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Anna was surprised to see so many people in the room, she was alone, in the library, and
she was finishing off the long fantasy book that she had been reading for over a month.
All those people who suddenly came in were very well dressed, with briefcases, they looked
like businessmen. Anna started to pick everything up quickly, because it was an
uncomfortable situation.

“Wait Anna, wait!” said one of the businessmen.

“Why do you know my name?” asked Anna.
“We all know your name, because since day 1 one of this month, you have been the girl who
comes to this library most frequently, more than 3 hours a day, just to read, and we want to
invite you to participate in a reading competition that has been held in this library since 2000”
said the businessmen. “By the way, my name is John” said John.
Anna was a little bit excited because no one had ever taken her into account at all, that's
why she was always reading.
The businessmen were talking for a minute, explaining the requirements and what they are
going to give her just for participating, 100 euros, but if she won they would give her 500
euros. Of course, she accepted.

For weeks Anna was reading various fragments of difficult readings that could appear in the
competition. Then, the day arrived. She was nervous, but all her competition team trusted
She was going through rounds and the difficulty was increasing. Each time she had to
compete against people who were older, more cultured and better at reading, but no one
was a match for her, until she reached the final.

Finally she won the reading competition, and 600 euros, she was so happy.
“I knew you would do it,” said John.
Anna smiled at him and left the competition room.

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