The Many Paths To Progress, and Why They Might Not Continue

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Today, except in those places


experiencing major social disruption,

How Poverty Ends nearly all children, boys and girls alike,
have access to primary education. Even
deaths from h iv /a id s , an epidemic that
The Many Paths to once seemed hopeless, peaked soon
Progress— and W hy They after the turn of the millennium and
have been declining ever since.
Might Not Continue A great deal of the credit for these
gains can go to economic growth. In
Abhijit V. Banerjee and Esther addition to increasing people’s income,
Duflo steadily expanding g d ps have allowed
governments (and others) to spend more
on schools, hospitals, medicines, and
or all the worries today about income transfers to the poor. Much of

F the explosion of inequality in rich

countries, the last few decades
have been remarkably good for the world’s
poor. Between 1980 and 2016, the average
the decline in poverty happened in two
large economies that have grown particu­
larly fast, China and India. But now, as
growth has begun to slow down in both
income of the bottom 50 percent of earn­ countries, there are reasons to be anx­
ers nearly doubled, as this group captured ious. Can China and India do anything
12 percent of the growth in global g d p . to avoid stalling? And do these countries
The number of those living on less than offer a sure recipe that other countries
$1.90 a day—the World Bank’s threshold can imitate, so that they can lift millions
for “extreme poverty”—has dropped by of their people out of poverty?
more than half since 1990, from nearly two Economists, ourselves included, have
billion to around 700 million. Never before spent entire careers studying development
in human history have so many people and poverty, and the uncomfortable truth
been lifted out of poverty so quickly. is that the field still doesn’t have a good
There have also been massive improve­ sense of why some economies expand and
ments in quality of life, even for those others don’t. There is no clear formula for
who remain poor. Since 1990, the global growth. If there is a common thread, it is
maternal mortality rate has been cut in that the fastest growth appears to come
half. So has the infant mortality rate, from reallocating poorly allocated re­
saving the lives of more than 100 million sources—that is, putting capital and labor
toward their most productive use. But
ABHIJIT V. BANERJEE is Ford Foundation
International Professor of Economics at the
eventually, the returns from that process
Massachusetts Institute of Technology. diminish, at which point countries need to
ESTHER DUFLO is Abdul Latif Jameel Professor find a new strategy for combating poverty.
of Poverty Alleviation and Development
Economics at MIT.
They are the authors of Good Economics for Hard Although growth has been key to reduc­
Times (PublicAffairs, 2019), from which portions
of this essay are adapted, and winners of the ing poverty, “grow faster” or even “con­
2019 Nobel Prize in Economics. tinue to grow fast” are more expressions

Abhijit V. Banerjee and Esther Duflo

of hope than actionable policy recom­ growth make little sense. Almost every
mendations. During the 1980s and variable for a given country is partly a
1990s, economists spent a lot of time product of something else. Take educa­
running cross-country growth regres­ tion, one factor positively correlated
sions, a type of analysis aimed at pre­ with growth. Education is partly a
dicting growth rates based on a number function of a government’s effectiveness
of variables. Researchers would plug in at running and funding schools. But a
data—on education, investment, corrup­ government that is good at doing that is
tion, inequality, culture, distance to the probably good at other things, as w e ll-
sea, and so on—in an effort to discover say, building roads. If growth is higher
which factors helped or hurt growth. in countries with better educational
The hope was to find a few levers that systems, should the schools that educate
could be pulled to raise growth. the workforce get credit, or the roads
There were two problems with this that make trade easier? O r is something
search. First, as the economist William else responsible? Further muddying the
Easterly has shown, growth rates for the picture, it is likely that people feel more
same country can change drastically from committed to educating their children
decade to decade without much apparent when the economy is doing well—so
change in anything else. In the 1960s and perhaps growth causes education, and
1970s, Brazil was a global front-runner in not just the other way around. Trying to
growth; starting around 1980, it essen­ tease out single factors that lead to
tially stopped growing for two decades growth is a fool’s errand. So, by exten­
(before growing again and then stopping sion, is coming up with corresponding
again). In 1988, Robert Lucas, one of the policy recommendations.
founders of modern macroeconomics, What, then, are policymakers left
published an article in which he wondered with? There are some things clearly
why India was such a laggard and wished worth avoiding: hyperinflation; ex­
it would become a fast grower, like Egypt tremely overvalued fixed exchange
or Indonesia. As fate would have it, India’s rates; communism in its Soviet, Maoist,
economy was just beginning a 30-year or North Korean varieties; the kind of
period of fast growth, while Egypt’s and total government chokehold on private
Indonesia’s were starting to fall behind. enterprise that India had in the 1970s,
Bangladesh, widely derided as a basket with state ownership of everything from
case shortly after its founding in 1971, shipyards to shoe factories. But this is
saw its economy grow at five percent or not particularly helpful advice today,
more for most years between 1990 and given that hardly anyone is reaching for
2015, and in 2016, 2017, and 2018, such extreme options anymore.
Bangladesh’s growth exceeded seven W hat most developing countries
percent—making it among the 20 want to know is not whether they should
fastest-growing economies in the world. nationalize all private industry over­
In all these cases, growth came or went night but whether they should emulate
without some obvious reason. China’s economic model. Although
Second, at a more fundamental level, China is very much a market economy,
these efforts to discover what causes the country’s approach to capitalism

How Poverty Ends

differs greatly from the classic Anglo- mist Michael Spence to lead a commis­
Saxon model, characterized by low taxes sion on economic growth. In its final
and few regulations, and even from its report, the group recognized that there
European variant, with a greater role for are no general principles for growth and
the state. In China, the state, at both the that no two instances of economic expan­
national and local levels, plays an outsize sion are quite alike. Easterly described
role in the allocation of land, capital, their efforts in less charitable terms:
and even labor. O ther economies in East “After two years of work by the commis­
Asia have also deviated from the tradi­ sion of 21 world leaders and experts, an
tional capitalist model and experienced 11-member working group, 300 academic
decades of high growth; consider Japan, experts, 12 workshops, 13 consultations,
South Korea, and Taiwan, all places where and a budget of $4m, the experts’ answer
the government initially pursued an to the question of how to attain high
active industrial policy. growth was roughly: we do not know, but
All these economies achieved spectacu­ trust experts to figure it out.”
lar success after pursuing unconven­
tional policies. The question is whether THE LOW-HANGING FRUIT
they did so because of their choices or Economists did learn something, how­
in spite of them. Did East Asia just luck ever, from the back-and-forth about the
out, or is there a lesson to be learned sources of growth. In particular, they
from its success? The economies there came to understand that transitions are
were also devastated by World War II, so an important yet underemphasized part
the fast growth might in part have been of the growth story. One of the central
a function of mere recovery. Moreover, tenets of traditional growth theory was
what elements of the Chinese experience that transitions were unimportant, because
are countries supposed to emulate? market forces ensured that resources
Should they start with Deng Xiaoping’s were smoothly and speedily delivered to
China, a dirt-poor economy with com­ their most productive use. The most fertile
paratively excellent education and health plots of land should be farmed most
care and a very flat income distribution? intensively. The best workers should end
Or with the Cultural Revolution, an up at the most profitable companies.
attempt to wipe out the advantages of the Investors should entrust their capital to
elites and place everyone on an even the most promising entrepreneurs.
playing field? Or with the preceding 4,000 But this assumption is often false.
years of Chinese history? Those who In a given economy, productive and
herald the experience of the East Asian nonproductive firms coexist, and re­
economies to prove the virtue of one sources do not always flow to their best
approach or the other are dreaming: there use. This is particularly true in develop­
is no way to prove any such thing. ing countries, where many markets,
There simply is no accepted recipe such as those for credit, land, or labor,
for how to make poor countries achieve function poorly. The problem is often
permanently high growth. Even the not so much that talent, technology, and
experts seem to have accepted this. In capital are not available but that the
2006, the World Bank asked the econo­ economy does not appear to put them

January /February 2020 25

Abhijit V. Banerjee and Esther Duflo

to their best use. Some companies have terms with an uncomfortable truth: the
more employees than they need, while era of breathtaking growth is likely
others are unable to hire. Some firms coming to an end.
use the latest technology, while others Consider China’s trajectory. By now,
never do. Some entrepreneurs with the country has gotten rid of its most
great ideas may not be able to finance blatant forms of misallocation. Wisely, it
them, while others who are not particu­ plowed back the gains from the result­
larly talented continue operating. This ing growth in new investment, and as
is what economists call “misallocation.” output grew, it sold that output abroad,
Misallocation saps growth, which benefiting from the world’s seemingly
means that reallocation can improve it. endless hunger for exports. But that
In recent years, economists have tried to strategy has largely run its course, too:
quantify just how much growth could now that China is the largest exporter in
come from moving resources to their best the world, it cannot possibly continue to
uses. Chang-Tai Hsieh and Peter Klenow, grow its exports much faster than the
for example, found that merely reallocat­ world economy is growing.
ing factors within certain industries, China might still eventually catch up
while holding capital and labor constant, with U.S. output in per capita terms,
could increase productivity in China by but its slowing growth means that it will
30-50 percent and in India by 40-60 take a long time. If Chinese growth
percent. If reallocation took place across falls to five percent per year, which is not
a broader swath of the economy, the implausible, and stays there, which is
payoff would be even larger. perhaps optimistic, and if U.S. growth
In other words, it is possible to spur continues to hover around 1.5 percent, then
growth just by reallocating existing it will take at least 35 years for China
resources to more appropriate uses. If a to catch up with the United States in
country starts off with its resources very terms of per capita income. In the mean­
poorly used, as did China before Deng time, it makes sense for Chinese authori­
or India in its days of extreme diri­ ties to accept that fast growth is tempo­
gisme, then the first benefits of reform rary, as they appear to be doing. In 2014,
may come from simply harnessing so Chinese President Xi Jinping spoke
many poorly used resources. There are about adjusting to “the new normal” of
many ways to improve allocation, from slower growth. Many interpreted this to
the moves away from collectivized mean that although the days of double­
agriculture that China made under digit annual growth were behind it, the
Deng to the efforts India made in the Chinese economy would still expand at
1990s to speed the resolution of debt seven percent per year for the foreseeable
disputes and thus make credit markets future. But even that may be too opti­
more efficient. mistic. The International Monetary
But the flip side to this is that at a Fund projects that China’s growth will fall
certain point, the gains start to dimin­ to 5.5 percent by 2024.
ish. Many developing economies are A similar story is playing out in India.
now reaching this point. They and the Beginning around 2002, the country’s
rest of the world will have to come to manufacturing sector saw sharp improve-

How Poverty Ends

ments in resource allocation. Plants at some point, it will slow for good.
swiftly upgraded their technology, and Indeed, it is possible that India could get
capital increasingly flowed to the best stuck in the dreaded “middle-income
firms within each industry. Because the trap,” whereby fast-growing economies
improvements appeared to be unrelated start to stall. It would not be alone: accord­
to any change in policy, some economists ing to the World Bank, of 101 middle-
spoke of “India’s mysterious manufactur­ income economies in 1960, only 13 had
ing miracle.” But it was no miracle—just become high income by 2008.
a modest improvement from a dismal Unfortunately, just as economists don’t
starting point. One can imagine various know much about how to make growth
explanations for the upswing. Perhaps happen, they know very little about why
there was a generational shift, as control some countries, such as Mexico, get stuck
of companies passed from parents to in the middle-income trap and why
their children, many of whom had been some, such as South Korea, don’t. One
educated abroad and were often more very real danger is that in trying to hold
ambitious and sawier about technology on to fast growth, countries facing
and world markets. Or perhaps it was the sharply slowing growth will veer toward
effect of the accumulation of modest policies that hurt the poor now in the
profits, which eventually made it possible name of future growth. In a bid to preserve
to pay for the shift to bigger and better growth, many countries have interpreted
plants. Regardless of the precise cause, the prescription to be business friendly
India’s economic rise is best understood as a license to enact all kinds of anti-poor,
as the result of correcting misallocation: pro-rich policies, such as tax cuts for the
the type of growth that can come from rich and bailouts for corporations.
picking low-hanging fruit. Such was the thinking in the United
That kind of growth cannot go on States under President Ronald Reagan
forever. As the economy sheds its worst and in the United Kingdom under
plants and firms, the space for further Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher. If
improvement naturally shrinks. Today, the experience of those two countries is
India seems to be facing the prospect any guide, however, asking the poor to
of a steep deceleration. The International tighten their belts in the hope that
M onetary Fund, the Asian Develop­ giveaways to the rich will eventually
ment Bank, and the Organization for trickle down does nothing for growth and
Economic Cooperation and Develop­ even less for the poor: in both, growth
ment have all downgraded their growth hardly picked up at all, but inequality
estimates for India for 2019-20 to skyrocketed. Globally, the one group that
around six percent. Others have suggested did even better than the poorest 50
that India’s economy may have already percent between 1980 and 2016 was the
slowed: Arvind Subramanian, New Delhi’s top one percent—the rich in the already
chief economic adviser from 2014 to rich countries, plus an increasing num­
2018, has argued that official estimates ber of superrich in the developing
have overstated the country’s growth by world—who captured an astounding 27
as much as 2.5 percentage points in recent percent of total growth during that time.
years. Growth in India could recover, but The 49 percent of people below them,

January /February 2020 27

Abhijit V. Banerjee and Esther Duflo

which includes almost everybody in the want to feel worthy and respected, keep
United States and Europe, lost out, and their parents healthy, educate their
their incomes stagnated throughout children, have their voices heard, and
that period. follow their dreams. A higher g d p may
The explosion of inequality in econo­ help the poor achieve many of those
mies that are no longer growing is bad things, but it is only one way of doing so,
news for future growth. The political and it is not always the best one. In fact,
backlash leads to the election of populist quality of life varies enormously between
leaders touting miracle solutions that countries with similar income levels:
rarely work—and often lead to Venezuela- for example, Sri Lanka has more or less
style disasters. In rich countries, the the same g d p per capita as Guatemala
consequences are already visible, from the but far lower maternal, infant, and child
rising trade barriers in the United States mortality rates.
to the mayhem of Brexit in the United Such disparities should not be so
Kingdom. Even the International Mon­ surprising. Looking back, it is clear that
etary Fund, once a bastion of growth-first many of the important successes of the
orthodoxy, has come to recognize that last few decades were the result not of
sacrificing the poor to promote growth is economic growth but of a direct focus on
bad policy. It now requires its country improving particular outcomes, even in
teams to take inequality into consideration countries that were and have remained
when giving advice. very poor. The under-five mortality
rate, for example, has fallen drastically
EYES ON THE PRIZE across the world, even in some very poor
Growth is likely to slow, at least in China countries whose economies have not
and India, and there may be very little grown particularly fast. Credit goes mostly
that anyone can do about it. It may well to policymakers’ focus on newborn care,
pick up in other countries, but no one vaccination, and malaria prevention. The
can forecast where or why. The good news same approach can and should be applied
is that even in the absence of growth, to any of the other factors that improve
there are ways to improve other indicators quality of life, be it education, skills,
of progress. W hat policymakers need to entrepreneurship, or health. The focus
remember is that g d p is a means to an end, should be identifying the key problems
not an end in itself. It is a useful means, and figuring out how to solve them.
no doubt, especially when it creates jobs This is patient work: spending money
or raises wages or increases budgets so that by itself does not necessarily deliver
the government can redistribute more. real education or good health. But unlike
But the ultimate goal remains improving with growth, experts actually know how
quality of life, especially for those who to make progress. One big advantage of
are the worst off. focusing on clearly defined interventions
Quality of life means more than just is that these policies have measurable
consumption. Although better lives are objectives and therefore can be directly
indeed partly about being able to consume evaluated. Researchers can experiment
more, most human beings, even the very with them, abandon the ones that don’t
poor, care about more than that. They work, and improve the ones that do.

How Poverty Ends

This is what we have spent a good part faster growth, but they could dramatically
of our careers doing and what hundreds improve the welfare of their citizens.
of researchers and policymakers now Moreover, although no one knows
routinely do with the help of such organi­ when the growth locomotive will start in
zations as the Abdul Latif Jameel Poverty a given country, if and when it does, the
Action Lab, or J-PAL (the network we poor will be more likely to hop on the
started at m it ), and Innovations for train if they are in decent health, can read
Poverty Action, a group founded by the and write, and can think beyond their
economist Dean Karlan. immediate circumstances. It may not be
So although no one knows how to an accident that many of the winners of
transform Kenya into South Korea, globalization have been communist coun­
thanks to the work of Jessica Cohen and tries that invested heavily in the human
Pascaline Dupas, we do know, for exam­ capital of their populations for ideologi­
ple, that the massive distribution of free cal reasons (such as China and Vietnam)
insecticide-treated bed nets is the most or places that pursued similar policies
effective way to fight malaria. In a series because they were threatened by commu­
of randomized trials, these researchers nism (such as South Korea and Taiwan).
found that charging people for bed nets, The best bet, therefore, for a develop­
which was once thought to make the ing country such as India is to attempt
nets more likely to be used, in fact de­ to raise living standards with the resources
creased their use—evidence that eventu­ it already has: investing in education
ally convinced major development orga­ and health care, improving the functioning
nizations to abandon fees. Between of the courts and banks, and building
2014 and 2016, a total of 582 million better roads and more livable cities. The
insecticide-treated mosquito nets were same logic holds for policymakers in
delivered globally. O f these, 75 percent rich countries, who should invest directly
were given out through mass distribution in raising living standards in poorer
campaigns of free bed nets, saving tens of countries. In the absence of a magic potion
millions of lives. for development, the best way to pro­
foundly transform millions of lives is not
BEYOND GROWTH to try in vain to boost growth. It is to
The bottom line is that the true ingredi­ focus squarely on the thing that growth
ents of persistent economic growth is supposed to improve: the well-being
remain mysterious. But there is much that of the poor.®
can be done to get rid of the most
egregious sources of waste in poor coun­
tries’ economies and of suffering among
their people. Children who die of pre­
ventable diseases, schools where teachers
do not show up, court systems that take
forever to adjudicate cases—all no doubt
undercut productivity and make life
miserable. Fixes to such problems may
not propel countries to permanently

January /February 2020 29

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