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Must complete both assignments before start of midterm (18-4-2024) and

submit before web programming exam (24-4-2024).

Assignment No1
Note: This assignment is for learning and mid-term preparations. Do not copy paste from
others. Copy paste will award zero Marks.
[CLO 1 - Cog 2 – PLO1]
Question 1# Explain the following parts.

i. Web Page
a. Static Web Page and Dynamic Web Page
ii. Web Site
a. Static Web Site Vs Dynamic Web Site
iii. TAGS
a. Single Tag
b. Paired Tags
iv. Differentiate between Ordered List and Unordered List Tags. Describe the various
type of Ordered and Unordered List.
v. Write down all the attributes of the <MARQUEE> tag, why each attribute is used.
vi. Why Heading Tags <H1> to <H6> are used.
vii. Write the Syntax of TABLE tag. Why TR and TD tags are used?
viii. What is the usage of COLSPAN and ROWSPAN attribute in <TD> and
ix. Write the important attributes of <IMG> tag.
x. How you will play a sound clip in HTML
xi. What tag is used for playing a Video Clip in HTML
xii. Why <A> tag is used in HTML? Write down the meaning of all the <A> tag
xiii. What is the purpose of using CSS? What are the various types of the CSS? Write
the syntax and describe all the attributes of the <LINK> and <STYLE> tags.
xiv. Why <FROM> tag used? What are the various Attributes of the <FORM> tag
xv. How you will add the following Controls to the HTML page (Describe each with their
important attributes)
a. Textbox
b. Button
c. Radio Button
d. Check Box
Assignment No2
Note: This assignment is for learning and mid-term preparations. Do not copy paste from
others. Copy paste will award zero Marks.
[CLO 1 - Cog 2 – PLO1]
Question 1# Explain the following parts.
i. Suppose you are designing an e-commerce website. Explain how you would employ
semantic elements like <section>, <aside>, <article>, and <footer> to structure product
listings, product details pages, and the overall layout of the website.
ii. Imagine you are developing a news website. How would you use semantic elements like
<header>, <nav>, <main>, <article>, <section>, and <footer> to organize the content
on the homepage?
iii. Explain the difference between overflow: auto, overflow: hidden, overflow: visible,
and overflow: scroll.
iv. How do CSS media queries contribute to the implementation of responsive design?
v. What role do flexible grids and layouts play in responsive web design, and how are they

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