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ОС Магістр Кафедра ЕКЗАМЕНАЦІЙНИЙ БІЛЕТ Затверджую

Факультет романо-германських №1 Зав. кафедри
Ветеринарної мов і перекладу ________________
медицини з дисципліни (підпис)
англійська мова за Кравченко Н.К.
професійним спрямуванням травень 2020 р.

Тестові завдання різних типів

1. Заповніть пропуски:
She had to take part in the concert yesterday, didn’t she?
2. Яке із приведених слів немає ніякого відношення до теми “Vertebrates.”
3. Якi із слів у поданих реченнях вжито неправильно?
Vertebrae (1) possess (2) two (3) types (4) of (5) bone (6), dermal (7) and (8) endoskeletal (9) .
Vertebrates, (10) ribs (11), arm (12), leg (13) are (14) made (15) of (16) endoskeletal (17) bone
(18). This (19) type (20) of (21) bone (22) begins (23) as (24) cartilage (25), which (26) calcifies
(27) to (28) form (29) bone (30).
a.5; 16; 21.
b.1; 19.
c.7; 9.
d.23; 27.
e.1; 10.
4. Заповніть пропуски у реченнях:
She will return your notes as soon as finished copying them.
5. Складіть речення з даних слів:
most domesticated breeds of sheep produce fine wool
6. Вкажіть, яке із слів потрібно виправити:
Bacteria only exists in air, water and soil and causeS many infection diseases.
7. Закінчіть речення (у бланку відповідей запишіть одним словом):
A microorganism which contains nucleic acid, surrounded by a coat of protein, or of
protein and lipid is called virus
8. Знайдіть і виправте помилки у реченні:
Some veterinarians actively participates on wildlife preservation and conservation.
9. Дайте відповідь на питання.
This word starts with an "F." Fish swim using these structures that stick out of their bodies. What is
this word? FINS
10. Створіть умовне речення щодо майбутнього часу.
Mary will stay with our daughter while we are at the theatre (while)
Екзаменаційні питання
Respiration is the process by which animal organisms take up oxygen and discharge
carbon dioxide in order to satisfy their energy requirements. In the living organism, energy is
liberated, along with carbon dioxide, through the oxidation of molecules containing carbon. The
term respiration also denotes the exchange of the respiratory gases (oxygen and carbon dioxide)
between the organism and the medium in which it lives and between the cells of the body and the
tissue fluid that bathes them.
With the exception of energy used by animal life in the deep ocean, all energy used by
animals is ultimately derived from the energy of sunlight. The carbon dioxide in the atmosphere in
conjunction with the energy of sunlight is used by plants to synthesize sugars and other
components. Animals consume plants or other organic material to obtain chemical compounds,
which are then oxidized to sustain vital processes.
Diseases of the respiratory system may affect any of the structures and organs that have to
do with breathing — the nasal cavities, the throat (pharynx), the larynx, the windpipe (trachea), the
airways (bronchi), and the lung tissue. In addition, respiration is dependent on normal functioning
of the muscles in the chest wall and the diaphragm, which may also be affected by disease. The
respiratory tract is the site of an exceptionally large range of disorders for three main reasons:
first, it is exposed to the environment and therefore may be affected by dust or gases in the
air; second, it possesses a large network of capillaries through which the entire output of the
heart has to pass, which means that diseases that affect the small blood vessels are likely to affect
the lung; and third, it may be the site of "sensitivity" or allergic phenomena that may profoundly
affect function.
Захворювання органів дихання можуть вражати будь-яку структуру та органи, що мають
відношення до дихання - порожнину носа, горло (глотку), гортань, дихальну трубу (трахею),
дихальні шляхи (бронхи), тканини легенів. Крім того, дихання залежить від нормального
функціонування м’язів грудної стінки та діафрагми, на які також можуть впливати
захворювання. Дихальні шляхи є місцем винятково великого кола розладів з трьох основних
причин: по-перше, він піддається впливу навколишнього середовища і тому може впливати
на пил або гази в повітрі; по-друге, він має велику мережу капілярів, через які повинен
проходити весь вихід серця, а це означає, що хвороби, які вражають дрібні кровоносні
судини, ймовірно, вражають легені; по-третє, це може бути місцем «чутливості» або
алергічних явищ, які можуть глибоко вплинути на функцію
II. Прочитайте текст і виконайте наступні завдання.
1.Перекладіть виділене курсивом.
2.Поставте чотири типи запитання до тексту.

3.Дайте відповіді на питання.

a) What is respiration?
b) What structures and organs of respiratory system may be affected by disease?
c) What is called respiratory tract?
d). What are three main reasons of disorders?
4.Перекладіть слова, використовуючі текст: дихання, потреби, споживати, навколишнє
середовище, судини.
5.Знайдіть у тексті синоніми до слів: support, pets, important, influence.
III. My Future Profession. My attitude to the profession of veterinary doctor.

__________ (Сиротін О. С.)

ОС Магістр Кафедра ЕКЗАМЕНАЦІЙНИЙ БІЛЕТ Затверджую
Факультет романо-германських №2 Зав. кафедри
Ветеринарної мов і перекладу ________________
медицини з дисципліни (підпис)
англійська мова за Кравченко Н.К.
професійним спрямуванням травень 2020 р.

Тестові завдання різних типів

1. Закінчіть речення (у бланку відповідей запишіть одним словом):
Substance that contains hydrogen which may be replaced by a metal and forms a salt is
called acid
2. Знайдіть і виправте помилки у реченні:
Veterinarians practice involve preventative care, such as vaccinate, screening, and treating
animals for internal and external parasites.
Veterinarians practice involving preventative care, such as vaccinate, screening, and treating
animals for internal and external parasites.
3. Знайдіть і виправте помилки у реченні:
How fast was you driving when the accident happens?
How fast were you driving when the accident happens
4.Поставте спеціальне питання до наступного твердження.
Domestic animals are kept for the production of human food.
What domestic animals are kept for?
5. Спростуйте твердження або погодьтеся з ним, використовуючи слова : true //
false. Most vertebrates have mouth and pharynx.
6. Дайте визначення англійською мовою терміну «ichthyology».
Ichthyology is the branch of zoology devoted to the study of fish, including bony fish,
cartilaginous fish and jawless fish
7. Яким словом необхідно замінити виділене слово, щоб дане речення стало
правильним за змістом:
People hold fish in aquaria.
8. Перетворіть подані речення в питальні та заперечні:
1.Their son was going to be a painter. 2.They were crossing the street at the wrong place.
1)Their son wasn't going to be a painter. Was their son going to be a painter?
2)They weren't crossing the street at the wrong place.
Were they crossing the street at the wrong place?
9. Доберіть синонім до підкресленого слова:
The diversity of fish is larger than of any other vertebrate group.
10. Розкрийте дужки, вживаючи дієслова в Past Continuous або Past Indefinite.
Mr.Forest (write) a book while he (live) in Scotland.
Mr. Forest was writing a book when he was living in Scotland.
Екзаменаційні питання
Ramifications of the fatal cattle disease bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE),
also known as "mad cow" disease, dominated the veterinary news in much of the Western
world in 1996. It takes some years for signs of BSE to appear in infected animals, the
main symptoms of the disease are erratic behaviour and increasing difficulty in moving.
First identified in England in 1986, BSE had been the subject of an ongoing
eradication process based on the slaughter of affected animals. This process had been
proceeding more or less according to plan; the numbers of new cases of BSE had declined
sharply from a peak in 1993, and it was predicted that the disease would be eliminated
from herds in the United Kingdom soon after the year 2000.
In 1996, however, scientists announced a possible link between consumption of beef
from BSE-infected cows and several cases of a new form of Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease, a
fatal neurodegenerative disorder. Further, contrary to earlier predictions, preliminary
results of long-term studies in Great Britain suggested that BSE might be transmissible
from cow to calf. As a result, the European Commission prohibited the United Kingdom
from exporting beef and beef products and cattle, and beef sales dropped sharply
throughout Europe.
The new findings prompted demands from the Commission for more urgent
measures to eradicate the disease before the export ban could be lifted. These included the
establishment of rigid precautions in slaughterhouses, as well as the destruction of
hundreds of thousands of cattle born before 1993. The proposals for mass slaughter,
which meant that many healthy cattle would have to be killed, caused an outcry from
veterinary doctors, farmers, and animal welfare activists in Britain. Many argued that the
program already in place would have eradicated the disease just as quickly as the new
A report from the World Health Organization (WHO) on the progress of the
European campaign to control and, it was hoped, eradicate rabies by laying vaccine-
impregnated baits for foxes, the main carrier of the disease, found that rabies prevalence
had been reduced to 20% of its former level. The success rates in the 14 participating
countries differed considerably, however, and the cost $83 million in total to date was
causing support to wane in some areas. The authors of the WHO report called for a
review of the campaign to identify problems responsible for the variable success rate and
to draw up guidelines for the future.
У доповіді Всесвітньої організації охорони здоров’я (ВООЗ) про хід європейської
кампанії з контролю та, як сподівалося, викорінення сказу шляхом закладання
вакцин просочених приманками для лисиць, головного переносника хвороби,
встановлено, що поширеність сказу знизилася. до 20% її колишнього рівня. Однак
показники успіху в 14 країнах-учасницях значно відрізнялися, і загалом на
сьогоднішній день вартість 83 мільйонів доларів призвела до зменшення підтримки
в деяких регіонах. Автори звіту ВООЗ закликали переглянути кампанію, щоб
визначити проблеми, що відповідають за мінливий рівень успішності, та
розробити керівні принципи на майбутнє.
II. Прочитайте текст і виконайте наступні завдання.
1.Перекладіть виділене курсивом.
2.Поставте чотири типи запитання до тексту.
3.Дайте відповіді на питання.
a) What is BSE?
b)What are the main symptoms of the “mad cow” disease?
c) What did scientists announce in 1996?
d) What caused an outcry from veterinary doctors, farmers, and welfare activists in
4.Перекладіть слова, використовуючи текст: рогата худоба, хвороба, складнощі,
уражені тварини, забій тварин.
5. Знайдіть у тексті синоніми до слів: illness, shortly, previous, achievement.
III. I can talk about veterinary science.

__________ (Сиротін О. С.)

ОС Магістр Кафедра ЕКЗАМЕНАЦІЙНИЙ БІЛЕТ Затверджую
Факультет романо-германських №3 Зав. кафедри
Ветеринарної мов і перекладу ________________
медицини з дисципліни (підпис)
англійська мова за Кравченко Н.К.
професійним спрямуванням травень 2020 р.

Тестові завдання різних типів

1. Знайдіть і виправте помилки у реченні:
George Clooney was famously known to have owned a pig name Max, although Max
dies in December 2006.
George Clooney was famously known for owning a pig named Max, although Max died in
December 2006.
2. Знайдіть і виправте помилки у реченні:
If you wants to become a veterinarian, you must complete an undergraduate course which
typically include basic language and communication skills, social sciences, humanities,
mathematics, chemistry, biological and physical sciences.
If you want to become a veterinarian, you must complete an undergraduate course which
typically include basic language and communication skills, social sciences, humanities,
mathematics, chemistry, biological and physical sciences.
3. Знайдіть і виправте помилки у реченні:
Much students in Great Britain enters veterinary school after four undergraduate years,
although some are ready in three years.
Many students in Great Britain enters veterinary school after four undergraduate years, although
some are ready in three years.
4.Якого слова бракує в реченні?
What language they speak?
What language do they speak?
5.Яким словом необхідно замінити виділене слово, щоб дане речення стало
правильним за змістом:
The first fish were just like modern fish.
6. Розкрийте дужки, вживаючи дієслова в Past Continuous, або Past Simple.
The mother (watch) her children and (smile).
The mother was watching her children and smiling.
7. Напишіть розділове запитання до наступного речення.
Some species are aquatic.
Some species are aquatic, are not they?
8. Знайдіть і виправте помилки.
Look! That man tries to open the door of your car. ………..
Look! That man is trying to open the door of your car.
9. Створіть умовне речення щодо майбутнього часу.
If you feel better, we will ride a bike.
10. Створіть речення в Past Continuous, і поставте до нього спеціальне запитання.
He was doing his homework all evening yesterday. What was he doing all evening yesterday?
Екзаменаційні питання
Respiration is the process by which animal organisms take up oxygen and
discharge carbon dioxide in order to satisfy their energy requirements. In the living
organism, energy is liberated, along with carbon dioxide, through the oxidation of
molecules containing carbon. The term respiration also denotes the exchange of the
respiratory gases (oxygen and carbon dioxide) between the organism and the medium in
which it lives and between the cells of the body and the tissue fluid that bathes them.
Дихання - це процес, при якому тваринні організми засвоюють кисень і виділяють
вуглекислий газ для задоволення своїх енергетичних потреб. У живому організмі
енергія вивільняється разом з двоокисом вуглецю шляхом окислення молекул, що
містять вуглець. Термін «дихання» також позначає обмін дихальних газів (кисню
та вуглекислого газу) між організмом та середовищем, в якому він живе, і між
клітинами організму та тканинною рідиною, яка їх омиває.
With the exception of energy used by animal life in the deep ocean, all energy used
by animals is ultimately derived from the energy of sunlight. The carbon dioxide in the
atmosphere in conjunction with the energy of sunlight is used by plants to synthesize
sugars and other components. Animals consume plants or other organic material to
obtain chemical compounds, which are then oxidized to sustain vital processes.
Diseases of the respiratory system may affect any of the structures and organs that
have to do with breathing — the nasal cavities, the throat (pharynx), the larynx, the
windpipe (trachea), the airways (bronchi), and the lung tissue. In addition, respiration is
dependent on normal functioning of the muscles in the chest wall and the diaphragm,
which may also be affected by disease. The respiratory tract is the site of an
exceptionally large range of disorders for three main reasons: first, it is exposed to the
environment and therefore may be affected by dust or gases in the air; second, it
possesses a large network of capillaries through which the entire output of the heart has to
pass, which means that diseases that affect the small blood vessels are likely to affect the
lung; and third, it may be the site of "sensitivity" or allergic phenomena that may
profoundly affect function.
II. Прочитайте текст і виконайте наступні завдання.
1.Перекладіть виділене курсивом.
2.Поставте чотири типи запитання до тексту і дайте на них відповідь.
3.Дайте відповіді на питання.
a) What is respiration?
b) What structures and organs of respiratory system may be affected by disease?
c) What is called respiratory tract?
d). What are three main reasons of disorders?
4.Перекладіть слова, використовуючі текст: дихання, потреби, споживати,
навколишнє середовище, судини.
5.Знайдіть у тексті синоніми до слів: support, pets, important, influence.
III. The animal kingdom.

__________ (Сиротін О. С.)

ОС Магістр Кафедра ЕКЗАМЕНАЦІЙНИЙ БІЛЕТ Затверджую
Факультет романо-германських №4 Зав. кафедри
Ветеринарної мов і перекладу ________________
медицини з дисципліни (підпис)
англійська мова за Кравченко Н.К.
професійним спрямуванням травень 2020 р.

Тестові завдання різних типів

1. Заповніть пропуски:
She had to take part in the concert yesterday, _______________?
2. Яке із приведених слів немає ніякого відношення до теми “Vertebrates.”
3. Якi із слів у поданих реченнях вжито неправильно?
Vertebrae (1) possess (2) two (3) types (4) of (5) bone (6), dermal (7) and (8) endoskeletal (9) .
Vertebrates, (10) ribs (11), arm (12), leg (13) are (14) made (15) of (16) endoskeletal (17) bone
(18). This (19) type (20) of (21) bone (22) begins (23) as (24) cartilage (25), which (26) calcifies
(27) to (28) form (29) bone (30).
a.5; 16; 21.
b.1; 19.
c.7; 9.
d.23; 27.
e.1; 10.
4. Заповніть пропуски у реченнях:
She will return your notes as soon as ___(finish) copying them.
5. Складіть речення з даних слів:
of / breeds / sheep / wool / most / domesticated / fine / produce /.
6. Вкажіть, яке із слів потрібно виправити:
Bacteria only exists in air, water and soil and cause many infection diseases.
7. Закінчіть речення (у бланку відповідей запишіть одним словом):
A microorganism which contains nucleic acid, surrounded by a coat of protein, or of
protein and lipid is called … .
8. Знайдіть і виправте помилки у реченні:
Some veterinarians actively participates on wildlife preservation and conservation.
9. Дайте відповідь на питання.
This word starts with an "F." Fish swim using these structures that stick out of their bodies. What is
this word?
10. Створіть умовне речення щодо майбутнього часу.
Mary will stay with our daughter. We’ll be at the theatre (while)
Екзаменаційні питання
Respiration is the process by which animal organisms take up oxygen and discharge
carbon dioxide in order to satisfy their energy requirements. In the living organism, energy is
liberated, along with carbon dioxide, through the oxidation of molecules containing carbon. The
term respiration also denotes the exchange of the respiratory gases (oxygen and carbon dioxide)
between the organism and the medium in which it lives and between the cells of the body and the
tissue fluid that bathes them.
With the exception of energy used by animal life in the deep ocean, all energy used by
animals is ultimately derived from the energy of sunlight. The carbon dioxide in the atmosphere in
conjunction with the energy of sunlight is used by plants to synthesize sugars and other
components. Animals consume plants or other organic material to obtain chemical compounds,
which are then oxidized to sustain vital processes.
Diseases of the respiratory system may affect any of the structures and organs that have to
do with breathing — the nasal cavities, the throat (pharynx), the larynx, the windpipe (trachea), the
airways (bronchi), and the lung tissue. In addition, respiration is dependent on normal functioning
of the muscles in the chest wall and the diaphragm, which may also be affected by disease. The
respiratory tract is the site of an exceptionally large range of disorders for three main reasons:
first, it is exposed to the environment and therefore may be affected by dust or gases in the
air; second, it possesses a large network of capillaries through which the entire output of the
heart has to pass, which means that diseases that affect the small blood vessels are likely to affect
the lung; and third, it may be the site of "sensitivity" or allergic phenomena that may profoundly
affect function.
II. Прочитайте текст і виконайте наступні завдання.
1.Перекладіть виділене курсивом.
2.Поставте чотири типи запитання до тексту.
3.Дайте відповіді на питання.
a) What is respiration?
b) What structures and organs of respiratory system may be affected by disease?
c) What is called respiratory tract?
d). What are three main reasons of disorders?
4.Перекладіть слова, використовуючі текст: дихання, потреби, споживати, навколишнє
середовище, судини.
5.Знайдіть у тексті синоніми до слів: support, pets, important, influence.
III. My Future Profession. My attitude to the profession of veterinary doctor.

__________ (Сиротін О. С.)

ОС Магістр Кафедра ЕКЗАМЕНАЦІЙНИЙ БІЛЕТ Затверджую
Факультет романо-германських №5 Зав. кафедри
Ветеринарної мов і перекладу ________________
медицини з дисципліни (підпис)
англійська мова за Кравченко Н.К.
професійним спрямуванням травень 2020 р.

Тестові завдання різних типів

1. Закінчіть речення (у бланку відповідей запишіть одним словом):
Substance that contains hydrogen which may be replaced by a metal and forms a salt is
called … .
2. Знайдіть і виправте помилки у реченні:
Veterinarians practice involve preventative care, such as vaccinate, screening, and treating
animals for internal and external parasites.
3. Знайдіть і виправте помилки у реченні:
How fast was you driving when the accident happens?
4.Поставте спеціальне питання до наступного твердження.
Domestic animals are kept for the production of human food.
5. Спростуйте твердження або погодьтеся з ним, використовуючи слова : true //
false. Most vertebrates have mouth and pharynx.
6. Дайте визначення англійською мовою терміну «ichthyology».
7. Яким словом необхідно замінити виділене слово, щоб дане речення стало
правильним за змістом:
People hold fish in aquaria.
8. Перетворіть подані речення в питальні та заперечні:
1.Their son was going to be a painter. 2.They were crossing the street at the wrong place.
9. Доберіть синонім до підкресленого слова:
The diversity of fish is larger than of any other vertebrate group.
10. Розкрийте дужки, вживаючи дієслова в Past Continuous або Past Indefinite.
Mr.Forest (write) a book while he (live) in Scotland.
Екзаменаційні питання
Ramifications of the fatal cattle disease bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE),
also known as "mad cow" disease, dominated the veterinary news in much of the Western
world in 1996. It takes some years for signs of BSE to appear in infected animals, the
main symptoms of the disease are erratic behaviour and increasing difficulty in moving.
First identified in England in 1986, BSE had been the subject of an ongoing
eradication process based on the slaughter of affected animals. This process had been
proceeding more or less according to plan; the numbers of new cases of BSE had declined
sharply from a peak in 1993, and it was predicted that the disease would be eliminated
from herds in the United Kingdom soon after the year 2000.
In 1996, however, scientists announced a possible link between consumption of beef
from BSE-infected cows and several cases of a new form of Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease, a
fatal neurodegenerative disorder. Further, contrary to earlier predictions, preliminary
results of long-term studies in Great Britain suggested that BSE might be transmissible
from cow to calf. As a result, the European Commission prohibited the United Kingdom
from exporting beef and beef products and cattle, and beef sales dropped sharply
throughout Europe.
The new findings prompted demands from the Commission for more urgent
measures to eradicate the disease before the export ban could be lifted. These included the
establishment of rigid precautions in slaughterhouses, as well as the destruction of
hundreds of thousands of cattle born before 1993. The proposals for mass slaughter,
which meant that many healthy cattle would have to be killed, caused an outcry from
veterinary doctors, farmers, and animal welfare activists in Britain. Many argued that the
program already in place would have eradicated the disease just as quickly as the new
A report from the World Health Organization (WHO) on the progress of the
European campaign to control and, it was hoped, eradicate rabies by laying vaccine-
impregnated baits for foxes, the main carrier of the disease, found that rabies prevalence
had been reduced to 20% of its former level. The success rates in the 14 participating
countries differed considerably, however, and the cost $83 million in total to date was
causing support to wane in some areas. The authors of the WHO report called for a
review of the campaign to identify problems responsible for the variable success rate and
to draw up guidelines for the future.
II. Прочитайте текст і виконайте наступні завдання.
1.Перекладіть виділене курсивом.
2.Поставте чотири типи запитання до тексту.
3.Дайте відповіді на питання.
a) What is BSE?
b)What are the main symptoms of the “mad cow” disease?
c) What did scientists announce in 1996?
d) What caused an outcry from veterinary doctors, farmers, and welfare activists in
4.Перекладіть слова, використовуючи текст: рогата худоба, хвороба, складнощі,
уражені тварини, забій тварин.
5. Знайдіть у тексті синоніми до слів: illness, shortly, previous, achievement.
III. I can talk about veterinary science.

__________ (Сиротін О. С.)

ОС Магістр Кафедра ЕКЗАМЕНАЦІЙНИЙ БІЛЕТ Затверджую
Факультет романо-германських №6 Зав. кафедри
Ветеринарної мов і перекладу ________________
медицини з дисципліни (підпис)
англійська мова за Кравченко Н.К.
професійним спрямуванням травень 2020 р.

Тестові завдання різних типів

1. Знайдіть і виправте помилки у реченні:
George Clooney was famously known to have owned a pig name Max, although Max
dies in December 2006.
2. Знайдіть і виправте помилки у реченні:
If you wants to become a veterinarian, you must complete an undergraduate course which
typically include basic language and communication skills, social sciences, humanities,
mathematics, chemistry, biological and physical sciences.
3. Знайдіть і виправте помилки у реченні:
Much students in Great Britain enters veterinary school after four undergraduate years,
although some are ready in three years.
4.Якого слова бракує в реченні?
What language they speak?
5.Яким словом необхідно замінити виділене слово, щоб дане речення стало
правильним за змістом:
The first fish were just like modern fish.
6. Розкрийте дужки, вживаючи дієслова в Past Continuous, або Past Simple.
The mother (watch) her children and (smile).
7. Напишіть розділове запитання до наступного речення.
Some species are aquatic.
8. Знайдіть і виправте помилки.
Look! That man tries to open the door of your car. ………..
9. Створіть умовне речення щодо майбутнього часу.
10. Створіть речення в Past Continuous, і поставте до нього спеціальне запитання.
Екзаменаційні питання
Respiration is the process by which animal organisms take up oxygen and
discharge carbon dioxide in order to satisfy their energy requirements. In the living
organism, energy is liberated, along with carbon dioxide, through the oxidation of
molecules containing carbon. The term respiration also denotes the exchange of the
respiratory gases (oxygen and carbon dioxide) between the organism and the medium in
which it lives and between the cells of the body and the tissue fluid that bathes them.
With the exception of energy used by animal life in the deep ocean, all energy used
by animals is ultimately derived from the energy of sunlight. The carbon dioxide in the
atmosphere in conjunction with the energy of sunlight is used by plants to synthesize
sugars and other components. Animals consume plants or other organic material to
obtain chemical compounds, which are then oxidized to sustain vital processes.
Diseases of the respiratory system may affect any of the structures and organs that
have to do with breathing — the nasal cavities, the throat (pharynx), the larynx, the
windpipe (trachea), the airways (bronchi), and the lung tissue. In addition, respiration is
dependent on normal functioning of the muscles in the chest wall and the diaphragm,
which may also be affected by disease. The respiratory tract is the site of an
exceptionally large range of disorders for three main reasons: first, it is exposed to the
environment and therefore may be affected by dust or gases in the air; second, it
possesses a large network of capillaries through which the entire output of the heart has to
pass, which means that diseases that affect the small blood vessels are likely to affect the
lung; and third, it may be the site of "sensitivity" or allergic phenomena that may
profoundly affect function.
II. Прочитайте текст і виконайте наступні завдання.
1.Перекладіть виділене курсивом.
2.Поставте чотири типи запитання до тексту і дайте на них відповідь.
3.Дайте відповіді на питання.
a) What is respiration?
b) What structures and organs of respiratory system may be affected by disease?
c) What is called respiratory tract?
d). What are three main reasons of disorders?
4.Перекладіть слова, використовуючі текст: дихання, потреби, споживати,
навколишнє середовище, судини.
5.Знайдіть у тексті синоніми до слів: support, pets, important, influence.
III. The animal kingdom.

__________ (Сиротін О. С.)

ОС Магістр Кафедра ЕКЗАМЕНАЦІЙНИЙ БІЛЕТ Затверджую
Факультет романо-германських №7 Зав. кафедри
Ветеринарної мов і перекладу ________________
медицини з дисципліни (підпис)
англійська мова за Кравченко Н.К.
професійним спрямуванням травень 2020 р.

Тестові завдання різних типів

1. Заповніть пропуски:
She had to take part in the concert yesterday, _______________?
2. Яке із приведених слів немає ніякого відношення до теми “Vertebrates.”
3. Якi із слів у поданих реченнях вжито неправильно?
Vertebrae (1) possess (2) two (3) types (4) of (5) bone (6), dermal (7) and (8) endoskeletal (9) .
Vertebrates, (10) ribs (11), arm (12), leg (13) are (14) made (15) of (16) endoskeletal (17) bone
(18). This (19) type (20) of (21) bone (22) begins (23) as (24) cartilage (25), which (26) calcifies
(27) to (28) form (29) bone (30).
a.5; 16; 21.
b.1; 19.
c.7; 9.
d.23; 27.
e.1; 10.
4. Заповніть пропуски у реченнях:
She will return your notes as soon as ___(finish) copying them.
5. Складіть речення з даних слів:
of / breeds / sheep / wool / most / domesticated / fine / produce /.
6. Вкажіть, яке із слів потрібно виправити:
Bacteria only exists in air, water and soil and cause many infection diseases.
7. Закінчіть речення (у бланку відповідей запишіть одним словом):
A microorganism which contains nucleic acid, surrounded by a coat of protein, or of
protein and lipid is called … .
8. Знайдіть і виправте помилки у реченні:
Some veterinarians actively participates on wildlife preservation and conservation.
9. Дайте відповідь на питання.
This word starts with an "F." Fish swim using these structures that stick out of their bodies. What is
this word?
10. Створіть умовне речення щодо майбутнього часу.
Mary will stay with our daughter. We’ll be at the theatre (while)
Екзаменаційні питання
Respiration is the process by which animal organisms take up oxygen and discharge
carbon dioxide in order to satisfy their energy requirements. In the living organism, energy is
liberated, along with carbon dioxide, through the oxidation of molecules containing carbon. The
term respiration also denotes the exchange of the respiratory gases (oxygen and carbon dioxide)
between the organism and the medium in which it lives and between the cells of the body and the
tissue fluid that bathes them.
With the exception of energy used by animal life in the deep ocean, all energy used by
animals is ultimately derived from the energy of sunlight. The carbon dioxide in the atmosphere in
conjunction with the energy of sunlight is used by plants to synthesize sugars and other
components. Animals consume plants or other organic material to obtain chemical compounds,
which are then oxidized to sustain vital processes.
Diseases of the respiratory system may affect any of the structures and organs that have to
do with breathing — the nasal cavities, the throat (pharynx), the larynx, the windpipe (trachea), the
airways (bronchi), and the lung tissue. In addition, respiration is dependent on normal functioning
of the muscles in the chest wall and the diaphragm, which may also be affected by disease. The
respiratory tract is the site of an exceptionally large range of disorders for three main reasons:
first, it is exposed to the environment and therefore may be affected by dust or gases in the
air; second, it possesses a large network of capillaries through which the entire output of the
heart has to pass, which means that diseases that affect the small blood vessels are likely to affect
the lung; and third, it may be the site of "sensitivity" or allergic phenomena that may profoundly
affect function.
II. Прочитайте текст і виконайте наступні завдання.
1.Перекладіть виділене курсивом.
2.Поставте чотири типи запитання до тексту.
3.Дайте відповіді на питання.
a) What is respiration?
b) What structures and organs of respiratory system may be affected by disease?
c) What is called respiratory tract?
d). What are three main reasons of disorders?
4.Перекладіть слова, використовуючі текст: дихання, потреби, споживати, навколишнє
середовище, судини.
5.Знайдіть у тексті синоніми до слів: support, pets, important, influence.
III. My Future Profession. My attitude to the profession of veterinary doctor.

__________ (Сиротін О. С.)



ОС Магістр Кафедра ЕКЗАМЕНАЦІЙНИЙ БІЛЕТ Затверджую
Факультет романо-германських №8 Зав. кафедри
Ветеринарної мов і перекладу ________________
медицини з дисципліни (підпис)
англійська мова за Кравченко Н.К.
професійним спрямуванням травень 2020 р.

Тестові завдання різних типів

1. Закінчіть речення (у бланку відповідей запишіть одним словом):
Substance that contains hydrogen which may be replaced by a metal and forms a salt is
called … .
2. Знайдіть і виправте помилки у реченні:
Veterinarians practice involve preventative care, such as vaccinate, screening, and treating
animals for internal and external parasites.
3. Знайдіть і виправте помилки у реченні:
How fast was you driving when the accident happens?
4.Поставте спеціальне питання до наступного твердження.
Domestic animals are kept for the production of human food.
5. Спростуйте твердження або погодьтеся з ним, використовуючи слова : true //
false. Most vertebrates have mouth and pharynx.
6. Дайте визначення англійською мовою терміну «ichthyology».
7. Яким словом необхідно замінити виділене слово, щоб дане речення стало
правильним за змістом:
People hold fish in aquaria.
8. Перетворіть подані речення в питальні та заперечні:
1.Their son was going to be a painter. 2.They were crossing the street at the wrong place.
9. Доберіть синонім до підкресленого слова:
The diversity of fish is larger than of any other vertebrate group.
10. Розкрийте дужки, вживаючи дієслова в Past Continuous або Past Indefinite.
Mr.Forest (write) a book while he (live) in Scotland.
Екзаменаційні питання
Ramifications of the fatal cattle disease bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE),
also known as "mad cow" disease, dominated the veterinary news in much of the Western
world in 1996. It takes some years for signs of BSE to appear in infected animals, the
main symptoms of the disease are erratic behaviour and increasing difficulty in moving.
First identified in England in 1986, BSE had been the subject of an ongoing
eradication process based on the slaughter of affected animals. This process had been
proceeding more or less according to plan; the numbers of new cases of BSE had declined
sharply from a peak in 1993, and it was predicted that the disease would be eliminated
from herds in the United Kingdom soon after the year 2000.
In 1996, however, scientists announced a possible link between consumption of beef
from BSE-infected cows and several cases of a new form of Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease, a
fatal neurodegenerative disorder. Further, contrary to earlier predictions, preliminary
results of long-term studies in Great Britain suggested that BSE might be transmissible
from cow to calf. As a result, the European Commission prohibited the United Kingdom
from exporting beef and beef products and cattle, and beef sales dropped sharply
throughout Europe.
The new findings prompted demands from the Commission for more urgent
measures to eradicate the disease before the export ban could be lifted. These included the
establishment of rigid precautions in slaughterhouses, as well as the destruction of
hundreds of thousands of cattle born before 1993. The proposals for mass slaughter,
which meant that many healthy cattle would have to be killed, caused an outcry from
veterinary doctors, farmers, and animal welfare activists in Britain. Many argued that the
program already in place would have eradicated the disease just as quickly as the new
A report from the World Health Organization (WHO) on the progress of the
European campaign to control and, it was hoped, eradicate rabies by laying vaccine-
impregnated baits for foxes, the main carrier of the disease, found that rabies prevalence
had been reduced to 20% of its former level. The success rates in the 14 participating
countries differed considerably, however, and the cost $83 million in total to date was
causing support to wane in some areas. The authors of the WHO report called for a
review of the campaign to identify problems responsible for the variable success rate and
to draw up guidelines for the future.
II. Прочитайте текст і виконайте наступні завдання.
1.Перекладіть виділене курсивом.
2.Поставте чотири типи запитання до тексту.
3.Дайте відповіді на питання.
a) What is BSE?
b)What are the main symptoms of the “mad cow” disease?
c) What did scientists announce in 1996?
d) What caused an outcry from veterinary doctors, farmers, and welfare activists in
4.Перекладіть слова, використовуючи текст: рогата худоба, хвороба, складнощі,
уражені тварини, забій тварин.
5. Знайдіть у тексті синоніми до слів: illness, shortly, previous, achievement.
III. I can talk about veterinary science.

__________ (Сиротін О. С.)


ОС Магістр Кафедра ЕКЗАМЕНАЦІЙНИЙ БІЛЕТ Затверджую
Факультет романо-германських №9 Зав. кафедри
Ветеринарної мов і перекладу ________________
медицини з дисципліни (підпис)
англійська мова за Кравченко Н.К.
професійним спрямуванням травень 2020 р.

Тестові завдання різних типів

1. Знайдіть і виправте помилки у реченні:
George Clooney was famously known to have owned a pig name Max, although Max
dies in December 2006.
2. Знайдіть і виправте помилки у реченні:
If you wants to become a veterinarian, you must complete an undergraduate course which
typically include basic language and communication skills, social sciences, humanities,
mathematics, chemistry, biological and physical sciences.
3. Знайдіть і виправте помилки у реченні:
Much students in Great Britain enters veterinary school after four undergraduate years,
although some are ready in three years.
4.Якого слова бракує в реченні?
What language they speak?
5.Яким словом необхідно замінити виділене слово, щоб дане речення стало
правильним за змістом:
The first fish were just like modern fish.
6. Розкрийте дужки, вживаючи дієслова в Past Continuous, або Past Simple.
The mother (watch) her children and (smile).
7. Напишіть розділове запитання до наступного речення.
Some species are aquatic.
8. Знайдіть і виправте помилки.
Look! That man tries to open the door of your car. ………..
9. Створіть умовне речення щодо майбутнього часу.
10. Створіть речення в Past Continuous, і поставте до нього спеціальне запитання.
Екзаменаційні питання
Respiration is the process by which animal organisms take up oxygen and
discharge carbon dioxide in order to satisfy their energy requirements. In the living
organism, energy is liberated, along with carbon dioxide, through the oxidation of
molecules containing carbon. The term respiration also denotes the exchange of the
respiratory gases (oxygen and carbon dioxide) between the organism and the medium in
which it lives and between the cells of the body and the tissue fluid that bathes them.
With the exception of energy used by animal life in the deep ocean, all energy used
by animals is ultimately derived from the energy of sunlight. The carbon dioxide in the
atmosphere in conjunction with the energy of sunlight is used by plants to synthesize
sugars and other components. Animals consume plants or other organic material to
obtain chemical compounds, which are then oxidized to sustain vital processes.
Diseases of the respiratory system may affect any of the structures and organs that
have to do with breathing — the nasal cavities, the throat (pharynx), the larynx, the
windpipe (trachea), the airways (bronchi), and the lung tissue. In addition, respiration is
dependent on normal functioning of the muscles in the chest wall and the diaphragm,
which may also be affected by disease. The respiratory tract is the site of an
exceptionally large range of disorders for three main reasons: first, it is exposed to the
environment and therefore may be affected by dust or gases in the air; second, it
possesses a large network of capillaries through which the entire output of the heart has to
pass, which means that diseases that affect the small blood vessels are likely to affect the
lung; and third, it may be the site of "sensitivity" or allergic phenomena that may
profoundly affect function.
II. Прочитайте текст і виконайте наступні завдання.
1.Перекладіть виділене курсивом.
2.Поставте чотири типи запитання до тексту і дайте на них відповідь.
3.Дайте відповіді на питання.
a) What is respiration?
b) What structures and organs of respiratory system may be affected by disease?
c) What is called respiratory tract?
d). What are three main reasons of disorders?
4.Перекладіть слова, використовуючі текст: дихання, потреби, споживати,
навколишнє середовище, судини.
5.Знайдіть у тексті синоніми до слів: support, pets, important, influence.
III. The animal kingdom.

__________ (Сиротін О. С.)

ОС Магістр Кафедра ЕКЗАМЕНАЦІЙНИЙ БІЛЕТ Затверджую
Факультет романо-германських № 10 Зав. кафедри
Ветеринарної мов і перекладу ________________
медицини з дисципліни (підпис)
англійська мова за Кравченко Н.К.
професійним спрямуванням травень 2020 р.

Тестові завдання різних типів

1. Заповніть пропуски:
She had to take part in the concert yesterday, _______________?
2. Яке із приведених слів немає ніякого відношення до теми “Vertebrates.”
3. Якi із слів у поданих реченнях вжито неправильно?
Vertebrae (1) possess (2) two (3) types (4) of (5) bone (6), dermal (7) and (8) endoskeletal (9) .
Vertebrates, (10) ribs (11), arm (12), leg (13) are (14) made (15) of (16) endoskeletal (17) bone
(18). This (19) type (20) of (21) bone (22) begins (23) as (24) cartilage (25), which (26) calcifies
(27) to (28) form (29) bone (30).
a.5; 16; 21.
b.1; 19.
c.7; 9.
d.23; 27.
e.1; 10.
4. Заповніть пропуски у реченнях:
She will return your notes as soon as ___(finish) copying them.
5. Складіть речення з даних слів:
of / breeds / sheep / wool / most / domesticated / fine / produce /.
6. Вкажіть, яке із слів потрібно виправити:
Bacteria only exists in air, water and soil and cause many infection diseases.
7. Закінчіть речення (у бланку відповідей запишіть одним словом):
A microorganism which contains nucleic acid, surrounded by a coat of protein, or of
protein and lipid is called … .
8. Знайдіть і виправте помилки у реченні:
Some veterinarians actively participates on wildlife preservation and conservation.
9. Дайте відповідь на питання.
This word starts with an "F." Fish swim using these structures that stick out of their bodies. What is
this word?
10. Створіть умовне речення щодо майбутнього часу.
Mary will stay with our daughter. We’ll be at the theatre (while)
Екзаменаційні питання
Respiration is the process by which animal organisms take up oxygen and discharge
carbon dioxide in order to satisfy their energy requirements. In the living organism, energy is
liberated, along with carbon dioxide, through the oxidation of molecules containing carbon. The
term respiration also denotes the exchange of the respiratory gases (oxygen and carbon dioxide)
between the organism and the medium in which it lives and between the cells of the body and the
tissue fluid that bathes them.
With the exception of energy used by animal life in the deep ocean, all energy used by
animals is ultimately derived from the energy of sunlight. The carbon dioxide in the atmosphere in
conjunction with the energy of sunlight is used by plants to synthesize sugars and other
components. Animals consume plants or other organic material to obtain chemical compounds,
which are then oxidized to sustain vital processes.
Diseases of the respiratory system may affect any of the structures and organs that have to
do with breathing — the nasal cavities, the throat (pharynx), the larynx, the windpipe (trachea), the
airways (bronchi), and the lung tissue. In addition, respiration is dependent on normal functioning
of the muscles in the chest wall and the diaphragm, which may also be affected by disease. The
respiratory tract is the site of an exceptionally large range of disorders for three main reasons:
first, it is exposed to the environment and therefore may be affected by dust or gases in the
air; second, it possesses a large network of capillaries through which the entire output of the
heart has to pass, which means that diseases that affect the small blood vessels are likely to affect
the lung; and third, it may be the site of "sensitivity" or allergic phenomena that may profoundly
affect function.
II. Прочитайте текст і виконайте наступні завдання.
1.Перекладіть виділене курсивом.
2.Поставте чотири типи запитання до тексту.
3.Дайте відповіді на питання.
a) What is respiration?
b) What structures and organs of respiratory system may be affected by disease?
c) What is called respiratory tract?
d). What are three main reasons of disorders?
4.Перекладіть слова, використовуючі текст: дихання, потреби, споживати, навколишнє
середовище, судини.
5.Знайдіть у тексті синоніми до слів: support, pets, important, influence.
III. My Future Profession. My attitude to the profession of veterinary doctor.

__________ (Сиротін О. С.)

ОС Магістр Кафедра ЕКЗАМЕНАЦІЙНИЙ БІЛЕТ Затверджую
Факультет романо-германських № 11 Зав. кафедри
Ветеринарної мов і перекладу ________________
медицини з дисципліни (підпис)
англійська мова за Кравченко Н.К.
професійним спрямуванням травень 2020 р.

Тестові завдання різних типів

1. Закінчіть речення (у бланку відповідей запишіть одним словом):
Substance that contains hydrogen which may be replaced by a metal and forms a salt is
called … .
2. Знайдіть і виправте помилки у реченні:
Veterinarians practice involve preventative care, such as vaccinate, screening, and treating
animals for internal and external parasites.
3. Знайдіть і виправте помилки у реченні:
How fast was you driving when the accident happens?
4.Поставте спеціальне питання до наступного твердження.
Domestic animals are kept for the production of human food.
5. Спростуйте твердження або погодьтеся з ним, використовуючи слова : true //
false. Most vertebrates have mouth and pharynx.
6. Дайте визначення англійською мовою терміну «ichthyology».
7. Яким словом необхідно замінити виділене слово, щоб дане речення стало
правильним за змістом:
People hold fish in aquaria.
8. Перетворіть подані речення в питальні та заперечні:
1.Their son was going to be a painter. 2.They were crossing the street at the wrong place.
9. Доберіть синонім до підкресленого слова:
The diversity of fish is larger than of any other vertebrate group.
10. Розкрийте дужки, вживаючи дієслова в Past Continuous або Past Indefinite.
Mr.Forest (write) a book while he (live) in Scotland.
Екзаменаційні питання
Ramifications of the fatal cattle disease bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE),
also known as "mad cow" disease, dominated the veterinary news in much of the Western
world in 1996. It takes some years for signs of BSE to appear in infected animals, the
main symptoms of the disease are erratic behaviour and increasing difficulty in moving.
First identified in England in 1986, BSE had been the subject of an ongoing
eradication process based on the slaughter of affected animals. This process had been
proceeding more or less according to plan; the numbers of new cases of BSE had declined
sharply from a peak in 1993, and it was predicted that the disease would be eliminated
from herds in the United Kingdom soon after the year 2000.
In 1996, however, scientists announced a possible link between consumption of beef
from BSE-infected cows and several cases of a new form of Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease, a
fatal neurodegenerative disorder. Further, contrary to earlier predictions, preliminary
results of long-term studies in Great Britain suggested that BSE might be transmissible
from cow to calf. As a result, the European Commission prohibited the United Kingdom
from exporting beef and beef products and cattle, and beef sales dropped sharply
throughout Europe.
The new findings prompted demands from the Commission for more urgent
measures to eradicate the disease before the export ban could be lifted. These included the
establishment of rigid precautions in slaughterhouses, as well as the destruction of
hundreds of thousands of cattle born before 1993. The proposals for mass slaughter,
which meant that many healthy cattle would have to be killed, caused an outcry from
veterinary doctors, farmers, and animal welfare activists in Britain. Many argued that the
program already in place would have eradicated the disease just as quickly as the new
A report from the World Health Organization (WHO) on the progress of the
European campaign to control and, it was hoped, eradicate rabies by laying vaccine-
impregnated baits for foxes, the main carrier of the disease, found that rabies prevalence
had been reduced to 20% of its former level. The success rates in the 14 participating
countries differed considerably, however, and the cost $83 million in total to date was
causing support to wane in some areas. The authors of the WHO report called for a
review of the campaign to identify problems responsible for the variable success rate and
to draw up guidelines for the future.
II. Прочитайте текст і виконайте наступні завдання.
1.Перекладіть виділене курсивом.
2.Поставте чотири типи запитання до тексту.
3.Дайте відповіді на питання.
a) What is BSE?
b)What are the main symptoms of the “mad cow” disease?
c) What did scientists announce in 1996?
d) What caused an outcry from veterinary doctors, farmers, and welfare activists in
4.Перекладіть слова, використовуючи текст: рогата худоба, хвороба, складнощі,
уражені тварини, забій тварин.
5. Знайдіть у тексті синоніми до слів: illness, shortly, previous, achievement.
III. I can talk about veterinary science.

__________ (Сиротін О. С.)

ОС Магістр Кафедра ЕКЗАМЕНАЦІЙНИЙ БІЛЕТ Затверджую
Факультет романо-германських № 12 Зав. кафедри
Ветеринарної мов і перекладу ________________
медицини з дисципліни (підпис)
англійська мова за Кравченко Н.К.
професійним спрямуванням травень 2020 р.

Тестові завдання різних типів

1. Знайдіть і виправте помилки у реченні:
George Clooney was famously known to have owned a pig name Max, although Max
dies in December 2006.
2. Знайдіть і виправте помилки у реченні:
If you wants to become a veterinarian, you must complete an undergraduate course which
typically include basic language and communication skills, social sciences, humanities,
mathematics, chemistry, biological and physical sciences.
3. Знайдіть і виправте помилки у реченні:
Much students in Great Britain enters veterinary school after four undergraduate years,
although some are ready in three years.
4.Якого слова бракує в реченні?
What language they speak?
5.Яким словом необхідно замінити виділене слово, щоб дане речення стало
правильним за змістом:
The first fish were just like modern fish.
6. Розкрийте дужки, вживаючи дієслова в Past Continuous, або Past Simple.
The mother (watch) her children and (smile).
7. Напишіть розділове запитання до наступного речення.
Some species are aquatic.
8. Знайдіть і виправте помилки.
Look! That man tries to open the door of your car. ………..
9. Створіть умовне речення щодо майбутнього часу.
10. Створіть речення в Past Continuous, і поставте до нього спеціальне запитання.
Екзаменаційні питання
Respiration is the process by which animal organisms take up oxygen and
discharge carbon dioxide in order to satisfy their energy requirements. In the living
organism, energy is liberated, along with carbon dioxide, through the oxidation of
molecules containing carbon. The term respiration also denotes the exchange of the
respiratory gases (oxygen and carbon dioxide) between the organism and the medium in
which it lives and between the cells of the body and the tissue fluid that bathes them.
With the exception of energy used by animal life in the deep ocean, all energy used
by animals is ultimately derived from the energy of sunlight. The carbon dioxide in the
atmosphere in conjunction with the energy of sunlight is used by plants to synthesize
sugars and other components. Animals consume plants or other organic material to
obtain chemical compounds, which are then oxidized to sustain vital processes.
Diseases of the respiratory system may affect any of the structures and organs that
have to do with breathing — the nasal cavities, the throat (pharynx), the larynx, the
windpipe (trachea), the airways (bronchi), and the lung tissue. In addition, respiration is
dependent on normal functioning of the muscles in the chest wall and the diaphragm,
which may also be affected by disease. The respiratory tract is the site of an
exceptionally large range of disorders for three main reasons: first, it is exposed to the
environment and therefore may be affected by dust or gases in the air; second, it
possesses a large network of capillaries through which the entire output of the heart has to
pass, which means that diseases that affect the small blood vessels are likely to affect the
lung; and third, it may be the site of "sensitivity" or allergic phenomena that may
profoundly affect function.
II. Прочитайте текст і виконайте наступні завдання.
1.Перекладіть виділене курсивом.
2.Поставте чотири типи запитання до тексту і дайте на них відповідь.
3.Дайте відповіді на питання.
a) What is respiration?
b) What structures and organs of respiratory system may be affected by disease?
c) What is called respiratory tract?
d). What are three main reasons of disorders?
4.Перекладіть слова, використовуючі текст: дихання, потреби, споживати,
навколишнє середовище, судини.
5.Знайдіть у тексті синоніми до слів: support, pets, important, influence.
III. The animal kingdom.

__________ (Сиротін О.С.)

ОС Магістр Кафедра ЕКЗАМЕНАЦІЙНИЙ БІЛЕТ Затверджую
Факультет романо-германських № 13 Зав. кафедри
Ветеринарної мов і перекладу ________________
медицини з дисципліни (підпис)
англійська мова за Кравченко Н.К.
професійним спрямуванням травень 2020 р.

Тестові завдання різних типів

1. Заповніть пропуски:
She had to take part in the concert yesterday, _______________?
2. Яке із приведених слів немає ніякого відношення до теми “Vertebrates.”
3. Якi із слів у поданих реченнях вжито неправильно?
Vertebrae (1) possess (2) two (3) types (4) of (5) bone (6), dermal (7) and (8) endoskeletal (9) .
Vertebrates, (10) ribs (11), arm (12), leg (13) are (14) made (15) of (16) endoskeletal (17) bone
(18). This (19) type (20) of (21) bone (22) begins (23) as (24) cartilage (25), which (26) calcifies
(27) to (28) form (29) bone (30).
a.5; 16; 21.
b.1; 19.
c.7; 9.
d.23; 27.
e.1; 10.
4. Заповніть пропуски у реченнях:
She will return your notes as soon as ___(finish) copying them.
5. Складіть речення з даних слів:
of / breeds / sheep / wool / most / domesticated / fine / produce /.
6. Вкажіть, яке із слів потрібно виправити:
Bacteria only exists in air, water and soil and cause many infection diseases.
7. Закінчіть речення (у бланку відповідей запишіть одним словом):
A microorganism which contains nucleic acid, surrounded by a coat of protein, or of
protein and lipid is called … .
8. Знайдіть і виправте помилки у реченні:
Some veterinarians actively participates on wildlife preservation and conservation.
9. Дайте відповідь на питання.
This word starts with an "F." Fish swim using these structures that stick out of their bodies. What is
this word?
10. Створіть умовне речення щодо майбутнього часу.
Mary will stay with our daughter. We’ll be at the theatre (while)
Екзаменаційні питання
Respiration is the process by which animal organisms take up oxygen and discharge
carbon dioxide in order to satisfy their energy requirements. In the living organism, energy is
liberated, along with carbon dioxide, through the oxidation of molecules containing carbon. The
term respiration also denotes the exchange of the respiratory gases (oxygen and carbon dioxide)
between the organism and the medium in which it lives and between the cells of the body and the
tissue fluid that bathes them.
With the exception of energy used by animal life in the deep ocean, all energy used by
animals is ultimately derived from the energy of sunlight. The carbon dioxide in the atmosphere in
conjunction with the energy of sunlight is used by plants to synthesize sugars and other
components. Animals consume plants or other organic material to obtain chemical compounds,
which are then oxidized to sustain vital processes.
Diseases of the respiratory system may affect any of the structures and organs that have to
do with breathing — the nasal cavities, the throat (pharynx), the larynx, the windpipe (trachea), the
airways (bronchi), and the lung tissue. In addition, respiration is dependent on normal functioning
of the muscles in the chest wall and the diaphragm, which may also be affected by disease. The
respiratory tract is the site of an exceptionally large range of disorders for three main reasons:
first, it is exposed to the environment and therefore may be affected by dust or gases in the
air; second, it possesses a large network of capillaries through which the entire output of the
heart has to pass, which means that diseases that affect the small blood vessels are likely to affect
the lung; and third, it may be the site of "sensitivity" or allergic phenomena that may profoundly
affect function.
II. Прочитайте текст і виконайте наступні завдання.
1.Перекладіть виділене курсивом.
2.Поставте чотири типи запитання до тексту.
3.Дайте відповіді на питання.
a) What is respiration?
b) What structures and organs of respiratory system may be affected by disease?
c) What is called respiratory tract?
d). What are three main reasons of disorders?
4.Перекладіть слова, використовуючі текст: дихання, потреби, споживати, навколишнє
середовище, судини.
5.Знайдіть у тексті синоніми до слів: support, pets, important, influence.
III. My Future Profession. My attitude to the profession of veterinary doctor.

__________ (Сиротін О. С.)

ОС Магістр Кафедра ЕКЗАМЕНАЦІЙНИЙ БІЛЕТ Затверджую
Факультет романо-германських № 14 Зав. кафедри
Ветеринарної мов і перекладу ________________
медицини з дисципліни (підпис)
англійська мова за Кравченко Н.К.
професійним спрямуванням травень 2020 р.

Тестові завдання різних типів

1. Закінчіть речення (у бланку відповідей запишіть одним словом):
Substance that contains hydrogen which may be replaced by a metal and forms a salt is
called … .
2. Знайдіть і виправте помилки у реченні:
Veterinarians practice involve preventative care, such as vaccinate, screening, and treating
animals for internal and external parasites.
3. Знайдіть і виправте помилки у реченні:
How fast was you driving when the accident happens?
4.Поставте спеціальне питання до наступного твердження.
Domestic animals are kept for the production of human food.
5. Спростуйте твердження або погодьтеся з ним, використовуючи слова : true //
false. Most vertebrates have mouth and pharynx.
6. Дайте визначення англійською мовою терміну «ichthyology».
7. Яким словом необхідно замінити виділене слово, щоб дане речення стало
правильним за змістом:
People hold fish in aquaria.
8. Перетворіть подані речення в питальні та заперечні:
1.Their son was going to be a painter. 2.They were crossing the street at the wrong place.
9. Доберіть синонім до підкресленого слова:
The diversity of fish is larger than of any other vertebrate group.
10. Розкрийте дужки, вживаючи дієслова в Past Continuous або Past Indefinite.
Mr.Forest (write) a book while he (live) in Scotland.
Екзаменаційні питання
Ramifications of the fatal cattle disease bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE),
also known as "mad cow" disease, dominated the veterinary news in much of the Western
world in 1996. It takes some years for signs of BSE to appear in infected animals, the
main symptoms of the disease are erratic behaviour and increasing difficulty in moving.
First identified in England in 1986, BSE had been the subject of an ongoing
eradication process based on the slaughter of affected animals. This process had been
proceeding more or less according to plan; the numbers of new cases of BSE had declined
sharply from a peak in 1993, and it was predicted that the disease would be eliminated
from herds in the United Kingdom soon after the year 2000.
In 1996, however, scientists announced a possible link between consumption of beef
from BSE-infected cows and several cases of a new form of Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease, a
fatal neurodegenerative disorder. Further, contrary to earlier predictions, preliminary
results of long-term studies in Great Britain suggested that BSE might be transmissible
from cow to calf. As a result, the European Commission prohibited the United Kingdom
from exporting beef and beef products and cattle, and beef sales dropped sharply
throughout Europe.
The new findings prompted demands from the Commission for more urgent
measures to eradicate the disease before the export ban could be lifted. These included the
establishment of rigid precautions in slaughterhouses, as well as the destruction of
hundreds of thousands of cattle born before 1993. The proposals for mass slaughter,
which meant that many healthy cattle would have to be killed, caused an outcry from
veterinary doctors, farmers, and animal welfare activists in Britain. Many argued that the
program already in place would have eradicated the disease just as quickly as the new
A report from the World Health Organization (WHO) on the progress of the
European campaign to control and, it was hoped, eradicate rabies by laying vaccine-
impregnated baits for foxes, the main carrier of the disease, found that rabies prevalence
had been reduced to 20% of its former level. The success rates in the 14 participating
countries differed considerably, however, and the cost $83 million in total to date was
causing support to wane in some areas. The authors of the WHO report called for a
review of the campaign to identify problems responsible for the variable success rate and
to draw up guidelines for the future.
II. Прочитайте текст і виконайте наступні завдання.
1.Перекладіть виділене курсивом.
2.Поставте чотири типи запитання до тексту.
3.Дайте відповіді на питання.
a) What is BSE?
b)What are the main symptoms of the “mad cow” disease?
c) What did scientists announce in 1996?
d) What caused an outcry from veterinary doctors, farmers, and welfare activists in
4.Перекладіть слова, використовуючи текст: рогата худоба, хвороба, складнощі,
уражені тварини, забій тварин.
5. Знайдіть у тексті синоніми до слів: illness, shortly, previous, achievement.
III. I can talk about veterinary science.

__________ (Сиротін О. С.)

ОС Магістр Кафедра ЕКЗАМЕНАЦІЙНИЙ БІЛЕТ Затверджую
Факультет романо-германських № 16 Зав. кафедри
Ветеринарної мов і перекладу ________________
медицини з дисципліни (підпис)
англійська мова за Кравченко Н.К.
професійним спрямуванням травень 2020 р.

Тестові завдання різних типів

1. Заповніть пропуски:
She had to take part in the concert yesterday, _______________?
2. Яке із приведених слів немає ніякого відношення до теми “Vertebrates.”
3. Якi із слів у поданих реченнях вжито неправильно?
Vertebrae (1) possess (2) two (3) types (4) of (5) bone (6), dermal (7) and (8) endoskeletal (9) .
Vertebrates, (10) ribs (11), arm (12), leg (13) are (14) made (15) of (16) endoskeletal (17) bone
(18). This (19) type (20) of (21) bone (22) begins (23) as (24) cartilage (25), which (26) calcifies
(27) to (28) form (29) bone (30).
a.5; 16; 21.
b.1; 19.
c.7; 9.
d.23; 27.
e.1; 10.
4. Заповніть пропуски у реченнях:
She will return your notes as soon as ___(finish) copying them.
5. Складіть речення з даних слів:
of / breeds / sheep / wool / most / domesticated / fine / produce /.
6. Вкажіть, яке із слів потрібно виправити:
Bacteria only exists in air, water and soil and cause many infection diseases.
7. Закінчіть речення (у бланку відповідей запишіть одним словом):
A microorganism which contains nucleic acid, surrounded by a coat of protein, or of
protein and lipid is called … .
8. Знайдіть і виправте помилки у реченні:
Some veterinarians actively participates on wildlife preservation and conservation.
9. Дайте відповідь на питання.
This word starts with an "F." Fish swim using these structures that stick out of their bodies. What is
this word?
10. Створіть умовне речення щодо майбутнього часу.
Mary will stay with our daughter. We’ll be at the theatre (while)
Екзаменаційні питання
Respiration is the process by which animal organisms take up oxygen and discharge
carbon dioxide in order to satisfy their energy requirements. In the living organism, energy is
liberated, along with carbon dioxide, through the oxidation of molecules containing carbon. The
term respiration also denotes the exchange of the respiratory gases (oxygen and carbon dioxide)
between the organism and the medium in which it lives and between the cells of the body and the
tissue fluid that bathes them.
With the exception of energy used by animal life in the deep ocean, all energy used by
animals is ultimately derived from the energy of sunlight. The carbon dioxide in the atmosphere in
conjunction with the energy of sunlight is used by plants to synthesize sugars and other
components. Animals consume plants or other organic material to obtain chemical compounds,
which are then oxidized to sustain vital processes.
Diseases of the respiratory system may affect any of the structures and organs that have to
do with breathing — the nasal cavities, the throat (pharynx), the larynx, the windpipe (trachea), the
airways (bronchi), and the lung tissue. In addition, respiration is dependent on normal functioning
of the muscles in the chest wall and the diaphragm, which may also be affected by disease. The
respiratory tract is the site of an exceptionally large range of disorders for three main reasons:
first, it is exposed to the environment and therefore may be affected by dust or gases in the
air; second, it possesses a large network of capillaries through which the entire output of the
heart has to pass, which means that diseases that affect the small blood vessels are likely to affect
the lung; and third, it may be the site of "sensitivity" or allergic phenomena that may profoundly
affect function.
II. Прочитайте текст і виконайте наступні завдання.
1.Перекладіть виділене курсивом.
2.Поставте чотири типи запитання до тексту.
3.Дайте відповіді на питання.
a) What is respiration?
b) What structures and organs of respiratory system may be affected by disease?
c) What is called respiratory tract?
d). What are three main reasons of disorders?
4.Перекладіть слова, використовуючі текст: дихання, потреби, споживати, навколишнє
середовище, судини.
5.Знайдіть у тексті синоніми до слів: support, pets, important, influence.
III. My Future Profession. My attitude to the profession of veterinary doctor.

__________ (Сиротін О. С.)


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