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There are three objects User, Contact, and Account.

and these objects have one

custom field name is isActive.
So, if I will uncheck the IsActive Checkbox from the Account then also uncheck
the isActive checkbox of thethe related user
of that account and all the contact associate with the account

trigger Accounttri9gger on Account (After insert,After update) {
public class AccountTriggerHandler{

public static void makeInactive(List <Account> accList){

set <id> accids = new set <id>();
set <id> ownerid = new set <id >();
List <Contact> updateContacts = new list <contact>();
for (Account acc : accList ){
if (acc.isActive == false ){
accids .add(;
ownerid .add(acc.ownerid);

List <Contact > conlist = [select id,Accountid from contact where Accountid IN :
for (Contact con :conlist){
if (accids .contains(con.Accountid)){
con.IsActive = false ;
updateContacts .add(con);

if (!updateContacts .isEmpty()){
update updateContacts ;

updateUser (ownerid); // calling anothe method


@ future
private static void updateUser (List <id> ownerid){
List <user> updateUserList = new list <user> ();
List <user> userList = [select id from user where id IN :ownerid];
for (user u : userList ){
u.isActive = false;
updateUserList .add(u);

if (!updateUserList .isEmpty(){
update updateUserList ;

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