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Prayer for Finances

Lord God in heaven I come to you humbly asking you to bless me financially. This is
not hard for you to do because the earth is the Lord’s and the fullness thereof. You
are Jehovah Jireh the God who provides and I ask you to provide for me and my
family and my friends. We are in need of your help.
Lord I ask you to show me the areas in my life where I may not have been a good
steward of Your money and I ask that you would bring conviction into my heart by
the power of Your Holy Spirit. Show me the areas where I need to improve how I
handle your money so that I may honor You by using what You give me in a manner
that pleases You. I pray Lord that when I receive this financial blessings that you will
send me in the next few days, I will tithe to the ministry that you will call to my mind
the amount which You will put in my heart. Lord I know that You are able to supply
my needs according to your glorious riches in Christ Jesus. I know that you are the
God who gives me the ability to create wealth and I make a covenant with you today
that when you send me this financial blessing I will praise you for it no matter how
small it may be and I will continue to serve you with a grateful heart.

Lord I ask that you would cause me to have an undivided heart and mind towards
you. No servant can serve two masters. Either he will hate the one and love the
other, or he will be devoted to the one and despise the other. I know that I cannot
serve both You God and Money(Luke 16:13). Forgive me if I have misplaced my
worship and my focus. Bless me this day with the blessing that you gave our
forefather Abraham. Oh, that you would bless me and enlarge my territory! Let your
hand be with me, and keep me from harm so that I will be free from pain
(1Chronicles 4:10). In Jesus Name. AMEN.


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