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DIRECTION: Read each statement below and select the letter of the best answer.
1. Identify the reduced species in the reaction: CuO + H2 → Cu + H2O.
A) CuO B) H2 C) Cu D) H2O
2. Which element is oxidized in the reaction: Zn + CuSO4 → ZnSO4 + Cu?
A) Zn B) Cu C) S D) O
3. In the reaction 2H2O2 → 2H2O + O2, what is the oxidation state change for oxygen?
A) 0 to -2 B) -1 to -2 C) -1 to 0 D) 0 to -1
4. What is true about a redox reaction?
A) Only reduction occurs B) Only oxidation occurs C) Both oxidation and reduction occur D) Neither oxidation nor reduction occurs
5. In the equation MnO4- + 8H+ + 5e- -> Mn2+ + 4H2O, MnO4- is:
A) Oxidized B) Reduced C) Neither D) Both oxidized and reduced
6] What is oxidation?
A) Gain of electrons B) Loss of electrons C) Gain of protons D) Loss of neutrons
7. What is reduction in terms of electron transfer?
A) Loss of electrons B) Gain of electrons C) Loss of protons D) Gain of protons
8. In the reaction 2Fe + 3Cl2 → 2FeCl3, which substance is oxidized?
A) Fe B) Cl2 C) FeCl3 D) None of the above
9. In the reaction 2Fe + 3Cl2 → 2FeCl3, which substance is reduced?
A) Fe B) Cl2 C) FeCl3 D) None of the above
10. How can you tell if a reaction is a redox reaction?
A) If there is a transfer of electrons between reactants B) If there is a change in temperature
C) If a precipitate forms D) If a gas is produced
11. Determine the oxidation state change for S in the reaction: 2H2S + SO2 → 3S + 2H2O.
A) -2 to 0 B) +4 to -2 C) +4 to 0 D) -2 to +4
12. What is the role of the substance with increasing oxidation number in a redox reaction?
A) Oxidizing agent B) Reducing agent C) Catalyst D) Solvent
13. Which of these elements is typically reduced in a chemical reaction involving oxygen?
A) Hydrogen B) Carbon C) Oxygen D) Nitrogen
14. In the reaction Ca + Cl2 -> CaCl2, calcium’s oxidation state changes from:
A) 0 to +2 B) +2 to 0 C) -2 to 0 D) 0 to -2
15. How do you balance the charges in the half-reactions method for balancing redox reactions?
A) By adding electrons B) By removing electrons C) By adding protons D) By adding water molecules
16. What does the term "oxidizing agent" refer to?
A) The substance that is reduced B) The substance that is oxidized
C) The substance that gains protons D) The substance that loses protons
17. In the reaction Na + Cl2 -> NaCl, what role does Cl2 play?
A) Oxidizing agent B) Reducing agent C) Catalyst D) Solvent
18. Which statement correctly describes the reducing agent in a chemical reaction?
A) It gains electrons B) It loses electrons C) It increases its oxidation number D) Both B and C
19. Which of the following is an example of a redox reaction?
A) NaOH + HCl → NaCl + H2O B) 2Mg + O2 → 2MgO
C) AgNO3 + NaCl -> AgCl + NaNO3 D) H2 + N2 → NH3
20. In a redox reaction, the substance that undergoes oxidation typically:
A) Gains electrons B) Loses electrons C) Gains protons D) Loses neutrons
21. What is the oxidation state of oxygen in most compounds?
A) +2 B) -1 C) -2 D) 0
22. Which of the following is true for the oxidation process?
A) Oxidation number decreases B) Oxidation number increases C) Electrons are gained D) Protons are gained
23. In which of these processes does the oxidation number of carbon increase?
A) CH4 → CO2 B) CO → CO2 C) CO2 → CO D) Both A and B
24. Which method involves balancing the increase and decrease in oxidation numbers to balance a redox equation?
A) Ion-electron method B) Change in oxidation number method
C) Half-reaction method D) Both A and C
25. What happens to the oxidation number of an element that is reduced?
A) Increases B) Decreases C) Stays the same D) Becomes zero
26. When balancing the redox reaction: H2S + Cl2 → S + HCl using the change in oxidation number method, what is the first step?
A) Assign oxidation numbers to all elements B) Write the half-reactions
C) Balance the overall charge D) Add water molecules to balance oxygen atoms
27. What happens to the oxidation state of chlorine in the reaction Cl2 + 2KBr -> 2KCl + Br2?
A) Increases from 0 to +1 B) Decreases from 0 to -1 C) Decreases from 0 to +1 D) Decreases from 0 to -2
28. Which of the following compounds acts as an oxidizing agent in the reaction: Cu + 2AgNO3 → Cu(NO3)2 + 2Ag?
A) Cu B) AgNO3 C) Cu(NO3)2 D) Ag
29. In the reaction: 2Al + 6HCl → 2AlCl3 + 3H2, Al is:
A) Oxidized B) Reduced C) Neither D) Both
30. Identify the substance oxidized in the reaction: C2H4 + 3O2 → 2CO2 + 2H2O.
A) C2H4 B) O2 C) CO2 D) H2O

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