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PaPer 2 Past PaPers solved MCQ’s

1 MIaN ZeesHaN aNJUM

PaPer 2 Past PaPers solved MCQ’s
1. Email stands for:
A. Electronic mail
B. Electric message
C. Electric mail
D. Earning mail
2. Which of the following protocol is used for downloading files from the internet?
3. Which of the following is the correct form for an email account?
C. reserveword@yahoomail
4. Which one of the following effect will be produced after alpha one receptor
A. Inhibit release of neurotransmitter
B. Mydriasis
C. Inhibit lipolysis
D. Increase Heart rate
5. Which one of the following is non- catecholamine sympathomimetic?
A. Epinepdrine
B. Dobutamine
C. Dopamine
D. Phenylephrine
6. Which one of the following is alpha and beta non selective sympathomimetic?
A. Dopamine
B. Salbutamol
C. Pirbuterol
D. Prenalterol
7. Which one of the following effect will be produce after beta two stimulation?
A. Lipolysis
B. Glycogenolysis
C. Sphincter Contraction
D. Bronchioconstriction
8. Which one of the following is beta non selective antagonist?
A. Propanolol
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B. Atenolol
C. Metoprolol
D. Esmolol
9. Which one of the following is centrally acting sympatholytic?
A. Labetolol
B. Prazosin
C. Terazosin
D. Clonidine
10. Which one of the following beta blocker is used in migraine prophylaxis?
A. Atenolol
B. Propanolol
C. Acebutolol
D. Timolol
11. Which one of the following muscarinic receptor is abundant in heart muscle?
A. Muscarinic One
B. Muscarinic Two
C. Muscarinic Three
D. Muscarinic Four
12. Which one of the following effect will be produced after muscarinic receptor
A. Increase Heart Rate
B. Increase Heart Contraction
C. Miosis
D. Trigone Contraction
13. Which one of the following is indirect acting prasympathomimetic?
A. Methacholine
B. Pilocarpine
C. Muscarine
D. Neostigmine
14. Which one of the following is used for the treatment of Parkinsonism?
A. Ipratropium
B. Trihexyphenidyl
C. Atropine
D. Scopolamine
15. Which one of the following has no any therapeutic use?
A. Hexamethonium
B. Trimethaphan
C. Nicotine
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D. Hyoscine
16. What do you mean by false perception without any sensory stimuli?
A. Psychosis
B. Schizophrenia
C. Delirium
D. Hallucination
17. Which one of the following is ultra short acting barbiturate?
A. Methohexital
B. Phenobarbital
C. Hexobarbital
D. Secobarbital
18. Artificial induction of sleep resembling natural sleep is called as:
A. Sedation
B. Hypnosis
C. Depression
D. Mania
19. Pharmacy law is a body of information about _______?
A. Drugs and drug therapy
B. Drugs
C. Drugs and drug distribution
D. Drugs, drug distribution and drug therapy
20. Pharmacy law is regulated at the _____level.
A. Federal
B. Provincial
C. District
D. Divisional
21. In the context of pharmaceutical sciences ______steps are involved in risk
A. Two
B. Three
C. Five
D. Seven5
22. On-going evaluation is a step in risk_______?
A. Realization
B. Management
C. Aversion
D. Evaluation
23. Risk Communication is an important step in risk______?
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A. Evaluation
B. Aversion
C. Realization
D. Management
24. According to legal guidelines for a Pharmacist each prescription must be critically
reviewed before dispensing to ensure that the medicines are safe and in the best
interest of the______?
A. Patient
B. Company owner
C. Doctors
D. Hospital administration
25. According to legal guidelines for a Pharmacist Patients must be given_______details
regarding their medicines at the time of dispensing, so that they fully understand what
the medicine is and what it is for?
A. Basic
B. Few
C. Some
D. Complete
26. According to legal guidelines for a Pharmacist_______ information must be given to
the patient regarding the safe storage of their medicine.
A. Basic
B. Complete
C. Few
D. Proper
27. The main object of the Drug Act 1976 is to____________ .
A. Control import, export,Manufacture, sale, supply and
distribution of the drugs.
B. Control import, export, sale, supply and distribution of the drugs
C. Control import, export, manufacture and sale of the drugs.
D. Control import, export, and manufacture of the drugs.
28. The Drug Act 1976 extends to the of ______Pakistan.
A. Capital
B. Federally administered areas
C. Provinces
D. Whole
29. The basic purpose of the Pharmacy Act 1967 is to establish?
A. Pharmacy organization
B. Pharmacy institution
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C. Pharmacy committee
D. Pharmacy council
30. According to the Dangerous Drug Act, 1930 “dangerous drugs” includes
A. Coca leaf, hemp and opium and all manufactured drugs
B. Coca leaf, hemp and opium
C. Coca leaf and hemp
D. Hemp and opium
31. Drug control in hospital begins with:
A. Policies
B. Standard
C. Law
D. Regulation
32. Which one of the following describes the clinical picture of disease?
A. Risk Factors
B. History of Disease
C. Death from Disease
D. Health Policy Foundation
33. Pharmacy layout is which type of facility of Pharmacy?
A. Chemical
B. Physical
C. Available
D. Accessible
34. Which one of the following vaccines is administered after birth of a child?
B. Rotavirus
C. Chicken Pox
D. Hepatitis A
35. Which one of the following is NOT the advantage of grid layout design?
A. Ease in Cleaning
B. More Exposure
C. More Purchasing
D. Maximum Space utilization of Space
36. Which one of the following vaccine is administered at the age of nine month?
A. Typhoid
B. Diphtheria
C. Tuberculosis
D. Measles
37. Which one of the following Pharmacy focuses more on the medication review?
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A. Compounding Pharmacy
B. Internet Pharmacy
C. Consultant Pharmacy
D. Clinical Pharmacy
38. What is the dose of rotavirus vaccines?
A. 2 ml
B. 0.5 ml
C. 1 ml
D. 3 ml
39. Birth control pills provide some protection against which one of the following?
A. Ovarian Infection
B. Ovarian Cancer
C. Urinary Tract Infection
D. Breast Cancer
40. The need of family planning includes all of the following EXCEPT:
A. To improve economic condition
B. To improve health of mothers
C. To ensure environmental stability
D. To decrease the resources
41. Which one of the following distribution system is used by small private hospital?
A. Individual Prescription Order System
B. Complete Floor Stock System
C. Unit Dose Systern
D. Multiple Dose System
42. Which one of the following is the most effective method of birth control?
A. Birth Control Pill
B. Contraceptive Injection
C. Cervical Cap
D. Intrauterine Device

43.Self Service type design of pharmacy is used for:

B. Cardiovascular Drugs
C. Antibiotics
E. Nutritional Drugs
44. What is the route of administration of BCG vaccine?
A. Intramuscular
B. Intravenous
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C. Per Oral
D. Intradermal
45. Community Pharmacist is generally divided into how
many categories?
A. Two
B. Three
C. Five
D. One
46. Which one of the following pharmacy deals directly
with local arca peoples?
A. Hospital Pharmacy
B. Clinical Pharmacy
C. Community Pharmacy
D. Industrial Pharmacy
47. The disease which is transmitted from one person to
another person is called as:
A. Preventive Disease
B. Natural Diseas
C. Communicable Disease
D. Personal Disease
48. Which one of the following determines the
identification and minimizing the risk factors,
improve, screening and the early detection of
A. Screening Health
B. Identificaion Health
C. Prevention Health
D. Communicable Health
49. Which one of the following is essential component in
the chain of infection?
A. Resistant Host
B. Immunized Host
C. Transmission Prevention
D. Susceptible Host
50. The distributions frequently used and determinant of
health professionals anddiseases in humas
populations is called as
A. Epidemiology
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B. Pharmacy
C. Health Problem Evan
D. Health Problem
51. Which one of the following vaccine is administered
A. Dtap
D. Hepatitis B
52. Which one of the following Pharmacist is most
accessible to the public?
A. Outpatient Pharmacist
B. Inpatient Pharmacist
C. Clinical Pharmacist
D. Community Pharmacist
53. Which one of the e following is Not communicable
A. Chicken Pox
B. Influenza
D. Asthma
54. What is the effectiveness of Male Condom as a birth
control method?
A. 70%
B. 78%
C. 86%
D. 96%
55. The purpose to ensure regular availability of essential
drugs of acceptable efficacy, safety and quality at
affordable price belongs to which one of the
A. National Health Policy
B. National Drug Policy
C. International Health Policy
D. General Health Policy
56. Product used in pharmaceuticals to prevent or inhibit
the growth of microorganisms is known as:
A. Binder
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B. Preservative
C. Colorant
D. Flaverant
57. The process of mass transfer consisting of the
removal of water or another solvent by evaporation is
known as:
A. Grinding
B. Drying
C. Mixing
D. Milling
58. Concentrated aqueous preparations of sugar or
sugar substitute with or without flavoring agents and
medicinat agents are known as:
A. Capsules
B. Syrups
C. Tablets
D. Patches
59. Adsorption, stress cracking and poor physical
stability are disadvantages of which one of the
following packaging material?
A. Plastic
B. Glass
C. Tin
D. Aluminum
60. Which of the following equipment is used for the
determination of viscosity?
A. pH meter
B. Barometer
C. Viscometer
D. Thermometer
61. Connective movements and shear mixing is a
working principle of which equipment?
A. V-Type miser
B. Ball Mill
C. Tray dryer
D. Leaf filter
62. Which process is used for separation of solids from
liquid by means of porous medium or screen?
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A. Drying
B. Filtration
C. Evaporation
D. Milling
63. Which of the following equipment is used for the
drying of oxygen sensitive products?
A. Belt dryer
B. V-Type mixer
C. Vacuum Tray Dryer
D. Vertical leaf filter
64. The science deals with the determination of the
material flow under stress is known as:
A. Biology
B. Rheology
C. Cosmology
D. Posology
65. The process in which two or more components are
mixed in such a way that each particle of any
ingredient lies to adjacent particle of other ingredient
is known as:
A. Grinding
B. Mixing
C. Drying
D. Crushing
66. What will be the effect of size reduction on surface
area of drugs?
A. Surface area increases due to size reduction
B. Surface area decreases due to size reduction
C. There is no effect on surface area
D. None of these
67. What is the purpose of Silversen Homogenizer?
A. It is a mixer
B. It is a dryer
C. It is used for filtration
D. It is grinder

68. Greasy-semisolid preparation for application to the

skin is known as:
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A. Syrup
B. Elixir
C. Ointment
D. Tablets
69. Which of the following is used in ophthalmic
solutions to resist change of pH?
A. Solubilizer
B. Buffer
C. Glidant
D. Colorant
70. Which one of the following is consider as large setup
deal with many kinds of disease and injury?
A. General Hospital
B. Small Clinics
C. Small Private hospital
D. Distribution
71. Disease prevention activity aiming at reducing
illness, disability and mortality from childhood
diseases preventable by Immunization is known as:
A. Expanded Program on Immunization (EPI)
B. Communicable Disease control
72. Which one of the following branch directly deals with
people of local areas?
A. Hospital Pharmacy
B. Industrial Pharmacy
C. Community Pharmacy
D. Forensic pharmacy
73. Which one of the following is responsible of handling
radioactive materials?
A. Community Pharmacist
B. Nuclear pharmacist

C. Industrial Pharmacist
D. Forensic Pharmacist
74. If the diseases are transmitted directly or indirectly
from one person to another than these are known as:
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A. Communicable disease
B. Non-Communicable diseases
C. Non-transmitted diseases
D. Controlled diseases
75. If a drug is administered after 4 hours but it should be
administered after 6 hours than this is known as:
A. Wrong site error
B. Wrong time error
C. Wrong route error
D. Wrong rate error
76. Which one of the fellowing is not included in
communicable diseases?
A. Chickenpox
B. Tuberculosis
C. Measles
D. Arthritis
77. Which one of the following department provides
medical care to patients who have problems with
their heart or circulation?
A. Urology
B. Neurology
C. Cardiology
D. Gynecology
78. Which one is mainly responsible for prevention of
medication errors?
A. Pharmacist
B. Nurses
C. Patient
D. Administrator
79. Study and Practice of how best to Improve the overall
health, and health gains, of populations rather than
individuals Is known as:
A. Public Health
B. Radiology
C. Dispensing
D. Compounding
80. People can be protected from communicable
diseases with the help of:
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A. Immunization
B. Placebo drugs
C. Analgesics
D. Anti-histamines
81. Which one deals with the functions and diseases
specific to women and girls?
A. Pathology lab
B. Administration
C. Gynecology department
D. Urology department
82. Which one is mainly responsible of Drug control in
A. Nurse
B. Patient
C. Pharmacist
D. Dispenser
83. If a medicine is ordered, packaged and administered
in a form of single dose unit than this type of
dispensing method is known as:
A. Unit dose
B. Bulk dose
C. Stock dose
D. Over dose
84. Pharmacy that stock different varieties of
medications to fulfill the pharmaceutical needs of
animals is called as:
A. Consultant pharmacy
B. Hospital Pharmacy
C. Communitive Pharmacy
D. Veterinary Pharmacy
85. Which of the following department deals with the
removal or replacement of a diseased-organ or
A. ENT Department
C. Pathology
D. Surgery Department

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86. The Shops and Establishment Ordinance 1969 is
applicable to the_____ Pakistan.
A. Provinces
B. Capital
C. Federally administered areas
D. Whole
87. According to the Shops and Establishment
Ordinance 1969 “day” means the period
of_______hours beginning at mid-night.
A. Twenty Four
B. Twelve
C. Eight
D. Nine
88. The basic purpose of the Poison Act 1919 is to
A. Regulate the importation, possession and sale
of poisons
B. Regulate the importation of poisons
C. Regulate the importation and possession of
D. Regulate the possession and sale of poisons
89. Adolescence stage starts from______ years.
A. Twelve
B. Eleven
C. Thirteen
D. Fifteen
90. Adolescence stage comes to an end at_______ years.
A. Sixteen
B. Eighteen
C. Seventeen
D. Nineteen
91. Young Adulthood starts from_______ years.
A. Fourteen
B. Fifteen
C. Sixteen
D. Eighteen
92. The young adulthood stage comes to an end
at_______ years.
A. Thirty five
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B. Thirty
C. Forty
D. Forty two
93. Social influence occurs when someone’s:
A. Emotions and opinions are affected by others
B. Emotions and behaviors are affected by others
C. Emotions, opinions, or behaviors are affected
by others
D. Opinions and behaviors are affected by others
94. Hereditary Cultural Influences on:
A. Thought
B. Mind
C. Perception
D. Behavior
95. In Windows operating system when you delete a file
or folder, it doesn’t actually get deleted right away, it
goes to the:
A. Dust bin
B. Recycle Bin
C. Cycle Bin
D. Garbage collection
96. ________ is software for creating newsletter, business
cards, flyers, greeting cards or post cards.
A. Microsoft Word
B. Microsoft PowerPoint
C. Microsoft Project
D. Microsoft FrontPage
97. If you want to create a set of documents, such as a
form letter that is sent to many customers or a sheet
of address labels. Which of the following options is
used MS Word?
A. Reviewing
B. Collaboration
C. Mail merge
D. Mass mailing

98. The shortcut key to split a table is:

A. CTRL + ALT + Enter
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99. The shortcut key to display a field code is:
A. Alt F9
B. Alt F7
C. Shift F9
D. Shift F6
100. Alt + F4 is used for:
A. Opening application in MS word
B. Saving file in folder
C. Accessing the location of a file
D. Closing a file
101. What are Portrait and Landscape?
A. Paper Size
B. Paper print preview
C. Paper Orientation
D. Type of alignment
102. What is the function of Justify?
A. It aligns the text to left
B. It aligns the text to right
C. It aligns the text in the center
D. It aligns the text equally from sides
103. Ctrl + V is used for:
A. Copy
B. Paste
C. Undo
D. Select all
104. Ctrl + F is used for:
A. Replace
B. Delete
C. Find
D. Open
105. Which type of website on the internet will assist
you in finding specific information you require:
A. News Portal
B. Web Portal
C. Search Engine
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D. Forums
106. Culture makes us different from
A. Each other
B. Animals
C. Others
D. Individuals
107. In risk assessment they_______ are identified.
A. Hazards
B. Possible harms
C. System and possible harms
D. System, hazards and possible harms
108. Behavioral sciences deal with the study of human
A. Behavior
B. Attitude
C. Concepts
D. Thoughts
109. There are ______categories of behavioral
A. Nine
B. Five
C. Four
D. Three
110. Psychology is the study of human
A. Mind
B. Capacity
C. Personality
D. Both A and D
111. Sociology deals with the understanding of the
influence of society on:
A. Health
B. Health and disease
C. Disease
D. Social nature
112. Malnutrition makes people
A. Rude
B. Psychology disturbs
C. Rude and psychology disturbs
D. Angry
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113. Physical environment is used those
environmental factors that can be:
A. Seen and visualized
B. Seen
C. Visualized
D. Sensed
114. Television and commercials can change the basic
________of any person
A. Views
B. Thoughts
C. Thoughts and views
D. Opinion

115. Text editor that is the part of Windows operating

system is known as:
A. WordPad
B. Notepad
C. Microsoft Office
D. Microsoft Word
116. Which one of the following scientists is known for
invention of “Difference Engine”?
A. Allen Turing
B. Charles Babbage
C. Simur Cray
D. Augusta Adaming
117. Which one of the following is a key component of
any CPU?
A. Card reader and a printing device
B. An analytical engine and a control unit
C. A control unit and an arithmetic logic unit
D. An arithmetic logic unit and a card reader
118. Which of the following controls the process of
interaction between the user and the operating
A. User interface
B. Language translator
C. Platform
D. Screen saver
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119. Which one of the following is any piece of
computer hardware equipment used to feeds or
store data into a computer?
A. Input device
B. Output device
C. Storage device
D. Operating system
120. Which one of the following is any piece of
computer hardware equipment used to
communicate the results of data processed by
A. Input device
B. Output device
C. Storage device
D. Operating system
121. Which one of the following is primary input device
for the PC. It is used as a pointer?
A. Keyboard
B. Mouse
C. CD Rom
D. Floppy disk
122. Which one of the following translates printed
images into an electronic format that can be stored
in a computer’s memory?
A. Mouse
B. Floppy Disk
C. Microphone
D. Scanner
123. In which one of the following one can perform the
publishing job all by oneself with the help of
computer and a laser printer?
A. Online publishing
B. Desktop publishing
C. Hardcopy publishing
D. CPU publishing
124. Which one of the following is the study of
substances that interact with living system through
specialized processes?
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A. Pharmacology
B. Pharmacognosy
C. Pharmacokinetics
D. Pharmacodynamics
125. Which one of the following is the study of
absorption, distribution, metabolism and excretion?
A. Pharmacology
B. Pharmacognosy
C. Pharmacokinetics
D. Pharmacodynamics
126. Which one of the following is the most common
route for administration of medication?
A. Oral
B. Inhalation
C. Parenteral
D. Topical
127. Which one of the following often provides the
most rapid drug delivery and absorption?
A. Oral
B. Inhalation
C. Parenteral
D. Topical
128. Which one of the following drug administration
routes requires the needle to be inserted at 45
A. Oral
B. Inhalation
C. Intradermal
D. Subcutaneous
129. In which one of the following administration
routes for a drug injected just beneath the top layer of
the skin?
A. Oral
B. Inhalation
C. Intradermal
D. Subcutaneous
130. Which one of the following involves conversion of
lipophilic molecules to mere hydrophilic molecules?
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A. Phase III metabolism
B. Phase V metabolism
C. Phase II metabolism
D. Phase I metabolism
131. Which one of the following are related to the
Nicotinic and GABA receptors?
A. Ligand gated ion channels
B. G protein coupled receptors
C. Intracellular receptors
D. M-protein coupled receptors
132. Which one of the following agents that are more
toxic than anti- microbial agents and used in
treatment of neoplastic diseases?
A. Anti-ulcer agents
B. Anti-cancer agents
C. Anti-viral agents
D. Anti-bacterial agents
133. Which one of the following is the Treatment of
diseases caused by pathogens without affecting host
cells using chemicals?
A. Radiotherapy
B. Physiotherapy
C. Aromatherapy
D. Chemotherapy
134. Which one of the following diuretics promote Na+
excretion and increase potassium reabsorption?
A. Loop diuretics
B. Thiazide diuretics
C. Osmotic diuretics
D. Potassium sparing diuretics
135. Which one of the following diuretics acts in distal
convoluted tubule to decrease Na+ reabsorption?
A. Loop diuretics
B. Thiazide diuretics
C. Osmotic diuretics
D. Potassium sparing diuretics

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136. Which one of the following process actively
transports molecules into the cell by engulfing it with
its membrane?
A. Endocytosis
B. Diffusion
C. Active transport
D. Exocytosis
137. Which one the following protein that mainly
occurs in blood and to which most of the drugs bind?
A. Hemoglobin
B. Globulin
C. Fibrin
D. Albumin
138. Who should hold the office of provincial council
as chairman?
A. Drug Inspector
B. Ex-officio officer
C. Registrar
D. DG health
139. Under which sub-section the Federal Gov can
increase & decrease the members in Pharmacy
A. Sub-section 9
B. Sub-section 3
C. Sub-section 4
D. Sub-section 1
140. Which one of the following is the number of
members from PPA to be appointed in pharmacy
A. 1
B. 2
C. 4
D. 5
141. Which one of the following sections addresses
the establishment of central council?
A. 2
B. 4

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C. 3
D. 8
142. Which one of the following imprisonment
durations shall be applicable If a person exports,
imports, manufacture any drug without license?
A. More than ten years
B. Less than three years
C. Both a and b
D. Not less than three years and not more than 10
143. Which one of the following sections allows the
drug inspectors to seize the drug or other articles?
A. 16
B. 21
C. 18
D. 23
144. Which one of the following approves Rules &
regulations in Provincial Quality Control Board?
A. Chairman
B. Secretary
C. Deputy- Secretary
D. Vice-Chairman
145. Which one of the following is a display of written,
printed or graphic matter upon the immediate
container, or the outside container of a drug
A. Label
B. Expiry
C. Batch number
D. Lot number
146. Which one of the following sections of drug act
appoints Analyst (Federal or Provincial)?
A. 23
B. 17
C. 18
D. 16
147. Which one of the following claims to be a drug but
does not contain the API of that drug?
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A. Misbranded drug
B. Sub-Standard drug
C. Adulterated drug
D. Spurious drug
148. Which one of the following contains the label or
outer- packing which is an imitation of or resembles
or so nearly resembles to be calculated to deceive
the label or outer-packing of a drug of another
A. Sub-Standard drug
B. Adulterated drug
C. Spurious drug
D. Counterfeit drug
149. Which one of the following is a drug consisting of
whole or in part of any filthy, putrid or decomposed
substance or which contains any foreign matter,
vermin, worm, rodent or insect?
A. Misbranded drug
B. Adulterated drug
C. Spurious drug
D. Counterfeit drug
150. Which one of the following is an Important step to
control upcoming risks & monitor new harms, risk
levels & update plans & actions?
A. Ongoing evaluation
B. Risk control
C. Risk approach
D. Risk analysis
151. Which one of the following the branch of medical
ethics providing framework for pharmacist to use in
resolving questions about to be done in pharmacy
A. Organization ethics
B. Pharmacy ethics
C. Pharmacy law
D. Health care
152. Which one of the following is the study of effects
of evolutionary history, Geographic distribution,
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cultural background & racial classification in the
matters of Health & disease?
A. Anthropology
B. Psychology
C. Ethics
D. Behavioral science
153. Which one of the following therapy is used to treat
psychological patients?
A. Immunotherapy
B. Psychotherapy
C. Radiotherapy
D. Chemotherapy
154. Which one of the following effects temporarily &
permanent damage leading To bad social relations?
B. Physical environment
C. Narcotics
D. Pollution
155. Which one of the following Makes people rude &
psychologically disturbed?
B. Malnutrition
C. Narcotics
D. Noise
156. Which one of the following phases of life involves
Despair, Wisdom, Integrity?
A. Play age
B. Late adulthood
C. Adolescence
D. Middle adulthood
157. Which one of the following is goal oriented?
A. Anthropology
B. Psychology
C. Ethics
D. Behavioral science
158. Which one of the following is the study of human
mind & personality along With the role played by
them in maintaining health or causing disease?
26 MIaN ZeesHaN aNJUM
PaPer 2 Past PaPers solved MCQ’s
A. Anthropology
B. Psychology
C. Ethics
D. Behavioral science
159. Which one of the following is study of human
behavior using principles of Psychology, sociology, &
anthropology in conditions of health & disease?
A. Law
B. Pharmacology
C. Ethics
D. Behavioral science
160. Which one of the following therapies is given to
husband and wife to Overcome their mental
A. Individual therapy
B. Couple therapy
C. Group combined therapy
D. Isolation therapy
161. Which one of the following is a synonym for
A. Walk therapy
B. Talk therapy
C. Radiotherapy
D. Sonography
162. Which one of the following is a mental health
A. Psychologist
B. Radiologist
C. Psychiatrist
D. Dermatologist
166. Psychology is the study of human________
A. Mind
B. Capacity
C. Personality
D. Both A and D
163. Sociology deals with the understanding of the
influence of society on:
A. Health
27 MIaN ZeesHaN aNJUM
PaPer 2 Past PaPers solved MCQ’s
B. Health and disease
C. Disease
D. Social nature
164. Malnutrition makes people_____
A. Rude
B. Psychology disturbs
C. Rude and psychology disturbs
D. Angry
165. Which one of the following factor is very
important for improving writing Skills?
A. Person style
B. Person voice
C. Practice and determination
D. Cultural background
166. Anxiety and anger leading to quarreling are the
side effects of which one of The following?
A. Prosperity
B. Noise
C. Race & Area
D. Cultural Background

28 MIaN ZeesHaN aNJUM


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