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NAME: ___________________ DATE: April 2024

GRADE: 7 Div: ______ R.NO:____

SUBJECT: Geography TOPIC: Question Bank for World Issues

Q1) Refer to Diagram on page 90 of your Textbook and answer the


(i) Which were the three coldest years? What was the temperature in each of
those years?

1650, 1660,1700 approximately 13.68 ℃.

(ii) Which was the hottest year? What was the temperature in that year?

2000 approximately 14.4 ℃.

(iii) Describe the change in carbon dioxide levels.

The carbon dioxide levels have been fluctuating between 265 to 300 parts

per million between the years 1000 to 1900.

From the year 1900 there was a rapid rapid increase in the levels

of carbon dioxide where it went from 265 parts per million to over 380

parts per million by the year 2000.

(iv) Explain the link between the two.

As the level of carbon dioxide emissions increase, the average

global temperature also increased.


Q2) Write down the key sentences in Figure 1 to explain how an increase in
the greenhouse effect has led to an increase in the average global

Fig. 1

Sr. No. Explanation

1 Sun’s heat passes directly through greenhouse gases

2 earth is warmed

3 Some heat is trapped by greenhouse gases

4 Some heat escapes into space

5 Increase in greenhouse gases by burning fossil fuels and cutting

down forests.

6 Less heat escapes into space

7 More heat is trapped. Earth warms up even more.

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Q3) Complete Figure 2 using the details given below:

Fig. 2

(i) Match the statements with the numbers in the Yellow Box in Figure 2 to
explain how climate change is affecting the world.

Sr. No. How Climate Change is affecting our world.

1. Ice cap melts

2. Water expands

3. Climate changes

4. Sea level rises

5. Plants and wildlife affected

Q4) Describe how the following places will be affected by climate change.

A. Bangladesh

Increased flooding in coastal regions like Bangladesh


B. Caribbean Sea

Increase in the number of storms.

C. Mediterranean Sea

Beaches disappear as the sea level rises.

D. London

Many major cities like London will get flooded.

E. Great Plain of U.S.A

Drier conditions reduce grain harvest.

F. Alps

Ski resorts close due to lack of snow.

Q5) Figure 3 shows the proportion of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere.

Fig. 3

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(i) Identify the greenhouse gas which has the highest percentage in the


(ii) Explain how increase in the greenhouse gases has led to increase in the
average global temperatures.

There has been anIncrease in greenhouse gases by burning fossil fuels and
cutting down forests. Therefore less heat escapes into space and more
heat is trapped. Earth warms up even more and there is an increase in
global temperatures.

Q6) Figure 4 is a UN report on water problems.

Fig. 4

(i) Use evidence from Figure 4 to explain why water-related diseases claim
over 2.6 million lives a year.

Water related diseases claim over 2.6 million lives a year because 783
million people in the world are without drinking water. In the poorest
countries of Africa almost 40% of the population are without clean drinking

(ii) Describe three Causes of water shortage.


· Poor countries have neither the money nor the technology to build
reservoirs or lay water pipes.

● · Many towns and cities in the less developed countries have their
limited water supply polluted due to poor sewerage and hygiene. Up
to 40 families may have to share one tap.
● · Rural to urban migration to large towns and cities. As the
population grows then more water is needed.
● · Wells can dry up as more water is used. Not enough water can
cause a drought. Rivers may be used for drinking water, washing in and
for getting rid of sewage.
● Global warming means that many parts of the world will get less
rainfall. Not enough rain can cause a drought

(iii) Give three effects of water shortage.

1. Countries like Middle East, Africa, and parts of Asia may fight to get an
adequate supply as many large rivers flow through more than one country

2. Polluted water in the cities can cause diseases such as cholera,

dysentery, and typhoid.

3. Women may have to walk 10 to 20 km each day to get water from

the nearest well or river.

4. Rivers may either dry up or get polluted due to which people, plants and
animals may die.

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Q 7) Figure 4 shows the distribution of areas that have experienced food

shortages in recent years.

Fig. 5

(i) Using evidence from Fig. 5, describe the distribution of the areas that have
experienced food shortages.


● · Mainly within the tropics,

● · Mainly in LEDCs (Less Economically Developed Countries) and none
in MEDCs, (More Economically Developed Countries)
● · Most in Africa, India, a few in South and Central America, few in
South East Asia,

(ii) Give one problem which a shortage of food can cause for people.


● It can cause Malnutrition which will lead to diseases like kwashiorkor,

marasmus or rickets

(iii) Describe three reasons which cause food shortages.


● · Insects like locusts can eat up the crop


● · Large population that needs to be fed

● · Climate change – drought – problem for countries which depend
on rain for their crops and grass for their animals.
● · Civil war in some places
● · Corruption in some places results in authority keeping food for
themselves and not sharing it with poorer people.

Q7) Figure 5 shows information about providing aid in the form of a village clinic in
an LEDC.

Fig. 5

(i) Define the term Aid.

Help given by rich countries, international agencies and voluntary

organizations to poorer countries. It may be short term or long term.

(ii) Using information from Fig. 8 only, explain how a village clinic is likely to:

A: Reduce birth rates:

● It provides family planning, education for family planning, mother and baby
care reduces Infant Mortality Rate which reduces Birth Rate.

B: Reduce death rates

● It treats diseases, provides vaccinations, creates AIDS awareness, educates

people about healthy diet, hygiene, education about disease prevention.

C: Increase literacy.

● More children will be able to attend school.

The End

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