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VT Circular Memorandum No: 57 MEMORANDUM FROM i Chief Education Officer Ministry of Education TO : Sehoo! Supervisors IIL (Principals - Secondary) DATED ; July 6, 2009 SUBJECT + ‘Teachers’ Work Load — Secondary Schools ‘The Ministry of Education in its efforts at reforming and enhancing the education system seeks to maximize the teaching and learning process at our secondary schools. ‘The chief fimetion of the principal is to provide instructional leadership. The principal has the following duties and responsibilities, inter alia: * to direct and ensure the iinplementation of the approved curriculum; % to supervise the work of the teaching staff; * to prepare the school’s time-table; and 4% to determine the teaching work load of teachers, heads of department and deans. ‘The principal is to use the following criteria in determining the work load of teachers: = grade range; * the school level at which the subject is taught; and = the type of subjeots taught. ‘The principal is to consider the routine duties of heads of department when allocating teaching periods to these officers. Heads of department and deans have teaching cuties to perform as part of their normal school activities ‘The principal is to be guided in the preparation of the school time-table by the OPTIMAL work load for the different categories of teaching staff The typical weekly Ymectable comiprises forty (40) teaching periods of forty (40) minutes duration and should be-distributed as shown in the table below: CATEGORY OF TEACHING STAFF OPTIMAL NUMBER OF TEACHING PERIODS PER WEEK. Deans / Heads of Department 50% of 20 out of 40 teaching periods. ‘Teachers — Practical subjects: Forms 1-5 | 66 2/3 or 27 out of 40 teaching periods. Teachers — Non Practical Subjects: Forms 1 - 5 1H 75% or 30 out of 40 teaching periods. ‘Teachers — Form 6 66 2/3 or 27 out of 40 teaching periods. | Principals are also asked to note the following examples of subjects on the timetable: Practical subjects: Biology, Chemistry, Integrated Science, Music, Agricultural Science, Physics, Accounts, Physical Education, CVQ Occupational Areas. ‘Non practical subjects: ” English, English Literature, Mathematics, History, Social Studies, Geography, Spanish, French If, however, there are any special circumstances that may warrant a change in any teacher’s work load, principals are advised to submit relevant proposal to the Chief Education Officer through their respective Schools Supervisors III. The Principals are advised to manage their human resourees with a keen sense of equity and in the best interest of their students. Your usual co-operation is expected. eee Mr. Peter O'Neil Chief Education Officer MINISTRY OF EDUCATION

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