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ffirqft BAI\ARAs HINDU (El9naq - f9rerur
i uNtvERstTY Office of the Registror
A,n lnstitulion of Nqtlonol lmportdnce estoblished by on Aci o{ porlioment

Ref. AB/Teachi n g/Misc/DACPS/ Date: 21.11.2023

The Director
Institute of Medical Sciences
Banaras Hindu Univer:sity

Subject: Regarding implementation of DACPS in Faculty of Ayurveda at par with Faculty

of Medicine and Faculty of Dental Sciences, IMS, BHU

This has reference to the subject cited above.

In this connection, I am to inform that the Ministry of Education vide its letter no,
L-L912022-CU-V dated 05.07.2023 and dated 10.07.2023 has conveyed that the mater of
implementation of DACPS in Faculty of Ayurveda, IMS, BHU was examined in consultation
with UGC and IFD and the Ministry has no objection to extend the DACpS of Ministry of
Health & Family Welfare, to the Teachers of Faculty of Ayurveda, IMS, BHU, subject to its
concurrence by the'Executive Council of BHU, as per the BHU Act (photocopies enclbsed).

FurLher, the Governing Body (GB) of Institute of Medical Sciences in its 7th meeting
held on 23.08.202I has already considered to extend the DACP Scheme to the Teachers o1
Faculty of Ayurveda at par with Faculty of Medicine and Faculty of Dental Sciences, IMS, BHU
w.e.f. 01"04.2015.
Accordingly, the Vice Chancellor, in his capacity as Chairman, Executive Council, has
ordered to implement the DACP Scheme for Ayurveda Teachers of the Faculty of Ayurveda,
IMS at par with Faculty of Medicine and Faculty of Dental sciences, IMS, BHU,

Yours faithfully,
Encl.: as above.
Ref. AB/Teachi n g/M isc/DACPS/ , of date:

Copy forwarded for information & necessary action to:

1. The Dean, Faculty of Ayurveda, IMS

2. The Jt. Registrar, EC Cell with the request to report the matter in next meeting of the
Executive Council.
3. The Asstt. Registrar & Secretary to the Vice Chancellor
Banaras Hindu University

(Manol Kumar Gupta)
Vqrqnosi 221OO5, UP, INDIA
it ;,
(*-:;y :,:llmw
T : 91-542-2368903
E :
ffiffiffitr W:www.bhu oc in

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