NPK Final

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Healthy compost is a combination of minerals, rock, water, air, organic matter (plant and
animal residue), microorganisms, including bacteria, fungi and protozoa and a variety of insects
and worms. This intricate web carries out a process that continually replenishes the compost and
maintains long-term compost fertility. For sustained growth, plants require macro-nutrients and
trace elements. Macro-nutrients include, nitrogen (N), phosphorous (P), potassium (K), calcium
(Ca), magnesium (Mg) and sulfur (S). Trace elements include, iron (Fe), manganese (Mn),
copper (Cu) and zinc (Zn). For optimum plant growth, compost must be capable of storing these
nutrients and transferring them to the root surface for uptake by plants

Biodegradation of non-living organic matter already in the compost thereby building

structure and providing a balanced supply of nutrients and trace elements in a form that is readily
available to plants. The ongoing degradation of compost organic matter replenishes and
maintains long-term compost fertility by providing optimal conditions for compost biological

Macro and Micro nutrients:

Plants cannot grow without the essential plant nutrients. In addition to carbon dioxide (CO2) and
water (H2O), plants do need those nutrients to be able to grow and produce biomass. Fourteen
essential plant nutrients are known, and based on the amounts of nutrients that are required by
plants, macro and micronutrients are distinguished. Macronutrients are taken up in relatively
large amounts (10 -100 kg or more per hectare), while the amount of micronutrients that is taken
up by plants is mostly limited to several grams per hectare.

Macronutrients are nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), potassium (K), calcium (Ca), magnesium (Mg)
and sulfur (S). Micronutrients are Manganese (Mn), Boron (B), Copper (Cu), Iron (Fe), Zinc
(Zn), Nickel (Ni), Molybdenum (Mo) and Chlorine (Cl).
Importance of N, P, K for plants and crops:
The nutrients that are required by crops in the largest amounts are N, P and K. For that
reason, they are often considered as the most important nutrients. All plants need nitrogen,
phosphorus and potassium to grow. Without enough of any one of these nutrients, a plant will
fail. Nitrogen (N) – nitrogen is largely responsible for the growth of leaves on the plant.
Phosphorus (P) – Phosphorus is largely responsible for root growth and flower and fruit
development. Potassium (K) – Potassium is a nutrient that helps the overall functions of the plant
performs correctly.

Nitrogen is primarily responsible for vegetative growth. Nitrogen assimilation into amino acids
is the building block for protein in the plant. It is a component of chlorophyll and is required for
several enzyme reactions. Nitrogen is an integral part of all proteins, and is one of the main
chemical elements required for plant growth and photosynthesis. In most agricultural conditions,
availability of usable Nitrogen is the most limiting factor of high growth. Your crop absorbs
nitrogen by absorbing either ammonium or nitrate through it’s root system. The plant will then
utilize Nitrogen as a building block to produce protein in the form of enzymes.

Nitrogen is a mobile element, meaning that your alfalfa plants will relocate nitrogen from older
tissue to younger tissue when deficiencies occur. This is why older leaves on plants often show
yellowing or other signs of nitrogen deficiency.

Nitrogen Fertilizer Sources


Gas under normal conditions, liquid under high pressure and low temperature

Usually the least expensive source of nitrogen fertilizer (per pound nitrogen)

Typically applied by injection into the compost (slower application)

Most nitrogen fertilizer sources are made from anhydrous ammonia

Safety and theft is a concern

 UREA (46-0-0)

Dry prill

Usually the second-cheapest source of nitrogen fertilizer

Very water soluble and plant-available after chemical transformation

Subject to volatilization losses when surface-applied under adverse conditions

Can blend with most dry fertilizer sources (except for ammonium nitrate)


Dry prill

Expensive per pound nitrogen

No risk of loss when surfaceapplied

Very water soluble and plantavailable (excellent agronomic properties)

Best for mid- to late-summer applications

Threat of being phased out due to classification as a hazardous material

 UAN SOLUTION (32-0-0)

Liquid composed of one-half urea and one-half ammonium nitrate

Urea portion is subject to volatilization losses when surface-applied under adverse conditions

May cause burning if applied on foliage in warm weather

Can be mixed with some herbicides to reduce the number of applications

Phosphorus is a major component in plant DNA and RNA. Phosphorus is also critical in root
development, crop maturity and seed production. Phosphorus is vital for strong growth. In
sufficient phosphorus in the compost will cause stunted, spindly crops. Phosphorus, when
combined with water, breaks in to separate ions that can be absorbed by the plant’s root system.
The plant uses phosphorus for photosynthesis and energy/nutrient transport.

The right amount of phosphorus can help crops yield more fruits and create healthier stocks and
root systems, they may also mature much quicker than plants without phosphorus. Insufficient
supply can cause green & purple discoloration, wilting, small fruits and flowers (if at all). When
phosphorus is added to the crops when sowed, it can establish a strong root base and produce
strong all through the growth season.

Phosphorus Fertilizer Sources


Dry granular

Water soluble and plant-available

Easy to blend with other dry fertilizer sources



Water-soluble and plant-available

Difficult to blend with other fertilizer sources

Often used as a "starter fertilizer" at planting (banded in or near the furrow)

The role of potassium in the plant is indirect, meaning that it does not make up any plant part.
Potassium is required for the activation of over 80 enzymes throughout the plant. It's important
for a plant's ability to withstand extreme cold and hot temperatures, drought and pests. Potassium
increases water use efficiency and transforms sugars to starch in the grain-filling process.

Potassium, the third of three elements in healthy compost nutrition, can greatly increase crop
yields. It aids in water absorption and retention, also encourages strong roots, sturdy stems, and
healthy, full grown crops that have longer shelf life. Potassium is in the compost naturally in two
forms, one of the forms is able to be absorbed into the plant, while the other is unavailable to the
plant. Many agricultural crops depend on abundant supply of potassium so they must rely on
fertilizers and compost amendments to add to the potassium that’s in compost. Agricultural
products that contain potassium are water soluable, allowing it to be absorbed by crops in
through the nutrient rich compost.

Healthy plants use potassium in the cell system that uses water, the stomata. Potassium aids the
plant in using water efficiently, preventing many diseases and heat damage. Potassium helps
cycle nutrients through leaves, roots, and stems.

Potassium Fertilizer Sources


Dry granular

Very water-soluble and plantavailable

Easy to blend with other dry fertilizer sources

Also provides chlorine (essential micronutrient)

Role of nutrients in plant growth
The main functions of N and P are that they are constituents of proteins and nucleic acids,
which are important components of plant tissue. K is the only nutrient that is not a constituent of
organic plant compounds, but is mainly of importance in the regulation of processes in the plant,
such as osmosis and enzyme activities. K is generally playing an important role for the quality of
harvested plant products.

For the optimal growth of crops, sufficient amounts of nutrients should be available in the
root zone of the crops. Those nutrients can be partly supplied by the compost and should be
partly added with organic manures and fertilizers. Composts will contain different amounts of
available nutrients, depending of the parent material (e.g. sand, clay, peat), and differences in the
management history such as preceding crops, management of crop residues and use of manure
and fertilizers in the past. Also differences in climatic conditions may alter the available
nutrients. For that reason, it is of importance for farmers to know the NPK content of their
compost, so that they know how much N, P and/or K they should add with organic or mineral
fertilizers, to optimize crop growth, production and yield.

Nutrients are present in the compost in different forms, which differ in its availability for
plants. For example, most nitrogen is present in the compost in organic form as part of organic
matter, while it can be taken up only in mineral forms (ammonium and nitrate). The organic
nitrogen should be mineralized into mineral forms before plant roots can take it up. Phosphorus
in the compost is also present in organic matter, but often mainly in chemical forms, which differ
in solubility and plant availability. Potassium is mainly present in the compost solution and
adsorbed to compost particles, such as clay and organic matter, from which it can desorb
relatively easily by changes in equilibrium between the surface of compost particles and the
compost solution.

The crop roots take up the available nutrients from the top layer of the compost. Despite
differences in plant root systems, which vary from shallow (e.g. grass) to deep (most tree crops,
sugar beet, maize, cereals), all crops take up their nutrients from the top compost. The mobility
of nutrients in composts strongly differs: N and K dissolve in water quite well and are very
mobile in compost, while P is rather immobile in compost. The consequence is that the supply of
N and K to plant roots is mostly sufficient, provided that the amount in compost is high enough,
while the P supply to plant roots, especially in the first stages after sowing or planting, may be

High N, P or K in the compost:

The availability of N, P and K in compost should be sufficient, but not too high. Too low
availabilities will lead to hampered growth and low yields, while too high availabilities of one or
more nutrients may lead to disturbed plant growth and adverse effects for yield and/or quality of
harvested products. Moreover, the N, P and K availability should be balanced, so the availability
of the other nutrients should be taken into account while the availability of the considered
nutrient is adjusted.

Nutrient deficiency symptoms in plants:

Nutrient deficiency will lead to visual symptoms in the plant, which may be the yellowing of
leaves, or the occurrence of brown spots on the leaf. The exact symptoms depend on the function
of the nutrient in the plant and the way the nutrient is transported within the plant. The
CompostCares Nutri Manager Lite is a sophisticated app that connects with the CompostCares
Scanner and provides the user with information about compost fertility levels for N, P and K
based on the current situation on your field (compost type, crop grown, nutrient availability,
etc.). Using this information, you will be able to optimize the nutrient supply to your crop, which
will lead to good crop growth, high yield and good quality.

Determining the nutrient concentrations for nitrate, phosphates, and potassium can reveal
how a compost is functioning in regards to its intended use and how nutrients are cycling through
a compost. A nutrient test provides a report of average nutrient concentration (mg/L) for all
nutrients tested. In an agricultural setting, knowing the concentration of nutrients can help food
producers know when to add fertilizer, how much to add, and which nutrients need supplemented
and in what amount.

Literature Review
Rajneesh Kashyap, et al In plant, if amount of Nitrogen (N) is low or in excess, then plant
growth is hindered also it affects nutrient uptake. Phosphorus (P) deficiency makes the leaf dull
grayish green or red pigmented at leaf base or even plant growth is retarded, while in excess it
reduces absorption of other important plant micro-nutrients. Potassium (K) deficiency affects the
plant seeds and fruits. Excess potassium may lead to deficiency of other nutrients like
magnesium and calcium. The study is mainly focused on estimating the level of NPK content in
plant species, found in controlled and polluted areas in Vellore district. Leaves of Peltophorum
Ferrugenium and Lagestroemia speciosa were collected and after digested they were treated with
Nessler’s Reagent, for nitrogen and potassium estimation, whereas in case of phosphorous
estimation, ascorbic acid was used. They were then analyzed using spectrophotometer. The
parameters were found to be greater in plant leaves from environment with relatively high
pollution than the control.

H. Pathak, et al, Nutrient budgeting is a useful tool in determining present and future
productivity of agricultural land as well as undesirable effects of nutrient mining and
environmental pollution. Budgets of N, P, and K were calculated for India for 2000–2001 taking
into consideration the inputs through inorganic fertilizer, animal manure, compost, green
manure, leguminous fixation, non-leguminous fixation, crop residues, rain and irrigation water
and outputs through crop uptake and losses through leaching, volatilization and denitrification.
Inorganic fertilizer was the dominant source contributing 64% of N and 78% of P inputs in
Indian agriculture, whereas K input through inorganic fertilizer was 26%. Removals of N, P, and
K by major agricultural crops in the country were 7.7, 1.3 and 7.5 Mt, respectively. There were
positive balances of N (1.4 Mt) and P (1.0 Mt) and a negative balance of K (3.3 Mt). It was
projected that N, P, and K requirement by Indian agriculture would be 9.78, 1.57 and 9.52 Mt,
respectively, to meet the food demand of 1.3 billion people by 2020. The study identified the
‘hotspots’ of excess nutrient loads as well as of nutrient mining regions in India to improve our
ability to predict environmental degradation due to imbalanced fertilizer use. However, there are
some uncertainties in India’s nutrient budget and more research is required to reduce these
Nándor Fodor, et al, Based on correlations calculated from the database of long-term
fertilization experiments carried out in Hungary between 1960 and 2000, a new, cost-saving, and
environmentally friendly fertilizer recommendation system was developed. The aim of the new
system is to apply the lowest possible nitrogen (N)–phosphorus (P)–potassium (K) rates required
to achieve good yields and maximum income per unit area. The World Phosphorus Institute
(IMPHOS) agreed to finance a 3-year program to test various Hungarian fertilizer
recommendation systems (the new RISSAC-RIA [Research for Compost Science and
Agricultural Chemistry‐Research Institute for Agriculture] system, the Talajerőgazdálkodás
integrated compost fertility management system, and the intensive MÉM NAK [Department of
Plant Protection and Agricultural Chemistry of the Ministry of Food and Agriculture] system)
when applied to three major crops grown on three characteristic Hungarian composts. The first
five treatments in the experiment represented a classical deficiency experiment, aimed at
checking the correctness of the NPK supply categories determined by the various systems. On all
three composts and for all three crops the IMPHOS experiments confrimed the basic principles
of the new cost-saving, environmentally friendly fertilizer recommendation system and the
correctness of the methods used for calculating fertilizer rates. In this article, diagnostic plant
analysis, compost analysis data, and NPK balances obtained in the different recommendations
are discussed. In most cases the plant NPK contents of all the recommendations exceeded the
lower limits of the good NPK supply category for wheat and barley shoot as well as for corn leaf.
Crop NPK contents in Talajerőgazdálkodás and MÉM NAK treatments (with greater
recommended NPK doses) were most cases better than in the RISSAC-RIA treatments; however,
the better crop NPK status did not result in extra grain yield in the former treatments. Taking into
account that similarly high yields were obtained using the RISSAC-RIA system and the
Talajerőgazdálkodás integrated system with much smaller NPK doses than those recommended
by the intensive MÉM NAK system, it was more advantageous from agronomic, environmental
protection, and economic points of view. Differences in PK balances correlated well with the
differences in the measured compost ammonium lactate (AL)–PK contents after the third year of
the experiment.
Hasmah Mohidin, et al, Balanced nutrient elements in fertilizer play a critical role in oil palm
seedling successful growth and development, and at the same time reduces of fertilizer losses in
the environment. This study examines the effect of different levels of N, P2O5 and K2O for oil
palm seedlings in solution culture on growth traits, nutrient uptake in plant tissues and biomass
accumulation under nursery conditions. Five concentration levels of N (50, 100, 300, 600 and
900 mg L–1), P2O5 and K2O (15, 30, 60, 90 and 120 mg L–1) were used in a completely
randomized design (CRD) with five replications for each. Parameters measured during the
growing period include - plant height, leaf number/plant, stem diameter, SPAD chlorophyll
value, and at harvest – total leaf area, root dry weight, shoot dry weight and total dry weight.
Different levels of N, P2O5 and K2O showed significant effects on all the parameters studied.
The highest values for diameter, plant height, leaf number/plant, total leaf area, root dry weight,
shoot dry weight and total dry biomass were obtained using 100, 90 and 300 mg/L levels of N,
P2O5 and K2O, respectively. Most of the growth parameters, declined with lower levels of N,
P2O5 and K2O. The results of this study provide a new knowledge to produce oil palm plant
with better nutrient management at the nursery under solution culture

K. Parthasarathi, et al, Field experiments were conducted during 2002-2003 on clay loam,
sandy loam and red loam compost at Sivapuri, Chidambaram, Tamil Nadu, to evaluate the
efficacy of vermicompost on the physico-chemical and biological characteristics of the composts
and on the yield and nutrient content of blackgram - Vigna mungo, in comparison to inorganic
fertilizers nitrogen, phosphorous, potassium. Vermicompost had increased the pore space,
reduced particle and bulk density, increased water holding capacity, cation exchange capacity,
reduced pH and electrical conductivity, increased organic carbon content, available nitrogen,
phosphorous, potassium and microbial population and activity in all the compost types,
particularly clay loam. The yield and quality (protein and sugar content in seed) of blackgram
was enhanced in composts, particularly clay loam compost. On the contrary, the application of
inorganic fertilizers has resulted in reduced porosity, compaction of compost, reduced carbon
and reduced microbial activity.
P.K. Singh et al, Today, due to the constraint in availability of the freshwater for irrigation,
waste water especially sewage water is being used for irrigation of agriculture fields. Experiment
was conducted for a year on the agriculture form by using experimental crops such as wheat
(AKW-1071), Gram (Jacky-9218), Palak (Pusa \Jyoti), Methi (Kasuri) and Berseem (Multicut).
These crops were irrigated with groundwater and domestic wastewater. Each crop was applied at
recommended NPK dose of fertilizers for treatment. Use of the domestic waste water with
fertilizers has shown the improvement in the physicochemical properties of the compost, crop
yield and also in the nutrient status as compared to that of the resulted from the application of
groundwater with fertilizer. The domestic wastewater irrigation applied for a season had no
significant effects apart from, slight changes in satlt solubility and alkalinity on a clay compost
with sewage wastewater irrigation.

Obreza, et al, Nutrient status of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium in citrus leaf tissue more
accurately reflects the nutrient concentrations associated with changes in production. This study
aimed to establish the proper leaf to diagnosis nutrient status of N, P and K in pummelo citrus.
The survey was conducted on farmer’s pummelo citrus lands in Pangkep, South Sulawesi,
Indonesia, with altitude of 17-35 m above sea level. Chemical analysis was performed in
Compost Laboratory of South Sulawesi Assessment Institute for Agricultural Technology. The
study used 150 productive citrus trees, aged 5-8 years, with relatively homogenous management.
Post harvest sampling was carried out on the 3rd-4th leaf and 5th-6th with the position of the
upper branches. The results showed that 3rd-4th leaf has the best correlation with earlier fruit
production than 5th-6th leaf and later fruit production. Concentrations of N, P and K in earlier
fruit production with 3rd-4th leaf, respectively are: low (<1.38; <0.11 and <1.13%), moderate
(1.38-2.15, 0.11-0.20 and 1.02-2.31%) and high (>2.22; >0.20 and >2.31%). While the optimum
concentration with 85% of relative production are 1.77, 0.16, 1.67%, respectively.
Concentrations of N, P and K in later fruit production with 3rd-4th leaf respectively are low
(<1.48; <0.15 and <1.43%), moderate (1.48-2.00, 0.15-0.21 and 1.43-1.79%) and high (>2.00;
>0.21 and >1.79%). While the optimum concentration by projecting 75% of production target
are 1.69, 0.19, 1.55%, respectively. The results of this study can be used as a guide in
formulating fertilizer recommendations for pummelo citrus.

Moneeza Abbas, et al, Cow dung is the major source of biogas production. Cow dung and slurry
both are being used as organic fertilizer for agriculture. This study was conducted in 2011 to
analyze the value of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium (NPK) in cow dung and slurry
generated in biogas plant. Nitrogen contents in cow dung and slurry were determined by
Kjeldahl nitrogen assembly apparatus. The concentration of phosphorus and potassium were
determined by using spectrophotometer and flame photometer, respectively. Results revealed
that mean concentrations of nitrogen (0.931 ± 0.0259) and potassium (153.2 ± 25.3) were high in
slurry whereas the concentration of phosphorus (84.021±1.641) was high in cow dung. The study
suggests that slurry is an effective and rich fertilizer as compared to cow dung.

Duarah, et al, It has been reported that phosphate solubilizing bacteria (PSB) are the most
promising bacteria among the plant growth promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR); which may be used
as biofertilizers for plant growth and nutrient use efficiency. Moreover, these compost micro-
organisms play a significant role in regulating the dynamics of organic matter decomposition and
the availability of plant nutrients such as nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), potassium (K) and other
nutrients. Through this study, the management of nutrient use efficiency by the application of
PSB was targeted in order to make the applied nutrients more available to the plants in the rice
(Oryza sativa) and yardlong bean (Vigna unguiculata) cultivation. Results have shown that the
treatments with PSB alone or in the form of consortia of compatible strains with or without the
external application of chemical NPK gave more germination index (G. I.) from 2.5 to 5 in rice
and 2.7 to 4.8 in bean seeds. They also showed a higher growth in both shoot and root length and
a higher biomass as compared to the control. This gives us an idea about the potentiality of these
PSB strains and their application in rice and yardlong bean cultivation to get a better harvest
index. Their use will also possibly reduce the nutrient runoff or leaching and increase in the use
efficiency of the applied fertilizers. Thus, we can conclude that the NPK uptake and management
can be improved by the use of PSB in rice and yardlong bean cultivation, and their application
may be much more beneficial in the agricultural field.
Yanfang Zhai et al, Nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium are some of the most important
biochemical components of plant organic matter, and hence, estimation of their contents can help
monitor the metabolism processes and health of plants. This study, conducted in the Yixing
region of China, aimed to compare partial least squares regression (PLSR) and support vector
machine regression (SVMR) methods for estimating the nitrogen (C ), phosphorus (C ), and
potassium (C ) contents present in leaves of diverse plants using laboratory-based visible and
near-infrared (Vis-NIR) reflectance spectroscopy. A total of 95 leaf samples taken from rice,
corn, sesame, soybean, tea, grass, shrub, and arbour plants were collected, and their C, C, C, and
Vis-NIR reflectance data were measured in a laboratory. The PLSR and SVMR methods were
calibrated to estimate the C, C, and C contents of the obtained samples from spectral reflectance.
Cross validation with an independent data set was employed to assess the performance of the
calibrated models. The calibration results indicated that the PLSR method accounted for 59.1%,
50.9%, and 50.6% of the variation of C , C , and C , whereas the SVMR method accounted for
more than 90% of the variation of C , C , and C . According to cross-validation, the SVMR
method achieved better estimation accuracies which had determination coefficients of 0.706,
0.722, and 0.704 for C, C, and C, respectively, than the PLSR method, which had determination
coefficients of 0.663, 0.643, and 0.541. It was concluded that the SVMR method combined with
laboratory based Vis-NIR reflectance data has the potential to estimate the contents of
biochemical components.

Materials and Methods

Collection of sample:
Different compost samples collected in and around Narasaraopte. The list of samples collected
with codes was given bellow

S No Sample collected Code

1 Sample 1 S1
2 Sample 2 S2
3 Sample 3 S3
4 Sample 4 S4
5 Sample 5 S5
Table 1: Sample collection

List of Glassware
S.NO Glassware Capacity
1 pipette 50 ml
2 volumetric flask 1liter
3 Kjeldahl flask 800-ml
4 Erlenmeyer flask 500-ml
Table 2: List of Glassware
List of chemicals:
S.NO Chemical Make
1 ammonium acetate Merck chemicals private limited, Mumbai
2 Sulfuric acid Merck chemicals private limited, Mumbai
3 Sodium hydroxide Merck chemicals private limited, Mumbai
4 Hydrochloric acid Merck chemicals private limited, Mumbai
5 Zinc Merck chemicals private limited, Mumbai
6 Boric acid Merck chemicals private limited, Mumbai
7 bromcresol green Merck chemicals private limited, Mumbai
8 methyl red Merck chemicals private limited, Mumbai
9 Ethyl alcohol Merck chemicals private limited, Mumbai
Table 3: List of chemicals

Compost Physical and Chemical Analysis:

Particle size analysis was carried out using hydrometer method. The pH was determined in water
(ratio 1: 1, compost : water). Nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium were determined by flame

Analysis of NPK in agriculture compost and plant material:

Sample Preparation:

0.1 g of sample were digested for 2 hours in 2 mL concentrated H2SO4. As soon as black color
appeared, 0.5 mL H2O2 was added, and solution was kept on hot plate. Again H2O2 was added
drop by drop until the solution turned colorless. This colorless solution was then filtered in a 100
mL flask, and distilled water was added till 100 mL mark. This solution was prepared for
analysis of NPK by adding 2.5 mL of 10% sodium silicate solution and 2.5 mL of 10% NaOH to
5 mL of digested solution. Then distilled water was added to make up 50 ml mark.

Reagents preparation:

Standard solution 1000 ppm potassium (K), and 1000 ppm sodium (Na). Prepare a standard
solution for each element by dissolving 1.9070 g KC1 or 2.5425 g NaCl in a small volume of
distilled water and diluting to 1 liter with distilled water.

Prepare a 50 ppm solution of K or Na by pipetting 50 ml of the 1000 ppm stock solution in a

one-liter volumetric flask and diluting to volume with the 1500 ppm SrC1 2 solution. From the
50 ppm solution, prepare standards of concentrations from 0.5 to 5.0 ppm by using the
appropriate sized aliquots. Add to the aliquot 1 part of 1N ammonium acetate extracting solution
to every 10 parts of the final volume and bring to volume with 1500 ppm SrC1 2 solution.


1. Weigh 2 g of compost into a 70-ml extracting vessel, add 40 ml of the ammonium acetate
extractant, and place the extracting vessel containing the sample on the shaker for 30 minutes.

2. Filter through a Whatman No. 42 paper if Na is to be determined; when determining the other
elements only, use the Whatman No. 5 paper for sample filtration.

3. Dilute each sample extract by taking 1 ml of sample extract and adding 10 mis of a 1500 ppm
Sr solution. This makes an 11-fold dilution.

4. A Fisher dilutor model 250 or a similar type instrument works well for making this dilution.
Follow the instructions for operating the flame instrument and adjust it according to the
instrument settings.

5. Calibrate the instrument by means of a standard curve that is obtained by running a series of
standards for each of the four elements. (See information on the appropriate range of standards to
use, the instrument settings, and some typical instrument readings for selected standard

6. Introduce the diluted compost extract into the flame of the instrument.
7. Determine K by flame emission Report K in milli equivalents per 100 g of compost, and also
report K in parts per million on a compost basis.


ppm of cation in the compost sample = ppm of cation in the SrCl2 compost extract solution x 20
ml of extract per gram of compost x the dilution factor. meq of cation per 100 g of sample = meq
of cation per liter of SrC12 compost extract solution x 2 liters of extract per 100 g of sample x the
dilution factor.

Of cation per 100 g of sample = meq of cation per liter of SrC12 compost extract solution x 2
liters of extract per 100 g of sample x the dilution factor.


1. Sulfuric acid: concentrated, low in N.

2. Sodium hydroxide: 40% solution - Add 10 kg sodium hydroxide flakes to 15 liters of water.
Add the flakes slowly with constant stirring.

3. Hydrochloric acid: 0.1N - Dilute 8.3 ml of reagent concentrated HC1 to 1 liter with distilled
water. Standardize against 25 ml of 0.1000N sodium carbonate (Na 2CO 3 ) solution prepared by
dissolving 5.300 g of oven-dried Na2CO 3 in distilled water in a 1-liter volumetric flask and
diluting to volume.

4. Catalyst - Prepare a mixture which contains 1000 g Na2SO4, 25 g CuSO 4 , and 10 g selenium

5. Zinc, mossy

6. Boric acid, saturated solution - Dissolve 40 g H 3B03 in 1 liter of distilled water.

7. Mixed indicator - Dissolve 0.1 g bromcresol green and 0.02 g methyl red in 100 ml of 95%
ethyl alcohol.

1. Weigh 10 g of compost into an 800-ml Kjeldahl flask.

2. Add one 10-g scoop of catalyst and 30 ml of concentrated H2SO4.

3. Digest until clear, usually 20 to 30 minutes plus an additional interval equivalent to one-half
the clearing time. Allow the digest to cool.

4. Place a 500-ml Erlenmeyer flask containing 50 ml of boric acid solution and four drops of
indicator under the condenser so that the tip of the condenser tube dips below the surface of the

5. Add 400 ml distilled water, one boiling stone, and a small piece of mossy zinc to the Kjeldahl

6. Pour 100 ml of concentrated NaOH in slowly and carefully down the side of the flask. Do not
mix at this point.

7. Connect to the condenser, and then gently swirl the flask until the material is thoroughly
mixed. Adjust the flow of cold water through the condenser to keep the temperature of the
distillate less than 35°C.

8. Commence heating, and distill over approximately 100 ml. Discontinue heating, and
immediately lower the Erlenmeyer flask. Rinse the top of the condenser with water.

9. Remove the flask and determine ammonium-N in the distillate by titration with 0.1000N HC1.
The color change at the endpoint is from blue to pink.

10. Run a blank whenever there is a change in reagents or at least once a day.
Digestion Distillation


Calculate the result as follows from the volume of HC1 used in the titration: -

(Sample − blank in mis) x N of HC1 x 100 x 0.014 g N/meq

Percentage N = 𝑆𝑎𝑚𝑝𝑙𝑒

H2SO4 (0.002 N), Dilute con-centrated H2SO4, 360 times (2.78 + 1000 ml distilled water)-stock
solution. Dilute suitable quantity of stock solution 50 times to give 0.002 (N) H2SO4 Make final
pH 3.0 by adding 3 g (NH2) SO4 or K2SO4.

2. Ammonium molybdate solution: 25 g of ammonium molybdate in 175 ml dis-tilled water.

3. Stannous chloride: 2.5 g. in 100 ml glyc-erol, heat on a water bath for rapid dis-solution.
4. Standard PO4: Dissolve 4.388 g of dried anhydrous K2HP04 in distilled water and make up
the volume to one litre. Dilute a portion of this solution 100 times using distilled water. This
standard PO4 solu-tion has 10 mg P/l (1 ml=0.01 mg P).
5. Compost sample, activated charcoal.

6. Flasks and filter papers.

7. Shakers.

8. Spectronic 20.
1. Sieve compost through 2 mm screen and de-termine its moisture content by drying it

2. Take 10 g fresh compost on a dry weight ba-sis in 500 ml flask and add 200 ml of 0.002 (N)
H2S04. Keep on shaker at 1200 rpm for 30 minutes and filter sus-pension.

3. Take 50 ml of clear filtrate in a clean conical flask. If filtrate is coloured, add little activated
charcoal, filter and use.

4. Add 2 ml of ammonium molybdate fol-lowed by 5 drops of SnCl2.

5. Take O.D. at 690 nm of the blue colour developed along with blank (D.W + same amount of
ammonium molybdate+5 drops SnCl2.

6. Take readings after 5 minutes, but before 12 minute of addition of last reagent. Take 50 ml of
each dilution + 2 ml am-monium molybdate and 5 drops of SnCl2. Take reading at 590 nm and
plot a graph with absorbance and concentration of P from this.


%Available P = mg P/l compost solution

50 is dilution factor
Compost analysis is a set of various chemical processes that determine the amount of available
plant nutrients in the compost, but also the chemical, physical and biological compost properties
important for plant nutrition, or "compost health".

According to the content of nutrients in the compost obtained by chemical analysis and the
requirements of the culture for a certain yield, it is easier to determine the amount of required
fertilizer to achieve high and quality yields. In determining the amount of nutrients should be
noted that at the best condition in the compost plants can adopt up to 80% of nitrogen, 40% of
phosphorus, 60% of potassium and 40% of magnesium. High quality compost analysis is basis of
planning of fertilizing, and thus the quality of the entire production cycle, which results in a high
quality and yield and better farm management.

Hence the present study was carried for the determination of content of basic plant nutrients;
nitrogen , phosphorus, potassium in different agricultural fields in and around Narasaraopet.

The amount of Nitrogen present in the compost samples was studied by Kjeldahl nitrogen
assembly distillation method. Among the samples studied the high amount of Nitrogen was
observed in compost samples collected in black gram filed and was found to having 5.98mg per
gram of compost sample at a depth of 0-15cm. In black gram at a depth of 15-30cm was also
found to having high amount of 5.91mg/gram nitrogen. Corn field samples were found to having
less amount of nitrogen in the samples studied. In this 3.01mg/gram and 2.97mg/gram of
nitrogen was observed at a depth of 0-15 and 15-30cm respectively. Results were given in table
4 and comparison graph was given in figure 2.

S No Sample Amount present in mg/gram

1 S1 4.26
2 S2 4.31
3 S3 4.87
4 S4 4.59
5 S5 4.98
Table 4: Estimation of Nitrogen in compost samples
Nitrogen in compost samples
Estimated value
S1 S2 S3 S4 S5
sample studied

Figure 2: Comparisons graph for Estimation of Nitrogen in compost samples

The amount of Phosphorus present in the compost samples was studied by Flame photometric
method. Among the samples studied the high amount of Phosphorus was observed in compost
samples collected in Cotton field and was found to having 0.73mg per gram of compost sample
at a depth of 0-15cm. In Cotton field at a depth of 15-30cm was also found to having high
amount of 0.71mg/gram Phosphorus. Corn field samples were found to having less amount of
Phosphorus in the samples studied. In this 0.33mg/gram and 0.37mg/gram of Phosphorus was
observed at a depth of 0-15 and 15-30cm respectively. Results were given in table 5 and
comparison graph was given in figure 3.

S No Sample Amount present in mg/gram

1 S1 1.73
2 S2 1.71
3 S3 1.68
4 S4 1.62
5 S5 1.59
Table 5: Estimation of Phosphorus in compost samples
Phosphorus in compost samples

Estimated value




S1 S2 S3 S4 S5
sample studied

Figure 3: Comparisons graph for Estimation of Phosphorus in compost samples

The amount of Potassium present in the compost samples was studied by Flame photometric
method. Among the samples studied the high amount of Potassium was observed in compost
samples collected in Cotton field and Paddy field was found to having 1.75mg and 1.67 mg per
gram of compost sample at a depth of 0-15cm. In Cotton field at a depth of 15-30cm was also
found to having high amount of 1.49 & 1.58 mg/gram Potassium. Corn field samples were found
to having less amount of Potassium in the samples studied. In this 1.04mg/gram and
0.98mg/gram of Potassium was observed at a depth of 0-15 and 15-30cm respectively. Results
were given in table 6 and comparison graph was given in figure 4.

S No Sample Amount present in mg/gram

1 S1 1.95
2 S2 1.63
3 S3 1.48
4 S4 1.81
5 S5 1.11
Table 6: Estimation of Potassium in compost samples
Potassium in compost samples

Estimated value



S1 S2 S3 S4 S5
samples studied

Figure 4: Comparisons graph for Estimation of Potassium in compost samples


Compost analysis is a set of various chemical processes that determine the amount of available
plant nutrients in the compost, but also the chemical, physical and biological compost properties
important for plant nutrition, or "compost health". Hence nitrogen, Phosphorous and potassium
content in the compost samples collected around Narasaraopet were studied. Based on the study
results N, P and K content was studied and results provide that the amount present in the
compost was determined. Hence the content of nutrients in the compost obtained by chemical
analysis and the requirements of the culture for a certain yield, it is easier to determine the
amount of required fertilizer to achieve high and quality yields.

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