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Below is a comprehensive list of vocabulary that you can use for all types of
Writing Task 1 in the IELTS exam, covering various visual representations,
such as graphs, charts, tables, diagrams, and maps:

1. Introducing the Visual:

- The chart/graph/diagram illustrates...
- The provided visual presents information about...
- The data in the table shows...
- The diagram depicts...

- According to the graph/chart...

2. Overview/General Description:
- Overall, it can be observed that...
- In general, it is evident that...
- The visual reveals a general trend of...
- The most noticeable feature is...
- The key points to highlight are...

3. Describing Trends:
- Increase/Rise/Growth/Upward trend

- Decrease/Fall/Decline/Downward trend
- Steady/Stable/Constant/Unchanged
- Fluctuate/Vary/Alternate
- Rapid/Gradual/Sharp/Significant change

4. Comparing and Contrasting:

- Similarly/Likewise/In the same way
- In contrast/On the other hand
- Compared to/In comparison with
- Both X and Y/Neither X nor Y
- While X increased, Y decreased

5. Describing Quantities:
- The highest/lowest/peak point
- The maximum/minimum value
- A significant/large/substantial number
- A considerable/moderate/small amount
- The majority/plurality/minority

6. Sequencing Ideas:
- Firstly/First and foremost
- Secondly/Next
- Afterward/Then
- Subsequently/Followed by
- Finally/Last but not least

7. Expressing Proportions:
- The proportion/percentage of...
- A significant/small fraction of...

- A large/minor portion of...
- The majority/minority share of...
- A considerable proportion of...

8. Describing Locations:
- In the northern/southern/eastern/western part
- Located in the centre/adjacent to
- To the left/right of
- Above/below
- At the top/bottom

9. Describing Changes:
- There was a considerable increase in...
- The number of X surpassed Y...
- X experienced a sharp rise...
- There was a gradual decline in...
- The percentage of X remained stable.

10. Indicating Movement:

- To move from X to Y
- To progress from one stage to another
- To transition from A to B
- To evolve/transform over time
- To follow a continuous pattern

11. Describing Process:

- The first/initial stage is...
- Next/Afterward/Following that...
- In the final/last stage...
- The process begins with...
- The last step involves...

12. Adding Specific Data:

- The value/number for X is...
- In 2010, X accounted for...
- According to the data, Y was...
- The figure for X in 2005 was...
- The percentage of Y reached...

13. Concluding:

- In conclusion/To conclude
- Overall/In summary
- To sum up/To summarise
- All in all/In a nutshell
- To reiterate/To emphasise

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