROVAL ‘APPROVED BY Rosalie R. Mil, CPA, LPT, MBA Gerardo T Bautista, CPA, LPT, Ph.D Bradford Z Martinez, DBA. Param Chait Dean, Collezeof Business Administration and Accountancy _ ‘Vice-Presid / QUEZON CITY UNIVERSITY BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN MANAGEMENT ACCOUNTING EFFECTIVE: 1 SEMESTER AY 2022 - 2023 Admission Requirements To be admitted to the BSMA Program, a student must be able to meet the following: A. Must have a general weighted average not lower than 90% in Senior High School B_ Must have a general weighted average not lower than 90% in the QCU Admission Test C. Must be of good moral character D. Must have grades not lower than 90% in the following Senior High School subjects: 1. General Mathematics 2. English for Academic and Professional Purposes 3. Reading and Writing Skills Retention Policies The retention policy aims to: 1. Increase the academic standards of the Quezon City University. 2. Encourage the students to excel academically. To be retained in the BSMA Program, the following policies shall apply: A. On the 1* and 2% Year, a student admitted into the program must have no failing grade in any minor subjects and have no grade lower than 2.25 in any major subjects. B, On the 3° and 4 Year, a student must not incur more than three failing grade or 5.0 for each year level Policies on Transferee student/s, ‘A. A transferee shall be accepted in the BSMA program provided that he/she passed the QCU Admission Test with a general average of 90% and above, B. A transferee shall be accepted in BSMA program provided the student has no grade ower than 2.25 in all his/her subjects. C. A transferee must be of good moral character: ‘1D. Atgansferee must pass the interview and/or examination administered by the Dean (CPA) or Program Chair who will recommend for admission. Policies on Shiftee Student/s A.A shiftee student shall be accepted in the BSMA Program provided that he/she had passed the admission requirements as stated above. B.A shiftee student shall be accepted in the BSMA Program provided the student has no grade lower than 2.25 in all his/her subjects. CA shiftee must pass the interview and/or examination administered by the Dean (CPA) or Program Chair. Grading System BSA grading system shall follow the university's grading system applied in all other programs as follows: Midterm Grade = Class Participation = = Midterm Exam Grade - Final Term Grade = Class Participation : - Final Exam Grade - FINALGRADE: MidtermGrade = = 50% Final Term Grade = _50% Total Final Grade = 100% GRADE | ravaient | REMARKS GRADE | pigatent | REMARKS 98-100 1.00 Excellent 71-79 2.75 _| Satisfactory 95-97 125 Execllent 75-76 3.00 Passed 92-94 150 Very Good | | Below75 | 5.00 Fail 39-91 175 Very Good INC Teomplete 86-88 2.00 Good op Officially Dropped 83-85 2.25 Good up Unotticially Dropped 80-82 2.50 | Satisfactory G6 Dr. Gerardo T. Bautista, CPA ‘Acting Dean Republic of the Philippines OFFICE OF THE PRESIDENT COMMISSION ON HIGHER EDUCATION HED MEMORANDUM ORDER (CMO} No. 104 Series of 2017 SUBJECT: REVISED GUIDELINES FOR STUDENT INTERNSHIP PROGRAM IN THE PHILIPPINES (IPP) FOR ALL PROGRAMS In accordance with the pertinent provisions of RA 7722, otherwise known as the “Higher Education Act of 1994”, and pursuant to Commission en Banc (CEB) Resolution No. 849-2017 dated November 7, 2017, the following “Revised Guidelines for Student Internship Program in the Philippines (SIPP) for all Programs”, amending CHED Memorandum Order (CMO) No 23, 5. 2009, “Guidelines for Student Internship Program in the Philippines (SIP) for All Programs with Practicum Subject” are hereby adopted for the information, guidance and compliance of all concerned, Article | GUIDING PRINCIPLES Section 1. The internship program is meant to provide students with an opportunity to ‘complement their formal learning with practical knowledge, skils and desirable ttitudes and to gain hands on experience in recognized Host Training Establishment (HTE} Section 2. An industry is a classification that refers to groups of companies that are related based on their primary business activities. They produce goods or related services within an economy. Section 3. The Commission on Higher Education {CHED) is mandated to develop and promote policies, systems, procedures and programs that address globalization, changing policies, and liberalization of trade in higher education, CHED shall require student internship and establishment by HEIs of strong academic linkages with business, industry and duly recognized government and non government organizations, e.g. civil society organization to promote and provide students with competitive skills and attitudes for employment. Section 4, Student Internship in the Philippines must not be in anyway used to facilitate human trafficking under the guise of student internship. Section. CHED issues this Revised Guidelines for Student Internship Program in the Philippines (SIPP) for all Programs, in order to promote the well being of higher education students, guarantee quality of their learning and exposure and ensure theit safety while undergoing internship and considering the nature of the program, mien! Genter Butding, C Gar Nos. 241-1177, 305-4901 401.1% ‘411-0750. pus, Duman, Guazon City, Phiippines tag, 841-4170, 247-1216, 302-5296, NSE 4an1245 Ad Te1N7O 441-1258, 444-8010, 449-1972, 35 ‘220 1877 Article t ‘OBJECTIVES Section 6. Objectives 6.1 General Objectives 6a. 612 613 Strengthen the implementation of the local internship through collaborative effort of the academe-industry linkage among the participating HEIs and partner institution/establishment, Establish the harmonious collaboration/linkages between higher education institutions (HEIs) and the Host Training Establishments (HTEs) for the effective implementation of the program to support the educational environment of the student interns; and ‘Train student interns under actual work place conditions. 6.2 Specific Objectives for: 621 6.22 6.2.3 Higher Education Institution(HEl) a. Enrich the degree programs in HEls to respond to the needs of the industry; b. Promote mutually supportive industry academe collaboration/linkages; and , Strengthen career guidance Student Intern a. Provide students enrolled in HEIs in the Philippines with opportunities to apply relevant knowledge and skills acquired from formal education to actual work setting provided by reputable HTEs in our country; b, Enhance the knowledge and skill acquired in formal education of student interns through employer-based training, in order for them to become more responsive to the future demands of the labor market; c. Develop the life skills of the student interns, including those relevant to the values of professionalism and work appreciation. The student interns are expected to acquire soft skills necessary to address the demand of the employers such as communication skills, interpersonal skills, financial literacy, etc; and d. Acquire a professional work ethic in the course of internship, Host Training Establishment (HTE) a. Provide employers a venue where they can customize the process of technical training through employer-driven internship plans; select well-equipped beneficiaries and have another opportunity to contribute to the society through corporate social responsibilities. Page 2 Article Ith DEFINITION OF TERMS Industry - refers to a classification of groups of companies that are related based on their primary business activities. They produce goods or related services within an economy, Internship - refers to the practical application of classroom learning to the actual in a regular work environment such as but not limited to commercial and industrial services, government or non-government agencies. It is also synonymous to practicum, field practice or On-the Job Training. This is not synonymous to Apprenticeship and Learnership, as defined by Republic Act (RA) 7796. Reputable Host Training Establishment (HTE) - refers to 2 duly authorized and registered entity, institutions or establishment in the Philippines by the Security Exchange Commission (SEC) or the Department of Trade and Industry (DT!) and with established system of training. Internship Manual - refers to @ book or booklet of instructions and guidelines, designed to improve the quality of internship/OJT/practicum of a particular program duly issued by the HEL Internship Plan - refers to the outlined goals and objectives, knowledge, skills and competencies that the student intern should acquire in each training area, assignments, and schedule of activities, among others which formulated or developed by the HEI and partner institetion/establishment and duly signed by the concerned coordinators or respective heads. The internship plan shall be prepared and approved both by the HE! and HTE Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) - refers to an agreement executed between the HEI and partner HTEs specifying the detailed role and responsibilities of all concerned parties, safety of student interns, training plan, learning objectives and method of evaluation. SIPP Coordinator - refers to an authorized/designated person who is responsible for all aspects of the student internship programs including program implementation, monitoring, evaluation and coordination with HTE. Life Skills - are sets of skills for adaptive and positive behavior that enable individuals to deal effectively with the demands and challenges of everyday life, especially in the work setup. These include soft skills necessary to address the demands of the employers such ‘as communication skills, interpersonal skills, financial literacy, etc. Article 1V SCOPE AND COVERAGE 17. This CHED Memorandum Order (CMO) shall be applicable to all HEIs implementing Student Internship Program in the Philippines (SIPP) and students who have enrolled in the internship recognized/authorized higher education programs. Section 8. Apprenticeship and learnership as defined in R.A. 7796 including Health Professions Discipline with programs such as Medicine, Nursing, Optometry, Dental Medicine, Physical Therapy/Occupational Therapy, Radiologic Technology, Medical Technology, Pharmacy, Midwifery, Respiratory Therapy, Nutrition and Dietetics, Associate in Radiologic Technology and Speech Pathology are not covered by this mo. Article V ACADEME-INDUSTRY LINKAGE Section 9. Internship as part of the curriculum requirement broadens the student interns’ learning opportunities and acquisition of technical and life skills, practical knowledge, skills and competencies which shall serve as a powerful mativator to strengthen the academe-industry linkage. HEIs should come up with their creative academe-industry linkage plans appropriate to degree program requirement. Section 10. CHED shall develop existing list of potential HTEs, for information and reference. However, those HEIs who intend to implement SIPP are hereby enjoined to enter into agreements only with the duly licensed/accredited HTEs and comply with the requirements and provisions of the aforementioned guidelines. Article VI IMPLEMENTING GUIDELINES Section 11. The duration of internship program shall be up to a maximum of five (5) months In accordance with the approved curriculum except for highly technical programs that require longer internship hours which shall be in accordance with their existing Policies, Standards and Guidelines (PSGs). Section 12, Student intern has passed the HEI’s qualification for internship program and taken all his/her major (professional) subjects before taking the internship subject to the requirement of the HTE. He or she is allowed to take other subjects with a maximum of six units during the internship period and/or subject to the institution's policy. Section 13. The CHED guidelines on student internship must be displayed in conspicuous places for student's guidance and reference, HEI's internship plan for the particular internship program must be made available to students. Article Vil REQUIREMENTS, OBLIGATIONS AND/OR RESPONSIBILITIES OF THE PARTIES INVOLVED Section 14, Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) 14.2 Obligations/Respons 14.2.1 Planning/Engaging/Orientation 14.1 Requirements 44.1.1 The HEI's higher education programis) with internship course must have: a. Government Recognition for private HEIs; b. Board Resolution for State Universities and Colleges (SUCs) and Certificate of Program Compliance; and €. Local Government Ordinance for Local Universities and Colleges {LUCS) Certificate of Program Compliance. 14.1.2 The HE! must have a pool of reputable HTEs; and, 14.1.3 In collaboration with the duly selected HTE, the HEI must develop an internship plan for the student intern specifying goals and objectives. ities a, Assume full responsibility over the students during their internship, in the Philippines; Formulate local school internship policies and guidelines on selection, placement, monitoring and assessment of student interns; c. Select the HTEs and ensure acceptability of internship plan and internship venues in order to protect student intern interest; 4d. Develop in collaboration with the duly selected HTE an internship plan for the student intern specifying goals and objectives; refer to Annex "A" fe, Ensure that the student Intern will acquire actual and relevant competencies in each learning area, assignments, and schedule of activities. The internship plan shall be part of the internship contract signed by the student intern, HTE and HEI; f. Execute the duly notarized Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) with HTE; refer to Annex “B” g: Provide free medical and dental services and certification by a duly licensed medical doctor and dentist to the student interns; hi, Provide appropriate insurance coverage to include travel, medical and health to the student interns during the duration of the internship; i. Assign an SIPP coordinator for the student internship programs; and i. Conduct pre-internship orientation/training to student interns, as a prerequisite to their deployment to internship venues, on work enviranment issues, including, but not limited to, proper work ethics and laws against sexual harassment, 6, axe 5 wy g ’ 14.2.2 Monitoring and Evaluation ‘a. Safeguard student interns undergoing internship from harassment, exploitation, deplorable training conditions and such other conditions that contravene or defeat the purpose of internship; b, Take appropriate action on any complaint against the student intern in accordance with the HEI's policies; . Conduct initial and regular visit/inspection of their HTE to ensure safety of student interns; 1d, Monitor and evaluate performance of the student intern jointly with the HTE based on the prescribed internship plan e. Monitor the student intern and attend to his/her needs and concerns by coordinating with HTE, CHED and other concerned government authorities if necessary; f. Conduct monitoring and evaluation of the HTE to gauge the overall performance of HTE and provide feedback mechanism; g: Conduct a post training review and evaluation of the program and the performance as well as with the partner HTE; h. Evaluate and assess related prior training experience and provide credits for internship, when applicable; and i. Issue a final grade to the student intern upon completion of requirements within the prescribed period in accordance with the HEI’s regulations on grading system and performance assessment of the HTE, 14.2.3 Reporting Submit to CHED through the CHED Regional Office (CHEDRO) the following documents: ‘a. Annual report per school year on the implementation of SIPP on the number of student interns per program, their issues and concerns and actions to be taken to address the issues among others to be signed by school head or authorized representative such as deans of concerned program and/or registrar; refer to Annex "C" Copy of duly notarized MOA or training agreement; and «c. List of partner HTEs and student interns duly certified by authorized school official to have completed internship. refer to Annex "D" Section 15. SIPP Coordinators 15.1 Requirement 15.1.1 Must have official designation by their respective head/president on the basis of the HEI's qualification requirement. 15.2 Obligations/Responsibilities 15.2.1 Provide pre-internship orientation prior to deployment to internship venues including among others work ethics and anti-sexuel harassment laws as pre-requirement; 15.2.2 Coordinate with the dean or authorized school coordinator for the purpose of the internship orientation; 15.2.3 Inspect internship venues and sites; Page 6 ats 15.2.4 35.2.7 Monitor and assess student interns periodically, Coach or mentor student interns; Consult and assist student interns in resolving problems/issues encountered; and Validate the result of the internship of students per batch, at the end of the internship period. Section 16. Student intern 16.1 Requirements Astudent interns must: 16.2 16.1.1 16. 16. 2 3 16.1.4 16.1.5 16.1.6 Be officially enralled in a legitimate Philippine higher education Institution; Be enrolled in an internship subject; Be at least eighteen (18) years of age from the start of the internship period; Pass pre-internship requirements as specified in the internship plan; Submit a Medical Certificate indicating that he or she is in good health and emotionally fit. The medical certificate shall be based on a physical ‘and psychological examination conducted, or certified by Department ‘of Health (OOH) accredited clinics and hospitals. He or she must also submit other related medical examination requirements by HTE, if any; and Have a notarized written consent from his or her parents or legal ‘guardian, (No waiver is allowed.) Obligations/Responsibilities 16.2.1 16.2.2 16.2.3 16.2.4 16.2.5 16.2.6 16.2.7 16.28 16.2.9 Enter into an internship contract and/or agreement with the participating HTE; refer to Annex "€” Sign all the required documents necessary for his or her participation in the internshio program, including the acceptance letter, internship contract and/or agreement; Comply with the provisions of the contract and/or agreement including the rules and regulations ofthe HEI, HTE and CHED at all times; Undergo the required orientation/internship program conducted by the HEI and HTE; Report for internship in the HTE based on the schedule indicated in the internship contract and/or agreement: Perform tasks and activities indicated in the internship plan; Maintain confidentiality, when and where appropriate, during and after the internship period of all the data, business or trade secrets where such information is not within the public demain ands indicated or understoed to be confidential Adhere to the existing rules and regulations of the HTE including the proper use of tools, instruments, machines, and equipment; Submit a journal of internship as cequired by HTE reflecting on the approved internship plan, his or her experiences describing the internship activities, any problem/s encountered, and his of her reflections on the internship experience to the SIP coordinator; Page 7 16.2.10 Complete the agreed duration of his or her internship; In case the student intern will be unable to finish his or her internship within the designated period, he or she shall inform the SIPP coordinator in writing of his or her intent and reasons to prematurely end his internship, at least three (3) working days before his last day of internship. Failure to complete the internship program without vali¢ cause disqualifies the student intern from retaking the program with the concerned HTE; and 16.2.11 Report to the SIPP coordinator for an exit assessment after the completion of the internship perios. 16.3 Status 16.3.1 The student intern shall be considered as an intern and not as an employee of the HTE for the duration of the internship; and 16.3.2. In case of working student, he or she shall be allowed to earn credits Section 17. Host Trai for internship upon evaluation and assessment of his or her particular assignment/task during Internship period, by the HEI. jing Establishments (HTEs} 17.1 Requirements 17.1.1 Has been duly authorized HTE by the appropriate government 17: a. entity/ies, i.e, Local Gavernment Unit (LGU), Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) and Department of Trade and Industry (OTH); Capable of providing the appropriate internship program, and has the capacity to co-develop, along with the Hél, and follow an internship plan to be undergone by the student intern in the HTE; .3. Has capacity to mentor, provide and facilitate the provision of technical training to student intern; 4 Has the capacity to monitor and submit monthly reports to the SIPP coordinator, and to; 17.1.5 Follow the evaluation system of student performance provided by the Hel 17.2 Obligations/Responsibilities 17. 1 Designs and implements the internship plan in partnership with the HEI; 17.2.2 Encourages student interns to develop their personality and professionalism, and to the extent possible, protect them from physical or moral danger: 17.2.3. Assigns a point/focal person responsible for the implementation of all phases of the internship; 17.2.4. Orients the student intern on the standard rules and regulations of their establishment before signing of contract; 17.2.5. Enters into an internship contract/agreement with the student intern; 17.2.6 Facilitates the processing of the documents of the student intern in coordination with the HEIs; 17.2.7. Provides practical training or work experience in accordance with agreed internship plan and schedule of activities; 17.2.8 May provide necessary incentives to the student interns as contained in the MOA, such as free duty meals, travel allowance and uniform, if applicable; 17.2.8. Ensures that student interns do not perform tasks and duties of regular position in HTES; Provides supervised applied learning experience for student interns in accordance with agreed Internship Plan and schedule of activities; Develops feedback mechanism to the student intern; Develops feedback mechanism ta HEI of the overall implementation of the internship and the student performance; Provides monitoring and evaluation reports or other information on the student intern’s performance as may be required by the HEI; Make available, accurate and current records and provide access to HEI of such records while on internship; 17.2.15 Notifies and provides at least 30 working days written notice to the HEI of @ student intern’s breach of contract or misconduct in the internship premises prior ta HTE’s decision to suspend or terminate the contract; and 17.2.26 Issues certificates of completion for the student interns not later than two weeks after the completion of internship, Section 18. Commission on Higher Education (CHED) 18.1 Obligations/Responsibilities ice of Student Development and Services (OSDS) a. Conduct orientation and advocacy on the implementation of the guidelines on SIP; b. Prepares the monitoring instrument and orients CHED Regional Offices (CHEOROs) on the same; c. Consolidates reports for policy formulation and decision making; d. Establishes and maintains linkages with other government agencies and non-government agencies and organizations for the successful implementation of SIPP; and e. Maintain updated list of HTEs in coordination with other government agencies and/or organizations. 18.1.2 CHED Legal and Legislative Service (LLS) a. Upon request by the Office of Student Development and Services (0505) through the recommendation of the Executive Office (EO), the Legal and Legislative Service (LLS] may conduct investigation on any alleged violation/s cammitted by the HEI or HTE and submit its report and recommendations to the Commission en Banc (CEB), through the Management Committee (ManCom}, for appropriate action, 18.1.3 CHED Regional Offices (CHEDROs} a. Conduct monitoring and evaluation on the implementation of SIPP; b. Ensure the safety and well being of student interns by monitoring compliance of HEIs with the provisions of these guidelines, through review of reports of HEls, on-site visits, and other appropriate ‘mechanisms; realeuts Page 9 . Ensure that all HEIs and their duly designated HTE comply with the provisions of these guidelines for the welfare and protection of student interns; d. Establishes and maintain linkages with government and non- government agencies, organizations and/or industries, and enter into agreements with them specifying their roles or obligations in the implementation of SIPP; e. Provides feedback mechanism to HEIs and HTES; £. Submit to LLS through the OSDS any alleged violations committed either by the HEI or HTE; and fg. Submit an annual report on the status of implementation to OSDS. Section 19. Parent/Guardian 19.1 Obligations/Responsibilties 19.1.1. Issues and signs the written consent; and 19.1.2 Co-signs the internship contract and/or agreement to manifest approval or consent to the internship of their child. Article vill MONITORING AND EVALUATION fn 20, The monitoring and evaluation of the performance of the student interns shall be done by both HEI and HTE, The SIPP coordinator, as well as the dean of the HE! should use standard procedures, instruments and methodologies, such as oral and written observations, monthly reports, and interviews or conferences to the students, to monitor and evaluate the student interns. 20.1. At the end of the internship period, the HTE shall transmit within ten (10) to fifteen (15] working days to the HEI the following documents: 20.1.1 Certificate of completion; 20.1.2 Duly accomplished evaluation sheet; and 20.1.3 Other pertinent reports, information, and/or documents which may be included for purposes of describing student intern performances, 20.2. The SIPP Coordinator's report including the HTE evaluation report will be the basis of the student intern’s final grade; 20.3 A student intern whose contract was terminated before the end of the stipulated period for other causes shall be given a final grade on the basis of the school’s grading system, and after considering the circumstances surrounding such termination; and 20.4 The concerned HE! shall strictly monitor compliance to these guidelines. Article IX FEE Section 21. The HEIs shall follow the approved students’ internship fee based on CHED Memorandum Order No. 3, Series of 2012 (CMO No. 03, s. 2012), or the “Enhanced Policies, Guidelines, and Procedures Governing Increases in Tuition and Other School Fees, Introduction of New Fees, and for Other Purposes”. Inno ment Page 10 (BB eS case shall the school charge the student fees other than the approved/prescribed fee or other school fees not duly noted by CHED. Charging of internship fee in accordance with CMO No. 03, . 2012 includes administrative cost that corresponds with the units of the practicum/OJT subject and shall complement with the administrative cost of the Hels. Article X GRIEVANCE MACHINERY Section 22. It is recognized that the program may give rise to grievances and complaints from or related to a variety of sources, including the HEls, HTEs, student interns, and other stakeholders, More often, grievances arise for varied reasons to include one party claimed to be treated unfairly or unjustly, or that there have been undesirable program outcome or lapses in the program's process for that matter. 22.1 Objective To ensure a transparent and accountable Student Internship Program, Grievance Committee shall be constituted. The Grievance Committee is ‘empowered to handle and review any complaints or grievances from HEI, HTE, student intern and other stakeholders. The Grievance Committee shall have the initial responsibility of settling differences in any cases of violation of the training agreement or upon filing of a complaint by an aggrieved party. 22.2 Composition and Terms of Reference (TOR) 22.2.1 HEI Level The Grievance Committee shall be composed of officials, SIPP coordinator ‘and dean and/or representative of the concerned College of HE! which have jurisdiction over concerned student intern. The Committee shall investigate matters within its jurisdiction and render decision pursuant to the HEI’s rules and regulations. In case of failure by the Grievance Committee to settle an issue or render a decision, or in case the complaint is against a member of the Grievance Committee, the case shall be referred to the concerned CHEDRO for appropriate action. ‘Once action has been recommended or taken, and depending on the nature and confidentiality of the grievance/resolution, the parties shall be informed of the resolution or decision by the committee 22.2.2 CHED Level ‘The Grievance Committee shall be composed of the officials and representatives from the concemed CHEDROs and HEls which have jurisdiction over the affected student intern. The Grievance Committee shall investigate and render a decision pursuant to pertinent rules and regulations. In case of failure by the Grievance Committee to settle the issue or render a decision, or in case the complaint is against the member of the Grievance Committee, the case shall be referred to the CHED Central Office (CHED-CO) for appropriate action. Section 23. Investigation of Complaints 23.1. Upon receipt by CHED through the OSDS of complaints or reports on alleged student exploitation or any violations as stated in Article XI, the same shall be immediately referred to the CHED-LLS for appropriate action, following prescribed procedures instituted by the same; and 23.2 The HEI may be suspended from accepting incoming freshmen in that particular program by the CHED Chairperson while under investigation for alleged violations of these guidelines. Article XI VIOLATIONS Section 24. Violations by the Higher Education Institution (HE!) Any HE! that shall be found to have committed the following violations shall be meted with the appropriate sanctions provided in Article Xtt; 24.4. Sending students for internship without the required government recognition or Board Resolution Certificate of Program Compliance for said program; 24.2 Partnering with entities that have no juridical personality; 24.3. Allowing student interns to undertake SIPP without the signed MOA with HTE; 24.4 Allowing student interns to undertake SIPP without 2 valid internship offer or contract between the HTE and the students; 24.5 Making false statements/mis-statements of student records/decuments to make it appear that the student is qualified to undertake SIPP; 24.6 Demanding from student interns training fees or other charges, not in accordance with the provisions of CMO No. 3, s. 2012; 24.7 Failing to provide free medical and dental services and appropriate insurance coverage; 24.8. Failing to monitor periodically as stipulated in the internship plan, welfare of student interns and thus exposing them to situations that may be deemed as ‘exploitation of the students; 24.9. Failing to submit required reports to CHED as specified under these guidelines, particularly on results of pre and post monitoring and evaluation of student interns and action taken on their grievances and complaints, if any; and 24.10 Such other acts similar or analogous to the foregoing that is in violation of the provisions herein. Section 25. Violations of Host Training Establishment (HTE) 25.1 Violation of any of the provisions of the MOA and this CMO, 25.2. Changing provisions of signed internship contract and/or agreement without the consent of the student interns and HEt; 25.3 Non-compliance with prescribed Internship Plans; 25.4 Placing student interns in internship venues which degrade, debase or demean the intrinsic worth and dignity of the student intern as a human being; 25.5 Withholding practicum reports of student interns without just cause; and 25.6 Such other acts similar or analogous to the foregoing and activities classified as ‘human trafficking under R.A. No. 9208 and such other similar issuances that is in violation of the provisions herein. Section 26. Violations of Student Interns 26.1 Any act of gambling, theft and other similar illegal acts; 26.2 Submitting forged or fraudulent documents; 26.3 Any act in violation of the HEI's rules and regulations; 26.4 Any act in violation of HTE rules and regulations in accordance with the internship program; and 26.5 Any act in violation of the laws of the country. Article XIl SANCTIONS Section 27. In order to ensure compliance with the guidelines and regulations stated in this CMO, the CHED-CEB may, upon the recommendation of the CHED-LLS, impose the following sanctions on the HEls and HTEs for any of the violations stated in Article XI. 27.1 Any HEI found guilty of violating any of the provisions contained under Section 24 of these guidelines may be subjected to the following sanctions depending ‘on the extent of violations: 27.1.1 Written reprimand, with a warning that repeated or persistent violations of these guidelines may result to the downgrading of Government Recognition or Revocation of Program Recognition; 27.1.2 Downgrading of Government Recognition to permit status or grant of Autonomous to Deregulated status, Center of Excellence (COE) to Center of Development (COD) status; 27.1.3 Revocation of program recognition (Autonomous, Deregulated, COE and COD); and 27.1.4 Filing of appropriate administrative and criminal case as appropriate. 27.2 Grounds for Blacklisting of HTE without prejudice to the filing of administrative and/or criminal case ‘Any HTE found guilty of violating any of the provisions contained under Section 25 of these guidelines may be subjected to the following: 27.2.1 Written reprimand, with a warning that repeated or persistent violations of these guidelines may result to the blacklisting of HTE; and 27.2.2. Blacklisting of HTE to participate in the SIPP. 27.3. Any student intera found guilty of violating any of the provisions contained under Section 26 may be subjected to sanctions in accordance with the concerned HEI's rules and regulations, Article Xitl REPEALING CLAUSE Section 28. All previous issuances contrary to these guidelines including CMO No. 23, s. 2008, “Guidelines for Student Internship Program in the Philippines (SIPP} for All Programs with Practicum Subject” are hereby deemed repealed and revoked Article XIV EFFECTIVITY Section 29. These guidelines shall apply immediately to entities/parties presently implementing internship program in the Philippines and shall take effect 15 days from publication in @ newspaper of general circulation or in the Official Gazette. Issued this _Dee 2017, Quezon City, Philippines. 4 PATRICIA B. LICUANAN, Ph.0. Chairperson Enclosures: ‘Annex & - Somple internship Plan for IPP ‘Annex 8 - Sample MOA format for SIPP ‘annex € Annual Report Format for SIPP ‘Annex D- HEI Report on the List of Partner Host Training Establishments (HTEs) and Student Interns Annex €- Sample Internship Contract/Agreement Format for SIPP

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