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Platform (AIBP)

AIBP at a Glance
Since its inception in 2012, the ASEAN Innovation Business Platform (AIBP) has
served as an avenue for public and private enterprises across ASEAN to


information about innovative the level of innovation within for innovative digital
digital transformation their own organisations transformation journeys
journeys both from the region which serve as lighthouses for
and internationally other enterprises to model

We do this through AIBP Channels of Engagement which focuses on markets and

verticals in ASEAN
AIBP Channels of Engagement
General Information
and Purpose
The Enterprise Innovation Awards was established in 2017 by AIBP with
the key objective of giving recognition to organisations who have embarked
on projects to digitally transform their business through the adoption of
innovative technology. The awards are held annually in the following
ASEAN countries: Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Thailand and Vietnam

Guidelines Scan here to

Nomination is free of charge

Each company can nominate up to a maximum of 2 projects; 1 for each

Data : Recognizing projects in Data and Artificial Intelligence-driven
Digital Transformation.
General : Acknowledging all other types of Digital Transformation
Written nominations and when applicable, a presentation for Finalists will be
evaluated and ranked by a country judging committee.

The judging committee comprises of representatives from local government

agencies and technology solution providers with knowledge of local digital
transformation projects

To be eligible for an award:

The firm must be based in the country of nomination and the project was
implemented in the country of nomination

The project was launched, in part or in full within the last 12 calendar months
of the nomination date,


The project was launched more than 12 calendar months preceding the
nomination date and had recent innovations to improve the
Join the Ranks of Digital
Transformation Leaders
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2023 Nominate

Indonesia Malaysia Philippines Thailand Vietnam







Media Coverage

and More....

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Entitlement for
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1. Winners Plaque and Certificate to be presented at AIBP Conference and Exhibition

2. Invitation for up to 3 individuals to attend the AIBP ASEAN Innovation Retreat,

including flights and accommodation expenses provided by AIBP
Entitlement for
Scan here to Nominate

3. Opportunity to present the winning project and innovation journey at AIBP

activities held in Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Thailand, Singapore or Vietnam,
including flight and accommodation expenses provided by AIBP

4. Winning project to be featured in 2024/2025 ASEAN Enterprise Innovation

Market Report

5. Opportunity to nominate a guest speaker for ASEAN B2B Growth Podcast

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Entitlement for
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20 complimentary Attendee Passes for staff of the firm to attend AIBP Finalist showcase
Online discussions throughout the presentation weeks
10 Complimentary passes to attend in country AIBP Conference and Exhibition (C&E),
including access to the keynote session.
16th & 17th July, Bangkok, Thailand
6th & 7th August, Jakarta, Indonesia
3rd & 4th September, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
17th & 18th September, Manila, Philippines
15th & 16th October, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
2 Complimentary passes to attend the Private Lunch Networking Session at AIBP C&E
Opportunity to nominate a guest panelist to be part of AIBP C&E or AIBP Online
Full access to AIBP’s online library of digital content. Two complimentary access codes
will be allocated to the Company, each for 6-month subscription to online presentations
of digitalisation projects in ASEAN.
2024 Innovation
Award Timeline
Scan here to Nominations Open
Nominate Proceed to the online nomination
Fill out the company and
representative details
Nominations Close
11 March 2024
Nominations will be screened by an
independent panel of judges

Finalists Notification
10 April 2024
Finalists will be shortlisted, and notified of
their participation in the Finalist showcase
along with their allocated presentation
Finalists' Showcase location, date and time slots.
8 - 31 May 2024
Finalists for General Category will
complete online presentations via Zoom
Finalist for Data Category will complete in-
person presentations in 1 of the following Winners Notification
locations (Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia; 18 June 2024
Bangkok, Thailand; or Jakarta, Indonesia) Winners of the awards will be notified
after written nominations and
presentations are reviewed by a final
Award Presentations judging panel.
16th & 17th July, Bangkok,
6th & 7th August, Jakarta
3rd & 4th September, Kuala Lumpur
PR and Podcast Features
17th & 18th September, Manila
There are no
15th & 16th October, Ho Chi Minh City financial obligations
for winning the
1. Is there any financial obligations required upon nomination or winning the
There is no financial obligations for nominating or winning the award.

2. How many award winners will there be for 2024 ASEAN Enterprise
Innovation Award?
There will be Two Award winners per country.
One award in each of the following categories will be selected for each country:

Data & AI Category: General Category:

Data, Artificial Intelligence Type All Other Digital Transformation
Digital Transformation Projects Projects

Projects submitted under this category

Projects in this category encompass a wide
should have data as the primary driver and
range of digital transformation initiatives
foundation for digital transformation efforts.
that may incorporate data analysis but do not
Data analysis, data-driven decision-making,
primarily revolve around it.
and substantial utilization of Artificial
Data analysis can be a part of the project, but
Intelligence or advanced analytics should be
it is not the primary driver or the core focus.
central to the project's success.

Projects in this category could include:

Automating business processes through
Projects in this category could include: robotic process automation (RPA)
Building a data-driven recommendation Implementing a customer relationship
engine for an online streaming service. management (CRM) system to enhance
Implementing an AI-powered fraud customer interactions, even if it involves
detection system in the financial sector. some data management.
Developing a predictive maintenance Reimagining Business Models:
solution for manufacturing using IoT Transforming traditional business
and data analytics. models to adapt to the digital age, such
as transitioning from brick-and-mortar
retail to online sales.

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3. Is there any format requirement/powerpoint template from AIBP for the

No, AIBP does not require finalists to use a fixed template - feel free to use your
own template. However, we do recommend finalists to use a slide size of 16:9 aspect
4. How will nominations be assessed?
Written nominations and presentations are reviewed by a final judging panel.
Nominations will be assessed based on the criteria below

Criteria Description

The idea behind the nomination/project is clear, with innovative
Statement &
use of technology to address the problem statement.

The project presented was well-executed, innovative and helped

the organisation to reap benefits including cost-saving, operational
efficiency and revenue generation.

Future Plans & The nomination/project will be developed further as part of the
Potential overall innovation strategy.

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5. Can you Share How a Sample Nomination Looks like?
Describe the motivation for the enterprise to embark on digital transformation (maximum 250
Guidelines: The below paragraph should provide a short introduction of the Nominee's operating
environment and the reason why the nominee decided to embark on digital transformation.
Our motivation for embarking on digital transformation is to improve our customers' experience and stay
competitive in our field. We are a manufacturing company that specializes in producing high-tech equipment for
various industries, and the pace of technological advancement in our field is rapid. In order to stay competitive, we
need to have accurate, up-to-date information on our production and efficiency so we can make data-driven
decisions and optimize our operations. In addition, we are committed to providing the highest quality products and
services to our customers, while also being sustainable in our operations.

To achieve these goals, we needed to digitize and centralize our data and information, so we could easily access and
analyze it in real-time. We also wanted to use data analytics to gain insights and improve our decision-making
process. Furthermore, We wanted to be more effective in utilizing the wealth of knowledge and best practices we
have accumulated over the years. To do this, we have been implementing digital technologies such as IoT and big
data analytics to digitize and centralize our data and information, making it more easily accessible and actionable.

Describe the digital transformation initiatives that the enterprise has embarked on in the past
9-12 months (maximum 250 words)*
Guidelines: The below paragraph should discuss the steps taken to implement the digital transformation
initiative. Why is this product/solution unique or innovative compared to others in the market? How has the
implementation of the solution brought benefit to end-users or customers? Do also mention the use of any
frontier technology(ies) such as IoT, AI, Robotics, Immersive Tech, Blockchain etc.
We have embarked on several digital transformation initiatives to improve our operations and stay competitive in
our field over the past year.
One of the main initiatives we have implemented is the digitisation of our production and quality metrics data. We
have developed a QC application that allows us to collect, analyse and report on the quality data from our
production lines in real-time. This has helped us to identify and resolve quality issues quickly, and improve our
overall product quality.

Another initiative that we have implemented is the use of on-field android applications for warehouse management.
These applications have improved the efficiency and accuracy of our warehouse operations by allowing us to track
inventory, manage shipments and monitor performance in real-time. We have also implemented an automated
storage system which has helped us to optimise the usage of our warehouse space and streamline our inventory
management process. We have installed sensors at different levels of production to estimate the production at each

In addition, we have developed a real-time cost analysis dashboard that allows us to track and analyse production
costs in real-time. This has helped us to identify and reduce unnecessary costs and improve our profitability.
Furthermore, we have implemented Reporting and Analysis tools to track and analyse our production data, which
helps us to identify trends, detect bottlenecks and take action in order to optimise the production process.

Lastly, we have implemented infrastructure monitoring tools that provide us with real-time visibility into the
performance of our IT infrastructure and help us to anticipate and prevent issues before they become critical.
5. Can you Share How a Sample Nomination Looks like?
Describe the results that are seen in the past 9-12 months, following these digital
transformation initiatives (maximum 200 words)*
Guidelines: The below paragraph should discuss the results of the digital transformation initiative. It should
describe What is measured and how current results compare with historical performance.

Since implementing these digital transformation initiatives, we have seen significant improvements in our
operations. The digitization of our production and quality metrics data has greatly improved the efficiency and
accuracy of our operations. With the QC application, we have better collaboration and real-time decision making
capabilities, and no longer have to rely on manually updating data in Excel, a tedious and human-intensive process.

Our warehouse management system (WMS) has also seen improvements thanks to the use of on-field android
applications. Real-time updates on the field have made it easier for our on-field staff to identify and track inventory,
resulting in increased efficiency and faster shipping. Additionally, the automation of spare parts tracking has
reduced redundancy and dearth of stock, leading to less downtime and maximum utilization of resources.

We have also implemented infrared sensors and counters in our production process to estimate losses at each stage
more accurately. This has helped us to increase productivity and quality by understanding the problems more

In addition, the use of a real-time cost analysis dashboard has helped us to define the selling price to our
distributors more effectively and reduce the risk of incorrect pricing, while also providing control over the cost of
production. Our reporting and analysis capabilities have been greatly improved through automation. Real-time data
from multiple machines and locations is now easily accessible, providing us with better insights than before, and
allowing us to understand our progress and take steps to improve.
5. Can you Share How a Sample Nomination Looks like?
Describe plans to develop the above initiative further or how the above initiative is a part of
the overall digital transformation strategy (maximum 200 words)*
Guidelines: The below paragraph should discuss the scalability of the digital transformation initiative and how
it fits into a larger plan. Or, how the initiative can be scaled up or developed further as part of the firms
The digital transformation initiatives we have implemented in the past 9-12 months are just the beginning of our
overall strategy to become a fully digital organization in the next 2 years. Our goal is to transform ourselves in line
with tech companies and stay ahead of our competitors.

We plan to automate as much of our processes as possible and eliminate human intervention wherever feasible.
Additionally, we want to implement new trends in the industry such as IoT, data sciences, machine learning, and big

To achieve these goals, we plan to integrate all of our data into a single system where we can effectively utilize all of
our data. We also plan to phase out our legacy applications and move to modern platforms. We also intend to
enhance our network and system security to safeguard our organization from any cyber-attacks.

We also plan to digitalize and eliminate all of our manual data wherever we can and minimize human intervention
by using sensors and APIs to interact with machines and automate the collection process. Our goal is to move from
a people-centric organization to a data and people-centric organization.

As a part of our strategy, we plan to migrate our existing ERP to a new one that is cloud and IoT ready. This will help
us to connect and analyze data from different machines and systems in real-time. Lastly, we also plan to implement
at least one data science project, specifically targeting our production quality based on the input material and other
factors. This will help us to improve the quality of our products and the efficiency of our operations

Top 3 partners actively involved in the digital transformation initiatives*

Guidelines: The below paragraph describes external (vendors, consultants) and internal resources (different
departments) and how they contributed to the project's success.
Name of Solution Provider
Name of Solution Provider
Our internal team like Audit and Accounting in collaboration with IT work on trying to enhance the existing
SOP to fit in more digitalized environment and increase our productivity
2023 Winners Indonesia

Established in 1998, Bank Mandiri is one of

Indonesia’s largest bank by assets. It is listed
Founded in 1913, Sampoerna. is a leading
on the Indonesia Stock Exchange with assets
player in Indonesia's tobacco industry. It is
amounting US$ 130 billion (IDR 1993 trillion)
listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange with
and is the third largest bank in Indonesia by
a market capitalisation of US $6.5 billion (IDR
market capitalisation US $36 billion (IDR
The winning project from Sampoerna
Bank Mandiri's winning project showcased
exemplified the organisation's commitment
their focus on meeting customer needs and
to enhancing customer engagement and
expectations, particularly in branches,
digital transformation. Through the AYO app,
customer engagement, and digital market
they efficiently connected with over 225,000
positioning. Through digital transformation
retailers, leveraging AI-powered
initiatives, including the Livin' by Mandiri
personalization, gamification, and chatbots.
super app and KOPRA super platform, the
This initiative not only boosted retail sales
bank has not only revamped 241 branch
volume but also laid the groundwork for a
offices into fully-digital Smart Branches but
sustainable, secure digital infrastructure and
also witnessed substantial growth in user
environment, reflecting Sampoerna's
numbers and transaction volumes. Their
dedication to its "Three-Hands Philosophy"
future plans include expanding the user base
and its stakeholders' well-being. The ultimate
and introducing new features like the Buy
goal is to further expand the app's user base
Now Pay Later (BNPL) option to further
by offering enhanced features like delivery
enhance their digital services, reaffirming
options and digital payment gateways.
their commitment to innovation and
customer satisfaction.

Representing their organisations to

receive the award from Mr. Nyoman
Adhiarna, Director of Digital
Economy, Ministry of Communication
& Informatics, Republic of Indonesia

Ivan Cahyadi, Sales Director, HM

Budi Prasetyo, Vice President,
Digital Banking, Bank Mandiri

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out about the
2023 Winners Malaysia

Founded in 1969, IOI Corporation Berhad Petroliam Nasional Berhad (PETRONAS) is

has become a key player in the industry, Malaysia's state-owned national oil and gas
employing approximately 24,000 people and company with close to 50,000 employees
boasting a market capitalization of over US$5 and a global reach spanning over 100
billion (MYR 23.4 billion). IOI Corporation countries. PETRONAS was ranked at 216 in
Berhad’s winning project highlighted the Fortune Global 500 list for 2022.
numerous technological innovations in both PETRONAS demonstrated the organisation’s
upstream and downstream operations. commitment to data-driven intelligence for
Notably, the company achieved success with informed decision-making and operational
the implementation of the "ONE IOI efficiency. At the core of their strategic
Integrated Platform" and the digitalisation of initiatives lies the innovative Enterprise Data
its production plants. By equipping these Hub (EDH), a dual-cloud data liberalisation
plants with IoT sensors and integrating them and enterprise analytics platform, functioning
with artificial intelligence analytics, IOI has as a data factory for analytics across diverse
gained the ability to leverage valuable domains and business entities. The EDH
insights and optimise its operations further. ecosystem's transformative Data as a Service
These various implementations have played a offering facilitates seamless access to
pivotal role in streamlining business valuable data insights, further enhancing
operations, enhancing cost efficiency, and decision-making and operational
boosting palm oil production, thereby effectiveness.
benefiting the wider supply chain ecosystem

Representing their organisations to receive the

award from Dato’ Ts. Dr Haji Amirudin Abdul
Wahab, CEO, CyberSecurity Malaysia and
Datuk Dr. Mohd Yusoff Sulaiman, President and
CEO, Malaysian Industry Government Group
for High Technology were:
Datin Ts. Habsah Nordin, Chief Data
Mohd Haris Shukri Jahabar, Head, Data
Architecture Management, PETRONAS
Kong Kian Beng, Group CFO, IOI
Corporation Berhad
Alvin Lee, Head of Business Systems and
Information Technology, IOI Corporation

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out about the
2023 Winners Philippines

Megaworld Corporation, founded in 1989, is mWell is a fully-owned subsidiary of Metro

a real estate company listed on the Pacific Investments Corporation (MPIC), a
Philippines Stock Exchange, boasting a leading infrastructure holding company with
market capitalization exceeding US$ 1.1 diverse assets held through various operating
billion (PHP 62 billion). Megaworld companies. MPIC, listed on the Philippines
Corporation's winning project showcased Stock Exchange with a market capitalization
their Accident Detection Software, a exceeding US$ 2.5 billion (PHP 142 billion),
remarkable application of Artificial employs over 17,955 people. The winning
Intelligence (AI) in predicting and detecting project from Metro Pacific Investments
vehicular accidents within their townships. Corporation (MPIC) exemplified the
Leveraging computer vision models trained organisation's commitment to addressing the
using AI, the software promptly generates lack of access to basic healthcare in the
alerts on the computer base station as soon Philippines. The country currently faces a
as a collision is detected. This enables concerning situation where 6 out of 10
operators to initiate immediate emergency people die without ever seeing a doctor due
responses, thereby reducing traffic to a shortage of healthcare facilities and
congestion and inconvenience to motorists. personnel, particularly in rural areas. MPIC
Initially developed based on insights gathered tackled this issue head-on through mWell,
from Southwoods City, the software has the first fully integrated digital health and
been further enhanced for deployment wellness platform in the Philippines.
across Megaworld townships nationwide.

Representing their organisations to receive the

award from Atty. Adrian Jude G. Echaus,
Assistant Bureau Director, National ICT
Planning, Policy, and Standards Bureau
(NIPPSB), Department of Information and
Communications Technology (DICT) were:
Tisha Quinitio, Head of Business
Development, Metro Pacific Health Tech
Lorraine Macapagal, Operations Lead, Metro
Pacific Health Tech (mWell)
Myra Carabeo, Creative Lead, Metro Pacific
Health Tech (mWell)
Francis Adrian Viernes, Chief Data Scientist,
Megaworld Corporation

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2023 Winners Thailand

Established in 2016, Kasikorn Business PTT Global Chemical Public Company

Technology Group (KBTG) is the technology (PTTGC) is a leading global chemical
arm of KBank, one of Thailand’s leading company and a subsidiary of Thailand’s state-
commercial banks with a market owned Oil & Gas Company PTT Public
capitalization exceeding US$ 8.3 billion (THB Company Limited. PTT GC is listed on the
300 billion). KBTG’s winning project stock exchange of Thailand with a market
showcased their transformation program capitalization exceeding US$ 4.2 billion (THB
which aimed to increase software 152 billion).The winning project from PTTGC
development’s productivity and quality. The exemplified the organisation's
transformation initiatives enabled the comprehensive transformation strategy. PTT
company to improve its productivity outputs GC established a strong digital foundation
in delivering more IT projects by 50% -- from and executed projects across four key areas:
100 to 150 projects annually. More projects Smart Plant, Smart Sales & Marketing, Smart
are delivered on time and within budget. Work Process, and Smart Workplace. Under
Code quality has also improved, with 60% the Smart Plant initiative, the focus lies in
less production incidents. Having fewer optimising operational competitiveness,
incidents results in a lower system downturn emphasising cost, quality, agility, and safety
for Kasikorn Bank’s (KBank) digital products, by integrating cutting-edge technologies
allowing customers to enjoy using our such as Advanced Analytics, Robotics, AI/ML,
products without major disruptions. Various and Digital Twins.The SCYLLA project
initiatives including the deployment of test showcases the company's dedication to
automation tools were part of the innovation through AI-driven remote pipe
transformation efforts to increase efficiency. inspection, resulting in extended asset
lifespan and substantial cost savings.

Representing their organisations to receive the award

from Professor Wisit Wisitsora-at, Permanent
Secretary, Ministry of Digital Economy and Society
(MDES) were:
Jarung Kiatsupapong, Vice Chairman, KASIKORN
Business-Technology Group (KBTG)
Chatsuda Kanjanarat, Senior Vice President,
Transformation Excellence, PTT Global Chemical
Public Company Limited
Sombat Silsangwon, Senior Vice President,
Aromatics, PTT Global Chemical Public
Company Limited

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2023 Winners Vietnam

Vietnam Prosperity Joint-Stock Commercial

Bank (VPBank), established in 1993, is a one
Vietnam Posts and Telecommunications
of Vietnam’s largest bank with a market
Group (VNPT) is Vietnam’s second largest
capitalisation over US$ 6.2 billion (VND
telecommunications operator with a revenue
148.36 trillion. VPBank’s winning project
of over US$ 2.13 billion USD (VND 51.9
focused on developing its digital bank
trillion) in 2022. VNPT’s implementation of a
platform, with the aim of becoming a super
centralised application called VNPT
app. VPBank NEO offers a comprehensive
Employee, which is designed to reduce
range of financial services all in one place,
manual errors and increase efficiency. This
where customers can open fully operational
application includes functionality such as
bank accounts within minutes and perform
VNPT eKYC, an Electronic Identity platform
various banking activities directly from the
that is based on advanced AI technology to
NEO app, including transfers, savings
enhance the accuracy and speed of eKYC
accounts, credit card requests, and loans.
procedures. The platform identifies and
Additionally, NEO integrates with other
extracts accurate information from personal
services and utilities, allowing customers to
papers and portraits, and instantly detects
pay bills, purchase flight tickets, and connect
unusual cases with up to 99% accuracy. The
with securities companies. VPBank NEO was
VNPT Employee application has helped
also enriched with a virtual assistant named
VNPT streamline its sales staff's tasks,
Reppy. Leveraging on AI and NLP, associated
reducing the number of applications used
with a rich knowledge base, Reppy can assist
and functions offered, which has increased
customers when they have queries about
productivity and reduced management time.
most of VPBank's product and provide
assistance to its customers.

Representing their organisations to receive the award

from Mr. Vo Xuan Hoai, Deputy Director, National
Innovation Center, Ministry of Planning and
Investment were:
Do Hoang Duy, PR and Communications
Manager, Southern Region, Vietnam Prosperity
Joint Stock Commercial Bank (VPBank)
Pham The Trung, Deputy Director, Southern
Region, Vietnam Posts and Telecommunications
Group (VNPT-IT)

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out about the
AIBP serves as an avenue for public and private organisations in
Southeast Asia to access and exchange information about growth
and innovation within the B2B space. With a current network of
over 30,000 stakeholders in Southeast Asia, AIBP continues to
develop ecosystems by engaging in activities which create value-
adding information for our stakeholders seeking to make
transformative impacts within their organisations.

AIBP is a business unit of Industry Platform, a growth consulting

firm based in Singapore. We work with public and private
organisations to develop value-adding partnerships within the
industries and markets which we serve. Our consulting framework
advocates pursuing an integrated approach in assisting our clients
in their growth and development initiatives. This includes market
research, and access through business development strategy
formulation and execution. +65 6733 1076


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