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Geography Worksheet Chapter 1 – Our Environment

Name: _______________________ Grade: 7_______

Q1. True/False:
i. An aquarium is not a natural ecosystem.
ii. Land is a component of the human environment.
iii. Road is a human-made environment.
iv. World Environment Day is celebrated on June 5th.
v. The hydrosphere is the domain of water.

Q2. Fill in the blanks:

(i) The _____________is the layer of earth which surrounds the earth.
(ii) The atmosphere is held by the force of __________.
(iii) The topmost layer of the earth is ___________.

Q3. Match the Following:

Environment Solid Portion

Lithosphere Water Portion

Hydrosphere Land, air, Water everything

Biosphere Natural and made both

Q4. Choose the Correct Option:

(i) ___________is a human made environment.

(a) Sea
(b) Road
(c) Mountain
(d) None of the above

(ii) ___________is not a natural ecosystem.

(a) Aquarium
(b) Forest
(c) Desert
(d) None of the above

Q5. What is crust?

Q6. When is World Water Day celebrated?

Q7. Define the Biosphere.

Q8. Define Lithosphere.

Q9. What is atmosphere?

Q10. Write the significance of the atmosphere.

Q11. What can be studied through Geography?

Q12. Why is our environment changing?

Q13. What hydrosphere comprise?

Q14. Which are the two major components of the biotic environment?

Q15. What is the meaning of the word `Oikos`? Explain this term.

Q16. How the ocean water is useful to us? Give three points.

Q17. Give four examples of a human-made environment.

Q18. What do you mean by natural environment?

Q19. What is an ecosystem?
Q20. Plants and animals depend on each other. Give reason.

Q21. Give one difference between biotic and abiotic environments.

Q22. Give one example of each - biotic and abiotic environments.

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