Christian Religious Studies SS2 3RD Term Week 3.

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3rd Term


Subject Christian Religious Studies
Theme Concern’s for One’s Nation
Topic Concern’s for One’s Nation
Text 2 kings 24:1-17, 2 kings 25:1-17
Class level SS2
Instructional By the end of the lesson, the students should be able to :
objective/learning 1. Explain the destruction of Jerusalem
Instructional White board, marker, board cleaner, Bible, scripted lesson, text book
materials Note book, Picture of Jesus, Mary and Martha
Teacher The lesson requires that you make the resources available beforehand
preparation for the 1. Bible
lesson 2. Textbook
Teaching method Class discussion, presentation, learners Report back
Lesson procedure Time Teacher's activity Student's activity Core skills
Step 1: 3 mins Guides students to read1. Students 3. Collaboration
Identification of prior the biblical text and read the biblical text Listening skill
ideas summaries the bible2. Discuss the
4. Critical thinking
passage destruction of
Step 2 : 10 The teacher explains the 1 Listen 1. Listening skill
Main lesson mins captivity and destruction attentively 2. Critical reasoning
of Jerusalem 2 Discuss the
captivity and
destruction of
Step 3: 10 Teacher share the 1. Students 1. Communicat
mins class into groups discuss the ion
Application in-class captivity and 2. Collaboratio
exercise destruction of n
2. They make
presentation from
each group
Step 4: 4 mins Describe the event that
Evaluation lead to the captivity of
the Jews

Step 5 3 mins Describe the situation that lead to the destruction of the temple.
Take Assignment

A Nation as a corporate entity undergoes some turbulent times. This may be
political, economic or social problems. In this face of these problems that people show
for their nation by identifying themselves with these problems and offering solutions.
The Nation of Israel underwent series of political turmoil that almost led to the
destruction of the nation.
In the series of battle led to the final destruction of Judah, Pharaoh New of Egypt was
the first to come up against the Land. Pharaoh new made Bliakim king in place of his
brother, Jehoaiakim and changed his name to Jehoiakim. He took Jehoahaz away to
Egypt where he died. Jeheiakim was a stooge of pharaoh Neco who he used to collect
taxes from the people of Judah. Subsequently Egypt was defeated by Babylon under
king Nebuchadnezzar. Following this defeat, King Jehoikim became the servant of
Nebuchadnezzar for three years before he rebelled aguist Nebuchadnezzar. To crush
this rebellion Nebuchadnezzar sent a contingent of Chaldeans, Syrians, Moabites and
Ammonites to destroy Judah. It has earlier been prophesied that the Lord would send
enemies to destroy Judah because of their atrocities of their King and the unfaithness
in serving the Lord who brought them out of Egypt.
Subject Christian Religious Studies
Theme Concern’s for One’s Nation
Topic Concern’s for One’s Nation
Text Nehemiah1:1-11, 2: 9 – 20
Class level SS2
Instructional of At the end lesson, the students should be able to :
objective 1. Discuss the condition of the Nation after its destruction

Instructional White board, marker, board cleaner, Bible, scripted lesson, text book
Teacher This lesson requires that you make the resources available beforehand
preparation for 1. Bible
the lesson 2. Textbook
Teaching 1. Class discussion 2. Presentation, 3. Learners Report back
Lesson Time Teacher's Student activity Core skill.
procedure activity
Step 1 3 mins 1. Teacher 1. students read the 1. Collaboration
Identification guides bible text 2. Critical thinking
of prior Ideas students to 2. discuss the
read the bible condition of the
text. Nation
2. Summaries
the biblical
Step 2 10 The teacher Students listen to the 1. Critical thinking
Main lesson mins explains the explanation and discuss 2. Communication
report on the the condition of the nation.
condition of the
Step 3 10 Shares the class Students discuss the role 1. Communication
Application in- mins into groups of Nehemiah, Ezar and 2. Collaboration
class exercise Zerubbabel

Step 4 4 mins Describe the 1. Responds to the

Evaluation condition of the questionsand give
nation after its themselves Chairs
destruction 2. Active participation
Step 5
/further learning

RESPONSE TO THE STATE OF THE NATION (Nehemiah 1;1-11, 2:9 – 20, 4: 1-
23,Ezra 1:1-11, 4 5:1-2, 6: 13- 22, 7: 1-10)
Following the conquest of Israel by Babylon, Israel did not exist again and a nation,
many of the people were taken as capative to Babylon, though they were not enslaved
but the settle in a particular area. They were allowed to acquire their own properly
while in a strange land most of the attained positions of importance in the government
of the land. Late Persia defeated Babylon and became world power. It was during the
first year of cyrus, king of Persia, that God stirredhis spirit and he issued a decree for
all the Jews to return to Jerusalem and rebuild the house of God and called people to
support them financially. King Cyrus returned 5,469 vessels of Gold and silver which
king Nebuchadnezzar had taken from the house of God in Jerusalem. These items
were handled over to shashbazzer, the prince of Judah to be returned to Jerusalem.
As a result of this decree, Various Jewish pariots rose up to the assignment
and played various roles which finally saw the establishment of Israel as a nation.
Reputable men among them were Zerubbabel, Ezra and Nehemiah, Zerubbabel had
about 50,000 Jews to Jerusalem to rebuild the temple of God. Some Samaritians Jews
offered to help in the work but their offer was turned down and this made them to
mount stiff opposition and make several attempts to frustrate the people’s efforts in
building the temple. Those who opposed the rebuild of the temple are Bishlam,
Mithreadath and Tabeel. The more they oppose the builders the more they succeeded
because God was with them.
They completed the building in twenty years after arrival from exile but the wall
was not rebuilt. Nehemiah received the report of the state of the Nation, he used his
position as was granted and promised to give financial assistance to them.
Nehemiah and his people also faced opposition particularly from samballat and Tobiah
but God was with them, they were able to complete the project. Later Ezra, a jewish
Scribe, versed in the Laws of Moses, the ordinances and the status, came back with
about 6,000 Jews and his aim was to carry out religions reforms.

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