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Molecular Ecology Resources (2008) 8, 23–34 doi: 10.1111/j.1471-8286.2007.01963.

Blackwell Publishing Ltd

A ribosomal DNA-based framework for the detection and

quantification of stress-sensitive nematode families in
terrestrial habitats
M A RT I J N H O LT E R M A N ,* K ATA R Z Y N A RY B A R C Z Y K ,* S V E N VA N D E N E L S E N ,* H A N N Y VA N
M E G E N ,* PA U L M O O Y M A N ,* R E Y E S P E Ñ A S A N T I A G O ,† T O M B O N G E R S , J A A P B A K K E R * and
*Laboratory of Nematology, Graduate School for Experimental Plant Sciences, Wageningen University, Binnenhaven 5, 6709 PD
Wageningen, The Netherlands, †Departamento de Biología Animal, Biología Vegetal y Ecología, Universidad de Jaén, Campus
‘Las Lagunillas’ s/n, Edificio B3, 23071 Jaén, Spain

Indigenous communities of soil-resident nematodes have a high potential for soil health
assessment as nematodes are diverse, abundant, trophically heterogeneous and easily
extractable from soil. The conserved morphology of nematodes is the main operational
reason for their under-exploitation as soil health indicators, and a user-friendly biosensor
system should preferably be based on nonmorphological traits. More than 80% of the most
environmental stress-sensitive nematode families belong to the orders Mononchida and
Dorylaimida. The phylogenetic resolution offered by full-length small subunit ribosomal
DNA (SSU rDNA) sequences within these two orders is highly different. Notwithstanding
several discrepancies between morphology and SSU rDNA-based systematics, Mononchida
families (indicated here as M1–M5) are relatively well-supported and, consequently, family-
specific DNA sequences signatures could be defined. Apart from Nygolaimidae and Longi-
doridae, the resolution among Dorylaimida families was poor. Therefore, a part of the more
variable large subunit rDNA (≈ 1000 bp from the 5′-end) was sequenced for 72 Dorylaimida
species. Sequence analysis revealed a subclade division among Dorylaimida (here defined
as D1–D9, PP1–PP3) that shows only distant similarity with ‘classical’ Dorylaimid system-
atics. Most subclades were trophically homogeneous, and — in most cases — specific
morphological characteristics could be pinpointed that support the proposed division. To
illustrate the practicability of the proposed molecular framework, we designed primers
for the detection of individual subclades within the order Mononchida in a complex DNA
background (viz. in terrestrial or freshwater nematode communities) and tested them in
quantitative assays (real-time polymerase chain reaction). Our results constitute proof-of-
principle for the concept of DNA sequence signatures-based monitoring of stress sensitive
nematode families in environmental samples.
Keywords: LSU ribosomal DNA, nematode, RT-PCR, soil community analysis, SSU ribosomal DNA

Received 2 July 2007; revision accepted 1 August 2007

in water (films) in densities up to several millions of indi-

viduals and up to 100 species per square metre (Anderson
Nematodes are among the most widespread and abundant 2001). The high density and the variety of trophic ecologies
invertebrates in soils and (freshwater and marine) sedi- represented within this phylum — nematodes may feed on
ments. These relatively small, vermiform organisms reside bacteria, fungi, algae, other nematodes, plants (in)verte-
brates or a combination of these (Yeates et al. 1993) — render
Correspondence: Johannes Helder, Fax: + 31 317 484254; E-mail: them a key position in the soil food web (De Ruiter et al. 1998; Bongers & Ferris 1999). Furthermore, nematodes

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themselves serve as a food source for a wide range of soil of Mononchida and Dorylaimida as sensitive bio-indicators
inhabitants (Bongers & Ferris 1999). Nematodes show a is underexploited because routine analysis of soil samples
broad range of sensitivities towards disturbances such as is very time-consuming (a single mass-slide takes on
subtle temperature changes, changing moisture conditions, average 2 h), and because only adults are taken into
exposure to pollutants, and changes in the nutritional consideration (juveniles cannot always be identified).
status of their environment. Taking into consideration It is concluded that a nematode-based biosensor should
that nematodes — unlike bacteria and fungi — can easily be based on nonmorphological traits.
be extracted from soil, they have a great potential as Molecular analysis has become a powerful tool to clarify
indicators for soil health (recently reviewed by Dmowska evolutionary relationships, and generally spoken, well-
& Ilieva-Makulec 2004). resolved relationships are a strong basis for DNA sequence
In terrestrial habitats, the great majority (> 80%) of the signature-based taxon identification. The small subunit
environmental stress-sensitive nematode families — as ribosomal DNA (SSU rDNA) gene has proven to be useful
indicated by the c-p values 4 and 5 (c, colonizer; p, persister; for the reconstruction of phylogenetic relationships among
Bongers 1999) — belongs to two orders, namely the nematode taxa (Aleshin et al. 1998; Blaxter et al. 1998; Rusin
Dorylaimida and the Mononchida (16 and six families, et al. 2003; Holterman et al. 2006), and recently, a sub-
respectively). Despite their common overall sensitivity to division of the phylum into 12 clades has been proposed
environmental stresses, their responsiveness towards (Holterman et al. 2006). Members of the orders Dorylaim-
different kinds of physical, chemical or biological distur- ida and Mononchida were shown to reside within a single
bances is diverse. Therefore, the monitoring of shifts in major clade (Clade 2), and the representatives were distrib-
Dorylaimida and Mononchida communities in terrestrial uted over two well-resolved order-specific branches. In
and freshwater habitats at family or even genus level is contrast to the families within the order Mononchida, the
ecologically relevant (Ettema & Bongers 1993; Bongers phylogenetic relationships within the family-rich order
1999; Bongers et al. 2001; Georgieva et al. 2002). As com- Dorylaimida were fully unclear (Holterman et al. 2006).
pared to Mononchida, Dorylaimida are highly speciose; The low diversity of the SSU rDNA within the order
Jairajpuri & Ahmad (1992) estimated that more than 10% of Dorylaimida prompted us to sequence a part of the
all currently known nematode species belong to this order. more variable large subunit (LSU) ribosomal DNA gene
The range of trophic ecologies represented by these two (≈ 1000 bp from the 5′-end). In many cases (45), both the SSU
orders is just marginally smaller than the diversity within (full length) and LSU (fragment) rDNA were sequenced
the phylum Nematoda as a whole. Its members can be from the same individual nematode. In this study, we
found in all soil types as well as in freshwater environ- present SSU and LSU rDNA-based phylogenetic analyses
ments, while remarkably they are absent in marine of Mononchida and Dorylaimida, and show the possibilit-
habitats. In comparison to the well-known free-living ies of using SSU and LSU rDNA-based sequence signatures
nematode Caenorhabditis elegans (1 mm in length), Dory- for the quantitative detection of individual stress-sensitive
laimida and Mononchida are relatively large (typically nematode families in environmental samples.
1–5 mm), have long generation times (months instead of
3–4 days for C. elegans), and produce a relatively low
Materials and methods
number of eggs. The low reproduction rates imply that
Dorylaimida and Mononchida populations will only
Taxon sampling
slowly recover from disturbances. The high sensitivity to
pollution could be partially explained by the permeability Nematodes were collected from various habitats through-
of their cuticle. Generally spoken, these nematodes have out the Netherlands, and extracted from the soil using
relatively permeable cuticles (Hollis 1961; Premachandran standard techniques. Prior to DNA extraction, individual
et al. 1988). All these characteristics combined make nematodes were identified using a light microscope (Zeiss
members of the Dorylaimida and Mononchida sensitive Axioscope) equipped with DIC optics. A CCD camera
indicators of the impact of environmental stress on soil life. (CoolSnap, RS Photometrics) was used to take a series of
Dorylaimida display a mosaic of morphological charac- digital images from each nematode.
ters and are notoriously difficult to identify, even for experts.
As it is unclear which characters are relevant for the estab-
SSU rDNA sequences
lishment of phylogenetic relationships within this order
and which characters suffer from homoplasy, there have Part of the SSU rDNA sequences used in this study came
been numerous rearrangements of genera, families and from an earlier work on the phylogeny of the Nematoda
superfamilies within this order (for a historical overview (Holterman et al. 2006), and new sequences were acquired
see Jairajpuri & Ahmad 1992). Apart from the scarcity of as described in this study. SSU rDNA sequences were
informative morphological characteristics, the potential deposited at GenBank under Accession nos EF207244

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to EF207254. For a full list of sequences used for this

Phylogenetic analyses
study, see Tables S1 and S2, Supplementary material.
The SSU rDNA trees were constructed using Bayesian
inference. modeltest selected the general time reversible
DNA extraction, LSU rDNA amplification and
(GTR) model with invariable sites and gamma distribution
as the best fitting models for both SSU data sets. In essence
Single nematodes were transferred to a 0.2 mL polymerase the data set was analysed as described in Holterman et al.
chain reaction (PCR) tube containing 25 μL sterile water. (2006), except for now the gamma parameter was included.
An equal volume of lysis buffer containing 0.2 m NaCl, The Dorylaimia SSU rDNA data set was run for 2 000 000
0.2 m Tris-HCl (pH 8.0), 1% (v/v) β-mercaptoethanol and generations and the burn-in was 100 000 generations (Fig. 1).
800 μg/mL proteinase K was added. Lysis took place in a The Dorylaimida SSU rDNA data set was run for 1 800 000
Thermomixer (Eppendorf) at 65 °C and 750 r.p.m. for 2 h generations and the burn-in was 500 000 generations
followed by 5 min incubation at 100 °C. Lysate was used (Fig. 2).
immediately or stored at –20 °C. LSU rDNA was ampli- Three different methods were used to construct a phylo-
fied using either primer 28–61for or 28–81for (28–61for, genetic tree from the LSU rDNA; neighbour-joining (NJ),
5′-GTCGTGATTACCCGCTGAACTTA-3′; 28–81for, 5′-TTA- maximum parsimony (MP) and Bayesian inference (BI).
AGCATATCATTTAGCGGAGGAA-3′) in combination with modeltest 3.06 (Posada & Crandall 1998) was used to
either primer 28–1006rev or 28–1032rev (28–1006rev, determine the most appropriate nucleotide substitution
5′-GTTCGATTAGTCTTTCGCCCCT-3′; 28–1032rev, 5′-TC- model. Both the likelihood ratio test and the Akaike infor-
GGAAGGAACCAGCTACTA-3′). PCR was performed in a mation criterion selected the GTR model with invariable
25-μL final volume containing 3 μL of 100× diluted crude sites (Ι) and a γ-shaped distribution of substitution rates
DNA extract, 0.1 μm of each PCR primer and a ‘Ready-To-Go (Γ) as the best fitting substitution model. The neighbour-
PCR bead’ (Amersham). The following PCR protocol was joining tree was constructed using paup* 4.0b10 (Swofford
used: 94 °C, 5 min; 5× (94 °C, 30 s; 45 °C, 30 s; 72 °C, 70 s) 1998) using the model parameters calculated by model-
followed by 35× (94 °C, 30 s; 54 °C, 30 s; 72 °C, 70 s) and test. The resulting tree was bootstrapped 1000 times. The
72 °C, 5 min. Gel-purified (Marligen) amplification products MP tree was also constructed using paup*, the default
were cloned into a TOPO TA vector (Invitrogen) and sequenced parameters were used. This tree was bootstrapped 1000
using standard procedures. Newly generated LSU rDNA times as well. The Bayesian tree was constructed using the
sequences were deposited at GenBank under the following program mrbayes 3.1.2 (Ronquist & Huelsenbeck 2003).
Accession numbers: AY592994–AY593065 and EF207234– The alignment was divided into a stem and a loop parti-
EF20743. tion according to the secondary structure. For both parti-
tions, GTR + Ι + Γ was used. The stem regions were
analysed under the Doublet model. It is noted that the
Sequence alignment
Doublet + GTR model explained our data only marginally
SSU rDNA sequences were supplemented with pub- better that the GTR only approach (data not shown). The
licly available sequences (Table S1) and aligned using the default flat priors were used for the parameters and the
clustal w algorithm as implemented in bioedit 5.0.9 parameters were unlinked between the partitions. Four
(Hall 1999) and manually improved using secondary struct- independent runs with different random starting trees
ure information from arthropods [ were performed. Each run was made with four Markov
rRNA/secmodel/index.html, in accordance with Wuyts chains and run for 3 million generations with a sample
et al. (2000)]. frequency of 200 generations. The first 200 000 genera-
Newly generated nematode LSU rDNA sequences were tions were discarded as burn-in. The sampled trees
supplemented with one publicly available sequence from the four runs were combined in a single 50%
(Xiphinema rivesi AY210845). The outgroup consisted majority-rule tree. The program tracer version 1.2.1
of Mononchida, namely: Mononchus tunbridgensis, (Rambaut & Drummond 2005) was used to check if all para-
Mononchus truncatus and Anatonchus tridentatus. The meters had converged. The program macclade version 4.0
LSU rDNA sequences were aligned using the same methods (Maddison & Maddison 2000) was used to infer the
as for the SSU rDNA sequences, and further improved ancestral character states of several traits along the Bayesian
with secondary structure information from yeast (http:// LSU rDNA tree.; see
also Ben Ali et al. (1999)). The final alignment consisted
Detection and quantification of individual subclades
of 74 partial LSU rDNA sequences (each sequence spans
about 1000 bp from the 5′-end onwards) and contained To detect and quantify clusters as defined in Fig. 1 (M1–
1309 aligned positions (including gaps). M5), subclade-specific SSU rDNA-based primers were

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Fig. 1 SSU rDNA-based Bayesian phylogeny of the subclass Dorylaimia (Clade 2 in Holterman et al. 2006). Numbers near nodes represent
posterior probabilities. The coloured bar indicates to which order, family, and subclade (M1–M5) a species belongs. The colour of the species
name indicates the feeding type (according to Yeates et al. 1993). A ‘G’ behind the species name indicates the sequence was acquired from

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Fig. 2 SSU rDNA-based Bayesian phylogeny of the order Dorylaimida. Numbers near nodes represent posterior probabilities. The coloured
bars indicate to which suborder, family and subclade a species belongs. Only species names belonging to well-resolved subclades are given
(for detailed phylogenetic tree see Fig. S1). A ‘G’ behind the species name indicates the sequence was acquired from GenBank.

designed using the software package arb (Ludwig et al. arb mismatch setting to — at most — four nucleotides.
2004). An alignment of about 1200 full-length SSU rDNA One or two mismatches were always considered as close
sequences covering a substantial part of the nematode nontargets unless they were positioned very close to the
biodiversity in terrestrial and freshwater habitats was used 3′-end of the foreseen PCR primer. Three and four mis-
as input file to identify subclade-specific sequence motives. matches were only included if they were clustered and
Potential close nontargets were selected by changing the positioned in the 5′-end region.

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Table 1 Primer combinations used for the detection and quantification of Mononchida subclades as defined in Fig. 1. Real-time PCR results
are presented in Fig. 4. Close nontarget species belonging to the subclass Dorylaimia are given in italics

Subclade Primer combination temperature
identifier (F, forward; R, reverse) Close nontargets (°C)

M1 F: 5′-CGATCCGTCGGTGTTAAATAT*T Prionchulus punctatus 1 63

R: 5′-CTCG*AGCTGATGACTCGA*A Mononchus truncatus 1
Haliplectus sp. 1
Prismatolaimus dolichurus 2
Pratylenchus pratensis
M2 F: 5′-CGCATTTATTAGACCAAAACCAG* Unidentified mermithid species 64
R: 5′-TAGAAGACCCAGTTAAACTCCTT* Mesocriconema xenoplax 1
Malenchus andrassyi 1
Ditylenchus dipsaci 9
M3 F: 5′-CGAGCTTCTTAGAGGGACAG* Mylonchulus rotundicaudatus 2** 65
R: 5′-CCAATTCTTACCAGAAAAGGTTTTAA Opisthodorylaimus sylphoides**
Granonchulus sp. 1
Diphtherophora obesa 1
Trischistoma sp. 1**
Eumonhystera filiformis 1**
Steinernema glaseri1**
Prochromadora sp. 1**
M4 F: 5′-CGATCCGTCGGTGTTAAG* Mylonchulus sp. 1 62
R: 5′-CCAATTCTTACCAGAAAAGGTTTTAA Mylonchulus sigmaturus 3
Mylonchulus brachyuris 2
Mylonchulus rotundicaudatus 2
Mononchus truncatus 1
Clarkus papillatus 1
Coomansus parvus 1
Granonchulus sp. 1
Bathyodontus mirus 1
Cryptonchus tristis 1
Prionchulus punctatus 2
Prismatolaimus dolichurus 2
Euteratocephalus sp. 1
M5 F: 5′-GACGAAGAATTTTATATGTTTTTTGTG* Anatonchus tridentatus 1 63
Coomansus parvus 1

*LNA; **starts giving a positive signal in later cycles.

Subclades are defined in Fig. 1, and for each of the sub- volume of 25 μL. In order to increase the specificity
clades, the closest nontargets are shown in Table 1. Primer occasionally locked nucleid acids (LNAs) were incorporated
combinations as presented in Table 1 were tested using (Table 1). Thermal cycling was performed on a Bio-Rad
cloned SSU rDNA fragments. Bacterial clones harbouring MyiQ thermal cycler (Bio-Rad) and consisted of 98 °C
a TOPO TA vector with an SSU rDNA fragment of interest for 3 min; followed by 60 cycles of 98 °C for 30 s, subclade-
were grown at 37 °C in 2 mL of LB medium supplemented specific annealing temperature (Table 1) for 1 min and 72 °C
with 100 μg/mL of ampicillin. Plasmid extraction was for 30 s.
performed using the Wizard Plus Minipreps DNA Purifica-
tion System (Promega). DNA concentrations were meas-
Results and discussion
ured with a NanoDrop spectrophotometer and adjusted
to 10 ng/μL. For Q-PCR application 3 μL of 1000× diluted Currently, nematode community analysis for ecological
template was mixed with a subclade-specific primers soil classification invariably includes time-consuming light
(end concentrations for both primers 200 nm) and 12.5 μL microscopy-based identification (mostly till family level)
iQ SYBR Green Supermix (Bio-Rad) in a total reaction and counting of relatively small samples (typically 75 up

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to 200 individuals). In most cases, nematode families are classification of the order. Most striking is the positioning
defined on the basis of a series of morphological characters of the Bathyodontidae and the Cryptonchidae, two families
that are not always visible in juvenile life stages. For a harbouring exclusively bacterial feeding nematodes
transformation of prevalent nematode community analysis (Yeates et al. 1993), at the base of the Mononchida subclade.
tools into DNA sequence signature-based methods, it is This would suggest that predatory (see below) Mononchida
relevant to know whether DNA sequence data do or do not and insect-parasitic Mermithida arose from bacterivorous
confirm the existence of these nematode families as they ancestors. In this respect, it is noteworthy that the food
are currently defined. Here, this is investigated for members preference of nematodes may change during their life
of the subclass Dorylaimia, with a focus on Mononchida cycle; contrary to adults (and J3/J4), initial juvenile stages
and Dorylaimida; two orders whose members live exclusi- of several members of the Mononchida feed on bacteria
vely in terrestrial and freshwater habitats and share a (e.g. Yeates 1987). The remarkable and firm placement of
high sensitivity to environmental stress. Subsequently, the Mermithidae (insect parasites) within the Mono-
we show how subclade-specific DNA sequence sig- nchida confirms previous findings by Blaxter et al. (1998),
natures can be used for life-stage independent, large- Mullin et al. (2005) and Holterman et al. (2006). Apparently,
scale analysis of terrestrial and freshwater nematode there are no morphological characters that support this
communities. positioning.
The family Mylonchulidae was shown to be polyphyletic
as Granonchulus did not cluster with representatives of the
Phylogeny of the subclass Dorylaimia
genus Mylonchulus (M1 in Fig. 1). The characters consid-
Six orders of the Dorylaimia are represented in our analysis ered to be diagnostic for the Mylonchulidae are the strong
(Figs 1 and 2): Dorylaimida, Mononchida, Mermithida tapering of the stoma (mouth-like opening) at its base, and
(insect parasites), Trichinellida (animal parasites), Diocto- the arrangement of the denticles in transverse rows (Zullini
phymatida (animal parasites) and Isolaimida (an order that & Peneva 2006). However, the stoma of Granonchulus is
comprises only a single family with one genus; Isolaimium). ovoid, not tapering strongly at the base, and members of
SSU rDNA sequence data offer a remarkably good resolution this genus have only one transverse row of denticles
within the Mononchida, Mermithida and Trichinellida (instead of multiple); the remaining denticles are ordered
(Fig. 1), whereas the phylogenetic resolution among repre- in longitudinal rows. Hence, morphological data are avail-
sentatives of the Dorylaimida was poor (Fig. 2). Addition able that seem to support our SSU rDNA-based results.
of sequences from representatives of the Cryptonchidae The Mononchidae also turned out to be paraphyletic,
and the Soboliphymatidae — both positioned basally in with Mononchus being a sister group of Mylonchulus, separ-
two major branches (see Fig. 1) — resulted in intraclade ate from Coomansus, Clarkus and Prionchulus (M2 in Fig. 1).
relationships that differ from the relationships presented There is morphological support for this separation. Both
by Mullin et al. (2005) and Holterman et al. (2006). The Mononchus and Mylonchulus have well-developed tail glands
current data set suggests a basal node that defines the and a (reduced) spinneret (a cuticular cone connected to
Dorylaimida on the one hand, and the Mononchida, the caudal glands). On the contrary, Coomansus, Clarkus
Mermithida, Trichinellida, and Dioctophymatida on the and Prionchulus (M3 in Fig. 1) have only rudimentary tail
other. Within the second group, a sister relationship is glands and no spinneret (Zullini & Peneva 2006). In addi-
observed between the Mononchida and Mermithida, tion, Mononchus has a transverse rib on each ventrosub-
and the Trichinellida and Dioctophymatida. As animal lateral wall of the stoma and Mylonchulus has denticles on
parasites are not taken into consideration in ecological soil the ventrosublateral walls arranged in transverse rows. In
assessment, the withinorder relationships of Mermithida, contrast, Coomansus, Clarkus and Prionchulus have longitu-
Trichinellida, and Dioctophymatida will not be discussed dinal ridges on their ventrosublateral stoma walls (Zullini
here. The order Isolaimida was placed outside the Dorylai- & Peneva 2006). These characteristics support the results
mia, a confirmation of a result that was recently published from our phylogenetic analysis.
by Mullin et al. (2005). We will focus on the Mononchida The Anatonchidae appeared to be paraphyletic, too.
and Dorylaimida as the numerous representatives of these Representatives of the genus Anatonchus (M4 in Fig. 1)
orders are stress-sensitive as reflected by their high c-p are placed at the base of a subclade that includes most
values (4 or 5 on a 1–5 scale as defined at family level Mononchidae and Mylonchulidae. Our analysis suggests
(Bongers 1990). that it is probably not possible to define Anatonchidae-
specific DNA sequence signatures that would cover all
members of the genera Anatonchus and Miconchus.
Mononchida — phylogenetic relationships
Bathyodontidae (M5 in Fig. 1) are represented
SSU rDNA-based phylogenetic relationships among by two species only. So far, this family seems to be
Mononchida are to some extent similar to the current monophyletic.

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dorylaimus) which display sexual dimorphism in the tail

Dorylaimida — SSU rDNA-based phylogenetic
shape (females have an elongated or cone-shaped tail and
males a rounded tail), a feature not found elsewhere in the
Within the Dorylaimida, two suborders are distinguished, studied taxa. (iii) It assembles several taxa which share the
the Dorylaimina and the Nygolaimina (De Ley et al. 2006). feature of being opisthodelphic (= uterus directed posteriorly)
These are characterized by the nature of their stoma in total or in part (Opisthodorylaimus, Ecumenicus, Dorylai-
(Coomans 1964). The Dorylaimina are equipped with an moides, Oxydirus), an infrequent feature in Dorylaimidae
axial odontostyle, whereas the Nygolaimina have a mural and its relatives; remaining subclades are dominated by
tooth. In the SSU rDNA-derived tree (Fig. 2), the Nygolaimina didelphic (= two uteri) or predominantly didelphic taxa,
are placed in a single, well-supported subclade (D9). SSU with the exception of PP2 (Pungentus species) and D5
rDNA sequence data do not allow for the deduction of (Tylencholaimus species).
family relationships among Dorylaimina. The only family
for which all members are present in a single well-supported D2. This cluster consists of Aporcelaimellus and Allodorylaimus
cluster is the plant-parasitic family Longidoridae. However, species that belong to the Aporcelaimidae and Qudsiane-
because it is part of a large polytomy, the relationship matidae, respectively. To the best of our knowledge, there
between Longidoridae and other Dorylaimida families are no morphological characters supporting this clade.
could not be established.
D3. This cluster includes several Qudsianematidae (Epidory-
laimus, Eudorylaimus and Thonus), Enchodelus (Nordiidae–
Dorylaimida — LSU rDNA-based phylogenetic
Pungentinae) and Prodorylaimus (Dorylaimidae) and it was
also distinguished on the basis of SSU rDNA data (Fig. 2).
The conserved nature of the SSU rDNA among represen- Although these taxa share several characters, none of these
tatives of the Dorylaimida prompted us to sequence a part characters are unique for this subclade (Fig. S4). These
of the LSU rDNA in addition to the SSU rDNA (≈ 1000 bp shared characteristics are: (i) guiding ring simple (double
from 5′ end). In many cases (45 of 72 sequences), both SSU in Enchodelus and Prodorylaimus), (ii) pharynx widening
and LSU rDNA were amplified from the same individual near or slightly behind the middle, (iii) vagina sclerotized,
nematode. The LSU rDNA-based phylogram is constructed and (iv) tail shape equal in both sexes. Although none of
on the basis of 75 sequences: 72 representatives of the Dory- these characteristics is D3-specific by itself, their combina-
laimida and three members of the Mononchida. The LSU tion is fairly unique. The only other genus which combines
trees show a better resolution within the Dorylaimida, all these four characteristics is Allodorylaimus, which is placed
although a large basal polytomy still remains. The Bayesian in clade D2.
tree (Fig. 3), parsimony tree (Fig. S2, Supplementary material)
and neighbour-joining tree (Fig. S3, Supplementary material) PP1. This subclade consists of Microdorylaimus, Longidorella
are nearly identical, and therefore, only the Bayesian tree is and Eudorylaimus cf. minutus. This subclade is charac-
depicted here. All parameters of the evolutionary model terized by having a pharynx that spans about a third of
for the Bayesian tree had converged after a burn-in of their total body length (possibly related to their relatively
200 000 generations. small size — 0.4–0.7 mm).
As there is limited congruence between the current
family subdivision of the Dorylaimina and the subclades PP2. It consists solely of the genus Pungentus.
suggested by LSU rDNA sequence data, it was decided to
define 12 subclades, D1–D9 and PP1–PP3, that are well- D4. This consists of members of the Qudsianematidae
supported by molecular data. Dorylaimina systematics has subfamilies Carcharolaiminae and Discolaiminae. These
been subject to numerous revisions, and we investigated subfamilies were previously regarded as a separate family
whether morphological support could be found for the — the Discolaimidae (Siddiqi 1969; see also De Ley et al.
currently proposed subclade division: 2005) — and based on these results it seems reasonable to
reinstate this family.
D1. Being quite heterogeneous from a morphological point
of view, D1 shows several general (although not totally D5–D9, PP3. D5, PP3 and D6 are monophyletic subclades
common) patterns (Fig. S4, Supplementary material). (i) It that so far appear to correspond with the families Tylen-
groups several long-tailed taxa which currently are dispersed cholaimidae, Longidoridae and Tylencholaimellidae,
in separate families (and even superfamilies): Dorylaimidae respectively. D7 includes representatives of the genus
(Dorylaimoidea), Mydonomidae (Tylencholaimoidea) and Sectonema, the only genus within the subfamily Sectonema-
Belondiridae (Belondiroidea). (ii) It groups several taxa tinae. Hence, this cluster corresponds to a subfamily as
(Paractinolaimus, Dorylaimus, Opisthodorylaimus and Meso- currently defined within the Qudsianematidae. D8, defined

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D N A B A R C O D I N G 31

Fig. 3 LSU rDNA-based Bayesian phylogeny of the order Dorylaimida. Numbers near nodes represent posterior probabilities. The coloured
bar indicates to which (sub)family a species belongs. The Dorylaimida are divided into 12 subclades (D1–D9, PP1–PP3). The colour of the
species name indicates the feeding type (according to Yeates et al. 1993).

© 2007 The Authors

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32 D N A B A R C O D I N G

here by a single LSU rDNA sequence only, corresponds to

DNA sequence signature-based identification of
the Qudsianematidae subfamily Chrysonematinae. D9
Dorylaimida subclades
covers Nygolaimidae (Nygolaimina) and this subclade
could be clearly distinguished on the basis of SSU rDNA LSU rDNA sequence analysis resulted in a subdivision of
sequence data as well (Fig. 2). the Dorylaimida into nine free-living subclades (D1–D9),
and three clusters that include multiple parasites of higher
plants (PP1–PP3). Contrary to LSU, SSU rDNA data are
The origin of plant parasitism within the order
available from a considerable number of taxa well spread
over the phylum Nematode. Hence, subclades are preferably
Plant parasitism arose at least three times independently defined on the basis of specific, shared SSU rDNA sequence
during the evolution of the phylum Nematoda, one time motives. As can be seen in Fig. 2, this is achievable only for
within the order Dorylaimida (Longidoridae), and two times D3, D9, and PP1–PP3. The remaining subclades will be
in the (infra)orders Triplonchida and Tylenchomorpha defined by shared LSU rDNA motives. Currently, the LSU
(Blaxter et al. 1998). For the latter case, Holterman et al. rDNA data base is dominated by representatives of the
(2006) provided molecular support for a long-standing Dorylaimida and the Tylenchomorpha, and consequently,
hypothesis stating that plant parasitic nematodes arose subclade-specific primers could potentially have cross
from fungivorous ancestors (Maggenti 1971). We inves- reactivity outside Clades 2 and 12. It should be noted that
tigated the positioning of the Longidoridae (PP3) vis-à-vis — as compared to SSU rDNA — the relatively high degree
the two fungivorous subclades D5 and D6. However, of variability of the LSU rDNA genes among nematodes
the current data set provided insufficient resolution to reduces the chances of unwanted cross reactivity consi-
make a statement about the origin of the Longidoridae. derably. Nevertheless, we are planning to alleviate possible
Remarkably, two more groups of plant feeders within uncertainties about specificity by the development of SSU-
the order Dorylaimida, members of the genera Longidorella rDNA-based suborder Dorylaimina-specific primers. In the
and Pungentus (ectoparasites of higher plants, Yeates et al. absence of (major) cross reactivity, the total Dorylaimina
1993; but also see Trudgill 1976), evolved independently signal minus the D3, D9, and PP1–PP3 signals should be
from the Longidoridae. From our LSU rDNA data, we con- similar to the D1–D2 plus D4–D8 signals.
clude that Longidorella (subclade PP1) presumably arose Further development of this detection system will
from an omnivorous ancestor. The current LSU rDNA tree include the determination of the average quantitative PCR
provides no insight into the possible feeding type of the signal yield per family or subclade. For this, we are
ancestor of Pungentus. currently generating series of 1, 5, 10, 50 and 100 micro-
scopically determined individuals from single genera. By
determining the PCR signal yield per genus, we will get
The use of DNA sequence signatures for quantitative
insight in the within-family variation. As nematodes with
detection of Mononchida subclades
individual families or subclades tend to have similar body
Unique DNA sequence signatures (unique among 1200 sizes (e.g. Bongers 1994), we expect a moderate variation,
full length SSU rDNA sequences from all over the phylum and this would enable us to define factors that translate
Nematoda) were determined for the five subclades (M1– the quantitative PCR signal into a reasonable estimate
M5) within the order Mononchida as defined in Fig. 1. On of the number of individuals to which this signal is cor-
the basis of these signatures, primers were designed that responding. Finally, parallel investigations of field samples
would work under similar annealing temperatures, and on the basis of morphological and molecular characteristics
these were tested for their specificity (Fig. 4). It is noted will be needed to further validate this entirely novel
that close nontargets as given in Table 1 do not necessarily approach for the analyses of soil and freshwater nematode
belong to the Dorylaimia. On the contrary, except for M5, communities.
all primer combinations tested were shown to have close
nontargets that are phylogenetically completely unrelated
to the target sequence. In four cases (M1, M2, M4 and M5),
primers were shown to be highly specific as hardly any Although the potential of nematodes as indicators for the
signal could be detected even after 60 PCR cycles. Primers ecological condition of soil and freshwater sediments is
designed for M3 were slightly less specific, but the ΔCT (CT widely recognized (e.g. Bongers & Ferris 1999), the large-
— cycle number at which the fluorescent signal exceeds a scale exploitation of this group so far has been hampered
given threshold value) was still around 20. It is concluded mainly by their conserved morphology. The molecular
that nematode subclades as defined here provide a firm framework for the detection of two major, trophically hetero-
basis for the development of assays for the detection and genous groups of stress-sensitive nematodes combined
quantification of stress sensitive nematode families in soils. with the relatively simple quantitative PCR-based analysis

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D N A B A R C O D I N G 33

Fig. 4 Real-time PCR amplification curves showing the detection

of trophically homogeneous subclades within the order
Mononchida as defined in Fig. 1 on the basis of full length SSU
rDNA sequences (M1–M5). Target species, closest nontargets,
primers and annealing temperatures are given in Table 1.

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Massachusetts. This material is available as part of the online article from:
Maggenti AR (1971) Nemic relationships and the origin of
plant parasitic nematodes. In: Plant Parasitic Nematodes (eds 10.1111/j.1471-8286.2007.01963.x
Zuckerman BM, Mai WF, Rohde RA), pp. 65–81. Academic Press, (This link will take you to the article abstract).
New York.
Please note: Blackwell Publishing are not responsible for the
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inferred from small subunit ribosomal DNA sequences. Nemato- by the authors. Any queries (other than missing material) should
logy, 7, 59–79. be directed to the corresponding author for the article.

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