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NAME: Peralta, Casey Amber J.



TOPIC: Role of Social Sciences in our Lives.


Social Science a multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary approach to study society. Its diverse subfields,
namely economics, political science, sociology, geography, anthropology, psychology, and history, are
important training grounds for various careers and professions in the public and private sectors. The
social sciences has a huge part on us since most, if not all, of the topic revolves around us, the humans. It
studies our history, how we act in society, our behaviors, and other things. These subfields can also
provide profession such as; psychiatrists, sociologists, anthropologists, lawyer, economist, and many

Economics. Economics is the study of the optimum allocation of resources and how individuals interact
within the social structure to address issues on production, distribution, and consumption of goods and
services. It is explains the question(s) “who gets what and why.” I don’t have much knowledge on
Economics but what I do know is that it involves the production, distribution, and consumption, both
individually and collectively of resources.

Political Science studies the different forms and processes of government and the concepts of state,
power, ideology, and politics and the effects of these concepts on individuals and groups in society.
Political science involves the law, politics, government, and the state. For me, political science is an
important field of study (all of them are) since it involves the law and how to govern a state/country or
overall it’s about politics, which itself is a hard subject to study.

Sociology studies people’s behavior in groups rather than the individual. This field of study is interesting
for me because it involves studying how people act towards their peers or in groups. It also studies how
people act towards the environment they are in. It studies social structures, collective human action, social
relationships, culture, and even the impact of social contexts on individual behavior.
Geography studies the interaction between people and their environment. Geography involves the natural
features of the earth including land, water, and atmosphere. It is the study of Earth's landscapes, peoples,
places and environments.

Anthropology. Anthropologists study culture in the past and present times. It studies the cultures and
language of past and present times. It also studies archaeology (the things that were left behind by the
people from the past.)

Psychology studies how the human mind works in consonance with the body to produce thoughts that
lead to individual actions. I’ve always liked psychology because the idea of studying the behavior and the
mentality of the human mind is interesting for me. The study of how and why they act that way. Studying
more complex disorders such as BPD, Bipolar Disorder, Depression, Severe Anxiety, etc. I would also
like to study how a person with PTSD cope with their trauma. Or the more in-depth of coping
mechanisms. I would also want to know how do you exactly “cure” these mental illnesses. Psychology is
a complex subject that I wish to study because of its interesting topics that I may use to help other people.

History studies past human events to understand the meaning, dynamics, and relationship of the causes
and effects of events as they happen through time. It studies the things that happened in the past and how
did it happen. It tries to fill in the blanks of certain historical events such as the rumor that Anastasia
Romanov (from the Romanov family) is alive after the slaughter of her family. But in truth, Anastasia
died with her family but her remains were discarded away from them. Or how exactly World War 1 and
World War 2 started and how it ended. Or what exactly happened in Pearl Harbor.

All of the topics/subfields of the Social Science are all interesting, complexed, and important. They all are
interesting to study and t understand because they mostly focus on the behavior of humans and such.
They’re all complex because you need to get a better understanding of them that is why you need to study
the topic/subfield. To get a better understanding of them is to start analyzing them (the subject) more. Be
attentive of things and such. They’re all important because they have a role in our society and it helps us
get a better understanding on society and humanity.

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