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The Impact of Time Management in the Academic Performance of Grade

11 STEM-C Students in NNHS

A Qualitative Research Paper

Presented to the faculty of Senior High Department

Naguilian National High School

In Partial of the Requirements for the

Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) Strand

In Practical Research 1


Abenoja, Ralph Lorenz M.

Ancheta, Gilbert B.

Almoite, Ryselle Leigh G.

Estrada, Leanne Zayna R.

Pagaduan, Michaella Nicole G.





Time management is the process of planning and controlling how

much time to spend on specific activities. Throughout history, there has

been great emphasis on the effective and efficient management of time,

which has been considered the key to success. Time management has been

also defined as a form of self-management with a clear emphasis of time in

understanding what activities to do; how to do them efficiently; in what time

it should be done. It is the art of arranging, organizing, scheduling, and

budgeting one’s time for generating more effective work and productivity.

Defined as a set of principle practices, skills, tools, and systems that work

together to help you get more value out of your time with the aim of

improving the quality of your work. It is priority-based structuring of time

allocation and distribution among competing demands since time cannot be

stored, and the availability of time cannot be increased beyond nor

decreased from the twenty four hours. Time management provides

individuals the way for structuring and controlling their activities.

Strictly speaking, time cannot be managed, because it is an

inaccessible factor. All of an institution’s resources, both material and

human, can be enhanced or modified over time. However, time is the one

thing that cannot be controlled, bought, or retained. Only the way a person

deals with the can be influenced. Time management is critical for academic

performance and accomplishment improvement. Every learner must be

capable of successfully organizing and incorporating time management


strategies. Time management is only achievable in this case through self-

motivation, productivity, skill, and enthusiasm all require self-motivation.

Good time management skills have been identified as having a

“buffering” effect on stress (Misra & McKean, 2000). However, many students

find it hard to regulate their studies leading to time mismanagement, poor

sleep patterns and increased levels of stress. Time management plays a

crucial role in academic performance (Van de Meer, Jansen, & Torenbeek,

2010). Effective management helps students prioritize their academic tasks

based on their importance and deadlines. This allows them to stay on track

and avoid last minute rushed work, which can negatively impact their

academic performance. Techniques, such as time blocking or creating study

schedules, helps students to create a balanced schedule that includes time

for studying, extracurricular activities, relaxation, and self-care. By

dedicating regular consistent study sessions, students can effectively absorb

and retain information, leading to better understanding and improved

academic performance; and students can avoid feeling overwhelmed and

reduced stress levels. When students are well-rested they can approach their

academic tasks with a clear mind, increased focus, and improved

performance. By incorporating time management strategies into their

routine, students can enhance their academic performance and achieve their

goals more efficiently.

Previous research has consistently demonstrated the positive impact

of time management on various aspects of student learning and outcomes.

Several studies have highlighted the beneficial effects of time management

skills on academic performance (Kearns & Gardiner, 2007; Kelly, 2002;

McKenzie, Gow, & Schweitzer, 2004). Additionally, Krause & Coates (2008)

emphasized that effective time management is a crucial factor in developing

effective study habits and strategies for success. Time management enables

individuals to structure and regulate their activities, providing them with a

framework for organizing their tasks (Claessens et al., 2004). Furthermore,

Wang et al. (2011) revealed that time management skills extend beyond the

university setting, as they significantly enhance an individual's overall

quality of life by effectively managing their free time.

However, the researchers have observed that procrastination and time

mismanagement is a common occurrence in a school setting. Students often

struggle with effectively managing their time, leading to delayed or

incomplete assignments, missed deadlines, and increased stress levels.

Procrastination, fueled by distractions and a lack of prioritization, hinders

their ability to stay focused and meet academic goals. This behavior not only

affects individual students but also impacts the overall classroom dynamic,

as teachers may need to distribute additional time to address missed work

or provide extra support. Recognizing and addressing these issues through

targeted interventions and promoting a culture of time management can help

students develop crucial skills for success in their academic achievements.

Students must understand how to manage the time provided them,

students’ academic performance is affected by poor time management.

Consequently, the outcomes of this study may assist students’ with

difficulties managing their time for improved academic performance and

accomplishments of students. Thus, the goal of this study is to find out how

time management affects the academic performance 11 STEM-C students in

NNHS (Naguilian National High School).



Time management is one of the major challenges that students face,

this has a bearing effect on their academic performance. Students are always

in reactive mode and fail to finish what they start. They tend to do less

valuable things than doing their studies that causes their inability to

complete their tasks before the deadline.

General Objective

To know the impact of time management on the academic

performance of Grade 11 STEM-C students in Naguilian National High


Specific Objectives

In an attempt to know the impact of time management of Grade 11

STEM-C students in Naguilian National High School in regard to their

academic performance three areas of study were developed. In exploring

these areas, we ask the following three questions:

1. What influence the effective time management on the academic

performance of Grade 11 STEM-C students in NNHS?

2. What are the factors influencing time management in the academic

performance of Grade 11 STEM-C students in NNHS?

3. What are the current time management practices among Grade 11 STEM-

C students in NNHS to manage their time effectively?



This study includes Grade 11 STEM-C students for the school year

2023-2024. Out of fourthy-nine students from Grade 11 STEM-C, twenty

students were used as a sample in conducting surveys. Students from other

grade levels or academic programs are not part of the study. This study is

conducted within the context of Grade 11 STEM-C of NNHS (Naguilian

National High School) only. Findings may not be generalized to other schools

or educational settings. This study utilized qualitative methods, specifically

through questionnaires to gather data through open-ended questions,

allowing participants to provide detailed insights into their perceptions,

strategies, challenges, and correlations related to time management and

academic performance. Long-term impacts or historical data will not be

within the scope of this research.


Significance of the Study

This research will deeply delve into the relationship between time

management and academic performance, a topic that is critical in the

educational field. It will provide empirical evidence on how effectively

managing time can influence academic success, which can benefit students,

teachers, and researchers alike.

Students of 11 STEM-C in NNHS

This study is particularly relevant for the Grade 11 STEM-C students

in NNHS as it will provide them with insights into their own time

management practices. The findings may guide them in enhancing their time

management skills, potentially leading to improved academic performance.


This study will not only be beneficial for those directly involved in the

educational field but also for general readers. Understanding the impact of

time management on academic performance can underscore its importance

in various aspects of life, encouraging individuals to develop and maintain

good time management skills.

Contribution to Existing Literature

This study will add to the existing body of literature on time

management and its effect on academic performance. It will offer fresh

perspectives and empirical evidence that can stimulate further research on

the topic.


Input Process

The influence of effective Deciding the method for

time management on the data gathering
academic performance
Construction of interview
The factors influencing questions
time management in the
Finding respondents for
academic performance
the study
The current time
Conducting the
management practices
among Grade 11 STEM-C
students in NNHS Transcribing the data
-Interpretation of data
-Generalization of the
data collected


Insights on the Impact of

Time Management on the
Academic Performance of
Grade 11 STEM-C
Students in NNHS

Figure 1


Time Management:

Academic Performance:



Definition of Time Management


Time management is essentially self-management with a specific

focus on time. It involves deciding what to do, how much time to allocate to

activities, how to perform activities more efficiently, and when the right time

is for specific activities. Time management is essentially a way of managing

one's life, and managing one's life means managing one's time, which in turn

means controlling the events in one's life (Kottler, 2011). This will help

students keep track of their achievements and motivate them to do more as

they become aware of their capabilities. This process will help students

identify daily habits that prevent them from regularly completing their tasks,

thereby paving the way for these habits to be eliminated.

Gerald (2002) described time management as a combination of

principles, practices, skills, tools, and systems that collectively help you

derive more value from your time with the ultimate goal of enhancing the

quality of your life. Argarwal (2008) added that time management is typically

a personal issue and if one intuitively understands what is right, there is no

cause for concern. Everyday life is not a gamble, and assigning time to each

activity can be beneficial. Unlike other resources, once time is lost, it can

never be regained.

Time management can be defined as the process of organizing your

schedule in a manner that allows you to achieve your objectives in an

efficient and effective way (Chen, 2011). Harold (2014) aimed to increase his

workers' productivity using his scientific management technique. To achieve

this, he conducted time and motion studies to determine how to maximize

the amount of work completed within a specific timeframe. Time

management is a valuable tool for enhancing productivity, particularly for

students who juggle work and study simultaneously.


Akomolafe (2005) argued that time itself cannot be managed because

it cannot be slowed down, sped up, or created. However, this contradicts

Quek's (2001) viewpoint, who believed that time can be managed. According

to Quek, to overcome the problem of procrastination, one needs to learn and

develop time management skills. From the researchers' perspective, it

appears that Quek believes procrastination can impact time management.

While time is a natural phenomenon, people live, work, and exist within its

confines. Therefore, time progresses in tandem with human existence.

Sansgiry, Kawatkar, Dutta, and Bhosle (2004) suggested that

fundamental time management skills start with prioritizing, focusing more

on important tasks, learning to decline less important matters, and being

able to promptly start and stop specific activities according to a pre-set

schedule. They also argued that to implement such a time management

strategy, one must create a "to-do" list and maintain the discipline to stay

focused on the list for better management of one's available time.

Time management can be defined as clusters of behavioral skills that

are important in the organization of study. Scherer, Talley, and Fife (2017)
found that students’ time perspectives are effective predictors of academic
outcomes as poor time management approaches mean that students find it
hard to plan their work and may feel agitated toward the end of a course—
when they are likely to be assessed.

As defined by Aeon & Aguinis (2017), the act of conducting goal-

oriented tasks with the intention of maximizing the efficiency of time use,
which can be seen as a form of “behavior”. This behavior of time
management can be divided into three fundamental aspects: attitudes
towards time, long-term planning, and short-term planning. Attitude
towards time refers to one’s positive or negative perceptions of past, present,
and future time, which has been directly associated with academic
performance (Nieuwoudt & Brickhill, 2017). Long-term planning, on the
other hand, is the ability to manage daily tasks over an extended period

while aligning with the goals set for important dates. Short-term planning
involves daily or weekly tasks or activities. These time management
behaviors or skills are argued to enhance positive academic outcomes by
enabling students to manage their curriculum more efficiently and achieve
their learning objectives (Razali et al., 2018).

Time management is a skill that many of us acquire out of necessity.

The issue with learning a skill this way is that often leads to the

development of bad habits. Even though the skill might be generally useful,

we may not be utilizing it to its fullest extent. Time management is a skill

that requires time to develop and perfect, and it varies from person to

person. It involves creating processes and tools that enhance efficiency and


The Significance between Time Management and Academic


Effective time management is particularly crucial in education,

especially at higher levels, as it can influence the speed at which a nation

can develop its workforce. King (2002) identified various external factors that

can impact time, including challenges to one's abilities or expertise, which

can impose unwelcome demands on time, abilities, and emotional resources.

In their study, Shazia, Nasrullah, and Muhammad Saqib Khan (2015)

discovered a significant correlation between time management skills and

students' academic achievement. They emphasized the importance of time

management, stating that it could significantly impact an individual's overall

performance and accomplishments. The data for their study was collected

from students at Qurtuba University of Science and Technology, with the


aim of analyzing how effectively they manage their time to meet their

academic standards.

Academic performance, the outcome of education, measures the

extent to which a student, teacher, or institution has achieved their

educational goals. While it is commonly evaluated through examinations or

continuous assessment, there is no universal agreement on the best method

of testing or which aspects are most important. However, it appears that

academic performance tends to improve when time management skills are

effectively utilized (Adebayo, 2015).

Furthermore, Adebayo (2015) mentioned in his study that time

management is a skill that could significantly influence a student’s academic

performance. Prioritizing tasks can make studying and schoolwork less

daunting and more enjoyable. Academic stress often arises when students

feel pressured to cram for exams, rush through homework, and get minimal

sleep due to disorganization and worry. Effective time management

techniques should be applied not only to a student’s academic life but also

to their overall schedule to achieve success and maintain peace of mind.

Campbell and Svenson (1992) suggested that time management refers

to how students organize their time to improve their academic performance,

a skill that is crucial for academic success. Therefore, it’s essential for

students to understand the first step of time management, which is

prioritizing important matters and staying focused on key issues for success.

Echoing these sentiments, Gloe (1999) argued that time management

techniques are the most effective ways to successfully manage course

materials. These techniques include group discussions, idea exchanges, and


sharing views on important points, which ultimately help students perform

better in exams and achieve superior academic performance.

Time management is crucial in enhancing a student’s academic

performance and achievements. Every student should possess time

management skills, which include setting goals and priorities, using time

management mechanisms, and being organized. According to Brigitte,

Claessens, Eerde, & Rutte (2005), effective time management can only be

achieved through self-motivation, performance, ability, and motivation.

These are some of the activities that today’s students engage in, which can

act as obstacles to their academic performance. Due to poor time

management, they often fall behind. While there is no single correct way to

manage time, it’s important to understand oneself to make informed

decisions about how to best utilize time.

Numerous academic studies have explored the relationship between

time management and academic achievements. The existing literature

indicates that university students possess varying levels of time

management skills, with the majority having moderate skills and only a

small portion demonstrating high-level skills (Yilmaz, Yoncalik, & Bektas,

2006). The perspective of students regarding time management, which is a

non-cognitive personal behavior, also serves as a significant predictor of

educational achievement. Poor time management skills can make it

challenging for students to plan their studies, leading to anxiety and stress

during assessments, typically held at the end of the course (Scherer, Talley,

& Fife, 2017). While students may sometimes attribute negative educational

outcomes to poor time management as a self-serving bias, numerous studies

have established this association (Nadinloyi et al., 2013; Kharadze, Gulua, &

Davit, 2017). Furthermore, the literature highlights that students’ time

management skills significantly impact their academic performance and

serve predictors of their overall achievement. Research has been conducted

on time management and academic performance in various fields, including

business students (Sayari, Jalagat, & Dalluay, 2017), nursing students

(Nayak, 2019), management students (Gupta & Chitkara, 2018), and

engineering students (Adams & Blair, 2019). However, no studies have been

conducted on Grade 11 S.T.E.M. (Science, Technology, Engineering, and

Mathematics) students.



Research Design

This study made use of the case study method. Case study is the

exploration of a bounded system or case over time through detailed data

collection involving multiple sources of information within a context. A

questionnaire method is used to obtain the data in this study. The

questionnaires were distributed to collect the primary data that were needed

to be able to compose data analysis and a conclusion from the data that also

answers the impact of time management on the academic performance of

Grade 11 STEM-C in NNHS.

Sources of Data

Locale and Population. The research took place at Grade 11 STEM-C

of Naguilian National High School (Senior High School) in Imelda, Naguilian,

La Union, where the researchers and respondents attend the same school.

The data that was obtained are from the students of the said school with a

population of fourthy-nine. The respondents were chosen through

convenience sampling with an initial sample space of twenty individuals.

Instrumentation and Data Collection. The researchers distributed

questionnaires to collect necessary data from students at Grade 11 STEM-C

of Naguilian National High School (Senior High School) in Imelda, Naguilian,

La Union. The questionnaires included open-ended questions, providing

participants the freedom to give unrestricted answers. The researchers gave


questionnaires to 20 individuals of Grade 11 STEM-C of Naguilian National

High School (Senior High School).

Validation. The researchers submitted their questionnaire that will

be used for interviewing the respondents to their subject teacher of Practical

Research I for reviewing and revision. The researchers made use of the

recommendations given by the assigned research teacher regarding the


Data Analysis

The data collected was subjected to the use thematic data analysis.

The data collected were transcribed and coded carefully to determine the

recurring themes of the impact of time management on the academic of

students, the factors influencing time management, and the common

practices among students to manage their time.

Ethical Considerations

The information that is gathered by the researchers is kept

confidential. The information collected will be used exclusively for this

research paper. The researchers were also mindful of the laws and policies

regarding plagiarism and copyright, and appropriately cited the findings of

other authors of this study. The researchers themselves are authors of this

study and any assistance received from others are acknowledged for their

contributions in the preliminary part of this research paper.

Moreover, the respondents were well aware of the intentions of this study

and the respondents were notified prior the interview. The part where the

actual interview starts, the researchers will ask consent if we can take some

photos for the appendices of this manuscript. Respondents also can choose

to not answer some of the questions if it is too personal for them to share

their insights, and respondents can also request not to further proceed with

the questionnaire if they feel the need to.




1. The perception of Grade 11 STEM-C students on the impact of time

management on their academic performance

All of the participants agree that improving time management skills

can positively impact their academic performance. They recognize that time

management is an essential factor in achieving success in their academics.

The ability to allocate sufficient time for studying, completing assignments

on time, and reducing stress levels are highlighted as benefits of effective

time management. Participants also believe that effective time management

enhances their ability to manage activities and stabilize their thoughts and

perspectives, leading to better performance.

Participants in the responses also see an improvement in their

academic performance through enhanced time management skills as it helps

them avoid procrastination. They acknowledge that better time management

eliminates the tendency to delay schoolwork and helps them allocate

sufficient time for completing tasks. By overcoming procrastination, they can

focus more on their studies and reduce the risk of falling behind.

Participants also attribute positive impacts on their mental well-being

and stress levels to improved time management. By effectively managing

their time, they can complete their homework and study without feeling

overwhelmed or stressed. This creates a conducive environment for learning

and allows them to perform better in their academic pursuits.


Overall, the thematic analysis of the data indicates a consensus

among the respondents that improving time management positively

influences academic performance by enhancing productivity, focus,

motivation, and reducing stress levels. The ability to allocate sufficient time

for studying and completing tasks allows students to prioritize their

responsibilities effectively and avoid prprocrastination

2. The major challenges Grade 11 STEM-C students face in managing

their tome effectively

One of the primary challenges mentioned is poor prioritization.

Participants struggle with deciding which tasks to prioritize and end up

spending excessive time on less important activities. This is often

accompanied by procrastination, which further hampers effective time


Laziness and distractions are mentioned as challenges in managing

time effectively. Participants admit to being easily distracted by activities

such as video games or being engrossed in their phones. They also attribute

laziness as a hurdle in effectively utilizing their time, leading to a lack of

focus and difficulty remaining productive.

The theme of pressure and panic arises as a significant challenge.

Some participants mentioned waiting until the deadline is approaching,

leading to increased pressure and panic. This adds to the difficulty of

managing time effectively.

Participants also struggle with balancing their time between

household chores and other activities. The responsibility of completing

household tasks competes with their academic commitments, creating a

challenge in managing time effectively.


Some participants mention external distractions that hinder effective

time management. These distractions could be in the form of external factors

in the environment, making it difficult for them to focus on their tasks.

In conclusion, the challenges faced in managing time effectively

include poor prioritization, procrastination, laziness, distractions (such as

video games and electronic devices), pressure, household chores, and

distractions in the environment. Recognizing these challenges can help

individuals develop strategies to overcome them and improve their time

management skills. This may involve setting clear priorities, creating a

conducive work environment, minimizing distractions, and developing

effective planning and organizational techniques.

3. The shared experiences of Grade 11 STEM-C students on extreme

burnout or high levels of stress

A common theme among the participants is the high level of stress

resulting from poor time management practices. Several participants admit

experiencing stress due to inadequate time allocation, procrastination, and

rushing to complete tasks before the deadline. The stress is often triggered

by a large workload, pending activities, and the pressure to meet academic


Cramming and exhaustion emerges from the responses. Participants

mention instances of cramming for exams and rushing to complete

assignments at the last minute, causing physical and mental exhaustion.

The pressure to perform well within limited time frames leads to intensified

stress levels.

Participants also highlight a lack of sleep as a consequence of poor

time management. They mention that dedicating time to completing

activities often comes at the expense of sufficient rest, further exacerbating

stress levels.

The theme of pressure and overwhelming workload is present in the

responses. Participants describe being overwhelmed by the number of

activities and struggling to prioritize tasks. The pressure to meet deadlines

and the fear of falling behind can contribute to increased stress levels.

A few participants responded that they do not feel burnout or high

levels of stress. They express enjoying being lazy, suggesting that individual

differences exist in how individuals perceive and manage stress.

In conclusion, the thematic analysis reveals that participants who

experience burnout or high levels of stress attribute it to poor time

management, including procrastination, cramming, exhaustion, lack of

sleep, pressure, and overwhelming workloads. The findings highlight the

importance of effective time management practices to minimize stress and

promote overall well-being. Strategies such as prioritization, setting realistic

goals, and maintaining a balanced schedule can help individuals better

manage their time and reduce stress levels.

4. The common time management practices of Grade 11 STEM-C


The practice of listing and planning emerges as a common theme

among the responses. Participants describe creating to-do lists, using a

planner, calendar, or notes to organize their tasks and set specific times for

completing them. This practice helps them allocate time efficiently, prioritize

tasks, and ensure they have enough time for academics and personal


Another theme that stands out is a focus on meeting deadlines.

Participants mention rushing to complete activities last minute before the

deadline. They adopt strategies to make sure they finish their tasks on time,

whether it is completing activities before or after sleeping or dedicating

specific time to work on their assignments.

Prioritization is also evident in the responses. Participants mention

sorting tasks based on difficulty and prioritizing them accordingly. They

focus on completing the most challenging tasks first or tasks that require

their attention within the school environment. By prioritizing tasks, they aim

to ensure smoother task management and prevent being overwhelmed.

Two participants mention not having specific time management

practices. These individuals do not mention any particular strategies or

techniques they employ for managing their time effectively.

Overall, the thematic analysis reveals that the most common time

management practices include creating lists, planning, prioritizing tasks

based on difficulty, and focusing on meeting deadlines. These strategies help

individuals stay organized, allocate time efficiently, and ensure timely

completion of their tasks. The findings highlight the importance of employing

effective time management practices to enhance productivity and reduce


5. The ways on how Grade 11 STEM-C students handle distractions

while studying

Using music to manage distractions emerges as a prevalent approach.

Several respondents mention listening to music, particularly smooth or

calming songs, as a way to stay focused and avoid distractions while

studying. They find that music helps create a conducive environment for

concentration and improves their overall studying experience.

Participants mention various strategies to minimize external

distractions. This includes turning off notifications on their devices, muting

social media accounts, putting away or shutting down phones or computers,

and finding a quiet place to study. By removing or reducing external

distractions, they create an environment that facilitates better concentration

and focus.

Inner motivation and self-discipline arises in the responses. Some

participants mention using self-talk or self-encouragement to stay on track

and avoid distractions. They rely on their inner motivation to remind

themselves of the importance of completing their tasks and avoid being

overwhelmed by distractions. Additionally, creating a calm and quiet study

environment, either alone or in a designated space like a bedroom, helps

maintain focus.

A few participants mention specific individual strategies to handle

distractions while studying. These strategies include focusing solely on the

task at hand, ignoring unnecessary things, and deliberately slowing down

when distractions arise to calm the mind and regain focus.


Overall, the thematic analysis reveals that respondents employ

various strategies to handle distractions while studying. These strategies

include using music to create a conducive environment, minimizing external

distractions, relying on inner motivation and self-discipline, and

implementing individual strategies tailored to their needs. By adopting these

approaches, individuals can enhance their focus and concentration, leading

to more effective and productive study sessions.

6. Grade 11 STEM-C students’ school-life balance

A common theme that emerges from the responses is the practice of

setting boundaries and prioritizing tasks. Participants mention the

importance of allocating specific time for relaxation, leisure activities, and

self-care. By setting boundaries and prioritizing tasks, individuals ensure

that they have dedicated time for personal life while also managing their

academic workload.

Another theme is the practice of prioritizing academics before

personal life. Some participants mention completing their academic tasks

first before engaging in personal activities or hobbies. This helps them

maintain focus and ensures that academic responsibilities are met before

indulging in leisure activities.

A few respondents prioritize their family and family bonding over

academics. They carve out time specifically for spending quality time with

their loved ones, recognizing the importance of maintaining a healthy

balance between personal life and academic workload.


Setting schedules emerges in the responses. Participants mention the

practice of establishing schedules for schoolwork and personal activities.

This helps them maintain a structured approach to managing their time,

ensuring a balance between their personal life and academic responsibilities.

Participants also mention individual approaches to balancing

personal life and academic workload. These approaches include finding

inspiration and support from family members or someone close to them,

engaging in personal hobbies or games as a break from academic work, and

ensuring sufficient sleep by managing their workload and completing tasks

before a designated time.

Overall, the thematic analysis reveals that respondents employ

various techniques to balance their personal life while managing their

academic workload. These techniques include setting boundaries,

prioritizing tasks, dedicating time for personal activities, setting schedules,

and finding inspiration or support from family or loved ones. By adopting

these approaches, individuals can maintain a healthy balance and avoid

burnout while successfully managing their academic responsibilities and

personal life.



This section provides a brief summary of the research conducted, the

conclusions drawn from the study, and recommendations based on those


Summary Findings

The research findings reveal several recurring themes among Grade

11 STEM-C students when it comes to managing their tasks, academic

performance, time management, handling distractions, and balancing their

school and personal lives.

Time management plays a crucial role in academic performance, with

students who excel often demonstrating self-confidence, effective time

allocation, and the ability to understand lessons thoroughly. Challenges

such as poor prioritization, laziness, distractions, pressure, and balancing

household chores also impact effective time management.

Strategies to handle distractions while studying include listening to

music, turning off notifications, and inner motivation. Lastly, finding a

balance between school and personal life involves setting boundaries,

prioritizing tasks, and establishing schedules, with family prioritization and

individual approaches playing a role.

Overall, improving time management skills, addressing task delay,

effectively handling distractions, and finding a school-life balance are crucial

areas for intervention and support for Grade 11 STEM-C students to

enhance their academic performance and well-being.


The research found several things about Grade 11 STEM-C students.

Some were delaying their tasks because of their emotions, being distracted

by technology, or because they were doing other activities first. Students

who were good at managing their time usually did well in school. They were

confident and understood their lessons well. However, some students found

it hard to manage their time and were easily distracted, affecting their school

work. Better time management helps improve school work by making

students more productive and focused. But there were several things making

time management difficult, like not knowing what to do first, being lazy,

being distracted, being stressed, and having chores at home. Students had

different views about technology. Some students thought it helped with time

management, while others thought it was a distraction. It was also observed

that students were stressed and tired because of poor time management,

forcing them to cram and lose sleep. Many students created lists, planned,

prioritized tasks, and made sure they met deadlines to manage their time. To

avoid distractions, they used music, controlled notifications, and motivated

themselves. It's important for students to balance school and personal life by

setting limits, prioritizing tasks, and making a schedule. They also found it

helpful when they are inspired or supported by their family. So, the report

suggests that we need to find ways to improve time management, deal with

task delay, manage distractions, and keep a healthy balance between school

and personal life for a student's success and wellbeing.


1. Develop interventions and educational programs focused on improving

emotional commitment and motivation among Grade 11 STEM-C students to

reduce task delay. This involves creating programs that can help students

understand the importance of being emotionally committed and motivated

towards their studies. These programs could include workshops, seminars,

and activities that promote self-discipline, perseverance, and the value of


education. The goal is to reduce procrastination and improve their efficiency

in completing tasks.

2. Implement strategies to minimize technological distractions, such as

providing guidelines for responsible gadget use and promoting digital well-

being. This strategy is about promoting responsible use of technology. This

could involve setting rules for when and how gadgets can be used, teaching

students about the potential negative effects of overusing technology, and

promoting activities that don't involve screens.

3. Collaborate with teachers and parents to strengthen time management

skills, provide guidance, and support students in achieving a healthy school-

life balance. This point involves working together with teachers and parents

to help students manage their time effectively. This could involve providing

resources and guidance on how to prioritize tasks, allocate time effectively,

and balance school work with other aspects of life.

4. Continuing research on the long-term effects of improved time

management on academic performance, stress levels, and overall well-being.

This involves conducting ongoing research to understand the impact of good

time management skills on various aspects of students' lives. This could

involve tracking students' academic performance, stress levels, and overall

well-being over time to see how these factors are affected by their time

management skills.

5. Explore additional factors that may contribute to task delay and time

management challenges among Grade 11 STEM-C students, such as the

influence of peer pressure or external expectation. This point is about

identifying and understanding other factors that might be causing students

to delay tasks or struggle with time management. This could involve


conducting surveys or interviews with students to get a better understanding

of the challenges they face.


1. Adham A., Abdulrahaman A., Abdulrahman A.Z., Abdullah B., & Saeed B.

(2021, March). Impact of Time-Management on the Student’s Academic

Performance: A Cross-Sectional Study. Retrieved March 3, 2024.

2. Althea K. (2020, April 16). Time Management: What is it, Who has it, and

can you Improve it?. Retrieved March 4, 2024.


3. Jones, Irma S., Blankenship, & Dianna C. (2021, January). Year Two:

Effect of Procrastination on Academic Performance of Undergraduate Online

Students. Retrieved February 28, 2024.

4. K. Nanjin, S. Trilochan, E.V. Rao, S.K. Kar, & Q.S. Zahiruddin. (2017,

November 13). A Study on University Student’s Time Management and

Academic Achievement. Retrieved February 17, 2024.

5. Michael S., Mico E., Michael D.T., & Ariel J. (2021, April 19). Assessing

Time Management Skills of the Students. Retrieved March 3, 2024.

6. N. Shazia, & S.K. Muhammad. (2015). The Impact of Time Management

on the Students’ Academic Achievements. Retrieved February 22, 2024.

7. StudyCorgi. (2021, November 24). Study Skills and Time Management in

Education. Retrieved March 4, 2024.

The Impact of Time Management in the Academic Performance of Grade

11 STEM-C in NNHS”

Directions: Answer the following questions by writing your answers on the

space provided then put a check on the box for your corresponding answer.

Name: ___________________________________________________


1. Do you believe that improving your time management skills can positively

impact your academic performance? Why or why not?




2. What are the major challenges you face in managing your time effectively?




3. Have you ever experienced burnout or high levels of stress due to poor

time management? Please describe.




4. What specific time management practices do you use to stay organized

and meet deadlines?




5. How do you handle distractions while studying or completing





6. How do you balance your personal life while managing your academic





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