Zadanie - Matura Ustna

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Choosing and rejecting:

1. I would choose picture number one.

In my opinion it is a better option because it is much more positive and sends out a great message.
The picture shows a group of friends cycling in the city, choosing their bikes instead of, for example,
cars. They’re having a quality time with each other and, at the same time, they’re reducing the air
pollution by choosing bikes as their way of transport. The photo also encourages the viewers to do the
same and take some action, join the campaign.

2. I wouldn’t choose the second option, because it seems very pessimistic. The picture is dark and shows
a girl with a mask on, using her phone. In my opinion it might be connected more to the pandemic,
rather than to saving the planet and reducing air pollution. The writing/caption (napis) there says
something about smog and its negative effect, but I still think the first picture is much better.

I would also reject the third picture, because I find it boring. I don’t think it would benefit the campaign
as a winning poster. In my opinion it doesn’t draw attention and is too minimalistic. The writing is also
too long and, because it is in a circle, it’s too difficult to read, if it was on a poster.

The questions:

1. I believe every person is responsible for reducing pollution. We, as a society, should care about our
environment and focus on little things, such as recycling, saving water and reducing our carbon
footprint (ślad węglowy). Together we can do things that are meaningful (znaczące).. But I also think
that it is the government’s responsibility (odpowiedzialność rządu) to help us and make it easier and

2. The greatest advantage of pedestrianized city centers or towns is safety. Building places only
pedestrians are allowed to reduce the danger of car accidents. It also allows families and people with
little kids to walk and enjoy their free time more. Those places are usually very green, with trees and
benches( ławki), so it also helps the society - spending time there reduces stress and anxiety. If we
think about places like town squares (rynek), there are usually a lot of small shops and restaurants, and
it really helps to support local small businesses. What is more, reducing the number of cars in city
centers can lead to cleaner air, which is good for our health.

There are also disadvantages, because such places usually need big parking places. Not every city
has the space to build them, and as a result, it makes getting there very difficult. It also complicates
transportation in the city. Moreover, the success of spaces only for pedestrians depends very much on
the weather. In very rainy countries people might not use them very often, and big pedestrianized city
centers might not be the best solution, but a waste of money. If we think about the disabled people,
such places can be a huge challenge( for example for people in wheelchairs - if those places have
stone stairs or very bumpy (wyboisty, nierówny) paths (ścieżki).

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