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UOG/DEE/EE-125/A#2 29 April 2024

ASSIGNMENT-2 Due date: 13-05-2024


Question 1 (CLO2) [10 marks]

The base and the collector currents of a BJT are 20 μA and 1200 μA respectively. Determine
β and α, for this device.

Question 2 (CLO3, 5) [10+10=20 marks]

(a) Design the transistor circuit shown in Figure Q1 to establish a collector current of IC =0.25
mA and VC= 0.4 V. The BJT used in the circuit has β=120 and base–emitter voltage drops
of 0.78 V at a collector current of 1.5 mA.
(b) Simulate the current source circuit given in Q1(a) using PSpice software and verify the
accuracy of your design.

Figure Q2b

Question 3 (CLO2) [10 marks]

Determine the value of gm, rπ, and re for a transistor having β = 120 assuming that it is biased
at a dc collector current of 0.7 mA.

Question 4 (CLO2) [15 marks]

What are the values of Av, Rin, Rout, and Ai (=io/ii) for the circuit shown in Figure Q3, if gm =
20mS, o = 75, ro = 100k, RI = 500, RB = 15k, RL = 12k, and RE = 560.

Figure Q4

UOG/DEE/EE-125/A#2 29 April 2024

Question 5 (CLO3, 5) [20+10= 30 marks]

(a) Design a CE amplifier with a resistance RE in the emitter to meet the following
(i) Input resistance Rin = 15 k.
(ii) When fed from a signal source with a peak amplitude of 0.15 V and a source
resistance of 30 k, the peak amplitude of vπ is 5 mV.
Specify RE and the bias current IC. The BJT has β = 74. If the total resistance in the collector
is 6 k find the overall voltage gain Gv and the peak amplitude of the output signal vo.
(b) Simulate the current source circuit given in Q4(a) using PSpice software and verify your

Question 6 (CLO2) [15 marks]

Figure Q6 shows the circuit of an amplifier fed with a signal source vsig with a source resistance
Rsig. Replace the BJT with its hybrid-π equivalent circuit and find the input resistance Rin ≡vπ
/ib, the voltage transmission from source to amplifier input, vπ /vsig, and the voltage gain from
base to collector, vo/vπ . Use these to show that the overall voltage gain vo/vsig is given by
𝑣𝑜 𝛽𝑅𝐶
𝑣𝑠𝑖𝑔 𝑟𝜋 + 𝑅𝑠𝑖𝑔

Figure Q6

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