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Journal of Molecular and Engineering Materials

Vol. 2, Nos. 3 & 4 (2014) 1450006 (9 pages)

© World Scienti¯c Publishing Company
DOI: 10.1142/S2251237314500063



J. Mol. Eng. Mater. 2014.02. Downloaded from

*Department of Physics, Presidency College, Chennai 600 005, India

by Mr M Dhavamurthy on 07/24/15. For personal use only.

of Physics, Vel Tech Dr. RR &
Dr. SR Technical University, Avadi, Chennai 600 062, India
‡Department of Physics, The New College
Royapettah, Chennai 600 014, India

Received 8 October 2014

Accepted 24 February 2015
Published 27 March 2015

An organic nonlinear optical (NLO) crystal of Guanidinium carbonate (GUCT) was synthesized
by the slow evaporation solution growth method using water as solvent. The GUCT crystalized in
the tetragonal crystal system with non-centrosymmetric space group P 43 21 2, which has been
con¯rmed by single-crystal X-ray di®raction. The crystalline perfection of the grown crystals has
been analyzed by high-resolution X-ray di®raction (HRXRD) rocking curve measurements. The
UV-Vis-NIR spectrum studies have been carried out to identify the optical transmittance, lower
cut o® wavelength and optical band gap energy of GUCT crystal. The luminescence spectrum of
crystal contains a green emission band with max , 545 nm. From thermo-gravimetric analysis
(TGA), the thermal stability of the grown crystal is found to be 117  C. The dielectric tensor
components "11 and "22 of the grown crystal were evaluated as a function of frequency at 40  C.
The mechanical strength and its parameters of the grown crystals have been determined by
Vickers' microhardness test. The Kurtz-powder technique reveals that the second harmonic
generation (SHG) e±ciency of the grown crystal is 5.2 times greater than that of KDP.

Keywords: Crystal structure; growth from solutions; organic compounds; dielectric materials;
nonlinear optical material.

1. Introduction a great impact on information technology and in-

Nonlinear optical (NLO) materials play a vital dustrial applications. The aromatic acid molecules
role in nonlinear optics and in particular, they have attract great interest because of their importance in
Corresponding author.

M. Dhavamurthy et al.

crystal engineering, due to their ability to form 2. Experimental

strong and directional hydrogen bond,1 whereby
2.1. Material synthesis and crystal
the number of carboxylic groups and the di®erent
placement of the carboxylic group on the aromatic growth
ring may lead to variable hydrogen bonding fash- The GUCT was prepared by dissolving an equimo-
ions and supramolecular architectures. An organic lar ratio of pure GUCT and p-hydroxybenzoic acid
molecule with signi¯cant NLO activity generally (p-HOBA) in deionized water. The prepared solu-
consists of -electron conjugated moiety substitut- tion was continually stirred for 4 h at 30  C to attain
ed by an electron donor on one end of the conju- homogeneity. The measured pH value of this solu-
gated structure and an electron acceptor group on tion is 11 and the solution was turned into a high
the other end.2,3 The delocalized conjugated viscous, dense and brownish solution after 2 h. Then
-electrons provide asymmetrical nature for the the saturated solution was transferred to a crystal-
entire length of conjugation under the perturbation lizer and covered by a perforated polyethylene sheet
of an external electric ¯eld. The guanidine molecule for controlled evaporation at room temperature.
is characterized by a Y-shaped CN3 moiety, with an After a period of 35 days, the grown optically clear
unusually high basicity attributed to the delocali- crystal with the maximum size 22  21  9 mm3 was
J. Mol. Eng. Mater. 2014.02. Downloaded from

zation of the positive charge over the entire CN3 obtained from the mixture solution.
framework, which resonance stabilizes the cation. 4-HOBA, possess the para substituted hydroxyl
by Mr M Dhavamurthy on 07/24/15. For personal use only.

The guanidinium ion can form a broad family of group and carboxylic group on the benzene, which
hydrogen-bonded crystals like guanidinium sulfo- form intermolecular hydrogen bonds. In early
nates [C(NH2)3] þ [RS03]  , which forms unique two- reports, p-HOBA was always deprotonated as the p-
dimensional (2D) hydrogen bonded networks in the hydroxybenzoate anion (p-HOBAA–) and the cor-
solid state,4 if R was a simple alkane or arene responding organic bases were always protonated,9,10
rnoiety's. Similarly the reported structure of gua- which means an increase of the hydrogen bond ac-
nidinium carbonate (GUCT) ions is e®ectively ceptor sites in p-HOBA and the increase of the hy-
planer with bond distance C–O 1.294(4), 1.287(5) drogen bond donor sites in the organic bases. The
and C–N 1.358(6), 1.335(6), 1.355(6)  A. It belongs determining factor appears to be the greater acidity
to tetragonal crystal system and the crystal struc- of the phenolic hydroxyl group, which means that the
ture can be either non-centrosymmetric or centro- O–H bond is more strongly polarized as O–H than for
symmetric.5 However, the grown crystal is non- alcohols and the large electron density of the car-
centrosymmetric with the space group P43212. boxylic hydroxyl group, due to the resonance mech-
Thus aforementioned information suggest that the anism. The carboxylic group and phenolic group of p-
highly directing hydrogen-bonding and ionic char- HOBAA– therefore possess stronger hydrogen bonds
acter of the guanidinium sulfonate and carbonate than alcohols, thereby resulting in higher boiling
networks provide a wide-range for materials design, points, higher water solubility, and increased ability
particularly for low dimensional electronic proper- to act as solvents for reasonably polar organic mole-
ties and second harmonic generation (SHG).6 Thus cules. Hence that the reaction mechanism and crystal
our work is focused on the growth, thermal, di- structure analyses suggest that the proton transfer
electric tensor, linear and NLO behavior of the does not take place from the carboxyl hydrogen to the
GUCT single-crystal. nitrogen atom of guanidinium cation (Fig. 1), which

NH +
HO O +
O O-


Fig. 1. Reaction scheme of GUCT.

Synthesis, Growth and Characterization Studies of p-HOBA

is also due to the de¯ciency of lone pair electron in Table 1. Crystal data and structure re¯nement for GUCT
guanidinium cation. crystal.
The reason for the color changes with corre- Empirical formula C2 H6 N3 O2
sponding pH value of solutions is due to halo- Formula weight 104.10
chromic e®ect, which means the addition of Temperature 293(2) K
p-HOBA into the GUCT solution. It is seen that, Wavelength 0.71073 A
Crystal system, space group Tetragonal, P43 21 2
during this chemical reaction the formation of am- Unit cell dimensions a ¼ 6:9621ð3Þ A,  ¼ 90 
monium ion (NH þ 3 ), when an amino group of gua- b ¼ 6:9621ð3Þ A,  ¼ 90 
nidinium is transformed into an ammonium group, c ¼ 19:5828ð9Þ A,  ¼ 90 
its in°uence upon to the solution color.11 The high Volume 
949.19(7) A 3
viscosity of the solution is due to numerous inter- Z, Calculated density 8, 1.457 Mg/m 3
mediate hydrogen bonds in GUCT crystals, which Absorption coe±cient 0.127 mm 1
also gives stability to the grown crystal. F(000) 440
Crystal size 0:30  0:30  0:25 mm
Theta range for data collection 3.11 to 27.49 deg.
Limiting indices 9 <¼ h <¼ 8,
3. Results and Discussion 4 <¼ k <¼ 9, 25 <¼
J. Mol. Eng. Mater. 2014.02. Downloaded from

l <¼ 25
3.1. Single-crystal X-ray di®raction Re°ections collected/unique 7359/1085
by Mr M Dhavamurthy on 07/24/15. For personal use only.

study [RðintÞ ¼ 0:0224]

Completeness to theta ¼ 27:49 99.7%
The crystal structure was determined from single-
Max. and min. transmission 0.9690 and 0.9629
crystal X-ray di®raction data. The intensity data Re¯nement method Full-matrix least-squares on
were collected on a Bruker kappa APEXII single- F^ 2
crystal X-ray di®ractometer with graphite mono- Data/restraints/parameters 1085/0/57
chromated MoK radiation ( ¼ 0:71073  A) at Goodness-of-¯t on F 2 1.121
293 K.7 The structure was solved by the direct Final R indices [I > 2sigma(I)] R1 ¼ 0:0327, wR2 ¼ 0:0951
R indices (all data) R1 ¼ 0:0369, wR2 ¼ 0:0982
method and re¯ned by the full matrix least squares
Absolute structure parameter 0(2)
technique on F2 employing the SHELXL 97 pro- Extinction coe±cient 0.172(13)
gram package.8 The crystallographic data for Largest di®. peak and hole 0.117 and 0.105 e  A 3
structure analysis of the title compound are listed
in Table 1. The crystal structure of GUCT along
the crystallographic y-axes is depicted in the Fig. 2.
The asymmetric unit of the title compound com-
prises of a guanidine cation and a carbonate anion
Table 2. Hydrogen bonds for GUCT [
A and deg.].
(Fig. 3). The chemical composition of the crystal
is 2(C H6 N3), CO3 (GUCT). The GUCT compound D–H    A d (D–H) d(H    A) d(D    A) < (DHA)
crystallizes in a tetragonal crystal system with space
N(1)–Hð1AÞ 0.86 2.12 2.9100(13) 153.2
group P43212. The cell parameters are a ¼ b ¼    O(2)
6:9621ð3Þ A, c ¼ 19:5828ð9Þ  A and volume V ¼ N(1)–Hð1BÞ 0.86 1.96 2.7805(16) 159.2

949:20ð7Þ A .3
The dihedral angle between the mean plane of N(2)–Hð2AÞ 0.86 2.09 2.9432(15) 171.2
the C1/N1/N2/N3 (guanidine molecule) and the    O(2)#3
C2/O1/O2/O1A (carbonate molecule) is 72.31(9) 
N(2)–Hð2BÞ 0.86 2.29 3.144(2) 171.9
A.    O(1)#4
The C–N bond distances of the NH2 groups (C1–N1, N(3)–Hð3AÞ 0.86 2.39 3.1842(19) 154.7
C1–N2 and C1–N3) are 1.307(2), 1.323(2) and 1.315    O(1)
A, respectively, which is short for a C–N single N(3)–Hð3BÞ 0.86 1.94 2.7687(17) 162.4
bond, but still not quite as contracted as one would    O(1)#5
expect for a fully established C–N. These bond Symmetry transformations used to generate equivalent
length features are consistent with an imino reso- atoms:
nance form as is commonly found for C–N single #1 y,x,z #2 x1/2,yþ3/2,zþ1/4 #3 y1/2,
bonds involving sp 2 hybridized C and N atoms. The xþ3/2,zþ1/4
bond distances C2–O2 and C2–O1 [1.282(2) and #4 y1/2,xþ5/2,zþ1/4 #5 x1/2,yþ5/2,zþ1/4.

M. Dhavamurthy et al.

Fig. 5. Packing diagram of GUCT crystal viewed down the

b-axis. Dashed lines indicate intermolecular N–H    O hydrogen
Fig. 2. As-grown crystal of GUCT.

N–H    O hydrogen bonds, forming an R 22 (8) ring

J. Mol. Eng. Mater. 2014.02. Downloaded from

motif. These motifs are connected via N–H    O

by Mr M Dhavamurthy on 07/24/15. For personal use only.

hydrogen bonds, forming zig-zag chains. The atoms

N1, N2 and N3 in the molecule at (x, y, z) act as
hydrogen donor to O1 in the molecule at (1=2 þ x,
3=2  y, 1=4  z), (1=2 þ y, 5=2  x, 1=4 þ z) and
(1=2 þ x, 5=2  y, 1=4  z) and O2 with molecule
at (1=2 þ y, 3=2  x, 1=4 þ z), respectively. The
zig-zag chain is formed between symmetry related
molecules through N1–H1A    O2, N1–H1B    O1,
N2–H2A    O2, N2–H2B    O1, N3–H3A    O1
and N3–H3B    O1 hydrogen bonds, which form a
Fig. 3. ORTEP diagram of GUCT crystal. three-dimensional (3D) network (Fig. 2). The mor-
phology of GUCT crystal is triangle in shape with
A, respectively], clearly indicate the pres- eight symmetrical faces as shown in Fig. 6. The
ence of C¼O double bonds, including those also crystallographic planes (0 1 2), (1 0 2), (0 1 2),
generated through resonance. In the crystal struc-
ture, all hydrogen atoms participate in the inter-
molecular interaction in the form of N–H    O
hydrogen bonds. In the crystal, C1/N1/N2/N3
(guanidine molecule) interact with the C2/O1/O2/
A (carbonate molecule) via two pair of

Fig. 4. Molecular con¯guration and atom numbering for

GUCT crystal. Displacement ellipsoids are drawn at the 40%
probability level. Fig. 6. Morphology of GUCT crystal.

Synthesis, Growth and Characterization Studies of p-HOBA

(0 1 2), (1 0 2), (0 1 2), (1 0 2) and (1 0 2) 0 2 4 6 8 10

are clearly identi¯ed. It is observed that the grown 8x10
GUCT crystal has two prominent °at faces such as (1 0 2) plane
(1 0 2) and (1 0 2) having large area compared to

Diffracted X-ray intensity [c/s]

5 1
the other crystallography axial faces. (+, -, - +)

3.2. HRXRD analysis 4

The crystalline perfection of the grown single-crys- 2x10


tals was characterized by high-resolution X-ray 2

di®raction (HRXRD) studies using a multi-crystal 0

X-ray di®ractometer.12 Figure 3 shows the high- 0

-1000 -500 0 500 1000
resolution rocking/di®raction curves (DCs) of Glancing angle (arc s)
GUCT crystals using (1 0 2) di®racting planes in
symmetrical Bragg geometry. The dispersion phe- Fig. 7. HRXRD spectrum of GUCT crystal.
nomenon is well described by comparing the
J. Mol. Eng. Mater. 2014.02. Downloaded from

DCs recorded in dispersive (þ, , , þ) and such unavoidable defects is of great importance,
non-dispersive (þ, , , þ) con¯gurations.13 particularly in case of phase matching application.
by Mr M Dhavamurthy on 07/24/15. For personal use only.

This arrangement improves the spectral purity

(= << 10 5 ) of the MoK1 beam. The diver-
gence of the exploring beam in the horizontal plane 3.3. Thermal properties
(plane of di®raction) was estimated to be << 3 arc s. Thermo gravimetric analysis (TGA) and Di®eren-
The specimen occupies the fourth crystal stage in tial thermal analysis measure the change in weight
symmetrical Bragg geometry for di®raction in (þ, loss and the melting point of a material respectively
, , þ) con¯guration. The rocking or DCs were as a function of temperature in a controlled atmo-
recorded by changing the glancing angle (angle be- sphere. The thermal properties of GUCT crystal
tween the incident X-ray beam and the surface of have been analyzed using a STA 409 PC/PG ther-
the specimen) around the Bragg di®raction peak mal analyzer at a heating rate of 10  C min 1 from
position B (taken as zero for the sake of conve- 32  C to 500  C. The initial mass taken was 5.24 mg.
nience) starting from a suitable arbitrary glancing As shown in the Fig. 8, the TG-DTA curve of
angle. The detector was kept at the same angular GUCT crystal is thermally stable up to 117  C. The
position 2B with wide opening for its slit, the so- decomposition process of the GUCT could be di-
called ! scan. Before recording the DC, to remove vided into two steps. The 53% weight loss was
the non-crystallized solute atoms which remained
on the surface of the crystal and also to ensure the
surface planarity, the specimen was ¯rst lapped and 10

chemically etched in a non-preferential etchent of 100


water and acetone mixture in 1:2 volume ratio. As 6

seen in the Fig. 7, the DC contains a single peak and 80

indicates that the specimen is free from structural 2
Weight loss %

DTA ( C/mg)

grain boundaries. The curve is extremely sharp 0
having full width at half maximum (FWHM) of 13.3
40 -2
arc s as expected for an ideally perfect crystal from
the plane wave dynamical theory of X-ray di®rac-
tion.14 Though the specimen contains very low angle 20 -6

boundaries, the grown crystal has high perfection as -8

the angle spread of the DC is 3 arc min which is -10

relatively low.15 This is due the solvent molecules or 0 100 200 300 400 500
thermal °uctuations during the growth process and
Temperature (oC)
such defects may not in°uence the NLO properties
of the crystals. However, a quantitative analysis of Fig. 8. TG-DTA diagram of GUCT crystal.

M. Dhavamurthy et al.

0 2 4 6 8 10 0 2 4 6 8 10
10 10

8 8
% Transmittance

−1 2
α hν) (eV m )
30 1.5x10

4 1.0x10


5.0x10 2
10 2


220 nm
0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 Photon Energy (eV)
Wavelength (nm)
Fig. 10. Plot of (hÞ 2 versus photon energy of GUCT
J. Mol. Eng. Mater. 2014.02. Downloaded from

Fig. 9. UV-Vis-NIR transmission spectrum of GUCT crystal. crystal.

by Mr M Dhavamurthy on 07/24/15. For personal use only.

occurred between 120  C and 207  C due to the loss process; n ¼ 1=2 for direct allowed transition, 3/2
of 2(NH3) and CO3 (experimental 95.4 gm, calcu- for direct forbidden transition, 2 for indirect allowed
lated 94.0 gm). The small endothermic peak at transition and 3 for indirect forbidden transition.17
147  C is found to be matching with the ¯rst weight The graph representing ðhÞ 1=2 against h
loss in TGA curve which is ascribed to the energy (Fig. 10), may be resolved into two straight line
required for the release of the above gaseous mole- fragments. The straight line obtained at lower
cules. This is followed by another weight loss (36%) photon energies corresponds to the photon absorp-
occurring between 248  C and 324  C. There is no tion process and cuts the energy axis at a value
residue weight loss observed after 500  C, which equal to Eg  Ep. The other line, which represents
eventually indicates that the sample is totally the dependence in the high energy range, corre-
decomposed before this temperature. sponds to the photon emission process and cuts the
energy axis at a value of Eg þ Ep: This behavior is
just what one would expect if the absorption in this
3.4. UV-Vis-NIR spectrum range is due to an indirect transition (n ¼ 2). From
The UV–Vis transmission spectrum of GUCT has the intercept of the two straight lines, the observed
been recorded using a T90þPG spectrophotometer optical band gap of the GUCT crystal is found to be
in the range between 190 and 900 nm. The optical 5.5 eV.
transmittance spectrum provides the information
of optically induced electronic transitions, band
structure and energy gap in crystalline materials. 3.5. Photoluminescence study
The linear transmission spectrum was recorded on
the grown crystal of thickness 2.5 mm with the xy- Fluorimeter characterizes the relationship between
polarization focused on the polished surface (1 0 absorbed and emitted photons at a speci¯ed wave-
2). The sample exhibits a large transparency win- length. These properties of GUCT powder sample
dow over the entire visible range with a lower cuto® were analyzed using a FP-6500 spectra°uorometer
wavelength of 220 nm (Fig. 9). It is due to then n–* with high pressure Xenon lamp as excitation source
transition of C¼O present in the molecular struc- at room temperature. Generally, the °uorescent
ture of the crystal. The absorption coe±cient \" of compounds interact with the excitation light to
a crystalline solid obeys the following relationship16: decompose or otherwise change their structure.
Thus, the excitation energy of the longest wave-
ðhÞ / ðEg  hÞ n length that results in detectable °uorescent emission
where Eg is the optical energy gap, and `n' is the intensity may be used to minimize this possibility.18
exponent that characterizes the optical absorption In our work, a ¯xed wavelength of 270 nm is used to

Synthesis, Growth and Characterization Studies of p-HOBA

7 0 2 4 6 8 10 0 2 4 6 8 10
2.5x10 10 450 10
Excitation = 260 nm
(0 1 0)
7 400 (0 0 1)
Temp = 50 C
Emission indensity (a.u.)


Dielectric tensor
4 250
0.0 150

200 300 400 500 600 700 800 100 0
wavelength (nm) 2 3 4 5 6

Log f (Hz)
Fig. 11. Photoluminescence spectrum of GUCT crystal.
J. Mol. Eng. Mater. 2014.02. Downloaded from

Fig. 12. Plot of log f versus dielectric tensor for GUCT crystal.
by Mr M Dhavamurthy on 07/24/15. For personal use only.

excite the sample and the emitted light of wave-

function of frequency along the b and c axes as
length range between 522 and 563 nm is detected.
shown in the Fig. 13.
When excited at 270 nm, the maximum emission
Dielectric loss is the absorption of energy by
intensity occurs at green region with a sharp edge at
the movement of charges in an alternating ¯eld,
545 nm (Fig. 11) corresponding to 2.2 eV.
and is particularly high around the relaxation and
resonance frequencies occurring in polarization
mechanisms. The large dielectric loss in the power
3.6. Dielectric studies frequency region (50–60 s 1 ) is due to the rotation
Dielectric constant is one of the basic electro optical of dipoles as there is a small degree of DC conduc-
properties of solids. The dielectric permittivity ("r ) tivity in the material. The low value of dielectric
and dielectric loss (tan ) of GUCT were measured loss suggests that the samples possess enhanced
using an Agilent 4284A LCR meter with the fre- optical quality with a fewer defects and this pa-
quency range between 100 Hz and 5 MHz at 50  C. rameter is of vital importance for NLO materials in
The dielectric permittivity ("r ) of a crystal is their application.21
expressed by a second-order tensor.19 For tetragonal
crystal system, there are two independent tensor
components "11 and "22 corresponding to the crys- 2.5
0 2 4 6 8 10
tallography planes < 010 > and < 001 > respective-
(0 1 0)
ly. The anisotropy in the dielectric behavior is (0 0 1)
evident as the dielectric permittivity "11 and "22
2.0 8
Temp = 50oC
values vary with di®erently cut and polished sur-
faces in the ranges 409.42–153.34 and 376.40–140.98 1.5
Dielectric loss

respectively. The dielectric permittivity values de-

crease with increasing frequency as shown in the 1.0
Fig. 12. The large dielectric permittivity at lower 4

frequency region is due to that the space charge and 0.5

orientational polarizations are active.20 At su±- 2
ciently high frequencies (above  10 15 Hz), none of
the polarization mechanisms is able to switch rap-
idly enough to remain in step with the ¯eld. The 0
2 3 4 5 6
material no longer possesses the ability to polarize,
Log f (Hz)
and the dielectric constant drops to saturation as
that of vacuum. The dielectric loss is studied as a Fig. 13. Plot of log f versus dielectric loss for GUCT crystal.

M. Dhavamurthy et al.

0 2 4 6 8 10 0 2 4 6 8 10
100 10 10


80 8 8
Hardness no (kg/mm )

60 6 6

Log p
40 4 1.5 4

20 2 2

0 0 0
0 200 400 600 800 1000 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2.0 2.2
Load (kg) Log d
J. Mol. Eng. Mater. 2014.02. Downloaded from

Fig. 14. Plot of load (P Þ versus hardness number (Hv) for Fig. 15. Plot of log d versus log P for various planes of GUCT
various planes of GUCT crystal. crystal.
by Mr M Dhavamurthy on 07/24/15. For personal use only.

3.7. Mechanical studies acceptor amine (–NH) group and the proton donor
Hardness is a measure of the resistance of solid (–OH) group of GUCT25 provide infrastructure to
matter to various kinds of permanent shape change introduce the charge asymmetry formed which is
when a force is applied. The Vickers hardness (Hv) essential for second-order nonlinearity. A funda-
number, the hardness of the material, is determined mental laser beam of 1064 nm wavelength with the
by the load (g) over the surface area ( m2) of the beam energy 3.8 mJ/pulse was used for this tech-
indentation and not the area normal to the force and nique. The observed SHG signal energy outputs are
it depends on di®erent parameters such as inter- 3 mV and 15.6 mV for KDP and GUCT respec-
atomic spacing, Debye temperature and lattice en- tively. It is revealed that the SHG e±ciency of
ergy. The indentation was made on the smooth GUCT is 5.2 times greater than that of KDP crys-
surface (
1 0 2) of GUCT crystal with the applied load tal. Thus GUCT is more e±cient than the reported
ranging from 1 g to 2000 g. By varying the loads over Guanidium 4-aminobenzoate26 and Guanidium
a ¯xed interval of time 15 s, the values of Hv at dif- 4-nitrobenzoate27 crystals.
ferent loads were calculated using the expression22,23
1:8544  P 4. Conclusions
Hv ¼ kg mm 2
d2 The organic nonlinear single-crystals of GUCT were
where, `p' is the applied load and `d' is the average grown successfully in aqueous by slow evaporation
diagonal length of the indentation mark. The load method. Single-crystal X-ray di®raction data
versus hardness value of GUCT single-crystal is reveals that the GUCT belongs to tetragonal crystal
shown in the Fig. 15. It is observed that the micro- system with non-centrosymmetric space group.
hardness value increases with increasing applied load FWHM value of grown crystal is 13.3 arc s, which
and this outcome is known as reverse indentation shows that the crystalline perfection is good. The
e®ect. By plotting of log P versus log d using Mayer's thermal gravimetric analysis reveals that the sample
relation (P ¼ k1d n Þ, the work hardening coe±cient is thermally stable up to 117  C without decompo-
`n' is calculated as 2.71, which con¯rms that the sition. UV-vis-NIR spectral study revealed that
crystal belongs to soft material.24 the GUCT crystal is transparent in the visible re-
gion with lower cut-o® wavelength 220 nm. The
luminescent study showed that the GUNP crystal
3.8. NLO studies exhibits green emission 542 nm. The dielectric ten-
Kurtz powder test with Nd:YAG laser radiation sor components were measured and found to
on the GUCT sample con¯rms SHG. The proton "11 ¼ 409:42–153.34; "22 ¼ 376:40–140.98 and low

Synthesis, Growth and Characterization Studies of p-HOBA

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