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Table of Contents

 Inspection of Bridge Structure:

 Bridge Inspection Objectives:
 Bridge Inspection Engineer Duty:
 Bridge inspection Tools:
 Bridge Inspection Types:
o Routine Inspection of Bridge:
 Report:
 Follow-up Action:
o Principal Inspection of Bridge:
 Report:
 Follow-up Action:
o Special Inspection of Bridge:
 Report:
 Follow-up Action:
 Locations to be Specially Looked for Defects:
Inspection of Bridge Structure:
Inspection and readiness of an inventory are a matter of first importance in
any maintenance work. Various inspection types are there for bridge
rehabilitation work. Bridge Inspection is significant for checking the physical
condition and arranging maintenance exercises. Without legitimate inspection,
assessment of the structures’ requirements and arranging maintenance
exercises will be ineffective. Routine inspection of the Bridge, approach
viaducts, retaining walls, roads and others are significant structures that are
fundamental for the safety and serviceability of the equivalent after
development. During the inspection, it ought to be the point of the Inspection
Engineer to decide the reason for the deterioration.

Inspection of Bridge

Also, Read: Rusting of Iron Rebar in Concrete – Special Repairing

Bridge Inspection Objectives:
 The design lifetime of a bridge or flyover is around a hundred years and needs to
provide service for enormous traffic volume; in this way, keeping up serviceability
and retaining its reliability level during the lifetime deserves high priority from
techno-economic considerations.
 The absence of ordinary maintenance of the bridge or flyover may prompt
deterioration, preferably prior to its designed life.
 Concrete structures are exposed to many types of environmental influence; in this
way, it is crucial to prevent their deterioration.
 The aftereffects and maintenance work is to be precisely and comprehensively
recorded, including zero defects, with the goal that a complete history is promptly
accessible for all occasions.
Bridge Inspection Engineer Duty:
Every part of the works shall be inspected in a series, either by visual
inspection or by mechanical assessment, or both as per the need and
availability of equipment/instruments and accessibility. The visual inspection
has more weightage as it is likely to assess the overall integrity and structural
safety. Hence, careful visual inspection is a prerequisite for proper
maintenance as this can explain much hidden severe deterioration. Various
types of inspection persons engaged and their duties are mentioned below to
elaborate the inspection exercises:

 To provide a promise that the structure is structurally safe and fit for its operation
as per the design specification.
 Recognize potential causes of trouble at the earliest possible stage and propose
corrective and preventive measures.
 To record symmetrically and principally the vital information on which decision
can be taken for maintenance work, that is, repairs, strengthening or replacement
of the structure.
 Providing feedback data to designers and managers of bridges on those points
which are likely to arise maintenance problems and to which required attention is
best given during the design and construction stages.
Also, Read: Elastomeric Bridge Bearing – Advantages & Limitations
Bridge inspection Tools:
The tools mentioned below should generally be adequate for different types of
inspection, but NDT tests may also be required in case of Special Inspection.

Camera Straight edge Torchlight Clip Boards

Binocular Plump bob, Screwdrivers Chalks and mark

Pliers Spirit level Helmet Thermometer

Torque wrench Magnifying Glass Safety belt Inspection mirro

Feeler gauge Chipping hammer Scrapper and paper Pocket knife

Calliper Chisel Crack meter Wire brush

Also, Read: Blowholes/Surface voids/Bugholes in Concrete Surface

Bridge Inspection Types:
Based on the importance of structure and contribution to the whole project
and the safety of traffic movement, the whole inspection procedure shall be
divided into three categories. Following are the inspection types

 Routine Inspection of Bridge

 Principal Inspection of Bridge
 Special Inspection of Bridge
Routine Inspection of Bridge:
 Primarily, the routine inspection may be carried out once in two months for the
first three years.
 After that, a routine inspection of the existing structure may be carried out once in
three months as per the number of distress that happened and approval of higher
 The routine inspection report will initially depend on the visual examination of the
structure using conventional methods and standard inspection tools.
 Under routine inspection, the deficiencies which may lead to an accident or cause
huge maintenance and repair costs, if not attended to, would be reported.
Observations of Routine Inspection should be recorded in an Inspection
Register in a standard format to be developed by the organization.

Follow-up Action:
If any critical or significant distress is noticed during a routine inspection, the
matter should be reported to the senior-level engineer, and a detailed
inspection should be carried out.

Also, Read: Inspection of Bridges – Procedure & General Guidelines

Principal Inspection of Bridge:
 The Principal inspection would involve a more intensive and detailed examination
of elements of the structure. The first inspection shall be carried out just after the
completion of the project.
 After that, the principal inspection will be carried out at six-month intervals for the
first two years and once a year for the remaining period or as the Chief
Maintenance Manager decides.
 It will be primarily close visual assessment supplemented by standard
instrumented aids.
 The inspection shall be carried out by the Executive Maintenance Manager or
Specialist Agencies along with Inspector/ Maintenance Manager against a
comprehensive checklist.
 The frequency of the Principal inspections will be reduced in case routine
inspection reveals any distress. The Principal inspection shall be stressed,
especially in the following:
Reports of detailed inspection should be accurate and factual. Where there is
any uncertainty about the condition of any components or the structure as a
whole, it should be clearly mentioned in the report. It should be sufficiently
complete to accurately assess the structural load carrying capacity or with
other related information based on which detailed analysis of its capacity may
be carried out. It should also provide sufficient information for programming of
any maintenance or other work if required.

Follow-up Action:
As per the findings of the detailed inspection and test reports, the decision
should be taken regarding the further line of action in consultation with the
design consultants, including instructions as to whether a particular inspection
is called for.

Also, Read: Maintenance of Bridges – General Planning & procedure

Special Inspection of Bridge:
 The special inspection shall be undertaken during unusual occurrences such as
accidents, passages of unusual heavy loads, severe earthquakes, floods, significant
weaknesses noticed during routine or principal inspections, unusual settlement of
foundations and substantial changes in the traffic pattern.
 When other bridges of a similar design and constructed almost at the same time are
showing some distress, the Bridge in question shall be subjected to special
 Such inspections shall require additional testing and the input of the design
organizations or experts if necessary.
 This inspection shall be carried out as and when required.
Observations of Special inspection in case of distresses should be recorded
on a separate register called “Special Inspection Register”. As regards the
special inspections, which are to be done immediately in case of accidents
and severe earthquakes of intensity more than that for which it has been
designed, etc., observations should be recorded as a separate note.

Follow-up Action:
As per the findings of special inspection and test reports, the decision should
be taken regarding the further course of action in consultation with the
concerned authority.
Also, Read: Causes, Prevention and Repair of Concrete Surface Defects
Locations to be Specially Looked for Defects:
 Drainage spouts  The bottom slab in box girder  General condition

 Joints in segmental construction  Box girder webs  Top and bottom of the

 Expansion joints  Girder Diaphragms  Support point of beari

 Elastomeric/POT-PTFE Bearings  Junction of girders and  Top and bottom flang

diaphragm girder
Maintenance of structures generally gets neglected because of a
misconception that once constructed, it does not need substantial
maintenance, particularly in the first couple of decades after construction.
However, concrete is a heterogeneous material, and its durability depends
mainly on quality control during production, workmanship and condition of
exposure. So, to keep the structure in good condition, it has to be inspected
routine basis and maintained in a well-planned manner.

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