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Complete the sentences with him/her/them.

1 I don't know those girls. Do you k n o w th e m ?
2 I don't know that man. Do you k n o w ........................................ ?
3 I don't know those people. Do you k n o w ...................................
4 I don't know David's wife. Do you k n o w ......................................
5 I don't know M r Stevens. Do you k n o w .......................................
6 I don't know Sarah's parents. Do you k n o w ...............................
7 I don't know the woman in the black coat. Do you know

Complete the sentences. Use l/me/you/she/her etc.

I want to see her, b u t sh e doesn't want to se e tne....
I_________________1 I
They want to see me, b u t....................................... don't want to see
She wants to see him, b u t...................................... doesn’t want to see
We want to see them, b u t......................................don't want to se e .......
He wants to see us, b u t.......................................don’t want to see
They want to see her, b u t.......................................doesn't want to see
I want to see them, b u t...................................... don’t want to see
You want to see her, b u t .......................................doesn’t want to se e ....

Write sentences beginning I like . . . , I don’t like ... or Do you lik e ... ?
don’t eat tomatoes [don't like them
George is a very nice man. I like
This jacket isn’t very nice. I don’t
This is my new car. D o ..................
Mrs Clark is not very friendly. I .....
These are my new shoes....................

Complete the sentences. Use l/me/he/him etc.

1 W ho is that woman? W hy are you looking a t her .....
2 'Do you know that man?' Yes, I work with
3 Where are the tickets? I can't fin d .........................................
4 I can't find my keys. Where are........................................ ?
5 We're going out. You can come w ith ....................................
6 I've got a new motorbike. Do you want to se e ...............
7 Maria likes music............................................. plays the piano.
8 I don’t like dogs. I’m afraid o f.........................................
9 I'm talking to you. Please listen t o .........................................
10 Where is Anna? I want to talk t o .........................................
11 You can have these CDs. I don't w a n t.........................................
12 M y brother has a new job, b u t doesn't like very much.

C om plete the sentences.

1 I need that book. Can y o u give .m e.
2 He wants the key. Can you give........................
3 She wants the keys. Can y o u ...............................
4 I need my bag. Can y o u .........................................
5 They want the money. Can y o u ........................
6 We want the pictures. Can y o u ..........................


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