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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education


Second Quarter
(Grade 7)

Address: PHS Blvd., Brgy. Lourdes, City of San Fernando, Pampanga
Telephone No: (045) 961-4261  (045) 961-2239
Table of Contents
Week Contents Page
 Measurements
- Approximating Measurements
a. Length

1 b. Weight / Mass
c. Volume / Capacity
d. Time
e. Temperature
f. Rate
 Converting Measurements
- Metric System
2 - English System
- Metric to English System and vice-versa
- Solve Problems involving Measurements
 Algebraic Expressions
- Algebraic Expressions
3 - Translating English Phrases to Mathematical Phrases
and vice-versa
- Polynomials
 Algebraic Expressions
4 - Evaluating Algebraic Expressions
- Adding and Subtracting Polynomials
 Algebraic Expressions
5 - Laws of Exponents
- Multiplying and Dividing Polynomials
 Algebraic Expressions
- Special Products
a. Product of Two Binomials
b. Product of the Sum and Difference of two terms
c. Square of a Binomial
6 d. Cube of a Binomial 104
e. Product of a Binomial and a Trinomial
- Solve Problems involving Algebraic Expressions
- Differentiates Between Algebraic Expressions and
 Linear Equations and Linear Inequality
- Differentiates between Equations and Inequalities
- Evaluating Linear Equations and Linear Inequalities
- Graphing Linear Inequality
- Finds the solution of Linear Equation or Inequality in
One Variable.
- Properties of Equality
7 - Properties of Inequality 125
- Solving Linear Equation in One Variable involving
Absolute Value by:
a. graphing
b. algebraic methods.
- Solves Problems involving Equations and Inequalities
in One Variable

Week 1

A. Content Standards: The learner demonstrates understanding of the key concepts of
B. Performance Standards: The learner is able to formulate real-life problems involving
measurements and solve these using a variety of strategies.
C. Learning Competencies: The learner approximates the measures of quantities
particularly length, weight/mass, volume, time, temperature and rate. M7ME-IIa-3
D. Objectives
At the end of the lesson, the learners should be able to:
1. illustrate what it means to measure
2. describe the development of measurement from the primitive to the present
3. describe the two standard systems of measures
4. use appropriate instruments to measure quantities such as length,
weight/mass, volume/capacity, time, temperature and rate
5. approximate the measures of quantities particularly length, weight/mass,
volume, time, temperature and rate
6. appreciate the use of measurements in daily life.

II. CONTENT Measurements

Learning Resources
A. Reference
 Grade 7 Mathematics Patterns and Practicalities, Nivera, G.,C., pp. 126 - 137
 E-MATH Worktext in Mathematics 7, Oronce, O,A., Mendoza, M, O. pp. 113 - 119
 Learner’s Material Mathematics Grade 7 First Edition 2013 pp.
 Phoenix Next Century Mathematics Kto12 The New Grade 7, Orines, F.B, Mercado, J.P,
Suzara, J.L, Manalo, C.B pp. 121 - 138

B. Other Learning Resources

A. Reviewing previous lesson or presenting the new lesson

Week 1: DAY 1
How are you today? I hope that you
were able to relax and rest for a while after your first
periodic exam?

Look at the picture at the right? What do you

observe? Yes you’re correct. The two kids were
on a clinic for a check up.

In this time of pandemic in our country due

to COVID 19, I hope that you and your family
are safe and well not like the kids on the picture.

Let us start with this Exploration Activity 1.

What is the doctor doing with the girl? How about the nurse? What is she doing with the
boy in the picture?

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Yes, you’re correct. The doctor is getting the pulse rate and temperature of the girl while
the nurse is getting the height of the boy.

Can you imagine what the world would be like without a system of measurement?

Measurement is a process of comparing an unknown quantity to a

standard known quantity. It is also a process by which human beings obtain useful
quantitative information about different physical aspects of objects such as length,
weight, area, volume, time and temperature.
The word “measure” comes from the Latin word “mensura” and from the
Greek word “metron”.

The idea of measurement involves the comparison of a measured quantity with another
quantity that is used as a unit to measure.
But do you know that during ancient times, parts of the human body and nature were
used as units of measure?
The units of measurement used in ancient times were chosen for convenience rather
than accuracy. Historical records indicate that the first units of length were based on people’s
hands, feet and arms. The hand, span, foot, digit, palm, pace and cubit appeared in the early
records of Babylonian and Egyptians. Our Filipino ancestors, on the other hand, used dangkal,
hakbang, talampakan and dakot. Some of the units are shown below.

SPAN – the distance from the tip of the little finger to the tip of the thumb of an outstretched
PALM – the distance across the base of the four fingers that form the palm.
DIGIT – the thickness or width of the index finger.
FOOT – the length of a foot.
CUBIT – the distance from the tip of the middle finger of the outstretched hand to the front of the
PACE – the distance of one full step.
Many of these nonstandard units of measure have now become standardized. For
instance, a hand, which is used to measure horses, is now equivalent to 4 inches. A foot now
means 12 inches. A yard, which is used to mean the distance from the King’s nose to the tip of
the middle finger of his outstretched arm, is now equivalent to 3 feet or 36 inches.

TRY THIS 1: Using the nonstandard units measure the following. Write your
answers in your MATH NOTEBOOK.

1. Measure the length of your Mathematics notebook using palm.

2. Measure the height of your chair using span.
3. Measure the width of your bed using cubit.
4. Measure the length of your bedroom using pace
5. Measure the length of your ball pen using digit.

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B. Establishing a purpose for the lesson
As time passed, the systems of measurement
developed further in response to the needs of real-life
situations. The building of the pyramids of Egypt prompted
the need to develop formulas for the volume of pyramids.
Eventually, as commerce and trade flourished,
people realized the need to have common units to facilitate
communication about size, quantity and so on. This
prompted the development of standard systems of measures.


Two standard systems of measurement were developed:
a. English System – based on the British Imperial System. It is commonly used in U.S. and
was originally based on non-universal things such as human body parts
Length 1 inch in “ 1/12 ft length of half a thumb
1 foot ft ‘ 12 in length of an adult foot
1 yard yd 3 ft length from nose to outstretched
1 mile mi 5 280 ft finger tip
Weight 1 ounce oz 1/16 lb width of a pen
1 pound lb 16 oz weight of three oranges
1 ton ton 2 000 lb weight of a container van
Fluid 1 pint pt 2 cups amount in a large glass
Volume 1 quart qt 2 pt
(Capacity) 1 gallon gal 8 pt or 4 qt amount in a small pail
Time 1 Second s “ 1 min = 60s
1 Minute min ‘ 60s = 1 min
1 Hour hr 60min = 1 hr
1 Day da 24 hr = 1 da
1 Week wk 7 da = 1 wk
1 Year yr 365 da = 52 wk
= 12mo = 1yr
1 decade 10 years
1 century 100 years
1 10 centuries

b. Metric System - is an internationally agreed decimal system of measurement created in

France in 1799. It is based on the multiples of 10. It uses Greek and Latin prefixes to make
conversion from one unit to another easier. A prefix is a power-of-ten exponent or multiplier that
precedes the unit.

Example: kilogram – kilo is the prefix and gram is the unit.

Milligram – milli is the prefix and gram is the unit.

The table below shows the Greek and Latin prefixes that are most frequently
used in the metric system.
The Prefixes and Symbols Used for Powers of Ten
Prefix Symbol Name Decimal Number 10n
exa E Quintillion 1 000 000 000 000 000 000 1018
peta P Quadrillion 1 000 000 000 000 000 1015
tera T Trillion 1 000 000 000 000 1012
giga G Billion 1 000 000 000 109
mega M Million 1 000 000 106

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kilo k Thousand 1 000 103
hecto h Hundred 100 103
deca da Ten 10 103
One 1 100
deci d Tenth 0.1 10-1
centi c Hundredth 0.01 10-2
milli m Thousandth 0.001 10-3
micro 𝝁 Millionth 0.000 001 10-6
nano n Billionth 0.000 000 001 10-9
pico p Trillionth 0.000 000 000 001 10-12
femto f Quadrillionth 0.000 000 000 000 001 10-15
atto 𝛼 Quintillionth 0.000 000 000 000 000 001 10-18


Length Meter m
Weight / Mass Gram g
Volume Liter L
Time Second s
Temperature Celsius or Kelvin ℃ or K
Rate Change over time kph

C. Presenting examples/instances of the new lesson

Week 1: DAY 2 Approximate the Measures of Quantities (Length and Weight/ Mass)

If you want to know your height, what measuring tool will you use? Will you be using a
ruler? Or perhaps, will you be using a tape measure? Or meterstick?

Talking about height, which attribute or characteristic of an objects does it deal with? Is it
length? Weight? Time? Volume?

Yes, you got it right! The attribute of height is length.

Length, a physical quantity, is a measure of distance. The basic unit of length in the
SI system is the meter (m). The ruler, meterstick, and tape measure are often used
to measure the length of an object.

Larger and smaller units than the meter can be formed by using the prefixes found in the
Greek and Latin Prefixes table.

Origin Prefixes Pronunciation Symbol Equivalence

tera ter-ra T 1012= 1 000 000 000 000
giga ji-ga or gi-ga G 109 = 1 000 000 000
mega me-ga M 106 = 1 000 000
kilo kee-low or ki-low k 103 = 1 000
hecto hek-toh h 102 = 100
deka de-ka da 101 = 10
deci de-si d 10−1 = 0.1
centi sen-ti c 10−2 = 0.01
milli mi-lee m 10−3 = 0.001
micro my-kroh µ (Greek mu) 10−6 = 0.000 001
nano na-noh n 10−9 = 0.000 000 001
pico pee-kow p 10−12 = 0.000 000 000 001

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Most rulers have two calibrations – a 30-centimeter calibration on one side, and a 12-
inch scale on the other side. Measures such as the length of a pen, width of a book, and
thickness of a dictionary, are usually done with a ruler and expressed in centimeters. if English
system is used, then it is expressed in inches.

7.5 cm

15 cm

Example 1: Find the dimension of the rectangle below.


The dimension of a rectangle are the length and the width. The length is the longer side
of the rectangle and the width is the shorter side.

In using the ruler, put the zero mark in one of the endpoints of the length. The measure
corresponds to the reading on the ruler where the other endpoint lies.

The rectangle above has a length of 10 cm and a width of 4 cm. If we will be using
15 9
English system of measurement, the length of the rectangle is 3 𝑖𝑛, while the width is 1 𝑖𝑛.
16 16

Another commonly used linear measuring device is the meterstick or yard stick.
Meterstick also has two calibrations, just like the ruler – 100-centimeter calibration on the front,
and 1000 millimeters at the back. While yard stick has 36-inch calibration on one side, and 1-
yard calibration in the other side.

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Yard stick

Textile merchant selling cloth and students performing physics experiments use
metersticks. The dimension of a classroom can be determined by using a meter stick or yard
stick and expressed in terms of meters, inches, or foot.

Why do you think we use meterstick in measuring the dimension of a classroom instead
of a ruler? Try measuring your living room, or if you have your own room, measure the
dimension of your own room using a ruler.

Did you do it? How was your experience measuring your room using a ruler? Now, why
do you think we use meterstick in measuring your room?

Vernier caliper and micrometer are instruments used to measure thickness, diameter,
and other dimensions of small objects like thickness of a coin and diameter of a perfume bottle

Vernier caliper
Micrometer Thickness of a coin.

Diameter of a A Vernier caliper is

perfume bottle cap used to measure the
thickness of a coin.
It measures 2 mm.
For longer length and distances, surveyors and engineers use measuring tapes together
with surveying instruments usually mounted on a tripod. These measures are expressed in
kilometers. If we use English system of measurement, then the measures can also be
expressed in miles.

Example 2: Select the most appropriate unit for the following measurements.
a. Length: mm, cm, m, km
1. A pencil 3. Distance from Manila to Davao
2. Diameter of a medicine tablet 4. One lap in a swimming pool

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1. A pencil – cm. 3. Distance from Manila to Davao – km.
2. Diameter of a medicine tablet – mm. 4. One lap in a swimming pool – m.

b. Length: in (inch), ft (foot), yd (yard), mi (mile)

1. Dimension of a towel 2. Height of a room

1. Dimension of a towel – in 2. Height of a room – ft

Example 3: Choose the best estimate for the length of each of the following:
1. The depth of the Mariana Trench – the deepest ocean trench in the world is about:
a. 500 m b. 5 km c. 11 km
2. The diameter of one-peso coin is about:
a. 2.5 mm b. 2.5 cm c. 5 cm
3. The Pagcor building is one of the four-story building in Pampanga High School and its
height is about:
a. 2.45 m b. 9.8 m c. 2.45 km
4. The diameter of the cap of a drinking tumbler is about:
a. 3 in b. 3.5 in c. 4 in
5. The height of a flagpole must not be equal or higher than the Independence Flagpole at
the Rizal Park, Manila, therefore the approximated height of a flagpole is:
a. 100 in b. 100 ft c. 100 mi

1. Since, it is the deepest ocean trench, then we can say that it is about 11 km. 500 m
is not deep. While 5 km is not the deep compared to 11 km.
2. The diameter of one-peso coin is about 2.5 cm because 2.5 mm may just be its
thickness, while 5 cm is too big for a diameter of a one-peso coin.
3. The height of a floor in a building is estimated to be 2.45 m, since there are 4 floors
in Pagcor building, then it is about 9.8 m.
4. The diameter of the cap of a drinking tumbler is about 3 inches because having 3.5
inches as its diameter is quite big, while 4 in can already be a cap for a jug which is
5. The height of the Independence Flagpole at the Rizal Park, Manila is 107 ft,
therefore a flagpole can have a height of 100 ft, 100 in is too small while 100 mi is

Example 4: Indicate the most suitable tool in measuring the length of the following:
1. Dining table 2. Notebook 3. Tip of the ballpen

1. Meterstick 2. Ruler 3. Micrometer/ Vernier caliper

TRY THIS 2: A. Indicate the most suitable tool in measuring length and the measuring unit
for taking measurement of each of the following: Write your answers in your MATH
1. Dimension of a jewelry box 2. Diameter of a grain of salt
a. Tool: a. Tool:
b. Measuring unit: b. Measuring unit:
B. Choose the best estimate of the length of each of the following:
1. The thickness of the cable wire of a cellphone charger is about: a. 3 mm b. 3 cm c. 3 m
2. The height of an average man is about: a. 168 cm b. 268 m c. 368 mm
3. The distance from the old public market in City of San Fernando to SM City Pampanga is
about: a. 3 km b. 4 mi c. 5 m
Now, check your work by turning to the key to correction.

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A while ago, you were asked about the tool you would use in measuring your height.
Now, what would you use if you want to find out your weight? Yes, you are right! You will be
using a weighing scale.
But did you know that there are different kinds of weighing scale? There is a weighing
scale for human which we usually use. There is also a weighing scale for food which is called
kitchen scale, and a weighing scale for medicine which is called milligram scale.
Just like in length, we will also find out the appropriate tool in measuring the weight of an
object, and the appropriate measuring unit. We will also estimate the weight of different objects.
But before we do that, let us define weight and mass first.
Mass and weight are often interchangeably used but their meanings are not exactly the
same. Weight relates to the gravitational pull of the Earth upon a mass. Thus, a person’s weight
on Moon varies with his weight on Earth. Mass refers to the amount of matter contained in an
object. It remains the same regardless of location. However, on the surface of the Earth, and in
everyday life situations, the mass of an object is accurately estimated by weighing it.
The SI standard unit of mass is kilogram (kg), which is the weight of one liter of water at
4℃. A kilogram is equal to the mass of a platinum-iridium alloy cylinder kept in a vault at the
International Bureau of Weights and Measures in Sevres, France. The gram is of a
kilogram. While the Imperial system (English system) standard unit of mass is pound. The
instruments commonly used to measure mass are the weighing scale and the balance (two pan

Objects like gold ring, a cup of sugar, and a small pack of peanuts are measures in
terms of grams for Metric system, and ounce (.oz) for English system.

A cup of sugar
Gold ring A small pack 4.5 .oz
of peanut
3 – 10 g
100 g

Heavy measurements like the weight of a person and a sack of rice are expressed in
kilograms for Metric system or pounds (lb) for English system.

A sack of rice
Weighing scale The average weight of
a man in the 50 kg

135.14 lb

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Very light objects such as solid medicine quantity are measured in terms of milligrams.

Some medicine tablet weigh as low as 4 mg

and as much as 1000 mg.

Example 5: Select the most appropriate unit for the following measurement:
a. Weight: mg, g, kg
1. needle 2. banana 3. Your weight

b. Weight: .oz, lb
1. bottle of soda drink 2. bag of sand

a. 1. needle – mg. 2. banana – g. 3. Your weight – kg.
b. 1. bottle of soda drink - .oz 2. bag of sand – lb

Example 6: Choose the best estimate for the mass/ weight of each of the following:
1. The average mass of an adult person is about:
a. 6 g b. 60 kg c. 600 cg
2. The weight of a grain of salt is about:
a. 1 mg b. 10 g c. 10 kg
3. The weight of a standard medium suitcase is about:
a. 5.4 mg b. 5.4 g c. 5.4 kg
4. The weight of a hard-boiled egg is about:
a. 1 lb b. 1.5 g c. 1.8 .oz
5. The weight of an average Asian elephant is about:
a. 3000 .oz b. 6000 g c. 9000 lb

1. The average mass of an adult person is about 60 kg because 6 kg is just the weight of a
baby while 600 kg is a possible weight of one of the heaviest men on Earth.
2. The weight of a grain of salt is about 1 mg or it might be lower than that, therefore 10 mg
and 10 g is too heavy for a grain of salt.
3. The weight of a standard medium suitcase is about 5.4 kg, both 5.4 mg and 5.4 g are too
light to be a luggage.
4. The weight of a hard-boiled egg is about 1.8 .oz.
5. The weight of an average Asian elephant is about 9000 lb because 3000 .oz and 6000
.oz are too light for an elephant.
Are you enjoying? Now it’s time for another exercises. I know you can do it!

TRY THIS 3: Select the most appropriate unit for the following measurement: Write your
answers in your MATH NOTEBOOK.
A. Weight: mg, g, kg
1. Mass of a ten-wheeler truck
2. Weight of a rain drop
3. Weight of a medium pack of chocolates.
B .Weight: .oz, lb 1. A pile of wet laundry 2. A medium pack of all purpose cream
C. Choose the best estimate of the mass/ weight of each of the following:
1. The weight of a drop of oil is about: a. 50 mg b. 50 g c. 50 kg
2. The weight of a capsule of medicine is about: a. 500 mg b. 500 g c. 5 kg
3. The weight of a piece of chalk is about: a. 10 mg b. 10 g c. 10 kg
4. The weight of a regular size pandesal is about: a. 0.5 g b. 1 .oz c. 1.5 lb
5. The weight of a bag of fruits is about: a. 1 g b. 2 lb c. 3 .oz

Now, check your work by turning to the key to correction.

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D. Discussing new concepts and practicing new skills #1

Week 1: DAY 3 Approximate the measures of quantities (volume and time)

Volume and capacity are used interchangeably, although strictly speaking, they mean
different thing. Volume refers to how much space a region takes up. It measures the three
dimensions: length x width x height. On the other hand, capacity refers to how much a container
will hold.

Shown below are examples of metric measurements of capacity and volume. The
commonly used metric units for capacity are the liter (L) and the millimeter (mL). The commonly
used metric units for volume are the cubic meter (m 3 or cu m) and the cubic centimeter (cm 3 or
cu cm).

1 mL = a drop from a 120 mL small pack of

medicine dropper milk 300 mL calibrated 1-L bottle of
cylinder soda/cola
1 cm


V = 1 cm3 8cm

Volume = 10 cm x 8 cm x 6 cm
= 480 cm3

A volume of 100 cubic centimeters is equal to one liter, which is the metric unit of liquid

Think About This

How much water will a 40cm x 20cm x 10cm tin pan can
TRY THIS 4: Write your answers in your MATH NOTEBOOK.
Joey shares a liter of soda among his friends. If he fills with 125 mL of soda, how
many glasses can he make?

Now, check your work by turning to the key to correction.

Example: Choose the best. Estimate for the capacity of the containers

1. Milk tin a. 3 cL b. 25 mL c. 300 cL d. 350 mL

2. Kerosene tin a. 1.5 kL b. 7 mL c. 2 L d. 5 cL
3. Water bucket a. 750 cL b. 35 cL c. 550 mL d. 45 L
4. Petrol tank of a small car a. 850 mL b. 50 L c. 950 L d. 15 kL
5. Petrol tanker (large truck that transports petrol)
a. 1,200 cL b. 950 cL c. 18 kL d. 75 L

1. Small tin can is approximately 350 mL. The answer is d.

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2. Kerosene tin can fill 2 L. The answer is c.
3. Water bucker can fill 550 mL. The answer is c
4. Petrol tank of a small car can fill approximately 50 L. The answer is b.
5. Petrol tanker for large track can fill 75 L of petroleum. The answer is d.

TRY THIS 5: Write your answers in your MATH NOTEBOOK.

Choose from the letters that fits to the following container.

1. a. 500 mL b. 1 L c. 5 L

2. a. 100 L b. 100 mL c. 400 mL

3. a. 100 mL b. 10 mL c. 10 L

4. a. 4 L b. 400 mL c. 40 L

5. a. 20 L b. 2 L c. 200 mL

Now, check your work by turning to the key to correction.

The unit of time is the seconds (s). The second is defined as the time occupied by 9 192
631 770 vibrations of the light emitted by a Cesium-133 atom. Time is introduced with clocks
and calendars.

The following equivalences are used in time measurement.

Units Equivalences in Other Units
1 century 100 years
1 score 20 years
1 decade 10 years
1 year 1
12 months or365 𝑑𝑎𝑦𝑠
1 week 7 days
1 day 24 hours
1 hour 60 minutes
1 minute 60 seconds

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Time is recorded by either a 12 – hour clock or the 24 – hour clock.

24 – hour clock
12 – hour clock

a.m. – from midnight to just before noon

p.m. – from noon to just midnight

In a 24 – hour clock, 4 digits are used to indicate time. The first two digits denote the
hour and the last two-digits denote the minutes.

Example. Write each time in a 12 – hour clock and a 24 – hour clock.

a. 8 o’clock in the morning
b. quarter to 5 in the afternoon
c. half past 11 in the evening

Item 12 – hour clock 24 – hour clock
a 8 a. m. 08:00
b 4:45 p.m. 16:45
c 11:30 p.m. 23:30

TRY THIS 6: Write each time in a 12 – hour clock and a 24 – hour clock
Write your solutions and answers in your MATH NOTEBOOK.
a. 20 minutes past 1 in the morning
b. 10 minutes to the midnight
c. 30 minutes past 9 in the evening

Now, check your work by turning to the key to correction.

Example 3.
A bus leaves the station at 23 00 on Saturday and arrives in Legaspi City 8 hours. At
what time and day will it arrive in Legaspi City?

Solution: + 8 hours - 24 hours (1day)

23 :00 31 00 07 00 (Sunday)
The bus will arrive in Legaspi at 7 a.m., Sunday

TRY THIS 7: A bus leaves the station at 20:00 on Friday and arrives in Laoag
City at 06:00 on Saturday. How long is the trip? Write your solutions and
answers in your MATH NOTEBOOK.

Now, check your work by turning to page 20 for the key to correction.

Think About This

AM stands for Ante meridiem, Latin words which means “before midday”
PM stands for “Post Meridiem”, Latin words which means “after midday”
What real – life situations use of the 12 – hour clock?
Which ones use the 24 – hour clock?


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E. Discussing new concepts and practicing new skills #2



Kim, a Palawan resident, was packing his suitcase

for his trip to Canada for a month vacation. He googled
Canada weather and found out the average temperature
there is 60°F. Should he bring a sweater? What data
should Kim consider before making a decision?

Temperature refers to the degree of hotness or coldness of a body. The instrument

use for measuring the temperature is the thermometer.

Temperature can be measured in degrees Fahrenheit (°F) or degrees Celsius (°C).

For most scientific work, temperature is measured on the Celsius (C) scale. On this scale, the
freezing point of water is zero degrees (0°C), and the boiling point is 100 degrees (100°C).

This SI unit is of temperature is the Kelvin (K). On the Kelvin scale, zero is the coldest
possible temperature. It is also known as absolute zero which is equal to – 273° which is 273
degrees below the freezing point of water. Notice that degree symbols are not used with the
Kelvin scale.

Types of Thermometers

There are many types of thermometer and all of them contain a material called mercury.
Also known as “the liquid metal”, mercury is an element that expands or contracts following
the hotness and coldness of a specific body or place. The temperature is suggested by the
corresponding marks into which the mercury stops at after being exposed to those conditions.

An outdoor thermometer is used to measure outside air temperature. It

may contain a red-dyed alcohol thermometer.

A clinical thermometer is used for measuring the temperature of

our body. This thermometer must have sufficient contact with the
body to have an accurate temperature reading.

Our normal body temperature is 37°C or 98.6°F, although

36.4°C and 37.2°C (97.5°F and 99°F) are considered to be within
the normal limits. The traditional type of clinical thermometers uses

Another type is the digital thermometer


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Did you know that…?

Galileo Galilei is credited for the invention of the

thermometer. However, the sealed thermometer was not invented
until about 1650. The modern alcohol and mercury thermometers
were invented by the German physicist Gabriel Fahrenheit. He
introduced the first widely used temperature scale that was named
after him. In his scale, 32°F is the freezing point of water, and
212°F is its boiling point at standard atmospheric pressure.
Other temperature scales have been proposed since then. The
Centigrade, or Celsius, scale was devised by the Swedish astronomer Anders
Celsius and used in most countries of the world. In this scale, the freezing point
is 0°C, and the boiling point is 100°C.

Think About This

Answer the following:
1. Your body temperature is 38°C. Do you think you have a fever? Explain.
2. The temperature of a chocolate drink is 5°C. Is the drink cold or lukewarm?
3. Which temperature best estimates a cold winter day, 18°F or 30°F?
4. The temperature of a cold drink is about 80°F or 40°F?
1. Yes, because the normal body temperature is 37°C.
2. Cold
3. 18° F
4. 40° F

TRY THIS 8: Select the most reasonable answer for the following measurements.
Write your answers in your MATH NOTEBOOK.
1. A room temperature (73°C, 50°C, 24°C)
2. The temperature in a cool day in Baguio. (0°C, 15°C, 30°C)
3. A water starts to boil (212° F, 250°F, 300°F)
4. A hot chocolate (50°F, 120°F, 200°F)
Now, check your work by turning to the key to correction.


Car A travels 320 km in 4 hours Car B travels 333 km in 4.5 hours

Which car travels faster?

To find out which car travels faster, let us find the rate at which each car travels.

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Rate is a ratio of two measurements having different units of measurements.
When rate is simplified it has a denominator of 1, it is called a unit rate.

320 𝑘𝑚 333 𝑘𝑚
Car A’s rate = = 80 𝑘𝑝ℎ Car B’s rate = = 74 𝑘𝑝ℎ
4 ℎ𝑟 4.5 ℎ𝑟

Car A travels faster since it travels at a greater speed/rate.

SPEAKING MATHEMATICALLY In real life, do you think the car is able to

𝑘𝑚 travel at the same speed all the time? What
kph or means “kilometer per hour”. happens when the car comes to a stoplight

or when it passes through a school zone or
when it makes a sharp curve?

In real life, a car is unlikely to travel at the same rate all the time. The speed that we
have calculated is actually the average speed. That is, the distance travelled by the car every
hour, on average.

𝑇ℎ𝑒 𝑡𝑜𝑡𝑎𝑙 𝑑𝑖𝑠𝑡𝑎𝑛𝑐𝑒 𝑡𝑟𝑎𝑣𝑒𝑙𝑙𝑒𝑑

𝑨𝒗𝒆𝒓𝒂𝒈𝒆 𝒔𝒑𝒆𝒆𝒅 = 𝑇𝑜𝑡𝑎𝑙 𝑡𝑖𝑚𝑒 𝑡𝑎𝑘𝑒𝑛

Let’s have another example.

Example 1. A horse runs 120 km in 3 hours.

a. Find its unit rate.

b. At this rate, how far does it run in 2 hours?

120 𝑘𝑚
a. = 40 𝑘𝑝ℎ
3 ℎ𝑟
b. 40 km per hour x 2 hours = 80 km
Now, try solving Example 2.

Example 2

Find the unit rate.

An electrician took 4 hours to complete a job. He charged Php 200 for his service.
You should get Php 50 per hour.

Example 3
Select the most reasonable answer listed for each item.
1. The minimum speed of a car in certain highways like the SLEX and NLEX.
a. 60 kph b. 70 kph c. 80 kph d. 90 kph
2. The maximum car speed in school zones.
a. 10 kph b. 20 kph c. 30 kph d. 40 kph

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If you get the correct answers you may proceed with Try This 9
If not, please go back to the previous examples and try it again.

TRY THIS 9: Find the unit rate in each case. Write your solutions and answers
1. A cyclist travels 90 km in 5 hours.
2. Ann read 500 pages in 20 minutes.
3. The racing speed of a car is about
a. 20 kph b. 70 kph c. 200 kph
Now, check your work by turning to the key to correction.

F. Developing mastery
Week 1: DAY 4 Can you GUESSTIMATE me?!

Estimate the measurements of the following objects using your body parts then check
using a ruler. Write your solutions and answers in your MATH NOTEBOOK.
Object to measure Estimate Ruler
Example: length of a long bond 2 span 33. 02 cm
1. Ballpen span cm
2. Length of Table cubit cm
3. Width of your room foot cm
4. Thickness of your bed digit cm
5. Height of your cabinet span cm

How long does your morning routine take?

Estimate then check how long it takes you to do each of these tasks at home in the
Morning Routine Approximate Actual
1. Brushing your teeth
2. Make your bed
3. Taking a bath
4. Get dressed
5. Eat your breakfast
Total time spent

Optical illusions
Comment how each of the images below appears, and then measure them to expose the optical

Do the lines in these pictures bend? Write your answers in your MATH NOTEBOOK.

a. Do the lines in these pictures bend?

Visual appearance: Yes or No


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b. Using a ruler, measure the distance of the two-horizontal line. Make sure to measure
other part of the horizontal lines. Is there any changes in the distance of the horizontal

a. Which person is tallest? a. Are the lines the same length?

b. How will you describe the visual b. How will you describe the visual
appearance of the three persons? appearance of the two lines?
c. Measure and compare the height of c. Measure and compare the length of
the three persons. the two lines.

a. Is the internal shape a square? a. Which is greater, the width or height

of the hat?
b. Measure each side of the internal b. Measure the height and width of the
shape. hat.

c. Now, based on your answer in letter c. What can you say about the visual
b, what shape is the internal figure? appearance of the hat and its

G. Finding practical applications of concepts and skills in daily living

Agree or disagree with each statement. Justify your answer. Write your answers in your
1. A student can walk 1 km from his home to school gate for 30 mins.
2. Juan is 14 years old. He estimates his own height as 60 inches.
3. Anika is feeling sick. The doctor gives her a bottle of medicine. She estimates that the
capacity of the bottle is 250 cL.
4. Dianne's mother ask her to buy a cup of rice at the corner store. She carries it home in a
small bag. She approximates that the mass of the rice is 50 g.
5. Sean plans to join a race. After series of training, he estimates his time to complete the 100
- meter race will be between 12-15 seconds.

H. Making generalizations and abstractions about the lesson

Wrap it up!!!
Measurements - Is a process of comparing an unknown quantity to a standard known
Length - any quantity with dimension distance.
Weight - is a measure of the earth’s gravitational pull.

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Volume - amount of space a three-dimensional figure.
Time - The indefinite continued progress of existence and events in the past, present, and
future regarded as a whole.
Temperature - measure of the hotness or coldness of something.
Rate – is ratio of two measurements having different units of measurements.

Nonstandard Units – used by early civilizations include body parts and common objects in the
Span – the distance from the tip of the little finger to the tip of the thumb of an outstretched
Palm – the distance across the base of the four fingers that form the palm.
Digit – the thickness or width of the index finger.
Foot – the length of a foot.
Cubit – the distance from the tip of the middle finger of the outstretched hand to the front of the
Pace – the distance of one full step.


Two standard systems of measurement:
A. English System – Most commonly used in U.S. Was originally based on non-universal
things such as human body parts
B. Metric System – it is based on the decimal system and allows easy conversation from one
unit to another
Length Foot Meter Meter
Weight/Mass Pound Gram Kilogram
Volume (Capacity) Gallon Liter Cubic Meter
Time Second Second Second
Temperature Fahrenheit Celsius Kelvin


Length Ruler, Meterstick, Tape Measure
Weight Weighing Scale, Spring Balance
Mass Platform Balance
Capacity Calibrated Cylinder, Beaker
Volume Medicine Dropper, Cup, Ruler, Meterstick
Temperature Thermometer
Time Clock, Watch, Calendar

I. Evaluating learning

Week 1: DAY 5 Use a YELLOW PAD PAPER to answer WORKSHEET#1 following the given
instructions and it is to be submitted to your Math teacher.
Name: ________________________ Section: ______________________
Subject: Mathematics 7 Quarter 2 Week 1 Parent’s signature:______________
Worksheet #1


I. Pick from the box the most appropriate unit for each item.
foot mile kilogram centimeter ton
gram pound milliliter millimeter inch
liter meter gallon kilometer milligram


Property of Pampanga High School - DepEd Division of City of San Fernando, Pampanga
Metric units
_kilogram_ 1. Weight of a sack of rice meaning: Metric unit for weight of a sack of rice

1. Thickness of a book
2. Mass of an apple
3. Volume of a perfume bottle
4. Thickness of 5-peso coin
5. Length of a basketball court
6. Capacity of a gasoline
7. Weight of an adult person
8. Distance from SM Pampanga to SM Downtown
9. Weight of a medicine tablet

English units
__foot____ 1. Height of the door meaning: English unit for height of a door

10. Length of a belt

11. Distance from Pampanga to Manila
12. Weight of a newborn baby
13. Weight of a cargo truck
14. Capacity of ice cream container good for 10 people
15. Height of a basketball player

II. Choose the most realistic measure for each of the following.
16. bottle of mineral water 5L 50 mL 500 mL
17. ice drop 0 C 10 C 20 C
18. speed of a car in a highway 6 kph 60 kph 600 kph
19. diameter of a bottle cap 300 cm 30 mm 3 km
20. sachet of shampoo 1L 12 mL 120 mL
21. dance number 20 s 10 min 1 hr
22. preheating the oven 500 F 350 F 150 F
23. average speed of tri-wheeler 100 kph 10 kph 1 kph
24. ballpoint pen 1 kg 50 g 15 mg
25. flash report 5 min 30 s 1 hr

J. Additional activities for application or remediation

I. What is the most appropriate unit that you will use for the following measurements?
Length: mm, cm, m, km
1. A sim card 3. Distance from San Fernando to Angeles
2. The width of a classroom
Weight: mg, g, kg
4. A mongo seed 6. A sack of rice
5. A sachet of powdered coffee
Capacity: mL, L
7. A pail 9. A tear drop
8. A gasoline tank of a car
Volume: 𝑚𝑚3 , 𝑐𝑚3 , 𝑚3 , 𝑘𝑚3
10. A blackboard eraser 12. A microprocessor inside a cell phone
11. A container van

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If you got a score of 7, then you may proceed to the next part of the activity.
If not, you have to go back to the sections C and D on pp. 4 - 12 and try again.

II. Choose the most reasonable temperature for each situation.

1. hot soup ( 00 C, 300 C, 800 C ) 4. December breeze ( 590 F, 990 F , 1290 F )
0 0 0
2. ice cream ( 2 C, 25 C, 40 C ) 5. summer in May ( 650 F, 1850 F, 2150 F )
0 0 0
3. cold water ( 5 C, 19 C, 39 C )

If you got a score of 3, then you may proceed to the next part of the activity.
If not, you have to go back to the section E on pp. 13 - 15 and try again.

III. Select the best realistic measure for each item.

1. The length of a shoe. ( 27 mm, 27 cm, 27 m )
2. The length of a book ( 1 ft, 1 yd, 1 cm )
3. The weight of a new born baby is about ( 4 g, 4 kg, 4 mg )
4. The weight of a truckload of garbage ( 1 kg, 1 ton, 1 lb )
5. The dose of a strong cough syrup could be: ( 2 mL, 2 L, 200 mL )
6. The amount of material in a brick is about: ( 180 𝑐𝑚3 , 1.8 𝑚3 , 0.8 𝑘𝑚3 )
7. The time it takes to sing the Philippine national anthem is about: ( 1.5 sec.,1.5 min.,1.5 hr. )
8. Someone could walk 1 kilometer continuously ( 1 hr., 10 min., 30 sec. )
9. The minimum speed limit for all vehicles in NLEX ( 60 kph, 80 kph, 100 kph )
10. The maximum speed limit for cars ( 60 kph, 80 kph, 100 kph )

If you got a score of 6, then YOU’RE DOING A

If not, you have to go back to the sections C, D, E and F on pp. 4 - 15 and try again.

NEED MORE HELP? You may reach your math teacher with his/her cellphone
number or send him/her a private message thru his/her facebook account.

Section A. Reviewing previous lesson or presenting the new lesson
TRY THIS 1: Answers may vary

Section C. Presenting examples/instances of the new lesson

TRY THIS 2: A. 1. Dimension of a jewelry box 2. Diameter of a grain of salt
a. Tool: Ruler a. Tool: Vernier caliper/ micrometer
b. Measuring unit: cm b. Measuring unit: mm
B. 1. a. 3 mm 2. b. 168 mm 3. b. 4 mi

TRY THIS 3: A. 1. kg 2. mg 3. g
B. 1. A pile of wet laundry: lb 2. A medium pack of all purpose cream: .oz
C. 1. a. 50 mg 2. a. 500 mg 3. b. 10 g 4. b. 1 .oz 5. b. 2 lb

Section D. Discussing new concepts and practicing new skills #1

1000 𝑚𝐿
TRY THIS 4: =8
125 𝑚𝐿

TRY THIS 5: 1. b. 1 L 2. c. 400 mL 3. b. 10 mL 4. a. 4 L 5. C. 200 mL


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Item 12 – hour clock 24 – hour clock
a 1:20 a. m. 01:20
b 11:50 p.m. 23:50
c 9:30 p.m. 21:30

TRY THIS 7: 10 hours

Section E. Discussing new concepts and practicing new skills #2

Select the most reasonable answer for the following measurements.
1. 24°C 2. 15°C 3. 100°C

Example 3
1. a. 60 kph 2. b. 20 kph

Find the unit rate in each case.
90 𝑘𝑚 500 𝑝𝑎𝑔𝑒𝑠
1. = 18 𝑘𝑝ℎ 2. = 25 𝑝𝑎𝑔𝑒𝑠 𝑝𝑒𝑟 𝑚𝑖𝑛𝑢𝑡𝑒 3. c. 200 kph
5 ℎ𝑟 20 𝑚𝑖𝑛𝑠

Section F. Developing Mastery

Can you GUESSTIMATE me?! – answers may vary

How long does your morning routine take? – answers may vary

Optical Approximation

1. A. yes (but answers may vary)

b. None, the distance of the horizontal lines is 13 millimeter or 1.3 centimeter
2. A. Person C
b. Person A is the smallest, B is taller than A and C is the tallest.
c. The three person have equal height of 13 mm or 1.3 cm.

3. A. no (answer may vary)

b. the first line longer than the second line (answer may vary)
c. The two lines have equal measure of 30 mm or 3 cm.

4. A. No (answer may vary)

b. All sides of the internal shape measures 21.5 mm or 2.15 cm.
c. square

5. A. Height
b. 27 mm or 2.7 cm
c. The height of the hat looks greater than its width but they are just equal in measure

Section G. Finding practical applications of concepts and skills in daily living

Note: Justification may vary.

1. Answer may vary
2. Agree
60 /12 = 5 ft. It is possible for a 14-year old boy to be 5 ft. only at that age.
3. Disagree
A tbsp.. of medicine = 5 mL only.
5 ml x 3 = 15 ml will be consumed daily.


Property of Pampanga High School - DepEd Division of City of San Fernando, Pampanga
A bottle of medicine is usually measured in terms of mL.
4. Disagree
Consider a tbsp. of medicine = 5 mL = 5 mg
10 tbsps. of medicine = 50 g which is comparatively less than a cup of rice
5. Agree
An athlete can complete a 100-meter race within 10 seconds.

Section J. Additional activities for application or remediation

1. mm 4. mg 7. L 10. 𝑐𝑚3
2. m 5. g 8. L 11. 𝑚3
3. km 6. kg 9. mL 12. 𝑚𝑚3
1. 800 C 2. 20 C 3. 50 C 4. 590 F 5. 1850 F
1. 27 cm 3. 4 kg 5. 2 mL 7. 1.5 min. 9. 60 kph
2. 1 ft 4. 1 ton 6.180 𝑐𝑚3 8. 10 min. 10. 100 kph


Property of Pampanga High School - DepEd Division of City of San Fernando, Pampanga

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