MIA 2. Assembly Language Programming

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MIA 2.

Assembly Language Programming

ChatGPT 3.5

Assembly Language Programming


Assembly language programming involves writing instructions in a low-level programming

language that is specific to a particular computer architecture. Each instruction in assembly
language directly corresponds to a machine instruction understood by the computer's processor.

Here are some key aspects of assembly language programming:

1. Low-Level Language: Assembly language is considered a low-level language because it

provides a way to interact directly with the hardware. Unlike high-level languages like Python
or Java, which are designed to be easy for humans to read and write, assembly language is
much closer to the actual hardware and requires a deeper understanding of the computer's

2. Instruction Set: Each computer architecture has its own instruction set, which defines the set
of operations that can be performed by the processor. Assembly language instructions directly
map to these operations. For example, instructions might include basic arithmetic operations
like addition and subtraction, memory manipulation operations like loading and storing
values, and control flow operations like branching and jumping.

3. Registers and Memory: Assembly language instructions typically involve working with
registers (small, fast storage locations within the processor) and memory (larger, slower
storage locations outside the processor). Assembly language programs often manipulate data
stored in registers and memory to perform computations or interact with the outside world.

4. Assembler: Assembly language code is translated into machine code (binary instructions that
the processor can execute) using a program called an assembler. The assembler takes the
human-readable assembly language code and converts it into the binary format understood
by the computer.

5. Debugging and Optimization: Debugging assembly language programs can be challenging

due to the low-level nature of the language and the direct interaction with hardware.
Optimization techniques often involve careful consideration of the underlying hardware
architecture to maximize performance.

6. Platform Specific: Assembly language code is typically specific to a particular processor

architecture or family of processors. Code written for one type of processor may not run on
another without modification.

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Overall, while assembly language programming can be complex and require a deep understanding
of computer architecture, it provides a level of control and performance that is often necessary for
certain types of applications, such as system-level programming, device drivers, and performance-
critical applications.

Jump, Loop and Call Instructions


Jump, loop, and call instructions are fundamental components of assembly language programming
used for controlling program flow and executing specific segments of code. Here's a brief overview
of each:

1. Jump Instructions:

Jump instructions, also known as branch instructions, allow the program to transfer
control to a different part of the code based on a condition or an unconditional transfer.
Conditional jump instructions typically evaluate a condition and transfer control to a
different memory location (specified by a label or an address) if the condition is met.
Unconditional jump instructions transfer control to a specified memory location
unconditionally, without any condition check.
Examples of jump instructions include `JMP` (unconditional jump), `JE` (jump if equal),
`JNE` (jump if not equal), `JG` (jump if greater), `JMP` (jump to subroutine), etc.

2. Loop Instructions:

Loop instructions are used to execute a block of code repeatedly for a specified number
of iterations or until a particular condition is met.
The `LOOP` instruction is a common loop instruction found in assembly language. It
decrements the loop counter (typically stored in a register like `ECX`) and jumps back to
the beginning of the loop until the counter reaches zero.
Loop instructions are often used in combination with other instructions to implement
loops with different exit conditions or loop structures.

3. Call Instructions:

Call instructions are used for calling subroutines or functions within a program.
When a call instruction is executed, the current execution state (including the return
address) is saved, and control is transferred to the subroutine.
After the subroutine finishes execution, it typically returns control back to the instruction
following the call instruction.
Examples of call instructions include `CALL`, `CALLF`, `CALLP`, etc.

These instructions are crucial for controlling the flow of execution in assembly language programs.
They allow programmers to implement conditional logic, loops, and subroutine calls, enabling the
creation of complex algorithms and programs. Understanding how to use these instructions
effectively is essential for writing efficient and functional assembly language code.

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I/O Port Programming


I/O port programming in assembly language involves interacting with the input/output (I/O) ports
of a computer system to communicate with external devices such as keyboards, displays, storage
devices, and other peripherals. Here's a basic overview of how I/O port programming works:

1. Port Addresses:

Each I/O device in a computer system is assigned one or more port addresses. These
addresses are typically 16-bit or 32-bit values that represent the location of the device's
registers within the I/O address space.
Different devices have different port addresses assigned by the system or specified by
the device manufacturer.

2. Accessing Ports:

In assembly language, accessing I/O ports involves using specific instructions or

commands provided by the processor architecture.
Common instructions for accessing ports include `IN` (input) and `OUT` (output). These
instructions transfer data between processor registers and I/O ports.
The `IN` instruction reads data from a specified port address into a processor register,
while the `OUT` instruction writes data from a register to a specified port address.

3. Device Communication:

To communicate with a specific device, the programmer needs to know the port
addresses associated with that device and the protocol or communication scheme used
by the device.
For example, to send data to a display device, the programmer might write data to a
specific port address associated with the display controller.
Similarly, to read data from a keyboard, the programmer might read data from a port
address associated with the keyboard controller.

4. Input and Output Operations:

Input operations involve reading data from an external device into the computer system.
For example, reading keystrokes from a keyboard or reading sensor data from a sensor
Output operations involve sending data from the computer system to an external device.
For example, displaying characters on a screen or controlling the operation of a motor.

5. Device Drivers:

I/O port programming is often used in the development of device drivers, which are
software components responsible for enabling communication between the operating
system and hardware devices.

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Device drivers typically contain code written in assembly language and other
programming languages to manage the interaction with specific hardware devices.

I/O port programming requires a good understanding of the hardware architecture of the computer
system and the specific devices being controlled or communicated with. It provides low-level access
to hardware devices, making it suitable for tasks that require precise control and performance
optimization. However, it also requires careful attention to detail and can be complex due to the
diversity of hardware configurations and communication protocols.

Addressing Modes


Addressing modes in assembly language determine how the operands of an instruction are
specified, i.e., how the CPU locates the data to operate on. Different addressing modes provide
flexibility in writing assembly language code and can optimize memory usage and execution speed.
Here are some common addressing modes:

1. Immediate Addressing:

In immediate addressing, the operand is a constant value or an immediate data.

For example, in x86 assembly language, `MOV AX, 5` moves the immediate value 5 into
the AX register.

2. Direct Addressing:

In direct addressing, the operand is the memory address where the data is stored.
For example, `MOV AX, [1234]` moves the value stored at memory address 1234 into the
AX register.

3. Register Addressing:

In register addressing, the operand is the content of a register.

For example, `MOV AX, BX` moves the content of the BX register into the AX register.

4. Indirect Addressing:

In indirect addressing, the operand is a memory address stored in a register or memory

For example, `MOV AX, [BX]` moves the value stored at the memory address pointed to
by the BX register into the AX register.

5. Indexed Addressing:

In indexed addressing, the operand is computed by adding a constant value or the

content of another register (the index register) to a base address.
For example, `MOV AX, [BX+SI]` uses the sum of the BX and SI registers as the memory
address for the operand.

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6. Relative Addressing:

Relative addressing is used for branching instructions where the operand is a

displacement relative to the current instruction pointer or program counter.
For example, `JMP label` jumps to the memory location specified by the label.

7. Stack Addressing:

Stack addressing involves pushing data onto the stack or popping data from the stack.
For example, `PUSH AX` pushes the content of the AX register onto the stack.

These addressing modes provide flexibility in accessing data and instructions in memory and
registers, allowing programmers to write efficient and concise assembly language code. The choice
of addressing mode depends on factors such as the type of operation being performed, memory
layout, and performance considerations.



Arithmetic operations in assembly language involve manipulating numerical data stored in registers
or memory. Here are the common arithmetic instructions used in assembly language programming:

1. Addition:

Addition is performed using instructions like `ADD`, which adds two operands and stores
the result in a destination operand.
Example: `ADD AX, BX` adds the content of the BX register to the AX register and stores
the result in AX.

2. Subtraction:

Subtraction is performed using instructions like `SUB`, which subtracts one operand from
another and stores the result in a destination operand.
Example: `SUB AX, BX` subtracts the content of the BX register from the AX register and
stores the result in AX.

3. Multiplication:

Multiplication is performed using instructions like `MUL` (unsigned multiplication) or

`IMUL` (signed multiplication).
Example: `MUL BX` multiplies the content of the AX register (treated as an unsigned
number) by the content of the BX register and stores the result in AX.

4. Division:

Division is performed using instructions like `DIV` (unsigned division) or `IDIV` (signed

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Example: `DIV BX` divides the content of the DX:AX register pair (treated as an unsigned
number) by the content of the BX register. The quotient is stored in AX, and the
remainder is stored in DX.

5. Increment and Decrement:

Increment (increase by one) and decrement (decrease by one) operations are performed
using instructions like `INC` and `DEC`.
Example: `INC CX` increments the content of the CX register by one.

6. Negation:

Negation changes the sign of a value. It's typically achieved by subtracting the value from
Example: `NEG AX` negates the content of the AX register by subtracting it from zero.

7. Bitwise Operations:

Bitwise operations like AND, OR, XOR, and NOT are used to manipulate individual bits
within values.
Example: `AND AX, BX` performs a bitwise AND operation between the contents of the AX
and BX registers and stores the result in AX.

These arithmetic instructions allow assembly language programmers to perform various

mathematical operations necessary for implementing algorithms, calculations, and data processing
tasks. Understanding how to use these instructions efficiently is essential for writing effective
assembly language code.

Logic Instructions and programs


Logic instructions in assembly language are used to perform bitwise logical operations on binary
data. These operations manipulate individual bits within binary numbers and are fundamental for
tasks such as data manipulation, bitwise calculations, and boolean logic operations. Here are some
common logic instructions and examples of their usage:

1. AND (Logical AND):

The `AND` instruction performs a bitwise AND operation between two operands.
Syntax: `AND destination, source`
Example: `AND AX, BX` performs a bitwise AND operation between the contents of the AX
and BX registers and stores the result in AX.

2. OR (Logical OR):

The `OR` instruction performs a bitwise OR operation between two operands.

Syntax: `OR destination, source`

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Example: `OR AX, BX` performs a bitwise OR operation between the contents of the AX
and BX registers and stores the result in AX.

3. XOR (Logical Exclusive OR):

The `XOR` instruction performs a bitwise exclusive OR operation between two operands.
Syntax: `XOR destination, source`
Example: `XOR AX, BX` performs a bitwise exclusive OR operation between the contents
of the AX and BX registers and stores the result in AX.

4. NOT (Logical NOT or One's Complement):

The `NOT` instruction performs a bitwise complement (negation) of the operand.

Syntax: `NOT operand`
Example: `NOT AX` performs a bitwise complement of the AX register, flipping all its bits.

5. TEST (Logical Compare):

The `TEST` instruction performs a bitwise AND operation between two operands but does
not store the result. It updates the processor's flags register based on the result.
Syntax: `TEST operand1, operand2`
Example: `TEST AX, AX` performs a bitwise AND operation between the contents of the
AX register and itself, updating the flags register.

Logic instructions are often used in combination with arithmetic instructions and conditional
branching to implement algorithms, perform data validation, and control program flow based on
boolean conditions.

Here's a simple example of a program that uses logic instructions to perform bitwise operations:


num1 DW 1010b ; Binary representation of 10
num2 DW 1100b ; Binary representation of 12
result DW ?


; Perform bitwise AND operation

AND num1, num2 ; Result in num1: 1000b (Binary representation of 8)

; Perform bitwise OR operation

OR num1, num2 ; Result in num1: 1100b (Binary representation of 12)

; Perform bitwise XOR operation

XOR num1, num2 ; Result in num1: 0100b (Binary representation of 4)

; Perform bitwise NOT operation

NOT num2 ; Result in num2: 0011b (Binary representation of -13)

; Store the result

MOV result, num1

; Terminate the program

INT 21h

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This assembly program performs bitwise AND, OR, XOR, and NOT operations on binary numbers
stored in memory and stores the results back in memory.

data types and time delay


In assembly language programming, data types are typically less rigidly defined compared to
higher-level languages like C or Python. Instead, data types are more directly related to the size and
interpretation of data stored in memory. Here are some common data types and how they are

1. Byte (8 bits):

The smallest addressable unit of memory.

It can represent values from 0 to 255 (unsigned) or -128 to 127 (signed).
Example: `BYTE`, `DB` (define byte).

2. Word (16 bits):

Consists of two bytes.

It can represent values from 0 to 65535 (unsigned) or -32768 to 32767 (signed).
Example: `WORD`, `DW` (define word).

3. Double Word (32 bits):

Consists of four bytes.

It can represent values from 0 to 4294967295 (unsigned) or -2147483648 to 2147483647
Example: `DWORD`, `DD` (define double word).

4. Quad Word (64 bits):

Consists of eight bytes.

It can represent extremely large values.
Example: `QWORD`, `DQ` (define quad word).

These data types are used to define variables and memory locations in assembly language
programs. The choice of data type depends on the range of values that need to be stored and the
memory requirements of the program.

As for time delays in assembly language, they can be implemented using various techniques
depending on the specific hardware and requirements of the program. Here are a few common

1. Loop Delay:

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One of the simplest methods involves using a loop with a predetermined number of
iterations to introduce a delay.


MOV CX, 1000 ; Set loop counter

DEC CX ; Decrement loop counter
JNZ Loop ; Jump back if not zero

2. Timer Interrupts:

Assembly language programs can also utilize timer interrupts provided by the hardware
to create precise delays.
Example: Configuring and handling timer interrupts to generate accurate time delays.

3. Busy Waiting:

In some cases, particularly in embedded systems programming, busy waiting (polling)

may be used, where the program continuously checks a hardware timer or counter until
the desired delay has elapsed.


MOV CX, 1000 ; Set delay count

NOP ; Do nothing (optional)
LOOP DelayLoop

4. Delay Instructions:

Some processors may provide specific instructions or mechanisms for generating delays.
Example: On Intel x86 processors, the `INT 15h` interrupt with the `AH=86h` function can
be used to create a delay in microseconds.

The choice of method depends on factors such as required precision, available hardware resources,
and the specific application's timing requirements.

Interfacing to External Memory

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Interfacing with external memory in assembly language programming involves accessing memory
devices that are external to the processor, such as RAM, ROM, EEPROM, or other memory-mapped
peripherals. The process typically requires understanding the memory organization of the target
system and using appropriate instructions or communication protocols to read from and write to
external memory.

Here's a general overview of how interfacing with external memory works in assembly language:

1. Memory Organization:

Before interfacing with external memory, you need to understand its organization,
including its address space, data width, and any specific protocols required for
Determine the starting address and size of the memory space you want to access.

2. Addressing:

Use appropriate addressing modes and instructions to access memory locations within
the external memory address space.
For example, if the external memory is mapped to specific address ranges, use direct
addressing or indexed addressing to access data at those addresses.

3. Data Transfer:

Use load (`MOV`) and store instructions to transfer data between processor registers and
external memory locations.
For example, to read data from external memory into a register:


MOV AX, [memory_address] ; Load data from memory into AX register

And to write data from a register to external memory:


MOV [memory_address], AX ; Store data from AX register into memory

4. Control Signals:

In some cases, interfacing with external memory may require controlling additional
signals beyond just the address and data lines. These signals could include read/write
signals, chip select signals, and timing signals.
Ensure that these control signals are properly configured and synchronized with data

5. Initialization and Configuration:

Before accessing external memory, you may need to initialize and configure it according
to the requirements of your application.

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This could involve setting up timing parameters, configuring communication protocols,
and performing any necessary initialization routines.

6. Error Handling:

Implement error handling mechanisms to detect and handle any errors that may occur
during memory access, such as bus contention, data corruption, or timeout conditions.

7. Testing and Debugging:

Test your memory access routines thoroughly to ensure they work as expected.
Use debugging tools, such as simulators or hardware debuggers, to troubleshoot any
issues that arise during memory access.

Interfacing with external memory in assembly language can be complex, especially when dealing
with low-level details of memory organization and communication protocols. However, it's essential
for many embedded systems and real-time applications where direct control over memory access is
required for optimal performance and functionality.

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