London - Presentation

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Trip to

Grabarczyk and Justyna
FG II 2022/23
• Ahead - Naprzód
• Less - Mniej
• Since - Od
• Employed - Zatrudniony
• Government - Rząd
• Hosted - Gościł
• Ravens - Kruki
• Considered - Uważany
• Including - Włączając
• Admire - Podziwiać
• Abbey - Opactwo
• Temples - Świątynie
• Buried - Pochowany
• Trafalgar - Trafalgar (nazwa własna, nie tłumaczy się)
• Pigeons - Gołębie
• Jewel - Klejnot
• Props - Rekwizyty
• Commons - Izba Gmin (w kontekście brytyjskim) /
Wspólne (w ogólnym kontekście)
• Serving - Podawanie (w kontekście jedzenia) /
Służący (w kontekście służby)
• Bell – Dzwon
• Viewpoint - Punkt widzenia
• Earlier - Wcześniej
Facts of London
1. The smallest City in England is London.
2. Big Ben isn't really called Big Ben.
3. There are over 170 museums in London,
including 11 national ones.
4. London is considered a forest.
5. There are six ravens in the Tower of London.
6. Over 300 languages are spoken in London.
7. London has hosted the Olympics three times.
8. The British government has employed cats
since the 16th century.
9. There's a secret underground mail train - and
you can ride it.
10. London Bridge was sold in 1968, and is now
in Arizona.
11. Finally, London is less rainy than Paris, Rome,
Barcelona & Miami.
A trip to the capital wouldn't be
complete without seeing the top
London attractions. Plan ahead so you
don't miss out on these top things to do
in London.
Tower Bridge
• Tower Bridge, was built in 1894 in
London on the River Thames. It's one
of the most famous bridges and its
length is 244 m.
• In the towers of the Tower Bridge,
there is a museum of its history.
You can admire a beautiful view of
the River Thames from the upper
bridge, that is open for tourists.

Westminster Abbey
• which is one of the most important
Anglican temples. The coronations
of kings took place here. Most of
England's monarchs were also
buried here.
• Trafalgar Square is the heart of
Central London. This square was
built in the 19th century on the
site of the former royal stables.
There are a beautiful Nelson's
Column, a fountain and two
monuments in Trafalgar Square.
You can notice a large number of
pigeons in the square and a large
number of red buses and black

Warner Bros
Studio Tour London The Making of
Harry Potter.

• Have a magical day out with a

behind-the-scenes tour of the Harry
Potter films at Warner Bros. Studio
Tour London The Making of Harry
Potter. See first-hand the sets,
costumes and props used in all the
Harry Potter films, and step inside
some of the films' locations,
including the Great Hall,
Dumbledore's office and Hagrid's
hut. It's the ultimate Harry Potter
Buckingham Palace
Buckingham Palace is the official London
residence of British monarchs and it's the
largest royal palace in the world
What is there to see?
• These magnificent rooms are decorated
with some of the greatest treasures from
the Royal Collection, including paintings by
Rembrandt, Rubens and Canaletto.
Buckingham Palace is one of the few
working royal palaces remaining in the
world today. It is a place for state
ceremonies and official meetings of heads
of state. The royal banner is an important
element of the palace. When the monarch
resides at Buckingham, the banner hangs
at full height, when he leaves, the banner is
removed. Not only the palace makes a
great impression. The building is
surrounded by a 15 hectar garden.

London's Big Ben
The Houses of Parliament's iconic clock tower is one of London's most famous

The Houses of Parliament and Elizabeth Tower, commonly called Big Ben, are
among London's most iconic landmarks and must-see London attractions.
Technically, Big Ben is the name given to the massive bell inside the clock tower,
which weighs more than 13 tons (13,760 kg). The clock tower looks spectacular at
night when the four clock faces are illuminated.
HMS Belfast

• Bring your explorers on board this

iconic London landmark and discover
what life was like on board a Second
World War Royal Navy Warship.

The whole family will be amazed by the

ship’s globe-trotting history, from firing
some of the opening shots on D-Day to
sailing in freezing conditions of the
Arctic Circle and serving in the Korean
Sky Garden is a free viewpoint, that is located
on the 36th floor of a modern skyscraper (at
Fenchurch Street). Form here, you can admire
the amazing panorama of London. You must
plan your visit earlier and book tickets online.
Interview with ...
“The images and recordings from
this presentation are for personal
use only. Any reproduction,
distribution, public display, or
use of these materials for any
other purpose, commercial or
otherwise, without the prior
written consent of the presenter,
is strictly prohibited.”
Traversing London...
Traversing London...

These symbols represent the city’s culture, history, and traditions.

Please note that these symbols represent the City of London and not Great Britan.

Te symbole reprezentują kulturę, historię i tradycje miasta. Proszę zauważyć, że te symbole reprezentują miasto London, a nie całą Wielką Brytanie.
Official Symbols

Coat of Arms:
The City of London’s Coat of Arms consists of a shield
carrying the arms, the crest on a helmet above the shield,
supporters on both sides, and a motto on a scroll
underneath the arms.

Herb City of London składa się z tarczy niosącej herb,

hełmu z grzebieniem nad tarczą, zwolenników po obu
stronach i dewizy na pergaminie pod herbem.

“Domine, dirige nos” to łacińska fraza,

która oznacza “Panie, prowadź nas”.
Dragon: The Dragon is the
City of London’s mascot and
a symbol of its medieval

Smok jest maskotką miasta

London i symbolem jego
średniowiecznych bram.
Flag of the City of London:

The City of London flag takes its design elements

from the English flag, which features a red St
George’s Cross in the canton and a red sword on a
white field at the center.

Flaga miasta
London czerpie swoje elementy z flagi angielskiej,
która ma czerwony krzyż św. Jerzego w kantonie i
czerwony miecz na białym polu w centrum.

Tower Bridge.
Not to be confused with the London Bridge.

Nie mylić z London Bridge.

Double-decker buses:
These iconic red buses are a common sight in London.
Te ikoniczne czerwone
autobusy są powszechnym widokiem w Londynie.

London buses weren’t always red. In the early days of London’s bus
services, operators adopted different color schemes, known as
liveries, to identify routes.
In the 1840s, operators started to cooperate and self-regulate, to limit
numbers of buses on each route, agree timetables, and share income
from fares. They adopted a common name and color schemes called
liveries to identify routes.
In the 1900s, the first sturdy workable motor buses started to appear,
and the larger operators started to differentiate themselves from their
Association partners. In 1905, the London Motor Omnibus Company
adopted the fleet name ‘Vanguard’ and painted their vehicles
predominantly red.
When the London General Omnibus Company (LGOC) took over
Vanguard in 1908, the red livery, the ‘General’ fleet name, and the
wheel symbol came together to form a powerful brand. Red has been
the color of London buses ever since, becoming famous around the
However, other colors have also been used over the years. In the
1920s and 1930s, some buses were painted green, while others were
colored blue or brown. In the 1970s, London Transport experimented
with a range of colors, including yellow, orange, and even pink.

Tea is a significant part of British

culture, and afternoon tea is a well-
known tradition.

Herbata jest ważną częścią

brytyjskiej kultury i
popołudniowa herbata to znana trady
Black Cab:

The classic Black Cab is a hackney

carriage with higher ceilings and
curved sides.
It has become an
iconic symbol of London.

Klasyczna Czarna Taksówka to

dorożka z wyższymi sufitami i
zakrzywionymi bokami.
Stała się ikonicznym symbolem

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