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ECG-Tech Name: …………………………………………………

Electrical Technology Department

epartment Class: …………………… Date: …………….…
Subj.: Put into operation and maintain automated
Title: Timer and Counter
Work order: Answer the following questions
Question One (Learning Statuation: Flashing Light)
We have flashing light turns on for 6 sec and off for 2 sec.
1. Write the program: -

Module 12 (Worksheet) 63 Put into operation and maintain automated

Question Two (Learning Statuation: Star-Delta motor)
We have star-delta connection, which consists of three contactors main
contactor, star contactor and delta contactor. At the beginning when we press
the start push button s1 the main contactor is turned on with star contactor
after 6 sec the star contactor turns off and the delta contactor replaces it. We
have stop push button s2 to stop the cycle.

1- Write the status of each of the blades and sensors used ((NO / NC)
Symbol Comment Operand Type of contact
Push Button
S1 I0.0
Push Button
S2 I0.1
M Main contactor Q0.0
S Star contactor Q0.1
D Delta contactor[ Q0.2

Module 12 (Worksheet) 64 Put into operation and maintain automated

2. Write the program: -

Module 12 (Worksheet) 65 Put into operation and maintain automated

Question Three (Learning Statuation: lighting)
Design lighting for astore, which the lamp turns off after 6 sec from closing the
three doors.
1- Write the status of each of the blades and sensors used ((NO / NC)
Symbol Comment Operand Type of contact
Push Button
S1 I0.0
D Door sensor1 Q0.0
D Door sensor2 Q0.1
D Door sensor3 Q0.2

2. Write the program: -

Module 12 (Worksheet) 66 Put into operation and maintain automated

Question Four (Learning Statuation: Pump)
For the agricultural irrigation pump, design a program such that when you press the
operating switch S1, the green bulb is turn on. Then when you press switch (S3), the
pump works for 5 seconds and green lamp is still turn on
on, then it immediately stops,
Consider the system off it from switch (S2).

2- Write the status of each of the blades and sensors used ((NO / NC)
Symbol Comment Operand Type of contact
Push Button
S1 I0.0
Push Button
S2 I0.1
Push Button
S3 I0.2
START pump
M1 Pump Q0.0
P1 Green lamp Q0.1

Module 12 (Worksheet) 67 Put into operation and maintain automated

2. Write the program: -

3- Implement this circuit:

Tools and Material Equipment
Push button(NO) Multi-meter
Push button(NC) Frame
Contactor PLC
3 phase Fuse
Single phase Fuse
Red lamp

Module 12 (Worksheet) 68 Put into operation and maintain automated

Question Five (Learning Statuation: Heating tank)
Two liquids are mixed together and heated in a tank. After pressing S1 button &
sensor B1 not detect there is liquid in the tank , the first liquid flows through valve
Q1. If sensor B2 is reached, Q1 stops and the second liquid begins to flow through
Q2 until sensor B3 is reached. The mixture is then stirred (M1) and heated (E1) for
10 seconds. After that, Q3 will open until sensor B
B1 is inactivated.
activated. The P1 indication
bulb is activated during the whole process.

1. Write the status of each of the blades and sensors used ((NO / NC)
Symbol Comment Operand Type of contact
S1 P.B Start I0.0
B1 Low Level Sensor I0.1
B2 Medium Level Sensor I0.2
B3 High Level Sensor I0.3
S2 P.B Stop I0.4
Q1 Valve `Q0.0
Q2 Valve Q0.1
Q3 Valve Q0.2
Q4 Heater Q0.3
P1 Lamp Q0.4
M1 Motor Q0.5

Module 12 (Worksheet) 69 Put into operation and maintain automated

2- Write the program: -

Module 12 (Worksheet) 70 Put into operation and maintain automated

Question Six (Learning Statuation: Traffic light)
We have traffic light which its sequence when we press start push button s1 is red
turns on for 5 sec then yellow for 3 sec then green for 5 sec then yellow for 3 sec then
the sequence repeats. When we press stop push button s2 the traffic light, which is on
conitune to light then the traffic, stops.

1. Write the status of each of the blades and sensors used ((NO / NC)
Symbol Comment Operand Type of contact
S1 P.B Start I0.0
S2 P.B
B Stop I0.1
R Red `Q0.0
Y Yellow Q0.1
G Green Q0.2

Module 12 (Worksheet) 71 Put into operation and maintain automated

2- Write the program: -

Module 12 (Worksheet) 72 Put into operation and maintain automated

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